7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1914-EVENING EDITIOM. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES' Official Taper of Coo County Entered at the Postoffico at Marsh- nilrt. Oroeon. for irnnsniiBBiuu through too nail matter. malla iecond-clai CHRISTMAS SIM KIT THE spirit of Christmas Is with us! It Is the spirit of peaco on earth, good will toward men. It Is thp spirit which has bullded the civilization of the twentieth century. It Is tho founda tion on which will be bullded tho lohg-dreamed mlUonlum, when it fjpally becomes nil accomplished fact. j Hero pn Coos .Day wJ.p.halJ be nblo tUWlcValo I the Christmas-sea-Bdn In nll'he 'fullness of thp. Christ mas spirit of Joy and happiness nt peaco with ail our follow men and enjoying a sufficient prosperity supplies all our immediate needs arid oven sharo with others. In . sharing our good fortune with those loss happily situated, wo shnll dou-1 bfo our Joys nnd enter moro fully lato tho spirit of this happy and holy holiday season. j However poor you arc you can j be rich In mind, thoughts nnd j cheery words. When you sit down to tho tabio I don't enro whether, It groans with turkey and plum , pudding laid for twenty or thirty, ' or whether It merely trembles un-j dcr" tho, weight of scantier faro and places-laid for only threo or four, If ;your heart Is In tho right place i jotPwIll says v 'Cipro's to a Ilappy Chrlstmasl" "And with Tiny Tim: "God bless us every ono!'' , """SYKfflir' ctnn'sfiAll 09 Christmas Again iICE more the hallowed, gracious Christmas time is upon the earth. At last the long year of toil nupp tnnk nnri nrts anri industries is all but ended. The Christmas festival, dedicated to happiness and good will, has come. This morning the whole city has waken ed to quadruple joy. The very atmosphere of our eartn is rosy, stained with the rich colors of the heart. All windows are bright with holly and evergreen. Parents have discovered that it is more blessed to give than to, receive. Joy runs riot in the hearts of little children.) Youth overflows with animal spirits. Suddenly the aged have shed their years and become young again. Before the light had fully dawned the carols had begun to be heard in the churches. And every passing hour will be hold larger multitudes thronging to these temples of the soul. All feel that no flowers are sweet enough, no gifts rich enough for the Christmas day. For once all strife and enmity have disappeared from the market place. Rev. Newell D. Hillis, D. D. CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS. N ,' 'cimi&xSiAS GIFTS OT tho cost but tno BPiru back of It dctorinlncs tho wel come with which nny Christ mas memento Is received nnd cher ished. It Is not tho Rift, but tho giver, which counts. A card or n slmjilo nolo bearing holiday Rreet-Iik-s brings Joy and happiness to tlio ono who receives It. If you cannot afford to glvo presents, do not let your loved ones and friends no unreniembcrcd. At least toll thW,,n6W,-fop& you ' tiro of them ciM that you wish for thorn nil kinds of Joyjajjd hapDliicss j durjng to corolnK'yenr. MKKItVt' CHRISTMAS NEWS OF. NORTH BEND A Message Of Christmas TTfObAY the whole Christian world prostrates' itself in ill adoration around the crib of Bethlehem and re- hearses in accents of love a history which pre cedes all time and will endure throughout eternity. If asked to explain the rapturous influence which controls us we have no other words than the evangel of joy which the angel gave unto earth, "For this day is born unto you a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord." The blessing resulting from our Christian civilization are poured out so regularly and abundantly on the in tellectual, moral and social world, like the sunlight and the air of heaven and the fruits of the earth, that they have ceased to excite any surprise, except to those who visit lands where the religion of Christ is little known. Before the advent of Christ the whole world, with the exception of the secluded Roman province of Palestine, was buried in idolatry. Men worshiped the sun and moon and stars of heaven. They worshiped everything except God only, to whom alone divine homage is due. Christ, the Light of the World, proclaimed unto all men in its fullness the truth which had hitherto been hidden in Judea. He taught mankind to know the one true God, a God existing from eternity unto eternity, a God who created all things by His