if&Sifffl wtmmmmmsiiLL ! a, " J PASS j 01 GH AGAIN IT TO H ' RESIDENTS OH EON T MBER Dim F. Hall and Jas. Watson j Await Supreme Court's Act sj Ion In Hearing Monday .In dsu .Toll n F. Hall nnd Jiunca Watson at Coqutlle yesterday recelv- Bulk of Holdings Outside For est Reserves in Hands of People Value and Future SALBM, Or., Dec 20. In Ills bl- 'shlp show that the residents of tlidsldtired this orto of Its Important (In state control the bulk of the timber, ties, assorts Elliott rtnil snys that nny nctlbn pennll2ng While n great deal has been ne ownorshlp lir timber will work hard- cotnpUshed In the pnst ten junrs to ship on n considerable pereentajjo of safeguard Oregon's forest wealth. Oregon's citizenship. Tlio high cost what haB been done Is only a hogln of reaching markets Is the worst fea-j iiIiik, lie contends, turo of lumbering, according to 1JI-J -llott, and ho says the only plan for j KITCIIKXHIt HAS y.ooo.OOO BIG GUI correcting this evil Is to provide some better means of distributing the pro-, duct of the consumer. ' Great Timber Wealth. In view of the fact Ihnt the federal government controls one-half of the 3IK.V HKADV ed word thnt the question of whether ennlal report to Governor West, Stnto county Judges elected In In 1910 Forester Elliott snys over 10,500 dlf- should serve .four or six years wlll;ferent owners control the 7, 9S1, 92.1 1 timbered area of this state, and such bu slibriiltted to the Oregon Supremo acres of privately owned timber In Court at a hearing In Snloni next Oregon, making an average of 470 Monday. It Is expected that a de-1 acres to ench owner. One-third of J.'OU SIJHVICK AMimlslu'd clslon will be handed down Tuesday. Tlio nppeal Is from two other coun ties, the pnrtles declaring that the Supremo court went outside the bounds' of the Cleoton ease and their their decision on the point In thnt np peal was not final. The appeal from the two 'other counties will eilmliwte the necessity of Messrs. Hall mnI Watson submit ting the question to the courts. It would seem practically certain that the timber land of the state Is owned In tracts of 010 acres or less, and nearly one-half by Individuals or Itiipld Triiluliijr f Army KiiKlnml. NKW YORK, Dec. 29. Sir Hor ace Plunkott, bend of tho Irish Agri cultural Hoard, who was a passen- IMlr- .ill Hi.. Wlllfn Klllr llllfir Hill ill! n inrge percentage of that of other I nggQr(oa t,mt Enr, KUl.,,onoP western states. Klllott does not think i now. n llr8h afmy q 2f0n0(000 there Is nny cause for fear of stump-, ... .,..,, ,,,. ..i....,.,, ...n.u. "- - 10 f Cudnliy Plant litis Older I'm' lit If Mi At my Oninhn, Nob., Hoc. 2!). Tlio Cud ahy Packing Compnny, of South O mahn, has reopened and the canning plant which lius been closed for more than two years, tiio canning THE EFFECT DF SHELL FIRE Ilr AMorlntoil Vitus to Co nay Tlmw.j LONDON', Dec. 29 Tho extraor dinary offoets of sholl flro upon thoso who nio forced to undurgn It, nro being discussed at length in the British medical journals. An English surgeon now attached "Avoalc,rftt(4f & " and ,X '" 0w& I.ON'Dnv , '"'. IIW . 90 - . i "'id Ilol,nr , ago monopoly or high prices of lum ber as n rosult of largo ownership, "it Is certain that our shipping companies having ".000 acres or less. nv& rcqulro radical revision; that Tho balance of u little over one-half tho system of taxing timber land the privately owned timber Is in own- should be changed nnd put on a yield ershlps of oer 5000 acres, and nou- tax. basts, and that In such places as one of tho most wonderful military resident owners control about ono-a can bo advantageously done, linn- men of all ages. third of this lntter amount. It ortcn .her be gven a place as tho structural I Sir Horace Is In tho confidence happens thnt, even In tho enso of material for our stato nnd county! of tho British government and prob- to bo sent to tho front. Sir Horaco said (lint tho quick organization of the great British army was one of tho surprises of the war, and ho stated thnt Kitchener by his organ isation work had won it place us holdings of considerable size, tho j bridges and buildings," assorts tho ably number of stockholders makes tho i state Forester. Ho points out that I may has lusido Information that bo tukon as authoritative for --iiuir rflhi. . mvo Junt been ion "! , .... .4...... 4U ungual HI rUPOlt lioiv nH,,1.,..i .... "' ""' AUUHri. "! will onipioy -vu woriuiioijmu uuiuii- , ' ,i , """"J" w I huso am ii. .""' . lo that number of men If o put to U Vnri "(,.". 