to rwo"' " i i i "fjf W&W&U&ffP'iW 'bWtyf&sF -aa?-2w Jo --JlLjr , ' . RcttAkcS' rfW4sT5';'Si dK Bk TlV "- r .- SiHui ! "U-j-jk3W-- -j-Os. -r.-a Iu3 v miwjSMtf v S wJy . Tr-r- - ---n . KR a"- i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1914 EVEMIWG EDITION homo of her daughter, Mrs. Ilnrry Tromnlno, who lins just recovered from n sovoro illnoaa . ;. Mrs. , P. E. Gorr, who litis, been visiting nt tho homo of her son, 'Louis Gorr, plans, to lenvo tomor row for her 'homo In California, after ft delightful Btay on tho.Uny. 4 .j. WHITE HOUSE LOVE AND EUGHXICS. Come live with mo nnd be my love, And we'll cugonic pleasures prove. Wo'll bo examined, tested, trlod, And havo our morals certified. or All purified of earthly sin, Untouched by passion's pains graces, To higher marriage wo will win, And chastely analyzed oinbrnces, No vulgar passions lovo nor hnto; Wo stand above thorn and boslde. For I shall bo your mental mate And you my scientific brldo. , Evening Lodgor. ? WHAT should bo mndo clear to n cautious world, a world not yot feminist,' but will ing to bo convinced," says Chariot to Perkins Oilman, "Is that tho vngnrlos CONTniBUTlOiNS concerning social happenings, intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later than C o'clock p. in., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whore ttio events occurred later than tho time mentioned.) othy nnd tavlim rainier, lllnncho Copplo, Mnxlno Fousler, Luetic Douglas, Ilelun Perkins, Allco Mc Klunon. Wllla llyerly nnd Violet Moffstt. fr CHRISTMAS HALL Xonrly 100 poople enjoyed tho Christmas bnuquot nt Tho Chand ler last ovonlng nnd between fifty nnd sovonty-flvc couples participated In tho dance thnt followed. The banquet wns fine, tho music entranc ing nnd a Christmas spirit wns in etldonco that made the occasion ono thnt will long be remembered. CllltlSTMAS DINNER Mr ntul Mm V. A. Ilnlnn outer- and extremes nnd excrescences of njulmh, a chrl8tniBI ,nner ,mrty great movement nro not Its true yoltordny nt theIr homo otl Soth mensuro. Tho big. safe, beautiful I Fftu 8troot TIl0,r RU08t8 woro sldo of Feminism is that mlvaneo , w, siilvnn nnd family, Karl which shows us woman, so long keptjnil,ns am, (Mnlyt Lon sclimlts nnd In Injurious subjection, now striiK-) family nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Potorson. gllng forward into tho daylight, Into . .j. freedom, Into equality, Into full com- ; pnnlonshlp with mnn. Ho nod not' I IMjA.V SOCIAL bo nfralill Evon n guilty conscience ' TT7 ...... , ,, , .. . , . , Tho North Dand Kn ghts of Pyth- n. raco-consclonco tint is, not In- , , , , .,,1 ,, , . , , . las have arranged for n public In- dly dual-need not so nlnrmhl,,,. ,.uIaUol of offlcor8 nnd a f0C,nl "Tlicso now women' who nro turn-at tJl0,r Ml , North IJom, Jgn Ing feminist, nro after all tho same 4 A progrfm w, uo B,vcn ,. ones They nro same Mary and cIufj,aR an n(,dr0M by A. . Dorby. Mnrtlm, tho Bamo Dorcas nnd Do- .,.,,. ., ,,.. nv. p. 0 ,01.1m. 1 - " PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices cf social nffalrs, nro gladly recolved In tho social de partment. Tclcphono 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. CHRIST1UUS DAY Dollcu, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Gates, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Drews, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hnll, James E. Mont-j President Wilson nroso onrly yestor gomery, Misses Lydla Dodgo, llcssjdny to dlroct In person tho Chrlsnins Pres. Wilson Plays Santa Clans for Little Niece Gifts to .Employees tDr AtsoctatcJ TrfM o Cool Pr Tlmw. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 2C Ayre, Myrtlo Downer, Ida Downer, Gladys Roddy, Zclmn Mnrtln, Eliza beth Arlnndson, Jennnctto Escott, Harriet Collins, Nclllo Holland, Eliza Ayre, Jennie Hnll, Essie Cameron, Mcsd'nmes Dcsslc Llbby nnd M. C. Klley, of Mnrshflcld; Mesdnmcs J. Truman, May Gnlncs, Henderson, Dean and Wllmot of North Demi; Misses Clara nnd Christina Mcin tosh, Flora MeLeod, Altn Wlllnrd nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Lnngley of Dan don; Mrs. Agnes Hnll, Misses Allco Stanley, Goldlo Chllds nnd Wlnnlo Curry, of Coqulllo; Misses Knto nnd Edna Fnrbcr, Josephlio Hayes nnd Agnes Miller of Myrtlo Point. .j. 4. .j. Tho oporators of tho Coos and Cur- fcstlvltles In tho Whlto Houso for his small gin ml niece, Anno Coth rnn. A largo Christmas tree was erected In tho library nnd tho entire family gathered thoro boforo break fast to exchango gifts. After break fast President Wilson gnvo presents to tho Whlto Houso employes. Dur ing the morning several Whlto Houso automobiles, loaded with clothing, food and toys, woro sont In tho poor section of tho city nt tho direction of tho President, who In this way paid tribute ta tho memory of Mrs. Wil son's Interest in Washington's poor. President Wilson saw no cnllors dur ing tho day. Chrlstmns dtnnor was largely composed of gifts from mi ni Ire rs In different parts of tho conn- Our Line of Dressers Can I Be Surpassed uniuduiiMnwi "' iim " raaamgmagiispmmOTi Holdo lot3 of thlngaj look PREppy too, ry Telephono company would surely ' try. Ho received Cliristnins grcot lugs from thoii3nutlH In this nnd other countries, 1 borah, tho same Jnol nnd Judith tho Bamo Mngdalono. "Her rolntlou to man is going to chango, It Is truo, hut for tho bettor. Hns ho been so wholly happy, with tho women of tho pnst, that ho ncod fear so much somo new oxporionco? j Ian, n piano solo by Mrs. C. H. Worroll, a violin and plnuo duot by Earl Drown nnd Mnrjorlo Swoarln gon and a vocal solo by Carl Goldor. PIIOXi: I1M1MX)VCS MEUUV. Has ho had Martha nt homo and Mnf?f1nlnnn mifaliln ,111.1 Tintiti (Irml nf nnn nn.1 uln., n, ll, .1. v-. A 'ItHMHt at Which tho COOS and mm. m. i, .. -' 1 '....' Curry Tolephone Company will bo tjl(n ' host to more than fifty of Its cm- "Feminism means bettor woman-' J"05'? "!,d their friend. ! planned hopd-thnt's tho long and short of the ,Ch"nd or to onlght nnd u nnuw i.nn., i, i i " promlios to be ono of the most on- lt, Dottor becnuso It Is more human, ... . , . .j , , mnro mmnnnlnnnl.l. .,. n... J,Wa " nl1"0 t0 SOrlOB Of moro compnnlonnblo, inoro rosponsi- bio. It menus a mothorhood horeto foro undreamed of, that shall ritio and spread and deopon to covor the wdrld with lovo nnd service; guard ing, teaching all children, to tho last and poprcst." : . ; I CHRISTMAS K.VCIIA.VCK Tuosdny, Mlw Roxlo Hall ontor- tnlned hor Sunday sehool class at 1 Christmas ontertnlnments which arc j taking place nt this hostelry. Tho main dining room, whore tho dinner will be nerved at 7 o'clock Is boun