$$ UYING AN AUTO IS LIKEPICKING A WIFC-ONtY a COSTSMORE AND DOES NOT LAST SO LONG K Wwxm A Marshfield Woman onco said: "I buy ndvortlsod artlclcn bccnuno thoy aro Invariably worth what I pny for tliom." Tho merchants with tho heat reputations for Integrity and honest merchandise, aro without exception, thoso who ndvertlso tliolr goods unceasingly. The Determination of value received In advertising Ilea solely with tho results secured. Try tho columns of The Coos Bay Times they nro clean and dependable. Tho readers of Tho Tlmog havo conftdonco In tho nds appearing therein. V.f MEMUKK OP TUft A8SO01ATK1) PltlUwa VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 n Tlio Coast Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A OotmoMdntlon of Times, Const Mull nil Ooni tlnr Artrorflwp No. 141 "lHilFW ?m. . .r . 'tfy7'1 nfinji r-wpwRtpjj r",WWBHTSrl r7-T (&nm mm FRENCH GUIS IN ALSAGE (HE ONLY DEVELOPMENTS III WAR TODAY Germans Admit Loss of Steinbach After Overwhelming Artil lery Fire, But Claim Trenches Lost With It were Later Recaptured Fighting Less Severe GERMAN COUNTER ATTACKS STARTED BY ALLIES Russians Report Severe Fighting But Germans uiaim situation mere uncnangeu anu That Kaiser's Troops Continue Attacks ' (13y Associated I'rcBS to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Jan. 4, Tho capture by the French of Steinbach, smnll Alsnnlnn town ner Miami, was admitted in tho Ber lin ctniomont inHnv. TIig ndvanco of the French was pre ceded by artillery fire which tho German statement describes K .tl. ' . .-J ..!.!!. AitnKLl 4Un CirArtU 4n AnMint IS OVeiWIlOimmg, Will WI1IUI ho trfliidiBs near Sennheim. trenches wore later re-captured, The Gorman statement BQVS1 ilirvnnnt fnr Ililc flrrhilnrr fllnilf ihn RflStfilTl Qnd of tllO bat- Ilo front, tliore is littte activity, parently having naiteu onectuany me lorwuiu muvmuuiu yhich the Allies attempted last ' Cm. Imnnrinnf irn n5 wnrp fi Mnflmont. uiilrli nln snvs tho uro a village in tho Meuse region failad, I, Tho Gorman statement manes no moimuii ui mo auvmo lilt tho situation is unchanged lontlnue. T GAINS OF ALLIES Sav French Overwhelmed the tTrenches With Artillery- Counter Attack succeeds K ly Awoclt4 Vttn lo Coo Hr Tlmm.l IjJEULIN, Jun. 4. (Uy Wlroloss). U10 otflclul communication this at brnooii says: "In tho west, oxcopt lr a moro or loss heavy nrtlllory com- Rt along tho front, it lo gonornlly kilot. Only near Thnnn, Alsaco, did ho onomy show any groat activity. Lftor on overwhelming hombanlnient tho heights west of Sonnholm, tho aemy succeeded In capturing our I'einoltshod trenchCH on thoso heights ad In connection thoro with tho vll- go of Stolnhnch, which wo stubborn- defended. Tho heights woro ro- nkon during tho night nftor a bayo- lot attack nnd tho fighting for tho Hllago of Steinbach still continues tho eastern theater, tho situation unchanged. Our attacks In Poi nd oast of tho Itawkn Itlvor con- Inuo." iTATEHT OF Iflnnrts Hnlrn IMfinr Sea. With Artillery and. Infantry En gagements r-urtner tast IBj AOCUtd PfW 10 COM B7 lllDM. PARIS, Jan. 4, Tho official state- but this nftornoon says: "From no sea to tho Olso, tho day passed almost comploto calm. In front Noulottes our heavy nrtlllory educed Iho Gorman battorlos to sl- bnco. Wo camo Into possession several points of support hold tho Germans In tho roglon of Bribes nnd of Mesnll Los Hurlus. In offqrt was mado yostoropy by r troops to occupy IJoureulllos, lit did not succeed. Our ndvanco kntlnued In tho Lopretro forest. tho upper