,." rj THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ir SIX NEWS OF General Von mm SIXTY-SEVKN YEARS OLD WHEN an nnuy major. THI-i AVAR REGAN, 1CAISEH HAS Ho wont into this war a general, MADE HIM 1'IELD MARSHALL with two decorations for brnvory. AND AX IRON CROSS MADE Tho kaiser 1ms made lilin a field niar-l-'ROM CAPTURED Hl'SSIAN shul, nnd nn Iron cross of 1914 1ms CANXOX HAS HEEX ADDED TO ..., .. ,..v ,v i ANCO-PI USSIAN WAR. ' ' I At the battle of KonlmmU In tho I . " tr f tho SS.lt.mK an. Mil-1 I Austrian war of 18(50 with only i ia wlu 1h orv,n ns .f,r8t "OMto11" I UERLIN, Dec. 23. .lust what has a)mt (m.y mm lm,pp ,8 comi;ltIllI ' nut In tho (Jornmn army, writes his , boon happening in the UusBO-Gorman ,,0 too. jm A,IBtrInll i,at,ory without aIlt ln tllf3 tJon"ft y- wrltca ll13 J department of the war Is more r ' othei. nmlll,nnco, IIe le(I the ohurBO I m,or nn acoouiit of tho ongnico lcss of a mystery. Wo only know on tlB )mltory m, when Ulruo f , nients around YproH. , for certain that a General Von Hln-, tho gnm ,IU, 1)C(m ctinluroa, ho ton, "Kull of fight and confident of j denbcrgls, leading tho kaisor's or-' tnncil hy a bl,llut n tho hend. 0I,8J' victory," ho says, "our young1 inles In 'a colossal struggle, tho most Young Hlndenburg lay on tho ground ' rKmonl8 "tarted to march against . Important perhaps of any in the war. for g0V(jral IIllnilt n'ml ,,,, 80i,ior8 tho enemy. Wo were qluto certain Of General Von Illndonburg him-' supposod him doad. Gradually they ' ,lmt 1'rovltlenco had endowed tno , solf, the world knows very little. He - fore ho came, like Cincinnati!!, from iiiB form nnnr Mneilnlniri? in take "in ..w... --..0 .. -.- n . command of tho million or moro fighting men Germany and Austria havo nssomblod In tho oast, ho was Icsb widely known than n Ilerlln ca- bar'et singer. tl I- ..,t.nl.l ll.nl If nnvni.n lmil '" " I""" " ' predicted to tho Inhabitants of tho lalto regions of East Prussia that tho oldorly man who rodo and wnlked about their lakoa continuously was ono of tho woiIiI'h groatost military ittrntoglsta ono would have dubbed n fool or a Jokoster. Old Von Hindenberg n groat gen- oral? What nonsense, llo was n general, true, but a worn-out ono, shelved by tho kaiser beciiuso he wan it crank on "ltustilaii InviiiloiiM," and the defouslvo proportion of tho lakes. ItusMmi Invasion Ilk Hobby. Hut now, since Von lllndeiiberb has jiroved tho dofouslvo prnjiertleK of IrtVcs and tho Russian Invasion has been a fact, a doubt Is ralsod that tho kalsor over Hliolvod him. Of ficially ho was retired. Actually ho haB spout all IiIh time for tho last throo or four years studying tho best Twelve days lator ho was ln tho bat-! s n cloar, practical demonstration way to check tho czar's troops If thoy tlo of Sedan, whoro ho led his com-! Hitch a clear demonstration that our ovor started for Ilerlln. j pnuy In a charge. At tho close of battalion vas reduced to half Its or!- Von Hlndonborg Isn't known by tho battlo, Captain Illndonburg was Initial size in a few oucouiitorH. Wo that name hardly at all In Uorinany. decorated with tho Iron Crois by the ' suddenly realized that tho English Ills full namo Is Paul von Honeckon- omporor. f Tho other day ho rocolvod j mercenaries could not bo routed with ilorff nnd von Hlndonborg. Tho first another, cast from tho Russian can- moro hurrahs, and thut thoso smooth part noeius to suit Germans. Ho was lion, to keop company with tl.o ono faced gontlemon used tho long legs born In Pason In 1847, tho son of made from captured Fronoh guns, 'not always for running away, but WAlt DRIVING AVOMEX TO SUICIDE, SHE SAYS Mi-h. Kehwltnmcrof International