1 tnn it JAGREATMALEASIER TO BE A GOOD CRITIC THAN TO BE EVEN A PASSABLE PERf ORMH? A Marshfield Worn an (&nm ,! onco said buy advertised articles because they arc invnrlnbly worth what I pay for thorn." Tho merchants with tho best reputations for Intocrltv and honest merchandise, are without except on those who advertise their goods unceasingly Shop Early mmm By so doing you not only got tho best goods and tho host assortment to uhooso from, but you are lclnd to yourself and tho sales-people. Christmas Is drawing very noar. Start now! RIE-UDEIl OF THIS ASSOCIATED VllHttti 'I. t f man VOL. NO. XXXVIII. ALLIES IK E Established 1878 hb Tho Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1914 EVENING EDITION. PROGRES 5 IN GENERAL ATTACKS ON GERMAN BATTLE LIME Reports Today Indicate Apparent Advance by French and Enn- lish, Although Latter Have Suffered Reverses at uui utiu rumis in r-rance and Belgium GERMANS HOLD STUBBORNLY TO LINE THEY uoountu mm bHHfc TREAT IN BATTLE OF MARNE :rcnch Claim Russians Are Advancing in East and West Prus sia, out Humii uzars iroops Are Being Worsted in Fighting in Poland and West of Warsaw. (By Associated Press to Coos Day TlmcB.) LONDON, Doc. 23. Although further progress aitimrcnllv linn limn mndo by tho Allies in their genera! offcnslvo movement, tho Germnn armies as a wholo nro stnndlng fast and as fan as known Imvo. lost nn Important sections on tho long lino on which they settled down after tho k-ctrcnt wiilcli followed tho battlo of Mnrno early In tho war. Today's official communications Indicate- that each side has had Its victories and JefoatB. ' Tho French army chiefs Btato they captured tho last section of a lino 9f Oormnn trooptJ nenr Perthes Los Httrlus, whoro fighting hns been Be fore for sovornl days, and mndo an average gain of 800 yards. Tho Gorman stntement, speaking of this ongagomont, says tho French ittackB woro "partly repelled." French claims to progress In Bolgluni vcro donlod In Berlin, whoro it Is said tho Ilrltlsh suffered rovorscs at 10 hands of tho Germans. . Th'o Qormnn War Of flco reports no developments ln tho East, Baying merely thnt fighting Is continuing. s Tho French stntomcut, howovor, asserts thnt tho Hussians nro press ing forward their Invnslon of Germany, ncross tho East Prussian fron tier, but admits tho Germans made progress in tho fighting In Poland and vest of. Warsaw. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) uml Conn llnr Advortlwr No. 134 National Ptohihition Def By Lack Of Two Thirds Vote KAISER AND STAPP RUSH WPST TODAY (Pr Ataoclmcl m.i to Co IUj Time. LONDON, Dec. 23. A dispatch from tho Cologne correspondent of tho Central News says that Emporor William, with his ontlro staff reach ed Cologne today from Uerlln on tholr way to tho wostorti battlo front. INCH CLAIM ALLIES GAIN II SERIES OF RD CS CIA LIMES (By Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) ' PAKI8. Dec. 23. Tho official statement this nftornoou snys: 'ester- lay In Dolglum wo made slight progress botween the sea and tho high way from Nlounort to Wostondo. as well as In tho region between steen- Itrawo and Blxschooto, whoro wo occupied a forest, somo houses and a adnuht. Wo rc-enntured tho vlllago of Glvenchy Los LnUassoo. In tho Perthes Los Hurlus region wo cnrrled, after two assaults, tho last section If tho lino Which wo occupied In part December 21. Wo mndo nn avor- go gnlu pt 80.Q yards. In tho Inst. trench, wnicn wo capture.! wo 10014 'soctlon of mnchino