MAN'S NATURE TO BE GOOD IS LIKE THE TENDENCY Of WATER TO RUN DOWNWAR "" v' winsy m iiiiju."' iiy," n' i i iJi ni' niiHiynjlHfll"''ifc '""! '" - t - . J-J -- .. MtaaMMMiriiiwriiiiiiMiiiiiBiiiiaiiiMig tini iim A Marshfield Woman onco said: "I buy advertised articles because they aro Invariably worth what I pay (or them." The morcbants with the beat reputations for Integrity nnd honest merchandise, aro without exception thoso who advcrtlso tholr goods unceasingly (tas Wmm fl Shop Early Dy so doing you not only get the best goods akd, tho best nssortmont to chooso from, but you are kind to yoursolf and tho salos-pvople. Christm' Is drawing very near. Start nowl MEtfDEIl OP THlt ASSOCIATED Plthha r i.' mm VOL NO. XXXVIII. ZEPPELIN AIRSHIPS I. Eight Killed and One Hundred' Injured in Sochaczew, Rus sian Poland, Today i MO KILLED AND TWO HURT IN NANCY, FRANCE English Aviators Put German Aeronaut to Rout After Bat- tie Over Thames Rivsr (Or AMoclttod rri t root nu Tim.) PAItlB, Dec. 2C A dispatch from Nancy snyB a Zeppelin airship flew over that city this morning and drop pod fourteen bombs. Two persons woro killed, two Injured nnd several .houses dnmnged. tn AwocltM 1'itm to Coo IUf Tlmra. PBTItOaitAl), Doc. 20. Eight persons woro killed nnd over a hun dred wounded nt Sochaczew, Ilusslan Poland, today by bombs thrown by fivo aormnn neroplnuos. One bomb droppod In tho mlddlo of n crowd which was watching tho aviators nnd killed or wounded virtually tho cntlro gathering. Tho mnrkct plnco nnd n number of houses wcro set nflro nnd destroyed. TRIPOLI TURKS See Daniels Asks American Pnmmnnrlnr fnr Vnrlfirntinn I ' nf fi..l, Onr,n..f vi uiuun iiufjuii (D- AiiKl(lt4 rmi to Coot n7 Ttmm.1 ENGLAND BOTE in WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 20. despite tho snow nnd fog. In tho Socrotary Daniels hns called on Cap- region of the Oulso and Forges for tnln Olnn, commnndorof thonrmorod est our henvy nrtlllory by subduing crusor North Carolina, to report tho battorlcs nnd mnchlno guns of whothor thrcnts of vlolonco woro .tho onomy, enabled our urtlllory mndo by the Turks at Tripoli ngalnstj to mnkq n loap-iii1 advance. On tho Aniorican Bailors. Athens dispatches right bank 5f tho Mouso, tho Gor sad tho Turkish authorities Bought , mans bombarded tho south corner to nrovont tho dopnrturo of tho Am-' orlcan. Hrltlsh nnd Trench consuls nnd tho nttack on tho American crow ' forced tho enemy to ovneuato sov of n commercial ship resulted In tho ,0ml tronchcu. In tho lower Vos- thrnnlnni.,1 l.nnilinrilmnnt. nf Trlnnll BOS. WO Advanced to Within 1C00 by an Amorican warship. T ttayor RotartslTrma Haul. - veer ' i vt amcim itm w coo ny TimM.j tNmA.NArui.ib, inn., wcc. -. Charged In Indlctnionts with at- tomptB to corrupt tho election on No- MINT ABBES S POLITICS voinoor j iubi in terru " "" "Cab,nt of Provisional President On-, M. Itoborts, mayor of Torro lluulo ,. , , sue, n Btntoment sny- and announced candidate for tha SnTkio'S Agent Can-1 Doinocrntlc nomination for Governor nn(J otUQn )m(, wcel,t0l, a lirlbo , In 1910. and Ell II. Itodmnn, Judgo of B0M0Q pe8o8 lQ offoct M0 ro,eaBO ot 1 1 io vigo uircuii wiuri, " - rested todny. Twenty-slx others wore. nrrested today, mnKing uio iui. . ,iii tiUinbor of arrests 7 1 since last night. . ,,,. Othora arrested today wero Ld- n...1 rlaAll aaorAlnri'nf