7HBBHBBBBBHiB $;vr ,Vf,,'' &?, 4ffl jCftV ..WMWMn,WI ! 1 " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE Lartjfaft;,.,,,,,,, J t j. are ET KB B Si J? llBjtfBflkf EN SKT" I II Bull gggP 3SK' Everybody llktt ll, iSiit Tan or Ulach-$3.00 ft U: "Natural Shape" ' and irmdo in anv style I' to suit your needs. Woolen Mill Store Marshfield IE E Of BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE. co nml Nolan, In :i bIiir 111; and talking comedy act. Jnlvorsnl present J. War- Kan. In "A Kentucky (Jen- it a romance of the bluo- blwSSfiiouthorn raco, full of glngor ftHd,ttaftlllni: Hcoiioa. IE LEMiSKI THftTRE TONIGHT THE till tt,.YitfH nut VMM tlwirt5 I .wSK WalruB and tho Awful fconfi 11." A Joker ono-rcol Jokc. ' VT3KiPftr' hi lifSSTma Cross Llnr." A Wost- r i,TMma mtonsoiy iiuarcsiiug. fclaljjsBrivorsnl. L'T8v -- .. . II.-. LWR jiog nniv 1. l'Tom iuu C. T. Murphy. rong." An oxploslvo com- teryBtnl-Unlvorsal. Is all now and good pic- floor and first balcony, nd balcony. 10c: children rt r.n t M1- ... morrow nlgnt: tho worm rporatlon presents: ''The London." A flvo net hat Is a winner. w ronlcrlug tho famous r-v por ton 91.00 ii, por ton o.uu ton of both 95.00 1). MUSSOX, Prop. IK-, or lonvo orders at UUyor'H Cltfar Ptoro. E MI COOS HIVKH IIOAT SKUVICK j uWNCII 1JXPHKHH I MurMiflcId every day j ki. irt-avcH iioaii or river 1 nt :t:15 p. in. j CKAMKIt ItAIXnOW ;lieiul of rivet daily nt 7 leaves Mars'-ficlil at II p. ) cliarU'r apply on board. ktonints .si smith Proprietors H i lynwm AH kinds of FINK OIIIOKHM j Jo ami Mt. Hood iiuuer 1KB, KnhtiTii Oystcis, j VMi. j IS HAY MYSTKIt CO. j alaco Meat Market. Phono 3G1-J. j Bay View Hotel pr new management IRENCE, OREGON the best accommoda i the citv Thorounhly led Dining Service Unexcelled to PI ease Mrs. W. J. Clarke !NE 158-R lent ieriger Service 1HFIELD CYCLERY jsen, M. D. iician xsn 8UKGEON nd DIsoases of Women a Snoclaltv. )7 Coko Bldg. Phonyo 229-J ywHr yKi .212? " LfWCi .Be - tmmimkt HDNET RYV LLE COAL rtlo Arms. Phouo 304-L vIGf! c Foot-Hold Real Comfort. YOUR feet will serve you' RIGHT when you WEAR Norm uena CUtsanc 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I M)KT A Hold rlHK W wl,,t0 setting. Howard. Phouo 388-X. LOST Iutly' Kdil ""t pl n w,lh IioarlB. Howard for roturii to Times office IOST Pair Klil-rliiinirl hm.cIc1cSi probably tukon by mlstako from offlco Hall & Hall. Howard for re turn. WANTED Cnpalilo yoiiiijx IhikIiichs man desires position with oppor tunity to show what ho can do. Salary not nbBolutoly Important to start. J.. Caro of Times. I'OH SALE Tlirco fr'nli dwn. Her bort Hayncs, Coos City. WANTED (ilrl wants work morn ings in prlvato family for room and board. M., caro of Times. FOR SALE Stoddard's U'Cluro, 1 1 volumes, nlmoat now. Phono 309-X FOR RENT FiiiiiImIumI liou.sekcop ing rooms. 1024 Elrod avonuo. WAXTUI) Steady rollaldo inan wants work of nny kind, for board. K, caro of -Tlmos. FOR SALE FOR SALIC Host bulldliiK lot In Forndalo. Goorgo Smith, Stoamor Rainbow. FOR HALE Rooming Iiouso. 30n, North Hond. Rox FOR RENT , FOR RENT (l-iooni house. Inipilre 424 2nd St. North. FOR RENT Four unfurnished housokooplng rooms. Call 439 N. 2nd at. FOR REXT Nlcoly furnished front rooms with bath. $2 por week Closo In. 239 So, 4th St. WANTED WANTED Grain sacks. Paclflo liv ery & Transfer Co. WANTED TO BUY Two wheel do livery cart. Must bo cheap. X, caro Tlmos. ' WANTED Washwoman to como to housp and do washing for Bmall family. Address Times. WANTED Girl for general house work In family of three. By day or week. Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzor, 11G5 Flanagan avenuo. WANTED Girl of woman for kitchen work for short period. Phono 285 or apply C. A. SmlUi Lumber Mfg. Co. Pffvfg k. . " S YOU AUTO CALL ' FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono 2S5-J Nlj;lit and Day. Whilo Elephnut Grill GoihI Cars. Careful Drivers ). L. FOOTE. B I H . m m km .