guns, Including tho gun crows, a vio.oni cuumur !k wim chocked. Wo mndo progress northeast of Honusojour nnu aniiiun.i rnnninr mineks. Wo advanced in Lngrurio against a irouv 01 rnnn,n. .inn vnnU wl.lo nuil running not less than 2fi0 yards dcop. Wo blow up with mines two of thoso Gorman lines of worktt and occuplod t . . it.. ..Ilt. .f llmienlllltna with too oxcnvntlons. Fighting is going on in mo uni -i -. " 0 outcomo fairly sorlous. It would appear noi 10 warn ui-on ,.uBn..0 rotaln entirely tho positions wo acquired yesterday." gen. scorr jiopks FOR MEXICAN PEACE Dr AnotliUJ l'r. to Coer D7 TIoim. NACO, Arli., Doc. 23. Gen. Hobson Resolution Favoring National "Dry Wave" Has 196 to 189 Votes in House .PARTY LINES BROKEN IN VOTE ON MEASURE ' Prohibition Leaders Declare They Did Not Expect Even Majority in House lllj AiMrlttfil I'rrtt to Cflt ltr Time,) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23. Tho Hobson resolution for national prohibition in tho Houbo fniled to got tho necessary two-thirds majority, ntiil consequently fnlledi It had n majority, tho filial voto being IOC for and 189 ngnhiBt. Tho final voto enmo shortly before midnight at tho closo of ninny hours of a remnrkablo dobnto In which tho question of states' rights figured prominently and nftor several amend ments, it was voted upon. Not for BREWPRY IN OHIO PAILS PROM DROUTH GERMANS C AIM VICTORIES OVER Scott successfully completed to- omo , ,m(, ,, ft , d , flnV tlin flraf ntmi tn ... nrrnit I " day tho first Btep In an crfort j for penco on tho Moxlcnu bor- j dor. Ho conferred with General j Hill and snld: "It was a very j satisfactory Interview." A con- foronco with General Mnytoronn j Is now being arranged by Scott. nj AMoctttnl Prwt to & flr TlmM. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 23. Tho Hostcr-Columbus llrowcrles Co., a 112,000,000 corporation, wont into tho hands of receivers today on ordor of tho United States District Court. "Tho decreased demand for boor, nth verso legislation and tho voting dry of many states and counties In tho last eight years" woro given as tho causes. AIillti:i HKNItV LEWIS DIES IN NEW VOUIC I PRES. WILSON III SANTA GLAUS ROLE glo been wttnonsod In Congress. Tho resolution fniled of adoption by sixty-" no votes, an afflrmatlvo voto of 2G8 bolng necessary. An analysis of tho- voto of tho I House Inst night shows thnt of those I voting for tho prohibition resolution. II 4 woro democrats, 07 republicans, I onl' ,l fow JnyB- 11 progressives and four Independent republicans. Thoso voting ngnlnst tho resolution Included 111 domo crnts, 40 republicans, ono Indepon dent republican and 0110 progressive. Prohibition lenders today reiterat ed tholr expressions of satisfaction In obtaining n majority of tho votes, snylng they had not expected to got tho two-thirds voto. iERMANS.ENTER PORTUGESE LADS .isbon ReDorts Invasion of African Possessions by Su perior Force of Kaiser tOj AwocUtel Trffi to Cool IUj TlmJ .LISBON, Doc. 23. Tho Gormnns COL. GOETHALS IS IN NEW YORK Head of Panama Canal Zone Arrives to Urge Necessity of Sending Warships IP, AimlUM ITm to Coo Hr TlmM.l NEW YOItK. Dec. 23. Colonel vo again Invaded Angola, Portu-jGootlmls reached Now! York today on I . a . f . l .. tm n mil I t tl'fl ft his way to wasninBiw. " " said lio would discuss with President READY FOR SANTA GLAUS TO START NOT LL BASKETS RE OVERFLOW G m la. d only a small force and retreated. i MAltSHALUS IN AHIOXA. iicbq West Africa. Tho fact