!- Sessional directory tothard McClure Ai-AUHXKY AT LAW Prftetlrnn In ii ..... 111 12, Flnnngnn & Bennett Bank PH. Harper nousE builder enoral Repairing and Cabinet be 3 4 9-J. 1. Wright II nmr.,,., Wiono J88-R, - uuiuinnii i iiN'i'ifrniii itlmates furnlBhod on request ?H. M. Shaw ' i ,yc, tar, Noso nnd Throat, fir . fr...r MATTIP. li iiiiau' Ico Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, ' 202, Irving Block. iamin Ostlind 5NSULTING ENGINEER AND i miuiiu i.ut i Offlron 20fl Trvtntr ninxb i pno 103-li or 207-J. I Marshtlsld. Orogot i G. Chandler i AlirMilTH.Trn omi 301 and 302001(0 Building Marsuuoia, urogon fm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. rs. Olivia Edman. M. T. n. KVEDISH MASSAGE AND MED. I ICAL GYMNASTICS FOIL ALT, IHKIMHKU 37 Commercial nvo. l'liono 242-3 ' oel Ostlind I PIANO TUNER AND REPAmitR LoaTO ardors lit W. n. Tlnlnno' Mm I tic uompany. tl5 B. Sixth Stroot. Phono 103-L Jerl Riley Ballinrjer PIANIST AND TEACHER iRealdonco Studio, 217 No. Third Bt Phono 3G8-U MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA AIN'T IT THE TltUTJI. Wo novcr blamo tho tailor when our panta wo havo to pin, Wo novor blamo tho shoo man whon our soles grow old and I ''. thin, we novor blamo tho hatter whon our lids wo havo to flout, Dut wo always blamo tho laun dry when our shirts wear out. COOS HAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono S7-J. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL (Formerly tho Coos Hotol) Stoam boat, hot and cold water. No liquor. Wo Invito you to Investigate our wlntor rates. Special Inducement when two or moro persons occu py samo room. PARISIAN CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS 200 West Market Avo., cornor Second Stroot. Under now mnnagomont. Prices low, and all work satisfactory. Ladles' work a specialty. Phono 176-J. J. S. STEVENS, I! Prop. LST US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS. Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. ' by ordering tho famous s MDMEY HEimiLLE COAL Nut coal, per ton L00 Lump Coal, per ton SO.ou Or, half ton of both 93.00 1). MUSSON, Prop. PhoHe 1C, or leave orders at Hlllyer's Cigar Etoro. i - ., 7 I' SOUTH UUUS iinwk iiu.u i ? SERVICE I Ii.tU.VClI EXPRESS ' leaves Murdifleld every day j 8 . m. Leaves head of river I nt 3:13 J. in. I STEAMER RAINBOW I leaves head of rlvor dully at 7 j h. in. Leaves Marsfleld at U p. ill." For charter apply on board. ROGERS SMITH I Proprietors j Prosperity in 1915 Upon Faith in Oiir Our Nation is being penalized by a crinis of European methods and ideas. We cannot escape entirely the bitter fruits of a war founded in governments sys tems where Monarchy, Paternalism, Public Ownership and Autocracy go hand in hand. l i Now as never before we have opportunity to compare American ideals and meth ods with those practiced in Europe, and to measure what American systems and institutions have gained for humanity. Probably we will learn more and more each day of the coming year to appreciate "all we have and are;" to regard our citizenship in a more precious light; to see our problems more clearly, more tolerantly. ' The war has made material progress difficult throughout the United States., it has added to the obstacles of financing constructive efforts. It has enforced economies upon the large and small; has laid on the shelf plans for many de sirable things. Prosperity in this country during the coming year demands above everything else faith in our Republic and faith between man and man. It cannot be; had in suspicion and distrust. i If this military calamity teaches us a deeper arfj more useful patriotism; if it serves to advance understanding among us of Inc another's rights and wrongs; if it removes