'lUWI msmmm BATTIMES, TWARSHFIEUlJ, . " STf'J'-5! IUifM(lth WEDNESDATTUEUEMbtH JU; traiwcr euTnur miMMiWm . thtBd? OREGfolT If I fJf f w ? fijlf s.if " rflv aiiev I I I i ' I I Evening Clothes WHEN the next "affair' to which you're invited arrives, go there in one of our $35 Hart Schaffner & Marx full dress suits and you'll have the satisfaction of the proper clothes at a reasonable price. We can tell you more about this suit if you'll call. Woolen Mill Store Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes WEATHER FORECAST try AnoclMfcl Pnu to !on B Times.) OREGON probably rnln j west, snow enst; Increasing southeasterly, wln.43 I LOCAL TEMPERATURES RECORD For the 24 hours ending at I j 1:43 a. in., Dec. 30, by BonJ. j Ostlinu, special government mo; j teorologlst: Maximum t 54 Minimum 37 j At 4:13 n. m 37 I Precipitation 01 j Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, I I 1914 33.14 j I Precipitation same period j t lastyenr 21.09 j Wind: Southwest, cloudy. j A Marshfield Woman Said to Us the Other Day: "I will never again put up home-made Tomato Sauce when I can get BEECH-NUT CATSUP. It's cheaper and better." If you try it you will say the same thing. There's Quality and Economy in using the Beech Nut Food Prod ucts. They are all up to the high standard of the Good Housekeeping Store. That's why we keep them and rec ommend them. HERE'S A LIST: BEECH NUT Assorted Jellies and Jams. BEECH NUT Bacon, sliced in jars, 2 sizes BEECH NUT Peanut Butter, 2 sizes. . BEECH NUT Chipped Beef. BEECH NUT Smoked Herring. BEECH NUT Figs in Jars. BEECH NUT Vinegar. ' BEECH NUT Mustard. BEECH NUT Oscar's Sauce. BEECH NUT Tomato Catsup. ' This store will be closed all day New Year's Day. Phone Your Orders Early. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. ' NASBURG'S GROCERY THE GOOD -HOUSEKEEPING STORE liono HI .'J. Commercial mid Second The Bay View Hotel under new management FLORENCE, OREGON Wers the best accommoda tions in thn nittf Tlirtrnimlilw r in til uuj iiiuiuujih; , .. rriTimFC AWfl novated Dininci service, inuiumiw mu luuunu mw llnnvrmllnH YAUUCVIUC. ours to Please p. and Mrs. W. J. Clarko 1HE LEMANSKI HEATRE TONIGHT Closo Llbnu-y.Tho Mnrshfleld pub lic library will bo closed on Now Year's Day. Tnko Apm-taient. Prank Hoath nnd wlfo havo moved into ono of tho Myrtle Anns Apnrtmonts. T. Hradley is nnotlicr new tenant thoro having taken Apartment No. 1. Flour Advances Apiln. Another ndvnnco of 20 cents in tho whole sale prlco.of flour Is reported and tho material from which tho staff of lifo is mado now sells at JC.GG. Jinny Duck Pui-tles. Parties la from Ton Mllo report that thoro nro now rr.oro ducks on tho Ten Mllo Lakes and In that vicinity thnn thoro hnvo been in n Ions time. Shooting Ib Rood nnd qulto n number nro planning to go out from Jinrsh fleld. Anlvo mi Sad Eri-nnil Joseph E. Fox and his two daughter, Mrs. Kinll Ogrcn nnd Miss Elizabeth Fox, ar rived from .Hnndon todny nccom pnuylng tho body of wlfo nnd moth or, Mrs. Elizabeth Jano Fox, who died in San Francisco December -1. The daughters arrived In Rnndon on tho stoanior Spcedwoll from San Francisco. TIo funeral will bo held from tho Raptlat Church to morrow afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Houglit Itnnrli. Georgo Mullln nnd wlfo havo closed tho deal for tho purchase of tho Gcorgo Starr ranch near Urldgo. Thoro is about thlrty-nlno acres in tho tract nnd It Is understood that tho prlco was 13500. They hnvo leased It to Mr. and Mrs. Alfrod Schroedcr of liny City, who will occupy it soon. Mr. Mullln Is cook nt tho McDonald & Vaughn camp nnd will roturn thero to feed tho V Itldgo Tigers. (ago to liu.liv. Sheriff dngo en mo over from Coqulllo todny on business. Ho will rotlro from of(co Saturday after having served fourteen years nnd six months, tho chnngo of election dnto from Juno to Novem ber extending his term six months. Ills duties end tomorrow, but ho will help Alt JoluiRon