was an- nilnoml In tlin nlmmlior of DODUtlOS tho Minister of tho Colonics, who 1 Wilson IHh rcconi roiuwi . tho aormnns had mndo a frosh ' ships to onforco tno neuirauir , .. tack on tho military post at Nan-1 United States it necessary ... u. Tho Portuguoso commandorCnna jono. Tho request of Col. Goothnls for tho dispatch of American wnrahlps to tho canal to presorvo tho neutral ity of tho United Stntos was suggest ed by naval officers In chargo of tho wireless plans and naval af falis In tho zono and was for vnrded to Washington ns a matter of form by Col. Goethals, acting In hlrt capacity of Governor of tho Crnnl zono, and tho Incident Is o-iled so far as Goethals is con ceited. This was announced by tho Colonel himself on his arrival to day fiom tho cannl zone. Ho In timated that he would have noth- Ing further to say on u.u nmu of sending warships to tho canal unless ho was asked to glvo Ills vltws. - D AuoelllM r o Coot DT Tinea J PHOENIX. Ariz., Dec. 23. vice Besldont Marshall nnd Mrs. Mnrsh- arrived hero today to sponu me ristraas holidays with tho lattor's rents, .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Kin- Governor Hunt met tho Marsii party at tho station. IX) WlTimilAW TIIOOPS blent Wilson to Hccnll l-'wlcrnl Force From Coloi-ado. CB Auoclit4 M 1 Tlm-1 JYASHINQTON, D. C, Dec. 23. angoraents for beginning tno hdrawal of Federal troops from Colorado strike districts within next ten days, was announced ay at a conference between Pres- t Wilson and Governor Amnions Colorado, Governor-elect Carlson Senator Shafroth. Gets Big Christmas Tree at White House for His Small Grand Niece Today raj AmociiIoi Tint to Com Br TlmM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23, President Wilson will play Santa Clitus on Christians Day for his small h'rand nlcco, Anno Cothrnn, who will pond tho holidays at tho Whlto Houso with her mother nnd prinnl. mother, Mrs. Anno How, tho Prcsl- "" Z?J2SF w!S Baskets Will Carry Christmas House. CheerAppeal Made for Contributions to Cause ' Ilundlos of warm clothes, provls Jlons enough to gladden tho hearts innd appetites of n smnll army, found 1 their wny lodny Into tho offlco of j Dr. K. V. Morrow, whoro tho Ladles' , Guild nro mnkliig rondy for more I than 30 Christmas baskets, which I they will mako up tomorrow nftor noou and dlstrlbuto on Chrlstmus ovo over tho city. -Moro thnn 30 families havo been found who nro in need; It is upon tho gonoroslty of tho moro fortunuto that these people must mainly rely for tholr slinro of tho Yuln-tldo spirit. A very Ilttlo bit of ouo's own Chrlstmna given In this wny, will do n lot of goml nnd bo mlssod not at nil by those who Imvo a share to glvo. Tho ladlos' of tho coin mlttoo declaro that bottles of fruit, children's clothes, anything for tho Jlttlo tots, useful household articles and toys will bo heartily appreciat ed nnd will go far In gladdening tho Christmas- day for those who nro less fortunate. Still moro chlldron havo been add ed to tho list who aro waiting for I tho big Christmas treo of Thursday I evening. Yestorday tho Hut was about 100; today It has grown con siderably larger. Kveryono of tho youngsters aro to bo brought to tho Guild Hall of tho. Episcopal Church in stylo. Owners of auto mobiles aro donating their services, I IDf AuoctttM rrr to Cooa nr TlmM ) I NEW YOItK, Dec. 23. Al I fred Henry Lowls, newspaper j man nnd author, died today at j j tho homo of his brother hero, of j lntestlunl disorders. Ho was III I s 1AY SETTLE WILL QUIETY IS RUMOR I MILLION DOLLAK ('AIIGO OX WItlX'KKI) SI SHIP I IBf AMOnUtwl P" C00 Time. I SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. 