wmm',mmsmimiiL j ,..., - , HOME AND T?ATtM MAGAZINE SECTION A : - , , rml0a nnd Hncs, whether Intoratnto or intcma- Hour suitable horses for fclr riBa & nnd the continual ?emand for flour sh nplng thorn tack to tho li will bring a considerably sum o 1 pplns fond , stock was i.. Ttlt It. rj-t1 tint 111 n 4n Min ,. Northwcst May Soon Look for Permanent Prosperity lioai of extent tin In tho Northwestern. Stntcs, - iifn. "Ill liriUBIl jIJIiiiiii-imii v' iw OUII1U EK , m Lifis' ""'- cured from and thousanc s o '" "1 tll0 proSporlty nnd dovolopmont of tho Idaho during 1J1&. ,... ,, i.nPB,, i.nvo been sold to tneso to '., ,. ,,, ., n,n rntiim ,ir iSF 5Sff- r 3535! as-aa-- Many small mnnumcu B i- -. ""-"- Tho Dclglnn nna rorcii- - y " i ini, win itai 7 iCi r J. W. Kalilf. l'rr f art urine Company, -T WOULD be dlfflcult-to coucelvo , f by tK in - local demand and the was ; prMonl . u , du hIof, or suggest conditions more .,.- iwj. '"'""commission has war Is causing t ne ni to -- , ( R,,0rnnc.o of tho true vnluo of nblo to an Immedlnto nnd perm- state Commprca c omi misa ' ThB condition gives a foreign. i i J eommunltv. Ip. ? ; Efgflg8" fl f TOffflBtM States. tics, etc., ana manj salo for the horses which wo imo 10 i , rni0UUCr we" now have 'in this section there nro several offer for some time to come " tho pirt oC lumbermen to moot Competition III miiiiuvuiiiuiii. ui iiiuuil now imu . i m ""-";";:.-,--i-ntwi believed, ft stable hundred mins manuiuuiuiiub ""- Year 1915 Shows Promise, Asserts Commission Man fnntnrlnir nnd selling methods. If out nf ihls lonn venr thoro dovolon tho w- ----- - - - remedies which im analysis or tiio sit- it, ir W. lMllron. rnllfroon Co., Com- ,mtlon IllllBt BllggCSt both to tllO pub liilUlon Jlfrrliiuitu, 1'orll.inil. vir. jc nnd tllO lllinborinOll, OV0I1 tilts N summing up tho prospcctB lor ycnr W11I cam a piuco umougBt mo W l" (.Ulllliv-liv... l "-.- . ,...,- ,... ,, .!, Mnrll,.,,n.t ro looks better than it lias t.J" T"7". -'i '" ; in " vnnra -"" """" "" - - . natural resources Sal" system That ' will e.lm- bean- Umber for ECno-1 construe Inato tho fear of recurrent money tlon. Theso mills have uoen iuie, strlngoncfel i as well as tho al- throwing thousands of men out of em tcrnatlng periods ot inflation and ployment. rntt.nv im- H?"L?I T.S!2U?;. " J' WVJ "S?1 rneady cTuseda & effcctlvo balance-wheel, resulUng In demand for supplies, which should pcr,ty durlnB tho year 191C, ,UOst profitable. unioro evenly distributed prwjrlty. cause a great many of these jniallor p i y ,, ,0 Bny Umt to us "Tho pnrn.uount position of tho for and tho consequent develop., to. . "X""Z ' dTd nrfce tho futu flirt riniiner nr ntir rpwiurces. st.ici iMi?. ivui'.iu .i... -. . .. ... . .... ....nee uuiiiiiit uu oitn. "" ... - -----: ..... -. i j..i frti. nvnrvtninc nf nnv limn in inn nnsc inu jran ...,.., . t.. ..- .... ,. turc. stock-ralslnr, dairyiaf. lorucBi- ua pcfai ucuiuuu .. -'--" ;,, , ,,, HiriKiiig lorina. m um vuiiimuiuiui turo and allied l indnitrlw. ttit from the farm, causes us for a qulclt revival of business. I'oul- f bfo t is tho Wftrp nr0Ulld whlch Attention has tn too tear 1 ?rlct a general Improvement of try prices nro now firm and I our Uiop lndUHtrCB nr0 waVcn. Tho pro tered on the deTWi: r iwifll conditions throughout tho 01,non W1U continue to bo firm for dHCt,on of i,ni,0r Is tho pioneer oc eltles, to mining. lumWiif - Pfitic Northwest. somo tlmo to conic. cupntlon which opens up tho now dls- dred quick profU-atM iximtt&t No doubt somo good has coma Wo nro rcCclvlng shipments Ire- tr,ct brJn onlp0ymont. trnnspor to the neglect