-Trf' 4 V. V t - - w TO ESA FOUR EVENING EUUIUim. . 2 K ;t! 1 1 1 ' AJ i.A3i r DAV TTMRS yn. dan b! . swwjBKjtoJ " Coos County : Official Vnpcr SSSSguWi.!!! u ..cond-cU.., null xnattor. i XinV YEAR RESOLUTIONS. RESOLVED That the BtrnlRht nnd narrow path Is tho cnsiost attar all. fTfoafcajnllonco ,,r,nB9 hor imrfqCl wOrk That (Too Day 1" 'tho host lacc on earth.. ' ' That It Is wiser to count your own blessings than tho other follow'. Mnko every cent count and count every cent. nM..i hnntilnoM dwells within us, hence the folly of seeking It olso-1 where. , That jieacoful Holltudo brings mora satisfaction than doubtful us- eoclatlons. To give your head tho custody of your heart. RAPl'V NEW VEAIt- - Truo friends seldom como In lmnohes. Moro talk Is cheap, hut somo ad vice Is oxpeimlvo. Every tlmo n woman Kots married Boinn man's troublos begin. You can't alwayH Judi;o n man's worth by the l"xcs ho pays. Nothing plenties n woman moro than to bo misunderstood by ft man. HAITV XHW VEAIt - eternal things. -- HE only things which nurture nro I normal truths and tho r.hnrne- tors which they form. No mut ter what changes occur. In human society, or In tho realms of tlio physi cal world, no matter whethur the world or tho universe changes or not, right Is right and nlwayH will ho. Mnn.lnnan In liflttor til tt It Bill, I.tlVO, romnlns tho snmn and over miiBt. (Mil la "Mui'iKimo yesterday, today and forever," and as tho dlvlno charac ter Is unchanging, so Is thnt Imita tion and reflection on It which men nnd women aro pormltted, anil en nblert by dlvlno grnco to attain. To this holiness chiingo In tho senso of development null further culture must bo possible, but not In tho sense thnt Its nnturo can vary. Tho eternal endurance of righteousness Is tin In spiring fact which nothing can dis prove, nnd on which wo mny depend nafoly, says an exchange. llAl'I'V .NEW VEAIt WHEN CITIES Gl'ESH. UEBSINd at tho amount of mon- nv nni..ln,i for (iibiiIiik year luiBiSIt down and figure for a wnuo VI been a common practice- among And learn your present statu Oregon cities, towns nnd villages, Amount of stock that's In tho pile, with tho result that tho guess beoamo Tho cost of Haine, and freight, tho tax levy for tho year, Bays Don C. Tho valuo of tho fuinlturo Howors, professor of miinlclpnlllloM at From desk to wator tank, tho University of Orogon, who Is put-. Your motor trucks, your horse, ting out a series of short article en- Your condition at the bank titled "Short Talks for llusy Of (I-. Count everything that you unit seo clals," for tho free use of city offl- From low to highest shelf; clals throughout Oregon. Forty city Thou flguro very carefully offlclnls have nlrvnrty asked for the Tho valuo of yourself. HcrtcB. I Tho iiiii Riic-mlng has been truo of county courlH, ucronlliiR to l'rofoit' nor RowvrH, wlnmo principal tmnliuwa It In to audit OrcRon niuiilclpalltleH to Kt on a butter bunluww hattl. ami whoso work Ih kIvod by tho Uul vcmlly without cIihiro. "Tho two facta nvallahlo w a basin for lU'turiiilnlnK tho levy for thn comliiK year havo been tho lovltM uiailo tho provlou yoar ami tho bal anced rouialnliiK In tho various fuiulH," ttayn Profowur Kowom. "The (.'oiinvll Iiiih not Known: "n Wluilhor lait yoai'd npproprln tlon waH spent wUoly ami oeuuuiul- eally; "h How much of tho Mupiillon pur ehaioil tho provlom year worn on liaiul; "ol low' muph It cojl to maintain each of tho varloim offletw uml ilo purtumntB; "il - I low in imh would Iih nttodod to cnmluct omcIi ofdeo or doimrlmgut for tho