h "y!h r Bt TEMPTED PRO hoot, but irTSUVERCOMrTR0i A Marshfield Woman ffiuo Stow The Determination onco Bftldi 'I buy advertised nrtlclcs because they are Invariably worth what I pay for thorn." Th0 merchants with the best reputations for Integrity and honest merchandise nro without exception thoso who advertise their goods uncoaslngly of valuo received In advertising lies solely wltr tho results secured. Try tho columns of tuuaiinjr'iimca incy nro cienn nnu uopenoauie. m , Tho readora of Tho Tlmos havo coufldonco In the nds appearing thcroln. MEMTJEll OF THIS ASSOCIATED PRKMa Hi m wrr ii. Wiinuuf imi llait I' ' 'V-it I-r.'.V Ji Thelk Piviii VOL. NO. XXXVIII. AMERICAN PROTEST STIRS lima GRERTLY TUT it All of King, George's Minis tcrs Gather at London Conference to Discuss Note of President Wilson Protesting Against ' Delays to American Shipping Interests NEWSPAPER FULL OF IT AND EXPRESS HOPE THAT MUTUAL GOOD WILL WILL PREVENT CLASH London Globe Declares United States Is Endeavoring to Make Money Out of War Instead of Actinn in Behalf of Higher Morality Says Answers Must be No. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, ( Dec, 30, Foreign Secretary Grey returned to London from the country today, His coming was followed in tho afternoon by a meeting of tho cabinet, at which before the full mustor of His Majesty's ministers, there was discussed tho protest of the United States concerning the restrictions or American commerce, The note'of the American govemmonV has just reached the British government and likely will occupy tho attention of the ministry for a consiclerablo time, The Washington communication holds first place, not only in the news and editorial columns of the newspapers, but wherever war and its attondant ramifications are discussed, It Is con tended everywhere that tho mutual good will surely will bridgo this difficulty between the countries, London Paper Belligerent. The London Globe, however, takes exception to the Ameri can note, "The American government in effect demands that wo should renounce in the interests of American profits our most potent weapon against our enemy! that we should raise the blockade against the entry of supplies," says tho Globe, It contends that the American government remained silent in the face of all the violation of all conventions adopted at The Hague, and "the indefensible outrages inflicted on Belgium," it continues, "The voice of a great neutral nation which seeks to be the final arbiter to civilization is raised for the first time, not on the question of higher morality, but to express impatience at tho fact that the greatest war In history of the world has Interfered with the opportunities of American trad ers to make money out of necessities of the bol geronts," The Globe concludes its comment as follows! 1 hero is only ono possible answer to the American demand', 'Nor OFFICIAL PAPER'S VIEW. r a t "Wo havo no right to feel aggrieved because of American endeavors to mitigate losses which tho war inflicts on mer chants and manufacturers of that country," says the West minster Gazotto, This newspaper, more, than any other, re flects tho views of the government, Stating the right of soarch is conceded in the American note, tho Westminster Gazette admits this right should be exercised with all possible regard to convenience of tho neutrals, It suggests that it would bo well for tho British government to supply daily to tho American Ambassador a list of ships stopped, with a statement of the. reasons therefor. The prevent Groat Britain from checking