fegBMpliWJf (II&SlMrrflllflsbAYgEMBEli 31, 1T14-EVENINg"edTtToN. W' " tilKrtCnirriN ITT llfP PIMC DllinnitiififciSl IM euiil&Mrare 1 1 tin t m 'i !- u i? Ill THLL bunULinn lli iil.ii du id umiuuii iiilh hi (P "fa " :'. ausuminin grdoimsdrder cutting srajjnurT imi smith in 1 . i i turn t . Southern Pacific to Get Right i' of-Way to Bridge Site in Court Will Rush Work EUGENE, Or., Doc. 31. Negotia tions for right-of-way through tho i Jol uwm-Andorson rock quarry on ' !.- Qldtitnur IHvnr llirnn ttlllfin linlnW ,t II1) M.l.SIMl. AV.I'. - ........ - M detect hrfvlner lieon successful, tho - (! im in rufiii nn nnrnnmnnt linv'lutr i . ...." fill .. .i. .... i,., Jiolll liy CwHBirucwun wum uii mi Eifcf fcniStl uc-Coos Day branch of the itru Pacific railroad, tho Wil lamette Pacific Railroad Pompnny now seeks to condomn tho rlght-of- way through tho property. ' , The Johnson-Anderson Compony, ' contractors on tho Jotty nt tho mouth i flj lilO OIIIBUIW JVIVUI, unil n-. ; f land at tnat point, wnoro uiej , obtained rock for tho Jetty work. ) Tliolr contract has boon comploteu for ttorao t'nio past and th6 railway company clnlms that tho quarry U filly woll worked out and that tl'o Vlilo of1 tho property Is not very iron! but tho owners of tho quarry my' that tt hero Is yut much valuable f material there for futuro contracts t and .are not willing to soil tho rlglit- i bt-yiSy for a price which tho rail- ' way company deems reasonable. The 'failure to roach aa agroomont eu .i price for the. land has resulted In1 thef .'"railway company going to court -to obtain the laud. A Jury Vrlll set tho amount,' of damages and the (jrlghtrof-way will pass to the railway company through process 5'Hw , Jin thoComplant filed by tho WIN (tePacttlc' against thq Johnson Aivivon Compn'ny, tho railway com pany estimates tho dnmages by tho building of tho track through the quarry and tho adjoining land at J25Q0, Tho amount of land to bo taken, according to the englnccrc measurements, Is C.25 acres. Tho WUIamotto Pacific track Is bllllt up'to'tho quarry and further track-laying Is Impossible until 'this slrfp of right-of-way Is obtained. It Was Intended by tho railway com pany to bogln work on tho big bridge across tho Sluslaw Illvor at Acme long heforo this tlmo, but II In' Impossible to transport tho ma terials to tho MMTtho structure beforo tho tracMs built that far. The condemnation caso will como urf bofore G. F. Sklpworth, who will then be Circuit Judge, at tho Feb ruary term of court, It Is hoped by the" railway company to liavo tho oflso tried at tho beginning of 'tho tWra so that nn early resumption of the" work ot track laying may be h'rttl. i The grado below tho quarry Is complotdd and nil tho work ncc ifttsaVy to do aftor tho right-of-way thr6ugh this property Is obtnlnod a (o threw up tho grado ncrouB tho land' and lay tho rails to tho bridge lt& Aftor this Is dono tho rail laying will bo rushod toward Coos .1'ay. Tho rails can bo laid ncross false work at tho Acmo brldgo slto shUe work on tho permanent Btruc ti'ro Is proceoillng. 4itOTiT nv liquou h:n. 