' 3? s r ''HiiiiiiJ-i'.-1 BJBS11""" ' r ! H i.. t -a . rWr-- 7? . HARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAYJANUA THE COOS BAY TIMES, POUR i A I TO PETITION FOB 1 r iit m ROADIWASTER T JUDGES GOUNTY BENCH hoci.Uj calendar I .MONDAY I North Rend K. of I. ban- j quot. j TUESDAY J North Bend Auction Bridge j Club with Mrs. Frodcrlck Hol- lister. I C. W. I). M. with Mrs. E. L. I IlOpsOn. I Episcopal Guild. I WEDNESDAY I Swedish Lutheran Aid Society with Mrs, Olivia Edman as hostess, H. W. Jf. C. with Mrs. D. D. It0S8. , '.Bay City and Easlsldo Ladies' Alii with Mrs. If. Drlnkloy. Auction Urdgo Club with Mrs. J. S, Hanson, Marshflojd Drldgo Club with Mrs. ,C, M. Byler. Young .Matrons with Mm. John. Kendal., H Narcissus Club. Cafeteria Club with Mr. nnd Mrs. ,W. A Rdd. Coon Hay Women's Club nt Public Library at, 8 o'clock. I'rcsbytcrlan Auxiliary with .Mrs. C. H. Waltor. THURSDAY A. N. W. CluJ). FRIDAY Thlmblo Club with Mrs. Fred Olozlor. Lalo' .Art Club with Mrs. 1 M. Klyo. Chnmlrmdo Club with Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr. S News of Near-by Towns S VI EW OF WWKQVIST. Both James Watson and John! Dl9lrIct Attornoy Liijenvist is not F. Hall Claim Seat at CO- laUogether satisfied with tho decision miillp. nnni5ion Due SOOn nf tho Sunremo Court in the Port of Until the Oregon Supremo Court! Dandon case an.l 1 think. It st have rid. th ouestlon raised as to, been based on a ver hurrlea nnu Plan of County Commissioners to Consolidate Job With En gineerLewis Seeks Job Owlnc in u movo belnir on foot -.,-- .. . . . .. . to consolidato tho position of Coun-,deciues mo question . '"i"". ., ,nl.inn nf the rcc ty Itoad Master and County Engineer whether the terms of County Juages !" " fcat ono P. M. Hall-Lewls. tho present Road, elected In 1910 r., " , ...wied ,n the .Port or continue for two yr. were .m ui u.u i..., ...--- be nothing dol.s l tiw Ows Conn- 0f Uandon drains either Into tho I ort ty Court. It is t tt tc of Coqulllo River or tho Port of Coos decision will W frUKWwtR l"r- pay; whllo the evidence In the case rou- or next Akr hi i)H! Htfet, te .howg that several sections on tho question xR mxmtut4. M. Sa' west sldo of tho river between hero Master, is circulating a petition ask ing for his reappointment by the County Commissioners. The carry ing out of tho plan would have made County Engineer McCulloeh , of Uandon, Road Master nlso. rrhn r !.. rnmt.,iocinnor trill todsr. As the Supreme Court Ms- Bd Myrtle Point drain Into the Port probably pass on tho matter at the 'paved IwJIrertljr o the i0f coqulllo River and that a strip February session nt which Hall-'another cam. Vtt Mpootawy - M5t of hero thirty miles long Includ Lewis' petition will be presented. , yfers Is tt tlw wfll wirtala te ,n the j,ort o unn,i0n nnd com Tho petition Is bolng very liberally view tkta expresw, tfcat the J4es prlsne jnnj iyng between tho Port signed. elected Is lit man mm "' of Coos Day and tho Port of Coqulllo Tho law makes It optional with , until 1916. ( River drains entirely Into the waters tho County Commissioners whether, la . JF Hall, the oI the two jntter ,)0rts. Coqulllo Sen they havo separato Road Master . present Cw Jd 4 James from the Engineer or hae the En- Wats, ko mw a MorlIy of glneer act as Road Master as well, the vot K is te NovWr elec- .vimv In,wji,. oFFICFIW as Engineer. Somo ono figured ot tl, ilt k pre at the opening) '" '- that by having one man serve, taeUf U wthly to. of court In foowInK offlcor8 ,mvo been expenses could bo reduced. ComOTe today. Tkls is simply a, , T l0, f0,ll0W' g "?,". tho '.. .. . . .w.. ...