""P4JJj!L!Lr" ak ;;:,r',!' : "- .:'; ONgggyfflSfltD WITH WISHING PEOPLE A "MERRY CHRISTMAS;" HELP MAKE IT ONf - i ' ' A Marshfield Woman (&W lag Wxmm Shop Early onco said: I buy advert Isod articles bocauso ther nro invariably worth what I pay for them." Th0 merchants with tho best reputations for Integrity and honest merchandise are without exception thoso who advertise their goods unceasingly Dy so doing you not only got tho best goods nsd tho best assortment to chooso from, but you are kind to yoursolf and tho Bales-poplo. Christmas Is drawing very near. Start nowl MK.MJIKR OP Tlllt ASSOCIATED PllKtut VOL. NO. XXXVIII. E ny Associated Press BERLIN, Dec. 24.-Vla Wirclc...) Rya: "Tho onomy did not renew tho jlxchooto, wo took 2.10 prisoners IIS DC LflR NSERIESOFflTTACKS kctlvo yesterday noar Chalons. Infantry attacks follnwr.i n finmo nr. Llllcry 'attack made by tho enemy In vcro ropuisctl." - "A (ranch kept under continuous as recaptured in tho evening. Tho Ijicccssful counter nttnek because parts of tho trenches had been nlmoat leveled by tho enemy's flro. More than a hundred prisoners were left our bands. f In tho Knst wo bavo assumed tho fcldonburg nnd Soldnu (East Prussia.) Wo repulsed tho Russians after pvornl days righting at Mlnwn (Northern Poland) and l:.o enemy's posi tions at Mlnwn nro ngnln In our linmls. More than a thousand prisoners vera tnkon In theso buttles. At tho confluonco of tho llzurn tacks took plnco at many plnccs. The bf tho mlaty weather. Tho Russians a'nk of tho Plllcn Ittvcr. Southeast fiercely sovoral times, but wore repulsed with heavy losses by tho Aus- lio-Gorinnii forces. Knrthor south BUT HEAVY FOGS RICH WIOUKE (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PARI8, Dec. 21. Tho offlnlul communication today snys: "From tho oa to tho Lys River wo matlo progress by sapping operations In tho luncs, and wo repulsed an attack In jlln, sotithcnst of Ypres, wo occupied is far aa tho southorn part of tho vlllago In a counter attack. Tho Irol- tlan army pushed forward certain ho YBor to tho south or Dlxmudo. pe,rat(ona Impossible. In tho Alsno region, tlio Zouaves all day yostor ay "hold back brilliantly n number or attacks. In tho vicinity or Per inea nil Gorman counter nttacka woro ropulscd. Northwest or Mcsnll s Hurlls, wo occupied tho Gcrmnn .. 1 .1 i...i. .,t I.M.Mr' 11 ' II1U UlllVU UUVIl II l-uillltvi imi.i if n nlaan nf Irrnfiml In III1 fll-nfli)' ileoco, of fog mndo Important Wer'tlp6a''lm 'nrftst.. w rrinulicil a German counter ur artlilory demolished and caused "M " -" Northwest of St. Dlo, our Infantry EIS mm. a llil.l.a tl so Says Detective mncnun Who Declares Evidence is Now at Hand That tho Handon casd lifta been pioroly acrntchod on tho aurfneo aud liiat tho real moat of tho story ro- hmlnB yot to bo told Is tho assorllon If Dotoctlvp W." J. Mitchell, who ma ovor from Coqulllo yostorday vlth hla wiro and datiBhlor on a bhrlstmnB shopping trip. "Wo hnvo boon on tho dofenslvo so ," declared Mr. Mitchell, "but com now on thoro Is a dirfercnt nnglo Ihd wo have plenty or ovidonco to Wppprt our contentions. Thero is n treat deal yot to como out." Already tho trial or Lollta Slmp- on, charged with porjury, hns been leld In Judge Hall's office whero pio camo as a Juvonllo charge Tho Hrl was turned ovor to her fatner nd will romijln In hla care. Mr. MttchoUsald (tja probably the H,l.r. IJl-l,.,., l,or,Tna will bo dBortio tUi14 in January. Ho bo- ivea U-wVuld ibo