followliiK iir; "o How iiiurh wpilpmnt would havi) to ho purcl'iikod for oarh ud all dopailmoiitM: how much would uiHHieii tor now iniimiug; now Hindi now actlvllloH would cost; ut Wllllf HI. Ill.l Ifltlll ltllll.ii.it ' ""- ."' ....... ..t..H.n iiuuuuii iu iHPiiiiuvi inn viiy a iiiuhiumw i ii let aouio ni(lt) cttawea go offUiUmtly; I And road uy title olattr." "Aftor tho tux levy waa gueased! at. tho various I'omu'tl ootuu)lltees ' tiuod toiauar? "TlikMy Is where 1' and official would tin I hurls nxiwu-j strong, dltuioe imynblu from the various' Ask people at the Club, funds until the funds were exhausted. 1 1 like a ulght of Igggh and song and aftor that warrants were Issued J To sit around and rub that wuro stnnioil 'Kut paid for want I My elbows witu too other boys of funds." ly thl system auiiMal do-' Aud hear the music baug; flelts occurred and tho Uty debt In- I guess 1 make s much of noise oronsod year by yoar. This syatviu , As any of the gang." has beun xolug on for many ytwra Ih Ami yat perhaps another year Oregon ami elsewhere, until now When for the house you roam many cltlos hae outstanding war- You fellows who ara full of cheer rants amounting to from u few thaus i MUUt take a Uttl hum- and dollars to riore than lOI,0o,And. If our temper Is so weet III bOUK A nsttn is tt-e remedy vocal jt.ztr powers for w)t no (1 ci n most uahutl. nessl to uitu the TPA AND THE TOAST v... v...u' Resolution. I will bo a truo man, n trusi- worthy friend, a tondor sym- pathlzor, a timely holpor, a top- most Idcallzcr and a tenacious I toiler. Selected. HAl'l'Y NEW YEAR- AT MIDNIGHT NliW YEAR'S EVE Tho Old Year said: "In this wen 'worn pnek 1'vp carried for many ?. day Aro moro than a bushel of uwlom things You must bury or throw away. Thoro nro souls so scarred by mo flros of pain TIs boat by far to conceal them I tho deepest gravo that tho Past can dig." Hut tho New Year Bald, "I will houl them." Tho Old Yor wild: "You will also find a nimiimr f lirokon hearts Not merely dented or crooked, alas, Hut snapped In n dozon pans. To tho Junk henp gathered by Father Tlmo At onco you hud holler send them. Kor thoy only litter tho world In vain." Hut tho Now Year mild: "I will muml them." Minna Irving. INVENTORY Another year Ih hero at hand, An old year pausing out; And It Is tlmo to riguro and Tn roil of look about; Ifn tlmo to balance up tho aenro Ami winiiro yourself again With all your trarto ami what is moro With all your follow men. It's tlmo to flguro profit, huts, Tho IiiihIiiimw or tho your If It was only Iioh ami hosa Or showed u Httlo dear. Hut there's iiiio roasou, only one, Kor taking such u view lfn not to olmngu tho thing tlmt'8 dono, Hut learn tho thing to do. So take an Invuntory now Of Rtock upon tho Hheir, Of book accounts and loss allow And never fool yourself. Hrst, hiihltn Bmoko? "A little, jm." UrlnkT "Socially porhap Hut miltlicr matter to oxcom l.lko coi tain othur chatw. Ami yet I kiunw noxt yoar I'll try To do without tho stuff My doctor uovor tmld that I Don't smoke nod diluk enoiiKli." Uuss? "On occasion I o.iocit I mlKht say maybo 'damn,' lint slwnys try to rtH'ollMt Exactly whtro I am. I uovor (I don't think It'srlnlil) Lot Indlwi htKir inn swonr." Put why not cut It out? Tkflro might Komo Koutloiiiou bo tlioio. Your honor? "Thai I keep at (wr A hundred roll percent. Jtnimi tricks In ov'ry trailo there aro, from -o4tk to proahUmt. A follow has to do some tiling Ho wouhlu't otkorwkHv- - You can't wuar uuytingol's wIiirs Ami boat thoso other guys." Ami yet It may ho that a iuhii Would mnko about us much be 'If all tht tlmo he didn't plan On slipping sui'h-aHdich Acnwu un Mr. So-aml-Ko, "I'oihups auuthor j war ',...W .