"rjjc 7Srrtnvfta.W&J a ;v r , i - j 0J V '""' YOU SHOULD1 GO. FORTH IN GLADNESS AND MAY ALL YOUR DAYS BE DAYS OF JOY A Marshfleld Woman onco snld: "I buy advertised articles becnuso thoy nro Invnrlnbly worth hnt I pay for thorn." Tho niorchnnts with tho best roimtatloug for lntogrlty nnd honeat niorclinndlso, nro without exception, tlioso who ndvortiso tholr goods unconsliiBly. The Determination of value received In advertising lies sololy with the results Bocured. Try the columns of Tho Coos Day Times thoy nro elenn nnd dependable. Tho renders of Tho Times hnvo confldonco In tho nds appearing therein. ' MEMBER OP TIlll! ASSOCIATED PUKttti VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 n Tho Coair Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, ConBt Mnl) "nil Ton Hnv Ailvprllwr No. 139 "OWRjp Qftmm LULL III FIGHTING Dl II LAST FEB HOURS Vigorous Attacks in Both Eastern and Western Theaters Dur ing Last Twenty-four Hours Followed by Cessation Today Floods Make Progress Difficult i i . GERMANS FINALLY GIVE UP ATTEMPT TO TAKE ST. GEORGES, BELGIUM, OWING TO HIGH WATER French Lose Ground in Argonne Region and Allies Gain Slow ly in Steinbach Austrians Halt Russians in Galicia Cessation of Activities in Poland (By Assoclntcd Press to tho Coos liny Times.) LONDON, Jan, 1, Although vigorous attacks woro made at points in the eastern and western war arenas in the last 24 hours, a lull in large troop movements is indicated on both fronts, Berlin announced the abandonment of Iho attempt to retake St, George, Belgium, on account of the high water there, Tho heaviest fighting in the west is in tho Argonno region, Berlin asserts ground was won there and 400 prisoners cap tured, Tho French War Office admits that tlio Germans ad vanced 50 yards in places, The Allies claim to be making progress foot by foot in the battle for the possession of Steinbach, Alsace, In Poland fighting has been all but halted by tho heavy mist, The Russian attacks in Galicia, near tlio Carpathians, are declared at Vienna to have been repulsed, FRENCH REPGRTOF 'S Artillery Duels in West With Germans Pushing Offen sive Generally llr AModalM I'rti to Cmijlir Tlmm.J PARIS, .Inn. 1. Tho official stnto inont this nftornoon Bays: "From Iho Hi sen to ItholiiiB thoro Is hnrdly any- nftornoon to spend two nnd one-hnlf thing moro than nrtlllory ongiigo-duyB In the city bnstlle. Nolmo grow monts. Tho onoiny bombarded with- Indignant over bis conviction and In out result St. Georgos nnd tho head j the prosonco of Ilccordor Ilutler scor of tho bridge position organized by'od Officer Walter Ulchnrdson who tlio Ilolgluns nt n point south of nix- j mndo tho ohnrgo ngalnst his. iniido. Spirited cannonading result-) Nolmo nnd others testlflod Hint bo od iidvantiigeously for us cnstwnrd nsihnd a tall light burning, but that It far ns Crnonno. In tho Argonno tho was dim, owing to tlio light not work enemy attacked violently nlmost tho lug proporly, ontlro front In tho Lugrurlo forosts Officer Ulchnrdson and others to.--At points ho ndvnnced for n dlstuiiro j tlflod tbnt Instead of shining out to of fifty yards, but countor nttnehs ward tho rear au a tull light is sup woro at onco delivered. Six Herman posod to do, tlio light was turnod counter uttneks between tho Mouso hIiIowIho and was not u renr light, and Mossollo woro ropulsod. Ourj After Recorder llutlor pronounced aviators hninbnrdcd at night tho rail-1 him guilty ami Hxed tho flue ut $5, road stations nt Motz nnd Arunvlllo Nolmo declared ho would not pay It Wo coiitlnuo to iiiuko progruss ut i and ho wns lmmedlntely taken to Jail Steinbach." ! to servo two