hard to hoiu mom er until February for tho roason at QUtftvt Attorney Llljeqvist will absent In Roseburg, whero ho has o Barton casa coming up for trial. Though tho grand Jury Is now off i a repess Mr. Mitchell is oi mo lief that they still have before them ulto a bit or work nnd will probably reconvened. As to tho trend tho caso will tako om now on th detective would not T. though ho Intimated that City attorney Treadgold ot Bandon will ve many serious questions to an- for, This much was brought out In te testimony or Lollta Simpson this eek when she made direct accusa ls against the attorney, declaring had ben making a supreme efrort break Joe Coach. Just as rirmly the story is told against him, "eadgold makes the accusation that s MERELY STARTI Established 1878 n The Cnmit Mull. ALLIES IT MANY to Coos Bay Times.) - Tlio official communlrnl.o,, ln,.v attacks near NIcuport yesterday. At December 22. Tho enemy was nnaln Soualn and Perthes regions. Theso flro by tho enemy was lost to us, but position was abandoned after this , ., offensive nnd nro ndvanrlng 0:1 nnd Rnwka Itlvors, flerco bayonet at artillery could do little on account suffered heavy losses on tho right of Tomnszow tho Itusslans attacked tlio situation in unchanged." S BY ALLIES DELAY OPERAT rront or Lombaortzydo. At war- a group of "houses and drovo back detachmenta along tho right bnnlt or In Iho Arrns region, rog still makos .troches W a. distance 0 UW) yWi 1m inn Arunnno. wo iuok nuanunoiun ' M I J ' I r r u . v I : ....AM..ik. rgonncr,-Vo took possession 1ST (thWldii1rn;di,l llrov- " -"" - , . ... foTCSt. 1 lyo attack Apromont rorest, tho onomy to evacuato tho trononcs. gained ground. EIGHT F F. K. Gettins Completes Jour of InvestigationImmediate Needs Are Provided For Tllr'ro l "lUo. povctiy or want on Coos Day to mar tho Christmas joys, accordlug to Frod K. Gottlns, who Inst evening completed n throo day tour ot Mnrshflold nnd Ita en virons In bohalf or an orKanUatlon of good fellows who rogularly llgtit en tho gloom by oxercUIng chnrlty. After his thrpo days' Investigation, ho roported that thoro wero only eight ramlllos In tho Marshriold dis trict who might bo considered na In neod. t 41 Mr. Gottlna mndo a most thor ough tour and aaldo rrom his por HdiHl search, ho Investigated cases that woro roported by others. Somo ol theso ho scratched oK tho list, as ho round that thoy wero not auN flclontly In need to warrant char ity being oxtonded to them. Tho eight families Include somo In Hun ker Hill, Rol8 Addition and In Forndalo &nd Marshfield proper. Kacli or tho eight families' ero provided lth orad of tho neces sities of' 'life, which will take caro or their immediato neeu .. -suro thorn being adequately cared "in addition to tho charity extend od by Mr. Gottlns, children In tho oiRht homes will bo gladened by toy. and other tokens rrom another bunch of good rellowa, who will aln caro for some ramlllea In Nor h Dend who have been reported In I"iMr' Gottlns' report will do much to'clariry the rumors or a consid erable number on the bay being In nt,ad' .MPiinr CHRISTMAS EDWARD DYER and W. E. Yerkes were down rrom Daniels Creek last night aud returned there today. Tomorrow will be first Christmas that Mr. Dyer has been able to spend at home since ho camo to tho coast, his work having always tak en him aw a) REPULSED POUTS CI IONS AiLIES FOUND EED MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Captar Of Lodz By Germans Tminins Point Of War In East: ariona goes imv tDr AuoctiteO rrrt to Cool DJ Tim. