11 wanki w THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. m fcyrijlit IUl Utet-u t :. ilarx I A IHMi 'I as I 'i ' i Season o ill w his is The Good rE EXTEND ours to every- )ody: to ..those who buy our pods, and to those who don't; ;yen to thoseif 4 thete ayeany hwho say they never will buy iem There is always room in lis world for Good Wishes and re want you to accept ours Here's to you and your fam- y, may yqu .live: long, and ; pros )er. fczrrr: r Woolen "Mill Store arshfiem) A f) ! NORTH WIND THE DELICATESSEN CO. low in Their New Location at 136 North Broadway in room formcly used by Lewis Ice Cream Parlors Some Special Features Will be . . PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS FOR SOCIAL :UNCTI0N AND LUNCH PARTIES QUICK SER VICE COFFEE B00THS-7-A quick and'fe'conomic lunch large variety of HOT and COLD COOKED FOOD at all times. Meats, Salads, Rolls, Pies, Etc Iq guarantee cleaness and quality, fry us. We will please you in price and promptness THE DELICATESSEN BREVITIES weather forecast I (I1 AamrlltM IV-M to Cll Hit TlmM.1 OREGON Fair; not much change In tomporaturo; onBtcrly winds. . LOCAL TEMPERATURE I RECORD j For tho 24 hours ending nt I 4:43 n. in., Doc. 23, by UenJ. I Ostllnd, special goo"rnmo:it me- ' trnrolostst: Maximum t . . . t"S Minimum 2 1 At 1,43 n. m 3G Precipitation nono Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1014 31.40 Precipitation Baino porlod last year 18.CC Wind: North, clunr. HORN SMITH To Mr., and Mrs. Jack Smith, at Mercy Hospital, Wednesday, December 23, n bou, their first child. Mother and child aro doliiK nlculy and Mr. Smith, who Is omplo)od hy the Bnillh'PoworB Company at Cedar Point loom, hays ho wouldn't trado ph'cuM. with tjajitu Clans. uoi th of funds of that ill), lolurn i ed on tho Urenkwntor today. Ho 1 was released a few days ngo nnd expects to rJnmln on tho liny. He ninlatnlus that ho wb Innocent nnd hopes to later clear .as tiamo. l. 'X"juilte;l. A letter of thanks I nnd appreciation lias boon rocoled by Henrlk OJerdrum from tho Hed I Cross headquarters nt Washington, U. C, for tho loynl support given by tho dllrfons of Slnrshtlold for the sufferer In Europe. Tho mini of $15!) raised at the lied Cross concert wns used hy the Washington committee for food for tho starving llolglnns. Tho need was greatest In Holglum. Pleads Nut Guilty. Tony Young n.ayr, charged by Mrs. liustafsou with stealing two calves belonging (o her nnd which ho had given ns part pay ment on back rout, v appeared In tho Justice court this morning ami plead ed not guilty. He went out to look for $100 bonds. Youugmnyr nunc down from tho farm at Larson lnlot voluntarily. Tho trial will bo hold later. IihKch Employee. In truo tele phone style tho cmploocs of the C003 nnd Curry County Telephone com pnuy In tho suroruudlng towns hnvo been Invited by long distance to the dinuor nnd dance being given In their honor Saturday evening nt the Chandler Hotel. When tho matter wns decided definitely there remain ed biicIi n short time Hint Mr, Hnll bullovcd the best method would bo thu uso of the long dlstanco telephono 1 Instead of regular Invitations. Avwilt Answer. At tho meeting i Of the Presbytorlnns held tho other evening It wns decided in wait at lonst Uwo or three weeks boforo taking any definite action toward NO PAPER CHHISTSIAS. Tho Coos Hay Times will not bo Isued tomorrow as tho entlro forco will take a day off to prop- orly obseive tho Christmas holl- day. j There