the shipment of coppor to Germany would in effect bo American Intervontlon on tho side of Germany, this paper contends, I absolves Washington from any such intention and points out if dilt culties are faced in a spirit of fairness, tho two govommont by friondly agroomont, will bo ablo to case tho situation tor 0aA ptaa0 tor mutual good will is made by the Pall Mall Ga zette, which urges that between tho two Englis i-sppak Ing no te so accustomed to frank discussion and plain deal I g, hero Is no noco sity for "irritation over any apparent brus- quono in tho mossago," REPORTED TODAY1 Claim Sultan's Troops Were Successful in Caucasus ! Mountains XKj AuocltlM Tm to Coot Dtr Tlmet.1 BERLIN, iDy Wlroloss via Say vllle) Dec. SO. Tho official news bureau announced today that Con stantinople reports anothor Turkish success on tho Itlver Kura In tho Caucasus mountains. Tho Turks took . . . .... nn,t uiany prisoners, seven" Hl" ill..... . rnl.rt nUletl ffi- other war material. Tho British newed attempts to land troops at Akabah, Arabia, but failed. I FAVOR GOVKIINMKXT I OWXKI) VKSSKIiS I tUy AHUte4 Vtn to Coo Dr Tlme-1 I WASHINGTON, D. C, oPc, 30 Urging In strong terms tho passage of the administration I ship purchase bill, Senator I Fletcher for the majority of the 1 commerce committee, presented a report on the measure to tho 1 I Senate I 1 ' TURKISH VICTORY U HIS NEW YEAU'S DANCE SOUTH IN- "rr AIT Tul.()ay .ht. Genu i RstnlillshCtl 1878 mTIio Coiwt Mnll. TO E GALICIA RETREAT Officially Reports That Strong n !- DninfrirnnmnntQ Caused Retirement IVl AuUU4 PfMi to Coo. IU.7 Tln.l .....vvt inv Wlrnlpsa) DOC. 30. Vju,.., " Tho official communication admits a (..,. In flnlllfl tho rotreat by Ausinuiw . u..v.. The statement follows: '-Tho old Rns Ian army, which about a week ago commenced tho offenslvo against those of our forces which crossed the ... i.n, Loon rplnforced In XT fanner that It was necessary ( wItndraw our troops along , ent(ro oagtorn front and In tho plains of Gorlico t;usi no -Carpathians). The situation In the north has not been Influenced there- by. In tlio Hainan w.- - j tenesrlns showed great but unsuc tessful activity. i " wnje. Herzegovina, was repulsed. ;Th0 Montenegrin artillery had no ef- ! feet on the strong fortress of Krlevo- jsljo." 'oKl !U make ,n.y FOUIl TIIIM llHr . .... ,. ...,..,! ntiinliiy.s. VctlneMl)8i i' -" NGLAND " WSnl AT SI MNKIl HA H I1I1.U . il v " MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, Germans Claim Great Gales Against :Rossiaini in East ENGLAND HIT BY SPEAKERS IN CONGRESS lUj AmacUIM Tntt to Coot Dr Time WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 30. How tho United States could end tho European war In 00 tlnyij by cutting off tho export of wnr nup pllcs and how some day tho "Issuo" between thin country and Japan must bo "tried out In tho 1'aclflc" wero deBcrlbod today by Hoproson tntlvo Vollmer, of Town, to tho IIoubo Foreign Relations Committee. With Representative Bartholin ho endorsed n Joint resolution to em power tho President to prohibit tho oMiorts of, war supplies. "There Is only ono nntlon," Voll mer emphatically declared, "whoso llncx of nntlonal Interest nro hope it ssly opposed to our. I do not hcsltnto to predict Japan proposes to hold not only Klao Chow, hut tho Islands of tho Pacific which sho seized. Somo day this Issuo must bo tried out In tho Pacific, and It may bo to tho Interest of this country to hnvo a powerful friend at hor sldo. Germany cannot bo beaten In this war. Hor pcoplo nro united nnd determined to fight to