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21. Arizona's prohibition Inw will go Into effect January 1. Spe cial United States tribunal from which Injunctions woro nought to prevent Its enforce ment, rofusod to Issuo such In junctions In a brlof decision rendered today. An appeal to tho United States Supromo Court will bo taken nt onco. CRUCIAL TIME NOW NEARING IN BIG WAR tOf AmocLI rint lo Coo Bit Timwi.l LONDON, Dec. 2 l.-r-Chrlstmns cvo flndi) llttlo change In 4ho under-' ground wnrfaro In tho western thoa- ter, whero Qcn. Joffro still appears 10 UO cailuouBiy lueuiiK uir nil upuu- , Ing in tho strongly outrencnea uer-i mnn lino ncrosa Franco nnd Ilelglum. In tho enst tho supromo German ef fort continues to bo mndo, before Wnrsaw. Tho Germans nro now bringing up 12 centlmotor guns pre paratory to alcgo oporatlnns. MKRRV CHRISTMAS T, I! I nrlnn Offtnn Kfill Plnpft onrl UUIIUUII UMIVjU, Will , UIUOU UIIU No War News Will Bo Pass ed for Transmission LONDON, December 24. Tho oN llclal presa bureau and' consor's or flco nronoBo to tnko a holiday from 2 o'clock on tho afternoon or Decern- j nor 24 ,to 0 o'clock Christmas night, during which period no nowa will bo j ! passed for transmission. j i MF.RRV CHRISTMAS PLAN TO ADD TO i Coos River Consolidated Dis trict May he Enlarged New School Nears Finish ' Will Smith, lit Marsh field ot Coos Rlvor. wna yostordhy on routo to Coqulllo to tako up with County, Suporlnteudont Dakor and tho other otriolalB tho question far add ing another school district to tho now consolidated district on Cooa Rtvo-. Tho district In question lloa Ju v south or tho boundaries or tho consolidated district und will provo valuablo lo botu districts, Tho territory which It Is pro posed to add to tho Cooa Rlvor district tins only ton rosldonta or school ago nnd Ita assossod valua tion ia something moro thnn a mil lion dollars. Tho, residents aro In ravor of it, but somo or tho non resident property owners, genorally timber holdora, aro opposing It bo causo they do not wa,nt to pay tho tlightly higher tax that tho Coos River district will levy. W. J. Con rad, or the Coos County Tax Asso ciation, Is expected to oppose It. Hf'Wover, Mr. Smith was very hopo ful that the project could bo carried oi't as it would be benetlclal to both districts. Mahaffy Oipoetl Progresi. Mr. Smith was one or tho men to whoso efforts tho consolidation of tho Coos River district Is largely duo. Ho was chairman of tho dis trict board when ho took It up and! hPd tho support of Dlroctor John Hcudrickson. Chas. Mahatry, an- other director or tho district, op- poed It vigorously and saw County, Superintendent Baker and had the latter opposing It until Mr. Smith and his sister, Mrs. Chas. Dungan, put tho proposition before him in tho right light. Then Mr. Baker, swjubed from Mr. Mahaffy's side1 and Joined in with them. At the time, Mr. Smith, although a director NR CENSORS RES 0 CHRIST I DAY SCHOOL DISTRICT Gen, Von. Hjndenburg, Ger man Leader, Says Fate of Campaign peoided There GERMANS cTJTWAY THROUGH RUSSIANS I Two Division? Turned Cut Way Through Warsaw Reservists -Took 12,000 Prisoners tlljr AmoiUIH PrrSi lo Ceo. ILj Tlmm.) LODZ, Monday, (Hy courier to Posen). Tho capture or Lodz, ac cording to tho declaration today by Gene. Von Hlndenbtirg to the corres pondent or tlio Associated Press, was tho turning point Of tho campnign in