1H Uio cases , ftfc fl 'h.B " W oA ur iiiiMi wuo snow absolutely no w..,. .. .. u" 8ln tWi,1! I 'J. " ' ' mi' linnin,.. . :'fcl i,. . .. -"Br DM i v, & " IISI Ui tl,e Aum.ni,,. work In other departments of tho packing plant as a result of tho ro- opeulng of tho cannery. Tho Increase In tho amount of tho llvo stock con sumed by the Uudahy Compnny Will bo eonsldornblo. Tho plnnt haB tin order for 5,000 000 cans of 'coi'nod Hoof for tho British nrmy. Three mouths of night-, aud-day work will bo required for this contract alone. 1'AKCKIj TOST Ut'SII. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Doe. 29. the Supreme Court Is bound to bus-, Individual's Interest n comparatively , tho present value of tho timber sup- 1' statement ns regarding tho ll- i Prolhiilimrv ostlmnloH by nostafflco .o un-c.vn in nu nvviuu ium, annul uuv. uut iiuo in ii ium.ii iiiiijipiy oi urogou rcprcsenis fio,5uu jier '""-l,"veo Ul which wa that judges should remain account In figures given, tho report capita for the entire population of stntomont tin In office six years. Judge Hall said explains. Kitchener's army. Ills population of ounoniuui itini -.uuu.uuu ineii uru tho state, and this means that nllinIni0Bt roa,1' to uc 8t to Franco todar that It looked to him as though Approximately one-half the timber of tho renl monev nf tln tfnliPil 'a tho first definite Information . - . . - -- ...v ........ .. .hi.i ninKvuu "w aitacheil J-ti.,,. u to it I'nrln liooDllnl ropoilH tho casus .L- J,M ' of four men who show absolutely no vr ' ' ',on(lori I trace of bodily wounds, but wl, nro ' J ,i0 ' '",. '"" now titular his caro. Two of them jJifa ,.,..' .l'16 wore struck deaf nnd dumb by shell it. m Ire ,h'' ' explosions; nolthcr of thorn l.us niiy-'"M nft,u n , 'imply cannot! , A roi,dit011 of n & voiis shock, i pith mmh-wr fa , , ,Vjl iiltig tho mnl-1 lratlon th.lt he ", 'WUH comploto io-inem), tlr,t lio..i' l,4i It would be np to him to resign or area of the state is in national forests, i states would have to pass (li rough I rcndilng hero logardlng (ho number serve two more years Oppoo Deputy Attorney. Judge Hull said that the petition of the Coos County grand Jury ask ing for tho appointment of a deputy district attorney for the Coos Bay section would probably be submitted. Ho Is personally opposed to tho ap pointment of a deputy, saying there Is no mtiro need for a deputy than thero Is for tho fifth wheel on a wagon. ' .ir.IXW MBS. YOAICAM'S CLAIM Court Orders Her Paid Alxmt !jt21!00 For Caring for Him, Judgo John F. Hall In Probato Court yestorday allowed Mrs. Sarah Yonkntn about $2200 on hor claim for $2700 for en ring for tho late Oco. Blood. Ho allowed her claim for six years prior to Blood's death but disallowed her claims for prior to that dnto. Blood left roiiio renl t'Btnto nnd this Is to bo sold to pay tho dnbts. Somo holrs of Blood liv ing in tho Knot wero opposing Mrs. Yoakum's claim. Blood wns n woll known resident of tho Bay and for u long tlmo was employed on Major Klnnoy'fl projects. nnd In the caBO of nearly 2,000,000 ncrcs, title Is questionable nnd In progress of adjustment by tho courts. "As In other sections, tho tendency Is townrd consolidation of holdings into comparatively large tracts," says tho report. "This Is generally conceded to be nn economic necessity. Cost of operating nnd first cost of mills, railroads and logging equip ment do not, as a rule, warrant starting (ho exploitation of timber unless several years' supply of raw material Is assured in ndvancc. Handled In Bulk. "For purposes of economy In op eration It is llkewlso esscntlnl that the timber bo sold In n solid block. This being the case, tho small owner is generally anxious to sell his tim ber or consolidate with someone olso In order that a tract which will provo attractive to a prospective operator may bo blocked out. Distribution of lumbor llkewlso requires largo organ izations, and tho gottlng of the mater ial to the consumer nt a reasonable tho hands of Orccon's citizens throo!of tho British forces, times to nnv for nnr iir.uii.iit nm... s'r Horace pointed out thnt It had "Surely tlils could not hnppen with out great flnanclnl benefit to every one, nnd to nssuro this benefit nil thnt la necessary Is safeguarding tho been thought thnt England could net have Its new armies ready for (ho front before tho spring. Now, however, according to him, tho now .. inH MM ..l..., I.. bIi.iia f... 4lwt timber against needless destruction.'"