prejudice and strikes down distrust then this war will not be with out benefit to the citizens of the United States. ' We hope for prosperity the coming year. To have it will require hard worLcourage and faith in ourselves. . ., . u Oregon vBWer Company R. M. JENNINGS, Manager Your Inventory SOW AN ACTION, REAP A IIAIUT; f SOW A HAII1T, REAP A CHARACTER; j You are not only need, but you are reviewing the past year's business. j You are analyzing the results of your 1914 efforts and planning greater accomplishments for 1915. ' I Building bigger business and better business is just as much your duty as it is your ambition. i Was there ever a time in your business experience when you felt greater need of wiser and more efficient plans? ' Is it not your earnest wish and resolve to apply to your business every stimulating force at your disposal? WHAT ONE THING IH SO HELPFUL, SO VITAL AH YOUR ADVERTISING? WHAT SO INTEGRAL, PERMANENT, - - PERSISTENT, FUNDAMENTAL AND THEREFORE NECESS ARV FACTOR IN VOL'R lll'SINEKH (1ROWTII AND SUCCESS? Your advertising is the staff of your business life; the fuel of your business engine; the juice of your business motor. The advertising you do TODAY brings you greater growth, larger good will and a more enduring reputation TOMORROW. Your continuous growth and ultimate success are but the result and sum total of your daily and weekly and yearly growth and success. Today's effort bring tomorrow's results. As you sow from day to day, so you reap from year to year. ' When you are taking inventory and planning for bigger business and more permanent success, resolve NOW to do the kind of CON TINUOUS advertising that will help you accomplish CONTINUOUS re sults. ' Paraphrase and apply to yourself Mr. Thackeray's sentiment: SOW A CHARACTER, REAP A DESTINY. Thiickcruy. Inventory time is here. ' posting yourself on what you HOW AN AH, REAP AN IMPRESSIONS SOW AN IMPRESSION, REAP A REPUTATIONS SOW A REPUTATION, HEAP A IIUSINESS DESTINY. Coos Bay Times LEADING ADVERTISING MEDIUM Depends Country li have and what you 3r A H A IEWS OF Hflfl ARTIST VIEW OF LIFE III TflENCHES IPf AssocUtM prrn to Coot Cr Tlraw.J LONDON, Dec. 31. -Under what plcturosquo circumstances men of ten movo forward to tlio firing lino Is described by n London artist, n member of tho Honorable Artillery Corps, who, with tho sonsltlvo cyo pf his fcraft, tolls ot his impressions with moro than ordinary vividness. His lotter Is undated, but was pre sumably written somowhero In Del glum. "Aftor doliiR work nil over onl country," ho writes, "wo find our solves In another, with every pros pect of having a very hot time, 1 ' which wo havo boon praying for. ju mo nisi pinco inn iwo wo woro digging n second lino ot trenches and enmo In for somo vory hot fire. Tho next lny thoy caught us as wo wont to dig In slightly moro 'advanced trenches; and wo lay In a small ditch for about three hours with shell and rlflo bullets Jumping about over our heads and flicking lenves off tho stunted willow trees In our ditch. Ono was quite snfo and rather bored, as It poured with rain. I played n gamo of plcquot with tho man next mo and won two 1 francs, then tho rain Btuck tho enrds I together. I "Tho night boforo last wo left at about ti. H was qulto pitch black and Intensely cold, nnd snow lay heavily ovcrywhoro on flolds, roofs and trees aa wo marched silently through tho vlllngo and out Into a long, long road with a won derful nvcnuo of trees llko Hobb- I.oma'a famous plcturo at tho Nat i'lonnl Oallory. On wo go, hardly J ablo to keep our footing on tho frozen nnd uneven ground, and al ways, Ho u tremendous surf beat ing on nn Iron nboro, comes tho j booming of guns. Hockots shoot I up, leaving n long stream of stars, and