I Poland. Tho Russian lines In north ern Poland rested on this city, for tho ' possession of which Micro occurred j tho most bitter struggle of tho entire war. I j After tho Russians wuro forced to I 1 ovneuuto tho town, a general Russian ' 1 retirement was necossnry. Tho cor-1 , respondent visited tho spot whnro oc- curred tho eolobrated "cutting off" j of tho two acrmnn corps which, after I Itnlmr nnHrnlv atirrniinilnit liv lt nn. Ill ndvnnco of tho Wnrsnw rosnrves, trno(I nn(, cut t,10p way out nnd brought with thphi about 12,000 or their would-bo captors. MURKY' CilKIHTMAH flllfil! CLASR Hi MEXICO DENIED Report of Friction Between j vuia ana uuujprroz uigcrea ite.q'.iljy Reports Today HWm'.vVNU MAVTORIJNA' (nr,AmoUU4 ITM. la Coo DT TIMm.) ' NACQ J)cc. 2-L Golem! Rcottiluft camp to meet May torona on the border yeatorday, but Scott missed mooting May toronn, liernuso of n misunder standing. Scott la hqi'oful oC solving tho prohloin created by Mexican flro across tho border. (Ilf Aiotfrl rrr.i la Coo. !Ujf Tlmw.J WASHINGTON, D. O., Dec. 24, 1 Provisional President Gutlorroz nnd I I General Villa lmd a long conference last night In Mexico' City, according j to advices today to tho Stato Depart- , incut. An no mention wnB mado or friction between tho factions, the I Stato Department officials regard jtholr dispatches aa ovldimco against j tlio roporta that Gutlorroz had been i mado a prlsonor aud hla forces ongag- cd wltl tho vl,,n 'roops. unrranza naa no munition ot neo- '"K tlio country, according to a tolo-jnm, gram received ut tho Cnrranza ugoucy ' lioro. r MKItUV CHRISTMAS- MVItTLi: POINT m).si-:h pastor llov. Cuiiltrr ItehlgiiN to At'cppl Call I'l-om .Moiituun Church (Special to Tho Times.) MYRTLE POINT, Dec. 21. Ells- worth E, Coulter, pastor or the Christian Church has resigned, to accept a cull to tho church at Moore, Montana, Mr,, and Mrs. Coulter accepted tho call to the church hero eighteen months ago and during this tlmm tho church i of unont, ami ot ono niitiaron yunr has been greatly strengthened and ! of peaco among English speaking na each dopartmont of tho church has . tlons, Androw Carnogio, Chairman of been reorganized and put In work- tho Amorlcan Peaco Contennary com ing ordor. Thero havo been 55 ad- mltteo, sent two cablegrams In behalf dltlonB to tho church, Mr. and of tho committee. Ono was of good Mrs. Coulter aro leaving hosts or , will to tho citizens or Ghont through ir entis w .Myruo roint, wno wisiutno King or ueigiuin ami mu ouiorr . them well In their now field of la-' t Karl Grey, chairman or the British foment house wero trappe d ear y bor. : committee, expressing tho hop. that today In a flro that started In to xHCngland and tho United Staloa will j usemont and spread rapidly up tho In bis homo district, was blu homo district, was sending his threo children to school In other district, because tho homo I school was practically inaccessible j to his place. New School Progrose8 The new school houso la pro giessliig flue. Thero was somo do-1 lay In the noq-arrlval of somo of the material, but now the finish is In sight and they wJII have ono or fi.t finest rural school buildings in tho state. Not only that, but they ar planning to make the course o:io of the be,st, town 'high schools tin' even being excluded. J I WIUSON SANTA CIi.U'H I to manv kiddies 1 Ilr AnwWtfd 1'rrn to Coo llnjr Tlmn.l I WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21 President Wilson wont