- w K k i ' u2Fm?r ' t -- ! t0 t - - BREVITIES WEATHIOR FORECAST Br Ataorlitlei Vnt to ooi ltr Ttraw. j OREGON Rain west, prob- ubly fair oast, colder east, wlnda mostly southerly. LOCAL TEMPERATUKE record l ' For the 24 hours ending nt j 4:4 3 a. in., Jau. !, by Den J. j j OsUlnd, Biiccial govcrnmont me- tcorologlat: , Maximum 53 I Minimum 39 j At 4:43 a, in 40 j Precipitation 1C Precipitation Blnco Sopt. 1, j 1911 34.88 Precipitation snmo porlod j last year 20.08 j Wind: Southwest, cloudy and j I rnlny. uoitx. KXGSTROM To Mr. and Mrs. Abol Engstrom at their homo In Iltuvkcr Hill, Sunday, January 3, 1914, .a boy. Mother and child are doing wolt mid tho happy father would not trade places with tho president, ho proud is ho of Ids first child. Hold Smoker. Tho Knlghta Tom plar Lodge No, 10 will hold a drill and Binokor tonight at tho lodgo rooms for tho members. Special Officer. L. W. Travor Is today sorvlug as special offlcor, Mar shal Carter and Offlcor Richardson having-been' summoned to Coqulllo au witnesses in soma criminal enscs thoro. Club Meeting. Tho program for tho Coos Bay Woman's Club Wodnos day ovening will ineludo a "Bio graphy of Kennedy" by Miss Frances Kranso and "A Rovlow of tho Piny" by Mrs. Kolly. 11ml Properly Here: Aug. Prlzcon days that Robert L. Ashcraft, who committed Bulcl'do In Spokano tho other day owned what is known as tho Smallwood proporty at Eastsl'do. Ho was horo somo tlmo ago, fin to P01 ' ml. T. It. Sheridan and sou George .eft for Portland. Mr. Sheridan has asked for his final ro Icaso In bankruptcy nnd it will como up for hearing In tho Federal court at Portland Jan. G. Vot,olH Sail. Tho Nann Smith, Rodondo nnd Yollowstono sailed nt 1:30 today for San Francisco nftor having boon dolnyed two days by U10 rough woathor off tho coast. Tho Paralso, which arrived off Coos Bay Saturday, crossed In this fore noon. Fli-o Patrol Levy. Tho County Court has fixed 'tho lovy for fro. patrol In Coos County at 2 cents por acre on nil lands listed ns tlm borlands. At tho last sosslon, tin County Commissioners allowed Mrs J. J. Burns $30 por month, Mr. Burns hai , boon In HI health for somo tlmo nnd unnblo to provldo for tho largo family. After Incompetents. Dr. J. L. Mnsson, of Myrtlo Point, who was horo tho last fow days looking after business, says that tho crusndo against Incompetent votorlnary sur geons must bo continued, Ho stated that Saturday ho was taken to see n horso belonging to A, O. Rogers that somo ono had ordered shot as having ring-bones on nil four feet. Ho said that tho animal did not hnvo rlng-bouo nt all nnd that It Would soon bo all right. Had tho horso boon slain, Rogers would havo beon out $17G. So far, tho grand Jury has Indicted Dr. Harrison of Myrtlo Point, for practicing without a llcenso and It Is posslblo that other ludictnients may bo returnod, FULLS 20 FEET FROIWS. P. BRIDGE Laborer Sustains Severe In juries in Falling From New Bridge This Morning A laborer named Goff, about 40 years old, narrowly escaped doath In a fall of 2Q feet from tho uow Southern Pacific bridge about 10:30 this morning, Whilo at work on tho trestlo ho slipped and fell light ing on a barge 20 feet below and sustaining a number of sprains and bruises. Ho was Quickly rushed to Mercy Hospital, North Bend, where Dr. Mott was summoned and dress ed his wounds which consisted of a dislocation of right wrist, left wrist sprained, right side bruised, out aver and under right eye and over loft oyo. Ills Injuries, whilo .sorlous, are not fatal, but will lay him up for somo time. I JUDGE jJOHN V. H5VL niofning for Co(ulllc. WM. AHLSKOG