of mor xmi.Tt. frcm the agitation against tho rn - qUcntly which Indlcnto to us that tlio tnl,on clcnrB ti,0 iand( furniflhea mar but In th end th mot M.:ii is Ttmis and corporations In general, but onli,0 flock of poultry has been gain- J(jt for (,1(J Hotlor nnd i,rinKa nlo safer llu of buti. wawir. lb we believe tho tlmo has como when erC(, up trom tll0 fnnn nnd delivered. t,J0 collIltry tho wcaUi, U0M whca production from tt H of a i ?uch agitation should ccaso and that In ono shipment. Unless tho farmer otIl0r ndUBlrica nro supported. mcMitl ot !Ue. everything should bo dono to en- auIciiy realizes tho handicap thin i Is i,iipv llunltH Hlch Th LTLImm ot tk Pdft North- courage the railroads and every other , t'0 ,)0 10 hlm, wo predict that tho ,,'"!"? ""' " J " wwt U to b founds ipos tk prl- line of business to rcsumo operation. 1)aclo Northwest will bo short of ', nf wra 1 1 T tho lumbor Iml m. I poultry. Wo nttrlDiito tnis cinss oi - ..,, . nrllll.h oni,,,,,!,!,, ,.,, Ir shipments to tho high prlco oi iccu niary reourc$, to wblca aazuiac turlBg, commerce, alalap and Ium btrla; are to b coatrlbutory but subordinate factors. The Individual Opportunity. The opportunity seems open to every farmer, ranch man, stock grower and orcbardlnt. to make his Individual business a paying one. Dy Incronslne the ouantlty and quality of his crop, by Intelligent, careful Livestock Industry Will Receive Impetus From War Hr I. II. Oflrlion, IMIlor I.lTCitock Ilrportrr, r-KV livestock men nro complain' It Iiir of their lot this Winter and tho new year comes many things for thorn to bo thankful for. Of nil countries In tho try both In Hrltlsh Columbia nnd In. No matter wl at tl 0 cause 1 ny bo ho , t coini)omol.fl-Bri. X'i and ;Vo sunniHls nccS culture, mining nnd fisheries. In r ?i lL?unl mi invl e iinriioses for DrlllBli Columbia of ovory dollnr In ni vrtCC.dinBir J B purposes for t flf Uq wnR(j Qa mc l,'0 year IJIO. , , fnnPIPr. n contH In from Hogs nro now so mg urin am, o - f WnHlilnBton. Ornnn. Btill tho per " SSS,fadSaS.ffi.S! "nd o- tlJo' lZenrr world, mrchnsing great nuantltlcs of packed r"H,l0 Ac,aI11 ..?,,. " .J-.'.ri' ?. Indl- cont of t,, 1,UUH wenth of Oregon grading of his output, and tho mar- Z u Z Ei 1." in 1 'Anmiilinn n. """"V.V'1 '' "" " "7, . '' K2li"-0i, t.irTnKRfVn culturally .and. this Northwestern K that the demand will Mntlnuo ?H 1 J?! SSS !l!" KlH" lV tlmo to como Vl ,,t,,u ,d u ii huhi mu to closo today. 'OBBlnrf campfl, sawmills nnd other Bhortnco of veal and rosi occupauonB. vastly uecreHsea ami ino inonu, v "" ,vi,olo word but wc nro called upon wo nrodlct that thuro will bo during Wo ' tl10 I'nclflc Northwest prldo therefor will go to Increasing tho , , , f , a v half-world nt war. ,ft 5ffi season of lOir, ourselves justly on tho beauty nnd products of our own producers. n" il ', ii,.Lii " -, , n .i n t,l0 pntlro Bcason 01 1 Jif. . of .,,, crnwiii in nf p-irh Inillvlilnnl unit .'"-V " '""'""V ' "" "" "" "'"" " TllO inrnicr IS 1110 unuHuunu uiiuu - "-,.," ""'' .V """":".....' "J, vastly decreased nnd tho money paid The success rne success ot cacn inuiMuuai unit they have been, but thoy nro rcmunor- .,,, nmi 1 T hlm nnd from him population, upon tho magnltudo nnd Ih,,0? "'IZir1 M. v n'l there iV n market for a 1 S?u,t Jrosjerl ly cimo Land prices stability ot our financial InHtltutlons, SJ P, ,n .,r! tooii nlniol8 that nro being offered. ",nSc?i cs" than tl icy have bee factories and supply hoiiscs nnd upon Northwest ns a whole. SO that pros- P,llMo ,.