I I IFf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY,(JANUARY 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FlVe I K Copyright IlartSchnffncr &Marx TIIIS'.LS'A GOOD AVBaKIDISTOUIt V1j) fl.IJiIT.OUJ.t WIS a.KWKT OUR. r AV 10 a RI3I3T OUR COM PI3TITORS, AND Til 131 It CUSTOM I3RS. "W13 GRI3I3T J3V.I3RYI30DY I3VI3N OUR 10NI3MXI3S T1MV13 UAVI3 AR13 ANY WHO Til INK TIJ I3Y ARE.' WE WISH. YOU ( Marshfield MUSIC IN YOUR HOME WILL AND,- (A HAPPY AND A HAPPY DAY EVERY "Talk to Thomas L. L. THOMAS, I 210 Central nvomie. mMMxM0mW Wishing Everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year i' gCbos Bay Tea Coffee & Spice House Phone 394-J. the Bay View Hotel lUnder new mananemont l FLORENCE, OREGON 3rs the best accommoda- s in the citv Thoroughly lovated Dinintj Service Unexcelled u rs to Please 'C75e ffome of HAFT SCHAFFNER. &- JVktftfC Good TO YOU ALL T.LMti '1!0 EXTEND CORDIAL CIRElS'JMNaS TO J0ViaKY.I3O.Dy. y 1 f IMISNDS, OKCOUIJS13. ' OUgJTOMIjlUS, "WHO -AltK OUR BUSINESS ?U ISNDS. HUSJNI3SS ASSOCIATES IN OTHER, LINES !IX TUTS COALM'tOTTY. ALL A JLAPPY NEW YEAR. WOOLEN M MAKE A HAPPY HOME NEW YEAR DAY IN THE YEAR. About It." M NAGKR. Phones 1.11 -J; 1.1-L. J. H. Jessen, M.-D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgory and DIsoases of Women n Specialty. Office, 307 Coke Bld. Phono 220-J Res, Myrtlo Arms. Phono 304-L ' 1fiJ? 10 Cent u , Messenger Service ii.nniinrin PVPI CDV ILL STORE TWO STORES TO THE WHO HAVE HELPED US MAKE THE YEAR 1914 A SUCCESS AND TO THE FRIENDS WHO HAVE GIVEN US ENCOUR AGEMENT IN OUR NORTH BEND VENTURE, WE EXTEND OUR HEARTY THANKS AND BEST ' WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR If a bigger stock, better service, and the very lowest prices will continue these friends and add others, we will certainly try to merit your ' continued favors. 2&&LlJt 5i 23;! rf"Jw yS When you bwjj&m tiBBuy the tesVMjf MARSHFIELD A Happy New Year AND A GOOD NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION WOULD BE TO BUY ALL YOUR MEAT THIS YEAR AT THE The Union J. E. FORD 171 South Broadway ' Clothes mm iw:cim A3STY, OR 110 THERE r 3 '" - North Bend FMEND NORTH BEND Market & CO. Phono U8 1 iOGAk!am!GHILllEII IIS"" Tuivr ' tsp&.-$&? i - 5REVTIE5 WHAT 1 1 Kit FORECAST j tHr AMocUtl Tith tn Poiw ItF TIrim, OREGON Rnln In west nntl rnln or snow In oast; southerly j winds, moderate to fresh nloiiK const. ., LOCAL TEMPERATURE- j RECORD For tho 21 hours ending nt I: III n. m.f Jan. 1, tiy llcnj. Ostllnd, special government roc- tcoroloKlst: Maximum 01 Minimum 11 At l:i:i ii. m 18 Precipitation r.U j Preclpltntlon slnco Sept. 1, 1011 33.97 Preclpltntlon samo period j Inst year 2 1. -13 Wind: Southwest, cloudy nntl rainy. To Form Union. It Is announced that the Journeymen harbors In Mnrsliflolil will shortly organize- n union, n branch of :ho National or ganization. Pay Fine. Carl Slosson, who wns arrested night hoforo Inst for being disorderly, pnld a flno of $5 to R cordor Duller. Ills name was first given ns "Candy." Special Service. Nov. a. LoRoy Hall will preach in the chnpol nt North Slough on Sumlny morning nt 11 o'clock. Rov. Hall will preach Sunday evening at LnkoBldo. GolH First License. F. D. Fletch or yostordny received his 1015 auto license from tho secrotnry of stato mid was rather olntod over being tho first ono in Marshfield to cot one. Tho number is 07. Join Rod Cross .T. L. Rrlco, n well ; known Marshfield mail, is figuring ! on Joining tho Red Cross Nursing Stnff and going to tho European bnt tlo front to help caro for tho sick and wounded. Is Ailing Dan McDonnld and wlfo of North Rend cntuo down last ovo nlng to spend tho evening with Mr. and Mrs. II. J. MClCeown. Mr. Mo lina been suffering from In grlppo for tho past month and wns Just rccupor ntlngntlng whou his eye began to troublo him. Now Giinllnor Ilnnlc. W. U. i DoiikIrh roturncd yostcrdny from iGnrdlnor. Ho snyH that most of tho fixtures for tho now bnnk there Imvo arrived and they will soon , start tho erection of a building and , will probably bo rondy for buslnoss boforo lone. All of tho loading inon of that section nro Interested In tho now Institution. i SIiowk Now