Alsaco wo occupied Important height west of Cero- ky. A German counter attack was iimlsed. In Steinbach wo havo psseBslon of tho vicinity near tho lurch and cemetory." DKSTHOV SIOXU3IKXT. IBy ABocltea r lo Coot Br Time. pASHVILLE, N. C, Jan. 4. Word Ea been recolved hero of tho destruc- an by dynamlto of tho Monument on aunt Mitchell, tho highest point east tho Rocky Mountains, erected 26 ara aco in memory of Professor llsha Mitchell, for whom tho nioun- ln was natnd. It Is not known who lmltted Ho act. lllavo your JOIJ WOHIC dono at erins ADM! FRENCH GHAMGES HALT ADVANCE IN BELGIUM AND hKANUb in Eastern Theater of war UNUUIUU 1MB iiciiou iu uuyu,;jr as well as Steinbach. Those German counter attacks ap monu . , . ..,,, imil R Rf 111 tlfl Fl'dlCi Of TIC a attomnt of the All es to cap- and that the German attacks Meetinq of Nations of Amc'r- ican Continuent to be Held in Washington inr amocuii rmi to coo nr tibim.) HOME, Jan. 1, Deputy Cavag nnrl Iieb presented an Interrogation to his government requesting to know what action Italy is likely to tako In view of tho American Initiative In calling a conforonco of nations of tho Ainorlcnn continent In Wash ington noxt spring. Tho conforonco roforrod to Is cnllod by tho United States to study financial nnd commercial probloms confronting tho two Americas as a rosult of tho European wnr. TT Announce Capture of 5000 Men. and 40 Officers and Many Guns in Caucasus U7 AuoclttKl I'rfti lo Cooa D7 TlmM.) PKTIlOailAD, Jan. 4. Tho Itus slan gonornl start In tho Caucasus Issued tho following official stnto mont: "In tho region of Sari Kam ysh, on January 1. Great hnttlo contlnuod, obviously to our advan tage. Tho onomy, howovor, contin ued to 'offer obstlnnto resistance. Wo captured C000 soldlors, 40 of ficers and sovornl surgoons; uIbo captured six pieces of mountain nr tlllory nnd H mnchlno guns. Noxt day tho fighting was still going on. Our troops ro-enpturod somo posi tions which tho Turks had occuplod. Tho conditions nro exceptionally painful on account of tho cold nnd snow In high altitude." LEFT Miss Grace Hoadley Dodge of New York Bequeathes Large Sum to Charity Also Iljr AuoclateJ Prcn to Coo Dr TlmM. NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Miss Grace Hoadloy Dodge, philanthropist, who died hero December 27, loft moro than $1. 200,000 to public and re ligious Institutions under her will, filed today for probate. Tho bequests Include $500,000 each to tho Teach ers' College of Columbia University and tho National Board of tho Young Women's Christian Association of the United States. ICDNFERENCE DM" EUHDPEJM WAR RUSSIANS GIN AGAINS URKS MILLIONS EDUCATO nriish Ai Uo s. c rfSSN ItOL IlOMItH IX HIIUSHICKS (Br Auoclithl Trcti In Cool Tltr TlmM.) LONDON, Jan. 1. According to an Amsterdam dispatch, I-"ronch nvlators dropped bombs In tho vicinity of Drussols Sat urday, partly destroying a Zep pelin shed under construction and killing several Germans. WOULD STOP EXPORT OF WAR CARGOES Wr AuocltttJ l'nM to Cook Hay TlmM. WASHINGTON, 1. C, Jan. 1. "Forbid cxportattons of nil munitions of wnr that nro contraband and you will remove tho oxcuso for Ilrltlsh conduct, which called forth tho nolo of protest recently sent to London," snld Theodora Suto of Now York, nd drcsslng tho IIouso Foreign Rela tions committee In fnvor of tho Con gressional resolution to stop exports of war. Delegations from Now York, Philadelphia, Chicago nnd Haltlu'oro, among thorn Gorman, American AUI unco nnd Anclont Order of Illbornl nnH, appeared In favor of tho resolu tion. FEDERAL SHIPS Vote of 48 to 29 in Favor of Government Owned Vessels Temporarily Tabled lljr AwocUtM I'rm to Coo I)r Tlrati.