teously decorated with tho rod and green of Yulotlde nnd nn oxcollont musical program has boon planned for tho oarly part of tho ovonlng by an orchestra which will later piny (or tho dancing. The guests from tho Coqulllo Vnl loy towns are bolng brought In on n Christmas ExchaiiBe nt the home ! tno arnooii train and tho wlvos of her paronts, Judge nnd Mrs. John 1 of al1 tho ,,19n of tno organization F. Hull, In Wost Mnrshfioid. Tho ,,ava ueon Invited. Since tho young rooms rofiectod the Christmas en-l,a'1108 wni outnumber tho mon they son In their decorations. Thore wn bnve been asked to Invite tholr part gcnornl good time, (nose proaent ox-, "ers fur tho dancing party, changing gifts ami proseutlug gifts 1 The persons who are oxpoctod for to tho tonchor. Miss Hertha Davis the dinner Include Mr. and Mrs. J. W. wnH special guest and the members , Rouey, Miss Aliens Lender, Mr. nnd of tho class prosont woro Misses Dor-1 Mrs. Earl Muck, Mr. and Mm. J. A. ,Sr. v r r art QmMw fWSBiCUaissss&iaB . X ff sHtlisBBM Uf -iS'-. j&wj7hSKEL ($$?$ y XtxcpaEZ CHRISTMAS QUIET fill GH ED not find it In their hearts to dlsputo tho fact that thoro Is a Santa Claus If the many gifts nnd cards of good wishes to them from subscribers which wero piled high In tho rest room yosterdny nro any criterion. Candy seemed to he tho favorite form of expression chosen by thoso who wished to show tholr grntltudo to tho young lndlos who had been courteous to them In a position which - is sometlmos trying to say tho lonst. DnrnoH I nrtninn nnrl Mill I)y actual count there wns moro than 1 "g P,?, L0mu ,?"" mi 70 pounds of candy sont to tho girls VU'., lutJJ., ,UI ,nw'Uny nnd even though thoro nro moro than n dozen to sharo It ono might feel fearful for tholr health. Thoro woro also plenty of fruits nnd nuts and other good things, Other News There (Spoolnl to Tho Times.) SCHOFIELD, Doc. 27. Chrlstmns season this year ttnds this llttlo Arcadia of tho West moro qulot than for uovernl years past. Logging nnd railroad building nro finished for tho proFcut, mid tlicro seems llttln tn tin donn uxconL thn ilnllv Wednesday evening, tho Marsh-' c)loroa nIlll (o keo)) tll0 flr0H br,;llt iiuiu iiuucnnus nnu ineir inmuios MAXV J-:.V.IOY HALL They arc pretty and you will find them convenient. That's the way with all Our Furniture And everything else we handle from a set of dishes or a cook stove to a com plete set of household fur nishings it is built for ser- vice as well as show. It has a good appearance and is solid and substantial as well. We never sacrifice ser-egSpsSS vice tor snow, uur furni ture carries our guarantee as well as the guarantee of the manufacturer and we arc always here to make good every statement and every promise and don't forget H fp L) WWtv'!'.V'v:'Vv w-jC' m 1 1 hi ibi niM 1 111 tt ii 111 1 1 m 1 ttzri?zm&t?zre3&ijstttxw? A':'&!SZZzl'2i iT-- Ttssgsjao mUnji KZSXEZESZ'i Going & Harvey Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS nnd friends enjoyed n dancing party As this is probnhly tho Inst yenr "" Of tho fllar roilto sorvlco which hna I Mltolmll i-lrn nml ilniinlitnr l'nrl. and social at tholr hall. Thoro wna been such a boon to this othorwlso land; Alfred P. Dobson, Portland: a good nttondanco nnd a Jolly ovo- iBolnted seotlon. tho wrltor smr-! n. jnimami. MvrHn I'nint fionr, gosts thnt In onch mail box somo E. Fiold, Los AngoIoB; F. II. Field, token of esteem should greet tho Dnndon; Mr. nnd .Mrs. Charles Dow- oyos of our faithful nnd offlclont .cnrrlor, wIioeo wlntor tnsks nro both arduous and dronry. nlnir wns spent. & I I'llKSIIVTKHIA.V TREE. Tho Prosbytorlnn Suudny School Will hold limit' ClirlntmnB nvnrnlcna nn.l lrn R..ii.inV .