of North Inlot Is a MnrBhfleld visitor today. MRS. SANDERSON of Camp Ono Is n Marshfleld shopped today. S. C. ROGIiRS of South Coos River Is a Marshfleld visitor today. JOHN ANSELMMO of Bunker Hill was 'a Marshfleld visitor yesterday. STEPHEN LAPP, of Coqullle, is visiting his sons In Marshfleld. J. It. COUNSELMAN, of Hnynos In let, wns a Marshfleld visitor to day. MISS RICHIA McDONALD of Black Crook was a Marshfleld visitor to day. MRS. HERBERT HAYNES of Coos City was a Marshfleld visitor to day. JOHN A CARLSON was n visitor In Marshfleld from Coos River to day. P. M. HALI-LEWIS, county rond master, wns hero from Coqulllo yes terday. II, J. McDIARMID of Bandon camo over yesterday on bualncss and pleasure. MISS MARGARET STEINLECHNER of Hayncs Inlet, Is a Marshfleld shopper. MASON NOAH And Noel Nonh of North Coos River are Marshfleld visitors. FRANK HODSON camo down-today from his South Coos River ranch on business. BEECHER CROUCH roturnod from Hayncs Inlet today and proceeded to Grnvol Ford. FRED 13. WILSON tvIII leavo tomor row for Portlnnd ns a witness In tho Mnrtllla caso. Dn. II. M. SHAW left overland yes torday for Portland, whoro ho will spend a woolc or so. JOHN KEEFE, Gub Laxstrom, J. R. Robertson, Andy Wilson camo In from Hayncs Inlet today. WARREN BESSBY, n woll knowon South Coob River rancher, Is look ing after business hero today. ABE ROBERTS, Nols Monson, Jnko Jutstrom nnd W. F. Bowron wore visitors from Ten Mile today. J. W. CHAPMAN loft 8aturdny for Portland, whoro ho wns summoned ns a witness In tho' Mnrtllla case. COL. BRIOHAM, of North Bond, returned today from Totnpleton, whoro ho has boon doing somo Burvoylng. ARCHIE KRUSE, after waiting horo two days to leavo on tho Nnnn Smith for San Francisco, loft over land today. " S. D. HARPER roturnod to Pros per today nftor spending n couplo of days horo on business nnd pleasure. MRS. DAVID COWAN nnd daughters camo down from Allegany today. Miss Hazol Cowan will enter tho High School here. MISS ETHEL TAYLOR roturnod to her homo nt Falrvlow today aftor spondtng n woek at tho McDonald homo on Black Crook. JOHN SNYDER and Win. Ingorsoll left on tho Nann Smith for Snn Francisco, whoro thoy oxpoct to remain during tho exposition. II. W. QUIGLEY, an instructor in tho Bandon schools, passed through horo yostorday on routo from Port lnnd, whoro ho spent tho holidays. JUDGE COKE nnd Court Reporter Loud left thla morning for Coqulllo. tho Docom'bor term of circuit court bolng resumed aftor tho holiday ro cess. J. C. DOANE nnd Mr. Atkins, one or tho proprietors of tho Owl saloon, were among thoso going ta Co qulllo this morning as witnesses In circuit court ensos. MISS ESTHER BYERLY, who hns beon visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Byorly, nt East side, has returned to her school nt Falrvlow, ROBERT MARSDBN, Sr who was sumnionod to Los Angoles by tho serious Illness of his son, Sam Marsdon, is expected homo on tho Nann Smith. Sam Mnrsdou Is now woll on tho way to recovory. SAM HARPER, formorly n membor of tho Coos. Day traveling mon'B contingent, but now engaged In business at Prospor, was au over- Sunday visitor In Marshfleld nnd was kept busy greeting his many friends. A. Y, MYERS of the Reynolds De velopment Company, has returned from Spokane, whero ho spent tho holidays. Ho had a flue visit and says that business conditions are much Improved and the outlook is for a most prosperous year, MISS NOREEN, a teachor in tho Bandon schools, left yesterday for her homo after a short visit at the Jnmea Cowan homo In Marsh fleld while en route back from Eugeno, where sho Bpont tho Christmas holidays. MISSEES IRENE AND BIRDIE MITCHELL; of Syracuse, New York, passed through Roseburg Thursday en route to Coos Bay points, whoro thoy