'a.taua59(fe3gi.ifir?cul' ?;53Svb3J . MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1915-EVEMIHG EDITION. ,uS BAY TIMES FOUR B $ H H t rA. - - J. B r iiMSi.Il)DD THIS II L I)AN K. MALONKY, News Editor miT HA PMnfiriP ffl D TUT Sill bflLtNUflna, run inL GUT PROSPECTS u U DAN Official Taper of Coos County Entorod at the PostoKIco at Jlarjb Hold, Orogon, for transmission through tho malli n lecond-clasi mall mattor. NEW YEAH Bi 'dually i-labllHhlnK liinnclu In other placos. In addition to tho IVi'tcr agency la Mnrsliflolil, the I firm also lias tho Victor ngoncy In Conulllo and Myitis Point and tho Kdlson Diamond Ilc ngoncy In 'North Hend as well as Marshflold. HO. Amlomon 1ms charge of MAKIXU tsi-: ok SCI 1 00 u l'ltornurv W M 4 n . B IN HIS annual report to tho Chicago ' board of education, Peter Iteln hcrK, until recently president of , that body, considered, nlonff with ?" other Biibjccts, ways of securing n greater utilization of school build ings. Although tho hoard has al ready moved far In this deslrahlo di rection, said Mr. Ilclnberg, thoro Is a question as to Its legal autnoruy ' thus to act In conformity with tho wishes of tho nubile. Knahllng legis lation was suggested to mako clear ' tho powers of tho hoard In this res pect. Attention was also culled by Mr. Itelnborg to tho need for moro , funds to ho used In furthering tho plan of making social centers of tho eohfool buildings. Not only should tho school rooms outsldo of school hours ho nvallablo for various purposes, Including tho holding of public meetings, but tho gymnasiums, also should bo open for u so under propor restrictions at oth er times than during tho school dny. Thero should ho correlation between park boards and other recreation agencies of tho city on tho 0110 hand and tho schol autlmrltlcH on tho other, Tho school playgrounds and gymnasiums could ho madu In many cakes lo servo tho needs of tholr tommunltlcs at less expense to thu taxpayers than would bo Involved In tho creation of cntlroly now facilities by tho park authorities. Attendants must bo In chargo of course, If tho school grounds and gymnasiums aro to bo thrown open during other than school hours, but tho oxpunso thus In curred would bo small as compared with Jho benefits, Tlio educational authorities of tho city, as soon, as they can properly do so, should arrange) for tho more gen- oral utilization of school ' property for community purposes. Chicago .Notf. Fourth of July, Christmas and Notable Success Won by Coos,;, i;.,. ; u Decoration Day Fall on Bay Branch of Wiley B. lrolrMonteil ,. tlle i(irmc umg co. School Holidays Allen Company. , Norlh u0nd tho North uomi PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 2.-1! A happy and prosperous now year News Co .handles Jl.o Kdlson la this tlmo Utile Johnnlo has on.or-;l. ,, significant and propneuc n u , . "1. 7 i tir-nn ton- Ing for L. Ij. Thomas, inimiiui mm iiu..ou ...... -- --- ...l f,... lm linimn.nfrnn'n WTOck I ItlL' . .1.. m.riatmna tmo nn.i Is snfolyiWIlav 13. Allon Co. MubIc House In back on tho road to health after Marshflold. In lew than two years turkey and trlmmin's, with still Manager Thomas has. made not only another week of school vacation In a notable success but his ostubllsli- whlch to Kot back to earth. nicnt has bucomo one of tho prom- Dnt, behold, tho iniest nightmare to give him troubled dreams. Tho 1915 calendars aro abroad In tho land black onos with red rnannis thorn In Lakoslde. In Han do;i .Mr. Thomas contomplntos l"t tlnf," In a complete, up-to-doto music More, some tlmo tho present yoar. Much of this splondld