Suf frngo Cotiurll Says. NEW YORK, Doc. 23. Mrs. Rosll kn Bcliwlmmor, secretary of tho In ternational Council of Equal Stif fr.itrn. who nninn linrn tivn wnnlin iil'O from Europe, told tho Joint mooting of tho Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis and tho Now York suction of tho Council of Jowlsh Women nt Temple Emmanuel that thoro has boon a groat iucroaso ln tho number of sulcldos among women In tho Eur opean countries now nt war. Sho spoko particularly of condl-! ",,or ,lllIeB nft01' n "0lniont has vicinity of Rerolaore, though .without tlons In Austria, whoro, sho $mU, tho ' I"1""'! " lll" Kroups trudg-HUCC088, j ono of tll0g0 nttac;k3 &0o policy of tho government is to mip-' ,M nU,n uiipnrontly j.erfoctly con- Kng:iB:, soldlors and twonty officers pioss all now of casualties and to j ,"",ei1 "'j'1 without a worry In the r0u to our hands, seek to onllvon tho spirits of the pop- w"rl', Yot Mt n,'tt the-v n" llmr "Tho English trouchos woro most- ulaco by forfilddlnif mourning ml ! for '"tlons. slid In tho morning start y , arranged as In- bo quite luvlsl- by having bunds play imtrlothi nnd ' off Rln ln n 0,,a fonnallon. 1 . 1 1 to the naked eye. Whon wujuul lively nlrs In the public squares. -j Rni j0,j tIHt (his method of BOt '"' 1:o f',"t trenelimi wo woro ".Millions of womon and clhldron murhliiic htu proved a gront puxxlo ""tonlshod tlt their systematic con In Oalloln, Poland, Hungary, East t0 ti,u ooriuan airmen In trylna; to "truotlon as regards depth, sldo pro Prussia and oastorn Franco aro drlv- estliuwto the nunibor of troops tlmt tHt!"0 against upllutarlng of ghells, on fiom tholr homos by the oncom ,. n,0VjnK, when the eoliimus aro l),eu;,tft'oik and f.oorlng. Tho tronqlt Ing ariuloe" she said. "Often their m 8tnmg out, It Is sltuost ImpoMible Wo1'8 "on,," aU "xcollontly nr honios aro burned. Thoy havo i from any height to tell whethor what '""H"11 for n '"" taiui. Wo wore plnco to go, nothing to oat nnd no (nie eo v a battalion In close fur- l"rt,cllltt,!y astonished at tho Iron knowledge of tho husbands, brothor i inntloii ur u eonmunv ntrnnir nut ' u,", s,oel w01'1. '"'"t into the bronst- and sons. Is It any wonder thoy go Jnsauu? H tho war cannot bo stop- pod I ask whether tho censowhlp etui not bo ended nnd women told where tholr liusbauds are, whether alive or dead. "Anything Is bettor than tho nwfiil tragedy of silence. It Is killing lhujimMli ,.i,,.jji ,,yfi ,,ow, ,i,0! frequently occurred that wo found a bast women in tho world; women woild, and In tho nioiith I havo been disproportionate .number of dead to without whom thoro cannot be a new , wUh l0 unny , )mvo ot g()0n nJ. ,0 vo,.y fW ,vl1t (lofoU,ur8t Wfl Europe. Talk or suMering In RI-' .iirder. On tho road nnd In tho soon discovered that a largo number. ' glum. It J awful thoro, but In ill.'cu,)f ) Mi)m (1ontoiited and happy, of the '.load' wero shumnilug and ola and Austria It Is far worse be- ,Q11K aB , wt!ftlluu. l8 fll0i jt'ihwo wero easily tickled Into life caiisu of this silence and umniuw llio IllllBl IlB aiimltta(l ,iloy luoU mtlo wltll a lmyoilot. iiuuiDor m people involved is so niucii gruhtor," Cqiigroisiaun-uJoct Moyor London uiKiJio on "Socialism nud Religion" , at the meeting of the Kufurui Rabbis . In Temple Isniel, Lenox avenue and 120th streot. He told thorn (hat tho churches havo boon slow to roooguliio now social and Industrial conditions . ". ".