'Vf AuotliteJ 1'mi Id Coot Jlijr TlniM.) .LONDON, Doc. 31. Tho Llcensod Victuallers Defonso Lenguo, ropro s?ntiiK soino 25,000 liquor license holders, has passed resolutions charg ing unfair troatmont by tho govern niunt bocauso of Increased taxes nnd shortened hours for tho public bars. Tho liquor trade, said tho chair man of tho meeting, Is always tho heaviest sufforor In tlmo of emer gency when tho government noods money badly. Hut hiicIi omorgQitclos give tho enemies of tho trado n chance to Inflict Injury upon It. Thoy had added heavily to tho tax on beer, shortened tho hours or business nnd In many places forbado the right of n.try to soldiers. Tho economic 10 sult of this policy would bo to reduco salaries urn! dismiss employes, ho Bidae driving tho smaller pliicos out of bilsliiosB, Tho resolution declared It to bo an. unfair and Inconsistent pulley to Ullow tho nrmy to havo cantoens while the mon wero denied entry to tho bars. DANCE AT fiUMN'rcn ftATITIMlAV. Van, a. Become Efficient WEAR TORIC LENSES YOU'LL WORK BETTER, FEEL BETTER, SEE BETTER AND LOOK BETTER' Eyes Scientifically Examined. Glasses Fitted. ' Red Cross Optical Dept. A,t 1 Mr. Petit, Whose Young Bride Eloped With Another at Eu gene, Now in Marshfielcf Tho following from tho Eugene Gunrd will bo of Intdrest hqro, on Mr. Potlt hns kept his whereabouts secret since his arrival oil tho Day: Did you find my wlfo?" Mr. Petit whoso brldd of a fow days lnlnnn1 kiltli it MrnnGnr l"fom a Mil - - ---o-. - gono hotel Friday night, tnklng ?220 of her husbnud's money, Inquired of Chief of Police Ohrlstonsen ovol long distnnce telcphono this morning from MaVshflold. "No," tho chief replied. "Well," sold tho volco. "If you haven't got her, I guess l'vo got to lot her go." Tho poljco with tho doparturo of tho Blxty-year-old husband for Mnrshfiold sovoral days ago dropped nil efforts to traco nis thlrty-yoar-old wlfo. Tho couplo loft tho city In a tnxlcab, headed toward Port land. Tho action of tho officers In abandoning tho caso was dub to tho fact thnt tho husband failed 4o file a complaint. They wero much sur prised when tho husband made nn Inquiry over tho tolcphono this morn ing, to nBcortnln if sho hnd boon apprehended hy tho police. At tho hotel, tho photographer, who took the pictures of tho brfdo and groom, dolivercd 'his finished prbduct. Tho photographs aro halt ing a claimant. "If sho over cnlls, gvo hor tho pictures," tho groom stated. Tho couplo camo to Eugono from Iowa on a honoymoon tour. ' IlAIUIKItK VOUM CLUIt Heads of Coon liny Shops Form Association. Tho Uoss Harbors of Coon Day mot lust night at tho Antiseptic Tonsorlal Parlor and orgnnlxoil wjint will be kpown as tho Dobs Darbers' Association. Tho .following offi cers wero olectod: J. 0. Laugworthy, president; Perry Swoarlngor, secre tary; August Farley, treasurer. Thoso prosont wero J. 0. Lang woiUiy, August Farloy, J. I. Ter rell, V. E. Knight, Harry nrndflold, Jlurry Truman, Porry Swoarlngor, Wm. Hoffmnn, Roy Woods, Edwin Dusby, Mllo Sumner, D. A. (lurry, J, T. McOuIro nnd James Wynne ANDEItSOX IS HOPEFUL Hud Still Thinks Tlmt Ho AVI11 He Able to "Como Hack" POllTL'AND Oro. Doc, 31. Dud Andorson, tho Vancouver Woltor welght, whoso seconds threw 'up tho spongo after ho had gono two rounds "with Frank Darrlcau in Wallnco, Idaho, Christmas day, has returned homo, Although tho proinotors couldn't see Dud ns a futuro draw ing enrd nnd called off tho bout with Sammy Good scheduled for Pond I o ton Now Year's, tho Vancouver boy nnys ho will stick In tho gamo. "Tho reports sent out from Wall nco aftor tho fight wero too much In