- ..in elected by tho Woodmen or ino A. P.Davis Deputy frieWJr tt tkat there will " ' enwlnir term: J. H. Andrew P. Davis 1 ft yesterday " un' of .r.'d '' "nT" l a Z'Ji r.. for Coqulllo to assume his new p ! " .l nT. Wntchman: F. II. Col- lAMiafi win b auiounii'u , '' - ' 1'INIJ PARTY Ono of tho most onjoyablo outing pnrtleri In winter months was tho iiousq party given nt tho Ceo. F. PpAtAillMfi tt.. u S .l MlirrJ, .n,mlr l,nm .. c...i. r. 1 VM,,U " OT l V0O3 was a Now Year's ball In tho moon- grand Jurrnft.Sn??' Th llRht, tho flno weather permitting i TA HJ l ,d..mB.1P thorn to .Innrn nn tl. nnl. A T'""" m lunBS IBat 11 - .- .,.., w.. ...v, jwvm klUUlit Bltlon as Denuty Sheriff Sheriff Alfred Johnson. v. p I lthoot ay hsiiaess being trans Laird is appointed First Deputy aad!Mted" Mr. Davis Second Deputy, with. Ul Tk Coaaty Coaaissloners will W. Oddy, who has been In charge lM tMr Wednesday nnd of the offlco work for Sheriff Gag. T tJwt t,B ,l ,J Pted that the continuing In that position. The flMl 't'10" wl" received. How appointments were announced In The iTr' tke Coaksloners can go Times a month or so a5o. The ak,1T aayway as there arc two of selection of Mr. Davis from the Bay,thn the Judge, sldo meets with general approta!,' WkB J Hal1 haa not SPC' as. ho Is especially well qualified . sakl so. It Is confidently for tho place, being well known azd , eTJ T those familiar with tho an able man. He has heea one Of!lkl,al,oa tBat he w" relsn Just tho Inspectors of the Pacific Coast M ,eo as GTnor West's term Lumber Inspection Bureau for some ' eif,M tba ' " the Supremo Court time. B!s that be has two years yet Oilier Deputies Up ' to " Ho said that ho would Judge Hall Mtd that the'pmioa BOt Z' ! " V"""" ' for tim nnnin..n - - T DOf " name his successor. - .rr.HiiuvH wi, a yryui grove, Clerk; R. W. Dullard, Rank er; J. N. Hosklng, Sentry; II. H. RodgerB, Escort; S. Mynatt, Mgr. Installation will tako plnco January 14, at which tlmo tho Ladles of Woodcraft will also Install officers. Uandon World. IMPROVEMENTS AT THE UMPQIU MflllTIIOIISB - Conslderablo linprovoments nro ,rni,, n bo made by tho aovonimont at tho llghthouso station nt the mouth of tho Umpqua during uio sprint'. Tho old buildings nro goliiB to bo overhauled nnd renovated nnd conveniences added to them. In ad dition another building Is to bo erect ed to uso ns a dwelling. Thero being two nt present tills will make tho third. All of tho buildings will ho up to date, with nil modern linprovo ments, and will bo occupied by Uiobo who nro In tho omploy of tho'Clovern mcnl nt tho Btntlon. Resides theso Improvements wnter Is to bo piped from n near-by lako to supply tho wants of tho station, nnd will havo forco enough to bo or sorvico In enso of fire. These Improvements Imvo boon needed for a long time, and Capt. Halld, who has hnd chnrgo of tho station for a number of years, is highly gratified with tho determin ation of tho Government to mnko tho Improvements. Tho greater part of tho material wob brought down from Portland nnd has boon stored at Rcedsport for some tlmo, and was only taken down to tho station this week by Reed, Janello & Co,, who had tho contract for delivering tho same. Gardiner Courier. axasr mr Eagles Notice ' A" Eagles, whether members of Marshficld Aerie or other Aeries, are urgently requested to attend the meeting and installation of officers of Marshfield Aerie. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, 1915, AT EAGLE'S HALL By Order of C. C. GOING, Pres. J. B. Sneddon, Sec. COQUILLK LODGE OFFICERS. JURY LIST DRMI thoso going up for tho affair Fri day woro Mrs. Geo. F, Murch, Miss Mooro, Miss Harkncss, Miss Reos, Miss O'Connor, Miss Orlffln, Prof. Flanders, A. 1C. Peck, Jay Doylo, M. Wolch nnd Geo. F. Murch, Jr. On Sunday) thoy woro Joined by Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Quint and daugh tor, Geo. F. Murch, 8r and Thuyor Grimes. Tho party roturned last evening. . I DI.V.VEIt IUIITIKN 0 JUSTICE M would reduce criminal eourt er pensca and eipedlte prosecutions. However, Judge Hall is opposed to ii, saying that there Isn't sufficient criminal work to Justify a Deputy Men WIlO Will PaSS On JUrV sSrjoh.on. ,,..' Trials in Pennock's Court HDerlff Johnson's plan for havng niirinn 1Q1K Pl,ncft a Deputy located on the nay all tho UUnng 1915 C,10Sen times haa not been presented to the, The Jury venire for Justlco Pen Commissioners yet, but may bo ' nock's court for tho ensuing year soon. .Mr. Johnson was undecided was drawn today by Justlco Pennock, figuring that possibly ho could ar-.Geo. Wntklns mid J.W. Watt. Tho rango hla office work so that ho following aro men from whom tho Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Arms, of North Itoml, cntortnlncd at n de lightful Now Year's dlnnor party nt tholr homo. Their guosU In cluded Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy Poet, of JJostaldo, Sir. nnd Mrs. Howard Moody, Goo. Taylor, Porry Moody, Alvlnn and Glnorvn Pect, Etta Tay lor, Lois Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. J. Q. Jarvla cntcr talnod at a charming llttlo dlnnor j-ariy tiuniidy at their homo In North V. mV. fin I.I ...I - . ' 'I could keep a Doputy on tho Ray jsldo most of tho tlmo without nnv Incrcnso In tho forco. If ho Is nblo Juries during 1915 will bo drawn: Alex Johnson, E. W. Hornltt, Chas, llnmtlir'ilsn I n I nM A.n... i. i: ua nririK si -??" deputy I "'1""' ""8" ououuon, u. ijarn- ..1.1, i. a. mure)-, w, ii, Asnman, John Martenson, Frank penning, ynos. Fonsier, Hoy E. Lawhorne, Mllo Sumner, Jns. Wjnno, Irving Chandler, D. A. Jones, M. 11. Mul- loy, John Dackman, Hugo Qulst, J( , II. Staddon, J. E. Cooloy, Geo. Trlb , boy, Jens Hanson, n. s. Tower, V. F. ' M.I.M.I.... ... .IW4IUUWHV)-, W. A. HOIU, A. II. LOW ooigk um sflurn ! DWELLING HOUSE Mnrshflold. Tholr guests Includod PnfB di i . . ' crd Mf l'alnter. e Wright. Mrs. HarrlM if..ii.. .. ' J U. Bam Be Onnmn O J. fi. nnnnn'Aug. Frlzeea. Chn, )., n , Trosk. Lou Kchroedcr, Mr. and' DeStroyed by Early Sunday I)."nean' J' T "arrlgan, A. T. Haines. Mm l'..i oi.....i.. .... . I ll!.. ril J . Alvn Mnll A.., L',.i... .. Mrs. Win, Schrocdor. Eleanor Hrhm.. uor nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Har- w nna ijttlo daughtor. owers, G. V. Morning Blaze I , . l,)0"' Au& FnrIey' " " w'l80. wu ... . ei Miison, jj. w. Su van. I ... iu.Ck response or tho flro on. M. Watt. Jav novi um.. .,-". w:;d Mr o;: w,..o OfLi;rrt3!30S',m,aymora, North Mnrshneld, hav" , ".'nW ' T W. F. Quire's f, no now W. Leslie, CD , .' tl VT tatlona for a dinner party ' ""'V ,ro,mb,' "" Sellings Johnson. - d C A' Klvon tomorrow in i.n. ' . .....' ,lua'" 8'th Fifth and Ingorsoll U ... -"." """ " uii'ir. . i. . .. . . ' 'I uuinB nnu versary. Tholr guests l u,,",,ow o"Bi destroyed a M ,.. ,, .a , Nvlll Include Mr. nnd Mrs' A c " '"" ,n th n'ar of J' uo's rcsl- P"1 llLl0N J;?, A; Vctal, Mr. ni., Mrs. Norls Jensen I ,,0nC0, As U wns ' born and coal lhJ.M.ll.tl'11 OFFICE Alius Jesslo Trnsk, Mrs. Harriot Ke! , ir. ana Mrs. F. c. lllrdi, ns shod wero completely destroyed with ....r couienis, tlio loss being about I -Morrimun .and Mr. mil Mrs. V. Q. ! ,200' Thc ns no Imunnco and Jnnls mid family. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. w. Oardluor ntorlalnoj nt n delightful little nner mrty and ovunlng tho other night at their homo In North llund. Tho occasion was tholr wedding an niversary and also ,0 birthday of Mr. Gardiner's slstor, Mis Pearl "oath. Mr. Oardluor woro his wed ding suit mul Mrs. Gardiner woro her wedding gown. Mr. and Mrs. c. I), llrower eutor tallied u fow friends last Tuesday evening nt tholr apartment In honor i iiieir iniriy.tnird wedding nnnl- ho property belongo.i i0 J. C. nn,...n Tho flro was discovered nlmn.i .i! multnueously by Mr. Ingram, residing! .v, um uonno noiuo and Mrs, C. II Hnll, wlfo of the niannger of tho Coos and Curry Telephone company, who Uvea In tho Squlro house. It had tsalned considerable headway then So quick was tho response of tlio Iro engine that It had almost started o pump wator on the bla,o when tho ro whistle was sounded. Tho two sterns nulckly got l0 flro min Tho Squlro house was Jess th.n followed by refreshmon.B. Tholr U.V'., ,r0,,., tho b,""'B barn EC. 1Cards.a'! ' euMwei Kuesta Included Dr. MAPLKTO.V, Or,, Jan. i.- loi0. israpli Instrumout has been lustalled In tho depot no that messagea can bo telegraphed directly from Mapleton. Tho depot was also connected with tho local telephone linos, making It POMlblo now for Florence to send c egranm by phoning tho message this far and telegraphing it on to Its destination, Tho men and women of Chadwlck Lodgo No. C8, A. F. & A. M. nnd of Heulnh Chapter No. C, Order of East ern Star, onjoyed a very pleasant Joint Installation last Saturday night In their hall here. Tho first business on hand was tho Installation of tho officials of tho Lodge, clcctlvo and appointed, for I tho ensuing year. Past Worthy .Mas ter A, J. Sherwood administered tho obligation to tho new W. M., L. A. Liljeqvlst, and tho latter In turn ob ligated tho rest of tho corps. Tho following Is the list: W. M. L. A. Liljeqvlst. S. W. J. H. James. J. W. C. A. Howard. S. D. Geo. P. Falconer. J. D. E. B. Cook. S. S. Hal W. Plorcc. J. S. Ied.rSqhlldl. Treas.-J. IL Hazard. Sec'y.R. H. Mast. Tiler F. A. Chllds. Marshal M. H. Horsoy. Tho ladles' turn camo next nnd PaBt Worthy Matron Ora X. Mnury presided nt tho Installation, when tho following list was Inducted Into of- flcp: Worthy Mntron Mrs. Emma LU Jcqvst. Worthy Patron John P. Miller. Associate Matron-fMao Violet Collier;,. Secretary Emnin Maury Plorco. Troasurer Nicholas Loronz. Conductress Mrs. Ruth Candlln. Assoclato Conductress Mrs. Mur garoto Nolmnii. Chaplain Mrs. Annlo Lawronco. .Mrrshal Mrs. Ora X. Maury. Organist Miss Ruth Woodford. ua Mrs. Harriet Longston. Ruth Mrs. VIolot Lorenz. Esther Mrs. Altco Evland. .Martha Mrs. Suslo Folsoin. Electa Mrs. Mary Springer. Wardor Mrs. Mary A. Plorco. Sentinel John Quick. Coqulllo Sentinel. WHESTLI.Vtt IN CUHIIV. A wrestling mntch has boon mndo botween Fred Fish nnd "Roy" Turn er for n sldo bet of $100, and a ?fi0 forfeit has been posted. Tho match Is to tako placo In Gold Ucnch on February 14. i!7-POUNI TUILVIP. Geo. D. Miller, our locnl