Car. V. C. Oorst yos-, torday nftornoon drovo his combina tion auto and motor boat to Marsh field. It differs little from tho con- ' trlvnnco ho had last season, n float putonoithorBldonndthoTljriTnr TflHIPLIT "'ontB' cloBO '"' 3'J lor off his flying machine HrlJnr IlNlM KOK RUNT - Flv.room f . It mnkos a racket liko n lllLdlllL. lUnlUlllj iu,so n0ar High School. box bolug i nlr propellor I being used i young Xoppolln and attracted quite u bit of attention, I lpj Tnnildi's. Yostorday nftor- 1 noon Constnblo Cox accompanied Mrs Frank Lapp to her homo In North , Mnrshfield to enable her tn secure hor belongings. Ho did so at tho re quest of MnrBhal Anderson of North Ilond .who reported that Lapp had attacked hor on tho street In North Rend. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lapp Imvo boon having more or less trouble and not long ago sho went to tho homo of hor mother in Senttlo to romaln. but finally decided to como back ami try and mnko up, but tho family truco did not Inst long. Sho Is now plan ning to lonvo again. Lapp was not thoro whon sho and Mr. Cox Kocurod hor porsonal effects yotordny. IIAPPV NKW VKAIt TIIK ART NKKDLIJ SHOP ulll uiovo vmm iii ri;s.sicij nidg. I to the (VCOSSKhh RM)fJ. at Second laud .Mailcet. They will lie open to customers on January 1. i ai'ir.u ua.. a, Milium .iir.r.. - AKTKIl JAN. i, Irfiuncli MKSSKN- C;i3lt Mill nuiko only FOUR TRIPS, .ur lUTi., 1-liiiilliiK " '""). Wednesdays, Fridays and Satuidujs. To-Nkht . J? THE DOUBLE LIFE A story of the Underworld in two reels. SNAKEVILLE'S PEACE MAKER An Essanay Comedy ITj.'innie V Rnchmnn '5s Grand.20 A SPtpDID DISHONOR A Two-Ke,1'T?1atl",e-lt Five Reels A"KWl0WArl" for Port- ! land on business. 1.1. 13. FOX and daughter loft for I Dnntlon on th onftomoon trnln. L. J. SIMPSON of North Uond wns a Marshfield business visitor yestcr I day. C. A. LAOKRSTUOM expects to I loavo tomorrow for San Frnnelsco I for n short stny. 'A J. MKND13L left yostcrdny fro j Portland where ho will spend a few days on business. V. R. LAMON returned to Marsh field today from California, where ho has spent some time. .T. II. I1AUM, who has boon with the Flnnoll store for some time, loft today for Portland. MR. AND MRS. A. C. COX Imvo moved from Marshfield to Camp Ono on South Coos River. MRS. J. V. MORROW, who has boon visiting her son, Dr. Mor-, row, loft for Portland today. MISS RUTH ALLKN left overland todny for Corvnllls to rosumo hor course nt Oregon Agricultural College. MISSUS THRIFT and Cownn, of Coqulllo, passed through hero today en routo to Corvnllls to rosumo their collego courses. ART DAIOLI2 expects to leave to morrow for Snn Frnnelsco and other Southern points. A. K. KRU81), tho formor Prospor shlnglo mill man, will loavo to morrow for Snn Francisco. MISS MAY HKNNI3TT will lonvo tomorrow for Snn Francisco nftor having spent the holidays hero. MISS 012NKVA WlLCOi who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R. Chundlar, will lonvo tomorrow for Southern Callfomln. W. C. RRAULKY returned yostcrdny from n business trip to Onrdtnor and vicinity. Ho states that the mill thcro will probably rosumo operations about .Innunry 15 as tho overhauling and improvements will bo complotcd by that ttmo. J:RS. HARRY I1RADF1KL1) and children woro to sail from Ketchi kan, Alaska, where they Imvo been visiting nt tho homo of hero sister, for Port Angoles this wook. Thoro they will visit hor brother, Gus Witto, for n whllo boforo returning to tho liny. IIAPPV Ni:V YKAR CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to tlmnk tho kind friends and tho Mooso Lodgo of Ilnndon for their sympathy and assistance, also for tho beautiful flornl offerings in our Into horenvoment, tho donth of by wlfo nnd our mothor. J. 13. FOX ANO FAMILY. HAPPY NKW YKAR Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72. Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Conimny. . . HAPPY NKW YKAR IHE LEMANSKI niC HOME OP BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE. Luwrunio & Nolan, in a comedy Hinging nnd dancing and talking not, Tho 11th oplsodo of tho "Troy o' Hearts," ontltlod "The Painted IlillB," In two rools. Gold Scal- Unlvorstal. Rox-Unlverwil proontH Herhort RiiwlliiKon mid Anna Little In a two-rnol inoloilrama of mystory nnd thrills, ontltlod "Olrolo 17." Mary Plokford, screen fnvorlto, In Imp-Uulverwil drama prosontu "A Normandy Romunco." ".Mngglo'u HonoMt Lover," with Kddlo Lyons, Victoria Lordo and Loo Mornn. This clovor comedy wns produced by Al 13. Christie on tho grounds of tho Pannnin-Cnllfor:iln Kxposltlou. Six reols of pictures thnt you can't boat for: Lowor floor nnd first balcony, 15e: second hnlcony, 10c; ohlldron , . ft , ,. tomorrow ,K,lt tho UlU, ,,a,l nf Hin "MIHInn Tlollnr MVS ieryti Commutation Tickets $2.00 thr rhhfleld-North Rend Auto every ten inlniiteH from JS p. in.; to South blougli onto n day, leaving at Jl a. ni. to Empire tlireo trips a day. OURHT KIVO. Vmiw V. T. STOLL left today 20 Ubi . m THE DELICATESSEN CO. 136 NORTH BROADWAY Wo carry at all tlmos n largo nrloty of DKLiriOUS READY PRKPARED FOODS for tno table and family trado, ready to Bervo. Wo glvo our host attention and efforts to all special orders for social functions nnd private gathorJngs. TRY OUR. fiUiGK SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Delicacies' of all 1U:u1b to choono from. A lunch to Stilt your taBto In Qiahtv and Price L George Ross, of Ferndale, Puts Up Novel Contention in Justice Court "I haven't any money, .Tutlgo, nnd tho only thing that 1 hnvo of vnluo that ho could take 1b tho chlldron." This was tho stntoment of Qcorgo Ross, who lives In n tent nt Fcrndnlo, to Justlco Ponnock yostcrdny whon ho presented himself In court to answer a suit brought by 12. II. Joohnk for $207.15. It scorns that Ross had sont his throo chlldron, Gladys, Char lie nnd Qornld to tho (Irnvol Ford Academy, agreeing to pay $2 17.45 to tho board nnd education. Ho paid $10, but ho has not pnld any of tho bnlnnco since Inst summer nnd W. IL Hunch, trustee of tho Rchool, sent tho hill to 13. II. .loehnk to collect. Ross snys thnt ho 1ms hnd n, lot ot hard luck. Whon they sont tho child ren to school his wlfo wont to work In n hotel nnd ho wont to work in a logging camp, figuring that thoy could mnlto cnougji to pay tho wny of tho young folks. However sick ness Interfered nnd then they lost their work nnd now Jio Is out ot funds nnd out ot n Job. Justlco Ponnock said that ho guess ed that nil Ross could do under tho clrciimslnnccs would bo to lot Joohnk hnvo n Judgment for tho $207.45 and pay It when ha could. UAPPY NKW YICAU DAXCi: AT Sl'MNKIt SATURDAY, JAN. 'J. FIRST DA.VCK or 11)15, KAOLINS' HALL, SATURDAY NIOHT. 1CKY ZKR'S ORCIIKSTRA. CUOTIE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR HALK U choice HMiknno lotH nt bargnln. Need tho money. S., enro of Times. WANTI3D Girl f woimm for kltchon work for short period. Phono 28C or apply O. A. Smith Lumbor Mg. Co. SMALL 1IOTKL nnd riMiiiihiK lotlM In North Rend for snlo nt a bar gain. Phono 131 or cnll nt Tho Times office. Address P. O. Box 745, North Rond, Oro. FOR SALK Rooming 305, North Rend. house, llox FOR SALK Ono $.10 storngo lt tory, nqw, for $25. Apply Good rum's Gin age. FOR HKNT Well furnWicd aimrt- fiirn billed Iliqulro 305 Sovonth stroot South. FOR RIJNT Four unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Call 430 N. 2ml st. FOR HKNT Nicely furnished front rooms with bnth. $2 por vrook. Closo In. 230 So. 4th St. FOR HKNT Flvo room modern hotiHO near Third nnd Anderson, $15.00. Also furnished flut. Phono Dr. Loallo. FOR RI3NT McUorinac house, part ly furnished, ton rooms nnd hath. Centrally located for rooming nnd boarding liouso. A. K. Soamnn, phono 40-J, WANTKD Grain sacko. Paclflo Liv ery & Transfer Co. WANTKD TO JIUY Two wheel de livery cart. Must bo cheap. X, caro Tlinos. r WANTKD Washwoman to como to liouso and do washing for small family. Address Times. WANTKD Girl for general house I work lu family of threo. By day or wook. Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzor, 11GC Flanagan avenue. 0 n W N'1. B I.OST A lady'H brooch with Elk's head contor, mounted with rubles and diamonds. Howard for ro turn to Tlinos offlco. FOUND Pleco of jeclry. Morris, Plat II. Sco J. P. and Mrs. W. J. Clarke mAttonncuu uiuuum j imssian vnp tesuiu "V P M" " 8S,i!2SW?rj