IF WE NEVER HAD AFFLICTIONS WE COULDN'T APPRECIATE BEING WITHOUT THEM A Marshfield Woman onco onld: "I buy advertised nrtlclcs bccauso thoy nro Invariably worth what I pay (or thora." Tho merchants with tho best imputations for Integrity nnd lionoBt morchandlso, nro without excoptlon, thoao who advortlso tholr goods unceasingly. (tas lay Wxmm The Determination of valuo received In advertising lies sololy with tho results secured. Try tho columns of Tho Coos Day Times thoy nro elenn nnd dopondnblo. Tho readors of Tho Times havo confldoncoMn tho ads appearing therein. MEMBER OP THIS ASSOCIATED PKUMU VOL NO. XXXVIII. II HAVE ALLIES ALONG EASTERN BATTLE- LIE TODAY Kaiser's Army Reply to Attacks of French and English Forces So Severely That Latter Quit Offensive in France ' and Belgium Fighting Grows Fiercer ALLIES CLAIM SERIES OF NIGHT ATTACKS ON LINE WERE REPULSED DESPITE FRENCH CLAIMS Berlin Denies French Report of Gains in Steinbach Advance in Alsace Military Authorities Report No Change 1 in Eastern Campaign (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Jan, 2, The German attack in Franco and Bel plum, initiated In reply to an offensive movement of tho Al lies has developed to such a point that the Allies are now on the defensive along the greater pait of tho lino, The extent of the German movement shown by today's French statement which speaks of a series of night attacks against the Allies along the front, These onslaughts appar ently wore not In great torcor howovcr, ana tno assouion is mado that thoy wore all repulsed, As to tho results of the fighting in Alsaccr and the Argonno, ilinra Is n sham conflict in the The German statement says Argonno and specifically denies the claims ot the rrencn inai half of tho Alsaco village of Steinbach was captured and that tho I-ranch are making further advance tnero, Pnrls assorts some of the territory lost to the Germans in tho Argonno was regained and 'occupied in Steinbach. :. Military authorities say there is no change in the tastern icamDaicn, excent the German attacks on the line wqst of (Warsaw made further progress, jeclaro Allies Rcnulsed Near 3oast, Beaten Near Verdun East Situation same (Or Ail0lM4Tr t Coo Dtr Tim.) I, DERLIN, Jan. 2. (Via WIrolcss.) -Tho official communication today nys: "In tho weBt, tho onomy'B ut- :4ick against our iiosltlons In nnd pear tho Duiicb nt ISPRuport, woro Dpulsed. In tho Argonno, wo mado jurthor progress nil along tho lino, horco Fronch attatT.a north of Vor- i'un and against tho front on tho (no of Allly-Apromont woro repulsed irltli heavy losses. Thirty-threo of- IcorH and 100 men woro taken prls- anors by ub. On this 'occasion, wo accooded In taking tho ciitiro Hols Iruloa (burnod forest) for which havo boon fluhtlni! so stubborn- it ... . . ... r. 'ino I'Toneu ornciai roporis bimo I10 French nro malting progross top by stop In Stolnbneh. Not a Inglo Iioubo has boon lout by ub In Lolnhnch. All tho French uttneks thlH vlllago woro ropulBod. '"Tho altuntlon on tho Hast I'ruu- in frontlor Is unchnngod. KiiHt nf o Hzurn and Rnwkn rlvors, our Stacks progroHscd nudor moru fa- k,nblo weather conditions. In Po ind to tho Hast of tho Plllela rlvor lore havo been no changes." AST BOUTS AT E free Boxing Matches in Low- Coquille River Town on New Year's Eve (Special to Tho Times,) UVERTON, Or., Jan. 2. A Binok- waa bold hero Now Year's ovo, pii Kid Cavott of RIvorton and ! "Curly" Nool of Coqulllo woro posed to fight tho main event il failed to appear for reasons best wn to hlmsolf. Battling Huthln- then agreed to substitute for No- These men fought here last year, fcn Cavett got a decision over Ichlnson on a foul In tho tenth id. They agreed to go four hds last night, but Hutchinson lo back and got a decision In the It was a fast round, Hutchln- wlnning from tho start. 