HfflHKUHM SpiwpEi 0lnlKnffinCUyFH ucm J w-w " -jity r-? -nr-nnt uuus-iAT hues, : WAnsrirrcLti uneuyn, wturccouni, ucucm., w, . .-,. ..,... w...w i ' ii n i in ii i ii hi i m'm' wm ' m a nwiMwnf m i h I'sim m i i . m iii r- liniriiinwi l bm rrm n i 11 nnir w i-iimimii r i 11 i 11 in IIBT' WJi n . if Hf I'll. i ft. & ' i .,..... ii in mtnnunc t DM MYRTLE ARMS j K. ipire: i Mill 1IIL. LniVLU ii TRACT AS PARK j. ' Dr. Hofsfall Would Like to See ' Marshfield and North Bend - . Unite to Secure Park That tho cities or Marshfield nnd North Dond should unlto in an ef fort to secure tho forty-ncro tract embracing what aro known ns tho Emplro Lakes, nnd hold as tt futuro public park, is tho belief of Dr. Win. Ilorsfnlf. Tho tract lieu JiiBt off tho Emplro road nnd It Is be lieved could bo secured nt a rca fionnblo sum now. Dr. llorsfnll says It Is ono of tho most Ideal spots for n park. In, mldltton4to Its valuo for park pur poses, tho tract Is uulqtto lu that tho principal species of trees nntlvo to this section nro found In tho Bmall nron. Thcro nro glnnt Doug las Firs, Ccdnr, Spruco, Homlock nnd otliors, about tho only kind missing ibolng tho Vow, which Is found on tho higher olovatlons. In addition to tho great trees, which could In tho park bo preserved for futuro generations, tho trnct Is thick with rhododendrons whoso marvelous beauty in tho early spring Is ono of tho wonders of tho Oregon tim ber. Tho lakes, fed by springs, nro nuothor nttractlon for park pur poses, and a llttlo work would con vert It Into n flno park, Tho op ' onlng of tho now North Dond-Em-plro road will tnako moro ncccss- iblo nnd Dr. HorsfaU thinks that .boforo Coos Day has had a vory great growth tho city of tho futuro would bo greatly enhanced by tho jmrk. Ho may tnko stops to boo what can bo dono to ncqulro tho tract ns n public park. GRAN TS PASS LINE IS 1 BOOSTER Col. Rosa Says it Would Tap Great Coal and Timber Sec tionCoal Output Less Col. It. II. Ilosa of Dandon, who loft for homo yesterday after n short stay on tho Bay Indicated that there woro still good prospects of tho rail road bolng built ,frohi Dandon or Port Orford via tho Coqulllo Vnlloy to Myrllo Point. Ho Bays that he, Galllor Brothers and somo others hnvo been working steadily on tho project for tho last couplo of years nnd have not given up hope, In fact aro moro enthusiastic over It than over. Ho declares that tho Grants Pass road would mean moro to Coos county development than any othor lino, not excluding tho coast road of tho Southern Pacific. Tho proposod routo would lncludo tho Smith-Pow ers lino ns a link In It. Ho said that in addition to tho millions of feet of timber that tho road would tap, It would alBO open up tho great Squaw Dnsln coal deposits. Ho Bays that this Is tho best coal field on tho coast. Ho declares thoro Is mora coal nnd bettor coal thoro than nnywhoro clso. Ho Bald that ho had personally taken out samples of tho coal nnd coked It, something that cannot bo dono wjth tho coals In this section. PLACE ED 111 ON BLACKLIST NOW Officers Richardson and Car ter Decide to Hasten His (lew Year's Resolution Ed Qiilnn, loggor nnd Jack of all trndos, who has boon a regular board er at tho Marshfield city Jail, was In ngnln last night. As usual, ho was ponullcss. Officer IMchnrdson, nftcr conferring with Chief Carter, decid ed to eliminate tho nuisance nnd ta inted an order to nil tho saloons for bidding thorn to sell Qulnn liquor. Lost night Qulnn cnuscd grief nt tho Portland Rooming Houbo boforo ho was tnkon to tho station. Decordor Dutlor todny oxorclscd clemency In tho enso of Henry Mc Donald, who wits arrested