-.(.M.M..1 fivil m The office wouMa't tare ml - If you should even radlala A llttla of It ther. Lnlld (riDNdi) "Qt ftUads 1 have r : a rrrr'.,..,ft.iv; i I UUUlf !""- j ! lot- I I And somo a lot are worth !Ail frU.nU.Iilp la. 1 toll you what. Ll The host thing on' the earth. V .. ... .. .. mnn nhout tho town mere b "i ,. Hut knows and knows mo well Ask any fellow up or down The stroet and bo will toll. And yet, my brother, you should boo That friendship Isn't that: To bo a friend Is more to bo A help when men aro flat To sort of olioer a man who's glum. Somo chap a Job sectiro, To give a dollar to tt 1mm, A hundred to the poor. Your mon? "Of course 1 treat them woll And pay thorn plenty, too. I p- thoni, any man will toll. i.ir iiv'rvthlnit thoy do. And, when a fellow naka n raise, I lvo it If I can, Provided that 1 think it pays And really need tho man." Yet maybe not with cash alouo Your labor you should pay: Perhaps somo praUo for work woll dono Would holp nlong tho way, And, when It's tlmo to olovato Some fellow's wago n lilt, II might bo bettor not to wall Until ho asks for it. Your competition? "Suro, 1 troat My competition fair; Although I havo somo guys to bent u'miM mnko an angel swear. You ought to hoar tho things I hoar . Concerning some of them: Tho price thoy mnko Is often qucor, t Tho quality n gem." , Perhaps 't wore better not lo heed ' Tho IhliiK that others wiy; It would be pleusniilor, indeed, A fairer Kumo lo play. For things aro often far from truo That gossips loll with glee. If your competitors you knew, All happlor would be. Now flguro up tho balance, friend: On uno xldo put tint things That through tho year from end to end Tho day roturnlng bring The smile, lliogr'lp, tho ploasnnt word, Tho help when trouble rose, The luck you had, tho laugh you heard, And matter such ns those. Then on tho other sldo put down Tho things you did for mon Tho things you did to help tho town And holp your brothers; thou Your habits, temper, honor, all You did with heart or hand rut ev'rythlng you can recall, And find out how you stnnrt. Lumberman l'oet llAl'I'V NEW VEAIt MATIIIMONIAIi UEFMaTIOXS. A Now York woman. Moklnjc a dl vorco, Jottud down her reflection! durlntc tho trial: I "It Is bettor to be single to peactf ! than married in war. "Matrimonial ties are like eorwrtt If too tlaht, they hinder fn d- olopiont: If too loow. una mlht as well wear none at all. "Wives should be Jolliers, not jail ors. "JiiilKinif ftom the divorce records. !lt looks as If Hymen's torch was made of brimstone. ".Many a married man would uev ur be MtaHttl If his wife did not 'thiow things at him." ' llAl'I'V NEW VIM 11 i PHUT PAIMf.ltAPIIS. Time la money when you sre aslt-J to pay S1.50 for repairing a fc-tut watch. You way think you are different from othvrs. but you bora a lot of 1 wple Juat lh MW. Of court then arc more lilduis oh a rainy day than other dn.. iwe uro umhrtdlas and acme ar- I skirt. I N Hwtler how Idg g man may l- (ho wlda are that there la a auuiun jsomfwbetv in the world who I u,a- ule of maklUK him f-cl kinall. Ex, hunt:.' IMPORTANT EYENTS loi-i.in at ii nn WINTUR SHORT COURSU-JAN. 440 Agriculture, IikIuJiiik Agronomy. , Aiiinul HuxtMiiJry, UulryniK, Horti culture. Poultry llusdundry. Insects, 1 Plant and Animal Dieakr, Cream ery MaiMgement, Marketing, etc. Home Economics, IikIuJimk Cook- i hie Home Nutsmg, Sanitation, Sew