10 fast preliminaries were fought McCormlck outwolihed Spider artson, but the little man stayed fast rounds to a draw. San't Do It" McGourty took a Bion over Klght In two fast jul8. The main feature of this Avas the heavy slugging. GERMANS NY FRENCH CIS TO SMOKER fines Want Ads for results. Established 1878 nfl Tho Const Ma II. E Berlin and Pans statements, further ground was gained in three now lines of houses were . . . . French Tell of Revenge Gained Against uermans Aiier Severe Attacks (n? AmocUI! l'rwi to Com nr TlmoO PARIS, Jan. 2. Tho official communication this afternoon says: "During tho night of Docombor 31 Jnn. 1, tho onomy dullvorod nt num ormiB points a series of attacks which woro repulsed with caso. Tho region to tho north of Lya yestor day wbb tho scene of sorlous nr tlllery on'gagomentB which took plnco on tho Dunes of Nlcuport and nt Zonnoboko. Tho onomy blow up two of our cnssloiiB between Renu motz nnd Achlcourt. In rovengo, wo domollsbod tho onomy'B tronchos nt Parvlllors nifd Labolssolo. In tho Alsno roglon wo Installed our selves on tho plateau of Nouvron, In tho oxcnvatloiiB caused by tho explosion of mlno. In tho Perthes roglon wo occupied n forest two kil ometers to the uorthwoBt of Mesnll I,os IlurliiB. In tho Argonno our rotlromont roportod yesterday In In Lngrurlo forest was not truo, and In offoct, wo occupied n part of tho ground lost. In tho Woovro dis trict, wo mado n Blight advanco In La Prolro foroat. In tho Vosgos, wo havo ilrlvon back n Gorman at tack on nromonll, Inflicting heavy losses. Tho onomy sustained heavy lossos at Stolnbaoh, whoro our In fantry yestorday occupied thrco now linos of hoiiHos." ES PLEA FOR ROILESSPEOPLE Senator Root Would Throw Down Immigration Barriers of U. S. For Them III; AmocUUJ rtm to Coo nr Tlraea.J WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 2. Sonntor Root mado an eloquent plea to tho Senate to amend tho Immigra tion bill to oxempt from tho restric tions all Belgian rofugoos. This ex emption was Included in tin amend mont Introduced by Senator Lodge. "Wo should open tho door to Bel glum," said Root, "because the poo plo have no country." I MHXICAX ( OXVKNTIOX. I ' I ID AuoctttacI Pri to Cooo Dj Time J I WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 2. Tho Mexican national conven- j tlon, to form an administration j to present to tho United States and other nations for recognl- tlon. mot yesterday at Mexico City and adjourned until Mon d - E Sill HARD FIGHTING FRENCH IE 1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. Claim Germain Submarine Sank Formidable at Portsmouth, Emu GHRMANY'8 NEW STAND (t)r Aocltmt TrtM to Coot i!jr Tlmra. j AMSTERDAM, Jan. 2. Ac- j cording to n statement In tho Nord Doutclio Allegomolno Zol- j I tung, a munmary of which wan j given out today by tho llorlln j official prcBs bureau, Gormnny no longer considers binding the j exequntcurs ot Consuls In nny j territory occupied by Oormany j during tho war. j , HOPE TO GET TWO JETTIES FOR COOS BAY At a mooting of tho Port of Coos Day Commission, It was voted to Bond a commltteo of thrco to Washington to work for an appropriation for Im proving tho Coos Ray bar. C. A. Smith, L. J. Simpson nnd Copt. T. J. Macgonn woro choson. Mr. Smith Is now In Chicago and n tologrnm was sent him nsklng him when ho would bo nblo to proceed east. Capt. Macgonn nnd L. J. Simp eon hopo to lcavo hero not later than next Saturday for Washington and thoy will remain thoro as long ns necessary to get tho hearings before tho proper committees ot Congress. Mnjor Jay J. Morrow, U. S. Engi neer In chnrgo of this district, and Capt. Polhomus, his 'assistant, nro Bald to havo sont In