r - THE COOS BAY TIMES', MARSHFIELD", OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1915 EVENING EDITfON. THREE The Central Avenue Booster i i iVOI;. 1. CKXTItATj AVKNOM, TltlDAV, JAXUAHY J, UM." w tffl THE Prescription Pharmacy lYnnlc I). Cohan. THANKS YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS IN THE PAST AND WISHES YOU Prosperity for the Coming Year Aluminum Ware - Fireless Cookers They make housework a joy and no kucnen is com plete without them. Aluminum always looks nice, is easily kept clean and gives more service for the money. You will be surprised to find out how rea sonable our prices are on it. Drop in and see Nino A Happy New Year IF YOU WISH IT PROSPEROUS ALSO SEE US ABOUT SOME COOS BAY REAL ESTATE. Aug Frizeen, 68 Central Ave. A Happy New, Year to You All JJappy may it be, Wo hope thai many mora may coma Which you will live to .see Wo hope that each rccurrimj Halo January First Will find you in a merry dale And never in a t hi rail THE SMOKEHOUSE HILLTAimS ( VmiI nil A STOP! LOOK!! LISTEN!!! Do you know this is the only French Dry Cleaning Shop on Coos Bay? UNIQUE PANTATORIUM. Jay Doyle's Place. 256 Central Avenue. Phone 250-X HERE'S TO A HAPPY HOLIDAY, HEALTH AND WEALTH FOR ALL THE YEAR. HAPPY NEW .YEAR TO ALL PIONfER GROCERY CO. Phone 84 :: :: :: :: :: 81 Central Avenue A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all is the Wish of J L Terrell Chandler Barber Shop CKXTUAIj avk. op couiisk. E. I. CHANDLER Marino Insurance K Fire I. Auto. COKE BUILDING I Marshfield PLAN TO TAKE SUMDAY DINNER AT THE Chamidlleir Hotel a Good Menu OWL H Mel G. Duncan Phone 181 J venue. OMARS Accident Plato Glass Burglary Oregon The Hub. of Central Avenue TIIK CKXTltAI AVKXUH ilOOSTKIt Published Kvciy Vridny In tho Inter ests of Coos liny In General and (Vutral Avonuo In paitlcului-. , Subscription I'rlco. Your good will, niul moniborsblp In tbo UooBtcr.Club. , OUIl STAl'-K. Managing Editor. "Nationally Ad vertised" Frank D. Coban. 4 JiATKST AVAlt XKWS. J. T. Hnrrlgan, Cnpt. Mucgcnn nnd Harry McKeown bold a council of wnr yesterday and decided that tbo Allies should proceed at onco to forco tbo Dutch ncrosg tbo Rhine. Lord Kitchener thinks this should not bo attempted till spring, but that don't uiako no difference HAPPY XKW YKAlt Tboro Is a man on Central avonuo so stingy that ho never buys n calen dar for foar bo nray not llvo tho year out nnd be nblo to uso It up. HAPPY XKW YKAU Til 13 AX. Now Year's Day Is with us And wo know boyond a doubt, That tbo gobblers will got It If they don't watch out. J. T. HARHIdAK. HAPPY XKW YKAlt VOIXT OP THK .lOKK. (Dedicated to A. K. Peck by A. Y. Myors.) ' Ho told a funny story, Which ho thought wns full of wit; Hut tbo Btory wasn't funny Tbnt's tbo funny part.of It. Death and Christmas bills nro both bard to shako. FLASH LIGHTS tiik iiAitonsT lixk OX COOS IIAY AT $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 $2.00 and $2.25 ' LKT US PLASH OUIt FLASHTiinilTS OX YOU Norton &Hanscns TWO STOKKSs CKXTItATj AVK. FItONT ST. Before Parting With Your Money IX HUYIXG UKAIi KSTATK 8KCUHK A COMI'IjETK AHSTHAOT FJIOM THK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This wlll-savo you nn ltoyanco and oxponso afterwards. Wo also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. Mnrtriiflold offico In Coko Building opposite Cluuidlor Hotel, PJiouo U-J. Coquillo Offico adjoining Fann ers' Hank Mock. Phono 101. llandon Office, McNulr llullding. Phono 182. Henry Sengstacken Manager. A Happy Is qur wish to ono and all. To our many friends and patrons, wo extend our thanks for ono of tho most prosperous seasons that wo bavo ever bnd and during that tltuo It has boon our ondoavor to mako It n happy ono for all with whom wo camo in contact. Again wishing nil tbo compliments and Joys of tho season, wo are gratofully yours PUHE FOOD OnOCKHS. A Good Place to Trade Corner Central Avenue nnd Third Street OB INTO SOCIETY lluhl First lllg Annual llnnquet at Chandler Hotel Last Night with Much Speech-making. kuokxk chostiiwaiti: acts as toastma.stkh Frank Cohan Presides