allowing' up tho silent country, 1 snowbound nnd vory peaceful-look-Ing, until ono comes to n vlllago totally desortod, nil nod walls, heaps of dobrls and groat obeli holes In rond and root tolling their dread ful story, And as If n mlrnrlo had 'happened, there stands tho church 1 untouched. "Wo halt silently nnd movo on Mlngaln, and as If to remind us that tho world Is not bo peacofiil aftor I lull, bIioIIh como bursting through ino air. una uursis quuo cioso, sot ting u ruined Iioubo In n tromoudous hlnzo and lighting up tho whole scono (qulto ono for n painter.) Wo nro Just out of It, flvo minutes earlier would havo shown us all up, and wo should probably havo boon vory effectively sholled. Wo climb ed down llttlo slippery slopes and up others vory warily. (Ono Ib car rying everything, and tho nulls In one's hoots on tho hnrd ground mako bad going.) Ovor floldH, nnd thou wo rench resorvo trenchos nt about '7::i0. I lmto resorvo trenches, Ono I of my grcnt fears. Is suffocation, and to Htaggor Into a hole In (ho , ground and find oncHolf under the earth, head touching knees and roof abovo, In black darkness, not I knowing whero ono Is, and feeling caught In on ovory bIiIii, Is dread- fill to mo. Wo dn guards, each section, till about l:Ufl In tho morn- Ing, with slight sniping to remind olio of tho Oormnns, Then 'wo form up and off again, and slaggor, It sooms, for miles across fields and i broken country. Horo wo nro at last In tho first lino of trenches. Rlnck silent figures suddenly up- penr, a fow whispered orders, and wo find oursolves In tho trenchos. i "Thoro nro flvo ot ub In our itronch. Tho dawn comes up slow ly and wo can sea what Is In front of us. Wo nro evidently on top of a alopo, or rathor, not qullo on top, Thoro has to bo ono hsxrvor lln ovory trench fr half an hour all I through tho day and at night an hour. Tho cold Is still Intonso, but , wo opon n tin of Jam and start hav ing breakfast. Suddenly my sllco I of bread nnd Jam Is covored with clay, knocked off tho top of tho parapot. Tho snipers aro at work, and wonderful shots thoy nro, too. j Over a hundred bullets were put Just In top of our trench, and when- 'over an observer's head went up to look through a small Inclosuro, they (woro at It again. Suddenly their 'batteries opened flro on us, nnd getting tho rango with marvelous .celerity thoy proceeded In the noxt hour to put close on ono hundred shells on about half a dozon trenchoB, Including our. Wo aro all crouched down. Tho nolso Is appall ing; ono's eurdrums feel splitting as I each shell bursts. Clouds of black, evII-Binelllni; smoke, showers of leadth and stones, mangol-wurzels, and pieces of shell como flying Into I tho trenches. Ono man fiends a largo plero ot shell In his overcoat jpockot. No ono was hurt of our I lot. On our left tho regiment had four killed and several wounded. 'This Is being under fire properly, BIBMB TELLS GREAT TOLLS OP . EUROPEAN WAR LONDON, Dec. 30. Tho bel ligerent armies In tho flolds of war today numbor nil told nenrly 1S,GOO,000 men, or2S, 000,000 with nil reserves nnd "now" troops counted, accord ing to n French stntlstlcan, M. Yves duyot. Tho cxpondlturo required ho estimates at an nvcrago ot nenrly J2.G0 dally per mnn, or nbout $11,000,000,000 for ono year ot warfnre. A alnglo year ot tho presont vvnr, ho thinks, will cost about tho samo amount ot monoy as tho total cxpondl iro for all tho wars of tho provl oub fifty years.' and wo nro glad they havo stopped and given us u rest. Not so thu snipers, who keep it up all day. "Night observation Is vory norvo racklng. Trees movo about, show ing blnck against tho snow, nnd tho sky Is very clouded, nil shapes took human, menacing nnd advanc ing. There Is n JtroniondoUB nr tlllcry duel going on on our loft, llko n million utngo carpontors knocking tngothcr a scono of lior culonn proportions. Somo regulars como up to rolnforco our trench; nu attack Is expected. I enn hear tho tremendous movement of sup ply wngonB going on Just ovor tho hill crost In tho enemy's linos. 