drayman, boasts of raising tho Inrgcst' Whlto Russian turnip In tho county. Ho harvested one yesterday that weighed 27 pounds. How Is that for Gold Reach soil? Gold Reach Globo. SONS OF VETJ:HAN8 siimonts. Tholr I and for,. r , rnins barn P. Morrnu. X... I r"U '" W f0W ll"Ut03 It Was fM.. J. W. Morrow, Col. and Mrs', w ' ,n"t " co.l,,a be saved. "rimes, Thuyor Grimes, Dr. Derby I, ,M,oru Uoa" 8a- that thoy have w- M. ."". " uoe8 not placo mueh :: ,mo w tho report that n0ssi, 'ly a tramp n,Bh ..... . .r?ssl IUJ, tramp might havo started U. XHW llAHIIKIt SHOP ' ixit jLpj,iax) MAPLETON-reT Jan. 4.-Jlm 1 Ich has opened a barber shop In tho Vapletou hotel. Ho bus fitted up a room opening off th .,.... ....... This makes two barber shops in tho" IMIEW PRIZE PACKAGE, Scott Graves purchased a package of cigarettes at tho Perkins confee- ll v",k.8.thRt " WflS '-d by do- tl0Uer; ,h,a weok and found ea ly ftvtlvo wiring or n hn, ..... .. " concealed In th .m,.b ..... . . . I '-am was locked a d : ' . " Thd ' ""dross rllt n 7Z T. mi., v - tucoThuH.uv.... .. ::iTnot Eu.aboth o,.ici, .,. : :;.""" -r. m. vuuse, uoputy Post , ho took ..'""""" f wneii iiatnr int . it.i . . , NORTH BEND NEWS Master, leaek this wc ,rrJ:?!U:SS?l,tof There ..!. I, .. .. . 1 land tor .. ..." '"' luri'rnsoinohayau.! f.w .. ... " - r- ".iimuu vu. tlrina i. . . - .m minor ur- Olenn Hyde, of Ceresco, Mkhlgan ' o ,B tho b which had a here f0r a Bhort visit a t th, ! 7,,7 ,U'ed n " the mo,, .oincs of F. n. Rood and' V. K ' ' ' ,helr hor8es to the ranch. -, .. oym Vg0a VOr ylt ir i . ..... . ... m.iiTY, DENTIST ijiuu v "JVa..yottr UJTOK beads, bill Hoom sot. CoV nt.... ':;..' clc- pr,ttUJ at THE xiMI . . UUK9, inboth Qulgley. with strt ,... number In n eustorn cHy Sco(t has beon working over tlmo trying to formulate an cpUtlo which ho Intends or this lady of tho feminine hand. ejecting all offers of help from his rlonds who havo volunteered to write r him. u is needless to say that .hero ha3 been quitoa.run on this band of cigarettes since Scott drew his prize Gardiner Courier. K.0Vim)X'H AX.MVEU.SAY Iast night It. S. Knowlton round ed out n full quarter of n coiitury of businoss life Coqulllo, having oponed his drug store on tho lot whero ho Is now doing business on January 1, 1890. Two years and n half later his storo waa de stroyed by flro, but It was only throo weeks before ho wo8 doing business there again. Thero Is no other business bouse In Coqulllo tlmt was doing business hero 25 years ago and nlno In tho county that aro being run by tho samo p00 l. now as then. This is a remark able record and ono In which Mr. Knowlton may feel a Justifiable Pildo-for no business houso In Co Hllio stands higher in publlo esti mation today than hls.-Coqulllo Suitlnol. KAK WAS HQfl, Finnk Yoimker and lvldlo GIImiii H.ivo Tlirilllns: Tlmo on Smtli Inlet. Two young men, Frnnkle Yonkor and Freddie Gllsan, were out hunting one day this week. They heard a olso J the brush and Frankle 8ad It was a bear and told Freddie to hoo,, Frodalo hot and t w both rushed In haste for Mr. Elliott nd his bl5 gu and dog. whe" .they returned to finish up the wound J bear Mr. Elliott was ,ery m"ch disappointed to x,. ?...:. e.touZa7mZ uv mo nog. At n mooting of tho Sons of Vet erans officers for 19 16 wero elect ed. Tho now lcndor8 nro: Com mander, F. Carpenter: Sonlor Vlco- Commnndor, W. F. Orlggs; Junior Vice-Commander, K. H. Dlvotbllss; Chaplain, C. W. Knight; Secrotury, E. It. Endlcott; Tronsuror, Geo. P. Topping; Patriotic Instructor, C. n. Zeitk; Quldo, W. J. Marshall; Color Rearer, Archlo nosn; Guard, J. A. Hfcinlngor. Randon World. HARROW AOAINST SELLI.VO Every day wo nro leurnlng moro reasons why Ron Selling should not bo elected speakor of tho Houso at Snlom this winter, nnd wo nro glad to know thnt our Representa tive, Hon. C. It. Rnrrow, will undor no circumstances support tho Port land candidate Coqulllo Sontlnol. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Manton E Treadgold and Josslo Mao Sweet, Paul E. Urouor tmd Eva M. Den nett. William D. Murzeo and Claro . Earl. Ralph A. Myers nnd Esthor M. West. Syo Davis and Edith Williams. Coqulllo Sontlnol. CIRCUIT COURT CASES. Tho following nro tho cases that havo beon filed In tho circuit court during tho past weok: , M. C. Royrio vs. S. L. Curry and Floronco Curry. O. T. Treadgold vs. Arthur Coach. Fleckonsteln-Mayor Co., vs. Joseph W. Coach. G. t. Treadgold, attornoy for plaintiff. John A. noebllng's Sons vs. Clnr enco Gould, lvnr Hoenthnl (s. Otto nichtor. Frank O. Shores vs. John W, Foloy aud Mary Foley. Coqulllo Sentinel. ting 1C cents per thousand for nil they cut nnd tho rest of tho men havo boon paid lu proportion and nH this Is about tho stnndnrd scale of wages for this kind of work tho men refused to oven coiistdor n cut. No great difficulty wno experienced In settling tho nffnlr nnd tho men re turned to work on tho samo tiny nftor n conferoncu with C. McC. Johnson malinger of tho mill, nt the Bcnlu of wages which haa boon In forco in tho pnBt. Dnndou Recorder. PROFESSIONAL DIRECJ E. Lothard MoClure ATTORNEY AT Mo Prnctlcoa in all coom Room IS, Flaiingnn & Ilenwij H. H. Harner HOUSE HUILDnn Gonornl Repairing and Cv4 AIOKing. Phono 340-J. I. M. Wright HHIPPlXd OUT HOGS. Dr. J. It. Wethorhoo of the Stnr Ranch, Langlolx, Is In tho city today, shipping u hunch of hogs to Marsh field. Ho says ho is disposing of nil of his fnt stock; but thnt thoso in this Bcctlon with but n few head of stock to soil, enn't find a local mar ket nnd nro "up against It." Ho states thnt thero Is absolutely no mar ket hero now. Uandon World. WIFE IX HOSPITAL. Mrs. A. Jnmcfl, whoso hushnud at tempted to rob the meat mnrkot nt Mnrshflold, Is ut a locnl hospital Buf fering from ubsccssus of tho nbdo men. Sho has been seriously III for sovornl weokH nnd Is snld to bo lu destitute circumstances. Tho seven Bmnll children of tho fninlly nro be ing cared for lu sovornl homos In tho city. Randon World. PORT Oltl'Oltl) OFFERINGS STARK TO LEAVE. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stnrr, who havo sold their ranch near Rrldgo. expect to leavo this weok for Califor nia, whero they may locato If they find something that suits tholr fancy. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. STRIKE AT PltOSPER. Trouble t siiaiBlo M(U Is Quickly Settlctl. Fifteen men, the entire working crow of the shlnglo mill which was recently taken over by the Johnson timber Interests from Archie Kruse and which was formerly known as the Kruso Shingle Mill, wont on a strklo Monday morning and all walked out. following a threatened cut In wages ) tho now management. Sawyers Jn tho mill havo beon get- Xortliern Curry County News nt Told liy tho Tribune. At tho nnnunl election hold last Sunday, the Port urford Sunday school elected tho following offi cers: N, II. Lnrson, ouporlntondont; J. D. Loucks, Assistant Superinten dent; Mrs. B. Goblo, Secretary; Miss