nnd ono-hnlf days. AT STREET CORNER ' , ,. ils i n if Jens Hansen and Gorst & King Cars Collide at Commercial i and Broadway ! Last evening about 0:30 Jeusi Hansen and ouo of tho Oorst & King curs almost collided nt Com mercial nnd Hroadwny. Hanson wns going north on Hroadwny and tbu other car wost on Commercial, llnn 8(it suys tlio other enr was running too fast. Ho turnod to tho loft nnd they just scraped, tho Oorst & King driver turning his car so that It ran Into tlio Cordos lot om bnnkinent. His cur was flllod with P"ssongers nnd thoy woro protty badly scared. Xoitlior mnchlno wns badly dnmaged. Mr, Hanson nnd tho Gorst & King AUTOS C rti'vor havo boon cited to appear bo-f day was serving notices on tho vari forl Recorder llutlor nt 2 o'clock ' 0UB uffondors. tomorrow ns Offlcor Shoupo report' od that both were to ninino luv tho accident. AMONG THE SICK Alva Doll is confined to his homo by nsovero nttnek of la grippe, F. K. Gottlns was confined to his home yestordny by an attack of la grlppo, Mrs. It. C. McCulloch of Kastsldo Is roported quito ill. Homer Mauzey's child is reported quite ill. E. I. Chandler has been Buffering from n sovoro nttnek of la grlppo. Mrs. W. C. Bradley is reported ill today, HAPPY XKW YKAIt XKW YKAR'S DAXCK XOUTH IX LKT HALL, Satmthiy nlg'H. Gents 00 Cents. OT SIDES IEU PEUVM GOES TO JfilL MIPPLIEST UK liii i y Nt Fred Neime Refuses to Pay $5 Fine for Not Having Proper Tail Light on Car Fred Nolnio, nithor than pay n $5 fine for not having u proper lull Unlit on bis nuto, wont to Jall yesterday Kecordor Ilutler said that Nolmo would bo turned over to Houry Sung Ktuckun today to work In thu old Chinese cemetery, but us this lu n holiday thia may bo deferred until tomorrow. Neliuo did not not out to work to- day and .Murahnl Carter kopt him on a breod nud wntor diet. Ariroci... The poiuo imvo instituted a mi- lo agulnst uutos violating tho city ordlnuneo. Lust nlglit tlio officers .turned In tho following complaints: Mrs. K. C. Draws' car, No. 5 110, on wrong sldo of front street. Dr. Goo. K. Dix'a enr, No. 5039, on wrong side of street. Gorst & King's enr, No. 5332 was teportod without u tall light. Car No. 3103, ownor unknown, wns roportod on wrong sldo of streot. No arrests have yot been inndo in tho latter cases. Hearings Tomorrow. Tomorrow nftornoon nt 2 o'clock there will ho quite nn array of auto Ists In court. Officer Richardson to- 1 In addition to tlioso roportod Inst nlglit ns violating tho ordlnnnco by being on tho wrong side of tho street or not bolng proporly lighted, ohnrg os woro filed today against Cant. W. C. Hnrrls, Ut, Wm. Ilorsfnll, Jr., A. n. Campbell and C(Jias. Skqrrett. Autos numbered 801 nnd 2133, whoso owners nro yot unknown, woro also reported ns violating tho ordlnnnco. HAPPY XKW YKAH KOK HKXT llcantirul furnished apartment, with two bent mid water, at Myrtle Arms. ijWO per month. Phono U07-L. 1)AXCk"aTSI'MXKK SATURDAY, JAN 2. FIRST DAXCK of J0I5, KAC3LKS' HALL, SATURDAY XKJIIT, KKY- ZKK'S ORCHKSTRA. DR. H."K.iil8ll'Y,l)KXTIST Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coke Bide STgo ffi lit Tl (P TpTj fw months or & w ithout o GERMANY HAS 577,1 75. IN WAR PRISONS til Amhh latM VrcM to Cns llajr Time. HHRLIN, .lun. 1. (By Wireless.) Tho total number of prisoners of war In .(Jormnuy at tho end of tho your amounts to SI 38 officers and 577,875 men. This does not Include civilians Interned In (ktriuuuy nor prisoners taken during tho pursuit In IttiRsInu Poland or thoso In transport. Thoy nro divided as follows: Franco contributed 3151) officers, Including seven goueruls, nnd 215, !)05 men. UiishIii, 3575 officers, of whom 18 nro gouernls, nnd 3 00, a 00 men. llolgliim, 111 2 offlcors, Including three geuoruls, and 30,852 men. Knglund I!)