tho last drop of blood." Dartholdt snld: "Tho alltnnco of Great Krltuln with Japan is not a Hood onion for our future In the Pacific. Wo aro now soiling our tcutrallty'for British gold." HEROIC RESCUE OF MARSHFIELD GIRL M n M nr. nf MfiMinnv f Swims Through Ice With Sister Spence Wilson Tho folowlng from Portland pa por will bo of Interest in Mnrshflold, as Misses Wilson nnd Miller hnvo Just returned horo. "To roscuo his Blstor Laura from tho Yamhill Itlvor on Decemhor 21, M. S. Mlllor, of McMlnnvlllo, Or., Jumped from n burning launch nnd swam to ahoro with hor through thin sheet of ico, according to Miss Myrtlo Mlllor, nnother Blstor, and MIbh Sponco Wilson, his cousin, who nnseod through Portland yoHtordny on tho way to tho lattor'n homo In Murshflold. 'MIbh Mlllor wns crowd ed Into tho rlvor during a flro on a gnsollno launch In which sho wns riding with hor brother nnd thrco others. Tho romnlndor of tho party paddled tho blazing launch to shoro, whoro Mr, Mlllor usslsted thorn to safety. ' Tho party consisted of tho two Mlllor girls, MIeh Maud Harks und James Huddle, Jigod 12 years, and Mr. Mlllor, all of McMlnnvlllo, nnd Mltyj Wilson. They had gone down the river two miles from McMlnn vlllo In soarch of a Christmas treo. "Tho water pipes on tho onglno frozo whllo tho boat was drifting and when Mrt Mlllor tried to thaw them by burning a handful ot wasto thero was an oxploBlon and tho rear of tho boat, whero tho onglno was located, burst Into flames. Mr. Mill-! tr turned off tho gasoline and throw an rid blanket over tho englno. Meanwhile the girls and boy had crowded to tho bow, where thoy climbed on tho front piatlorm. In tho confusion Miss Laura Miller, n recent graduate of tho McMlnnvlllo High School, wbb crowded off Into the water. "Mr. Miller, still fighting tho flames, was attracted by tho cries of 1 Is companions and plunged Into tho iHer. fully clad, after the girl had acnk twlco. Tho river Is 8wlfti at this point. The center of tho Etream was open, but a thin sheet' of Ice extended about 15 feet from) thw bank on either sldo. ' Mr. Miller reached his sister as sho was going down for tho third tlmo and swam to tho Ico without d'ffici Hy, but had hard work t" i break lfls way through. j air. Jinier b iiuiiii uuu mio t.cc &e,erely lacerated and Miss Miller's Announce Czar's Forces Driv en Within Four Miles of East Prussian Boundary STEADY GAINS MADE IN LOWER POLAND LATELY Confirm Capture of Two Im portant Towns and Say Ad vance Continues There. tnr AmocUIM ptn to Coot nr Tlmn.J BWRLIN, Dec. 30.1 (By Wireless). Tho official cotnmunlcntlon today says: "In tho western theater wo aro still righting for the hamlet of St. Georges, Boulh of Nlouport, which wo wero compollcd to ovneuato owing to a siirprlso nttack. Storm nnd cold has caused dnmago to tho positions of both sides 111 Flanders and north ern Frnnco." "On tho rest of tho front tho day passed quietly. "In Knst Prussia, tho Russian cavalry was driven back In tho di rection of Plllkallono, four miles from tho HuHsInn frontier. "In Poland, on tho right bank of tlm Vlstuln. tho situation Is un changed, On tho went bank of the Vistula, our offenslvo to tho cast of ttzura continues. Fighting on and to tho Knst ot Hawkn branch continues, as well no Inowlodz nnd southwest of this place. Hoports from outsldo sour cos glvo tho Im pression Lowlcz and Sklornlowlco nro In our possession. Wo captured th oho places mora than six dnys ngo. Thu Sklornlowlco situation Is far behind our front." JS IN I1PPERARY v.m. C Carey, Formerly With Smith-Powers Co., Enlists