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 4. Tho administration ship purchnso bill was mado tho unfinished business of tho Sonnto today, but It wbb tempor arily laid nBldo to mnko way for ap propriation bills. Senator Lodgo de manded a rocord voto, which showed IS for nnd 29 against. Sonntor Gal Ungor, Republican leader, declared that Congress should pass tho sup ply bills and go homo. OF STEALING WIFE Walter Oldland, of South Inlet, Has Richard Preston Arrest ed Cast Settled Richard Preston, employed ns a boll boy at Tho Chandlor hotel, wus arrostod Saturday night on a war rant Issuod by Justlco Ponnock In which Walter Oldland, of South In let, accused Preston of "wrong fully, folonlously and unlawfully" taking his fifteen-year-old wlfo. Old land and his wlfo had been married only threo months nnd ho charged Preston with enticing hor nwny from him. She was formerly. Hazel Mason. Preston first waived tho prelimin ary and his ball was fixed nt $500. JIo could not glvo It, his frlond Ed wards of Bunker Hill not having that much proporty. Thon Pres ton was placed In Jnll and Justice Pennock wont homo. "" ' About 0:30 ho was called d.own .again and found that Oldland and Preston had compromised and, Old land wanted to withdraw tho ,chargos.. Preston ngreod not to bother Mrs. Oldland any moro- nnd also to pay tho costs of tho action and $35 attorney fee which Oldland had Incurred. Preston claimed that ho was 26 years old and had served in tho navy, Ho said that ho was a "bum actor" and when ho first met Mrs. Oldland ho was looking for four girls to tako part In a minstrel show. He said that ho did not qualify for that and ho dropped the homo talent show plan. Later ho SENATE cc MA n n re mox to T7n pper n itauan Negotiations Over Protest of United States Against Seiz ures Are Progressing EMBARGO ALSO LIFTED ON OTHER COUNTRIES Restriction That Cargoes Must be Carried on Vessels of Certain Nations WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 4. Dovelopmonts In tho negotiations to stop Drltlsh Interruptions of copper shipments reached a point, It Is understood hero today, whero Great Urltaln will not lntorfero with shipments to woll-kuown Italian firms If thoy nro mado In Italian ships. Shlpmouts to well-known manufacturers In Sweden nnd Holl nnd will nlBo bo uninterrupted, but It tins not been mado plain If they must bo mndo In ships of thoso counlrloH. - ltAISI'3 I-'ItKIGHT 1IATKS 1 t)r AocltJ I'rm to Coo nr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Public honrlngs on freight rates Increases proposed by railroads west of tho Mississippi Hlvor will begin In Chlcngo February 15 and will bo conducted b' Intorstnto Comtnerco Commis sioner Daniels, Tho roailB ask for Increased rates based upon traffic conditions and upon movement of individual classes and commodities. L Des Moines Passenger Train on M. & St. L Ditched Near Albert Lea, Minn. rat uxit4 rru to cw cr rim.i ALD13RT LEA, Minn., Jnn. 4. Twolvo persons woro Injured, tliroo of them probably fatally, enrly to day, when tho fast Dob Moines south bound pasBongor train on tho Minne apolis & St. Louis Railroad was wrecked nt Emmons, Minn., by a do foctlvo switch. Tho chair car nnd smoker woro demolished. UP AT COOUILLE Bandon Perjury Trials Post noned for Week Geo. W. King Trial Tomorrow (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Jan. 