-"' and that their present weakness Is twenty lives have alroady bean avod not dlio to tho indlfforenoe of tl.o "V t'lHck tUlo dog belonging to an , masses, but to tho Indifference of tho.'nu,bl,,aco cor "' iha 1n,88ln , ... . ,,,, 'battlefield. In penoo times tho mil- cmucii loqocrs. ...,..,.. ... ,. Ho said tho working man will uov e'r attpnd and support tho oluirch 1111 til tho church becomes somothlng moro thnn n bulldlnif whore people ( gnthor onco a weok to bo bored to death with rohttbhed sermons nbout things that do not concern them. MIOItHY CHHI.snns Havo you tried Thp Times' want'Jdcsif tholr ullar s soon as night v conies, uouorally tho only tlmo tho greatest m w gi day Hindenberg been nddod to tho olio ho won In T.rn fn,lv.ri.r v..r. n,, , Logan to rotront, but, when tho ad- Vnnco guard reached tho spot whoro I i.n inv i, ..,,., ,.,. it Inn.i n. i , (,u (ij nu I'tttup) ii u ovviiivu to i though ho had suddonly bocomo con- j BC08 that tho victory ho hail won j ' ns In Jootmrdv. Tho bullot had on-, j y KrnZcd his bond, toarlng open tho I scalp, but not oven marking tho ' , iildlll. Willi fliwnr ntiHiimlnani llmx before ho sprang to tho head of his inon and ordered another chargo Thls tlmo they took tho throo roinaln-1 lug guns of tho Austrian battery, j Wlion that wun dono young Illiiden-' burg fnlntod. (Jlven it Hiiro HiTomtloii. ' A few days later tho omporor con-1 I forrod on him tho Order of tho lied j Knglo, with crowed hwoiiIb. This Is ,,!lr" ,r patriotism and Incapable of un order that Is' ordinarily conferred i "ucrlflcij. only on majors or officer of h Igherj '".Sooner than wo thought wo wore rank. For a subaltern to net it wan upon tho uuoiiiy. First wo caiuo upon most .iiiiiHtial. n dead EitKlbthniau, thou two wound- In tho Fruuco-Pruiwlnii war Hln-led English officers, thou nn English i denburg was a captain, and ho took prisoner. Tho prisoner nnturally part In tho Htorinlng or St. l'rovat, i near Motz, one of tho bloodiest on-, IgaKementH or tho war, In which tho I Gorman loss was 10 por cent of those ' engaged. That was on August 18. RUSSIANS OX.. MARCH. . ( Tlm KnitlHll nfnIl(ry wl,it.h ,,. car Aitofuirt rn.. m co. nr Ttrai i ' l,0,,0,, "8 nt Yl"' "t lo considered LONDON, Hoc. 2!!. A letter from , n"'"K their host troops. Thoy tlo Wnrstiw says tlint Ui'iiinroliliiK Him-ro.l,l,u.1 l.,,olr positions with onorgyj slnii soldiers liresont nn odd picture, i"1"' "1lni u",, whon drlvon back'trled , "Tho ltiiislan roglmonts on the ""'" u,ul "B"1" t rocovor tho lost, march nro tho most Informal orgnhl- fonnil. ln thoso ondoavors thoy i zntlon In tho world," It says. "Ahead woro Ktipported offlclently by tho rldo a fow officers, nnd then, in no l'"tUiilai- formiRlon como tho troons. soniQ on ono sldo of tho rontl and soino on tho other. Toward Oio ",ul "M'ol ontisod onormoiiB dnm-1 roar they stragiclu off In dwindling " ""'"K our troops. j streams, wandering nbout tho fields "Ab tho rroiintllnj; of the Eng aml plodding horo and there, Just as ' "Hh fo,C08 ''' our tr0l,a mn(l It"0" . though ottch was off on nn Individual "10r n,ltl ,110l' fo,t. tho English In- tour. rmitry tried again nnd again to broalc ' I ll i-niiirlt ii It ii t ii in,.tt..i.ln.lli I.. il. ' M(Wt BMM0I ,MIU-, Hd uinMos wliieh can be soon and estlmaltxl coi- redly from a great distance. "Tho iiioio one sues of tho ludlvl- dual of the Russian army, the more the shaving outfits which every Eng ouo cullies to like tho common sol-, llsh ddler iiii'ilo. iIIor ,.. 0 u t)l0 10gl MOl)li.Iin,. ,igln , nlu." -MERRY CHRISTMAS DtX.S SAVE MVKS. r,tls ,,,, Vn,MM,llo All, , as(l. tul Corjih at l'ltnil. (Pr amUii livt la Cwm Iit tIim.i lkti.111 TV l.. Oil f.un ,l.n. IIIHI l Hll IIIIIIIUIU WUlUlllli'K HI I"" railway station at Halle. Th ihnV wlntav iilvhtu nml tli . .. . . .,, tll0 WOUIlllw, 0ipeCftiiy dlffloult, but g)ce ho Bml,ul.ulC0 ,mrtlog bogan Uglg Uoga u Uie,r beaivh fow Wo,nilcd ,nra have brut overlooked .... 