start in. Ho said that Mr. Johnson would havo Messrs. Oddy and Laird as deputies and whethor A. P. Davis, who was slated for a doputyshlp would also bo In ducted to offlco now, ho wns not in formed. llluo Itldgo Camp, Jack McDon ald, who Is horo from tho McDonald & Vaughn camp nt Iiluo Itldgo, says that they will resumo operations at that point as soon ns tho Simpson : mill starts up again. In tho moan ! tlmo thoy nro closed down and tho I reports of chnnges and Improvements I being mado thero uro Incorrect. Tho Simpson mill Is taking all tho fir 1o;b that nro being cut in tho Swnyno & Hoyt mill nt Iloavor Hill, tho Nortji nend Lumber Company cuttlnx spruco only. Mr. McDounld'H mothfir, who has been n.ulto ill, is now im proved. Ho will roturn to camp as soon as ho recuperates from a severe attack of la grippe, lias Operation. Jas. Conro, a well-known Coos Bay man. who has i" bt'en nuito ill at Mercy Hospital, Is to undergo nn operation thero today. (Joes Enst. C. A. Smith, who wns expected horo noxt week from Oak- porarily shut down giving him I somo rush orders in what might ' have otherwlso been n dull sea son. AMONG THE SICK 0. V. Dungnn has been suffering from a rather scvoro attack of la land, has been called enst again and Krlppo nnd stomnrh troublo nt his will probably not bo ablo to return home on South Broadway, to the Day for boiuo time. , Un'i Roberts, Jr., la confined at Ten MHq AVoninn, Demi. Mrs. An- t" llomo of his fnthor-ln-law, Chns. drow Anderson of North Lnke, Ton MtteT, In West Mnrshfleld, by n Mile, died last night nt their homo 8ero nllaok ot rhoumatlsm. nfter a short illness or a compllcn-L Tho. 'om,E so" of Mr' nml Mrs lion of .ilRonsefl. Sim lB .urvlvn.1 l.v I !n underwent nn oporn- n husband and thirteen children, tho Uo" ' enolds yesterday, youngest of whom was born a few B"?rt A;U,C18" "lldtt P- Wnnk.nDo. Mr. An,1nrfinlnrnM,JCnU," fr W tr0Ub'0 CStOrdny or nnd runs a couplo ot boats on Ten Mllo Lnkes, Tho funeral will bo held there. Settle Kstnlc. Col. Rosa, of Ban don, enmo over again todny to ns Bist Conrnd Olson of Portland, In winding up tho affairs ot tho Ilnm murburg cstato at Damlon. Tho eatuto consisted ot about $20,000, mostly in California, and was even ly divided among threo brothers nfter giving n nlcco $1000. Mr. Ol son !a n prominent Portlnnd man nnd (iimo near lauding the speak ership of tho next House. Ho rep resents tho Swedish Consul In Port land. . llov Fiictoi-y Deal. Paul Dlmmlck, In charge of tho Swnyno & Hoyt com pany's affairs on Coos Bay, was hero from North Bond todny. Ho wns non-committal when asked about tho report that either his company or L. .1. Simpson would tako over tho North Bond box factory. It Is understood on rollnblo authority that both nro dlcltorlng for tho plant. Part of it was taken over by tlw Southern Paci fic when thoy secured tho right of way and Owner Kern retained somo of it. and Is reported to bo getting along nicely. WATERFRONT NEWS Tho Speedwell nrrlved in Bnndon yostordny from Snn Francisco. DU. MASSOX, gvndunlo YirTERIN. ARY Mitgcon, Mill bo nt old REAR HAltX on Xorth Front St. LATTER part of this week. Tim AitT needle shop win mmo FROM Hie RUSSELL IHdg. to the OTONNELL RLRU. nt Second mul Mnikot. They will Iw open to customers on .Inuuary t. Don't miss NEW YEAR'S EVEj dance, eaoles' hall, tiiuuh-I lh night, Four hour DAXCI.VU, O'CLOCK (o 1 A. M. The ONE 10 Cent 158-R Miss Lola Powoll, singing two now I nnd popular songs. Tho World FJlm Corporation pro sonts "THK GREAT STROKE" in i five acts. A sousationni, tunning and daring plot to securo possession r - of tho Horxog jewois mm uiu oAtuuiK iGSSenger 5erVlCe chn,0 after the criminal. .MARSHRELD CYCLERY TJCi: OF FIXAL SETrLUMI'.NT Gran To-Nigh t SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hlldon brnnd cntortnln nt a Watch Party. Now Year's ball nt Mllllcoma Club. Mr. nnd Mrs, L. F. Falkon atcln of North Bond will ontor taln at a Watch Party. Mlnne-Wls