Inst night by Oflcers Cartor nnd Richardson. McDpnnld wnlkod up to Fred Uakor on North Front street, noar Mrs. El rod'u storo, nnd landed on him. linker was almost knocked through tho pinto glass, Doth wero badly In toxicated, McDonald got n frlond to put up $10 bnll nnd today Recorder Duller ordered tho $10 refunded to him nnd nlso defcrrod tho collection of u $G line. llojH IIolluT Firemen. Cordon Smith reported todny thnt n numbor of kldH lu West nnd South Mnrshflold had broken Into tho flro Iioiihcs lu those sections and render ed tho equipment temporarily unolosi. In ono they dumped out tho choml cal nnd In nuothor choked tho hoso iiozzlo with u Htlck, In nuothor thu amnio was taken nway. Tho lnds vtll ho punished if found. No Moro Air iiiiik. Chlof Curler Is also putting tho nlr guns out of commission, u number having outorcd complaint about thorn. Tho othor day Mrs. Walter Richard uon, wlfo of Officer Rlchurdson, wns utruck by a Bhot from tho gun of Hugh Sneddon's son nnd narrowly escaped severe Injury. Air guns will oo confiscated whenevor found In the (hands of boys now. ConI Product Less. Owing to tho poor market for coal nnd also to tho greater part of tho year being dovotcd to development work on tho Smith-Powers mlno nnd tho Denver Hill mlno, tho conl output of Coos county for 1914 will bo con siderably less than It has been In yenrs gono by. However, with tho Smith-Powers mlno fully opened up nnd tho now Beaver Hill shaft sunk, next year should bo a record breaker In addition to this tho completion of tho railroad from Eugeno will open up nn outsldo mnrkot which will Incrcaso the output materially. According to figures gathered by tho Marshfield Chamber of Commorco tho totnl output of tho Coos county coal mines lu 1914 will bo about 55, 000 tons. All tho regular operators excopt Peart Brothors havo rcportod and cxcluslvo of their output tho to tal for tho county Is about 52,000 tons. Tho output of tho various mines In tons Is given ns follows: Denver Hill 14,000 Smlth-Powors 12,000 Moby 12,000 Mageo, Rlvorton 4,076 Avonn, Coqulllo 0,250 15. CONWAY INCORPORATES COMPANY AND WILT SUM, SE CUR1TIES IN MYRTLE ARMS LIST OF TENANTS AND PLANS FOR DOND ISSUE. Tho Mlyrtlo Arms was Incorpor ated under tho laws of Oregon by the Dennett, Swnnton nnd Dennett Law Office, this month. Tho Myrtlo Arms Company wns organized to own nnd opornto tho Myrtlo Arms Apart ment Building. Tho Company nro Issuing t pec cent First Mortgngo Gold Bonds for half tho valuo of tho property with Interest payable semi annually. Tho Bonds nre secured by a trust deed held by tho Bonnett TrtiBt Company., In trust for tho pro tection of tho bond holders. Tho funds bo derived aro used to clear tho final Indebtedness of tho construction of this .magnificent building which has been n big boost for Coos Bay. Providing flno mod ern homo comforts for tho many bet ter clnss investors and others slop ping here, to look tho country over, ns well ns for many local people. Tho building hns boon n hugo suc cess, right from tho start, paying well upon tho investment. Tho following Is n list of tho tonnnts occupying tho AparlmcntB. Apartment imw jLaS ADVERTISED LETTERS. List pf unclaimed letters remaining In tho Marshflold, Oregon, Post Of fice, for tho week ending Dccombor 29, 1911. Persons calling for tho snmo will plcnso say ndvortlsod and pay ono cent for each lottor called for. Drndloy, C. E., 2. Culllgnn, J. T. David, John, Dnrdjo, Mrs. Jniuos. DounlBon, Dan, Demi, Frank. Olorgls, A. '. Halo, Lnsler. Jones, Mrs. Frank, Konnlcut, Miss Eunjec. Llnd, John. MoFullg, J. D. . Munn, A. C. Ponco, Ross. Run, floorgo. Snarl, Miss .Sauna. Todd, Frank J. Vial, Mrs. Paul. Wultors, Mrs. Ilonory. V. D. CURTIS, Post Mnstor. 