expect to spend tho next threo months visiting with relatives, Roseburg Rovlow. I MXIV MILL-SLOUGH I " DRAIN" TROUBLES A JoInU meeting of tho Port Commission. nnd City Council j I Is being held this afternoon to j j settle the Mill Slough drain ditfl- j j cultles. It nppears that they will j j agroo on a basis of tho city pay- j j Ingt tho port (1000 nnd tho lnt- j tor then defraying ull costs of j opening tho drain nnd putting a j new drain In tho north arm of j j tho slough. j , ELDER ARRIVES i'F DELAYED SIX, HOURS JX ASTOR IA OX ACCOUNT OF UAH BRINGS FORTY-SIX PASSEN UKR. J Bringing (G pnsscngors from tho north, tho Gcorgo W. Elder nrrlvcd In nt 3 o'clock this nftcrnoon from Portland, Sho wob delayed six hours at Astoria yesterday nftornoon on account of the, Columbia bar. Thosu v;ho arrived from tho north wore: L. II. Mends, Mary E, Dolau, Jr., Mrs. Mary Dolun, Mrs. J. L. Snydor, Baby Snydor, Anna, M. Vola, G. W. Reynolds, Mrs. Pohrson, Ed Pehrson, Mrs. Harry Twill, Geo. J. Nolllst, Mrs. Nclllst, P, II. Lemm, P. J. Har ris, Clarence E, Ash, II. A. Franz, E. C. Stlngor, R. A Baker, M, A. Baker, D. P.. Baker Otto Schnldor, C. H. Freeman, J. C. Illborly, John Hlglcs J. C. Sflco, F. L. Botsford, Nathan S, Kohn, Isaac It. Towor, F. Alllsan, M M. Williams, L. D. Graham, II. R. Mil ler, Mrs. Roy A Mercer, Mrs. N. II, MacMlllan, Nell II. MncMlllan, Willis Wlukelmnnn, Francis Wlnklemnnn, Mrs. Wm. Wlnklomnn, W. J. Mur ray, Mrs. W. J. Murray, J. M. Brown, Joseph O. Cntes, A. J. Rahmor, Win. Wlogand, E, A. Shearer, J. II. Mooro, HOMER RlNa left yostcrdny for Tat Hcol Point camp to rcsumo his po sition there, Foreman Emmctf Plorco opening tho camp this morn ing nftor tho holiday vacation. Ha says that about tho only chanco ha gets now to devolop his abilities ns a. coon fancier Is during those, brief (vacations nnd ho fears that Cell Ireland will soon wrest his Inurels from him. OWLS TO INSTALL OFFICERS. Plan for ltann.uct Following Cere - monies Tuesday Nlglit Tho Marhflold Nest of Owls will hold Ha annual Installation of offi cers at" their hall tomorrow night. Tho coromonles will bo followed by a bnnquot nnd smoker. Tho newly-' elected officers are as follows: Past Pros. Oco. W. Graham. ProB. .C. C. Carpontor. VIco Pros. John Brockmuollor. Invocator Chus. D. Hill. ' Sec. Joo Schott. Treas. C. E, Hayes. Warder Frank It. Kirk, Jr., Sentlnol W. D. Bano. Plckot CbaB. Morchaut. Trustee Chas. Thorwnld.- GOLD REACH DEAL. Ono of tho most Important real es tate deals that lias been consummated In these parts for many years way "put over tho plato" lust week by D. M, Mooro and J, R. Standard when they closed tho deal with tho Strahan eBtato for tho six aero tract of laud lying north of tho Presbyterian church and west of tho county road. Gold Beach Globo, GRADING XEARS COMPLETION. The work of grudlug for tho rail road near tho Umpqun and: Smith Rivera la very nearly done, and will be finished In ten dayB, the only part remaining at present to be done being along Smith River this side of Jack Franco Slough, Work will then commence of laying rails from Jack Franco Slough to Flvo Mile Lake, so as to enable tho railroad company ta transport lumber and piles from Smith River to tho Lake country ovor this part of the road, which will bo more convenient nnd cheaper than hauling over the hill by wagon, Tho work in tho Inko country botween hero and tho Slus law la steadily progressing, and this gap will be flulshod by fall It not sooner, ns It Is the intention of tho contractors to bring in all the heavy material to ba used In building the bridges across the Smith and Ump qua rivers over tho road from Eugene and also a great deal of tho material which will bo used hi building tho bridge ut Coos Bay. A great deal of bridge material for tho bridges across tho Umpqita and Smith rlvors Is stored at Reodsport, togotner with the cemont which will bo required in tbo building of tho samo,'' Gardiner Courier, 1 fill PORTLAND YOU MAY BE COLD JJuUwcJiave.a, hot. price. on cpal and wood boaters this woelt. Bettor see us. We can set you up a heater from 91.U3 to $10.50. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND GENERAL HARDWARE AND PLUMBING Our Shop Does General Repair Work. THE DELICATESSEN CO. M , 136 NORTH BROADWAY Wo carry nt nil" limes n' largo variety of DELICIOUS READY PREPARED FOODS for the table and family trade, ready to servo. Wo givo our best attention' and efforts to all special orders for social functions and private gatherings. ' TRY OUR. ftUIGK SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Delicacies of nil kindB to chooso from. A lunih to ault your tnsto in Quality and Price. PAROLED I TO BE TRIED TODAY . t . Gustafson! and Kelly Up in. Circuit CourtOther Mat- I tcrs siatcu Tor I rial Judge Coko left this morning for Coqulllo to rcsumo tho December tortn'of circuit court which was ad journed for tho holidays, Tho crim inal cases will he called first this morning nnd If they nro not ull ready for trial, other Jury cases will bo takon on so that tho Jury can bo excused Just as soon nB posslblo. Thin will leavo tho equity bualnesB- for tho wlndup of tho session. Among the ensos to como up aro thoso of John Kelly, under parole, vlio was arrested for thu theft of goods ulong tho, wharf, Another Id that of GiiBtnfson, a woll known char acter on tho Bay, who was also under pnrolo and who was nrrostod by Offl cor Doano when ho found him Intoxi cated. Ono of the provisions of Gus tafson'a parole wns that ho abstain from tho uso of Intoxicants. Ho wns an tho blacklist. Blnco Ids arrest ho rotuscs absolutely to tell who gavo him tho liquor. Another criminal caso to como up today is that of a prisoner namod Frances,' arrested for robbing tho Owl saloon till. Tho caso of McVoy of North Bond, under Indictment, will bo ono of tho laBt criminal cases called. Whether tho perjury cases of Mrs. Ruby Slnipson-Noslor nnd Mrs. Pfort nor, growing out of tho Trondgoldi Simpson-Coach mlxup nt Bandon, will i bo ready for trlnl this wook is not cortaln. It Is doubtful If the suit of W. P. Murphy, ns representative of tho cred itors of tho lato F. S. Dow, to secure 15000 life insurauco left by Mr. Dow will como up for trial at this torm of court.- The Insurauco pollclos woro changed, making Mrs. F, S. Dow Instcnd of tho F. S. Dow ostnto tho bonoflclury shortly prior to Mr. Dow's tragic death. Hence tho suit of tho creditors of tho estate. WORIC AT BROOKINGS. New Mill Is Now Cutting 75,000 Feet Per Day.' Editor Marsters of tho Gold Beach Globo writes: At Brookings wo found everything aglow wlthbunlnesK from early morn until Into at night. Tho west half of tho mill la uow runulng full blast, cutting on a average of sovonty flve thousand foet of lumber per day. Tho Company Is at presout gottlug logs from tho mountain south of tho river nnd oast from tho Chotco ferry, bringing thorn off tho mountain Into tho river in a chuto built for tho pur pose. Tho logs float down tho river for a short distance whoro they nro hauled out and loaded onto logglnx cars and hauled to tho big dam at the mill, Tho company has tho road complete about threo miles up tho river and tho right of way cleared for about u inllo nnd a halt abovo tho eud of ties and rails. Tho company now has a pay roll of about $10,000 per month, and aro Increasing their plant and Improving tho towpslto as fast ns possible, Tho mill with Its electric lights and the hum and buzz of machinery, together with tho whistling of tho locomotlvos, donkey onglnes, steam