favor of Darrloau," Bald Dud. "I was In tho worst condition In which I havo over ontored tho ring whoa I climbed through tho ropos to fight Darrlcau. I had no place to train and Just boforo tho tight .1 Injurod my foot and when I got Into the ring I could hardly stand on it. This naturally gavo Durrlenu a big ad vautago as It Is not u hard feat to loud to a man who Is hobbling n round tho ring on ono foot." Frank Dupuls, who wns with Dud In Walluco, says Anderson was suff ering from stomach troublo, too, whllo ho fought. STATISTICS OK OIMXJON diocese KIMS- COPAL CHICAGO, Dec. 31 Tho protos tnnt Episcopal Annual, Just Issued, gives tho following statistics for tho Oregon dloceso for tho past year; Clergy, 33; parishes and missions, r0; baptisms, 3GG; coutlrmod, 231; communicants, 31)24; murrlngos, 101; burials, 100; Sunday school scholars, 1753; tenchors, 210; con tributions, $50,753. t , . DANCE AT SUMNER SATURDAY, JAN. 2, Leo Lehman Slightly Wounded By Harry L. Anderson in Fracas Jealousy Cause' DANDON, Or., Dec. 31. "Leo Loh- mnn, bottorjuiown around town as j "Dlncklo," la Buffering from cuts across tho back and light fctdo, Mrs. Hay F'nnders Is nursing a slight cut on tho forearm and Harry L. Andor sdn Is boiiiid bvor under $200 bond, awaiting hearing by tho grand Jury, as tho result of a Christinas morning cutting, nffray in tho upstairs apart ment of tho Dufbrt building, on Fll moro avonild. Thd story, ns It appoars from tho ovidonco given In the preliminary hearing beforo Justlco of tho Peaco C. It. Wade, nnd ns It Is related by Anderson, shows that Lehman start ed tho affair that ended with Ander son to tho good. Itnppcnrs that Loh man, who was moro or less familiar with Mrs. Flandors, was Jealous of tho attentions being shown tho lattor by Andorson Anderson, who Is engaged in ped dling meat around tho city, occupied tho room adjoining thoso of Mrs, Flandors and her ulstor, MIbs Mable Post, in tho Dufort building. He had nsked tho two young ladles, along with soino other friends to take Christmas dinner with him. This Is snid to havo aroused' Lehmnn'B Jealousy. G. A. It. POftT ELECTS OFKICEHS KOIl J01B 1 Dnndon Post Gt A. It.1 olectod offi cers nt their fast mooting for 19 15, ns follows: ' C. A. Hodgors, Commander, It. 1 Shannon, Senior VIco Com mander. C. D. Zoolf, Junior VIco Command er. J. A. Fnulds, Qunrtormastor, II. A. Cox,. Surgeon, A. M. Sumner, Chnplaln. J. V. Folter, Officer of tho Day. Avory Tylor, Officer of tho Guard. W. F. Kennedy, dolognto to De partment Encampment, Moses Wilson, Altornnto dcloguto. 0. D. Zeek, Adjutant, HlriJin Flbh; Sergt. Major. Autlo Henry, Q.-M. Sorgt. It. II. Rosa, Patriotic Instructor. Dnndon Recorder, DANDON LODGE HLKCTlONtf. Uandon Lodgo of A. F. & A. M. and tho Occidental Chapter of tho O. E. S. hold a Joint Installation and banquet in tho K. of P. hall last Sat urday ovonlng nnd with W. E. Crnlno for tho Masons, and Miss Knto RDsa for tho Eastern 8tar, acting ob ln Btalllng offlcors, tho following' offi cors woro placed In offlco for tho year 1015: MllMIIIS. Vf. J. Sabln, Vf, M. Vf. A. LoGoro, S. W. E. E. Oakes, Trcas. C. E. Dowman, Sec. Ray Watklns, S. D. D. M. Averlll, J. D. II. G. Hclmkln, S. S. Morrill Jamleson, J. S. Win, Dlngnmln. 