8TORIC CIETS HUSY. North Rend Firemen' Tenth An Jiuul Dull, Ecklioff Hull, North Rend, Now Year's Eve, Tluu-Mlny, Doe. SI, Diihby Oiclieoti'ii. Don'fc liilss" NEW "YEAR'S EVE DANCE, EAtJLUS' HALL, TUTUS. DAY night. Four hours DANCING, O'CLOCK to 1 A. M. DANCl'fTUE OLD YEAR OUT AND THE NEW YEAR IN AT JiAGLE'S J! ALL, DECE.MDI R JM. MARTIN'S ORCHESTRA. DVXC JNG UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK. Dr. Stotnmlor reports tho follow ing births for tho past wook: Dec. 19, to. Mr, nd Mrs. Wultor Pohlor, a bon. Dec. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Strong, of Arago, a girl. Dec. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frolodonberg, a girl, Dec. 23, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Crlbblns, of Brldgo, n girl. Dec. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Tike Cook, a boii. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. DANCE AT SUMNER SATURDAY, JAN. 1!. DANCE THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW YEAR, IN Thco. Bradley, Manager Blanco Cigar Store. F. W. Smith, Bus. Mgr. Record Publishing Co. F. C. Ocklomnnn, Accountant, Tho Parisian. 4 F. E. Conway, Pros, nnd Oon. Mgr. tho F. E. Conway Company. C T. C. Russell, Manager tho Bcavor Hill Coal Co. G II. GJordrum, Professor of Piano. 7 H, S. Harris, Manager Tho Parisian. 8 F. W. Pnync, Cost Accountant, C. A. Smith Lumber Company. 9 William Grimes, Investments and Banking. 10 Dr. J. II. Jcsson, Physician. 11 L. T. Tester, Real Estate Drokor. 12 C. F. Noovlus, Chomlst, Coos Bay Papor and Pulp Mill. 13 Gordon Bros., "aordon'B," Shoo Morchnnts. 14 Carl DavlB, Timber Dopt., C. A. Smith Lum bor Company. j lo R. M, Jennings, Mnnagor, Oregon Power Co. 17 E, A. Cumbers, Mnnagor, Standard Oil Co. 18 M. L. May, Representing Unas Bros., Wholo salo Grocers, 19 Curl L. Stockln, Wholcsnlo Candy Dealer. 20 C. D. Drowor, Manager of tho Convortlblo Clinlr Company. 21 O. M. Dunlnp, Chlof Salesman of tho Convortl blo Chair Company. 23 Mr. Ilouth? Timber Dopt., C. A. Smith Lum ber Company. To F. E. Conway and Miss Jessie O. Booth, Marshflold, Oregon. Tho undersigned Attorneys nnd Counsellors nt Law, hereby certify that wo hnvo carefully prepared tho Articles of Incorporation nnd Orgnnl- atlon papers of Myrtlo Arms; nlso u wear TETSON? IiVwejmade .the "Stetson" hats our selves, we could not have greater faith in them. In all pur expe rienccas hatters, wc have never seen or heard of a hat so remarkable for style, quality and service. "Money Talks" Hub (MW5lioeflL iTHREE STORES Marshfield Dandon and Myrtle Point mud u E nearly FMISHED Rapid Progress Made on Con struction Between Bay and Ten Mile Section ' Thnt tho grading of tho Wlllaniotto Pacific between Coos Bay and Ton Mllo Lakes has been practically comploted, Is the report brought back by n Mnrshflold' tnnn, who has Just mndo tho trip over tho road. Ho says thnt tho rapidity with which tho work has been dono Is almost u revelation. Ho traveled on tho right of way fcr u considerable distance and this pnrtly rovcnlcd tho socrot. From Dynnmlto, tho point on tho Day whoro tho grading started, to Ten ' Mllo, tho grniHng was all In tho sand. .Tho only stretch of solid earth was noar tho Ton Aitlo laiccu. Tho wholo formation allowed that tho country had been built up by the Pacific, tho sand thrown tip by tho wnvos and tho ocean being ' gradually forced westward In by-' gono years. Thoro Is n llttlo grading this Bldo of the lnkos to bo finished nnd Bomo northward along tho lakes i toward tho big tunnel. Ono tun nol this sldo. of Ton Mllo ha3 boon! bored through. I All (lint romnlus Is considerable I brldgo nnd trestlo work which will . . . . . i DUUll IOIIOW UP tllO Klu-.