Inn HeinO- "" wjjouu,,, .wivi-ij cratlo City Commlttoo and an em- luuyuu in ino cwr fciii,iii" and Robert Lloyd, a tuenibor of tho nnllrn ilnnnrf niput. JlldKO Itodmnn was rpleased under 10,000 bond this attornoon, AVltlTTEX IN BLOOD. . . .... . . .u... TtmMl PEKING, Dec. 24. Tho American minister, Paul S. Relnsch, has ro- celved sovcral letters from Chlnose ; signed with their own blood. Ono fJllllalaJani Executive or two of them appeal for cJa"0";U"!l:;iUs, ,,y n.urcl. Faction. . with tho Japanese, othors ask that ,Bl,'iUw,u,ipMio'.D.rTiB. America attempt to cause a. cessation pAgQ D(jc 26iJullan c. Mo- of tho war In Europe. It Is the eus-, D,acksmith, has been ap tom of Chinese to sign letters or even , governor of tho stato of Jal- to write them with their own blood vnia acqordns t0 In place ot Ink. when the reason orj dy,cei from ouadalajara. Miguel writing U grave or nobly inspired. tne Carranza Appointee who Tho saying is that tho writer cut , J ym& captured off a flngor and wrote with Ills Gua(,a,aJara recently, was a carpen blood," but as a rulo n small puncture , Durlnff hu recent visit to Guad- in tho skin supplies sufficient blood ; Generai villa sought a loan for the writing of a letter. Qf a ro,',on pes0s from tho people of . ' the state. The major part of tho The SItlwald. or city '' "r . m tt , . will be mppHed by tho Zurich, fcwltzerland. adds to tne )g aIf,ed ovor mwns revenue -" vc "" year, reducing' the amount needed town's revenue ?720 per aero to be raised through morn- than ?32,oon taxation by Established 1878 n Tim Toast Mnll. DROP BDMBS FR L if Frnnh Rnnt m,ii a. F E ffJ5?u?"d!?A tillery Duels Near Lys and Quiet Elsewhere tllr AMoclithl rrm lo Coo oT Tlmw.J PAWS, Dec. 2C Tho official statement this afternoon says: "Thoro hnvo been modornto nrllllory ex changes on tho front from tho sea to tho Lys. On tho Lys Itself a heavy fog in ml o operations Impossible Ho twecti tho Lys nnd Olso wo repulsed sovcral counter nttacks." "ThoJo repulses occurred notably at Nouletes, Ihilssola and Llhons, whero n trench raptured from tho enemy were lost nnd thon recaptured by us after a splrlto-.l ongagomcut. Between tho Olso nnd Alsuo U Iv ors Doccmbor 21 a vory strong German nttack wns repulsed at Chi vy. In tho Perthes region our nr- tillery silenced tho bnttorlcs of tho ANGE D FOG STOPS WAR EAR HIE onomy which wero bombarding tho como and gone without n truco on trenches recontly occupied by our. tho pnrt of any of tho wnrrlng nn troops. Yesterday a further counter ' tlons. Whllo there hns bcon no cos attack of particular severity on n ' satlon of military nativities, no do front of 1G00 ynrds with impor- clslvo action occurred along either of tant bodies of troops, was com-1 tho grent battlo fronts. A spectnett plctoly checked. In Uppor Alsaco i jnr olomont of developments on wo miiiln tiorrontlblo nrocross In front of Cornny. Wo reached tho outskirts of tho hiiis to tho west of l town. Wo nlso occupied tho Outskirts of AspBcll." Hotwccu tho Argonno nnd the Mouse, wo mndo progress Thursday of Consonvoyo forest est and Apromont moters of Clory." tX&to$!? ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 20. Amorcan Con8lll ailllmn nt Mexico ro ortC(l t0day that Gonornl Pal- Mlulstor of Agrloulturo in tho of f(Jrmcr Gov0rnor Iturbldo. .lturb,,Io wa8 coimander of tho , FoJorn, District during tho brief ud rouumi iiBinuv UU....I, "- . .., , ,,rnvHinnBi President I iiiiiiioni'M I Car(jaJn)( but romanod after his col-' ....... i-.