tho now roport on the last survey of tho Coos Uay cnlranco ordorod by Congress. This report will not bo mndo public until It Is glVonvout In Washington. Uowovor, In view of tho fact that the drodgo Mlchlo did not mnko tho showing that was expected of u bar dredgo, nnd tho fact that tho Inner chnnnol hns been practically com plotod to a 25-foot depth, It Is be lieved thnt Mnjor Morrow's roport will bo In favor of tho Jetty project as outlined In Col. Roosslor's roport. This report provided that If tho bnr drodgo did not succeed, two Jottlcs should bo built, 0110 on tho north sldo nnd ono on tho south, tho former bo lug a long ono. Tho estimated cost for thoao Jottloa was about $2,000, 000 thou, Mill Klougli Appeal. A. II. Powors, In chargo of tho Mill Slough drain mattor for tho Port Commission; Bald today that ho would Insist thnt tho drain caso bo carrlod to tho flupromo court to boo whothor tho Port Commission Is bound for all tlmo to koop tho drain opon. Ho Btntos that tho drain Is tho city's, was built by tho city, and that tho Port hns llttlo responsibility in con nection with it. Ho Ib Indignant nt tho stand that tho City Council has taken In tho matter nnd rtoclnroB thnt ovory mombor of tho Port Commis sion Is In favor ot threshing It out right now. THINK PRIEST IS FIENJ1 VICTIM Rev. Stephen Makara and Housekeeper Burned to Death in Parish Home B7 AMocittwl I rxn lo Cuo Dty TlmM. CLKVBLAND, Ohio, Jan. 2. Rov, Stephen Makara,, pastor of St. John's Greek Catuollo church, and his house keopor, Mrs. Fodor, woro burned to death early today when a firo de stroyed tho parish houso, Tho police believe tho tiro was of Incendiary origin, Tho prlost recently waa tho victim of an assault. SOCIALISTS HOPK TO KXI) TIIH WAR (Br AuocliU4 Prut to Coo D Time NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Amer ica will not be represented at tho conference ot Socialists from neutral countries called for Juno 17 at Copenhagen to devise ways and means for ending the Euro pean war, Morris Hlllqult of New York was appointed to rep resent the United States, but will pot go. British Man-of-War Reported to Have Been Lost at Prin cipal Naval Station CAPT L0XLEY AND 35 OFFICERS LOST Further Details of Last Naval Disaster Are Given Toddy By Those Rescued l JW OFFICERS LOST. 1 I I nr Amoclitod I'mi to Coot lit; Tim. I LONDON, Jan. 2. Tho lirlt- I Ink Admiralty today Issued a I list containing tho names of Cap- j tnln Loxloy nnd 34 other offl- j I cers of tho RritlKh battleship j Formtdnblo presumed to hlivo I boon lost in tho disaster yes- j j torday, as tlioy woro not report- j j cd nmong thoso saved. Tho list j Includes nlno midshipmen. Wr AuocUIH rrti lu Mm ny TlmM.l I'ARIB, Jan. 2. Tho Ilrltlnh bnt tlcshlp Formtdnblo, which' sank In tho English Channel Friday morn ing, with tho greater part ot her crow, was torpedoed off Portsmouth by a Gorman submarine, according to a roport Hi ore. Portsmouth Is tho chief naval station of England. TKLL OF DISASTKR. Capt. Loxloy Went Down -mIIIi For midable Terrific ICxploNloii. fllf AMcltt4 TrtM to Com Jltr Tlmm. RRIXHAM, England, Jan. 2. Tho survivors of tho British battleship Formtdnblo woro brdught nsbqro hero, Thoy rolato that tho warship was struck abaft tho magazlno. Tho explosion was terrific but tho maga zlno was not reached. Had this. blown up tho ship would havo folin dorod without tlmo to save ,n"ybi: As tho water rushed In tho rushed totho dock. Thoy found tho! vessel already with n heavy list to starboard. Tho small boa(s woro launched. A cutter foundered and tho men In her drowned. Tho launch nnd plnnaclo succeeded In getting broken trying to provont tho vcssols from bolng dashed to pieces against tho sides of tho ship by tho tremen dous sons running. Captain