-r3. launch Mils Cnhlu PmirrrtRU nn Mm l.l.r lirlilr.r. ...,.ou nU.,.l.l . l. ., . I . --""- ' " llliwoo ......,. iu ,,.. uu,m ,m oxo- tho bay Is nlso innrkoil. Tho night cutlon or tho papers furnishing tho before last, Jack Lapy, whllo go Information required under -what Is B out to North Inlot wlth 1)r known ns tho Bluo Sky Law, Chapter Horsfull in hl Bpocdboat, tho Kid, 341, Pago CCS, Session Lnws of 1913; J struck a cnblo which tho brldgo and tho Certificate of Incorporation ' gang had strung ncross the North and Permit requlrod undor nld law, Inlot ehnnnol. Ho wus hitting It havo been Issued by tho Corporation I up full speed, about twenty mllos Commissioner of tho Stato of Oro-Por hour, whon his propoller struck gon; nnd In our opinion said Myrtlo "10 cnblo, which was submorgod ArniB Is n duly organized corporation under tho laws of Orogon, llconsod and duly authorized to soil its stocks and bonds, (Signed) Bonnott, Swnnton & Bennett. Theso First Mortgngo Gold Bonds eighteen Inches or bo. Tho Kid enmo to a suddon stop and was iU most capsized, Flnnlly sho wns! hnulod Into shore nnd tho launch! was raised on a brldgo derrick and i tho cablo unwound out of tho pro-! pollor. It took nbout four hours j with tholr double security and tho,to Rot tno K,d ,n BnnP to rim "Kn,'i seven per cent Interest paynblo twIco!nml ,n tho 8ntlnio Dr. HorsfaU r year mnko an Ideal investment for r"11""1 "I' to tho Judd landing and anyone wishing a safe, suro income 1 .m U0W0 Wnd r(, aCr83 t0 at a good rato of Interest. il" l ' ' Tho bonds will stand (ho closest' investigation by tho shrowdest bust-1 noss mon, Thoy nro Issued In five WM JZ . jjTe' ZlRVINlS 5Day;PRE-INVENT0RYSALE Mens Department Special Sale on Men's Suits. $20,00 values now $14.00 $25,00 values now $16.50 $30,00 values now $18.75 Women' s Department Jn order to clean up the sto'ck befono taking inven tory, wo will place on sale all Suits not specially mark ed at one-ihalf price; all COATS not specially mark ed at ono-toilf price; all Furs, one-hal1 price,. One half price on all outside Skirts; one-third off on Knitted Underwear; Silk Un derskirts and Nfovoltles not specially marked; Hats for one-half the New York cost, as we are closing out all Millinery, -This will be the biggest cut in prices ever mado and we feel sure ev ery one will appreciate tho bargains, Practices in ' W H. H. Haroer H Puone 349-J, ,ak,Dg- , Special Sale Men's 1 Overcoats $25,00 values now $16.50 $30,00. values now $18.75 . $35,00 values now $22.50 Closing Out All Boys' Suits and Overcoats Suit valuo $5.00, ppeclal $4.35 pult Value $6,00, Special ..- $4.95 Suit Value $8,50, Special $6.25 Suit Value $10,00, Special $7.35 Boys' Overcoats, V-. Price. $ 3,00 values, now $ 1.50 $ 6,00 values, now $ 3.00 $ 8,00 values, now $ 4.00 $12,00 values, now $ 6.25 515,00 values, now $ 7.50 SS'teasM H 0r-H. M. Shaw "lt. MATTII3 It uit.S i !. . -- vimv ID ' 2n2, IrvlnBniJ,w'J '"lng BioGk IBeniamin nonij I COHltIriVn J..T.... JSSW, "hono 103-L or 267.J.8 MarthHeM, i W. G. Chandler .. AltCHlTRrrp '"""a1 ... J I- """"'" urjo Wm. S. Turnen AUCIIITEOT Mcnhtleld, Qttioi: Mrs. Olivia Frimfin iTTl SWEDINII MAaaVUll " HI lOALGVMvV 837 Commcrclnl txo. Abstracts Toil UKIilAIlLK ADSTHACTS OF TlTIiK AND 1NFOUSIATION ABOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIlSHFIHIiD AND COQUILTAJ CITV, OUKOON GttXKKAIj AGBXTSi KAST81DE AND flBNOSTAOKHN'H ADDITION AGENTS TOIt CANADIAN l'AClFIO HAIIillOAD LANDS 1IEMIV SBNGSTACKEN, MANAGEIt loel Ostlind PIANO TUNER AND KRfj la Comnnnv. 