As President and Fred Weaver Waves as Sec. retnry AVho AVns There. Tho first annual mooting and ban quet of tbo Central Avonuo Uoosters was hold last evening at tho Chand ler hotel. Frank Cohan presided nnd Fred Weaver waved as secretary. h. h. Thomas moved that tho meet ing bo opened with music, but A. E. Noff, with an over alert eyo to busi ness suggested a can opener, while Harry McKeown, who is somo Httlo wit himself, amended to mako it a corkscrew. President Cohan congrat ulated tho Uoostors on tho year's work and announced that Eugono Croathwalto would act as toastmastor. Gono nroBo to tho occasion nnd demonstrated that ns nn after dinner speaker ho had Domosthonos nnd Hugh McLnln In tho discard. Ho said In part: "Follow Doo8ter nnd (worthiest) follow cltlz-slzz-slzz " (Hero ho was interrupted by A. T. llnlncs, who wanted to know If ho thought ho wns nddrosBlng n hunch of liumnn Boltzor bottles, but Gono Ignored tho Inter ruption nnd proceeded) " as I stand bofbro you on this perspiring occa sion I nm ovorwnrmed with depre ciation to hnvo tho prlv-vlll-lcgo to address you. In tho Innguago of that gront genonil, Eucalyptus Grant, It Is Indeed a plonsuro to appear be fore so mnny follow-shlrkors-nud tbo tho spirit within mo nrlos out I for got what kind or spirit It is but it crlosi out "Pleurisy onions!" "I stnnd boforo you tonight as tho frioud and champion of labor. This Is tho ago when everybody should work ovorybody olso. "Wlmt ovorybody on Coos Day wants Is money. Coot Day girls want mntrl-monoy; wives wnnt pin money; divorced women wnnt nll- monoy, and Henry Songstnckon wants everybody's money. Just now there Isn't much monoy In circulation. Dollars aro scarco, nickels are scarcq and Hint's what throws tho scares Into all of us. Al Mendol says "mon oy tnlks," but all It over says to mo Is "good-byo." Dlfforent nations bavo different kinds of monoy. England has pounds and shillings, Frnnco hns centimes and louts and Gormnny has marks. Of courso wo hnvo got marks on Control nvenuo, too. I'm a mark, but Guy Chnmbors Is tho goat. "Last wook I swallowed a ploco of window glnss which gavo mo a 'pano,' so I went to seo Doc Housoworth. Aftor ho had examined mo I said: AVoll, Doc, what do you mnko out of it?' Ho said: 'Doforo I got through I'll mako $200 out of It. Thon bo oporatod on mo bo cut out my tod dy nnd my cigarettes. Ho would bavo cut out my appoudlx, too, only I had It in my wife's nnnio. "John D. Rockofellor says ho be lieves In taking tho world ns ho finds it, but tho troublo is ho wants to tako It nil at onco. John says In his own dofonso that ho only takes what Is right. And he's speaking tho truth. John only takes what Is right and tho peoplo must tako what is loft. "Ho says you can't got rich by keeping your hand In your pocket. And again John Is correct. If you wnnt to got rich nowadays you'vo got New Year rhono 100 to put your hnnd In somebody clso's pockot. Ho says Hint the secret of success Is pluck. Hut if John visited Central nvenuo ho would find that tho peoplo aro getting so wlso It's hard to 'pluck' them." Hero bo 'was Interrupted by loud cries of "That's right! We're wise," etc. Hay Olllvant said ho wanted to mnko a few remarks on tho Central Avonuo pioneers, but there wero ob jections by Geo. E. Cook nnd Ivy Condron. Tho pnrly broko up as midnight broke nnd so wero a few of tho oth ers. Among those present wore Geo. E. Cook, George Goodrum, Fred Weaver, Low Thomas, Hay Olllvant, H. J. Mc Kcown, C. Q. VanDuyn, Jim Kollnnd, Ouy Chambers, Geno Croathwalto, D. Y. Stafford, Frank Cohnn, Dorsey Kroltzor, Henry Sengstncken, August Frizeen, Mel Duncan. Jay Doyle, A. E. Xcff, J. T. Hnrrlgan nnd A. T. Haines. HAPPY XUW YEAH CKXTHAIi AVKXUK JOTTIXGS. 4 How About It? Going to swenr off today? Neither are wo. Try This This Year. An ounco of boosting Is worth n pound of knock ing. Sell your hnmmor. Tho Peek-a-Hoo Kind Santa Claus didn't hnvo nny troublo In seeing through somo of tho silk stockings on Christmas night. Itesolutlon Day. Today Is resolu tion day. If you hnvon't nny now ones, got out your old Inst year's ones nnd dust 'em up. High IlrmvM Hero. Tho Intellect uality of our community is Increased CO per cent this wcok, nil tbo boys nnd girls being homo from college. Strong Expressions "lly the groat Hornspoon" Is supposed to bo n rath er strong expression, but "Duy on Central nvenuo" is n stronger ono. A rolMied Gentleman. It cost Dr. Toyo ? 