- n..t.... I leagues nail lieu nnu iook nn ocm n keopng ordor. Secretary uryan, admiring ituriiluo a porsonni c01ra(0 Ju ,,ref0rrlng to maintain ! , ., ,.., . ,,,nl hla oacniin. , rropre8ontatIon8 to Gut,errez n,i villa to obtain his release Itur bldo la now on his way to tho United States, but reports, say Palafox an nouced his Intontlon of arresting him caugni. IHiACKSMITII IS (JOVEIt.VOH. ,,i.a nation M" In reopening the t.. u.hlrh -wprn rlnsod by IllO cnum.. - - i ,uranza governor. GRAFT CHARGED TO MEXICO AGENTS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, IJFMi ippine ef NEW SOUTH WALKS ENDS WHEAT COUNEIt n- AmocIiM rr lu Com n7 TlmM. SYDNEY, 'N. S. W., Doc. 2G. Tho government seized tho cntlro stock of wheat of Now. South Wntes, excepting tho amount needed to supply tho farmers. This action was aim ed at speculators who, taking ndvnntngo of war conditions, had been Rocking to Inflnto prices. Tho government fixed wheat at $1.20 n bushel. GERMAN AIR CRAFT FIGHT OVER THAMES tnr AocllJ I'itm la Cool n TlmM. LONDON, Dec. 20. Christmas hns Christmas dny wns supplied by tin norlal duol bolwoon Gorman aircraft and two English biplanes nvor tho Thnmcs. Several thousand people witnessed tho battlo. Tho Germans escaped. UpB RUSSA s GIVEN TO-JAP N t. m Amy for-iR.nro nf chniin pprjPri iw , our artllloryDltU,l'u. m.?.r K',ulin "W uy KjLM iu iiiikuuu iui nuavy Artillery for War tDr Auotlit4 Prm lo Coo llif TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Icc. 20. Tho Jnpnnoso embassy received offi cial ndvlces from Toklo thnt Itussln hns ceded to Japan Kb hnlf of tho Is land of Sakhalin for soma heavy guns. Tho Island wns officially Hus slan until Septombor, 1005. Tha southern hnlf wuh coded to Japan by tho terms of tho treaty of Ports- """""' im FE FRDM 'IIIIUU I IIL.L. I llUlil MEXICAN BULLETS .. , ,... i GOV. MaytorCfia Withdraws TrOOpS From RangO Of Gen. ys Quns Ilf AMUt. I'rr to Cooi nr Tlrac. NACO, Dec. 20. Governor Mny- it... iriiin i,. linimn torena, with tho Villa forces, began .... . . ,, retiring today out of rnngo of tho -. .,. r,- -..... n.lonn rrlilo ijuna oi iuu umunw BuiiiRuu. iu.H ,novement 1b , fulfillment of tho statement Thursday by Maytorona to Genoral 8cott, who Is negotiating for J"' " the International boundary. Official reports to Gonoral Illlss show tho Villa forcos have removed many guns, abandoned tho front treneho3 and aro preparing to retire- to the main Maytorena camp elovon klllmoters from Naco, which they besieged threo months. Out post' bomb proofs on Maytorena's trenches woro destroyed during tho a'B"1' . , rtl 1IUUI1 4im;v"tum m ws.. were all evacuated and tho first train load of soldiers hud dopartcd for tho southwest. . ' I DEWEV IS 77 (nr AuocUtfcl I'rrM to Coo D7 Time.