success Is a Jesuit of the energy nnd effort of tho onterprlslng mnnagor, Ij. L. Thomas, who hns not only built n but onrned for hlm- lncnt factors In thu commorclal cir cles of Coos Hay. This buslnoss has been built upon .i, ft-.., rxiimintlnn nf rollablllty i Ktod business, liJU (II IM wiw. --- -- t f it ...i.i. ..I..1, i.lt i ,..,. .i..alli.v. Kvnre (lllost (111 St'l' nil OIlMaiiie HHru in mu "" Z wTo l.vmg a,he,'merc.a, and soda, circles of Coos ., ' nn Itlsoment and booslsr herause ovory l.T.y during his residence hero. Tho first thing, bo It known, that transaction Is made satisfactory to llttlo Johnnlo doos when tho now j tho rnlondars appear with tho moist, ' this smelly Ink, nnd tho nrray of lion- rairnosa nnu rounumiy is i "" dnys Btlcklng out of tho pages llke'ono of tho big assets of thu rum so many ralBlns on a nut enko, Is' Is Its list of sntlsfled patrons. to grab tho document off tho wnll. ' TIiIb Is mado jiosslblo as the flatten out on his tummy on the firm roprosonts tho loading nmi . floor, nnd tako an Inventory of his I Btnndnrd manufacturers of tlio Tho Haze Dollar, ono of tho big prospective playdays for tho com-1 world In musical Instruments. (lumber carriers of tho Hubert Hol ing twelvo months. I In talking machines the Victor and Inr Company, will arris o hero lioxt Kver do It, Mr. Iluslncss Man? ICdlson Hlninond Disc. In player TuoMlay from San Kranclsco to tnl:o Never missed It In your life, nnd pianos, tho world fnmotiB Angollus, ou n cargo of SOO tons of pulp you know It. ' tho Prlco & Tooplo, Milton, Auto- from me &mmi puip mm ior yinim suction Is mado sutlsfactory to patron before it Is closed. J , II fl 7ri (1(1 ID Q way tho firm's reputation foi ' HnH j l ,1 iosh and rollablllty is built nnil, HllLLL UULLIlll IU DUE HERE TUESDAYi And when all tho holidays camo tcuo and uthurs. mi MnmliivH nr TuiisilitVH or Wcdnos- Ainniuf tlin tilaiios carrloil are days, or any of tho school days, lunch well known standard iiiukos as how like n warm sunny morning, .Mamin &. Hamlin your faro would beam and nIiIiio Hnrdmnn, and you'd whistle and let Mother! Ludwlg, scrub your neck and ears, and you ! Kingsbury, wouldn't pull tho cnt's tall for a Conovor, wliolo day, and you'd bring Dad's' Milton, slippers to him at mgnt, and you'd I'rlco & Tuoplo, glvo your llttlo brother at least Wellington, ono-thlrd of tho bod and ouo fourth of tho covers after prayors and others. The succoss has been so groat at night, nnd you wouldn't dig your tltnt tho locnl store Is already plan- sharp toe-nails Into tho calves of nl, g on new and enlarged quarters (.(((lJ (,(11 his Ickh or do nnytnlug of that sort, before another year and Is also No, you would not. u and Japan. Slio win not tako on any lumber from horo. It Is undorstood that tho same ejijitalr. that brought In tho pre vious Dollar vessel will bring her to Coos liny. She will talto en i lumber at somo northern port to finlpli lior cargo for thu Orient. YOU AUTO CALL 4 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Plioiio 12"-.l ! Night nnd Day. White Klcpliuut Crlll Caioful Dihors I). I, room. 