Loxloy nnd tho signal man woro still on tho brldgo whon tho battlesh'lp keolod ov er and wont to tho bottom. RUIN IX smiviA Rod Cross Descrlbon Plllful Coiitll. tlons In Wp Wnfilfd Country LONDON, Doc., 31. A Sorvlan Rod Cross mirso, , writing to tho Sorvlan Rellof Cnmmlttoo In London, doscrlbos conditions In Sorvla as follows: "Wo glvo what wo havo, but It la bo llttlo, nnd wo nro idwnya short, Tho doors ot tho Red Cross depot inro throngod with auppllcantB for 'U and lOUglllg. YOU Know HOW proud our pooplo nro, Nobody want ed to bo rich, for all had enough, and now for the first tlmo Wo ronl Izo that wo aro poor. Thoro Ib not a fatniy unhurt by the war. "Wo havo Boup kltcboiiB, rofugoos, hospitals, at ovory turn-all In dos porato miod. Bakers and butchora nro ruined, for wo havo no monoy to pny thorn, Ono bakor said to mo weeks ago: "I havo no son to send to tho war, but I glvq whut I havo." Ho supplied our'iiospltul gratis with bread untlll his flour ave out. Now ho Is bankrupt. At Svlllanits thrco thousand wolfs and wandorors arrived last week. TJ10 pooplo took thorn In, I am convinced not a household In that town now 'havo a full meal. "Yet wo do not lose heart. Many j of tho soldiers kvo ub money, If thoy can, Yestorday we got contrlb-1 ntions of 70 djnars (fl4) and In j three Cities a totnl Of 2,200 dinars , ($100) was collected Jn two days. This Is an enormous sum In Servfa, whore a grogch (tour cents) Is no commoner than a pound sterling, .... . , , ($5) In England.' I , NO XORWV'WAH TAMC Or AuocltUJ rrcu tr rjoa D7 Time, CHRISTIANIA, Jan. 1. -In her desire to maintain script neutrality, Norway Is even jteepjng taba on telephone conversations. ' If" mat ters of a military nature are dis cussed ovor Ibo telephone, Central will disconnect tho talkers Instautly. ( TAKE BAjN LUIS POTOSI 1 ST lHf Auoctttel rrcii to Com Er Tlmn.J nf I WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Tho I I enpturo or San Luis Potosi by I Cnrranza forces la roportod la j ndvlcos from Qalvcstoa to tho I Carranza ngoncy hero. It ia j alleged that forcca undor Gon- j Robelo entered tho city after a j snnqulnnry battle TO FORTIFY POLAND AS GERMAN LAND Ittf Auoclttf rrnt to Cooa liar Tlmn.J I PKTROGRAD, Jan. 2. Tho ln J activity of tho (iurnians In the neigh- uoruood or wnrsnw tno inBt fow dayB Ib explained, according to re ports reaching bore, by tho claim that they, havo employed this tlmo In fortifying tho territory already taken up to tho Bzurn Rlvor and along tho loft bank of tho lower and mlddlo Vistula Rivers. Accord ing to roiiabio information, Dodz, nU., oj.u....u.l0 uau iuirKuwL nttrlnM UilnkiiiAiiilAA llltl..... nro now as Btrongiy rortlflod ns Kallsz and Czonstochowa, Tho Gor mans aro Booking to mnko tho tor rltory bb difficult to Invndo as Gor man soil, FEAR MANY LOST I I Explosion in Coal Creek Shaft to British Columbia Entombs many uoai miners Ilr AuttUtmJ rmi to Cool Dijr Time. VANCOUVKR, B. C, Jan. 2. An explosion occurred nt tho Coal Crook mines, Fornle, B. C, today. It Is believed a largo numbor ot mon woro killed. Govornmont Inspoctor KVans entorod tho mlno with roscuo appar atus nnd was Immediately ovorcomc. Ills recovory Is doubtful. I OF Jesus Carranza, Relative of Former President, Taken Prisoner at Salina Cruz (Dr Auoclitot! PrtM lo Oox 07 TtB1 1 WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 2. General Jesus Cnrranza, brother at General Vonustiano Carranza, has been taken prisoner at Salina Critz, Mexico, according to an undated dis patch to tho Stato Dopartmout. MONTH OARI0 HUSV. (Or AuoiUltxl I'm lo Coo l)r Time ( NICE, Dec. 31. Life nt Monto Car lo, with tho cnslno closod, continued lo bo very quiet, but tho International Sporting Cub la open with tables