will be llttlo or no war j news as tho European censors j nnnonnco that tho offices will bo closed all day. However, Tho j Times will receive Its regular Associated Press roport nnd any j news of ponsequonco will bo bill- I lctlncd. I V- Sails ICnily. Tho Nairn Smith will salt i.t n o'clock Saturday morning for San - Francisco-. Borne of thefKocurlng n pastor hero pormnnontly . ... passengers wlilg6" ab'Siird ' 'Friday 'night ..... . . Library Will Close. Miss Topping, city librarian, annoncoB that tho pub lic library will bo closed Thursday evening nt (i o'clock nnd 1 omnia closed until Saturday morning. ' W.omeh Send Aid The Marshflcld Mothodlst ladleB today sent out twelve . baskets laden with provisions and Joys to homos whoro thoy feared that y Santa Clans' donations might bo monger, Sawrhl iifoVpectlvo 'mon wero writ ton.. to nnd tholrniwvors nro now being nwnltad. Sbvorul days ngo n committee consisting of A. T. Ilnlnort and Hoiuttor I. S. Smith nnulo ti canvass umong tho members Kottlni; their promises Uiwnrd fi nancial help if a minister Ik ac cepted. Ask IScluMiilnir. A potltlnn lisklug a rehearing of tho Charles Sneddon ease was made out this morning by Attorneys Hoy nnd Miller ami for- , Pino Tree. Tho Christmas tree, warded to the Stale Supremo Court, ixorolsosnt KastsldVJvt'lilKljtye'ro Thin coml recently" Ijdncftd down a urolv nttond.l.l'. Vnroferaiil-W dqcUlon u(nlnluK-nldoolhon of tho ;opd, tho decorntlons wore f,w;jmd , Jury lio clreiilt court wliloh elnlniB hero wns something 011 tho treo 1 ft Mr- Sneddon Is sano. Tho Inll- Ifor everybody.- '? ''f f " T tlPnlK" PSU-IMwRnnt 1' I 'Surf llounl I UI(itatr.--Arrnngo-ltoiupyBrfofJChaiJoaiBii)tld was nnidng tho Christmas shoppers In the city this morning. M. T. HHNDRIX nnd wife enmo down yesterday from Coos ltlver to do their Christmas shopping. CLAUDE HOCKKIT, manager of tho Southern Oregon Company nt Hmplro, and wife, wero Marshflold v Isttors yesterday. CLARENCE K. ASH of Tho Times loft today for Portland, whoro ho will spend a.' week, attending n re union of his family there. CIIAS. 110WMAN and wife and Geo. Terry and wife camo down yester day from liluo Rldgo to do their Christmas shopping. 131) SIOELLER nnd wife nnd baby went to Coqulllo today to spend Christmas nt the home of Grand ma Wlckhnm. P. J. SHEEHAN, Prank ltoso nnd dene flrnnt oro nmong those coming In frop'i tho Siulth-Poweni camps for thd Christmas holidays today. aKOIlOK IJY13U enmo In from the Hinllh-Pow(Jrn Uimps fieydnd Myr )lu Point today to Hpimd, (Jhrlst- ,,,n"'. 1 :' .;,. , ' CLAItH SWALNK camo In Ipdny to Hue thill MlUi Cah nnd Cupid Svortted- harmoniously'' In V. 'j. Conrad's cnBe. MILS. J. YV. MOHUOW, of Portland, arrived here last evening from tho Noith and lll spend Christmas with her son, .Dr. 10. V. Morrow. L. L. THOMAS returned Tuesday from nu oxtouded musical tour of tho Coqulllo Vnlloy, where ho loft 11 trail of culture and talking mach ines behind him. 10.MMI0TT PH0HCI0 Is up from Tar 1 jlool cniiip' for ClirlstiniiB nlid j ?tnte,l'lio wll'l n'su'mo operations . r We Wish You 'All the MERRIEST CHRISTMAS . M You Ever Had and to All Who Are Near and Dear to , You. May Al the Choipest Blessings of This.. ,. Happy Holiday Season be Yours Bunker Hill Dept Stot;e W. H. Dindinger '& Co. . Phono J)2. 1 1 u (. 