'Tho salvage steamship Iaqua j sailed from hero today to aid I of the motor ship Malakka, I ashore on Cedros Island. 300 .oxdox kxchaxgi: opj:xi:d (Br Auoeltwl rren to Com Bit TlmeJ.) LONDON. Dee. 23. It was fflclally announced tonight 1 . mM 80Uth of San Diego. The I hat the London stock exchange j vtgj6l and carg0 are valued at oum re-open January . 1 j 1 ,ort than a minion uuuurs. iu ; I Iaqua was formerly on the RKSSKITUHKKYS 1 1 Coos Day run and was con- EESK 1 ' vertod Into a wrecker after she LAUGK DUCKS went ashore near San I rancisco 1 nOKK.V when Rert MrCollum was purs- HIt CimifmCAS. or of her a tew years ago. 1 Last Appeal Made for Clothes and Provisions Municipal Tree is Ready Ilnskets filled with good cheer in tho shape of provisions nnd clothes wero mndo up this afternoon by tho Ladlos' Guild of tho Episcopal church In tho offlco of Dr. 12. V. Morrow, whoro for thrco days supplies havo boon brought by many goneroim don ors, helping toward making a merry Christmas in many families whoro otherwlso there would huvo bfon but Ilttlo ovidenco of tho happiest time of tho year. Toys and candy and nuts, ovory thlug to dollght tho "kiddles," woro sent to tho Guild Hall at tho Epis copal church whoro tomorrow ovenlng at 7 o'clock will bo hold tho big municipal treo for every youngstor In tho city who wants to como. However, there still remain several families on the list who havo not yet been cared for. If no ono donates baskets today these peoplo will have practically no Christmas, in other words thero aro not enough provl- declaring that for at least onco tho sions and clothes supplies to goj children are tho "kings and queens" around and tho members of tho 0f tho occasion, committee mako an urgent appeal vw-vvvvvwwvvwvvwwu" that overyono glvo who can. Kcown, William Woods, Charles van L EWGLISH-SAY FREIO LOSSES HEAVY Official Announcement From Berlin That British Positions Near Richcbourg Were Captured and Many Prisoners Ta kenViolent Counter Attacks Repulsed SAY FRENCH ATTACKS NEAR RHEIMS AND AT OTHER POINTS PARTLY REPELLED WITH HEAVY LOSSES Declare Situation in East and West Prussia Unchanged and Battle for Possession of River Fronts Near Warsaw Continue No Change Along River Pilica (Hy Associated Press to tho Coos nny Times.) H12UL1N, Dec. 23. Tho official stutoment today says: "Attacks In Hie region of I-omlinortr.ydo nnd to tho south of Ulxschooto havo been easily repulsed by us. At Klchcbnitrg L'Avouo, tho English nguln woro driven from their poeltlons yesterday. Notwithstanding desperate, countor At tacks, wo retnlnod all positions which wo raptured from tho English on Itlchohuurg Canal from Alro to Lnbacsco. Slnco December 20 wo Imvo cap tured 7fi0 Ilrltlsh and colored soldiers, five machlno guns nnd four mine throwers. "Attncks north of Slllorlo, southeast or Uholms, nt Soualn nnd Perthes hnvo been pnrtly repelled by us with honvy Iobsos to tho French. Tho situation In East and West Prussia Is unchanged. Imttlcs for the possession of branches of tho llzura lllvor, west of Warsaw, continue The situation on tho right bnuk of tho lllvor Pillcn Is unchanged." HEAVYJ.OSSES ON BOTH IDES Arrived in This Morning From San' Francisco With 45 Passengers Aboard It was n Jubilant crow that ramo In on tho Nairn Smith this morning for tho lumber cnrrlor will lay