(. n 7. in ,tl10 l'Bhwny to Roodsport has beon tho Prosbytorlnn church, corner of r08Um0,, tho !,'r,oc;,",l rf S"; Fourth street nnd Market avenue. '"""l, V" 0,r- '1 'int ,0 r-" ....... levy will likely onnblo tho com- loll wing is tho progrnm: , , t0 ro , Song, "Joy to tho World" . . .School Holp Out tho Josonh Ilondarson lias lust ro- SIX Llttlo Girls (rnn,i fmni fnllfnniln nnil lu nn. Recitation, "What Does It Moan?" 1 slating his son Asa survoylng tho noiuo rorguson nnu liunn JIccb noB of a nowly acquired eighty man, Dluo Rldgo; I'M ward E, Dyor, DanloU Creek; W. E. Yorkos, Dnn- IoIb Crook; Thomas W. Allon, South Recitation, Shine" 'To Recitation, "Empty Stockings ... Ednn Reos Song , Loynl Longuo Recltntlon, "Six Llttlo Stockings" Six Llttlo Girls Itooltntlon Duncan Daslmoyn n fow dnys from Mill City to Rocltntlau Holon Lecocq siond tho holidays with his fnm- RocIUtlon, "Spoiling Chrlstmns" 1 Hy on his homostond. Nino Llttlo Hoys J,r- Cross, our offlolont tonchor, sought to osenpu tho cold woathor by n trip to Rosehurg. County ox nnilnutloiia wns nn Incident of tho Song, "Oh Llttlo Town of Ilethlo horn School Christmas play by Loyal Longuo. Song Mrs. Stntldon's Class trl'' Distribution of Christmas troat. Rooltatlon, "Tho Night Doforo Christmas Elizabeth Jonos Song, "Good Night," ..Loynl Longuo I 1 A Wo nro glnd to lonm that work ou ) Inlot; .Mrs. J. W. Morrow, Portland. St. Ijiutoiico HotoJ. I Jncob Ilohlonder nnd wlfo, Dnn lols Creok; II. E, Simdorson nnd J wlfo, Dnulols Crook; Vomon Smith, 1 Dnulols Creok; P. Dolan, Jinulols Croek; Floyd Smith, Daniels Creole; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Humphries, Dcnvor Hill; Lottlo Taylor, Denver Hill; M. T. Hendrlx nnd wlfo, Coos Rlvor; Evorott Lury. Myrtlo Point: ' Joo Fosso, Myrtlo Point; A. .Van j Durgor, Tampa; A. Rlcu nnd fnm lly, Ucavor Hill; Ralph Polntor, Coqulllo; Claud Wylnnd, Coqulllo; Porry Noll, Coqullo; Rny Duffy, Myrto Point; S. II. Whitney, Myr tlo Point; P. Rndford, Camp 1; G. E. Mlllor, Camp I; Mr. nnd Mrs. JlO" gor, Capo Illnnco. Lloyil Hotel. E. Mnrtln, Norwny; M. Hill, Dan iels Crook; A. 11. Hull, Camp 2; acres to tho south of his old farm. Forty dollars por aero for such mondow lands sooms very reasonable Prof, Gllbort Sprnguo Is expected With tho season's Rreotlnim to Wlnchoster Valloy, Denn Hay, Lako-!E M Koborts, Coqulllo; Eddlo Nol port nnd Roodsldo, Sahoflold bogs lenvo to bo hunrd from later, INFORMAL CHAT. T i- tor ALLECA.Vr ITEMS. Mrs. Fred Cattrnll, formerly Miss Stnuff, of MuiBlifloId, who has boon qulto sick nt n San Francisco hos pltal, is reported much Improyod, acrordlng to a letter rocolvod hy hor slstor, Mrs. J. T. Hnll. Im5ifffi (Spoclul to Tho Times.) ALLEGANY, Or., Dec. SO. The thermometer wns down to 17 degroos nhovo hero nnd 12 degroos at Loon Lnko, It Is understood. Tho pond nhovo tho dead-hoad nt Gould's enmp l fla ffAintl nunw In u Altml m, nn.l Afra Mn.lN. V,.n,lnVnr .. ol.l..