0 fft R a tr0B8 0 l)dla German War , View (Ily AiwwIiiKJ Prw to Cckm lUy Tlmn.1 HERLlN, Dec. 21 .English ool- n Kl "BlltorU 011(1 roHOlllCO- "" "" 10" lv l" ''"" tho,r ,,I"IB nwil' t"o fnator. Thus wo advanced by long and short i iarc9 through Flanders, the groat COIllulory. Wo wero dollghtod with thc onitlful Flemish landscnpo nnd wlUl tho InlItnutH. whoso langungo wo B00n "n8ol to understand, ov- " 8 lllt-,y Speedily cntllO to Ullllcr- stand ours. o thought of tho English boI- "Hers as tho comic papers aro wont to portray thorn. Thoro wero a few who warned iih agnitiBt posslblo iin- deroHtimation of the ouoiuy, but their misgivings wero quieted by our polnt- '"K l that thoso wero mercenary troops, Hired at n row ponco u day, of gront Intercut to our uoldlers. 'Wondor If tl.o morconary can shoot?' wo asked oursolvi. An hour later Homo of his comrudoB gave us an nnswor to that (iiiestlOii. Thoy gave Momotlnios for desperate and danger ous chnrgoH. , fll' ol tllolr floI(l nrtlllory. Thoy lina lalH0 transported ihonvy naval " to Yprow, and tho English sholls bii U lift ll ui I llliun. Illll L1CU1111 1 III I III! xvo,'k''- Tll fl"0'' wore designed wllh "" c,,' ,n "xlinuiu comfort.; , Our men captured thoio a great store !of ovcolleut inoserves, corn hoof nnd lam, mid many also Keeured one or ..WiIOI1 Wll ilttl, ,,. .,,.. i, "la somo cases the English had dug trenches, but hud not occuplod V. em, and to deceive us had put lurge round turnips and similar oh jtvctj along the breastworks." i MERRY CHRISTMAS ' wounded oan bo searched for, tho : 1lMialltd ni'n ultimml n.i.l ,1... .1 .. ""- " 7'' ' 7 ',' ' , H " i t across he battlefield. Instead! or barking when thoy (Ind a wounded "U )w' " rl"K "U'U 80,M0 alclo r tho victim's oqulpnient. ns a cap, i ..'m... ,. i,.-.. ti,.. ... .1 "" B-u.u. t hvj iliu IIIUII IIU on the leash and they load tho nm- bllluiiee I1IP11 to tho snot wliara lli. WBunUotl soldier llos. In this in.... nor lumdrods havo beon saved on tho ' dloront battlefields, At first some of the animals lea 1. the soartlurs to men airea y dad. but t ey Irani with surprislui? rapid to conltno their attentions to the living, ,- lllllig t , j j I ; I a vViii? HmM Ss Read THE TIMES PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR)! '?. Lolhard MnClure ATTOHXEY AT LAW Practices In rf.ll courts. Room l, Flanagan & Dennett Hani -I. H. Hamer HOUSE ItUITillKIl , Gouora) Repairing nnd Citblnot 1 Making. I Mione 349-J. ' riiono JHH-Il. I RUIIiDING CONTItAUTOIt 1 Estimates furnished on roquoit 1 - - - Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Eur, Noso nud Thront. GLASSES FirrEl) I OR. MATTIE II. SHAW Dlirasi'i of M'onion nml ClilMri'H Orrico Phono nao-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Ulock. Bcnlamln Ostlind CONSULTIXO EXOIXEEU AND ARCHITECT I Offices, 200 Irvliig Olock j 'bono 103-J. or 2C7-J. Marehflold, Orogoi 1 Af. G. Chandler ' ARCHITECT 1 RooniB 301 nnd 302, Coke Dulldlns 1 Marshtleld, Oregon I Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Mnrshflold, Orocon. Mrs. Olivia Edman. M. T. D. SWEDISH MASSAOE AND MED ICAL OYMXAHTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 1.17 Commercial nve. Phono 2-130 lostiiirui PIAXO TUNER AXD REPAIRER LeaTo Tders nt W. R. Haines' Mus dc Compnny. 115 S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L ,Perl Riley Ballinner ! 