1'a.stoni Star. Adolnldo Roynolds, W. M. Wm. LoGoro, )V. P. Julia Papo, A. M. Dlauch Faulds, Sec. Mrs. Elizabeth Helmkln, Treas. Allco Galllor, Conductor. Adolaldo Pearson, A. C. Ada, Clara Drown. Ruth, Kate Rosa, Esther, Rosa Dlngamln. Martha, Mary Galller. Electa, Elizabeth Manclot. Warden, Mrs. Dowman, Sentinel, Wm, Dlngamln. Chaplain, Viola nosa. Marshal, Elba Wlron. Organist, Mortn Mohl. Dandon Recorder, HUSSIAN NAVAL IIASK. inr AMOCllteO rr to Coos D7 TlniM.J LONDON, Dec. 30. A Derlln ro- port snya thnt Russia Is planning to establish n naval baso on tho Aland Islands. Tho Gulf of Finland Is now frozon over in parts, but tho Aland ports remain free from Ico. Whllo tho states bordorlng tho Dal llc havo objected violently to tho construction of fortifications on tho Islands, it Is understood that a num ber of Russian warcraft, Including somo of her largest vessols, havo ar rived thoro, and that provisions and ammunition havo been stored In groat quantity. Tho Aland archipelago consists of eighty Inhabited Islands and Islets nt tho mouth of tho Gulf of Dothnla. They wero taken over from Sweden by Russia In 1800. Thoy aro popu lated by about 25,000 persons, most ly Swedes. MRS. C. M. ANDERSON and children of AUogany aro Marsllfiold visitors, T THE BBEMna Steamer in Early ThisjMorn ing From Portland Passen ger Travel is Still Light Tho ,Droftkwater arrlvodjfn this morning from Portlnnd ttter good trip down tho coast. Jlie had a fair cargo of frolght butra rather small pnssonger list, travel con tinuing light owing to tho froxlmlty of tho holiday season. t Among thoso arriving Von tho Droakwhtor wore: f Miss Slgnn Eklund, John Hrlck son, V. Johnson, A. Johnson, 3. H. Fleming, Mrs. J. U. Fleming, Clif ford Little, John Edward, A. M. Woodard, Glenn Hydo, E. J. Andor son, D. E. Hodgo, Harvey a. Con ro, II. J. llookmnn, J. L. Williams, C. C. Stephen, Louis Henth, J. A. Million, Geo, lilll, A. Anderson, A. Hill, Ed Mode I e, C. E. Hess, Mrs. CIiub. Moarn, Elinor Mcafa, J. D. Wimor, 11 D, Kohoo, E. 0. Van AIDS TO NAVIGATION Cnptn'rii Kjij-h Aids to Nnigntloii Atv In Excellent Condition A Portland pupor snys: 'Mxioklng lllto u Christmas ship, tho steamer Drenkwntor, Captain T. J. Macgenn, arrived at Alnsworth dook from Coo Dny ending ono of tho speediest tilpB sho has made In her caroer. In 23 hours nnd 20 minutes after leaving Mnrshfiold sho wot In hor berth nt this end of tho lino. At tho request of Captiilu iMnc gonn, llpnry ,L. Ueck, lTghthouso Inspector'of tho 'seven toon tfi district, agreed' to,, chnrigo tho color of the range lights loading from tho son to Murahflold to red in order that they may ho destlnulshed more read ily. A now rango light also Is to bo established at Smith's mill." F. Son of Mr. and Mrsi L. T. of Marshficld. Matthews, a - Figures In Romance Tho following from llio Sdn Fran cisco Eatlilifar will bo of Interest on Coos Day as Professor Matthews Is tho el dost Bon of Mr. and jirs. L. T. Matthows or .Mnrshfiold and n broth or of Mrs, J. G. Kinney and Miss Ruth Matthews of Mnrshfiold and is known tpafnum,bor of Dorlcoloy stu dents hdrbiL . For tho fjrst tlmo In tho recent history of tho Institution tho Univer sity of California yesterday devolopod a romance between n mombor of tho faculty aud-n momber of vth'o studont body. The circumstances camo to light when Professor William C. Mat thews of tho Agricultural Collogo took out a llcenso to marry Miss Haz el L. Edgecomb, a