over hero until G a. in. Saturday, thus giving them all Christmas at homo. Thore wero 45 passengers on thu Na nn Smith from Sati Francisco this morning. Sho ulso brought quite u Inrgo express consignment. Tho cabin passongora arriving from San Francisco wore: , Geo. Lungrord, .Mrs. Goo, Lang ford. Miss Frances Williams. Miss Provisions and'clothes should bo Duyn' " M- D,,nfa merman H.JNoro Tower. Miss May Prouss, Mrs. uuKur, .Mrs. num.. jumuii, u, vruiiur, A. Welch, Mlko Soil, J. Llttlor, Fred L. Iloynolds, Arthur L. Doylo, L. J. Keating, Mrs. L. J. Keating, Mrs. K. Furrlngor, .Miss U. Farrlngor, Controversy Over John Gold en's Will May Be Effected Out of Court An out of court sottlomonL with tho heirs of John Goldon, deceased, may bo affected, and In this wny oscnpo n long and oxponslvo litigation. This was tho rumor afloat today, and whllo nothing definite could bo learned, It wns gonornlly understood thnt tho settlement would ho mndo. NophoWH of Mrs. Konnody, sister of John Goldon, Immediately nftor tho will was opened, threatened to tnko tho matter Into tho courts in nu ef fort to sneuro n largos sharo of tho cstuto for tholr mother, who was loft $20 n month "when sho needed It." John Goss hns boon retnlnod as at tornoy for tho Kennedy family, Ho doclarod today that nothing had boon done by wny of sottlemout and fur ther stated that ho had no Idea such n settlement rould bo brought nbout. To bring tho will Into tho cqurts, It is pointed out, would ho nn expen sive proceeding and despite tho costs would lay thu entire ostntn npeu to further dividing by court decision, INN SMITH HERE T S SEVERE WINTER BATTLES IN POLAND (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.) LONDON, Doc, 23. When wcathor conditions under which tho troops In tho Eastern theater of war nro recalled, tho suffering of tho moi) In tho trenches in ay, to somo extent, bo appreciated. Tho countryls exper iencing tho full forco of winter. Knelt sldo has experienced tromondouB Iosshs In thin battlo of rivers, nnd although tho Germans claim to hnVe forced thu Russian lino nt n number of points, It Is navortholciM a fact that tho Ilusslan front has boon straightened out, nnd It Is difficult to vlsunllzo which contender is posscsaod of strntoglc ndvniitngo. (I)y ABoclutod Press to tho Coos Day Times.) PAIH8, Dec. 23. Tho Chamber of Deputies voted unanimously today nn appropriation of 1,700,000,000 to cover tho expense. of tho next six mouths, including thu coBt of war, , ,t, i A. FO IS OSS USES MOH 1 HOOPS TO E BATTLE DEVELOPING NEAR CRACOW (lly Antedated Press to Tho Coos Day Times,) PKTltOGUAD, Dec. 23. -Largo bodies of IliiBslan troops aro mov ing toward Cracow from tho Noith nnd East. An Important bottle Is apparently developing In Southwestern Poland, STOP WIRELESS URINE SURGEON FOR BRITISH BERTH STILL FULL' put In baskets and brought any tlme!Pr,ce' ' Stolnbach, W. Mataon, Har tomorrow to tho Guild Hall at the rjr a"an' E' h Chandler. The Gun- Episcopal church. Tho baskets aro 1 77' " " , ' to be distributed Christmas morning. - W' DenneW; v' M- J arBon8' "' In puttingelotl.es In baskets the com-?r nuilerHrown, II. Starr, N. mittee asks that a list be attached to1I?;i"Wa'U,,1 Dr, "r ' ;,1JoncH' ih i.aBW un hfl wihn..t ,.inlwm,a,n Chandler. A. E. Glossop, tho basket to that without sorting they can toll what size children the clothes will fit. The municipal tree Is made possi ble through tho generosity of tho "Good Follows," consisting of tho fol