Iiura Sutton, Treasurer nnd Or ganist. ! County Commissioners Court will bo hold at Gold Reach next weok, beginning Wednesday, when tho re cently elected county offlclnls will assumo tholr offlcyit duties. That . tho administration of county nffnlrs I uuring tho past two years has beon satisfactory to tho peoplo Is evidenc ed by tho fact that thoro will bo but ono chango mndo thnt of County Commissioner, 13. II. Syphor Biicceod Ing Mr. Chenowoth, who declined to become a candidate for re-election. Horn In Port Orford on Decem ber 24, 1914, to Dr. and Mr8. C. W. Robblns, a boh. Will Coy had tho mlsfortuno to havo his arm badly hurt In his wrestling mntch with Mr. Stnnnnrd at GoM Reach Chrlstmns, and will not bo nblo to meet Gcorgo Sutton in a match nt Port Orford on Now Years, as scheduled. Coy won tho first fall and Stnnnnrd tho noxt two. Thoro was also a match Friday bo tween Moss Avorlll and Tuffy An derson. Moss easily whining tho first uvu wills, HONOR JUDGE HARRIS. Members of Ln,,o County llnr OIvo Him IlnillnK Lump. EUGENE, Or., Jan. 4.-Jdgo .L. T. Harris, who quits tho circuit court bench of Lane county at onco to tako tho office of Supreme Court Judge of the state of Oregon, having been chos en to that position at tho last elec- -. a i.. recipient of a handsome electric reading lamp from tho mem- Hnn 0rih La,l CUnt' B" Assoda. Ion. The gift was presented to the Judge nnd he made good use of ,t Is study at the court houso during he latter part of the day. The "u owing has been engraved upon ut lamp: "Presented to t. t , ' " . tho Lane County Dar a '.on January 1, 1915, upon . "a"; io the Supreme Court of OrPp.n , ' the circuit bench o,h & rm clal District." ndge la ,7 '!; proud of the gift. ,ar"BlMery Times Want Ada for results. rtiAMi HUILDINQ CONTRA0I9J Estimatos furnished on ri)J Dr. h. M. Shaw Eye, Enr, Noso nnd Tin! GLASSES FITTIID DIt. MATT1H II. SHAW Dlsooses of Women nnd 01 urnco mono ujo-j. itoomiiH 202, Irving Dlotk. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTINO ENGINEER! ARCHITECT Offices, 200 Irving Bio Phone 103-L or 2G7-J. MarshtleliLI W. G. Chandler AHOHITEOT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coke! Mnrshflold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen AHCHITECT Mnrshflold, Orogoa. Joel Ostlind 1'IANO TUNEH AND ItKPAJ Loavo orders at W. R. lUltaj tie Comnnny. 1E S. Sixth Stroot. Phoml Perl Rilcv Ballinacr PIANIST AND TEACH Rosldotico Studio, 217 No,' Phono 36K-U PERCH ANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prlnns Rfiasonable. Con Commercial & B'fl SMITH'S VARIETY ST North Bend, for Fanoy and Dowl CHINA AIN'T IT THE TRW! Wo novor blanio tho tailor i our pants wo have to PJ Wo never blamo tho sho vj whon our soles grow oH' thin, Wo never blamo the whon our lids wo o" flout. Biit wo always blamo tb l dry when our shirts yttu COOS HAY BTKiUI IiAU. Phono 57-J. I ST. LAWKKNCE HOTK I (Formorly tho Coos iwi j Steam heat, hot and cold H I No llnuor. We Invito you to nvcstlgj winter rates. Special indue when two or moro person' py same room. PAItlSIAN OLKANINQ W DYEING WORKS 200 West Market Ave., Second Streot. Undor new management low, nnd all work saUsf Ladles' work a Pccl Phono 17C-J, J. S. STEVENS, Prop. LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACT Titin Km rn-.t On Ab" thornilphltr HananHnhlft. '1 dlato Bervlce, prompt tt ti nil InfAvan.n rt ft $ MINIMUM 0 01 I. S. KAUFMAN & Dfl1 1 "tv -2aaci"i3zp ., ssaauaaMasSiJBcixy-- MW;.V j