senior in the Social Sclenco College. Though tho llcenso was obtalnod yestorday tho wedding will not occur until noxt Tuesdify ovonlng. Tho Rov. R. J.'Lokon will offlclato nnd tho coromdny will bo held at tho first Christian church of Dorlcoloy with tho Intlmato frlouds and rela tives of tho. hrldo and groom attend ing. Tho Christmas vacation period will bo utljlzed by tho young couplo In a wedding trip to tho southorn part of tho state Professor Matthews has boon with the University of California but ono )enr, coming direct to tho Institu tion from Kentucky. Miss Ed go comb was "ono of his first acquain tances nt tho University. "Thero'a nothing to bo said about It," explained Professor Matthows last evening. "Wo Just foil In loyo nnd now wo aro going to be married." PRISONER CAHKIKS OA1TOR. (Or AuoUt4 rre to Coo. Cl Ttatu 1 LONDON, Doc. 31. Tho story of how a Wounded Ghurka obtained a comfortable rldo to camp without los ing tho prlsonor ho had capturod Is realtod by nn offlcor Just returned from tho front. . "Ono night," said tho officer, who commands a company In a Ghurka regiment, "whon our mon rushed n German trench, ono of tho Ghurkns captured n Gorman. Thoro Is a re ward for bringing in prlsonors alive, so tho Ghurka started back to our trenches with his prisoner. "Ho was hit In tho leg while cross ing tho flold, bo ho forced tho Gor man to tako him on his back to our lines, Ho camo riding In on his cap tive, secured his roward and then let himself be removed ou a stretcher to tho hospital," Libby COAL. TIio kind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 7a. Pacific iLhory una Transfer Company, HO MfflIB LVFDS ST T PROM THE SOUTH brings Small Cargo of Miscel laneous Freight and Light Passengor List. Tho Nnnn Smith nrrlvcd In this morning from Snn FrnnclBco. Sho brought in a .miscellaneous cargo of frolght and n fair passonger list. Among thdso arriving 6n hor wore: J, D. Mcroon, D. I. Mngeo, R, A. Wright, 11. Moore, M. L. May, E. O. Griffith, W. T, Legg, P. Lawronco, Mrs! P. Lawrence, J. T. Long, Mis. Long nnd child, S. Ontos, M. Church, D. Dunlch, W. Henthora nnd 27 stoerago. HIGH TIDE Ai T Capt. Lofsted Holds Geo. W. Elder in Port One Day on Account of Bad Conditions Tho Goorgo Vf, Elder nrrlvcd In this morning from Eureka. Captain Lofsted leportcq thnt tho bar wns very rough nnd owing to tho nd vcrso tides thnt ho would not bo r.blo to got out today far Portland. He plnnn to 'snll at 10 o'clock to motiow. Todny'a tldo wns nbqut tho highest of tho your, tho obb starting shortly boforo noon. - Tho Elder will lmvo n good out going list of pnssongcrs. Freight' shipments are light. Tho Elder hnd only thrco Incom ing pnsBcngera nnd two of thoso wero tho hrldo nnd groom, Mr. and Mm. Thdo, Drndloy. Capt. Iofstod says that Mrs. Drudloy Is nn oxcollont Fntlor, never showing nn Indication of Bcaslckncss. ACCIDENTS ARE REPORTED SovcrnI Injured In Coos Mills nuil Camps County SALEM, Orov Doc. 31. Labor Commissioner Hoff's weekly report of ncrldonts bIiowb that thrco porsons wero 'killed, tho fatalities occurlng nt Rnnlnr, whoro Isnao Cupp and Frank Story, loggers, nnd Charles Dry on Hummons, railroad omployo, woro victims. Fifteen of tho 41 nc cldonts reported occurring In activ ities connected with tho lumbor and logging Industry. Tho total num ber of accidents Is not ns Inrgo as during