1B 8. Sixth street pho& i Perl Rilev Ballinner PIANIST AHnwir Rosldonce Studio, 217 Nf, 1 MERCHANT'S mU Popular place for Good Meals. n Prices Reasonable. I fir. nmmnrrg X, P.U The Cheerful Warmth of a Gas Room Heater chases chill and gloom There is nothing so cheerless and gloomy as a cold room. ' Most every house has its cold room or cold corner which is avoided as a pest. The gas room heater will make such a place inviting and cozyput a tone of cheer in the entire household. SMITH'S VARIETY ST North Bend, u iur ranoy ana i CHINA AIX'T it Tim mTM::l . - " "" "'Til wo novor mama tho taller7 our pants wo bare to j Wo novor blame the itr,i when our aolcs grov oM'l thin, Wo novor blame the whon our lids we btH flout, Dut wo ftlways blame tk I j dry when our Bhlrti wttr i COOS DAY STEAM LAll Phono 57-J, OUT AT' hundred dollar denominations nnd EAGLES' HALL, DEORAIDEU ill. MAUTI.VB OUCIIESTHA. DANC ,ING I'XTHj 1 O'CLOCK. CHRISTMAS has come and gone, but we are still selling groceries and to show our customers that we appreciate their cash trade to make it an ob 'ect for them to pay cash, we are issuing cash register 'eceipts with all cash purchases. Come in and ask us tbout it, and see how much you can save by dealing with us, Our Phone 3D.,T. C nil V Vp Any Time. Coos Bfay Tea, Coffee & Spice House cnu bo bought for cash or terms of 25 nor cent down nnd 25 ner cent ner month. I For further Information cull or , wrlto to F. E. Conway Company, ! owners, office 207 Irving Dlock, ' Marshfield, Oregon. ! (Paid Adv.) ! DANCE THE OLD YEAU OUT AND THE NEW YEAH IN AT j EAGLES' HALL, DEOEMDEIl HI, 'MARTIN'S ORCHESTRA. DANC 1NG UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK. DANCE (JAN. 2. Jjjjpli Get a Can TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer B $ H Gas room heaters are light easily moved from room to room. ' You can have the heat just where you need it. Gas room heaters are inexpensive to buy and cost little to operate. See the complete display of gas room heaters at the Oregon Power Company office. Every thing from a tiny bathroom heater up. ST. LAWIIKXC13 HOWl j (Formerly the Com HW j Steam heat, hot and M W No liquor, Wo Invito you to iiyi$IU wlntor ratca. Special Iwiieiwit when two or more peneUM j py samo room. Use iron pipe connections not rubber tubing. PAHISIAN CliHANIXfl U DYEING WOHKS ' 200 West Market At., Second BtreeL Under now management Tm low, and all worK ,' Ijidles' work n Phono 17C-J. J. S. STK1!X8, Prop LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACT Tina Trust Co., AH'' thoroughly dopendiW.-J dlato eorvlce, ProfP E to all Interests pt ""n MINIMUM 0 I I. S. KAUFMAN & Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 "HiiTi by ordorlng th t$i0 HFHRYVIIlEBi Nut coal, per ton.. ;',,,C; Lump Coal, per ton-, ;!, Or. fell ton w fog Jri Phono IE-, or - Hlllycr's IM" "" AT SPMNEIt S.VTPRDAY, DLACK SILK STOVE POLISH For Salo by SCHROEDER IIItiDENDRAND Phono 177. t CL.XMS, CHADS, FISH AND AND OYSTERS If you nro particular ahout tho sholl fish yon eat, got ac- qunlntcd with ua. Phono 3Q4-J. I (X)OS RAY OYSTER CO, I at Pnlaco Meat Mkt., Drondwny I All kinda of FINE CHEESE j Coquillo tiitd MU Hood Duttoi' j j Fresh Ebsm, Eastern Oyt.toit, j . I FWi. j COOS RAY OYSTER CO. j ! Palnro Meat Market. j , Phono 40G-J, i. I SOUTH COOS H1VJ LAUNCH KXP m t. ,cavcs Mahfleldej,. 8 u. w .n..Ad ru?w " in. iif' - at 3:S P. -. STBAMHR AIr m iiarw i leaves hcau ui ;y,ii , fMrs' n. in. J"" -- . ,. For charier JW TiOOEnS Proiirlelq 'fW"!I 8lrt -"" ' J Vr i ZZZ.- vJf '-r-tt&an