'MrOIITCIt. J OIIN IIUNNY, tho famous movlo plcturo star, who contributes moro than his shnro of laughter to'tlio world, has tho following to sny on'tlio subject of Inughtor: "Laughter Is tho solution of life; laughter Is llfo; laughter dally makes It posslblo to go on. Thoro Is only ouo delight Hint Is keener than that of a Joko, u comment, or a gesturo at whloh you spoutamxiiialy laugh, and that Is tho delight of making other peoplo, u wliolo crowd nf pooplo, laugh with you. Mak ing other pooplo laugh Ih tho gtcatcst gamo In tho world nml wo aro all playing It. Homo of us aro professionals; most of us aro nmateurs; thnt Is till. Wo all like tours, I supposo, or wo would not shed thorn so easily, Hut what Is thu good of tears, unless It Ih to Incronso our de light In laughter? "If tho trnglo spirit Is always hovering over us, always (ho comto spirit Is just around tho coruor. For the romlo spirit, which '1b tho spirit of laughter, Is a rough and rondy and every day sort. It Is ahovo us or be neath us It Is of us. laughter is u wind; snduniM Is a aloud. Tho wind of laughter and noth ing elso may dlspol tho oloud of sadnoss. What bettor Job In llfo could n man hope for than to ho a wind or laughtorT None, unless to bo n galo, a ulo of laughtur blowing around tho world!" Hut, to approach tho calendar for lOlfi, rospoctfnlly roforred to' n moment ago as Johnnie's night-' mnre.' i Ask nuy hoy with good red blood In his veins and any kind of spirit In his iiinko-up whloh nro tho twoi greatest events of tho yoar, anil, right off tho bat, comes tho answar: "Fourth of July nnd Chrls'mus." And ho's right. I Tho nvurago youngster would I trade all tho othor .tC3 days fori thoao two, and glvo mat bios and' fishhooks to boot. i Ask him which la the third big red-lettor day of tho year, nnd It's ' about a 10 to 0 bet that he'll sing, nut: "Decoration Day." Naturally, ! too, becauso of Its parados, Its flags, I Its soldiers, . Its martini music, Its' general life, color and action. Now, turn, If you pleaBo, to tho July calendar, and road: "July , Sunday." Next to Docoinliir, nnd rend: "Dofombor 35, Saturday." Tlioa to May, and you find: "May 80, Sunday." Thoro they nro, tho throo groat big fixed stars In tho firmament of bo)hood run, and not una nf thorn fnlls on a school day. There Is nothing moro to he mild Tlniog Want Ads for results. Snap in Business Lot ollxllll) on Second Street, cIomi to IiiinIihwh renter, street i wived, luliiglug Mimll Income. ltlg"t In lino of growth, nnd to per cent clionpei' tlmn otliei'N In miiiio M'ctlou. $7500.00 Snap in Improved Home Property l'lue ImpiiiviMl lot In .South Marsh field, with 7-riioiii modern duelling, cvoij thing In riist-cluss shape, vvoith .sillKl iiioio (linn piUo nsked. $2650.00 Wi have iiImi a miiiiiII iiuuihcr of f list-class Iiiijs In both Improved and imliiipiKved Inline property, (in In stallment lei ins of p.i)iuuu(. 1. S. Kaufman & Co. jRme ftM Wrter m That is where strengthening I foods are necessary, where so W W much depends upon the act- M Jf ivc play of brain and muscle. lW W When Ghirardelli's Ground Mh Chocolate is the morninff ML W' beverage, the day s work um zP comes easier, there is none m IK ' of that depressed feeling. I Then again, there arc many m i tempting desserts that can be M ?a preparcu wnu u..- -s- mn m Ground Uiocojatc,uiuLw." km m. to relieve tne moiiuiuuy x mA the daily fare. I W im In hermetically rm m scaled tins. jfa .J$fl r.: jh:? r.miinrl Chocolnto 13 llio mi XCM&7 VlIlllUil.ACiIII ww". : . -. mm J$W only original around chocolate, it m i MW has been uacd in Weitern homes tor m 1 r over a third of a century and lis m gffl popularity it grovrinff day by day. J Jm D. GHIRARDELLl CO. JK JfBfffi&a,. Since 1852 Snn Frar.citco dm? Cf.XlTr. .'i: Tlinro will bo no lT fifuuBr ! "'"Arcnnrt.aMtrj i?ct,eo,Ln,rieo $7 eL i wii 11 ii i u r r. ii iri iiiinnir au&w nm m rL-etr jiH-. w f JL l ffc.A5 K va sk m ijBgBaBBagaBBi rxaw Be Sure You Get This Old Reliable Cough Medicine Iniltjtloiit aUijrs follow tho trail of uc ci. llunOrcJi ul lailta(iou4 liuTocomo.n.l RlillO linen loLKI'S HoNKt AN1I Tau Cou. ItlUNII U-Klll.il) ) ttrs ugo, to iutMOU tbo Kill) Dt ture Ju gel tht gtnuliM Foley's Honey and Tar Compound JtnJ atolj (fit name that um (tye it. Hero nro threo cosy ways to toll tho geuuluo. 