Zw-tii- 1915 -EVENING EDITION. i.i ! THE COOS TWO , !' ,x -- ,,, iaMIIARY 4. BflY TIMES. MARSHFIEIP, OHfcwn" Z- - n nfiiiiuiiii n !!(- . - COOS BAYTIMES ; NEWS QF NEARBY TOWNS wSSnS or coosjcomuy . --7Trfc-m., chat ! !'- " c, l" '" ' rtJDaUMlWr IK " -iap'ir'A7.VAi'iv.jiri777.t.wsy f iiw' will LXLi 1 J J jilj if JJ J J J Jl j LW Of ' . . -l i.. n.ntnfrixn nt Marsh Entereu ai iu ?""".. r:i.;in .. . il. ..nol ntnenllt nVOIltS Of miT nmeon for transmit""" uno m uib i i"' - tVrough fhS mail, ai ..cond-cl... tll0 wo'ek was the enter. ! it mnttnr. ii. .(.... f din nmmlinrs of tllO fiUtl 1 llliuillb "" ,. mid inviii-" call mattor. W1IV WORRY OVKK 1'ATB? WE CANNOT escape fate. Evon If we are allowed to Mvo a useful life after forty, and ccano chloroform at Blxty, wo must nllll face the fact that wo have little chanco of rounding up with ... nt nf human Kind -i.. i. timlr liiiali.imln riUIJ, mwit .. . I... Mr nw1 MrR. A. J. toi llcr nt tholr homo on Tuesday eve ning. The home was beautiful with Its decorations of green and small Christmas bells everywhere In pro slon. The Christmas spirt was among i, .iiokIh! nvcrvono forgot cares nnd entered Into tho Joys of the evening. the ten per cent of nurnan 7' ' . o . (lf tho climcs the most ItMleScSm r b Xt "ZZmtnl refreshments were served IJoVrSecK sane. The ,,h; and .each cmo present seemed ole etle part of the mattor .,-",-" ,T , ' ,Vho. refresh- many peoplo go on living in Ignorahco of tho tragedy of their existence, oven making merry withal. CITY nOVEllNMRNT could best do Justice to these refresh monts. Sirs. X. N. Nolman whoso scoro was highest for ladles, won the first ri,on l.naiitlful linen center piece. Mr. Hnrtson, with tho high scoro for gontlomen, was presented with a hook. Mr. Kvland nnd Mr. Nclman carried homo tho consolntlon Those present woro Messrs. and Mcs dnmos L. II. Hazard, C. Kvland, II. Folsnm, L. A. I.IIJcqvlst, A. J. Sher wood, N. N. Nclman, n. D. I'lorcc, t a PnnlKon. 7.. Strang, J. II. Mc- THR recent convention of tho National Municipal league at llaltlmoro, whero officials of somo hundreds of American cities discussed tho probloms of city gov rmment nnd oxchnnged vlows re garding tholr solution, Is eloquent of tho plain trend of tho times In tho direction of Iwitor, moro ro i r..nvKU.rmrn , LoroM , W. J. rcsentatlvo and moro of I clon. c. y , Oco c A, oW. KT ound in tho palpable fact Heckma and Clare S orwood tlmt not only Is this recognized, bull Yesterday at tho homo of Henry that an offort Is being mado to getUrcnz occurred ono of tho plcnsant away from It. Wo nro slow somo-.est ovonls of tho holiday season, tltnen to nccopt now plans nnd now when Miss Camilla, tho 12-year-old methods, but dlBBatlsractlon win. daughter or ll.o House, gave n niiiHicm Byatoma that liavo obtained for years Is tho first real essential toward getting something bettor. That will finally WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST r ;M)I KVKXIXW. j Ono may bo right, another mlstakon; but If I hnvo moro j Htrength than my brother, It shall bo employed to support, not oppress, bis weakness; If I hnvo moro light, It alialt bo usod to guide, not to dazzlo blm. I Durko, I.I KK'S DAY. Tho days nro so abort, how quickly thoy go; Hours now are fleeting, In youth thoy woro alowj Nearer and nonrer to life's high noon Twilight and shadows nro filling tho room. Bunrlso and moonlight thoy seem but twin stara Kro tholr