!! officers nnd 18,828 men. BESENTTD:RUSSM Steamer Tambov Arrives at Vancouver to Take on Big Shipment of Supplies I M Amo. Iilrd rrt to Com 11t flmM.j VANCOUVER, II. C, .Inn. 1. The Russian volunteer fleet steamer Tnni bov arrived from the Orient lust night to take on n great quantity of heavy flold guns nnd projectllos iimiiiiitic tured in Ponnsylvanln and shipped west over tho Cnundluu Pacific. One cargo of Ainorlcnn guns shipped from Vnncouvor has alrondy arrlvod nt Vladivostok. HAPPY NKW VKAR DANCE AT Kl'.MNKIl SATURDAY, JAN. ii. HAPPY XKW YKAIt FDHMALLY OPENED Sec. M'Adoo Dedicates South ern California Fair -Wilson Pressed the Button ! (11 AKiitxJ I'm m Cook n Tlma.) SA.V DIKGO, Cnl., .Inn. 1. The Panaiuii-Cnllfornln lCxpoHlthm, open oil to tho world ut midnight by tho push of an electric button by Prosl dont Wilson nt Washington, wns for mally dodlcatod today by tho Prosl dont's porsonal roprosontatlvo, Sooro tary McAdoo. Following this wns tho dedication of tho woman's board hoadquartors and In tho nftornoon nil automobile parade was held, SAN DIKGO, Cal., Jan. 1. Threo thousand of miles nwny, Prosidont Wilson arose today In the small hours nt Washington nnd touched an oloctrlc button that oponod to tho world, at 'midnight bore, tho Pniittniu-Cnllfornln Kxposltlon. It will remain opon until January 1, 1010. Visitors from all partB of tho country nttondod tho oponlng colo brntion, tho Southwost bolng Qsjioclnlly well ropresontod. Tho Imporlal Vnlloy, of California, nlono sent n dologntlon of 2000 In COO automobiles. From Oregon camo Governor Os wald Wost; from Utah enmo Gov-on-or Spry, with a staff of state and city officials. California sent Governor Johnson from Sacramento, nlto with n group of stnto officials. William G. McAdoo, Socrotary rf t'to Treasury, ropresontod President WLson. A tho porsonal reprosontatlvo rf King Alfonso of Spain, there wa3 nii'ient Count Del Vnllo do Sal-a-'.n, nnd with him wero the logaUis of other- foreign powers. Fireworks and Illuminations lg Milled the oponlng of tho gntis oar)y yesterday evening ind fci tbiee hours there was opportunity to txi'loro the new city of old Spain which has risen on tho mesa anovo tho Harbor of tho Sun. Then, at 11;30, the formal cere- D LCD EXPO Any DeisiY Open of 1915 Finds Little Change in Situation of Eu- pean Struggle So Far NO MATERIAL LET UP ON ACCOUNT OF WINTER ! Heads of Foreign Nations Ca i ble New Year's Grestings to 1 President Wilson ,nr AForUtM I'm; lo Coos nT TlinM.J N'GW YORK, .Inn. 1. As tbu year 1015 opotiB, nftur five months of It ,111.1.... I.. 1... JL......I ri..,.l..r I1IIIHII1UU 111 UIU lillMlL ll, llh"l"lH both In the eastern and western arena is going on with out decisive results for either side, "hero has been no material letup w th the advent or winter In the determination nnd se verity of tho encounters. IIAPI'V NKW VHAR ran IS HMO PIIESSEfl EY RUSSIA Vienna Statement Says Czar's Troops Arc Pushing Campaign llr .wmkUIci1 I'rUM, to Coo ltar Tlmw.l VIKNNA, Jan. 1. Tho offlclnl nn noiinccniont toilny says: "In Huko wlnn nnd tho Cnrpnthlans the Rus slniis developed groat activity. Our troops aro holding tholr positions on tho Suczawa river hi upper Czoremosz and uIbo urther west lu the Xngyag valloy, whoro yostorday tho enemy was ropulsod with heavy losses to him. Our troops hold all pnsses west of here. Xorth of tho Xlda river tho attacks of our alllos aro progressing. In tho Ualkans ovorythlng Is .quiet. Hast of Troblnga our artillery com pelled tho Montenegrins to rotront." HAPPY NKW YKAll GERMAN CIIAXCKLI.OR'S KLRKST SOX IS SLAIX j in? AwwUlod I'itm to Com Pr Tlm.) llHULIN, Jail. 1. The Loknl Anzelgor siij-b today It learned that tho ol'dest sou of Dr. Von lletlininun-llollwei;, Imperial Chancellor, wns killed lu notion In Poland on Ducombor 0. 