1st Tho uumo of 'Foley's." .mi uio yellow packaKU.anl 'Hid licclilvoonttioyol. ijw imckiiko. Vuu Mliliy COAL. Tlirt Uluil YOU Imvo AIAVAVS !KK. I'iu 7. i,.(c IjUory unit 'rrmiofer Ctniiutiy. ., y mi wi J GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OK THR CADILLAC and FORD AUT() HUl'lMKS FOR ALL MARKS OP CARS U 17 central At. lionn :i73.Ii eiuinut Rot n 8Ut StltlltO to do fill )-3X wimt POM-.; 4 IIONKV ANO T.Ul I'OMl'OUNU Will do -forraiii')tii- (vtlilj , croup, bnmchlal nnd lacrlnpo couebs! tbrout mul lung troullo. lluy It of I your dniKKUt nnd tie safo. I A HVI'.RY USUR IS A I-RIUND. BUY1NE VERY BEST Marshficld bsCreameiy t Closing Out Our Entire Line OF CHINA, GLASS, GRANITE AND ALUMINUM WARE AT COST nnd less tlmn cost. We find tint to nfcoitimodat our liure.islnn stoik nml tudo In dry goods, we need mnre room, heme vv, must wurlflie urtlelo. In our lioiiMliold dotmrtmont. Sonic arc cut one-third ami muuy are cut to "ustly hulf our former low lirlee. lVtr In mind thnt profit has no rt In this sale. Come nnd see. Suoli twtupttHK urloes hsv mroly iiovr iKfore been lU'd hefi.ro you. MU rt. JomUy. jwim,.j. ,, ,, ,olllnMP until overy article Is Ma. Como onrly mid suuro your jd.-k of tho unbroken lino. Wo tko this (icoa.lon to tliunk uur natroui for liberal ,,ntr nmiinvu 11(1(111 US n UU ou and Impiiy 1U16. New F P rices ' 4 Old Prices TOURING CAR $590.00 ROADSTER $540.00 Now Prices $571.50 delivered $521.50 delivered 0 account of netting a beltu' freioht rate, I am now able to save Ford buyers $18.50. Immediate D SASV iron- ;'at and to all wo wfca a iirosncr. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. BUTTER 5 All kinds of l'INK eilRKKR CMiiillw nml Jit. n,KM imiior I Kio.sU iKliS Riiklern Oihtcix. I COOS HAY OVR-Wit ). I'alnto Mont .Mnrkot. ' I'liouo 3CI-J li ""-" t T 4 Minn I'MIKU BAXIl'AHV COMUTIO.NS IN' A CLIiW AX1) MOUKltX l'WCTORY. KTKRIL17.i:n MILK AXI1 CKIUM. ! CDIDCI I A nnr iiiuulh UUflbtIS , may bo obtained in Mnrslifield from Mrs. Annln Wnl!on,i , h. Pn.w.,.1;-.- ",,u 1'ieo (lulliorr. K .. ... uuiamiur. J" St, Phono 200-X1 n,ouo 7! PURE ICE .It KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TIUAL UVKHYTIIlXd ix TK nAKKlv IjX,s I MARSIIPIELD BAfvlNG COMPANY ia xoiiTH si:cox CT.. xi.au im:xt.ial avknti:. vnosv. .s. Wishing Everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. we are Cons Raw T;i ru o c! i i a v. ... "J M wi ou tc no ISP. rnonc 394-J. HVrV infJ Cars and Roadsters e that are ready for you. Vh A r..JiPtvsvkvp fKt A .. a rAnmw plan dm!!JnY,urtLitehlVna"taae ?! h payment )lan and W a small amount down and the balance in small monthly installments? SERVICE I have a complete stock of FORD PARTS and am at your scrvbe day and night. Remember VJaCOo Good CENTRAL AVENUE. rum PHONE 373-L ii .- nr,.. ,. ..l mra,.i..,,, E"1 I "II t i The Bay View Hotel WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Under new management FLORENCE, OREGON Offers the best accommoda- iiiiii. hi i mi i'inr i itAiiAiiu .i.. i nenovated Dining Service, o. a. ii....s. pwi,,.iC(0 Unexcelled 7T 01)an um,er manantuent Yours to Pleas pH ,'lace w,lh Il0"e ftohmi Times Want Ads Never Shi Cost A Mite And J Mr. pnrl M nr , , . :?" -", sari hii in iauii ,. ....... ' n nnd SlffSouth mm, ... ,o. YV, Jt warKO ",UH "'au I'" W08k. ibocond St., MarsUfloia. p.m. J-08tt,;7 mi .. I ar . 1'J Do The W