VHHIVi'aiKf'i1' itWWSf rnm- . ,,ww'mwmmmwwmimM' THE COOS BAY TIME'S, 'MAKSHFlKL'B;Rl6l)fSA,tllRDAY JANUARY1 2, 1915-EVEIlll!G EDITION. SEVEr' j VTimmis - "w B 1 lm! ;ftd V Ml 1 p IPRflpSSIONAL DIRECTORS !" E. ffliard McClure I 'mB&ttorney at law I JafflrRctlccs In all courts. 1 RoftgRtlt, Flanagan & Bennett ltnnl UJ H.ljffl lamer I HOUSE BUILDER al Rophlrlng and Cablnot Mntrlnt. Pho5f40-J. . yrgr - i J. MWright Iliono J88-R. ILIHNfl CONTRACTOR bates furnished on request M. Shaw i' Knr, Noso and Thront. 5. GLASSES FITTED TTIIfl II. SHAW of Women nntl Cliilrirea hollo 330-.T. Roomn 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. in" Ostlind ULTING ENGINEER AND j jBP! fBBSh WW 'mm. AUCH1TECT i HffrftTrlnna 9011 Trtsltltr tltnplr PiwH03-L or 2C7-J. Marshfleld, Ore501 AHOH1TEOT 301 nnd 302, Coko Dulldlnt jAnrshflold, Oregon 'fiamk WmHS. Turpen AHUHITKUT Marshflold, Oregon. tlind tuner and repairer rrdorB nt W. It. Halnoa' Mu pnny. sixth streot. mono 103-L ley Ballinper WIST AND TKAUIIKU e Studio, 217 No. Third Bt Pliono 3G8-L. ERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. if Commercial & B'dw'y tMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. fofjI'Fancy and Domestic CHINA IN'T IT THE TRUTH. never blnmo tho tnllor when pnnts wo havo to pin, oovor blnmo tho shoo man (on our Bolca grow old and lover blnmo tho hnttor our llda wo havo to Bt. ro always blnmo tho laun- irhon our Bhlrts wear out. JJAY STEAM. LAUNDRY rtiono 57-J. P. LAWRENCE HOTEL I formorly tho Coos Hotel) hoat, hot nnd cold wator. ,j No liquor. Invito you to Investigate our er rntcs. Special Inducement two or moro persons occu- j mo room. IlISIAN OLEANINQ AND f DYEING WORKS fWost Mnrkot Ave., cornor Second Stroot. er now manngomont. Prices I' nnd nil work satisfactory. miles' work n Bpcclulty. bo 17C-J. J. S. STEVENS, Prop. LET US MAKE 'OUR ABSTRACTS & Trust Co., Abstracts. jughly dopondnblo, Irarao 1 sorvlce. nromnt nttentlon Itll Intorests of our cllonts. ;N I M U M O O S T IS. KAUFMAN & CO. ty ordering tho fainoiw IL 1, per ton SI. on ;oal. per ton $0.00 It ton of both s?..oo 1). MUSSON, Prop. 1C-Z, or leave orders at Hlllycr's Cigar Store. r.w ilWUtWB WWW 4 JT1I COOS RIVER 1IOAT I SERVICE j LAUNCH EXPRESS j pes Maihlifleld every (lay in. Lcnics head of rher I nt :t:15 p. in. j I STEAMER RAINBOW as head of river dally nt 7 1. Lenves Mnrs"fleld nt 2 p. I "! charier upply on hoard. ROGERS & SMITH I Proprietors j , Read J?M to (&) - JUMP, pBfi . oiB ; 4i , ' 1m SAVE MONEY Ml ECO HE TIMES The Cheerful Warmth of a Gas Room Heater chases chill and gloom There is nothing so cheerless and gloomy as a cold room. ' Most every house has its cold room or cold corner which is avoided as a pest. The gas room heater will make such a place inviting and cozy put a tone of cheer in the entire household. 1 Gas room heaters arc light easily moved from room to room. ' You can have the heat just where you need it. Gas room heaters are inexpensive to buy and cost little to operate. See the complete display of gas room heaters at the Oregon Power Company office. .Every thing from a tiny bathroom heater up. Use iron pipe connections Oregon Power Co. Second and Phone High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery sorvice Effi cient clerks being out of tho high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Gonner &THoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway.. Phones 348-J and 326 Coos Bay Stationery Co. 93 Central Avenue. Phone 430. . TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES .. ,. RIBBONS CARBON PAPER The kind you will eventually Insist upon. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years nnd alot of our customers will tell you whon It comes to getting good, sqund, durable framing matorlal at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and we'll got busy with our pencil and figure out the host your uonoy enn buy. Try ui. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL niLL 1 TWO HY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. IBS SOUTH RHOAPWAY Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot nfford to bo without hoalth or accldont Insuranco You not only need tho lhstirnnco, hut you want to bo suro nnd havo tho correct policy In tho best nnd most rollablo company In the business. See mo or phono me at once nnd I will explain It to you, E. I. CHANDLER, Agent Marshflold. 300 Coko Dividing. COOS BAY WATER CO. Marshfield, Ore. Family water rate3 fixed by State First faucet -. Additional faucets for bowls, sinks, Baths .: Additional baths . . , Toilets Additional toilets Rales payablo In udvanco before "the I not rubber tubing. Central 178 Railroad Commission. 90 etc . . ; , . . . 10 , 25 :.,...,, ,20 50 25 10th of each month. I News of the S ( (ioviTuniciit Furnishes Cheap Meals I for Poor People. 1 inr Ansoclatol I'rcM to Coos Iljr TIniM PARIS, .Inn. 2. Soup nnd boiled bcof distribution lias been undertak en on n largo scnlo In Paris to meet tho winter's demand. Pieces of beet which, though wholcsomo nnd nutri tions, nro not ndvnntngcous for tho feeding of tho soldiers on account of weight nnd cumhorBomcncss, nro I sent by tho army butchers to tho soup kitchens for tho poor,' to bo Bold nt tho lowest prlco that nets actual cost. Tho soup was sold first at 0 bo us a lltro nnd tho same prlco for n half pound of beef, hut tho soup hns , now been reduced to 2 bous n lltro i nnd the heef to I bous a pound. From 10 o'clock In tho morning until 3 In the afternoon, a long lino i composed mostly of women nnd children with their pots, pnlts nnd Jugs, nwnlt their turn to bo served nt tho stock yards. j Tho soup kitchens havo extended all over Paris, and now moro tlinn 10,000 persons, representing ns many families, nro served dally nt an op tional cost of 2 cents. So mnny havo como Hint tho enter prise hns turned out to bo n protlt nblo venturo, ami the profits, to which the city of Paris added a Bum of 5000 francs Which wns generally rcsorvod ns an Indemnity for summer holiday vacation of tho stock-yard employees; nro to bo used to purchnso warm clothing for soldiers. This hn taken tho Idea of charity . out of tho ontorprlso nnd made tlioso I who bring tholr 2 sous or -I sous co- ' partners in an enterprise for tho com fort of tho men In tho trenches. Up to tho present tlmo theso poor pcoplo havo sent moro than a thous Bnnd full sots of wurm clothing to tho soldiers, besides tho snmo iium- ( her of pipes nnd n consldorablo quan tity of tobneco. I At ono part of tho stock ynrd a lino may ho scon every day, composed 'chiefly of old men nnd invalids wait ing to pay their penny for n pint of . ox blood. This Individual fntXnnco or tho work at tho stock yards Is typical of mnny pathetic enscs. I "A lltro of boullllon, ploiiBo," nsk ed n bout old woman with a fow scattered gray hairs, In a timid volco I to tho butcher In charge Tho butch er scrutinized hor and reached for n i larger ladlo; tho lltro ho mndo moro than measure and dropped n good chunk of boiled heot with it Into hor pall. Tho old lady handed out n copnbr 2-sou ploco. The man looked I at it, forced a sovoro expression nnd handed It back, Baying: "It's no good; I it's got n liolo In it." Tho old lady i looked from tho man to tho plcco 'disconsolately