power,, who governs all things by His wisdom and whose superintendence province watches over the affair of nations as wall as of men, "Without whom not even a sRarrow falls to the ground." The message of Christmas Day is intended for all menf for all tinics, for all conditions of existence. Only by stern adhesion to the principles therein contained can individuals and "nations hope to share in that peace which has been promised to men of good will. To vio late them is to reverse the order established by God, and disorder is the synonym for sin and strife. Mrs. L. M. :'nogcra of. Seattle is spending tho holjdays wljh-her par ents, Mr. nd Mrs. E. V. Rlggs,. j Mj, and Mrs. Win. Hendricks and' daughters Florenco and May are thoV guests of Mrs. M. G. Coleman. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert McCann jvlll i loavo tomorrow to sponu unrutmai . .nl cTTTonmt, w. isi.ior at the E. It. Hodson homo on South ( frQm (h() houMi tha monlaB WM v , Coos River. 0 j)aeri representing the Lumbor- J. L. Mclnecko. a watchmaker and , n)en,8 uIdff nnil 0UB0 of 00j Jeweler from Waterloo, Iowa has JIoo ftt Uq Sm Frncsco Kxl,08mon. opened a jeneiry repair .mm, iu w.u . ... .., . ,,..-, I Tho Times sincerely hopes tlmt ev ery ono of Its. renders may find in their stockings tjhrlBtmas morning tlmt which their hearts most ilcslro, but especially wishes thnt somo of them nmy find their stockings filled as follows: W. J. Conrad A mnrrlago license for. Dlx,-hItdveric8 of a Uncholor." D. Y. Stafford A bottle of hair restorer. , ; 5 ' J. T. Harrlgnii A telogram toll ing of nnotlierjvlctory of tho Allies. Henry Seiigstacken A cnblegrnm from tho Kaiser saying ho has cap tured Cousin. George. Frank Piigsloy Another candy kid. Frank Cohnn A prescription cnlll Ing for dosp of prosperity 305 daya next year. Geo. E. Cook Howard for n good man ndvlco on how to pleaao tho rubllc on tho city council. Hugh MeLaln A postmaster's commission. ' Tom Coke A dupllcato. Frank Golden A triplicate W. J. Rust Another. Col. Grimes A flvo story building. J T. Brand A caso with plenty of "dough" in it. Guy Chninbors A dainty pink cel luloid rnttlo with a boll on It. MKRRY CHRISTMAS WIIU.V OREGON' GOES DRV. A long way to California It's n long way to go, It's a long wny to California, Whoro tho boor and wlnu do flow. Goodbyo Coos' liny, gin fizz, high ball, rock and rye, It's n Ioiir way to California When Orogon goes dry. GREETINGS jf HRISTMAS a time when the overflowing gift pack of bluff old ly St. Nick symbolizes the olden truth that the truest joy lies i giving rather than in getting :: ' :: :: .. May the bells which herald his coming to the hearth of humanity t0" night, pealing out "good will toward man" soon ring also with ths ' glad tidings of "peace on earth." :: :: :: ..' ,'; For lasting conquests are beyond the "reach of hatred and armed might? only to be attained by those who havb learned the great lesson that we benefit ourselves in proportion as we benefit our fellow man That is the spirit in which the FIXUP STORES, allied with such insti tutions as THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, seek to fulfill theirduty to this community the spirit of thinking of others. :: :: .. To all to our friends and neighbors, A MERRY CHRISTMAS! TH FIXUP TWO STORES D.A.JONES. Marshfield J. W. MITCHELL North Bend OUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY DINNER AT FIFTY CENTS, WILL MAKE IT A SURE ENOUGH ' MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR YOU. A DINNER WITH TURKEY, CRANBERRY SAUCE AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS. . HOt JVIINCE PIE WITH BRANDY SAUCE 1 WHEN'YOU EAT AT THE RIGHT CAFE, YOU KNOW IT'S RIGHT. THE RIGHT CAFE Front Street ' Hank Well's Place. a MEiW XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS FOR 1IOO 1100 Hl'lIiDI.Na CO North llcnd Nows Company's room. I flold Hovoral dnys lining up tho locnl ml. M 4 1 T1..H J lf v a jhHnnl iff! xllf i luv.Minn ucu .. .uu. ...... ,,,,, ,, momucrfl of tllo and boyba8kpt ball teams will play mQ ,rutornt , connoctIon wlth the Rtrgand boys alumni tean.a at ; (h(j beftutfl1 bd tnt g b0, Eckbof"all again on Chrletmas , mmm on Fnr nd8 nfj n way. Arthur Lattln and wlfo havo ar rived here from Kiigeuo to mako their homo. Mrs. It; Dulllngton of Tacoma Is spending Christmas at the homo of ltcjiarentBj Mr. and Mrs, J. F, Hhodts, hero. Karl Schrlmcher and wlfo of St. Johns', OreKon, arrived hero the oth er day