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec, I 26. Admiral Dewey was 77 I years old today. Secretary ... ' ! Daniels, his aides and members 1 of tho Navy General Hoard I l called on tho Admiral at his ' homo and found him in good splrltH nnd health J SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1914 ir n revolution ore lit Gofc Secret Plot for Uprising of 10,000 Around Manila Stop ped by Discovery ' PROPOSED TO SEIZE I FORTS NEAR CAPITAL 'Scheme Leaked Out Few Hours i in Advance of Time for Up- 1 rising Leaders Arrested IK; AMomtod Trni lo Ct H TltnM. MANILA, Dec. 20. Eight Filipi nos hnvo been nrrcstcd on tho chnrgo of sedition ns tho result of nn ubor tlvo uprising In Manila nnd Kb en virons Thursday night. Further ar rests aro probable. From nrmy sourc es It Is learned that n general warning wns sent to all officers Thursday af ternoon stntlng that fully ten thous and Filipinos In Manila nlono wero toady for a concerted attack tin Fort Snntlngn, tho Cunrtol Espitun, Cunrtol Infnnterla and tho Medical Depot. Military units woro Immediately pro pared and street patrols started nt dusk. Constabulary agents who nro mombors of secrot societies disclosed' tho plnns for tho uprising, thus enab ling tho forco of constabulary and pollco to dtsperso gatherings at Dag umbnyan, Pnro and Navotas. At Cal oocau Sqtiaro American sailors seized chairs when a forco of Filipinos np proached tho danco hall In which they woro quartered nnd using the chairs ns weapons routed the Filipinos, of whom a number woro Injured. Wiim Against Atm-rlmim. Tho rising wns evidently poorly or ganized nnd lacked loaders. It wns composed for tho most part of por- boiib Implicitly trusting tho word of Artomlo Illcurto, n revolutionary who conducts a continual propaganda from Kong Kong, to which plnco ho u'ni liititlalinil lit' thn Aninrtpfln nilth oritio. sonio timo ago. nicarto ,id- v,HCd tmt tho nnt.Amorlcan nttompt bo mndo on Christians ovo, when tho American officers would bo expected to colobrnto tho holiday. Reports from tho provinces toll of minor up risings and occasional vlolonco, but details from theso sections nro lack ing. Tho situation today appears well under control. BELITTLE i Amprinnn nfflninls nnd Island i ! Representative Think it Ex aggerated for Politics I Dr AuoUIi rm lo Coo Dr TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 20. Officials of tho Insular Uurotiu of tho.Wur Department, in tbo nbsonoo of official ndvlces from Manila, nro Inclined to vlow tho roported upris ing thoro ns not serious. Early In tho wook Govoruor General Hnrrlson ruiioriuii no cuiiiu nun uu iihio . .....,i reported ho could find no busts in jHHiiim lur Hvtuiiui ui mu n"w"' " I Mb( Qll0Mn, resident i - . cominUflloner fnm tho Phlllnplnos in ConKresH, declared today Unit conill- tlona In tho IMilltpplnott nro heltm nvnirifiiintnil Im thn ttttnrAulii (lritifiHitfl to the ponding bill for greater ',.., , .... ,, IIIUUHIIIU ui sou ii.ui iiiiiuiii. uiiu iiiv.' mato ludepondenco for tho Islands. 8WISS Alt.MV WILL 111-3 MUSTEUED OUT NOW (Or AtMKlttwt fit" to Coo lu Time. PAKI8, Dec. 2C Tho Swiss government has decided to ordor j a partial demobilization, accord- t I Ins to tho Petit Parisian's Ilorno correspondent, who says that j 250,000 men will gradually bo released from duty. 4 DOLiait DEIIT IS UHE OF CHME rf.tocoo.,..rTU-., C n Aoutd fro I SOLON SPRING, Wis., Deo. . . - .. -. I i -'ii.Min nil aruumuiiL ovur u t . --. ... -M- --- , -'"" ... ' j ' dollar account, Louis Kurllla, hn Vnnnop. Kiot unit klllmt Fred ......., , , i DiOKinson, a uiacKsmim, as no ' was abount to bo arrested, Ku- .... . . ... rUln shot and killed nimseii v. Ith the name shot gun - MANILA REVOLT REPORTS EVENING EDITION tr n oroiiseo Good Start AID CHICAGO'S POOIt j tflj Auoctitcl I'ttoi to Coo lit, TlmM. I CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Christ- man dluuors wero provided for nearly 200,000 persons In Chi- cago yesterday, according to en- tlmntcH from varlomi charity or- gnnlzattonrf. Forty thousand baskets, each containing enough food for five persons, woro tils- T"trlbuTed.""8lx' Inches of snow covered tho ground. j 4 COLD WAVE ON EASTERN COAST TODAY (n; AhmkUIM I'rtu In Cooo Da, TlmM. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 20. A cold wnvo hold tho country from tho Mississippi river to tho Atlnntlc const In Its grip today nnd broke tho December tomporntiiro rocords lu ninny places. Thirty-two dogrcos bo low zero was tha tomporntiiro nt Northflold, Vermont, whllo Albany, N. Y., reported slxtuon degreos bo low. Tho cold wavo oxtoudod as far south nn Florida, 8 Emperor Expresses Gratitude to Americans for Christmas Rifle tn Hk Pflnnln ,,,w . ... . .r- inr amocuim I'm to nwt iur tisim, WASHINGTON, D. O., t)oc. 2C T EDS W ON S A dispatch to tho Austro-Hiiiigarlaii ll0 wonl I1( took n cauplo ot drinks, embassy from Vienna nnnoimcod thatBnt ,iow nnd foil nsleop nnd when ho tho Austrian omporqr had oxpressod thanks tn President Wilson through Ambassador Poufleld for tho Christ mas gifts distributed yestardny among tho children of tlond soldiers. LO BD NEARLY D HOWIES Night Officer Tanner Rescues Ten-year-old Son of W. J. Clark From Siuslaw (Speclnl to Tho Times.) FLOIIENCK, Or, Deo. 20. ICalpli Clark, thu 10-year-old sou of tha pro prietor of tha Ilayvlow Hotel, nar rowly escaped drowning this morn ing lu tho Siuslaw Hlvor. Thu little iiiiiuw nun iiujinh tin inu uuw, iui . into tho water mid wont dlwn sovor .... fellow was playing on tho dock, foil I ni tlmoa. Hla clothlnK flllml with i alr and thn Bwlft outpoint; tdo awopt him down htrcam Hovoral hundred I tnnt Kltfli4V ntftnnr Tfintf Tnnnnp I head him holler and cut a boat loose , ,nof,H fr,7 f7f to . ..... , ..... ... ..... .. ,i,,lnto partnership with J. W. Edmunds ; ( ujiuuiim llin idbuiiu, junv o iu ' Kttlu follow was being awopt tinder a largo tub tied to tho Kylo dock. Ho was removed to his homo, whero doctors nro working ovor him with tha host prospects for his early re covery. . Tho fnmlly aro lato of Uosc burg. CHINESE FEAU fLOOD. fPr AuorUU4 rmi t Coo Pit Tim.) PEKING, Don. 21. Tho Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, II, E. lMiorwn f4 1 I mi In a fifrntn urlMitti In WlJUIIft WIWI (Ilka - Paul S. Itelnsoh, tho American Minis ter asking if ho will urge tho Ited ier, nBKIllK II no will uru iuu nun Cross So.ety to proceed - nu.ckly : possblo with the loan for ho Whai Illver Consorvnncy project. An- ol"r terrible flood has occurred,, wnran thnn imiffll. unil itlhlllAtlda Cit -wt. -.t - . -- ..... ... . ...... ,ives aro oeing ,o. ....... land starvation ni well as drowning, , TICHETS for tl.o CATHOLIC .... .. .. .... .K.r iimkh iitaitni jj(iiij mr himo at thn WW COItNEH uml CILWD- I.EII NEWS STAND. i A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) nil Pono. Itnr Advrrtlsrr HAS RENEW ALLIES LIMESJM FRANCE AND BELGIUM JAPS TIRE OF COST OF Imperial Diet Dissolved Be cause It Would Not Approve Large Increase in Army tn AKHUtf I'nu lo Co nr Tim?.) TOKIO, Dec. ' 20. Tho imporlnl Diet was