in Army in Ireland ' , "Ifa a long, long wny to Tlppor nry" but William C. Carey, formorly a fireman for tho Smlth-Powors Co., has reached thero and enlisted In tho Sovontloth Itoynl Knnoskllln l-'usll-cors nnd Is now In training to Join tho allied army in Franco. Nowh ot his nrrlval enmo In a lot tor to Goorgo E. Cook thla morning Cnroy was a mombor of tho Mooso nnd sont his ndvnnco dues to Mr Cook as secretary of tho lodgo. Ilo wrote from llolfant, Ireland, under dnto of December 3 nnd said that thoy would lonvo tho next day for Tlpporary to go Into training camp to proparo for aorvlco at tho front. Cnroy formorly fired for Engineer Raymond F. VIIIInm Aftor leaving horo, Carey wont lo Canada and tried to enlist but was rojectcd. Hnwovor ho wiih dotormlnod to flgnt under tho Union Jnck and when turnnd down nt tho Cnnadlan recruiting sta tion ho proceeded to tho "Auld Sod" and was accepted. bodj was covered with bruises, "Meanwhllo tho romnlndor of tho pa'ty had paddled tho burning boat toward shoro and got near tho bank t.hm t fifty ynrda down tho rlvor, t-. with tho assistance of Mr. MilliT, thoy made n landing. Tho flamea woro then comiuored ly smothering them with blankotH and throwing water 0 thorn. Tho fight with tho flro lasted about 20 nilnutcH "Mr. Miller Is n partner In tho McMlnmlllo Heating and Plumbing Company. Ho Is about 30 years old, Is bIx feet tall and weighs 100 pounds. Ho was nono tho worso for his experience. Tho Mlllors aro cousins of Hr. CharleB B. Frlsble, of Portland. " Mt was a terrlliie cxporlouco,' said Miss Wilson. 'I felt that I was going to bo drowned, burned nnd blown to atoms all at onco. Thoro was a five-gallon- can of gasollno near tho englno. Wo carried that to the front of tho boat.' "Miss Miller was taken to a farm house near the scene of the accident, and was 111 for a couplo of days, but has recovered completely. DANCE THE OLD YEAR OUT AND THE NEW YEAR IN AT EAW.E.S' HALL, BEClUlltl.il .'. MARTIN'S ORCHESTRA. DANC ING UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK. coos on 1914 EVENING EDITION MEAT.CARGOES ! ARE SEIZED BY ENGLAND I II 7 Am(kIIM rrm to Cool PT Tlmri.) CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Shipments of nil food supplies handled by tho Chi cago pnckorB to Kuropo censed com pletely In the Inst six weeks becnuso ot tho solzuro ot tho meat cargoes by Groat Ilrltnln, nccordlug to Alfred Urlon, nttornoy for tho packers. "When tho first solxuro was mndo wo thought It might bo an error, but tho practlco continued and menu whllo our coininorco has been driven from tho seas." (Ur AuocltlM frt.i to Oom nr nmn.j WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc. 30. The detention by tho British of tho Swedish steamer Nowswodon nnd tho Norwegian steamer Sorlnnd, loaded with American copper for Stockholm woro reported to tho U. S. Stnto De partment today by tho Amorlcan Smelting & Refining Company. SLIGHT GUMS BY Announce They Won More Territory Near Nieuport, Argonnc and Alsace (Br AtMHUtaJ rrm U Cm, 1)4 i TlmM.J PARIS, Dec. 30". Tho official nn nouncomont this nftornoon intys: "In Belgium we won n llttlo torrltory In tho region of Nlouport, opposite Pol ders nnd north of Lombnortzydo. Tho enemy subjected St. Georges to n violent bombardment. Wo captured n Gormnn point of support southeast of Sonnoboko. From thu Lyn to tho Olso rivers thoro Is nothing to re port. The GoriuniiB are conducting n heavy artillery flro In tho Alsno Val ley and Champagne. In tho Argonno wo mndo slight progress In the re gion of Four do Paris. In tho