to spend Christmas at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Van Zllo. Word has been recolved hore of the death of tho wlfo of Capt. Iilll of tho schooner Oakland, which oc- curred in San Francisco. ;g Carl llommo of Cooston has passod , X tho examination for letter carrier at , Marshfield. CC t Itpbort Kehoe, superintendent of $q Porter Mill, loaves for Portland, 2 whoro "ho will visit his children. , c3 Miss Frelda liazer, who is attend- fng tio University of California at : UorKeioy, arrived nonio on tuo ann Smith yesterday to spend the Christ mas vacation with hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo liazer. mark of hospitality and good fellow ship by tho Pacific Coast lumbermen tor tho entortnlnmont of thoso ongng- j od In that industry who will visit tho i fair. ! Mr. liakor states that tho fair al ready 1h about 95 per tout complotod. and that It presents a vory boautlful i sceno, and promises to bo tho grant 1 ost exposition by far that tho world ' has over known, both from a scenic and educational standpoint. CJ 2 IMItS. JIS.WNIB M. STBWART, of , X Dangor, was a Marshflold shoppor -yostorday. Slnco roturiilug to DC J their ranch, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stot- J j wnrt havo nbout got It back In s tho flno condition they loft it n. fow yenrs ago. MISS QKNBVA WILCOX, Hlstor of Mrs, Den Chnndler, who has been X visiting hero with hor sister for ! -Bovornl months, expects to lonvo , gC about Jnnuary 3 for Los Angolos, ,'uj whoro sho will spend tho remainder 2 of tho winter with frlonds nnd cj rolatlvos;' ' C IIARUY PAINTBR, who halls from UKinnoinn, says tuo woaiiier tno past week has mado lilm think of v- w mi 30 E SINCERELY hope that you may have all the 3 good things tomorrow that will contribute to -, x1 A Merry Christmas 3l 2 m 30 30 2: m1 for you and yours, and if our service has added anything x - cc linnin nnil lin In IlitnUltiif nt linv. rv vihk ft rotmion of former okiamo- to the spirit of good cheer of this glad season, it wilP MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS mniiB and Inviting Col, Grimes, Doraoy Krcltzer, B. L. Ilopson, Doc Ilousoworth, Gono Cros- thwalto, Charllo Van Duyn and A, i X T. Hainos. OC CC LU S 00 help to make our Christmas merry also. 1 Johnson-Gulovsen Co. TUB QUALITY NA.M13 WITH TUB SBRVICB FAMB - CC cc A Merry Christmas TO EVERYONE '. and , 30 30' - xi CO m 30 30 - X CO ' y 1 MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS I ' CHRISTMAS GREETINGS! WITH THE DAWN of tomorrow morn ing, nineteen hundred and (fourteen years ago, came the world's most sacred holiday; the day of cheer and goodness. More than nineteen hundred years ago was born the babe that first brought that in finite and cherished good, ness, and it is HIS birth we celebrate. ... So on this wonderful day wq take opportunity 'to greet our. many friends wishing them, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year MERRY XMAS. MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS MERRY XMASil w' CO , rn ZX3 30 - -MHRIIV ClIItlHT.MAS- Be Weatherwise When you woik la the Itla wet ihq FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Wtlttproof ihrough And ihrouah. Cannot (MxUcupwucrind gl ncavy. Out ptented He 1 ex I Edgti top waIci from ruiiuog in wheto ,lho front ovcrltp and CO - CC oc LU CO CC CC UJ Good Luck Good Health Good Cheer Good Friends Good Music Wiley B. Allen Co. L. L. THOMAS, Manager Sx S UJ 3 w CO 5 3 Q uj CO Sx CC S UJ w CO Ix CC x cc 3s. S COJM Once again we have with us Christmas, the season of hoarty greetings and good cheer. Therefore may it be that you should have Hap piness, the Love of fellow men and Prosperity -r-fo.r these are the things that make life full andfsw.eet. These we wish you not only now but forever and a day. x 3 CO Norton & Hansen Stationery Co. -Front St. Central Ave.- m so 30 xoc :? , oc LU COI XMASMERBf Nasburg's Grocery m Sx g,Sc ' UJ CO ,2: MERRY XWAS MERRY XMAS MERRY W. A.REID DESIRES TO EXTEND TO YOU Christmas Greeting CO !l AND BEST WISHES FOR EWt()l si -i 13S 5 i w ICO Ix - CC cc UJ IS Sis 30 X bultoa. uio pmi wci wflther cost your As to the Prosperity k "SEE RID ABOUT IT." His business is to make you I iwwey ca mir, THE GOOD. HOUSEKEEPING STORE r: z $3.00- EVJEJIYWHEBE " rtWWV JH ACTK) CUABANIfK , t Phono Ul, Conmiorclnl nnd Second S j I .. AA... itahtFn i'Jf .."A, J. 1WER CO. WIS nan? ON r UrnnvVJc iirnnv uum irnw , .w tr lj.' s. afl8!? - -&