..,: ,." ' llllllllj 1IIIV. otflcinls plnco tho number of parcel post packtigos handled during tho Christmas rush nt 100,000,000 and Indicated that tho total volume of pnrcel post traffic for 1911 will total nearly 1,000,000,000 paokagos. PHUT I'AH.U.ItAl'IIH. not nlono by fire, but to safeguard It against Injudicious tnx laws, which will result In wnsto through Im proper exploitation," comments Kl-llott. Loggcd-Off Liuids. The Stnto Forester urges (ha( fires must bo curbed not only to prevent destruction, but to mnko it posstblo for visitors from other states to view the natural beauties of tho stnto to good advantage. A pall of smoko may obliterate tho landscape, and, during tho most enjoyable tlmo of tho yenr, render scenic highways, constructed nt great expense, prnc tlcnlly worthless, ho contonds. llo urges that 1,000,000 acres o( burned over nnd logged-off lands bo "Wo put ofr our civil war," said Sir Horace, when questioned about i conditions l.i IroK.nd. "Tho Irish gencinlly urc loyal. Tho Island Is qulot,nnd tho people, I think, nro faithful." Sir llornco snld that .Tamos Lar- kin, tho labor loader, who is now In Now York, had boon naked to ioavo Ireland for nutl-Brltlsh utter ances. Sir llornco said that ho had coino to tho United .States to study agri cultural probluum nnd that ho In tended to take n trip to Oklahoma In n fow days. It's much bettor to bo up and do ing thnn to bo down nnd being tlouo. Tlmo litis touched many ti woman lightly who used to ho n brunette. Success is largely a matter of n good beginning. Also ti knowledge of when to quit. It may ho pnsslhlo (o ronch n ninn's heart through his s(omnch, but thnt sort of man would rather lose his horrt than his nppotito. Kxchangu lllf.i.r ...,.... ti.tH. 1.I.. . V. ....... ,..h nun nm urgniiH oi speech Jmrlml of or honrlng but Is suffering, simply nir.Uto ironi biiock. A third fllmply fjqc, caused by a norv Thero Is absolutely nothl tor With Ills nvnt mnl nn - v"..i..uiu iu- .-. urii no ig. rovorv iu nrnniluml nftm. .nMi.i ... Intni in. . . JnllJ3 (julot nnd rest. . Tho fourth imin'. ..v. "pniy conniri.. ... "M porlenco loft his mind blank. t l'"irliaslnK 0n J. " Field surgeons contrlhuto accounts "IR"' Austrian or Tn,vJU' of tho inannor in wlilch Mlonlh conies j from sholl flro. In boiuo cases men nro found tlff In denlh In llfo-llko attltudos, so Hint tho Htlffnoss clinr nctorlstlc of n corpse must hnvo coiuo on nt tho vory inoinont of death. whorona under ordinary clrcuinslaiu-I ,,A-N'('I! Till: oi.p g os a man dios flrs,t nnd slowly stlf- ')Sl ,J MW YHluj fens aftorwnrda. Romo or, (ho field ; ,5'U,',:s' ""'''. I'lX'lWk unrmiiiiid I....... n 1 1 .II...1 .. . .,.,.. 1 .. ' MAIt'l'IV'U Mlll'ln fl ...i l7.' rwii. " iii-uuii ui u poisonous gas given offi i wi-iak'K. i Or f'Mimi'it... n.L throiiBhout and Ji r:r,:. m.z "" m,MKS"i by tho now explosive, "tunienlto.' Ono of tho pathologist at Ouy's hos pital, howovor, cuiitrndlctH that tho-ory. '.I Tho popular novol no longor seems to deal with mnrrlod llfo. In fact, married llfo Ik a short Hlory nowadays. '''"" 112-J, lloom Ml, ftbij ,,., . ... ! -Jt : want au tor itfaJi TI11108 Want Ads for rosults. TO OPK.V OHKf.'O.V BCIMIIXO. prlco demands oven grenler consolldn- pro(ected, bocnuso on much of It n Hon along that lino than Is now In J now and rapidly growing crop of tlm oxlstence." Jbor is found. During tho past four Tho Stato Forester comments on years, with Its limited appropriation, tho fac( (hat tho statistics of owner- i tho state honrd of forestry hnH con- SAN FUANCISCO, Occ. 29. Tho Orogou building at tho exposition will bo officially opened on Wednesday. Tho dedication will bo held under tho utisplccH of tho Itoynl ltosariaus of Portland, Ore. You will Like sigs s&l a if you npptvcliilo (jimllly, Service mill lii'iieiitliihll y VV U It ill dirt li'i mid I Ij nil orrr In cm. Iwt, ilinig rnwih to mud IIm Wtim cl UiJ Kixcf, lliiauih. tittt I) II tti ltitit t w.t.. r..kl turn laxlvtrilitiioidmliiH5jUw. tt HiJItx Ldtitiof ctcrjr itf. $3.00 Ererywhtre MiM tjain;i i A? J. TOWER CO, Bakfl ' Tl IH i-'BBiiiiiilBBsKTiiWMiBBfM A FORD ANN Having Been Appointed Agent For FORD CARS For Coos and Curry Counties I Wish to Announce that I will receive A CARLOAD OF 1915 FORD CARS FORD CARS And a Complete Stock of FORD PARTS About Jan. 1515 Plans Are Now Underway For New Quarters That Will Enable Me To Give a New Meaning To The Word SERVICE For Auto. Owners In This Section. More De finite Announcement Of This Will Be Made Later If You are Thinking of a 1915 Car Let Me Talk to You- 7W fc-'S ... ISAAC R. TOW pi 13 magWUMBrTiiiiim"" - The "Gunnery" FORD CARS miftis fnvMk