lowing wbo havo niado contributions: W 8. Chandler, Archie Johnson, Carl Stockln, Dorsey Kreltzer, H. S. j Harris. Alma Mcintosh. Guy Chami bers. Itoyal Nlies, W. T. Hamilton, J. I. Terrell, W. J. Conrad, II. J. Me llon Chandler, Frank D. Cohan, H. W. Morrow, George E. DIx and C. II. Landers. Mrs. E. Tompllu and child. Ditto Itldgo Tiger In. Iletweeu 75 und 80 Dlue Itldgo Tigers from McDonald & Vaughau's logging camp cumo down this morning to colebrato their Christmas in thu city. Tho camp has cloned down for about two weeks. Last year thoy wore given a 'Panama Zone Officials Dis mantle Equipment of Eng lish Ship Sending Codes (If Auoiltlfrl Vint to Cm njr TlniM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23. Lieutenant Crnushaw, naval radio of fleer at tho Paiiuum Canal .ono, cabled tho navy department today that tho wireless of tho Ilrltlsh stoumor ProtusllnttB, In Halhoa har bor, had been dismantled by thu Canal police December 10, nftor It una found that sho had been Bonding codo messages. ALBERT DAVI8, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DdUs, of Huynes In let, tamo back from Gravolford, whore he has bcon attending school and will spend Christmas i banquet by Emerson Ferrey, of the with his parents. With him came Blanco Hotel, though nothing defl-, Ileacber Crouch, who talso went nlte has yet been arranged for this home to the Inlet this afternoon, year's celebration, I WANT TO GET LIST OF NEEDY Do you know of nny desorvltig fam ily whose Christmas will bo rather bleak unless Santa Clans comes to tho resouo? If so notify J. W. Hlldonbrand, Tom James, F. V. Citterlln, Gcorgo Goodruin, Gcorgo 11. Ho tnor or A. P. Davis or any of tho Marshfield Hlks and thoy will boo that Santa Claus visits ovory desorving home. If possible tell tho membership of tho family and whoro thoy llvo. J. W. Hlldunbrand said today that thoy had found very few needy fami lies In and around Marshfield. A fow woro reported at North Dond and somo In tho Coqulllo Valley, but they have got a lino on ery fow here. i Dr. Strata, of North Bend, Not to RetireRumors of Ap ; plicants for Office Humor wns rlfo today that there nro two uppllcuuts for tho position of inarlno surgeon on Coos Hay and that Dr. Lloyd W. Molt of North Ilond, nnd Dr. E. V. Morrow, were both In lino for tho berth, which at present Is held by Dr. L. K. Stralo and has boon bold since December of 1912. Dr. Strnto at noon declared that ho, too, has been hoarlng rumors to this effect, but that he has no Inten tion of resigning his offlco. Ho holds It under tho Unltod States Treasury Department, having qualified under1 tho civil sQrvtco laws. This last clause takes the position entirely out of politics. Tho salary attached to the posi tion hero Is under $390 a year, hence to hold such nu office It Is not neew sary that tho applicant pass an ex amination, though his record Is ex amined closely prior to appointment, thut tho offltlals may know the man Is qualified to servo ns marine sur geon. "I havo hoard these stories," said Dr. Starto, "but tho only thing that ran remove mo is n court martial, I am not thinking of retiring." MISS EDITH MARKHAM returawl today front school at Gravelfor and wont up to spend the Holidays with her mother, Mrs, Chark Leggltt, on Huynes Inlet. 8 was accompanied by Hr brailwr, Milton Mnrkham, who has bea. lumbering on DauU Crek, FRANCE VOTES NEAR TWO BILLION DOLLARS FOR NEH SIX MONTHS WAR" STAUFF OHOCEHV. " -ti!u' . j A JbUk&uf lAtf 4 MfWWWPW HfP