golf- lug today despite u heavy snow I storm. Chlldron living along tho road ho takes to tho goU club were mado happy by tho arrival of nu nulomobllo tilled with I presents from tho Whlto House. CHRISTMAS CHEER ALONG BATTLE LINE (Dr AMotUtM rm i. co ntf tibm.) IJNDON, Dec. 2i. All tho armies aro planning to spend Christinas an best they may. lloxos and greotlngH from homo nro being distributed In tho trenches, nt tlio hospltnls nnd In tlio camps, MKRRV CHRISTMAS T BY BIG FLOODS ; Santa Cruz and San Pedro Rivers on Rampage Causing Much Damaue IIJ Al(KlteJ rmi to Coot fly Tlmw.J tucson, Ariz., doc. u, Tiiosnn-J ! tn Prnz Klvnr la mi IIh wnrd rnmnnun !I ii n geiiernllon nnd tho San Pedro River, west of Rsbpo, ls. ncnrly.,a ii)Il'JSvlii ptlierl'.strcams nr ,awni- leu- W ' proportloiYi' Railroad', tracks jaro washod Hut, bu'lldlhgB' Hodflcd or ' carried nwny nnd sovurnl Uvea lost aro soma or tho results or sovun days' ruin, Nogulcs Is Isnlntod. . MCRRV CIIHIHT.MAH IN LOS ANGELES Famous California Naturalist Sucouriibs' to f rtcti'mpnia After Short Illness (llr AMotUM 1'fto lo frnt,Tim.1 . LOS AKGKLKS, figfe, ,24.-r.nJir, j'lulr( thiHnmoua natnrallst "or Call! forni llu.a ttt a l0siltll lior'o' today of Immin,0, j Wua 70 years or nKt j,0 wa8 ,r0ught hero from j)KKOtt( (.nf.( urrlvlnt; at mliinlKht. ll0l, at 10 thB nK, MKHRV CIIHIKTMAB- CARNEGIE IS BOOSTING PEACE Scottish-American Peace Ad vocate Sends Cablegrams to Belgians and English tP AwxUtfrl I'rwi lo Coot Dr Tl"-1 NEW YORK. Doc. 21. On tho nn-l iili'Afiinnu rt lwi uliriiliiir tt llin IrAJltv' iiiiumui fciv Bnn tm t" I . . i .a 1- ...-. i imuo ntior mo ar in i'nw""ib that International disputes shall here after bo adjusted by arbitration, 3IKIIIIV CHRISTMAS K. L. ROBINSON returned yostor day from nn extended stay at been Reedsport, where he has laying out a big addition to War - ARIZONA SWEP JO MUIR DIED rcn Reeda ruturo metropolis, j ur," , " " t- , which will bo put on the market lt the Polyclinic Hospital ho was on soon. Ho roporta that the cold , duty when tho tiro started and order weather has raised havoc along1 cJ l,,e ambulance to the scene. Ho tho upper I'mpqua. tho lea being did not lenrn or tho death or his, so thick that tho Eva could not1' rolatlvoa until hla mother was reach River Scottshurg. Upper Smith was nUo frozen ovor. A Consolidation of Times, Const MaD anil Cooi Hnr Ail vert litr LITTLE GRANGE IN WAR DESPITE SEVERE FIGHTiMG AT MANY POINTS No Significant Changes in Positions of Armies Indicated in Of ficial Statements From Contending Forces Furious Engagements Between Allies and Germans TRENCHES CAPTURED, RECAPTURED AND FINALLY 4 DESERTED OWING TO SEVERE ARTILLERY FIRE Germans Claim Russian Advance in East Prussia Checked and Czar's Forces Defeated at Mlawa Battle at War saw Being Fought Out With Bayonets (Ily Associated Presa lo Tho Cooa Ray Times.) LONDON, Dee. 24. Official statements rovoal tho Intense naturo of tho fighting now lu progress In both tho 13ast and West, but lndlcato thnt with tho possible exception of Fast Prussia, thoro hna been no sig nificant .changes, Tlu Gorman'H slatomoiits tell of n fight for tho possession of n trohch In Franco which wna won hy tlio French, reenptured by tho Gormana nnd flnnlly nbandoned. Ho fiorco wna tho strife that tho trench was almost leveled by tho artillery flro. Tho French Btntomont, whllo saying small gains woro mado hero nnd there, montlons Germnn nttacka at so many point K