1 1.' rirsL 1 'I Mojiilay Id J1111- lio and his wife have been visit ing with Mr. nnd Mrs, Nols Mqn sou. Mrs, Iloburts expects to ro main thore over Christmas and wilt Inter bo joined by her hus band, CAPTAIN Q. 10. lODWAHDH expects to lonvo today for Allegany and by that tluiu will have -completed thu enclosing of h(s. dock ; In the 'renr d"lhe flro station. Cnplulil iMu'nrdft af(ei 6lirlutmB will go to LooiiltJake.iWliel-u fiutls starting up a luwinlll, 1 : 1 , OIOOQIO LANQKOIU) nnc) wf,q ar rived yes'terdny on tho Kami Smith from Stockton, Calif., to upend tho Christmas season nt thu homo of her sister, Mrs. C. M. lly lor, In North llend, nnd her broth er, W. S. Tarpon, in Marsliflold. MRS. ALPItlOl) BCHHOIOOIOH of Myr tlo Point has lion visiting hor sis ters, Mrs. Dan Keating and Mrs. Oeorgo Suyilor liero and will "oturn to hor homo today, Shu nnd her family will I110V0 to llrldgir about . Jauliafy.l. 1 TjaitiortPTfirV tti .Axfiano M1MICH t'HAIUtV. JLVLfi ifilo MARSHFIELD FOLKS' ASTONISH DRUGGIST Wo soil ninny good modlclnes but wo nro told tho mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerlno, etc., known, as Adler-l-kn, Is tho best yo eVor sold. Warh-. field folks nBtonlah us dolly by tell- ! lug how QUICKLY Adlor-l-kf re- luves sour stomacn, gna on tn biom ich nnd eoiiBtlpntlon. Many report hat A SINOLH DOStO rollovcs theso roubles almost IMMKDIATIO(iY4 We iru glad wo aiu Mnrshtleld RKoiitfl for Adlor-l-kn. Tlio LockUntt'pBr- Knus Drug Co. 2 Jon In their iiimts ..worn, lojjipamaio (jodny for brief to the Supremo 'ourt.went., jiut- hiuo 1110 rccuni ami inn inn. liri'Huui Hruoon. It- la .to-lake.Hplaee..ln.lawi- Hoy nnd Mlllornro reprusent-- l-nlslntyvn(dli X of Mnrshflofd nbout 1 o'clock lug Mrs. lOlleii Sneddon mid tho sons ' wy ,111 rnli Uio weather Is favornblo. , jnnd daUKhters. y until' npbor ' anther surf board demonstration by 01110 of tnn local Hoys tomorrow iftimiooii rut f humor Layoff. According ' to if Frophrt hero, Capt. Olson, of tho Adeline Smith, and tho captain of a veiwoi Willi wiiiou no coiuueu a month or to ago woro given a month's lay-off by tho steamship In spectors at San Francisco. Capt. Ol son had not boon advised of it thortfi tho (mry, Mil. AND- MUS. llOCJIOIt ciinie In '"t the HV1SV, VjHM.'IJUiihI, ONH- hls1,iiioriilngi fionrcapo lllaiico 1 1.KIt NHW8 STAU, , ,' , for 'iffci. Mldm hire. They v'x- JiJ.J j iectV't- rOinallC unM next Sat' .' jirddV.. 'I'Mif,1 " A.'T. HALNIOS rayW If they contlnuo dlBturbaiice FtillLinc Of Good Thiags Tor tho rilHIKT.MAH KKAHT SIIN'Ci: SI HAT IN HULK I'ANrY CIIHRSH CIIOICK ritLSIl OYSTIMia Kull lino ot LHIIIY'H 1WS10UH PICICLKS i:ei'it"laig kept clean nnd. san itary In a modem refrjKo,rHtor , 1 I I I L . 1 . t t J Coos Bay Oyster Co. t ina'aiaceneat Markfitti' lliono 1 00-J. CIIAS; B. NICHOLSON wnB 11 Co qulllo Valley visitor yesterday. The c'nso fairly iip6nlFo"recofcV of III Burppnt so thu iirlgo of flour, man will tlilnlc Hlinr-, I Iiinn wns rtaht. t COUNTY Ari'OltNBY LILJBQV18T was seen on our stroot 0110 day this week. Lll says tho most mi reliable things In tho world nro ' guarantees, statements under oath I nnd oyo wltnossos. n 4 nu ttri.' . .1 . it.... ...1.... ,.. ir. 1 ...i i. ui... I. 0...-.IWI-... nmi ...n. i.- f,n... f.. ' "" " iwvjr. nun iiuwii iroiil jjuh- doubted. 1 qulllo o.terdy on business. oIb y-tordny, bringing n ..... u,.,.. ,...1.. n.i. ....1 . I . v ..vi.Ma i.- -... -nmn....m ! 