8mn1l red Bpnrkn show fitfully In tho tronches, rockets nro going up, and tho sky ovor and nnon 1b split with grcnt flames ot light. A farm bo hind our lines is ono grcnt blazo nnd thoy send up dockot signals on our sldo, but nothing linppona. Wo arc rollovod Just boforo dawn, and wo croop back horo vory tlred.dlrty and cold, but vory glnd to havo got through our really first test of on durnnco nil right. THE PRIVATE WAR OV KITCHENER AND JOITRE So far as publicity Is concerned tho two or throe communiques Is sued by tho French onch day com prlso nil tho Fronch nows thoro Is. And, as will bo noticed, tho ontlro (Inlllu viewpoint nnd method of ox prosslon has been changed, Not only docs tho Fronch government, as In slated on by Joffro, Issuo notnlng but theso official communiques, but thoro Is nn entlro nbsonco of personality In them, Tho Individual, tho roglmont, tho battalion, tho corps, tho division, tho army nnd tho whole Fronch nn tlon como under tho brond natlounl hend of "wo." Ynu find nothing nbout any par tlcular geuornl. You find nothing of tho exploit of any regiment, or any commander, or any chief, or any Individual or collection of IndlvldunlB. "Wo" hnvo prossod forward, or "wo" havo fallen bnck. That la nil thoro Is to It. Tho tall, cold Kitchener, and tho fat, phleguintlc Joffro control all tho first hand sources. Bo far as roal news Is concerned, nt tho time that news Is red-hot and In tho making, this war, on tho sldo of tho allies In tho west, Is tho prlvato wiir of Kltch otior nnd Joffro. They first know what has happoiicd, and thoy do not let anybody Into their confidence un til tho publication of what has hap pened cnu havo no possible effect on what may happen. It is right, probably; but It Is odd, too. Satur day Evonlug Post, .MANY NEW SHIPS. (flf AuocUtfci rmi la Coo nr Tlmw.) LONDON, Deo. 31. Thoro seems to bo no falling off In tho demand for now ships. Further orders havo boon placed this weok for now steamers in tho Clydo and Northeast coast yards, Tho orders for Clydo yards aro said to bo eleven steamers nggrogutlug fir-ty-four thousand tons, Tho North east coast yards aro asked to supply nbout twolvo cargo steamers and two olt-carrylug vessols, Steol makers aro roaplug n rich harvest through tho present abnormal domnnd for shipbuilding material, es pecially those with works In closo proximity to tho yards whero govorn mout contracts are being carried through with great dispatch. HR. H. E. KELTY, DENTIST Phono 112-J, Room 201, Coko Illdg REST FOR KIDNEYS S A V S DOCTOR Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Orcenvlllo, So Car., says that In his thirty years ot oxporlcnco ho has found no prepara tion for tho kldnoys oqual to Foley Kldnoy Pills. Pain In back and hips Is an Indication of kidney trouble n warning to build up tho weakened kidneys, make them vigorous, ridding your blood ot acids and poisons. Foley Kldnoy Pills will help any case of kldnoy and bladder trouble not beyond tho reach ot medicine. In fiOc nnd ?l- d's. Sold In your town by tho Owl Pharmacy. !"' FRENCH CENSOR SHIP IS SEVERE tnr Auocltlxl mi to Cost Br TittM.) PARIS, Dec. 30. Ab tho war In Europe progresses, tho difficulties that besot nowspaper publishers la Franco, particularly In Paris, have greatly Increased. With the out break of tho war many newspaper' men wont to tho Tront nnd their plnccs had to bo filled. Then provi sion had to bo piado for paper, in event tho city should