and began to search for tho holo, which Bho was unable 1 to find. "ICcdp it, old Indy, porhrips It'll bring you luck." Then sho un derstood, muttored a "God blCBsyou," wlpod n tenr from her eyes nnd nm blcd off. TO SAVIJ HOUSES Wr AiaorlalM Trfea Io Cooa na; Tlmea.l LONDON, Jnn. 2. Tho Illuo Cross fund Is not- only trying to illlovfato tho Buffering of wounded hprbos, but also (o lesson tho waste iago of horsoflcBh In war. In vlow I (if tho fact that tho four months' fighting haa drained Europe of Its 'supply of hoi bos, tho nlliod army , looks to tho Bltio Cross to savo animals for further servlco. Thoro hnvo boon ostubllshcd In Franco, largely through tho co-op-ertlou of the French government, Vetorlnnry hospitals which aro now taring for snmo 2000 animals. jTlneo of thoso farm hospitals aro In Normnndy, and othors at Glsorn, Fontalnobjcnti, Provonqo cud Troyes. Scaou camp hospltnls nro also es tablished nt tho front, which look alter animals suffering from over uor)', cxposuro and sickness, ns well as from wounds. Prompt treat ment hns materially reduced the death rato. The Itlut Cross fund Is nn off shoot cf tho Dumb Friends' Leaguo, which corresponds to tho Society for tlio Prevention of ,Cruqlt,y to A'llmals of tho Amorlcau cities. NOTED ATIILI'7r'Kfi MISSING. II V r Aasorlste Prcaa to Cooa Hajr Timfi.) ' LONDON, Jan. 2. In every army training camp in England cross coun i try running Is a, part of the work of fitting tho now soldlors for service. ' It has developed a number of well I known athletes, among them G. W. I Hutson, now numbered among tho missing, who is rnnkod na tho great- cat distance runner of tho present day In England. World's Greatest War From Day to Day WUSOF Effmt Made to Get Lino on People Who Plod 1'Yoin Unhappy Lund (Or AMoclaieir Pmi io Cooa nr Time, LONDON Jnn. 2. A gonornl census of nolglnn rolvigccs In Eng land lniH been ordcrod that King Albert's cablnot m-y know vnero tho llolglans subject to military sni'vlco nro quartered. It has been estimated that 20, 000 llelglnns of military ago enmo to l.'uglnnd, but such otalniatcs nro luct'ssuiily Inaccurate. In tho rush fiom Antwerp nnd Ostend It was impossible to keep any ncctirato r cordb. Mnny of tho rcfugeos who had money enmo Independent of any organized agency nnd consequently the governments of Rolglum and Rnglnnd havo no knowlcdgo of tholr moonieuts. Tho employment of Ilelglr.ns In Englnnd has raised many Btubborn quertlone. Relief committees havo lot oncournged Bolglnna to accept employment where they would com pete with English' labor and thero li:iH bftn n studied effort on the pa-t of English committees through out thn Islnnd to provont llelglnns from accepting n lower wngo than that otdlnnrlly paid to Engllshimin or Englishwomen. In Franco tho refugees havo al most lnvnrlably found employment, especially tho men of nil ages. Tho Frenchmen hnvo nearly all gono Into tho Borvlco, with the result tint Ilolglnns who hnvo any knowledge of railroading, brldgo building, .lic trlcnl construction or engineering work of nny sort, nro Instantly put to work. Some llolglans hravo boon leav ing England for tho United States, hue they nro chlofly oldor men nnd women who formorly lived In Amer ica nnd hnvo rclntlvcs nnd friends there. Thoro has boon no largo movomont of DolglmiB toward Amer ica as yet, and no objection has beiui raised to tholr doparturo from England, whoro thoy had pnpors showing who they woro nnd what thrir reasons woro for lonvlng. TATOOKHS A1IE HU8Y (llf AacUIJ rrraa to Com Hit TlnM. LONDON, Jnn. 2. Slnco tho outbreak of wnr tntooors havo boon particularly busy decorating tho a