1 1 I- ROMHARD DUNKIRK AGAIN. I I Illy AiMH'Uttfcl Tn-wi to Cool llT Tlmos.1 PARIS, .Inn. 1. Dunkirk, j Frnnco, vn again hoinbnrdod by four Gorniun aoroplanwi Thurs- day, according to reports today. KAISKR'H MKSSAGK TO THK ARMY AXDXAVY Iinr amwuim rr to com nr Timc.j . j, I1KRL1N, Jan. 1.- Kmporor William In a Now Year's mow- j sago to tho army nnd navy asks j j thoni to fuco tlio now year un- flluclilngly and look forward to j now doeds and now victories for j tho fatherland, mony of throwing wldo tho gutos to tho world began. Lyman J. Ongo, fornior Socrotary of tho Treasury, presented Colonel D, C. Collier, former prosinout of of tho exposition. After describing tho Incoption of tho exposition, Col onel Collier mndo wayfor Prosidont O. Aubroy Davidson, to whom woro dollverod tho plans, tho keys nud finally the oxposltlon ltsolf. At midnight tho exorcises ended nnd tho flash of nn olocirfo bparlt In the Whlto House carried ovor tho wires President Wljfson's nn ncuncemont. , .Dedicatory ceremonies ' will bo held on tho exposition grounds this morning. In bobulf of Prosidont Wilson, Secretary McAdoo will de liver an address, and thoro will bo speeches by John narrett, di rector genornl of tho Pan-American Union, In behalf of tlio nations of the two Amorlcas; by Count do Salazar, in bohalf of King Alfonso of Spain; by tho representatives of other forolgn powers, and by tho governors of California and other 1 Western states. HAPPY XKW YKAR FIRST DAXCK of 1015, KAGLK'S HALL, SATURDAY XIGHT. rXKY SJKK'S ORCHKSTRA, lUrooean war b Results ENGLISH IRE APPEASED BY NOTE'S TEXT til Arninclaloil I'itm to Cnoa liny Time, LONDON, .Inn. 1. Tho publication lu London of the text of tho Ainorl cnn note to the llrltlsh government on the question of unwarranted Inter ference with American shipping, has dispelled ntiy Irritation occasioned by tho Incomplete sentences in the first summary of the communication cabled from tho United States. There were certain Kugllshmoii who snw something like an ultimatum lu the cnblu extracts, hut n perusal of thu actual context of tlioso phrases dis pelled this conception. Pinkos Pulled Sin I oi. Tho Pall Mnll Gnzotto snys: "Tho United States government has shown every disposition to put Itself In our plnco and recognize our difficulties. Our government will not show Itself less fair, minded thnn President Wil son. Short of sacrificing our best wenpon to bring tho war to a speedy end, nothing will bo loft undone to meet tho wishes of the Unltod States." HAPPY XHW YKAH 1 Whistles, Bells and Horns An nounce Another Annum Man v Watch Parties With whlstlos blowing, horns toot ing, church bolls pealing nnd othor uolso rampant, 1911 wns ushered out nnd ID 10 welcomed In on Coos Bny lust night. Tho passing of tho old your nnd tho udvciit of tho now wiih Indicated ! shortly hoforo tho hour of midnight j when Purser Dietrich nud soma ! friends pullod tho whlstlo on tlio Goo. W. Klder, which wns lying at her dock. Dlotrlch tlod a string to tho whlstlo cord and carrlud It around tho warehouse. To mnko suro that ho wnd his frlonds would surprlso tho crow and othoiB nnd would stnrt tho whlstlo hoiuro tho engineer pulled tho cord, they yitiikod tho string n fow inlniitos before twolvo nud kopt it going. Tho sounding of tho Kldor's whls tlo was icon followed