raya nro begun they're crossing tho burs; Noonday nnd owning soon creep In to mom, A sigh nnd n dream a nuw day Is bom. recital to which tho other girl pupils or Mrs. M. 0. Hawkins, nnd her mother'n friends, to tho number of 35, woro Invited. Tho J. C W. Lndles met with Mrs. .1. B. Lnwrcnco Inst Tuesday evening. Tho decorations woro Oregon grapo nnd polnsettln, nnd tho holiday Hchomo was carried out by tho use of holly borrlcs for tho table. Tho work for tho good of tho order was of tho nuturo of nocdlecrnft. Tho following wero present; Mosdnmes 13. K. Johnson, II. H. Lyons, J. A. Lamb, Kay Jonos, C. W. Kndlcott, Henry Lorcnz, M. O. Hawkins, A. N. (lould, C. T. Skeols, and Misses Mary Davenport nnd Ituth Woodford. Mr nnd Mrs. Anron Wilson eutor tnlnud Inst Monday In honor of Mr and Mrs. C. II. Nosier, of llrldge. Thuro was lots of music and plenty of good things to cat nnd an on Joyablo time for ovorybody. Those prosent wero Mossrs. and Mosdames 8. M. Nosier, Krcd Nosier, C. II, Nos lur, J, K. Norton, Trunk Leslie ami M. 0. Hawkins. Coqulllo Hentlnol. t wnUer Cullu has had a nlird tustle with the grip lately, as a re- suit of hoofing it to tlie ioii oi Fnlrvlew .Mountain one when when tho auto In whirl, he was traveling broko down at the poor farm. l'l he is on deck n?aln now. inmna V. Crawford, former as- .!.... Aiinrnov (leiieral and a rou- aln of County Clerk Watson, arnveu here from Salem Wednesday on bus Inoss. He wont over to the Wat son ranch yesterday and returned to Coqulllo today. In Decombor, Mr. and Mrs. It, W. Lawhorn, of McKlnley, became" tho paronts of a baby girl. Only ono prosecution for drunk onnoss In the ltecordor's Court at Coqulllo during tho holiday season I. a record which tolls of Improved conditions bore. ' nr. V. h. Hamilton roturnou i Coqulllo Wednesday morning after nnrformlng n major surgical opera tion for Mrs. Al Onrtln at tho Mer ry Hospital at North Dond on Tuos-, t'ny. .. .. ! Harry Oordlng wont over to .Norm , Dead last Sunday to seo his brother I Walter, who is In tho hospitals! there, following an opornllon per-1 formed on his car a week previous, j Ho is getting along vory nicely. , Mrs. W. M. Hammock, of tho j FIshtrop neighborhood, was strlrkon I with parnlysls Saturday and died In three hours without regaining con-! sclousuess Wo hnvo hoard naout tho Coqulllo ' rlvor being frozon ovor hero years ago, so that It could bo crossed on tho Ico and the other day wo asked Mr. Hasklns, ono of tho old tlmors, how It was done. Ho says that the Ice was about threo-qunrtors of an ' Inch 'thick and n Ilght-wolgbt, with two plnnks, one to wnlk on and to to shovo nhead, turned the trick. tmlNG BLOCl FOR. Men's, Boys', Women's and Misses' WEARING arrrtR6 ymiiiB lH'ople. r. . a m..iinl In H.I" sr' coiiNervntlvo lumk ilCMMlt open Snvl.. Arc " "' cwnnffu wllli tl.o per cent inTrStCw y'""" 1 M.rprl.e.1 " WlMfJ -III ucenmu. 1 . RICE - RICE .in shlnment of No. 1 Head Kioe. put up We have Just reread a kX for ,.-,, Si.. S and Win ,led rjlh W J . h nM .,, ;:;j:;:r:-weyou n.,,. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 394-J. i;:S S'-'"f,,,l,,",lllln,,' Try,t' UNDKIt TIIM VSlWn STATICS GOVKKNMKNT . SOPHItVIHION. FUST 111 11! I OF COOS BAY So'cly Deposit Boxes For Bent. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- - has been n bobby with us for od . years , .j. Wrt our customers will tell yon hen u come to . our bUi, durable fram ng mater al at th rni nr wnnt .r.8PenJdU8aVdCe?,1erbUyanwH?o t the best your uoney can buy. Try ui. ; v . C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RRTAHj Dr.I'AHTMIiNT CCT Tn rtTL m . o .n-uS,xn o;,,, woo . ..,. in- -- - innK i- ii:Ti:it itiui-: hknatoii. A gllmpsn of n face a clasp of a hand Thoso nro molodliM sweet from n shadowy laud; (Irey veils of mist nnd tho gold of tho sun A moonbeam shines forth and tho day Ih done. Kuthorlnu Ward. U lovo an asset or it liability! Dyspepsln and puMdmlsm havo n lot In common. No, Cordelia, a prudent girt Isn't necosanrlly u prudo. Any man enu borrow troublo with out Dank references or soourlty. A woman Bumutlmcw keeiw up a semblance of Innocence limit uftur that condition has )siwed muroly W- count ry rauso It barinonlroii with hur oast of vouuttmauce. No man should be Judged by his clothes, but It Is always safo to Judge n uoiuuii by tho wtiy she. dou her hair o Among thoso who ought to b barred from society Is tho man who remarks after ou have told your best story, "That's not the way I luard It." H0S13HUIU1, Or., Jan . Covor- nor West appointed Dexter Itlco, Stain Senator from Douglas county to succeed Goorgo Nounor, who was only recently appointed District At torney fur tho third prosecuting ill at rial. Governor West claims a pro vision of thu stale constitution makes tho appointment of Mr. Itlco legal, regardloss of tho fact that tho stat utes of thu state provide that a spec ial election must bo called to fill any vacancy. When Interviewed by a Itevluw representative Mr. Itlco said ho had not been advised us tu such an appointment nnd had not been consulted In regard to It In any innn iter. Ho added that ho would not accept the office, If It wns offered to him. COIIXS MA.MY COST 1,1 Mi. Pitiful Plight of Aged Tie Make. Near1 llumloii, W. I). Kngllsh, n tlo hacker 74 , years of age, Is at the Kmergency hos pital having his fcot troatod for blood poisoning. Tl.o old gentleman lives nlouo In a llttlo cabin several miles above Hocky Point. Ho came to llnudon Thanksgiving Day and while hero bought somo corn plasters, which bo applied buforo starting on his walk for home. The plasters ap parently were too strong for tho aged man's feet, for when ho reached home they caused him much pain. How-, ever, ho left them on and tl.o follow ing dny his condition became worse, i On removing them ho Is said to have removed somo skin nnd flosh, which through lack of proper precautions, i caused Infection nnd blood poisoning llandon World. Abstracts llltlCI'H OF IIANDO.V. FINDS IM.OItlDA HOUSH IIPItNT.D It. II. Mnst Is In receipt of a card from J. 0. Savage, written at his now homo nt Freeport, Flor ida, shortly after his arrival there. Ho any his brother mot him at tho boat ullh tho news that the house on their place- had been burned thnt Xowh of Clty-hy-thc-Scji As Told by The World. Tl.o third Sweet wedding this soas on was solemnized at St. John's church on Now Year's Day, whon Mis Jennie Sweet became tho brldo of Mnnton K. Trcadgold. Doth nro popular young peoplo nnd tl.o affair wns ono of tho prottlost of tho seas on. Tho golden weddlnir of Mr. nn:l Mrs. William A., tho vonor- ablo llandon couple, was celubratod at tho (1. A. It. hall on tlio nftornoon of Christmas Day. .Mr. nnd Mrs. a M. Sponcor hnvo Bono to Sun FrnuelKO for n brief visit. Jnok Kronoiiborg Is confined to hU homo with an attack of