'w ChrlstninB trees for frlonds sumod operations yesterday after i for reasons unknown, .having been shut down for n brief THOMAS W. ALMON Is up from time on account, of lack of chemicals' South Inlet to shend tho holidays, j .,A ",8" """ "!"' n. n. . bvlllch wora brought In on tho NnnrfyAUaUBT CARLSON of North Coos'11,18' OHANDLLIt arrived PSmlth. It Is oxpoctod that ono of 1 lh Dollar Company' big vgisols will bo in horo early jln gWW t , jaka anothor shlpmont' or pillp to "tho Orlont and probably tako out fromo liimbor. , , t Jjotiton e(H Out. Wm. J. I,oa- ton, formor City Itocordor of Bast- f USSITIl i ,nn i 11 ,ih "irr SP& 7i i rm. hKl. mms. . 1 'side, who wns glen nu Indotor- mlnnto Beutouco at Salem for tho .misappropriation of about $3000 Itlvor wn n Marshflold visitor to day. , FJIANK HAULOCICBU will Ko to Coqulllo tomorrow to spond Chrlst nuis. ROY LANDRITII w nmong Iho vis itors in thu ally today from Coos Itivor. 'hero. Ho ulso brought n shipment of poultry ChristmnH trade. In qulto for thu homo overland today from Van- Qouvor, II. C, whoro she has boci.4 visiting hor duughtor, Sirs. Tro nialne. Sirs. TromaliiQ has fully recovered from her recent ill- nos. KDfJAIl ItOIIIOHTB roturned yes Jlorday from Hnynos Inlet, whoro KOIt BALI') A flvo rMHi modeni cottngo, sinnll pnymont down and monthly Installments. I. S. Knuf man & Co, BUY THE - VERY BEST Marshfield Creamery BUTTER KM ALL llOTIOL and MMmiliig liouso In North Ilond for salo at a bar Kiiln. Phono 131 or call at Tho TI1110H office Address P. O. llox 715, North Ilond, Oro. I'OIt HUNT I'ivi.riMtui liouo iiwir 3rd nnd A.ndermm. Phono nrs Lvsllo. ) FOR RENT f , ; I'OIt HUNT I'lirnUhcd "ousc. kooplng room. 005 1st and Wlrch. from tho' to visit e Have Had uccessful Year The liberal patronage of our customers has made it it.. ..t,,o onri Aiih vnu one so. We aDoreciate mis io inu uimuai .,u ...... ,-- r.- md all Success and Happiness Christmas. ' and a Very Merry CONNOR & H0AGLAND )LTII 1SKOADUAY. L Jessen, M. D. hlYSICIA.N AM) SUHGEO.N ery and DJseasea of Women 1MIOXBS - a,H WYMAN AL11BB was up lower hay last evening frlonds. SUSS LULU IIODSON came down on the Mllllconm from Alegniiy this morning. AUGUST CARLSON was down this morning on a business trip from Allegany. ters of biiBlnoss. SIRS. JOHN HOLSHOS of Coos Rlvor uiih 11 111 on-' tlin out of town vlul- IMC HOME or BIG fEATURCS AND cko. a. aoui.i of Aiioeaur The 1 LEMANSKI THEATRE TONIGHT In VAUDEVILLE. J iT ART ADAIR, musical wonder, Y CI V biu ,hat you ca,l,t "ol1' ,,k,n8 v 1 nig special Progressive feature. juseo L. Lasky piesenta Max I'lgman and Lollta Robertson in the famous ,comdy-diama in fivo parts "THU SI AN ON TUB uox. wruioii uy tno seme author who wrote tho "Million Oollac Slystory," Harold McQrath. The story of nu aristocrat who en tered servitude to serve the girl ho loves. Till Is. 0110 of tho best fea ture vio have shown hero. Another good reel Pord Sterling In "HYPNOTIC POWKR," featuring that king of funmakors. This la a program well fitted for tho occasion and vo wish you ail a Slerry Christ mas and Happy New Year. UnVLU l'LOOK, I5c. I'iHST 11ALCOXV, J5c. HUCO.VI) IIALCOXY, 10c. Here tomorrow night The 10th chaptor of "TREY O' HKARTS" on titled "STEEL RIUIIONS." In this episode Cleo Madison camo near los ing her life in tho taking of tho nega tive. Also an appropriate Christmas film m . CitMiria ,n tw0 rce,s by Sterling-Universal - among tho Christmas 'shoppers In Slnrshftold today. EARL CRAY was among tho out of town visitors In thu city today from Allegany. W1LLIAS1 SIOROAN came down on tho Slllllcomu this morning from Coos River on business!. HARRY HLAKH of Cooa River was here today looking