4. Owing to tho absonco of Attorney Gobs In Portland, tho trials of Huhy Slmpson Nosler and Mrs. Pfortner on an In dlctmont for perjury, growing out ol tho Coach-Slmpson-Troadgold cas 03 nt Bandon, was put off until tho latter part of tho wook by Judgo Cok latter pnrt of tho week by Judgo Coke today. Goo. W. King, proprietor of t!.o Enterprlso Meat Market In Marsh field, will bo tried tomorrow for bas ing a boathouBo for immoral purpos es. Georgo Frances Is now on trial for robbing tho Owl Saloon In Marshflold. James O'Brien, charged with rob bory In Marshfield, will bo tried Jan uury 1 1. Prosiwr Cui,o Set, Orlando Smith of Prosper will bo tried January C on Indictments charg ing him with statutory offenses against Prosper girls. Tom Preston, Indicted for gamb ling, has Jumped his $50 ball and a bench warrant has been Issued for him. Mrs. Jesslo Qulgley and Wnv R. Young, arrested nt Tho Dalles on a statutory charge, will bo tried separ ately, admitted meeting her at various times. Justlco Pennock allowed Oldland to withdraw tho complaint and Pres ton was given his freedom. TWELVE NJURED T WRECK GIL ES tv" n diw 11 4. . I LONDON STOCK HXCIIAXCJH I I (njr Ainoilaloil I'ni to Coo txj Time. LONDON, Jan. I. Tho Lon- don stock exchunge re-nponed j for business today after having j i been closed slnco July 10. j Sovero lestrlctloitH were placed upon trading to prevent tho j panic Belling of securities. j 4 AUSTRIAN SAYS THEY ARE WINNING I)r AiocUt.l I'm to Coo njr Time. WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 4. Tho Austro-Huugnrlnn minister of foreign affairs sent the following dis patch to tho embassy hero: "Tho wholo press, In taking n re trospective view of tho flvo months of wnr, expresses tho firm conviction that tho Austro-Hungnrlan monarchy united with Germany, Is adequate to bravo ovory storm. Tholr success until now by land and sea, tho finan cial stability of tho troops and tho courage and porsevoranco of tho troopH havo glvon tho country Im perturbable confldonco In victory." F Sam Levikow Wanted at Se attle for Stealing $2000 Worth of Goods Escapes (tljr Aiocltto! I'rct to Coo IUj Time. SEATTLE, Jan. 4. Sam Lovlkow, allaB Sam Bowors, who was arrested In St. Joseph, Mo., nnd was bolng brought back to Soattlo by a deputy Bhorlff, Jumped from tho rapidly mov ing train near Auburn, Wash., today and escaped. Lovlkow was allogcd to havo stolon $2000 worth of mer chandise from an Importing firm hero. OF OFFICERS HELD UP Senator Cummins Opposes Hall's Re-appointment to In- terstate Commerce Body (0 AwocUtoJ Trt to Coo nr Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnh. 4.- The renomlnatlon of Henry Clay Hall to tho Intorstnto Commerco Commis sion was hold up today by tho Son ata Intorstnto Commerco Commlttoo at tho request of Republican Sena tors. Senator Cummins snld several members wanted to know moro about why the Commission recently revers ed Itself and granted tho freight rato Increases to tho eastorn railroads. OPPOSED TO NWINa. Of AMOCltlal frtu lo Coo I)? TIcom.1 WASHINGTON. D. C. Jau, 4. Adverse roports on tho nomination of Judgo Ewlng Ulnnd of Kansas City to- bo United States Marshal of tho Western District of Missouri was voted by tho Senate Judiciary comniltteo. CARRANZA STAFF ALL OKFICKIIS UXDER (JENKKAL JEUSUS OAHHAXZA'S COMMAND PUT TO DKAfril IX MKXIO) UEPOHTS VEUiriKD. (1)7 AuofUtM riu to Cooi Bf TlmM J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 4. Official dispatches from Carranza's (headquarters