tho mumps. (TltltY COIWTY ISOiaTKD. ran nnuADLi: aiistiiacw of titmj and lwuiimatiox ADOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MVHSIIFIKI.D AND COQUIMA: t ITY. OltF.OOX GnVFIIlI.AGKM'S, KASTSIDK AND .SFVfiSTUKFVS ADDITION VGFXTS Volt CANADIAN PACHIC 1IAII.H0A1) LANDS Hi:.KV SHXOSTACKK.V, MAXAGKH TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt, hox, unaerwooa, ncmingiun, nuyui, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or , exchange. aoanlng, rcpnlrinK or new platens, work Riiarantecd. Hlbbons anil carbon paper rtcllvcrcd. Wiono us your order. Phono M. Alllmwo office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUrTLT uu. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $1-5.000.00 OFKICBItS: J. W. Bennett, President Aithur McKeown, Secretary Tom T. Dennett, Ylce Preeldent Qemiett Swanton, Treasurer Transacts n trust business only. Acts m trustee of exprose trusts nnd also as oxecutor and administrator of oatatoi. The only Trust Company In Orogon outside of Portland organised under new trust law In this state. FLAMAGAM & BEIETT BANK OI.DK.S-l' DANK IN COOS COUNTY KHtubllHlied 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Iytcrcut I'nhl " Tlmo I)cMwlta Officers: 3. Y. llcimvlt, 1'rcHlilcnt. ,1, II. riuiingiHi, Vln-I'rcHlileiit. H. h Wllllnini, Ciihliler. Geo. l' Wliiehoatcr, Asst. Cashier. esuaxmaiktuii nsaaimxjSSEESxsutasi u&m To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THK FAST AND COMKOHTAHLK S S. Geo. W. Elder NINVJiY KQUIPPKI) NOItTII I'ACIFIO BT:A31SIIIL, CO. n. I. MrOI'OHOK AGKNT W. M. PALNTKn Tllinnn A A 1 n ntt flftlil r. 1..UUO T., ...... ...- mz.dazjzfivzx'txifxsiissz Phono 421, North Bond KgUlPl'lID WITH WIUKLKH8. ;teamship Breakwater AIAVAYS OX TIMK. SAILS FHO.M MAUSIIIIIH.D DIUIXO JAM'AltY, ON THK FOL LOWING DATIIS: .IAN. a, 10 A. M.j .IAN. I), 1 V. M.J JAN. 10, U-.M) A. 51.; .IAN. ail, 1 P. 51.; JAN. !, H:!10 A. 51. TICKKTS ON SALK AT POHTLANI) CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTH AND OAK STHEirrS, FOUTIiANI). Phono ,15-J. O. II. LANDEHB, Agent DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD After a iiuletuetw of about three weeks without an outside per or a package of parcel post, something like tWttlltV.flvn l.n... L.n.l.. ... .. "" ! .'ran .'in ii. ii inni' -..., ..... ni.iav uniiin ill HiHIl iuoiiiIiik There was some Insurunce.. '"rived at this offb-e lu the lat in however. They are pleased with thu trips of the Aisness mull 1 mi.i Coqulllo Seiitlnel, Doach Olobe. North Front Btreel, Phono 1170. muim j Qi OHIMNBYS FIUK PLAOEfl J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Urick Work at PrlcM That Aro Right And nil AYorlc Otianititeed Call at "Tho Flrosldo," Johnson Hldg., 137 Second St. Phono 431-J. French Ranges. Uotlor Work -. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. Practically the hum who novor jwiys his debts has nunu. When nn old bachelor inurrlDa bin women noqtialntauco all wttadsr that ho didn't do It soouvr and his uuu friends wonder how ho huppaaod to ' get caught. ! i Wdien u matt marrlou to got a hausokooper he Is sometimes surprU-' ed and aghast to find that he has j-ockonod In as part of tho homo furnishings. Closing Out Our Entire Line OF CHINA, GLASS, GRANITE AND ALUMINUM WARE AT COST and less than cost. We find that to accommodate our Imreablug stok and trade lu dry xoods, wo need moro room, henco we must kanlflm alt