- nni, ,,,. " vn,,M n ",uc" '"-...I.; "". ' "f, ' " .,,."' our trniiRiinrlntlon fnelllllnn. Thpqn I!nllnT,Tommn0tonr0f.tth0 t this mafic tand a pro J lab To Zli i th S Prices 0 firmer Institutions nro tho conspleiiouH or I ,mn in les SffordS cash price Is realized for nil offerings. X' than thSfwJro two yeals ago f"" of our commercial body. Tho cZlltlons.68 U ,.,!!,r1S!iV"?H,'"C5.,n".!,,m,S or ono .year ngo. Summing up tho .nlr Industry I. ; t ho heart of t hat In tho movement to build tin tho "'"' ; "" w " " prospects irom 11 commission mor- " ...., ..................... 1, ... h ,rmlS bSSnS as a bSsnen. U.o Schorl! ?r, :?nL;ePart1r, lW,Pft clmnt point of view for tho year JroiiB h 1 1 o nourlshlnB financial .rmer should not lose sight of the ?r r '"..."n1! id0r "L1 ? "".. .o .must say that money Is blood w h0.,t hlch it cou Id never farming imnortunco of the local morclmnt as ninr!et fo,,'.s1u,ch nn,n!n.,a will reach 1)lontifU for every logltlmato pur- havo grown, and without which It a factor In tho farmer's succoss. In- " ..""ViV ' i Ln.m VAa iV. ir.A. clin8C tuat livestock Is now u good ' " '' - u uriwwu stond of co-operation nmonB tho pro- ",l,,,ro. , ,0, n0?"""08 'n Europe, ,)rC0 nnd wll contlnuo to bo a good "l; , , ducers for tho purpose of eliminating ?!? " " f0""?"'",?," P"?HV i' ,rIco nd t,mt everything indicates a , l;iim HTiiian'H W0.I1I1 Travel,., tho local merchant, tho co-oporntlon ibj 1f.rZae;XPn0Ltn,Iinnd tho 1ulcIt rovIvnl of ""slness. "It l unnecessary o ntato lioro that ought to bo between tho morclmnt omo I J ln.8i.?on?cr,vcd, for ?or Perhaps the best way wo could ex- tho wealth brought Into tho country nnd farmer In n concerted offort to "8,c:f T .8'u".!y ( ood unlmnls prcss our COnfldenco In tho future Is by tho lumber Industry ilocs not ro- rohabllltato tho local trading center, 51"8 ',oal'y1 cx.nauatcd boforo (0 Bny tlint wo nr0 now ,,uylng and main In tho hands of tho lumbcr- whlch in turn crentos nnd promotes J"co cofm a,n.d Jhon ?,co doc? will contlnuo to buy poultry, hogs, man. Tho unibormnn's dollar Is ono tho local social center. ?,?nu?i ,,cn.r,B of urccdlDB,P "' cattle, etc., for cash ns soon us de- ' the world's host travelers; of ovory III riilAlncr nil tlin rnlvna ultra nmi .. ' . ' .1..1I..M ja nA..in .A ..HM... .- rn.nnornllnn. i. "i .. ... ViT ,. "'"...". ..'. " .. UVCrCll 10 US. .w...w, tv uiiiw hum hi u iiiiaiiuriif iuiiiuo iu uu nun-oaiiij tu rvpiucu 1110 Co-oporntlon with tho local mor- livestock on tho Euronean farms. chant In the assembling and shipment Whllo tho flocks and herds tiro being to lnrger markets of much produce renewed In tho European countries, now going to wasto would afford n theso countries will still need to buy Hotirco of ndded Incomo to nearly meat abroad. Wheat fields can bo every farmer. Tho study of Improved returned to full production with ono methods, or selecting, grading nnd seeding, but food animals will not packing, can as well or better bo car- reproduce so abundantly tho first ilea on tnrough co-oporntlon with year, and wo shall havo a foreign Lumber Industry Should Lose Depression in 1915 tlon companies, 35 cents to labor di rectly employed in tho Industry, 15 cents to merchants for equipment and supplies, 10 ccntB for Interest on cap ital invested. This nnnlvslH of tho llr Ktlwril T. Allro, I'urnlrr, Writcrn llimbomicn'a dollnr discloses tllO 1-off.trr nd om.fn.llon .WwcLllcm. B0UrCQ of our prospcrjly rWin greatest Industrial activity ot -Tho lumborninn of thin forest ro- I tho Pacific Northwost forest In- glon mny pay directly each yenr to -,? ...a .uuiii. iwi't II Ub- iiliuiuiutl VUIIIIMIIIIUU OU.UUU. Mm! innrrtlinnf u nn L'IIIi nanan nMnna milt-lmf fn. fnnil nnl.nnle (n nA..n-nf . 