nils of British soldiers nnd sailors nnd mnny Belgians with Inscrip tions. A fnvorlto decoration Is tho Eng lish flng with tho words "Death to tho Gormnns," or "Down with tho Gormnns" undornonth tlioso bolng Inrgoly patronized by Belgian nnd British soldlors. A bulldog standing by tho Union Jack Is also In great domand. Somo soutlmentnl Tommies hnvo pictures of tholr girls or names of them inscribed on tholr arms. uiuura unvo ino names or wioir roglmcuts put In. Ono sailor Is said to havo tho nnmes of 1j!h wife nnd five children pricked on his nrm. Many soldiers bollovo In tntoolng ns n bort of Inoculntlon against fovor, whllo sailors bollovo tho idoa Is handed down from tho tlmo when riniralni- wns In vncun. Tlinn II wiik tho prnctlro to havo n cross tatoood on tho back which mleht mtfn tlmni when tho tlmo for iiiinlshinont enmo. Ono of tho victims In tho recent "Bulwark" disaster wns lndontlflod by cortain tatoo marks. TURKS CUT OUT FBHXCII f Iljr AuoelaleJ I'rrta to Cooa Ilax Hiiim ) AMSTERDAM, Jnn. 2. In vlwo bf tho Porto's alllanco with (lor ninny, Fronch words to bo found in Turkish vocabulary nrb to ro- plnccd with Gorman, according to Gorman dispatches published hore, Honcoforfh Turks will eny Horr, Frnn. Froulnln. Frnlhorr. (Sr'nf. lilt. tor, Fuorst, Grossfuorst and Erzhor-' zog. I Tho teaching of Gormnn Is to ho, mado moro gonort.1 'In tho schools; French la to bo abandoned, SOLDIERS NEEDS HO.Y rUr Aaaocla(eJ Prw'a Io Cooa IMT Tlmaa LONDON, Jan, 2. Socks Socks! socks! Ib what tho soldier most neods. This Is emphasized In al most ovory letter from tho front. "May I bo forgiven," writes an offlrnr "fnr ,IIrrictlni vnnr phnr- oiiicer, tor oireciing our ennr- Itablo efforts and suggest mat wo canuot huvo' too many consignments of socks, very largo sizes proferrod, made of thick wool. As you know tho men lu wot trenches tiro often for days together unublo to tuko their hoots Off: thn result fs sore BELGIANS! foot. and. at times frost-blto. which I mf .nro "ow w,tnollt mono'- J,an nffnctfi.i thm snvorolv durlne tho IJStato3 hnvo boon ruined. Tho great cold snap ten days ago. Tho gov-' eminent nnd prlvato porsons utjnccU8to,no ' luxury aro living wlth homo havo boen very gonorous In tho out eervanta In sinnll quarteis. turn- matter of warm clothes, but foot-' goar is always wearing out." , 1ST IN I IN FRANCE! Br AMoctatetl Trcaa to Cooa Par Times.) LONDONI), Jan. 2. Tho throwing of 500,000 wounded French BoldlorB and thousands of Belgian nnd French refugees Into northorn Franco has ldd to a tcrrlblo condition there. Mrs. Harry Floyd, wlfo'of a widely known English artist, who hns returned hero temporarily from Borvlco In French hospitals, declares that tho suspension of Industries nnd the dlf f lenity In obtaining supplies from nbrond hns mndo tho problem of bub ,.. .,, , l talnlng life n sorloiiB ono. uoioiB and other buildings havo been taken by tho Government for llnnttltnla It, nil Mm (num. n.t .I1. I -uu,.,u ... .... iiiu tunna unu III- lngcs of northern Franco nnd nde- qmito furnlturo has been provided for most of these," says Mrs. Floyd, "but tho crying need is surgical in struments, nnncsthotlCB, antiseptics nnd nil kinds of hospital Biippllcs nnd clothing for lnvnllds brought from tho battlefield wearing only tho tatters of uniforms. "At Limoges, which Is not a Inrgo placo, 10,000 wounded nnd 40,000 refugees nrrlvcd In a single day In October. In many of tho government hospitals It has been necessary to put tho beds so closo together there Is not oven n passageway botweon thorn nnd tho pntlcnts must bo moved over ench olhor. At Amlons, Cnlals, nnd other towns near