nrtlcles lu our household department. Some aro cut oue-thlrd and ninny are out to exactly half our former low price. Doar In mUid that profit bus no part In this sale. Come nnd wra. Suoh towptliiK tulcas havo surely never before been Placed bolora you. Sale Marts Monday, January i, and continues until ovary aitk- U sold. Com oarly an neuro your pick of tb uubruktiu lino. Wo take this occasion to thank our jutnas for llbral mtrott. ago botow upu u. lu tho ini.t and to all wo wUU a prosper, ous and happy 1915. ,. ii SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. K00NT2 GARAGE Kxcelhler Motorejclu Agency LEE TIRES AUTO.MOmi.IvS HTOItUI) 0OO3 COPNTY'S 51 OUT COMPLltTH .MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND Al'TO.MOIHLU RKISMRINO GASOLINE FOR SALfl SOUTH FRONT HT. PHONE 18(W HATTKRIBS RKl'AIRED AND OHARGRn Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wn hnnl tritnlra hahvuon nnv nnlnti I ....... hvh.vum mm 'IM 4 in Marshfield nnd do general haullnK. iui ivnauiinuie luiuo, JTAR TIIANHFEU STORAOE CO Levi llcUiiir, Proprietor Phones: 120..I. .l.L. 1)8-11 IT U IPHTITDN T Semi-wcokly service Coos Bay and Sail j?ranciaco. STEAMSHIP REDDnlDO V WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, AT 3 P.M. Equipped wltU wireless mid submarine bott. Passengers and freight. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal dlstrlbutore "ONYX" ant! "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend STEMISH IIP 1AI SMITH Equipped witii wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, AT 3 P. M. Ban Francisco off ico, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and COO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. McGf-orge, Phono '44. mwassmsjMUJi ROOFING I REPAIRING, CONTRACTING,, ROOFING MATERIALS, 1 FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B- 118. P. 89. NO HAW EDGES OB . YOUR COLLARS U you havo thoiu laundered '"KmT. -i STOKAGK UII LI STE1EIS -SAIL FROM TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY . ; Ci Commutation Tickets $2.00 San Francisco Pier No. 2C. Evory Wodnosday 3 P. M, Phono 2"R. Coos nay Every Friday To Portland And TnoRrtnv ' To San Francisco THOMAS . JAMES, Agont Ocean Doc The 1-idlea' CLEANING WORKS White Gloe, While ('outs and Silks, uro imp Specialty J. H. LAW. Mnp riumo 4.U-X. 3:. I IVutral Ae. i I PITV AIITn o tiv, : WAU'. l."'V. 'Al UU. " " .muiit SHRVIOE Inrshfleld-Nortii ixp..,i .,... ti. "r every ten minutes fpom a a. ui J U p. in.; to South SIourIi nco n by, IeliiK ut n a. m.i to Umpire Hlieo trlKi u iluy. GORST Jt KING. Props. nn i j i ' ' . Portland Albora Dock No. S Every Saturday 9 A. M. Mnrshfleld. Pictures & framing Walker Studio SUITS OI.IUMH) AND PRIiSS- Wn;n iTT MIS UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE'S PLACB 556 Central Avo, Phono 250-X. MATT Ii. MAY Western Orogon ReprosentatlTe HAAS IUIOTIIERS Iinporteni inul- M'holosnlo GroceM Maraliflnlrt. Drocrnn 1 I Tol. 304-R. Res. Myrtlo Arms I I For taxi, phono 103, Ideal Cafe r j unupn I For tourln, cars, phone 20 S A "' "0I)QIN8 i vuauaiar Hotel LYNN LAMDHTH, Prop. !- - j New Cabs t Now Curs Mnrchfiofff PAINT AND miui 0111 ivjIVI nrrnniTiii L-i-v-uiuinixu LU. l.'stinmtes FiirnUim.i Pfcone 809-J, scawhflew, Orcoa. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTII 1JENIJ O. A. Metllu, Irop. 1 iBbaKsalJKt. T"--' iTHsafsfuj tsasafc-aAAWBoBaBKHa. t BP. . ." M SMIiisAt. ..) dim