Vog gos n Geriunn attack at Lototo do Faux wbh repulsed. Our heavy nr tlllnry reduced to hIIoiico Gorman howitzers which woro bombarding upper Aspnch In Alsnco." MILS. MURDOCK DEAD. Wlfo of rounder of Wlrliitu Dally ICiiglo Kiicrtiiiibs. llr AuocUlH I'm, to L'oo lUjf TlmH WICHITA, KaiiH., Dec. 30. Mra. Victoria M unlock, mother ot Repre sentative Murdock, died today of a stroke of paralysis. Sho was the widow of M. M. Murdock, tho founder of tho Wichita Dally Kaglo. TROOPS iVVV COLORADO. Gradual Withdrawal of V, H, Forces In Strike .one. Dr AunUtI I'r to Coo IUf TlmM 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc 30. Troop L of tho Twelfth United States Cavalry, on patrol duty In Routt county, Colorado slnco last May, was ordered today to return to Its homo station at Fort Moado, South Dakota. Ordors for tho gradual withdrawal of other federal troops aro In prepara tion, 15 Vessel Recently Chartered by British Admiralty to Take Cargo is Wrecked ' in, AU04UU4 Tri lo Coot Ur Tlml.) HALIFAX. N. S.. Dec 30. Tho steamer Navarra. 2917 tons, which loft St. Jo! ns yesterday undor char- I ter to tho Admiralty and was bound for Franco, struck on Holinoa Islund during tho night and was roportod this afternoon to bo breaking up. No word wan lecolved ib to tho safety of tho crew. ALLIESFRENGHSAY CANADIAN BREAKING 4 Consolidation of Times, Const Mali nil Coon Bar ArtrrHlwr GERIMLfli IRE VICTORIES OVER RUSSIA Berlin Statement and Petrotjrad Advices in Direct Contradic tion of Each Other Today Germans Claim Russians Driven Back in East Prussia to Near Border CLAIM CAPTURE OF IMPORTANT TOWNS IN ADVANCE THROUGH RUSSIAN POLAND LATELY Allies Capture of Belgian Town Admitted by Germans Most ly Artillery Engagements in Western Arena of War Developments of the Last Few Days. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Tlmcu.J LONDON, Dec, 30, Gorman victories in the East announc ed by tho Berlin War Office, whose statement is in direct con tradiction with tlio recent Potrograd dispatches, It assorted that tho Russian cavalry, which Invaded East Prussia, had been driven back to a point four milos from tho border, f In Poland, according to tlio Berlin statomont, tho Gorman advanco contlnuos, ana it Is said Sklorniowio aim Lowlco wero captured nearly a week ago, Roforring to tlio situation in tlio Wost, tho German stato mont confirms tlio French statement that tho Allies captured tho Belgian town of St, Georgos, whoro tho Gormans nro now conducting a counter attack, Tho French announced tho cap ture of an Important point of support southeast of Sonnoboko, Thoro was practically no Infantry action along tho remainder of tho western front, although artillery duels conthuio, OT REND BI E NAM Merger of Bank of Oregon and First National Bank of North Bend Agreed Upon STRONGER INSTITUTION WILL AID NORTH BEND Officers of New Institution Will Be Chosen Jan. 12. Will Take Effect Soon It wan nnnounccd today that tho Bank ot Oregon and First National Bank or North Bond would bo merged under tho nnmo ot tho First Natlonnl Bank of North Bond, Tho merger will take effect early next month. Tho consolidation has boon voted up on nnd approved by thu stockholders of tho Bank ot Oregon nnd has boon approved by tho First Nntlonal. Tho officers ot tho consolidated bank will bo chosen at a meeting to ho hold January IS. Tho consolidation of tho two North Ilond banks hns been undor considera tion for soma tlmo. Thoro wero ninny reasons In favor of tho morgor, among them being tho elimination of tnxoa and overhead oxpeusos, nnd nt tho