1MAXIST AND TEACHER rtesldeuce Studio, 217 No. Third 81 Phono 3R8-U MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'clw'y SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestio CH.INA AIX'T IT THE TRUTH. Wo novor blnmo tho tnllor whon our pants wo havo to pin, Wo novor blatno tho shoo man whon our soles grow old and thin, Wo novor blatno tho hnttor when our lids wo havo to flout, nut wo always blamo tho laun dry whon our shirts woar out. COOS DAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono ftJ. I ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL I (Formerly tho Coos Hotel) j j Steam heat, hot and cold wator.. No liquor. I Wo Invito you to Investigate our wmtor ratos. Special Inducomont j when two or moro persons occu- I I pysamo room, j j A I Commutation Tickets $2.00 InrMifleld-Norlh Dend Aalo Ua "'r every ten minutes from . rn to Hi p. in.; t South Slough onco n day, leaving nt 11 a. ui.; to Empire throo trips n day. OORBT A KIN'O. Props. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate sorvlco, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. by ordering tho famods Nut coal, por ton $1.00 Lump Coal, por ton $U)0 Or, half ton of both $5.on f D. MUSSON, Prop Pliouo Ifl-, or leave orders at! IHIIyei's ClKur Store. I LJM " " ri - .mm ! I I SOUTH COOS RIVER HOAT I SERVICE I LAUNCH EXPRESS ill I leaves MmMiflold every day i I o ii. ill. J, eaves bend of river ' I t :i:15 p, ni. I mi;..mi;k RAINHOW leaves llOIUl of rlvni. 1nllr t t I a. in. Leaves Mars'iflolil at ii. I ' ... i..... i ---.-. 20 SlIllEY i ! HEWRYVILLE GIL SJMairtficid BSLaiB cd in. For clutr lioai Proiuletors TRY -young people. open a Savings Account In this Mto rcutllarlv ten net- mm ,.r .' c"n'i;lTAtlrn t... ' " ' J""r riirili. ,,.... ""H-4 9j 11 tnuniiiK JIIUUi n-Hitvlii$ Arrulint N .e great MlM UNDER THE U.MTIU, 8TWg GOVERNMENT HUPHUVlsloi. FIRST III II OF COOS BAY So'cly Deposit Boxes Forfanl, FL II & m OLDEST IIAXK IX COOS COUXTV EHtidillhbed 18P0, F"a i-uiiJius ana unai Profits $115,000 IiitcreM Paid on Tlmo Dtposlu Officers: J. W.'IIciiiioM, Picsldent. J. II. Flnimgnii, Vlrc-Prciddcnt, . F. Wlllliinix, Cmhlcr. Geo. If. Wlnclicitfr, AKC To Portland every Thursday THE If AST AND COMPOIITAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY KQUIITKI) NORTH PACIFIC HTUAJI8IUP CO. O. F. McGEOHGE AGENT W.LN PhoDo 44, Marshflold Phone (il,!MI mmrnmmmmmmmmmmmeummmmwmmmmmmmtmm EQUIPPED WITH WIIIKUM Steamship Breakwai ALWAYS ON TIMJC SATURDAY, DECRMIIER ll, AT 11 A.M., S-UinDAfJ! HER a, AT y::io P. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET Of a vi n.tir HTin.'i.rrfl. PORTLAND. "'"' ""' " ' .. .mul I Phono ns-J. I I . MMMMMMSMI I .-.-.-. nnM... n.nninnnnTlT 1 n M.U- 'Lnn innmpi k d i 1 1 1 u 1 1 11 nil mil 1 uniuni 1 11111 uu Scmi-wcekly sorvico Coos Bay andjjan "STFAMSH WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS MY . ....I'tmllt "I. AID TIICRSDAli is''" - t Equipped wltu wireless rtiid siibrnarlflc ben. j Passengers and bWPzJk STEAMSHIP m a ' Equipped with wireless and submarine ML Passnnfrors and oiRnt. v WILL SAIL FROM COOS A l'" ""," oa. ATM SATURDAY MOR.MNO, JM w -' , t,..:.. .ffi, firnonwicb street p-ffl nud GOO Fifo building. J Coos Bay Agent, U. i'. juuu PASSENGERS FREIGHT UIH LI SIE 9AIL FROM- San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wodnesday 3 P. M. Coos nay Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco M1A9 II. JAJHW. ABt TUO.M Phono 27ft. Ocean Doclt Pictures & framing u c. fj WalKCr OlUUlO unmc .in A IT IIODGIN : I ' . .m .... Jiii.V0T0'''.M i f. ii PAINI ANV nvTitt, 'utiiiinrno n iiriiiMiicu IT ,l,"CKIn.i-",l . ""I " VII.. ""Itltlon. t,. j ". a To Eurekil every Mon V, U, JiMK-13 SU W!L AlbrW5 ' . , n ' JlATf I- Western ow-j HAAS 11 MS I ,.,, ,Bd ", 1 importers s T . ..r ; I Tel. jw-" THE COOS !5S2bJi2 ..nffft ' oTSi Odfl? PhoM W-J. MniUfleWisOf0,L'- jwAx?TJttani