whoro somo risk tholr monoy at bac carat. This Bo-callod "clrclo prJve" stops playing at eight o'clock at night so mlddlo aged ga.mb!ora aro ablo. to spend a good long night In bod nf- ter tho strain of the day. In tho scarcity of gold, gambling goes on wjUl countors Instead ot coins. Ono B0t8 thom at tho ontranco against notOB. whon ioaVing countors aro ,., hRntrmt for nrtPB. Kxtrnmo difficulty In handling paper caused this Important chango. ' Tho aspect nt Mia frnniliHnrr tinlla la Din Rnmf. 4l . , ,.,, . ,. , , ., tho sound Is different, that Is all. LruTjyru-anrun.r These regulations have boen en forced largoly as a result of the pressure exerted by Germany. They havo aroused bitter resentment from both press and public, but the coun try as a whole feels that, being a small nation, Norway cannot nf- ford to antagonize tho belligerents Times Want Ads for results. IN F EMI BROTHER CARRANZA A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall ml Conn Tlnr Advertiser F PRESIDENT GET AIIGAN SHIPS SEIZED BY ALLIES Standard Oil Company's Ves - ses Sfi7nri hv Frnnnh nnr English War Vesels tOr AMoclttfiJ Trfti lo Coot nr Tlmen.l NI3W YORK, Jan. 2 Tho Stnnd- ard Oil Company nnnounccd thnt tho tanker Rrlndllla was Intercepted off tho Scottish const by a Fronch wnr shlp and taken to Brest, Franco. A few weeks ago tho Brludllla was seiz ed off Now York by tho British and tnken to Halifax, whoro alio waa. lat er released. Another Standard'" Oil vessel, tho dishing, was solzod by tho British, It was nnnouncod, and taken to Villa Francho, whoro sho was roleased. Both vcbsoIs nro ot Am erican registry. UNITY PLEA Officials of New Haven Rail- 1 mm i roarj ivi ust stand 1 rial on Sherman Law Indictments JD AmocUIw Tint to Coo Vuj TlraM. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Tho Federal district court overruled today tho plons of immunity Irttorposed by John L. Ballard, James S. Dlton and Wil-I Until Skinner to Indictments charging thorn with a criminal violntlou of tho Shormnn law In connection with tholr acts ns directors ot tho New Haven Railroad. 'Thoy claimed Im munfty bccauso ot tho testimony giv en by thorn boforo tho Intorstnto commorco commission prior to tho ro turn of tho Indictments. E L C. R. Pickcnbaugh of Coquille, Tells Hard Luck Story of Protecting Little Lass C. R. PIckoupnugh, for whom Jus- l tlco Ponnock Issued a warrant a weok ago on tho chargo of assuult and bat tery, surprised Judge Ponnock this morning by coming into court without an officor and prosontlng tho war rant, saying ho was tho man wautod. Justlco Ponnock had sont tho wnrraut to Sheriff Gago nt Coqulllo as Pick - DHMER MS TO 0 El ED 0 RECTORS PAYS FD DEFENDING onpaugh had gone there nnd tho lat-, '. . SGeejonpf.rillrV tor turnod It nvor to Plokenpnugh, I "11 lUR at!&UII . '"1 " who Is a trusted employe of tho Poart kaSC More UOaCll oUltS Drothors. ' Judgo J. S. Coko hus sufficiently PIckoupnugh said that ho guossod rocovorod fiom his ton iluya' alogo ho wns'toehiilcally guilty but wantod , of la grippe so that ho will bo ablo to toll tho story. Ho said that ho to resuino tho December torm ot clr had been boarding nt Mrs. Johnson's cult court which was adjournod for boarding houso on Mnrkot avenuo tho holiday rocess, at Coqulllo Mon and ono ovonlng tho Johnson boys day. Ho said that all of tho crfm woro bothering Cloo Onrtor, tho lit-1 inal cases woro sot and until ho ronoh- tlo daughter of Marshal Carter. Sho rnn Into PIckonpaugirH room to os - capo thorn. Tho lads followed and ho, told thorn to got out. They became tmportluont and ho called to tholr inothor. Sho told him to put them growing out of tho Coach-Slmpson-out and ho took them by the collar Treadgold mlxiip nt nandon, will bo pnd shoved thorn