sniuo tlmo glvo tho community i stronger financial Institution that would ho nblu to do more for tho roiniuunnl development nnd wolfaro than the two smaller Institutions could. Both banks havo been doing u good biislnesH and hnvo enjoyed a steady growth with tho rest of thu commun ity. Tho Bank of Oregon wns tho pio neer In tho North Bend fluid, being Transfer of Dacia at Port Ar thur, Texas, to Americans Questioned at Washington (II? AwxUtt riM to Coo lltf TIium, CHICAGO, Doc. 30. Tho details of tho transfer from German to Am erican registry of tho Hamburg-American steamship Dacia, Interned at Port Arthur, Toxas, at tho outbreak ot tho Knropean wnr, Is desired by tho government, according to word received by federal officials horo from Washington. Tho sale of tho vessel and application for transfer was executed hero. i-'un i : ra ir.wnc i : Tho funeral of tho latu Mrs. Hllza both Jano Fox will bo hold from the Baptist Church, Thursday uftor- uoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. G. Leltoy Hall, officiating. Friends nro In vited. North lluiitl Flit'inen'n Truth An mini Bull, Krkiiorr mm, Mnn ikmhi, GERMAN SHIP IS HUSKED ROBBERS SOLD IN INTERNE1 LOOT FAST TRAIN i , New Year' Kvv, Tlmrwlny. Doc. sii.ini .njnn' .nn. -m trr Ihihby Oiiiivolw. EASTER m G0NS0LI0AT E EOF FIRST L established by L. J. Simpson nnd C. S. Wlusor about cloven years ago. Later Henry llowllt nnd Seymour IL Bell becamo Identified with It nnd a few years ngo tholr Interest was tak en over by C, S, Wlmnr and C, R. Smith. Tho bulk ot tho stock In It lu now hold by L. J. Simpson, Edgar Simpson, A. M. Simpson, C, S. Win nor nnd C, It. Smith. Tho First Nntlonal Bank ot North Bond wan organized about four or flvo years ngo by Henry Kern, Its prosldout, Frederick Holllstcr, and other North Bend business men, It has developed stcndlly under tho nblu direction of Cashier J. H, Groves and Its directors and officers. Besides Messrs. Kern, Grnvcs and Holllstcr, J. A. Allon, Geo. I). Mnndlgo, A. Van Kilo, Henry Ilorgmnii and ti number of others aro Interested In It. In tho consolidation Vlun, tho Rtockholdors ot tho Bank of Orogofl tnko uiio-linl( ofUmJG0,000 aiithor Ixod capital ot tho First National Hank. At tho olectlou January 13, tho offlcurs and ill roc tors will be chosen from tho officials of tho two banks. Mcssm Gruvcs nnd "Wlnsor will both bo with tho consolidated bank. Tho consolidated bank will huve deposits aggregating over 1500,000, making It ono of tho strongest finan cial Institutions In a town tho lxo ot North Ilend In OroRon. It Is n mombor ot tho Federal Ho- , glonnl Resorvo Hanks, l It Is expected that C H Wlusor will bo olectod president and J II. Oicyoa rushlor ot tho consolidated bank Two Bandits Rob Sunset Ex 1 press Near Cline, Texas, and Escapo With Booty (Ur AuotUtM Tlt4 t COM MT Time. ! SAN ANTONIO. Tox Doc. 30 i Two masked men hoarded tlio weaf , hound Sunsot Kxpregu noar Cllno ear ly today, robbed tho, passengers In the I two roar slooplng cars, signalled the I train to stop and dropped off and ' oscaped. Tho amount of their booty is unknown, hut It la bolluvcd to bo considerable The LADIMS' AID SOCIKTV of (lie NORWEGIAN Lutheran CUmcli at Mui-hhflidil will glvo tt NonteitiMH "Ll'TIIFISK" M'PPIJR t tlm cMaj el parlor TIll'RSDAV KVKNING, December ill, liexliiulNK ot 7;S4, Tho price pt'r plain for AIULTS will ho .ID IHNTH, mid US OIXW fur C'HILDRK.V. - FOR RKXT IkftHtlfM) fMt-nWltl apiiruuciii, " w m- kwi , it , Phone a7-L, y T no. 137 YJ,? !; rm -iii Nn :i w cwits. l",', v&UtVWK"' mKWv$j U1" I'Ml'JJiKWP