Club with Mrs. D. Kelly. Mllllc6mn dancing party. CMssirit JT Mm. "3BW I u Notice is herobv ulvon that .l.o fuderslgned executrix of tho spt' M Holer t August Herman KruT'i fucaaed, has filed her final re-urt the County Court of Coos Caur- P State of Oregon, and the CtrA ras appointed Monday, February 1, 15. t tho Court Houso at Co- fl"le City, Coos County. Oregon, at hour of 10:00 a. m. of said Fy at tho tlmo and placo for tho "ing of objections to said final port and the sQttlomont thereof sterling Konilcal Kuss, in "ated this 20th day of December, ( A J)UAMATic MISTAKE. MH. Elecutrlx of tho estate of Robort "Wst Herman Krugor, decoasod. iim publication, Dec. 30, 10 H; a publication, Jan. L'S, 1013.) Kei-omi balcony. l(c. Cbildicn under 10, 5c. .. tnmnrrnvr night "THE JOHANNA S. KRUGER, I """ .vhwihtER In 5 narts. 15 UA.MVCH '"- H. Jessqn, Wl. D. WlYSIOIAN AM) HUROF.OX "fjery and Dlseasps of Women a Specialty. Llbby CO h High-class motion pictures and good music. Six reels. CHIP OF THE FLYIXG-U This big feature was shown last week In this theater and proved to I bo one of tho grandest features ever offered to tho "movie" patrons of Marshfield, Everyono that saw It pronounced it in a class by Jtsolf. SEE It tonight at tho houso that shows nothing but tho best in pho toplays . It's a Selig in threo reels. ( JIM'S VINDICATION A splendid dramatic .production I tnfifln in Hin Pfllnnn rnmnnnv. flnllv Cruto and nn all-star cast of this famous company havo produced a picture far above the ordinary. AT THK RISK OF HIS LIFE Selig melodrama in ono reel. An other good plctuie. Another reel to bo selqctqd, Chlldron, 0c; adults, 10c. Tomorrow night. The Hth Install nfent of "Perils of Pauline" and Lubln's featuro "Double Life." Coming next weok: "My Official Wife " Dig Broadway star feature in flvo parts. Was shown at the Tho Kind YOU have Vltagraph theater In New York for Scene In "THE GRIUT STROKE." r, all new photo features. Lower How and flrt luli-uny, 15c. lilt II. B. KBI.W. DENTIST Phone H2-J. Room 201. Coke Bldg ooeciaur. i :.. ...,..n liimnn 7L-. n "l. 307 Coke Bldff. Phono 229-J ALWAlb t t,nmtmaVm Myrtlo Arms. Phono 301-L Uetr u 1""s Pacific 250 performances. attraction. Dou't miss this CHAS. HANSON chmo In from North Inlet todny on business. MRS. A. 11. OLSON, ot North Inlet, Is n Mnrshfleld shopper today. WM. CANDLIN, of Coqulllo, Is a Marsiflold business visitor today. CHAS. CROUCH camo In from Jlnyncs Jnlot today on business. IRS. HERMAN EDWARDS, of Al legany, Is u Mnrshfleld shopper today. REN SMITH, of South Coos River, in a Mnrshfiohl business visitor today. H. ll. FULTON, of Hnynes Inlot, is n Mnrshfleld business visitor to day. y i .'lrf FRED IIOLLISTJ3R, of North Bond, wns n Mnrsbffold business visitor yesterday CAPT. nUNSON camo up from Arngff yesterday on buslnoss and plonauro. J.yff. PRICE camo down from Al legany today to look nfter busi ness matters, VERNON A, SMITH and Arno Me- icen nro oxpocteil horo on tho Adeline Smith Friday. MISS S13LMA TABOR, who spont Chrittmns with her undo, Goorgo Bacon, on Hnynos Inlet, nccom pnnfed him to Marshfield today. H. C. RAYMOND nnd wlfo, camo in from Tomploton todny to nttond tho funornl of her sister, Mrs. Fox, whoso body Is bolng shlppod here. CAPT. C. B. EDWARDS camo down from Allegany today to securo medical treatmont for nn injured finger, which lind become infected, LAFAYETTE CROUCH, who arrived horo with his brldo from Snn Finuclfico last weok, to visit his brothers on Hayncs Inlet, is a Mnishfiold visitor today. MR. AND MRS, F. B. DOTSON loft on the Brqakwater Saturday for their, hom,o near Spraguo,, Wash ington, after a two-montjis' visit with their parents In Bunker Hill, J. J. BlRBRIDGE, pietrlqt Mapagqi of tjip Oregon Life Insurance Co., leavps Tuesday for Portland to nHqnd the annual meeUng of managers of tho company to be hold there. J. COXLOGUB returned Jo his homo at Lampa Creek yesterday aftor a short stay