dissolved yesterday. Con-! sldornblo tiiposltton had developed In tho House of ltopresontttttves to tho budget far Ifllfi which nhowed nn cstlmnted oxpondlturo of f 278, OiMi.OOO nnd n decrease In rovnniio of MO.r.00,00. As n rlltnnx, tho House rejected tho nrmy expansion measures proposed by tho govoru-1 mont, which led to Its dissolution, j Tho closing session of tho Houso wns tlrnmntle In tho extreme. Tho debnto extended nil through tho day and on Into tho tilgut. Tho Houso wns tiunblo to composo Its differ ences nnd thoro wns no sign that tho debato was approaching nn end, whon shortly hoforo ten o'clock It was announced that Emperor Yosh Ihlto had exorcised his roynl pre rogative of dissolving tha Diet. Whon tho Dlot convened December t, tho I Mlplstor of Foreign Affairs appealed ' ninn stntomont snya Husslan Rt to tho Diet to lay aside political I (neks In tha vicinity of Lotzen were strlfo In tho view of tho uusottlod repulsed nnd n thousand prisoners International situation, I were taken. It assorts tho sltua- Hon east of tho Vistula Hlvor la REORTS ROBBERY BUT IS DOUBTED Wm. Sendall Says Ho Lost $350 Watch and $126 in Cash While In Saloon Wm. Sendall. a longer, reported to tno Inc and Constnhio t'ox Into Thursday that ho hud been robbed I . j360 ,. Wll.i. nn,i inn tn Cash In n local snlnon. Ho snld that , nWnkonoil a fow hours Inter his vatu ubles woro gone. Ho still showed tbo effects of liquor nnd wns not miro about. Later, Marshal Carter says ho saw Sondull and ho had discovered $50 lu his hip pocket. Whon Seudnll first roported tho rnso ho declared ho was Hiiro whore ha had been robbed and a suspect was searched, Marshal Indicated that ho doubted tho Olelinitor Injured. Ann Moclno nnd Jim Mnruuzo, two sous of Hiiniiy Hilly, culebrnlcd too ,. i .... ...,.,... ...,.i" ..,,, i ulmost caused n riot nt Ilorreo'H saloon on North Front street Into lu tho afternoon. Thoy broke a glass n.i Mi.rnii. .,( i,iH OVor.dv and Dr. Ilorsfnll hud to bo called In to tnko several stltclius lu thu gush. Mornuzo hod n fuw dollars and wns forced to pay his bill immediately. When they caused tho disturbance a big crowd congroKutcd uround tho plnco. Eggi'i-toii I" (iouo. Tom Eggartou, who camo hero a In tho Coos Day Wiring Company, has turned up missing, Ho was en gaged ns swamper lu Tom Muddnu's Shamrock saloon and simply fallotMo show up. Ho liniL boon drinking heavily for a long tlmo. Homo think ho went to Corjulllo and somo think ho may havo dropped Into tho Hay. Hunker Hill Trouble. Mrs. Groono, a widow who lives with her children In Hunker Hill, hus complained to 'Justice Peunock nnd Constable Cox that John Littler, who ntnrn...! I.nrnn thn InHtN'nnnRmlth has been molesting her. Hho would "t wear out a warrant against him'01 um " ,u il- " , ... In,l nt Hnnillnir tho Mfiabv. nftar w ; jnd tu, "- we. made ...a may, Jo nnda to ay. J In Greene Is , relative of Mm. Grandoll. J. CmiM'rt Tnnihlis Fahlnr, who resides, according In thn imllrn rnnnrl. "n a" UVHu m. mo wi - f"" T 'd,r ouse on North Front noarums house on jsortn t roni .. ,. . M.n Vlnlnr. Ilrnnti I streot.' - ' home near Eleventh and Commorc Inal rili. lit nntl trlml tt cttnrl n fit. I ,..U. .., M.... I -"- n-. .... ...... .... ..,.. ( Knhlur was not arrested, but nrnli- i"ly U Vo. . No. 134 ATTACKS GAINST 'Offensive Movement of