tho fall season bocauso ninny Industries nro shut down now. Tho following Is n list of tho Coos County accldontu: E, Koony, Myrtle Point, knee sprained, logging. Androw Andorson, Mnrshfiold, oyo Injurod, logging. I. Stonmnu, Mnrshfiold, anklo sprained, pnpor mill. W. D. Ualn, Murshflold, rib bro kon, planing mill. D. W. Dlomnn, Mnrshfiold, bruised, logging. A. E. Gngnon, Mnrshfiold, ribs broken, Bhlnglo mill. hand two PRAYER OF FRENCH. lr AikkUIM rrtut lb Coot Ptr Tlmw.J PARIS, Dec. 31. Domromy, tho vlllngo In tho Vosgos whoro Joan of Arc was born, continues to attract tho visitor. Thoy go to tho cottago of tho horolno, not moroly through curiosity, but to register a wish that tho Germans bo drvon out of Franco. Thla has been tho prayor of all thoso. who havo been to Domromy slnco tho beginning of tho war and who hao registered at tho llttlo homo. Tho visitors' book ovon bears, under dnto of July 31st, on tho ove of hostilities, the Inscription "To abolish tho wur," signed by n man from Marsolllos. ROY SCOUTS IN ARMY. IPr AuocliteJ Priii to cmi nr Tlmcf,) LONDON, Doc. 31, Thoro aro now over 10,000 old Doy Scouts sorvlug tho army at tho fiont and making splondld soldiers, says General Rndon Powell, chief of tho organization. Tho General has Just rotumod from York, whero ho mado a satisfactory arrangomont with tho education auth orities ln regard to tho scouts serv ing as messengers and offlco boys n tho military headquarters there. By this arrangomont tho boys give ono week to the nrmy and tho altornnto week to their schools. A significant announcement is tho opening of tho ScoiUb' Defenso Force to boyB of 15, which would glvo them a year of training, It Is said, In caso tho age of enlistment In tho army Is lowered to fifteen years. SPEEDWELL bulls from COOS DAY for SAN FRANCISCO, SAN PEDRO nuil SAN DIEGO, HATl'R. DAY, JAN. a, 11 A. M, ROUGH BH D1Y For Women " "- f. RIPPENDORF-DITTMANN 'v'' PIERCE.Shoes for Girls, Boys and Children Hub Dry Goods Company "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN." CORNEIt imOADWAY AND ri'A'vitAf. .iv,.v .... . I TOW GETS THE FQHD AGENCY Well-known Auto Man Adds Popular Car to His List For 1915. I. R. Tower, tho well-known nu tomohllo man, Is ln Portlnnd this week perfecting nrraugouicntB for tho enlargement of Ills' automobile lino for l'Jin. Somo tlmo slnco ho closed his contract for representing tho popular Fold car In Coos and Curry Counties and his trip to Port lnnd Is In connection with this en largement of his business for 11) in. Ho has arranged for tho arrival of n onrlond of 19 IB Ford curs ou Cr.o.s Day by January IB and also u comploto stock of Ford parts and other nutomobllo itrccssorlcs nnd supplies. It Ih Mr. Towor'a purpoBo to develop tho offlclonoy of hlu sorvlco department to a point leav ing nothing to bo desired by nuto mobllo owners, Ills now plans contemplate a mod em garage thoroughly equipped In every way for sorvlco that Mr. 