bo besieged. Tho various Journals reduced their circulation to tho fowest number pos Blblo, nnd In their destro to econo mize, cut down their pages from six to eight sheets, nnd In somo cases as low aa two pnges. Advertising dwindled down to nothing, nnd the proceeds from subscription nnd Mies wero all that remained. Sacrifices woro mado on ovcry hand and cur tailment practiced wherovor possible. From jHio editor-in-chief to office boy, salary reductions fro hi 10 to 60 or oven 00 por cent word mado, sd thoso wero nccoptcd without a mur mur, Tho entire system of corres pondence from tho provJriccV'wks'afB ruptod by tho call to amis, and 'Con sequently Incoming nows wrvlc'e was wbb most unsatisfactory. J;- Ilut Boon theso unfavoraiV ceHdl tlonn woro overcome, nnd in ihUlr placo aroso tho task of cbmptini? with a stringent consorslilp'Tgd&y tho censorship in Franco lit fully as rigid as that in England. In the be ginning military alone, the censorship has now bocomo administrative as ' well. J A doublo consorahlp exists, one rt Paris and the other In Rordeaux, Tho nowspapors complain that the cen sorship concerns itself with every thing, Including many things that are none of its business, nnd also allege that It Is arbitrary and capricious. A certain nows story might receive tho ratification ot tho censorship' in Paris, whllo Dordcaux would con demn tho samo story and vice versa. Under thoso conditions the Parisian nowspapor editor has boon at a Iom to know what ho can do or what he can expect. "'' Papers havo to go to press an hour and a halt oarllor than usual, In ar dor to sond throe copies ot each heV to tho Connor's offlco. Then th,ey . hnvo to wnt until each shoot is ex amined nnd permission telephoned, to use It, or not to uso cortaln Indicated portions. Only nftor ovory sheet ht thus pnssod can tho paper go to prejw, If tho regulations of tho1 censorship nro Ignored, all copies are conflicted and publication suspended, a itwry -voro punlshmont. Protest ,'aMlnst thoso conditions Is constantly being mado, and It la known In I'arrs that Groat Ilrltaln has found It expedient to Intervene In the mattor. . '' Tho Fronch nowspapora aiiiylt that the movement ot troops obviously should not bo published for patrjoile ronsons, but thoy find It nlost diffi cult to understand why tho glorious doeds of their armies and the men composing thorn should not bo record ed for not only tho perusal of the French public, but for tho people. ot non-belligerent countries as well. DANCE THE OLD YIjAR OUT AND THE NEW YEAR IN AT EAOLUS' HALL, DECEMREK HI, MARTIN'S ORCHICSTRA. DANC ING UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK. AN OLD RECIPE TO Common Garden Huge ami HHlphtir Makes Streaked, Kmled or Gray Hulr Dark anil Glossy at Once Almost everyone knows that mge Tea and Sulphur, properly- com pounded, brings back the natural color and luatro to the half when faded, streaked or gray: alsb'Mdi dandruff, Itching scalp atnr&pi falling hair. Years ago the .-wily way to get this mixture wc to mako It at homo, which,, ,U.My and -troublesome. v. Nowadays wo simply ask at any drug storo for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," You will ft a largo bottle for about fifty ceta. Everybody uso this old, fawew recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your fcatr, as It does It so paturally aad evealy, You dampen a sponge qr ett feroafc with It and draw this through yvr hair, taking one small straa4 at a time; by morning the gray lw4c disappears, and after another fM- catlon or two, your hair beautifully dark, thick aa4 and you look yeara yntiHiwr. For sale by Hrowu Drug C 0 EN m M jd IV j. $wf ,t :'3M ..., . .V" Vu wMM ii . IK.H il lillfHi iit'lT I tp t i niniifiiww?3!