French ' and English Results in On- slaughts by Kaiser I FRENCH CLAIM MORE' ! PROGRESS MADE THERE Germans Claim Victory Ov&r English and Indians Po- land Situation Unchanged (11 Amoclttth) TrrM lo Coo 117 TIbim. LONDON, Dec. 20. Although. stntlng further progress wns made, t0l,ny'8 F'r?nch communlcntlpn lnys clilef omphnsls on tha repeated at tacks by GerinaiiB who apparently hnvo undertaken vigorous onslaughts lu rcoponso to thu offonslve tuove uients of tho Allies, Homo of tho Gorman attacks ex tended over connldernblo sections of ground Involving largo bodies of , troops, but assertion wan mndo that nil woro chocked. Perceptible progress In Alsaco wns claimed by tho Fronch. Tho Ilorlln statement says nenr Nlouport during tho night of De cember 24-25, Fronch nnd English nttnrks woro repulsed, It an nounces that In n bnttlo near St. Iiiibtrt with tho English nnd Indian contingents, 19 officers nnd 81S mon, 1 1 mnchlno guns, 12 mlnn t'nowors nnd other wnr material vcro captured. In Russia tho Ger- unchanged nnd say tho Gorman at tacks on Ilzura hnvo ceased, TOOK CASH FROM I A, Jnmcs of Ilandon, a machinist, remained out of Jnll yesterday and eMiiputi hicuih n " 'w " icnuso of tho Christmas ciomoiwjr ot i I'oter Diiugeo nud Alva lionobrake f ' tbo Union Market. After ninklnif rt- tltutlon of most of tho Q he had stolen from tho safo ot tho Union Mnrket, James was nllowod to go without being prosecuted, althouRk $3 of thu amount stolen Is unaccount ed for. James has n family nt Handon, khU although nu export workman, k played tho boozo gnnio too hard shJ too long and Is unable to hold a por tion. Lately ho had boon Btayltuc around Murshflold, eking lit an exis tence by odd Jobs. In tho ChrlstmM rush ho was given a Job at tho Union Mnrket. Thursdny noofi when Mr. Ilonobrnko had gone to tllnnor nt tho other employes woro busy In the ' front room. JnmoH slipped In throush ' ll ronr door of tho orflco and took tll c"1' ,lr,,wor out of tha tQ Mr' Ilonobrnko simply turned thn key la i tho cash drawor whon ho loft at H(MMI, lenvlng sufflclout change to moot th ordinary demands, James took "tho cntlro cash box and contents and then turned tho ksy In tho inner door of tho sate wl mndo his exit out the back way, H did not cover up the c&ah drawer very carefully and u party jroIbb by saw tho box ot silver. It struck the lat ter as peculiar uhd when Ja.mea start ed down the railroad tracks pushing tho uiouoy Itno ills pockets, he re ported it to Dilngeo. The latter opened thu safo nnd seeing that the box was gono started In pursuit and caught James nnd mado him return tho money. James was thou allowed to go, Just to glvo him nnotbor chance, SQUAHULE OVEH IK).DM. Hut tho most Important matter to romo up wns tho status of the 139,- i "ClUl! l" "'M IX WftOltS K ! J- M- WrlRht & Co., bond brokera - ; WV"W W -o--"--fj --- -.- .-F , j. Ht and exe- dentaHded, they havo begun to mnku various tchull objections, even golnR l the . i A. .. .. il,i et.t llu It tit tan tUitMAM 88 cn n.amount as ?30.000 .,,,, .u, ,.. r....iii- 'III U1IIIUO, VI UUU V'"V ! VWU. . .Pentlnol fal -oniinoi. lit' 1)H, 1J, U, UKLTY, lli1?UW Phoue U2-J, Hoow Ui, Qok DM 0110 MARKET 'I l '-i J 1 n ii tisi!i vt'" '"i"'!1 fmmt'""''''iH'f'f",,"t' mi iiii,iiiiw4wHyw)i ii pi in imwwiim m!fW1 rByaiy'. . ' ' lwWSJli I ' ) i 5 i l J. ' " i W