-.""" " ' '' .'iy turn of Mrs. M. It. Smith, of Mnrsh:! ' ns so much Ico In tho chuto flolil. nn.l n rnHl.lnt nf .M,lr ln I that tho)' WOrO ObllgOd U) dOSO cailip M870, Is Reported critically 111 at to'a Zk' , 41 her homo in Snlom. Sho Is 70 I Mr' SUlU ,s V srnvol on tho 'years old nnd thoro is much an-iI,ow l,loco of rf nonr tho a"P prehension among hor friends on 1 1),neo' wlllc" w,Jl ',a a Bront I'nprovo Coos, Day. mcilt- . Thoro was n family reunion at tho ..,... T . ,. .... ' Gould homo for Christmas' dinner. I 11, nun .urn. j. r. niuuornniu, who .,., , , .. , . I now rosuio in JiorKoioy, plan to son, Portland; F. Sims, Coqulllo; Sol Urownson, Dnndnii; Frod Hunt or, Dluo Rldgo; Josoph Murphy, Cnmp I; M. M. Abbott, Cnmp 1. Illnnco Hotel. Ray Noll, Dluo Rldgo; M. God frey, Dluo Rldgo; Goorgo Mcintosh nnd wlfo, Dluo Rldgo; William Mc Vakoy, Dluo Rldgo; II. E. Colby, llluii Rldgo; James E. Drown, Dluo Rldgo; 13. M. Elliott, Dluo RIdo; Fred Waters, Dluo Rldgo; Monroo . Goodpasture, Dluo Rldgo; J. MI- cutor, Dluo Rldgo; Gus SJorgron, Coos Rlvor; J. Dolllgnn, Tnn Hool; E. Stubbs, Tar Hool; J. M. ltob ertsou, Coqulllo. spond most of noxt summer on tho WE DO WQT LET OIR S7'KA Of PI Ullfic GlfTS SINK WITH HaJ". Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Darker, 77 SUN OF CHRlSTMiS ;u, WE YET HAVE A SrihVPiD MM nr GIFTS FOR THOSE WHOM YOU "OVERLOOKED" AND ALSO fOA THOSE WHO UNEXPECTEDLY SENT A PRESENT TO YOU. COME! BUYPRESENTS FOR YOVR 1-Rir.NDS-THAT NEW YEAR'S GLAD BELLS MAY RING JAPPINLsi, INTO THEIR HEARTS AND INTO YOURS. ' L - H. S. TOWER 'IHF RELIABLE JL WLl ER formerly of Mnrshfioid, hut now roslding lu California, havo arrang ed to occupy tho McCornme homo at Derkoloy during tho summer, Mrs. Efflo Fnrrlngor and Miss Ursula Fnrrlngor, jotumod this woek from a fow months' stny In California. Mrs W 3 Chandler returned tills week from Vnncouor, D. O, whoro sho has been Uniting nt tho tho first In n lontf tlmo, nnd u Christ mas trco at E. C. Dnrkor's for tho youngsters. Tho family was all pres ent except George, who Is ln Arizona. CHURCH ..MEETINGS AT THE HOTELS THURSDAY AltltlVALS A largo congrogatlon participated ln tho Matin sorvlco nt tho Mnrsh fioid SwodlBh Luthoran Churoh Sun day morning at C o'clock. Tho children's festival last ovonlng wns also largely attended and tho flno program much nppreclntod. Thore will bo no sorvlcos or Sunday school at tho churoh Sunday, but tho noxt borvlco will bo the evening of Now Year's Day. Tho Swodlsh Luthoran Church' nt North Dond will hold its ChrJBtmas Foativnl tonight. Tho church council will meet noxt w as A Merry Christ- : mas h Every Hoffl vv iicic j.iclii icyi j. .r to the Joy of Living If n XT L Jti nu TJT, TUm i- k nOtKl'"! . ( i PfrtfiCat uu :aj T to m ctAA tn vntif Cornioit l JUU-WV l.V (.VV S 1 -w "- Convenience of Things Oregon P owr Co- Chandler Hotel. E. O Poarhov niwl wlfo. Tni IInnl Tuesilnv iniilno nt M.n rli....,.i. 1.0.11 ' - - - "-!. -.-.,... ..v ...v ....... n U.HI Goorgo Terry and (family, Dluo and tho annual ihur.h m. otitis will Uuige. A L Hunch, Deaer Hill, .bo held January 1 nt 7 To p m Sam Drunor, Deaver Hill; W. J. 'at tho church hall. Corner Hccontl and Central C. A. Langworthy Marshf ield Electric rJt,lCpllO Cont BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY K I 1 1 4 O W vjEaajBfit