at Vera Cruz to tho agency nero touny connrmou eiwiiur ronorts of tho arrest of Genoral Jesus Carratiza and tho execution of all his staff on Isthmus Tohauntopec. Seips RSOE JUMPS i TT NOMINATION WS EXECUTED STEVE GEORGE FOUND LOCAL ROOMING Fire of Unknown Origin Caus ed About $4500 Loss in Marshfield Last Night Flro of unknown origin Inst night destroyed tho V. E. Westorborg homo on North Second street. Tho build ing with all its contents whb destroy ed. Tho loss on tho house Is about $2000 and on tho contents about $2G00, partially covered by Insur ance. Tho flro vms discovered about 11 o'clock and had gained such headway that for a few minutes It threatened to destroy at least two adjoining homes, thoBo of Guy Wnrnor and Cap tain Byrd Lnttln. Howovor, by quick nnd cffcctlvo work with tho now flro englno, tho blaze was con fined to tho ono structure Just how tho tiro started will never bo known. Mrs. WcBtorborg and lit tlo son aro visiting In Bandon and about 5:30 yesterday nttoroon Mr. Westorborg went homo, started a flro and took u bath. Ho left about 7 o'clock to get his dinner at tho res taurant. Boforo leaving, ho fixed tho heating stovo flro so that tho hotiBO would bo warm whou ho re turned. Aftor dinner ho went to tho show and Inter dropped Into Hlllyor's for a gamo of cards and wns thoro when tho flro alarm sounded. It was first reported that tho tiro had probably boon started by an ex plosion, but Flro Chief Keating says that this 1b not correct. Ho Bays that tho explosion which Otto Schotter and others heard Just boforo tho alarm was caused by tho flro breaking out through tho windows. When it was discovered, a largo crowd quickly assomblod, for It could bo plainly seen from all parts of town. Tho closo proximity of tho Cnnt. Lattln and Guy Wnrne.r homes caused thorn to move out all tholr bo longings. Tho Anson Hogors homo nearby was also throatcuod for a tlmo by tho blnzo. Luckily thoro was no wind and to tho calm prevailing Is ascrlbod largely tho prevention of a flro that might havo swept tho wholo block of homos. Tho new flro englno could not bo taken across tho fN'orth Broadway brldgo and so It was attached to tho hydrant ut the cornor of Brondway and Aldor. It did very offectlvo work nftor tho sovoral hundred feet of hoso wns strung up tho hill. Ik'luy in Alarm. For boiho reason or other thoro was a delay of about twelve minutes in sounding tho flro whlstlo. Tho flro gong was sounded twlco boforo tho flro whlstlo wns blown. Flro Chief Keating Is trying to havo this remedied today. Ho says that parties reporting fires should bo moro explicit. Tho party turning In tho alarm last night did not glvo tho name or tho proper location, X IiiMiiuiico on Utilise. Thoro was no Insurance on tho) house that burned. Arthur Mc Koown had written somo policies on other houses belonging to Mrs. Mlnot, who now lives In Berkeley,) California, which adjolnod tho burn-1 od building, Tho building was val-i uod at about $2000. F. E. Wosterborg carried $1400 1 Insurance on his household belong-1 lngs, but his loss will total ovor $2C00, excluding n lot of family bo longings, Including much laco and fancy work which Mrs, Westorborg hnd stored In somo trunks and which she had made horself. Not n thing was saved from tho dwelling. LYNCH TWO XEGltOKS Alabama Mob Kvctutes Black Mon Accused of Hlnyliig Furmer (Or AMoclttwJ Pre to coo Uj Time. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Jan. 4. Two nogroes, Edward and Will Smith, woro taken from tho Wo tumpka Jail early today and lynched by a mob. Thoy had beon accused of Implication In tho murder of B. A. Stlllwell, an Elmoro county furmer. IJbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU havo ALWAYS U8KD. Phono 72. Pacific Llvory unil 'Iruiiifer Company. .. WESTERBERG HOI BURNED TO GROUND OE HOUSE LATE TODAY Well Known Greek Shot Through Heart and Notes Say Suicide WAS DESPONDENT OVER ABSENCE OF FAMILY Reports of Possible Murder Not Credited by Other Greeks and Officers ' Stovo George, n well known Crook, who formerly conducted a Grook coffeo houso on North Front stroet Just south of Aldor, wns found dond with a bullet wound near his hearth, In tho Pioneer Booming Houso this afternoon. .Two notes woro found near by, saying that ho lntendod to kill hlm solf and that no ono olso Bhould bo blamed. Tho rovolvor wns lying on tho drossor. Just when ho killed hluiBolf In not cortnln. "Mrs. Bnscom, who con ducts tho lodging houso sntd that alio did not hear any shot. Sho discovered tho body about 1:30 this afternoon when sho opened tho door' to tnko caro of tho room. Gordon Smith Bald that about 4 o'clock this morning ho heard tho report of a gun but was unablo to locato It, Two notes woro tound. Both woro written In Grcok. Ono was, addressed to A. O. Theodoro, who Is employed In tho Smith mill and who hnd known htm for four years. It simply bndo him good byo and said not to blnmo him. . In tho other tfotc, Qeorgo declar ed ho had bought tuo revolver from a man who was broke, for fifty conts, and that whon ho bought It, ho Intended to kill himself. Humors of foul play which wcro provalont, are dlsco'untcnancod by Coroner Wilson and tho othor Crooks. Thoy Bay that tho notes woro in Goorgo's handwriting and that It was certain ho hnd commit ted Biilcldo. Not long ngo Goorgo became In volved In somo trouble ovor a card gamo or something in his tattoo house. Then ho wbb stabbed by Stovo PnnugroB, nnothor Grook, who Is now at Myrtlo Point. Family In Greece, Goorgo Is said to havo como from a well-to-do family In Asia Minor. Ho had his brothor-In-law and wlfo como to San Mntoo, California and vlstod thorn last sunuuor, Ho tried to get his wlfo and son to como but was unablo to do bo, During tho Balkan War, tho Turks drovo the Greeks out of tho old homo town nnd confiscated their proporty and Goorgo's wife and sou woro among tho victims. It Is not aura that ho know whore thoy woro, thoy having beqn returnod to Greeco. Georgo Is snld to havo had quite a lot of money loaned out to var ious Greoks In this locality. Goorgo grieved over tho absonco of his family. No Inquest, Coronor Wilson said that It ap peared to bo plainly a caso of suicldo and that ho probably would not hold an Inquest. Tho funornl will bo charge of local Greeks. CHILE WILL SEND ' TO CANAL Announces That Finest Vessel in Navy Will Participate in Panama Canal Parade 11 AuocUtM ft V n. uuol t-T Tim 1 SANTIAGO, Chile, Jan. 4. Tho Chilean government had decided to send tho battleship, Captain Prat, tho finest vessel In tho Chilean navy, to tako part In the International naval parade In connection with tho formal oponlng of tho Panama Canal. JAPAN'S ItKPItKSKNTATIVE (Or AHOcUttd rre to Coo B7 Time. TOKlo, Jan. 4. Tho Japanese cabinet has designated Admiral Baron Shlgeto Dowa as special en voy to tho Panama-Pacific Exposi tion. In tho Russo-Japaueso war ho was with Togo at tho Port Ar thur blockade and later commanded a squadron during tho naval battle with Russians In the Sea of Japan, S U) TIMES office.