tho fighting lino condi tions nro much tho snmo. "I wns nt Houlgato for many weeks nsslBtlng thcro In a hospital which ac commodated 450 pntlcnts. Wo ex hausted our antiseptics. At times wo woro without other. I oven saw nurs es rownslilng old dressings becnuso thoro woro no now bandages to uso on wounds. All tho nntl-tctnnlc sor uni wns oxhnustcd nnd It Is not possi ble to obtain moro In Franco ns Its mnnufneturo has boon oxhntistcd. Groat Britain has forbidden tho ex portation of this Borunt as It re quires nil It manufactures and tho United States Is tho only sourco from which wo can now obtnln it for uso In Fronch hospitals. This serum Is especially necessary ns much of tho territory over which tho troops mo now fighting has been honvlly manur ed for conturles. Consequently nil wounds ' Instantly becomo Infected nnd tetanus Is gonornl. "It has been necessary at times to opcrnto without othor becauso It could not bo hnd. Poroxldo of hydro gen Is Boldom obtainable Alcohol of nlnoty-flvo dogreo Btrongth, so India ponslblo In tho emergency hospitals, ' cannot bo hnd. Tho Btirgoons and nurses do tho host tlioy can without buppllos, but immedlato assistance Is necessary if tho lives of patlonts nro demanded in hit complaint, a huc to bo saved In many of tho hospitals. clnct Btatomont of which is as fol- It is ImpoBslblo to glvo typhoid pat - louts proper trontment bocauso of lnck of holp nnd lack of biippIIob. Special nursos cannot bo provided ou" ot ono hundred and f irty doi for fovor patlonts. Thoy nro not',nra w,th 'ntorcst thoroln at tho nvallablo. Often ono nnrso will euro ! rftt o' ton V" cent per annum for Hpnr nf .uitinrit. i.nii. ,tnv nn.i night. Sho must slcop occasionally. Slio has no tlmo to lmtho tho fever sufferers, oven If sho hnd tho noces- l brtr' oqulpmont. It Is not uncommon ' for fovor ItlonB to wander nbout nt i nlK,,t ln tholr (lol,rll,m- Wnat c,lnllC0 . hnvo thoy to rocovor under such con - jdltlana? "j;r. Hntion uuost lias ostabllBlied ot -nn persons claiming by, through n number of Anglo-Fronch hospltalB. 0r under hlin, lit nnd to lot four of Tho American Ambulance has donoijock eight and lot sovon of block wonderful work nnd tho French gov-j three of tho town of South Mnrsh ernmont Ib making ovory effort with- field, Coos County, Oregon, nnd lot lu Its power to moot tho oxtrnordl- Jtlility-olglit of block tWenty-Blx of nary omorgency, but It must have as-' Itallroad Addition to Marshflold, slstanro. Moro surgeons, moro nurs- Coos County, Oregon, according to os nnd moro supplies nro required tho plntB thereof of rocord nnd on Immediately if tho lives of thousands ! 'Ho In tho office ot tho County of wounded nro to bo saved. Tho eltuatlon Is growing worso all tho tlmo becauso of the spread of typhoid among troops that have not boon In- nociilated against the dlseaao. Men who dovolop tho disease under pros- ent conditions nro practically doom ed to death." Mrs. Floyd Is an organUer of tho ..u.... ,.UvU u, , . vi, u, tho special purpose of nffordlng lm- ...cuiuio iuuoi in Kuvuiiiiiiuiu hosiu - tals where additional holp and sup plies nro roqulrod. Mrs. T. R. Swln- burno, wlfo of Major Swlnburno, 23or rwombor. 