cranes, etc., romlnds tho stranger moro of being In a largo manufacturing city, rath er than in 11 secluded spot In Curry county. We also visited the county's $7000 monument In the shape of the Chotco bridge, All thoro Is In evldonco to tho casual observer !for tho large sum of money paid out by tho county Is a fow pilings standing la tho river and a cement pier on tho south bank. NOTICE TO OWLS. Members of Marshfleld Nest No. 1.896 are requested to bo presout Tues. evening, January 5 for Installa tion of officers nnd banquet, JOE SCHOTT, Sec. Tlnos WmU Ada lor results, T TO Announce They Will 'Not' Dis pense Even on Physicians' Prescriptions ,rjence(orth That Coos county will bo "real dry' when tho prohibition lnv takes ef fect Is Indicated by tho following Btntoment from the loading drugglsto of Coos county: u "Wo, tho mombors of tho Coba County Pharmaceutical Association, In regular hcshIou nssombled at Co qulllo, Oregon, on Docombor 9th, 1914, bollovo that tho snlo or alco holic liquors In drug atorcs whothor sold on a. physician's prescription or not, does, nnd nlways haB tended to reflect on tho honesty of purposo and phnrmaclst, nnd, especially In "dry" torrltory, hns nlways caused suspicion of law-vlolatlou, whothor unjustly or not, to bo cast ii,on him. "Wo rcnllzo tht alcoholic stimu lants aro not a necessity In modern mntorla mcdlcn, thoro bolng ninny. other drugs that aro safer and bet ter and which nro froo from tho 6b Joctlonnblo proportlo3 of Intoxicating liquors. "Wo know tho groat harm tho uso of lntoxlcnnts causos, and tho diffi culty of Judging, whothor by tho phy sician or pharmacist, whon In ny lustanco their uso would bo Justifi able. Wo desire to froe. ourselves from tho necessity of holding a' ll censo from tho U. S.' Intornal Reve nue Dopartmont, thus nvoldlng tho odium of being classod as retail II quor dealers." ' ' In accordanco, therefore ' with modern ndvancomont, and Inonior to avoid oven tho suspicion of enter ing to the "boozo" business, and de siring to uphold in tho highest dfc grco tho honor nnd Integrity of our profession, wo, tho members of tho Coos County Pharmaceutical Associa tion, hereby RESOLVE, that wo will rofiiso honcoforth to soil or offer for sale for any purposo whatsoever, whothor on tho prescription of a phy sician or otherwise, any splrltous, vinous or malt liquors. (Slgnod) DROWN DRUO CO., Marahtlold. PREUSS DRUG CO., Marshflold. WINKLER'S PHARMACY, Mfld. OWL PRESCRIPTION PHARMA CY", Marshfleld.' s '" THE EVER1TT PHARMACY, North Bond, ' ' ' PLATT'S PHARMACY, North lid. i,OCKHART-PAHSONS DRUG CO. Marshflold. R. 8. KNOWLTON, Coqulllo.' " FURRMAN'S PHAltMAOY,' Co qulllo. PACIFIC DRUG CO., Myrtlo Point. PERKINS' PHARMACY, s Myrflo Point. MORE AUTOISTS UP." ChimkIo Agulnst Violations of Tmf. fin Ordinance CoiitJnuca. Tho crusado against autolsts violat ing tho Murshfleld traffic ordinance-, which requires thorn to koop on tho right side of tho streot und to havo proper tall and forward lights con tinues. Among tho now charges filed aio: Addison Parry, not having pron'dr tall light. Car No. 4188, no tall light. Car No. 3G87, on wrong sldo' of streot. Gorst & King car No. 5425 for run ning across hose on North Broadway during flro last night. I BUYS ROOMING HOUSE R. M. Kylo Takes. Poss&ssdoii of Johnson Hotel R. M. Kylo Saturday purohasod tho Johnson Hooinlner IIoiiKn mi lNorth SpCond Btreot. uoai. central. rrom W. R. Foote, aud took pos session Immediately, Mr, Kylo will muko many Im provements In tho place and will havo ono of tho best lodging houses Jn this section, Rooms will be rout ed 'by tho day of by tho week nt reasonable' rates. Baths aro provid ed and tho placo will bo conducted lu oxcollont shnpo. ,t DOUG STORES HANDLE LIQUOR :! f&--j j 1 vS 1 &