ipWPiPJiTO'J THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1914 EVENING EDITION. : - ,f. im im JU A, , f. ' u COOS BAY TIMES Plus elimination; i TJio critters rofuso e'en MM. MALONEY. Killtor nnd Pub. A mero Indication lv ' DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Pupcr of Coos County Entered at tho Poatofflco nt Marsb neld, Oregon, for transmission through tbo malls as second-class nail matter. CHRISTMAS HUM T WO charitable women, acting for ono of tbo local churches and looking to sco what good they could do, and bow best to servo somo of tho needy nt Christmas time, have personally visited a number of places whoro n llttlo assistance would bo a wolcomo Christmas gift. To tho cred it of tho good pcopo of this city bo it said, that ns soon ns tho story of want wbb printed in Tho Times thero woro numerous tclcphono calls nnd offers of aid from many sources. Thero is need of more. This Is something, good frionds, for thoso of ub to think about who havo our warm bodB and comfortn blo homes. Wo do not como In con tact with thoso who nro In need, but this writer has heard enough within tho past fow days in connection with Christmas offerings, to bo convinced that thero Is need of help at homo. Many of thoso In need nro not likely to mako their wants known. And that Is ml additional reason for bunting them out and supplying them with some- Christmas chcor. It is a bigger tnsk in all its ramifications thnt it appeared to bo on tho surfaco and tho work Is going to rcqtilro consid erable help. Pretty hard lines, isn't It, that thing o'f having no Christmas in sight? Dut harder yet whon children nro cold nnd hungry nnd actually in need of clothing and tho bread box la empty. Thoro's amplo room for tho activity of every ckarltablo porson on Coos Say now, and nn opportunity to do Bonlo REAL and not PRETENDED work for HIM, whoso birth wo nro about to colobrato. You can't nppcai to tho hungry child to drink nt tno Font of Llfo when that child needs wholcsomo food and warm clothes. You can't impress tho widow by high Hounding Bornions, songs nnd prayora, when alio noes hor llttlo oiiob hungry nnd cold, and so wo say thoro la room for tho activity of ovory warm blood ed mnn nnd womnn horo nt homo whoro thoro lo probably moro want than any of ub dream of. Of what they would take. Do you wondor wo quake? It's a case of Just try, try again! ONE fact remains nnd is Biirer -than fato: Tho smallest of small youngsters knows it Tho civilization Of every nation Is gauged by its citizens Manipulation Of ono llttlo thing I'd ndvlso you to bring: Each man's got a noso and blows Itl Selected. 4 Do Bomothlng for somebody ' j nnd do it now. 1 It is easier for somo Coos Day men to raiso tho prlco of a drink nnd ralso n disturbance than it is to raiso tho fine which Recorder Dutlor nftorward nsscsscs, Somo Coos Bay pooplo -who havo been swcnrlng nt tho wcatbor nnd tbo fuel man find that while it sounds queer it is truo that ono can get hot In n cold room. I jki4MlaM i i ijjlLLiiij ,E3 t IRVING BLOCK QUESTION FOR THE DAY: 1 WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST GOOD EVENING. ! i Lot ovory attainment in what Is good bo firmly grasped. j j Confucius. -. ON THE CHOICE OK A GIFT TOR A .MAN. What has become of tbo old-fashioned man who used to break his arm whon ho cranked his automo- biio? 4 Don't expect gifts nil tho tlmo, I but occnRlonnlly glvo ono. X-mas Specials In Holiday Boxes Belt and Garter Set. Suspender and Garter Set. Suspender and Tic Set. Suspender, Tic and Garter Sot. Suspender, Handkerchief and Tic Sot. Garter, Armband and Suspender Set. Suit Oases, Hand Bags. Collar Bags. Ties in Fancy Boxes. Closing out all Boys' and Children's Overcoats All Millinery Somo Coos Day men throw rockB at Opportunity for waking thorn too early nnd then won- dor why old Op Hover cnlls around again, Your Idea of progress may not j bo tho snmo as your neighbor's; but for tho lovo of goodness don't fitnnd In his way It ho Is j trying to got somowhoro! j TREE "WEATHER. Men aro most difficult crlttors to please, They haven't n wish grent or small Thoy plnguo tholr relations Ry lengthy oratloim Upon tholr lndlff'ronco To nil decorations. Cigars or cravats? Cushion, pictures, or huts? Nopo. Thoy novor would uso 'em nt all! Algebra's easy compared lo tho nrt Qr. science of shopping for nion! It's discrimination, Tho cost of living is bo great wo nil lament together; wo tlioroforo should npproclnto tho fnct that thoro'B frco weather. This is a blessing sweet nnd raro and nil our bards should rhyme It; tho poorest man may hnvo his Bbaro, frco gratis, of tho climnto. Ho basks in woathor rich