by others, who figured that tholr clocks must bo off a little. Tho Ilronkwntnr soundod a novel signal marking tho arrival of uuothor j ear, ono long whistle being followed by flvo short ones nnd this ropoutod, plainly Indicating '"15." Hull ut Milllcoimi. Or tho many Now Year dnncoH and watch parties on tho Ray, tho ball anil social at tho MUllcoma Club wns one of tho most enjoynblo. Thoro was a lnrgo turnout of members nnd tholr frlonds. Tho rooms hud boon most nttrnctlvoly decorated by Max Toppor nnd his nsslstnnts nnd It wns cno of tho jolllost gnthorlngs on tho Bay in n long tlmo. North Rciiil Rail. Tho tenth nnniml ball of tho North Bend Flromon was tho largest "watch party" In North Bend. Thoro was a largo turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves inuuonsely. Tho Marsh field flromon and tholr wives and hulloa wero Invited as special guests of tl.o North Bond firemen. HAPPY NKW YKAR XKW YKAR GKKKTINGS. ti, AkoeUted rreii to Cooi U(.jr Times. WASHINGTON', D. C, Jan. 1. Now Year's gjeotlngs to President Wilson from the rulora of otlier na , tlons and from many Americans pour led Into tho Whlto House. I "Sincere congratulations for tho great American nation whoso genor- osity to Belgium Is of so much help in this time of distress and sorrow," cabled King Albert of Belgium. King George of Great Britain, King Gustavo of Sweden and King Hnakon of Norway also sent best wishes. Kmporor "William of Germany sent greetings yesterday, MEW WELCOME ENGLISH ATTLESHIP SUNK II CHANNEL E British Admiralty Announces Large Man-of-War Was Sunk by Either Mine or Submarine and Only Seventy of 750 Men Aboard Were Rescued FORMIDABLE WAS BUILT IN 1898 AND WAS SISTER SHIP TO IRRESISTIBLE AND IMPLACABLE Carried Sixteen Large Guns and Four Torpedo Tubes Exact Location of Disaster and Details Not Given by ' Official Information Bureau. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Jan, 1, The official information bureau issued the following today: "The battleship Formidablo was sunk in tho channel, but wliethor by a mine or a submarine is not yet certain. Seventy-one survivors have been picked up by a ' British light cruiser and it is possible that others may havo been rescued by other vessels, "The Formidable had a displacement of 15,000 tons, was 440 feet long and carried a complement of 750 men, Sho was heavily armored and carried four 12-inch guns, twelvo 6-inch guns and sixteen 12-pounders, and had four submerg ed torpedo tubes, She was launched in 1 898 and was a sis ter ship to the Irresistible1 and Implacable, WAS FLEET'S FLAGSHIP. The Formidable had assigned to her, according to tho Brit-, ish navy list for December, various fleet officers and conse quently she, undoubtedly was acting as flagship at the time of her destruction, Her captain was Arthur N, Loxley and the Commander was Charles F, Ballard, It is believed that nearly all on board lost their-lives, . Many Midsnipmen were drowned, WAS POWERFUL VESSEL ' The German war found another British victim this morning and robbed the British navy of a 16-year-old, but still pow erful, battleship, the Formidable, of the- same class as tho battleship Bulwark, which was blown up a few weeks ago, Apparently tho loss of life is heavy, as only 71 aro known to nave been saved, Tho exact locality of the disastor is not revealed, but the fact that it occurrecf in tlio British channel recalls the circumstances that British warships have been en gaged In bombarding German positions on the Belgian coast ancl German submarines on several occasions In tho past at temp.ted. to .torpedo, them. ,,,.. n , Grindrod Seeia Leaving