t.hntj H Is. nppront thnt tho Allies have not been pormltted Bolely to tnko tho otfqnslvc. BUCh ground as they won recontly wiih not to bo hold without hard fighting. Tlio flghtlujr In Poland has beennio moro sovoro and nt polntn nloiiR tho west or Warsaw, tho Issuo la Jiol'ng fought out with bayonets. Horlln stntos that tho Russian ndvnnco In Unsl Prussia Is checked, nnd ho Rus sians nt Mlawa, near tho Prussian border, wero defeated. FRENCH PATROL GERMAN AERONAUTNEAR PARIS TODAY z (Dy Associated Press lo tlio Coos Day Tlmoa.) , PARIS, Doe. 21. A tlornian noroplano tryliiR lo roncll Paris, aaya Tho Journal, wna puraufd and brought dpwn hy a French nlr plrol, t Poutolso, nineteen iuIIod itorthweit of) Paris. ' ' ' JAP BATTLESHIP. AND GUARD ENGLISH MERCHANTMAN FLEET (Ily Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Times.) LIMA, Porn, Dec. 24,.--Tho Japnnwo battleship Hlzon, accompanied by n Japniieau torpedo boat dt-Htroyer and aovoral Engllali merchantmen, has nnchorod off Puurto du Plsurn, Per- CZAR VISITS MOSCOW HOSPITAL (Dy Asaoclnted Press to Tho Cooa Day TlmoB.) iMOSCOW, Dec 24. Emroror Nicholas and the Empress, accninpnnlod iiV timir ..hlliirnn. visited tho hositltala Iil Moscow today. Thq Emporor.lB ' - ' . t -i. ... ,...... m. I r...il.. on nia-wny puck hi i-hhuhiuh iium.mu v...- ,t AUSTRIANS TORPEDO FRENCH SHIP"1 I (Ily Associated Press to tlio Cooa Day Tlmoa.) ' ' LONDON, Dec. 21. An official statement glvon out In Purls today anya mi Austrian HiibmnrHio torpedoed a French battlushrp In tho Gulf of OtrTuito, Tho bnltloiihlp whb damaged only Hllglitly. No ono waa Injured, DROPS BOMBS AT DOVER (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, Deo. 24. "An noroplauo or tho onomy dropped a bomb whllo passing over Dover tlilit morning." Buya Iho'oftlelal atatimiont. "Tho mU silo roll In a gurdon and explodod, but no damago waa done. Tho aoro. piano was oon lor a row second only. It loft Immediately, passing out over the sea. A British air craft v.ont up. but did not oo tho onotny again. Tlio weather was cloudy and roggy." FWE LIVES LOST iTWB LIVES LOST III H lHU FIRE; IN TEST HALES ID AMorlHo-J Pr to Cv Cr TlmMl NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Flvo mem bora or a ramlly occupying an apart ment on tho top rioor or a live Btory . covaH)r ahafts. Four mumbom or tno family woro BUliPiiatQd before ion, Otho Chnppoll. djod, beroro tho aid could reach thorn, tho firth dying' rescuors reached htm. soon attor being taken to tho hospl- MliltllV .CHRISTMAS - tal. Tho dead aro Mrs. Mary Corsco.'KOUAR SIMPSON, tha dare-devil ' 'or tnree sons nnii tt ",ei10, T'10 on i I' "ivh.b ........ . , .- brought Into the hospital, wnero sue H,"l- I ....... NO. 133 G D01 i DE .i..i ,.W lln. flfillnnuil. ' ' Archie Long, Rescued After 130 Hours, Succumbs at Winona, Waslu Today (lir a.m l.il-l ft V Co B TiomI WINONA, Wash., Dee. 24 Archlo . rflncuoii alive from , Long who w J e, Jr ta ho government test hota .fUr h ' j wm unc0nfC,0U1 whott today. Ho waa unconscious wnou , . . .. hol0i inB comimR- taken from tho holo. autolst and lumbar matjaata of North Bend, was seort on Our street ono day this week displaying hU oxportness as a manipulator of, th steorlng wheel. Edgar aaya H r qulres more knowledge to iYi gato an, auto over a water uljw than It does to navigate, a. ship over a wholo ocean of water And, Ity gar knowH. STROYER 1 r l nil tv frame- up, . 'iLi. .Urfl , Mityf BBBSftgiigsiai mtm mn