1 . G T to got bis shoos shlucd Christmas. Doc says they come pret ty nonr "clennln' him" ns well ns tho shoes. A Xew Addition. W. J. Conrad mndo n trip to Coquillo this weok to Invctitlgnto n proposition to mnko somo real cBtnto Investments In somo town lots. Ho cnlled on Assessor Thrift and asked about tho -valuations In tho section ho had In pros poet. Assessor Thrift gave him tho Information desired, cspeclnlly nbout tho Hco Hlvo district. "What is tho 'Uoo-Hlvo' district?" asks Con. Tho assessor told him Hint that was tbo placo where ovorybody got stung. CKXTHAIi AVKXUK SAYIXGS. A. E. NEFF says bo soils hammers; ho doesn't uso 'em. HENHY SENGSTACKEN says that tho Gorman raiding flcot put tho scar In Scarborough. Wo can't print what J. T. Hnrrlgan says. D. Y. STAFFORD camo down town Sunday without having bis shoes shlned nnd his social standing drop ped lower than tho mercury, HAPPY NEW YKAU QUKRTIOX FOIt THK DAY: 4, AVhy appoar pleased at your Christ mas gift and thon knock It nfter tho glvor has dopartod? HAPPY XUW YKAU AVHKX OHKGOX GOES DUY I i AVords nnd Music by Cap. T. j J J, Macgonu, Poet of Pacific j (Copyright. Applied For.) Wo'ro all pneked up nnd ready AVo'ro going out of town, Since tho old maids got tho ballot Thoy screwed tho lit right down. But tho girls will bo sorry AVhon thoy boo our car go by, Wo'ro nil going down to 'Frisco, AVhon Oregon goes dry. Wo'ro sorry that wo'ro going, But wo novor could stay bore, To drink Beunott nnd Buttermilk AVhon wo lovo Thorn's good boor. And n gin fizz for a coolor AVhon our temperature Is high, Wo'ro nil going down to 'Frisco AVhon Oregon goos dry. Tho Biiffragottes aro laughing, They're having lots of fun, But nt tbo noxt election AVo'U glvo them qulto a run. We'll put a ban on powder. Red paint and groy-hulr dyo Wo'll nil going down to 'Frisco AVhon Oregon goes dry. Tho city will go busted It cannot pay tho bills, And at North Bend and Eastsldo They'll bo running piivuta stills, And tho drug store working over time While Jack Cartor winks his oye, AVo'ro all going down to 'Frisco, AVhon Oregon goes dry. HAPPY NEW YKAU A HAPPY NEW YEAR For You nnd n Jlox of kk. Chocolates will make a Happy Xew Year for Her.' BTAFFOIt 1'S OF COURSE. A PPRECIATION WE WISH TO EXPRESS TO YOU OUR APPRECIATION OF THE BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US DURING THE PAST YEAR AND TO ASSURE YOU THAT OUR BEST EFFORTS WILL BE EX TENDED TO RETAIN YOUR VALUED ORDERS THROUGH THE YEAR TO COME. c OOK'S How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. ley E, L. h. THOMAS, Mrt. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. BUYING A TYPEWRITER ? If so, have tho following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: Itemlngton Xo. (I $30 Tj. O. Smiths ?M Ileiulugtou No. 10 $55 Underwood No. O 00 $5.00 ciifih; $5.00 per month. All nmchliuw Bunrunteed for oo year. Also ribbons and carbon pajior. CARL L. STOCKIN 22 Central Avonuo. Telephone 350. A SYSTEMATIC HABIT of saving Is a character builder and a good biibliu'sti ussct, Xo ono Is too Kor to arquiro tho havingH habit. $1 will btart an account with iik. A checking account In thin good hank adds to tlxo convenience and Bafety cf doing business and goes far toward establishing your btandlug in tho community. , Thero Ih no expendo attached, nnd your account will receive cour teous and careful consideration. This hank Invites your liuslnohs and promises bafety, liberal term and witlsfactory service. First Mat:iniaI",A Barik OIF Coos Bay Central Avenue Advertise in Q ROCERY Allen Co. A- . v Salca Agent. Undorwood Typowrltor'Co. AVulos Vlslblo Adding Machine Amorlcnn Multlgraph Co. v :X Marshfieild, Oregon "The Booster r . K- IP? .a r 1 1 1 VM is 15 R ,i Ml 4 TCSSE?"