In);, lirexsm.ikmt; and Millinery. Cummcrcc, iiicIuJihr husliiess Man ar.eunt, ltur.il licoiioinUs, lltislinij l.aw.On'ue CralninK. I:arm Account ing, eu. HiiKlncerliit;, huludlns Shopwork and Koadtuildim;. PAKMHUS WUUK-I-UURUARY 1-6 A genersl clearing house eslon of six day tor the e.v.hange of dynamic lda on the most pressinj problems ot the time. Uvtuies by leading authoriti!. State conferences, ILYTUNSIO.N SIjRVICU , Oners lectures, movable Khool$,lo- , Mitutesaud uunieroubcotrepouden(i ( MUSIC: Plane. Stilne, Hand. Vohi. No tuition. Keduvrd nt on all ret roads, lor turther muinu Ion addins, a nwui cuu allis. oiluuw. i ! I IRVING BLOCK SDavsPRE-SNVENTORYSALE n i Men's Department Women's Department , Specja, Sae on Men,s suits. it $90 00 values now $14.00 II UIUUI stock before taking inven tory, we will place on sale all Suits not specially mark ed at one-half price; all COATS not specially mark ed at one-half price; all Furs, one-half price.- One- half price on all outside Skirts; one-third off on j Knitted Underwear; Silk Un-, dor-skirts and Novelties noi specially marked; Hats for i one-half the New York cost, as we are closing out all Millinery, -This will be the biggest cut in prices ever made and we feel sure ev o,y one will appreciate tl,e bargains, Abstracts F0,t Ui:i.lAIH.B AHSTItAmOITITI.1: AM .MU.u . C00S BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MlltHIIKIUM) AND COQIMM.E CITV, OUEGON' IIKNItV SEXGSTACKEN. .MAXAOEH ' in "I MM ,.... I I' '" TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITER EXUHANUI: ANU aurrui ou. BENNETT MARSHFIELD, COUS UU.f ukcuuin Capital, surplus and umllvldod profits ?12G,000.00 (No indebtedness.) OFFICERS: J V llennett. President Arthur McKcown, Secretary Tom T. llennett. Vice Presldont Dennett Swonton, Treasurer Transacts trust business only. Acts ns trusteo of express trusts and also as executor and administrator of estates. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outside ot Portland organized under new trust law In this state. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W000YARD Xortii Front Street, Puoue H70. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. f. K00NTZ GARAGE Hieit4ur Motorcycle Ageacy LEE TIRES Al'TOMOIlll.rS HTOIIE1) X)OS OOl'NTY'S MOST COMPLRT) MA CHIVE .SHOP MAltl.VK ANH AUTOMOlUMl ItElSMItlNO GASOI.I.VU FOR HAIifi t'OICTH FRONT KT. PHONE 180-J IIAITEIUES REPAIRED AAI CIIAROKI) 1 -" t tsi m inirnsnifggawss ii ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. 1 'l In. 1.1H1UV I CLEANING WORKS White Gloes White Cents niul Silks nro our Sperinlly J. H. LAW, Mgr I I'liono :tt;-X. :i5t IVuirnl Ave. I SUITS CLEANED AND PRESS l-l SPITS MADE TO ORDER GIVE VS A TRIAL ' ' UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY uu i i.k S 1'i.ACK , 266 Control Ave. Phone 2tO-X. i $25,00 values now $16.50 $30,00 values now S18.Q Special Sale Men's i Overcoats $25,00 values now $16.50 $30,00 values now $18.75 jjafiffl values now $22.bU Closing Out All Boys' Suits and Overcoats SuiWaluo o.uu. Value $6,60, Suit valuo $5,00, bpeciai . ------ Suit Value $8,50, $6.25 $7.35 Special ----- Suit Value $10,00, Special Boys' Overcoats, V- Price. $ 3,00 values, now $ 1.50 $ 6,00 values, now $ 3.00 g &00 values, now jg S 1 5.00 values, now $ 7.50 TRUST CO. CHIMNEYS FIIIE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Brlclc Work at Prices That Aro Right And all Work Gunranteod Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson BldR.. 137 Second St. Phone 431-J. French