after some mat tors In the city today, SIRS TOSl LWWIORNU of Allegany Ml HIH : TI 'J Ul T Grand To-Nigh t A Good Program For All Christmas Shows FOR HUNT UonuUfiil furnished npartmont, with freo heat and water, at Slyrtlo Arms. $30 per month. Phono 207-L. FOR RENT HoimcH and iipr.rtincnU furnished and unfurnished, I, 8 Kaufman & Co, 177 front streot SfADlB UNDER HA.N1TAUY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN I-'AOTOUV. V BTKRILI'HD MILK - AND CREAM. PURE .ICE I'ico delivery, 8 n. Phono in, and 2. p. 73. P. I'OIt HUNT Nicely furnished fronl rooms with bath, VI por week Closo in. 239 So. 4th St. WANTED WANTED- Homo clean cotton ragi at Tho Time's office WANTED TO 1JUV Tio wlieol iw livery curt. Slust bo cheap. X, caro Times, WANTED Wushwoiuau to coino to J Iioubo and do washing for small family. Address Times, The Bay View Hotel Under new management FLORENCE, OREGON Offers the best accommoda tions In the city -Thoroughly Renovated Dining Service Unexcelled Yours to Please Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C!rk . f r,( ,j riji (i HOTKL IKXrSON. t ;- O. A. Hanson, Pi-oprletdr. 04 j Now open under new iiAHAKwt 'A homo place wlh homi cmkRK .soryed In family stylo. Bord.a'Hd joom, 10.50 par week. 315 gotttH Second St., Marshflold. H Get a Can TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer NOTICE OK FINAL KHTTLHMH"!? I Notice Is hereby given -that .Uiew. ,..,. '. I , , , ' umtorBlgncdi administrator of t WANTED A mncliiiMT for lotu 7. K, . ,', t ' . ... '..v.., V 0. block 8, Sengstacken's Aildt- estato of Georgo W. Catchlag. de Hon. Prlco $1300. Purchaser to coasod, has filed hla final account assume streot Improvomout. Ad- as such administrator In tho County dress P. O. Ilox 173. Ilnndon. Oro f.nur 0f Coos County. State of Oregon, und tho said court has loppolntcd Monday tho 11th day ot DOCTOR '.lanunry. 1915, nt tho hour of. 1 Dr. J. T It. Neal, Groonvlllo. 80 o'clock a. m. of said day at tha iiivr l'oit 1 Mi ii.jaHM. wwg 1 KIDNEYH SAYS It. Neal, Groonvlllo. 80 0"cIock n. PHONE S 0 Cent 158-R IliaCK SILK STOVC POLISH Por Salo hy SCIIROEDER & IIILDEN1JRAND Gore, Pa., P. A. Slorgan had occa sion recently to uso a llvor inedlolnol Car , says that In IiIh thirty years of Ccurt house at Coqulllo City. Co nnd says of Poloy Cathartic Tablets- exporlonco ito has found 110 prepara- County, Oregon, as tha tlw tnwl "Thoy thoroughly cleaiuod my system Hon for tho kidneys oqua! to Foley ,,uco f0r ti,0 hearing ot obM-" and I felt like a new man light and , Kidney Pills. Pain In back and hips tonB t0 Bum finai account R.4 tkA freo. Thpy are best medicine I have (Is an Indication of kidney troublo 'setUeuioijt thoreof. J . ., , ever taken for constipation. Thpy u warning U bnlld up tho woakened! yatod this 3rd! day ef-Dee I koep tho stomach Bwcet, liver active kldncs, mnko thorn vigorous, ridding-, 19L " ' Tablets are stimulating In nctton. and your blood of acids and polsous , JOHN W.;$ATCniai ' l) nelt'.er grlpo nor sicken. They are Foloy Kl'ducy Pills will help any case .Administrator ( UM TkfaxM ... . . . ... ... !. r - ... urliilanmnn ntul thnrniirr' lv f I Aft tin 111 fir nf VlilflV nntl Iilftnilflr trailUlQ IlOl ' . and keep the liver active Stout poo- jboyoud tho reach of medicine. In' rrl Georga Wt rM&Utf, riM MttklitMtlaa 1 M M . M it $ J Specialty. Viessengeijjc v w t -tub , attml; i .',.,i, ttWtojM.m Mv0Mr, m ,tvmm) .ul' 'j'i"i w'ivi r - -j , T r,jh 1 1 ifc.. t ' ' ILJ - tWWi XZl