1914. dlroctlnK the OH "U'Rriton Plnrn. London. Wru.1. In Irons. . ' .. . M , , ' , ",'" ,;""; , . ... v,n,.,,v .v.,.vi, i-o ni- .muauuimi, Viuua vuuuiy, umsuu, tunlly all homes hnvo beon oponod'onco n wook for tho period of six lo the wounded and rofugcos nnd the consecutive weeks commencing with French people aro giving ovoi) thing tho first publication of the sura- thoy can for the wounded and tho sick. But oven tho wealthy Fionch- ho,1Bes havo beon closed and porsons ,n8 ver tholr Incomo to the homolow flna tho Injured. BERLIN MINI IF Germans Give Up St. Georges But Claim Capture of French and English Trenches ttlr AMoclMed l'rtm to Cooa liar Tlmra 1 DCItLIN, Jnn. 2. (by Wireless.) Tho following Is tho official com munication Frldny: "In tho western thenter nothing of Importnnco hnp pened nenr Nlcuport. The Idea of re taking St. Georges, which has been completely demolished by tho onemy'a artillery, was nlmndonod In vlow of the high lovol of tho water thoro. :"""? ' , '" Z. " ' l '," T" " ".'. i , ' . ,, ,, , . , Cnnal, wo captured an English trench '.,,. . ' .. , . I nnd In tho Argonno our attacks mado moro progress. Another 400 prlsoh- ors, six machine guns, four mlno throwers and numerous other arms nnd much ammunition fell Into our hands. A French camp northwest of St. Mlhlcl wns sot on flro by our ar tillery. "In tho eastern thent'or tho situa tion on tho East Prussian frontier nnd In Poland Is unchanged, a heavy mist preventing all operations." hospitals At iierl'in; inr AmixFuM ir I Cooa Oar TtraM.1 LONDON, Jan. 2. A correspond ent of tho British Modlcnl Journal states that twenty-flvo dm'orgoncy military hospitals havo boon estab lished In Berlin, With accommoda tions for 20,000 troops. Ono of tho lnrgcr hrfspltnls Is bonded In flho now buildings erected for uso In con nection with tho Olympic games. Others hnvo been placed In factories, museums nnd art galleries. Tho wounded nro conveyed singly from tho railway station to tho "hospitals In motor ambulances. A shortage of gnuzo and absorbent cotton is al ready making itsolt felt. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Sta'to of Oregon, In and for tho County of Coos. Homo Mortgage Co., n corpora tion, Plaintiff, vs. Eugono Arthur llormlda, Dofondaht. To Eugono Arthur llormlda; You nro horoby notlflod that you nro roqulrod to appear nnd answer tho complaint now on fllo agalhlit you In tho nbovo entitled court In tho nbovo entitled suit, in which tho Homo Mnrtgngo Co. is plaintiff nnd you nro defendant, on or bofore the 23rd day of January, 1915, tho uamo bolng tho last day for answer ing prescribed In tho ordo'r of pub lication of this Biimmons; and it you fall to appear or answer on or 'boforo said dnto tho plaintiff will ; apply to tho court for tho rollof 1 lows, to-wlt: Judgment In fnvor of plaintiff ngalnst tho snld dofondnnt for tho '"m the 21th day of Soptombor, 1913, nnd fifty dollars ns attornoy fees, togothor with plaintiff's costs and disbursements In this suit, and nlbo a docroo that plaintiff's mort gage described in tho complaint is tho first nnd prior Hon upon tho I nromlsos horonftor described, and ,, lc,creonB n foroclosuro nnd snlo ot in hS r)gllt( ttlo nn,j jntorost nnd , C'oric or uoos county, urogon; ana ' nt tho proceoda of said sale bo nppllod to tho coBts of making said Bn,Q nnd tno 8Um found to bo duo Plnlntl" therein ana hltf costs and Habursontenta In said suit, and that tho over-plus, if any thoro ho, bo paid Into court to nbldo tho fur ther ordor thereof. Servlro ot this summons is mada b publication In pursuance of tho 0Jdor mndo by tho HonoraWo Jolm S nnko .Tluin nf thn circuit Tourt w-"- ---WW ...w -. -. of tho State of Oregon, for thn County of Coos, dated tho 11th day ' i.n , ,,... i.. . n Tin.. imuuuaiiuii muiuui in i.iu viuuo n-i. o ..-v.. n..i.net,.i nf I .V..?, A'. l . '7"' --r mons on the 12th day of Decern- hor, 1914, W. U. DOUGLAS. Attornoy for Plaintiff. (First publication Doc. 12, 1914. Last publication Jan. 23. 1915.) Have you tried The Times' want ads? n i kj ii ni I in vk t f , I V, saMitttMfcfi