City Man Who Broke Jail and Threatened Suicicte Hikes Out Sumner Road Tho suspicions tbnt tho nolo of Tom Grindrod, who broko Jull nt North Bond nnd loft some old cloth ing on tho wharf thoro to ludlcato that his body wan In tho Bay, tbnt ho was going to commit sulcldo was n fuko woro confirmed Into ytwtorday when Paul Crooks brought word to Murshflold Unit ho hnd mot Grindrod near Sumner oarly yostorday morn ing. Grindrod was hiking briskly away from tho Bay and If ho kept go ing nt tho snmo gait 1b not far from JEWETT ESTATE IS APPRAISE Most of Property Turned Over to Trust Company and Div ided Prior to Man's Death Tho npprulsors of tho ostato of tho Into W. F. Jowott, tho Gnrdlnor Mill mnn, yesterday complotod tho Inven tory of his property mid will soon fllo tholr roport. Thoy found that tho ostutd consisted of about ?200, 000 worth of property, mostly In so curltlos. Tho upprnlsors woro Thos. H. Angus, Win. S. Angus nnd Louis Soyniour. Tho small flguro placed on tlio value of tho ostato results from tho fact that a fow months prior to his depth, Mr. Jowott organized tho Jow ott Trust Company and turned ovor most of his property to that organi zation. Tho shares In this company nro divided hotwoon his son, W. II. Jowott, Mrs. W. F. Jowott and a min or daughter. This will koop tho roal ostnto, mill Interests and othor prop erties Intact. His will disposed of moroly tho res idue that wns not turned over to the Jewett Trust Company. This sort of arrangomgnt elimin ates a largo portion of tho Inheritance tnx which would have had to ho paid on tho proporty If It was all disposed of in his will. As It is, tho ostnte will probably pay abonrt $2000 in heritance tax. Whllo tho exact valuo of the Jow ett estate Is difficult to ascertain, it Is understood to be considerably In excess of a million. HAPPY XKW 1KAR FO M IDLE AflLY TODAY Rosoburg nt this time. Ho snld noth ing nhout his objcctlvo point or why ho wnB going. Tho North Bend pollco nro not making nny strenuous effort to catch him nud If ho stays nwny thoy will bo sntlsflQd. Grindrod linn boon n. trou ble maker for tho officers horo nud nt North Bend nnd whllo thoy woro not nlilo to definitely tack anything on to him, thoy had him up as a sus pect sovorul times and still fool Hint ho wns guilty. Despite his note to Marshal Ander son disposing of his effects nud tell ing thut his body would bo lu thu Buy no ono stnrted dragging for It. yes tordny. mi OF STREET IRK 1101,382 Marshfield Improvements Dur ing Year Larger Than Sup posedWork Finished During tho j.rosont yonr, tho city of Marsbflold bus expondod nbout $101,302.08 In street Improvements. This (loon not Includo nbout ?30.000 worth of work which was started last yonr and complotod this yonr, tho flKjiiros on which woro Included in the 10 H summary. Tho two principal hard-paving Jobs woro tho North Front streot work beyond tho cold storago plant and tho paving of South Broadway from Mill Slough to Hall avonuo. In tho municipal Improving, tho Mill Slough Work and tho drain Is not Included. Tho following nro tho flgiirou on tho various work as compiled by City Engineer Buck ingham: Eighth st. North $21,122.71 Front. North 22,107.01 Bron'dwuy S 25.805.80 Ninth. Con. to Ccmi.... 1,010.05 Curtis nve 081.83 Alder nvo 1,008.80 Broadway, iil Slough bridge , 380.38 Repair N. Bdwy 212.17 Ropairs, Control nvo . . . . 100.50 Raising Central nvo .... 90-H2 Raising Coml. avo 360.2C Fifth at sowor 155.00 Goldon nnd Kali avo drains 1.270.00 Pino avo.. Kii8t 2,020.05 Tenth street . 15,582.30 Klghtli Terrace 5,198.80 EMitu street North .. 013.37 Total V101,382,Q8 fl s A I JhtU-8t