outside That was trlotl early In the wook. all. During tho last fow days Attornoy However, Mrs. Johnson and nor Treadgold has started two moro sulta husband, Jas. II. Johnson, nrojaranfat 1no coach Drothors. Opo divorced, nnd on his arrival from bU(t s for about $1300 worth of Bmlth-Powora Camp, whoro ho wbb j ijquor bills of various wholesalo omployod, ho hoard tho boys' houses against Joo Coach nnd tho story. Ho -went to Justlco Ponnock lattor's proporty has boon attachod nnd Bworo out tho warrant. Ho was f0r them. Tho othor Is nga'fnst Ar- angry nt Plckonpaugh, claiming that1 Plckonpaugh had boon partly rospon- BIHIO IOIV llIU UIVUIUU JITUUUUUIIltjO. !.. ..... .It It Justlco Ponnock required him to put up $3 expense monoy, i After hoarlng tha story of Plcken- Tho Rustler, which was placed on paugh, who camo ovor from Coqulllo the Sluslaw run In place of the this morning especially to answer tho' Ronmor, under Capt. Skog, Is load cbargo, Justlco Ponnock imposed thojlng for Florence The Rustler has minimum flno of $5, which was paid, moro power nnd less draught than Lator Johnson nppo'ared and was, tho Ronmor and Is bettor sultod to refunded his $3. He was angry be-1 tho bar conditions there. Capt, Peter causo Plckonpaugb's flno was not Olson, who has Just rotumod from larger and doclarod he was going to a trip to Portland will soon ltjavo take the caso boforo the grand Jury i"01 lorW 0rfor(, anrt IU,RUe U,ver with a aigo of supplies nn tho Tlmea Want Ads for results. , Ronmor. No. 140- TAFT SAYS II. S. RID OF .PHILIPPINES K'Lkes Sensatfonal Statements 1 Relative to Islands at Con t gressional Hearing 'sayshecaTspeakhis mind about them now ' D,e.f ' President MoKinlcy I cimuii tu du nuiiuvuu ui Islands Soon as Possible (Df Aaoclitl Titm t Cool D7 Time WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 2. It will tnko moro than ono gen eration and probably moro than two to prepare tho Filipinos for nolf govornment Ib tho opinion of former President Tnft, who today gavo his vlows on tho ndiulnlstrntlon bill for tho ultlmnto independence of tho Philippines bororo tho Sonnto com mltteo working on tho tnoasuro. "I 11111 at last In n position whoro I can say Jupt what I think," nld Taft. McKlnloyV Vleul of Innnt!H. "Now, what tlmo do I think will bo nocossary to train tho Filipinos to Bolf-govcrnmont, tho tlmo necessary to glvo theso people tho opportunity to learn English so that they shall bo an Dngllsh speaking people? That will tnko moro than ono gonorntlon land piobnbly nVbro than two It you count thirty years us n generation. j When President McKlnloy Bont mo I to tho Philippines, I told him thnt I I thought wo ought to bo In tho Is j InndB. Ho said to mo that wo bad j the boar by tho tall nnd wo had to fltn ltllt tin, Iftnfi limn ntfn Hinf wo B,10,lld Bot ' n8 B00n nB wo C0U,tK Our first purpose In being In ;tllcro u to KOt,.0"t'" ITALY GLAD DF h iri K Protest Against Interference With Neutral Shppping by England Approved. III? AixxUM rrtii to Coot) llijr TlmM ROM 19, Jan. 2. Tho Amorlcnn noto to Great Britain protesting ngnlnst lntrforonco with Amorlcan merchnntmon produced an oxcollont Impression horo, not only bccauso It toads to nvort exactly tho snmo dif ficulties onrountered by Itnllnn com morco, but also bccauso It Is hoped It may load to a moru concreto sot of rules protecting tho commorco of noutrnls. iCOURT TO DPEW . ,fifm nnun ujin Romo Pp j 0j Coqullo. Monday It was uncertain Mj,ch one would bo taken up first. a a understood that tho trials of Ruby Slmpson-Noslor and Mrs. Pfort uor, on tho perjury Indictments, tiur coach for about $1600 wofth of uccotints. Including liquor bills. ' ' . WATERFRONT NEWS miwm DTE lllilrll I UiIIr lift .01 N. J . I- s v v -i- ---- - 1 muJftt