nnd rlpo; what luxury Is swoot er? No trust enn pump It through a plpo, or run it through n motor And yot, nlns, Ithlu precious boon wo do not rightly chorlah; in March, December, August, Juno, wo'ro using words nlghtmnrlsh, nbuslng every thing tbufa Bent, tho rnln, tho drouth, tho blizzard; wo volco nil kinds of discontent, from A elenr through to Izzard. Wo ought to cry (ungrateful sot!) whon down our whlakors trlcklo tbo largo nnd briny drops of sweat: "It doesn't cost n nickel!" Wo ought t6 cry when conies tho Blcot, when raging floods aro frothing, when wo havo frozen cars nnd feet: "Wo'ro gottlng thin for nothing!" So lot ub Btrlvo to mond our wnys and Bhow wo'ro long on merit; and If thoy ship us beastly dayB, why, wo'll Just grin nnd boar It. Walt Mason. That Christmas Turkey be the crown of the Christmas feast If it comes from the PALACE MARKET Do Not Delay But place your orders early to avoid disappointment and get a choice bird. 'Also a full line of choice meats for Christmas roasts The Palace Meat Market Worth Broadway. Phone 406-J. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR E. Lothard McClure ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices la all courts. Room 12, Flanagan & Honnctt Ilnnlt H. H. Harper HOUSE RUILDER General Ropalring nnd Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. I. M. Wright rhono 188-R. RUILRING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye. Ear, Noso nnd Throat. GLASSES FITTED OR. MATTIE II. SHAW Diseases of Women nnd Children Offlco Phono a30-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Dlock. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 200 Irving Dlock ?hono 103-1. or 2C7-J. Marthflold, Orogor W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT RoomB 301 and 302, Coke Building Marshflold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Orogon. Mrs. Olivia Edman. M. T. D. SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MED 1CAD GYMNASTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 337 Commercial nve. Phono 2-1 SO BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $125,000.00 (No indebtedness.) OFFICERS: J. W. Bonnott, President Arthur McKoown, Sccrotary Tom T. Bennett, Vico President Bonnott Swnnton, Treasurer Transacts a trust business only. Acts ns trustco of express trusts nnd nlso ns executor and administrator of estates. Tho only Trust Compnny In Orogon outside of Portland organized under new trust law In this Btato. loel Ostlind , PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Leavo orders nt W. R. JIalnoB' Mui i tic Company. , 415 S. Sixth Stroot. Phono 103-L Perl Riley Ballinqer I PIANIST AND TEACHER Rosldcuco Studio, 217 No. Third Bt l Phono 3G8-L. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y TRY IT young iwoplo. open u Savings Account In hH m C( . rcRuIiii-ly leu per cent 'of your rainKs ,, , ! iiiioifHi wo pay jou'll Do Hiiriirihcd .. ........ . ' ' ""') you n 'wnk-o, Into a VtOi'kltiK fiuidr.,. a SiivIiikh Account Is tho great muir lo mnlil Jill lll t ""J .1 tlf. "Pout atijB, $ III Oil. Try It. Mv V UNDER THE UNITED STATUS GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. FIRST NATIONAL OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent, OIK FLAWAGAIU ft VmwTl OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNT? Established IHSO. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. FJiiiiiikimi, Vlro-PrcNlilent. It. F. William, CnMilrr. Geo. F. Wlnilicstcr, Astt Cny HHBHHHBHMHHMMMH To Portland every Thursday SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA To Eureka every Monday THE PAST AND COMFORTABLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED Abstracts FOR RELIARLE ARSTHACTS OF TITLE AND INFORMATION AIIOUTJ COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Reminoton, Royal, OHver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. donning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed, Ribbons anil carbon pnper delivered. Phono imyour order. Phono -ll. AllUnco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Utility Gifts PERCOLATORS BREAD MIXERS FOOD CHOPPERS Wear-Ever ALUMINUM WARE A Kitchen Joy Forever ROCKET KNIVESSCISSORS SHEARS RAZORS Open Evenings Until Christmas BiSB When you buylfffg III AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Froat Street, Phono !170. A I NT IT THE TRUTH. Wo novor blnmo tbo tailor when our pants wo bavo to pin, Wo novor blaino tbo shoo mnn when our soles grow old and thin, Wo novor blamo tbo battor whon our lids wo bavo to flout, Dut wo always blamo tbo laun dry whon our Bhlrts woar out. COOS 1IAYN STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 57-J, ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL j (Formerly tho Coos Hotel) j Steam heat, hot and cold wator.. i No liquor. I Wo Invito you to Invcstlgato our j winter rntos. Special Inducement j whon two or moro poraons occu- j py sanio room. l NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McGEOROE AGENT W. H. PAKHB Phono H, Mnrahflold Phono m, North M i HM EQUIPPED WITH WIHKIAm Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SATURDAY, RECEMRER 1U, AT II A.M., HATI'IHUY, !Ott HER mi, AT UjiH) P. .M. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TlCItin' OITlCi; MB AND OAK STREETS, Phono 35-J. PORTLAND. O. II. LANDERS, ifl CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Apy Kind of Drlck Work at Prices That Aro Right And nil Work Guaranteed Call at "Tho Firesldo," Johnson Dldp., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. Fronch RanKes. Dollor Work 20 HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. K00NTZ GARAGE EiccWor Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES AUTOMOBILES STORED COOS COUNTY'S MOST COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOBILU REPAIRING GASOLINE FOR SALE VORTH FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J BATTERIES REPAIRED AND OIIAIIGRD Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks botween any polnti ! In Marshflold and do general hauling, I for reasonable ratos. 3TAR TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Lovl Ilclsiicr, Proprietor ' Phones: VM-3, -W-h, 08-R ' Commutation Tickets $2.00 vfBMhfleld.North Bend Auto LIa nr every ten inliliilca from a. m tci la p. in.; to South Slough onco a day, lenvlnt; at 11 . m.; to Empire thrco trips a day. i GOR8T & KINO. Proni. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dopondablo. Imme diate servlco, prompt nttontlon to all Intorests of our cllonts. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. INTER DGEH TMBPOIT H MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND ROOFING ' REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. i P. 89. NO SAW EDGES YOUR COLLARS If you have them laundere TWIN OITyTtKAM LAUNDRY rOU AUTO CALL Tho Lndlos' I CLEANING WORKS I White- Gloe.s, Whlto Coats, nod I Silks aro our Specialty Phono J. H. LAW, Mgr o ;u:i.. 5i (Vntr FOR FOOTE'S AllTns! Ponr good cars with careful tlrlven i io uay scrvtro, phone 114.J. ! BUhco Billard Parlors. For Might service, Phono 280-L Rfcut Oafo, HIE ill by ordering tho famous (MOTILE MIL Nut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump Coal, por ton so.oo Or, half ton of both ". $5.00 D. MUSSON, Prop. I Phono 1C-Z, or leave orders' at! Hlllycr's CJjjar Store. 1 i Scrai-wcokly service Coos Bay nnd Snn tfrancisca DCR III ML AVI LL SA I L FROM SAN VRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY THURSDAY, DECEMIIIIU SI, AT a P. Equipped with wireless nnd submnrifle bell I'assongors auu ireigui. qTFfl MCHP rcjjjhfl STEAMS !1!P 111 S 111 Equipped with wireless nnd submarine belL Passengers nnd freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY MONDAY, DKCiaiW:" - AT ' ''- San Francisco office, Greonwich street pier no. and GOO Fife building. . tl Coos Bav Auent O. I McGeorqe, rnono n PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE IROlilLISTEflBS -SAIL FROM- San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Phono 27ft. Cooa Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS D. JAMES, Agent Ocean Doclt Portland ers uo? rv Sat 9A.M- Iflinu- . Alben.Wf.-v Rrery o I , .M 4 I .ii-hwwiii,,.,., .n- , , ' ' 1 1 . IA'I'- 1M r- ,.IUI , i.1 i I ntml Ave. - D. L. F00TE. SUITS OLKANKD AND PRESS. ED SUITS MADH TO ORDER GIVI5 US A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JVY DOYLE'S PLVCH 250 Central Avo. Phono 250-X, CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. Jill rt.MI AllillT SERVICE I For taxi, phono 193, Idoal Cafe. For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel j LYNN LAMRETH, Prop, j New Cibs : : Now Cars . SOUTH COOS RIVER ROAT SERVICE LAr.VCR EXPHESS leaves Multifield every day K . in. Leaves head of river at 51:15 p. in, STEAMER RAINUOW Inncs head of rier daily nt 7 a. in. Leaves MaisiU.ld at U p. I i. For ihailoi- uppiy on Itoaid. I HO(, RH Ai SMITH Propiletoi-s I Pictures & Framing Walker Studio MATT I Western Oregon IW'el . 1" ..r'Ofi iioth Cii ,IC III Importers amnVl0K a it 1 MBrsWleW.Of.il, " mi sru.lt. es' jl;rtl J ,J Jll 1 l a- r. J. BCAIFE to A. n. nODGINfl MnoUt:u' PAINT AND muaiiunu DECORATING kC0. 1 Estimates Furulshpd I Phone 8B9-J, JarsheW, Ortgoa I rrrMnTCl. THE C0U nujfiii Formerly o'gV WASHlNTONvSX8t vnilTII l!Ki?L . ioillB. nvr o, . - t ctsl i