1.1 iunnncc liv orrnniinVinn. V,. m. venrn -,.. jurouiK jw. iumiier nas not urouglit uuu, to wngo earners 170,000,000, to ?wr cities orGnn,zntlona la th0 cnra' Vn, ,,,.,., .,. rl,M ?,cost ?f manufacture and a par- merchants $30,000,000 and for tho 1 wnl coliiiorntivo rrn.- wn..i,i im w. .,,: M. K . Icc,1 Jlculorly hazardous forest flro season- bo of borrowed working capital $20,. Local co-operatho effort would bo Wo shall probably not recelvo ex- nvolved great cxponso In nrotectlntr 000.000. This inonov is Inter eircu. n?dn.)Vh h ,nrKor ""l1rl0tlK orbltantly high prices for the an!- tho raw material. To soma c at latcd Into ovory porUoi of tho K" organizations, but tho more Import- uinls wo sell and it would not bo to tho depression has been caused by tho munlty and forms an Imnortnnhfne! "rioSZto'whrtts duostrv8t,ostn,ishon";?fi?,ck ,n- r,r nnd,otbor ""KsriXicS siiWoHTonhWSfS dontlral wfth the om ldr. oi "tmiin9 ifn?..-.P.CM f,rohlb ",vo io but a dceper-seated unsatisfactory Plo who do not como Into direct con- !?? no' tZTL C sue" & 5 ol0m?aiC0"SUr8 ,? "K Si ,HLC 22? !??! fl!!? '!!. tho lumber Industry. S-F?ABass saass: vassssFSSs: .:S?&sb - ly-dlrocted development of tho nntur til wealth of our Northwost, pros portly cannot miss us In 1D1G. Encourage Bifj Industries; Good Year Will Follow II) A. II. Amlll, Trrnlilriit I iiiuiiirrcc, ( Immbrr ot btter In genernl nt Ibl. ami tu forolKn HtUfl, ropon Pr now wild. Thl bu lrt4y hnmskt mlllloR of dolhtra iato thU vmtony And the difficulties In ralsinc 1V0. m-ViiiM rJnrniV.,i .. -" ", r,u:."r.'.: i" .'" "ucr inuiiBiry at somo. lonstli stock In the Northwest are Im than and romed " The U liod State. For' notice hat In tho dlstrlbnt of SSfi.Hgj ssgs SI ,. . . T" - ' -- in .uiMjiHu, im- in nil wnnn 11 siiiRa no iiiia .n.i i .l.i,VV?,,r? .'or' dustr'- u l8 an Industry which Is greater importnuco to wago morciiniUB, communities, nnd states or nrovlnrns. thon tho fow men who happen to gcd at present with tho con- .o U. ub.n. trU (tomiStitrn?lXZ ir.0i-0L'?. ra.V. '""'Is, logging ... . . Catttntl.hAil l! vw nnvo recently lind a report ; , J-j .1-.- , ..ps ot l6 r u anplr mi dm rM,. ..n...ii.i .'.... cury anil cUaa. ttfectir M.-im 1j m?t irf rt. -y .... ...w ...... vun.iiiiuiis ui mw lunnlUil ,ft tK v ... , :.. , -.. .-... hwjwuid . 01 inr w Pupiri,. vn.ii,.. i...... "PP t? m aot raur at a-vcala! ytwwiititiTM of Pui&mi .. r . .' that h,.e reports indite ,1 !UV2lELX! &? -f. "-1 rC counties mi ueun nn niPrcH.o in ihe wheat Hr Th th Jir v. 7;7,., zZ "" ",raDrn, tiraner own- It Is to ysrjE.?' te-i u .kt- ? -wo aiw ;' iaTusS:,ViUS2 2 'sl "?. w " i tiiiiL viiiii t'liiiiiiiifinK vst. w.aA I I I (Mid m.. A . im7 ui inr nr wwkw mm . . . s . . . -' ---- imwwwuii iiiiiiiH iirm iinu'Tiiiiio r-V'-.. fW. T- tZtZZ rr:JJZL,fI "Tho manufacture -.....,,,,, VI nuwi ana nrsin lu. .. h, wj. . . - " w - Mik uwuvr in inn nrfunni i ima i -. ns nt thi urn.., .i-V iTL " .' "t"" ""wr. w. nut UK uh4 Stt wi, rr.. :; !".":. "'."' i" is indlent that Wr7 ifc-T w ZZVZ.? . i th o.t ola.it Sik.. ,h ntu'.r"",fica tent of tu avalUbb. kir. I 1.7- ". "T CWf rortawr of liritbh ri ,i: . 1U 7 """." ,uaa r'wm v. Sa'Sft MSJPJ VBv of lumber nt tho ono great Indus- which la oporat Tho situation nmmhA n tk rf-,i ,. ' i?".."' """ "" hl.""-,u " "w words. if .--r. ... jrr'v" . "". costs on tno avornco JIB nor thon. tennar Uh MMfy oa f; fc UiJtr7 rSu al. kiAliL": fand t0 !)rodllC0 lumber. .This lumber . mn wawry rfita , boundary. Is now being Bold at $10 to $12 per Tnmk Vmt TrTvFJifci fHHliiH iWilii n:mllf I Jr" of 2l.' - It r