'Towor Btutofl will glvo a now mean ing to tho word In thU section. PRUSSIAN IXSS 7o:j,ooo. Total Gci'iimn CiiNiinllles Kstluuik'il ut l.noO.OOO; AustiliiiiN Sumo. LONDON, Doc. 31. Tho Dally Hall's correspondent nt Copenhagen received ou Saturday Gorman disuni ty lists numbered 101 to 108, which contained tho nnmes of 35,883 killed, wounded and missing offlcors and men, bringing tho total Prussian loss es to 703,032, Tho Dnvarlan lossos nro bo heavy that It may bo calculat ed that neatly hatf thplr nrmy Is out of nctlon. Tho Gorman losses to dnto, Includ ing thoso not yet published, may bo sot down at about 250,000 dead, 400, 000 missing, nnd 850,000 woundod, bringing tho totnl to about 1,500, 000. About 25,000 offlcors havo been killed and 25,000 offlcors havo boon wounded, but only 4000 officers aro missing. According to Information from Vi enna, tho AuBtro-Hungarlan casual ties nro calculated at about 1,500,000 offlcors and mon Wiled, wounded nnd missing. SOME CRACK SHOTS. L. A. Llljcqvlat nnd A. J. Sherwood recontly wont duck hunting and brought in moro than thoy could con veniently carry, 53 ln number. Tho two which found tliolr way to tho Herald man's homo by Mr. Llljo qvlst'a courtesy woro flno. Coqulllo Herald. New Years Dinner And Dance -AT Chandler Hotel FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1915. Dinner served" at 5:30, Make Your Reservations Early. . Ohnnc 90. " " - jI M lh COUSINS SHnPQ "M2!li!l York 'uk W t0 E SHOES "The Height of Fash Ln.' widths AA to "rtlJ, i'iioxe arti WOT LEAVE HERE Editor Times: Owing to a rumor i I'lvlng gained circulation that I wm? l'lunnlng to discontinue my prnc lice Hero and leave Mnrshfiold, I ' wish to unnouneo that such u ro port Is utterly without foundation and furthermore I Wan to Btnto that I am located hero porinnnont- ly. Mrs. Derby, who wn8 compollcd-'i to go to California for her health," will return nt tho end of tho rainy' Benson, nnd wo will make our per-1? manont liomo on Coob Day. i I wish to tako this occasion to1 express my nppreclallon and Bntls. f net Ion with tho patronago nnd re ception uccordod mo on Coob Day , and thnt I will endoavor to merit n contlnuanco of It by rendering tho best professional son Ices possible UIL W. 8. DBIIWY, First National Hank Illdg., Marsh- field. DIG PRIZE TO CREW (07 AuocUtM TrtM I Coo. u, TIidm.) i.ugllMi Snllors Kerch o $nrj,00! for Cnptiu-o of Two German Ship i. LONDON, Dec, 31. The wen- j mo wnrsiiipB which captured M Gorman bnrgues (Johlbok and V keo will lmvo nlnotccn thbusn j pounds or $95,000 to dlvldu nmo them from tho salo of these vossd which Woro recently put up ( miction. Tho Porkoo wont to n Nq weglan biddor for $61,000. T Gqlbok passed to another Norwugli firm nt tho price of 1G4.000. I Tho snlo of tho Porkoo nrpuB luterost becauso sho Is tho larg4 sailing vos8ol afloat Sho can lot nearly G.000 tons of cargo. B14 wns laillichmt rnnlnr n Ttrltlah .- Istry on tho Clyde In 1001, owd' w first known as tho llrllllant. Short! boforo tho outbreak of tho war ss wbb sold to tho "P" lino of cllppei of Hamburg, and Cnptuln Nlsson w plncod In command. Captain Nlsson was skipper of I famous flvo-mnstod barquo Pre son, which wob wrecked ln a stor; off Dovor three years ago, when t oincora and crow acted with sue gallantry that tho Kalsor sent congratulatory tolegram. Tho Porkoo was dispatched by Gorman ownors to Now York on first trip, hut was Intercepted Dovor on August 5, by II. M.i Zulu. Captain Nlsson, in sight of snot whoro his o d choree. r ' v rroussou, ion nor uones, cnneavo to cscnpo by hoisting tho Union Jai Out sho rnn up tho truo colora w a shot plorcod hor foresail. Times Want Ada for results. THE ' ' ' ffltflT OEWTISTWILL tfiV -ML .Ju 53 V "smrr t.JLLi . w . ig