here. Tho Conlogue camps havo ((iilto a largo numbor of logs ready for delivery as soon as business picks up and tho liti gation Involving thorn U adjusted HENRY KERN, of North Bond, was a business vlsljor hero todny. Ho says that business Is good with him, tho repair work nnd overhaul Ing of tho mills which arc torn- FOUND Ploco of Jewelry. Seo J, P. Morris, Pint 11, SMALL HOTEL mul wmmiiIiik Iioiiko In Nortli Bend for snlo at a bar gain. Phono 131 or call nt Tho Times offlco. Address P, O. Box 74G, Nortli Bond, Ore. FOlt HALE Dairy ranch of about 30 acres, 12 miles from Coqulllo on rlvor. About C ncres hill land, tho rest best bottom land'. Good buildings, spring wntor, good homo. Good Investment. Wrlto or seo tho owner, A. Warren, Co-qulllo. WANTL'D Offlco ork, or clerking, j I enro ot Times. FOR SALE FOR HALi: RiKiinliig liouw. Bix 30D, North Bend. WANTED Ijuly want work, lmok kooplng proforred. R, caro Times, FOR SALE Ono s?."5t) Ntomgo bat tery, now, for $25. Apply Oood rum'H Gnrngo, FOH KhNt I'Oll RENT Four iiururiiiMicu houBokoepIng rooms, 'Call -130 N. 2nd Bt. i FOR RENT HoiihCfl and apartments furnished and unfurnished, I, 8 Kaufman & Co. 177 Front street FOR RENT Nicely fiirnlhlicil front rooms with bath. 2 por weok Clbso In. 239 So. 4th St. , WANTED WANTED (Jrnlii sneku. Piulflo Liv ery & Transfer Co, WANTED 'TO BUY Two wherl do Hvery cart. Must bo cheap, X, euro Times, WANTED Wiihliuoiuiiii to como to houso and do washlug far emnli family. Address Tlmoa. , WANTED To do general houifovtoik ' or to caro for chlldron, Phono itl-L. j WANTED (Jill for g'in'i'il Iioiim ' work In family of threo. By day, or week Mrs. Dorsoy KrolUor, 1105 Flanagan avenue. Conner & Hoagland WILL HE ('M)SED ALL DAY ' FRIDAY j You in it Kindly lUipHictcd to I'liuiiu , Onjuih JCaily 'Jnimriov A Happy New ' ' SPECIAL SALE ON HEATING STOVES, GRANITE WARE AND SPORT ING GOODS FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS, at Schroeder 3& HiWenbrand's ' Hnnhrnro i Plumbing, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS ANNUAL CUSTOM The Bunker Hill Department Store WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY, NEW YEAR'S -DAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1,1915. 1 Patrons Will kindly place orders early for Thursday Delivery We hereby extend our sincere thanks to all our custom ers for their fjenerous patronage and hope to merit its continuance, and wish you one and all ' ' A HAPPY NEW YEAR. W. H. DINDINGER & CO. Bunker Hill Department Store. Ollivant & Weaver The Pure Food Grocers WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY, NEW YEAR'S DAY Thanking our many friends for their past favors and hop ing by good service and good groceries to merit a ' continuance, we wish everyone . A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Phone Your Orders Early. OLLIVANT & WEAVER,, Pure Food Grocers' CORNER THIRD AND CENTRAL. PHONE 1UU A Good Place to Trade. A Happ j Mew Year TO ALL OUR OLD FRIENDS who Imto been loyal for ninny jt-arnj Who hnvo helped us nnd wliom wo hnto helped iih hoH vto knew: Ami to tlip miner friend whom wo wilt chcrWi t"rougli tho yearn until they Iktcpiiio old fi'leudxi Ami to you wlioxo friendship wo unlit uml wilt strhu eitiucMly to do time, wo tender thin Greetings ' .May tho New Year bo a pi-ONpiioiiH uml fruitful one; May Joy mul m-ompoiiho como to oii Mny it bo our prhilcgtt to ktui you. This More will bo i-Ioneil nil clay Now Venn, ' Phono jour or der vaily tomorrow. C W. WOLCOTT Voi III Front Ktioct. Phono 117-J WARNER GROCERY WILL UE CLOSED ALL NEW YEAR'S DAY Phone Orders Early Tomorrow Wo tnko thlh oinihloa lo uWi ou-ijouo mid PmMH-i-o us Now Yeni-. Happy -'1 ORDER MEATS FOR YOl'lt NEW YEARS DINNER TOMOR ROW. WE CLOSE AT NOON OS FRIDAY, A Happy New Year to All The Union Market J. E. FORD & CO. 171 Houth Rronduny Phonrt n Year to AllJimeS Want Ads Bring Rwdtoj f. B "LS-M S V' X 'vtJ L aitiiii& "-' in -jut-- J -t-Jt KfiT