Ranges. Dollor Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between any points tn Marshtleld and do general hauling, for reasonable rates. STAR TRANSFER A STORAGE CO Levi Ileisner, Proprietor Phone: lliO.J, 4U-L. OH-R New MiHlels I "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor I "ONYX" and "CADET" l HOSE l S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend NO HAW EDGK8 oa YOUR COLTiARS If you havo thorn laundereg t TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ,OU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOi Tour good cars with careful drivers i Fot day sevlco, phono 144-J, ItUuco Ulllard Parlors. ; For alght service, l'hone 280.L Right Cafo. 1 D. L. F00TE. CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND MGU'P SKlivn'fi For taxi, phone 193, ideal Cafe. For tourtmr cars, nlmnn on i phono 20 I Chandler Hotel I LYNN iaMHETII, Prop. j New Cubs : : xow Cars I TRY yomiR people. i,, il.iB safe, conservative liank-aepo. Chsii Savings Account to WH, .,, (ho a t regularly ten per con of ) ur w you ., ftccHUm. Intcirst wo pay you H ' BH . S,l-i.,t., great spur to nnibitlon. Try It. UNDER THM UN1TKI) STATUS GOVBIINMKOT SUrKUVISION. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY So'cly Deposit Boxes For Rent. FLANAGAN i BENNETT W OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTy ! ij Established 1860. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Intercut 1'nlil o Tlmo J)epolU ' Offlcors: J, W. nennett. Vrcslilent. J. II, KlniinKim, Vlcc-lrolilcnf. It. I-'. Wllllnnm, Ctiklilor. Geo. V. WlnchOBtcr, Ait. Cimhlt. To Portland every Thursday TIIK FAST AND S S. Geo. NEVI,V NOItTIl 1'ACIFIO BTISAMHUIP CO. n p Mrnrcnnnia AGENT W. M. PAINTJUl v .- -- Phooo 44, Marshtleld EQUIPPED WITU WIKKLK88. Steamship Breakwater AiiWAYS on Tiane. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD Dl'RINO JANUARY, ON THE FOfc. I.OWINO DATES: JAN. 'J, 10 A. M.; JAN. , 1 I. SI.; JAN. 18, :0 A. M.; JAN. tt, 1 P. M.; JAN. :, H:0 A. JI. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITV TICKET OFFICII, MSB AND OAK 8TREBTS, PORTLAND. Phono 35-J. O. II. LANDERS, Aesi IT DGEAMTRANSPDRTATIDN Scmi-wcokly sorvico Coos STEIIP WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN PEDRO FROM .MARSHFIELD SATURDAY, JANUARY 1!, YT 10 A. I. Equipped with wireless and subtaarlflb bell. Passengers and freight. STEHHSHIP lUMM SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarino bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO .SATURDAY, JANUARY a, AT 10:00 A. M. Han Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McQeorqe, Phono 44. ll FREIGHT. L fian Francisco Pier No. 2G. Every Wodnesday 3 P. M. mm To San Francisco TnOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocenn Dock Phone 278. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio r. jr. boad?e ve a. u. iiodqini Marshfiplri PA,NT AND irimaiineiu DEC0RATNG co Estimates Furnished Phoae 80. MarahfleW, Orcfoa. IT i To Eureka every Monday COSIFOKTAI1MB W. Elder KQUII'I'ED Phone 421. North Bmd mmmmmmmmm Bay nnd San tfrancisco. 0 vKmifrttTr' STORAGH IE STEAMERS -SAIL FROM- Coob Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday Portland Albers Dock No, f . Every Saturday 9 A.M. MftrsbileidL " ' " MATT L. MAY Western Oregon Repr.esentatiT nAAS RROTnERS Iniportew and Wholesale Grocers Marahfleld, Oregon Tel. 304-R. Res. Myrtle Arms THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshtleld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STRJB8T NORTH IlKVn O. A. Metliu, Pros. j i ".i W" ".mi, ii. .tM