The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 22, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    JL.. I ill- 1 f
X-mas Specials
In Holiday Boxes
'Belt and Garter Set.
Suspender and Ourter Set.
Suspender and Tie Set.
Suspender, Tie and Garter Set
Suspender, Handkerchief and' Tie Set
Garter, Armband and Suspender Set.
Suit Cases, Hand Hags.
Collar Bags.
Ties in Fancy Boxes.
Closing out all Boys' and Children's Overcoats
All Milliner y
U- Hob Stanley.
OTHEIt, dear, and Slstor Ann, do jour shopping while you can.
Don't look 'round till Christmas, time. Spbnd your tyo-blt pleco
and ill mo. Just a Vow morn days to trade, bo cut out Hint gay
I parade douso the gazing, spend tlio mon buy tlio toys for waiting
I Keep the smiling clerk In mind. Don't bo to his nibs unkind.
'Ho litis seen you ov'ry day standing In some buyer's vnj
Don't put off till Chrlstmns eve, buying things for lllll nnd Stove.
Don't get caught In Christmas rush that will all your bundles crush.
Thcro's another renson, too, why this shopping you should do
iiow'h tlio time Dad's pocketbook bulgos llko n Holland cook. Now's
the time when Daddy dear, never has n haunting fear that tlio crops
will droop and fall, cnuslng empty dlnnor pall. "Now, tlio liny Is In
the mow. Fat encircles cv'ry cow. l'ork Is on tlio upward trend.
Season's been our Daddy's frluml. On Ills faco thoro U a smile that
won't bo there after 'while, so you'd belter touch him now. He'll
thaw out nnd won't know how. '
Do your shopping while It's fnlr. Don't wait till they muss your
hair, tread your feet, and maBli your nose, mnul you 'round and tear
jour clothos In the struggle for n toj thnt you want for Wllllo Hoy,
and some other now wants, too. Dc your shopping early, do
Good Housekeeping Store
Furnish Your
Christmas Dinner
and see how much better yon will like it. All the
dainty delicacies that .should find a place on this
day of feasting and merriment.
, "We're out after your trade with a hijj stick one
end of il is Qualify w other end Hcusonahlo Prices
and between these ends is Service. Tins Uood House
keeping Store is getting hotter and busier nvwy day!
We want to see yon and sell yon, believing vo can
please you and keep yon as one of our steady cus
tomers. For that Christmas feast may wo suggest:
Delicious Home-made Frail Cake All kinds of
New Crop Nuls, Shelled and Unshelled; Sailed and
Unsalted Package Dales Staffed Dates Balk
Dales Pressed Figs Called Figs Preserved
'Figs Pickled Figs Spired Figs Cranberry Jelly
Currant Jelly Now Jersoy Cranberries Fall
Line of All Size Oranges California and Florida,
Grapefruit Nice Crisp Celery.
Full line of Fresh Vegetables will arrivo on steam
er Nairn Smt Hi.
'Holly lo Deeorale the Table-
J I oily Wreaths for (ho Windows
Nasburg's Grocery
l"9iono tlllt. Commercial nuil Second
Why Rifles Have Sights
HE average person, If nsked
to explain why n rlflo Is
sighted, would probably oo
unnblc to do so beyond some vaguo
1 remark about taking correct nm.
Sights nro necessary becauso a
bullet docs not travel In n straight
lino, but under tlio lnduuuco of
; gravity nnd friction begins to drop
almost us soon ns It leaves tlio
muzzle. Thuu the bullet of our ser
vice rflo (Leo Hnfiold) drops six
I Inches u tlio first 10U ynrdtt, but
.when It has gone 200 jnrdH It will
! liavo dropped, not twelvo Inches,
but two feet. Tlio drop Increases
' by lenps nnd bounds with tlio dla-
PKHTTY and original touch
may bo given, n Christmas gift
by accompanying it with a
dainty enrd on which nro written tlio
recipient's nnnie nnd some apt quota
tion of nn appropriate nature. A
few selected quotations sultablo for
different gifts may bo of Interest.
For a postal card album;
Kind messages that pass from land
to Innd. Longfellow.
For a Bet of books by a well known
(fcrmnni Ttiiro' l'renMi Flying
Ini? (o Iti Fnte by Clever Ittise.
I rifle, nnd von wanted In lilt n mnrlt
ntl ....... la ..'. ... 1.1 1..nM1.. l...-
to aim two feet nbnvo It. I
This would bo awkward, for you
would lose sight, of the object aimed
at, to say nothing of tho difficulty
of correctly estimating a distance
of two feet nt 200 yards.
Tho sights of a rlflo enable you
to keep your oyo on iho mnrk, al
though tho 111117)0 of tho rlflo is
actually pointed nbovo It. Tho mov-
tlhlit Hlliln nf Dm li:iil(nlnrn imiiiIiIhh
you nutoinatlrnly to point tho muz-
zlo just ro nniuy foot above the
mnrk alined nt nn Is necessary to
counteract tho known drop or tho
bullet nt various rnpgcs. London
nr inwtttti! fM lo Ciwf flir Tlmet.l
WASHINtiTON. Dec. 22. Tho HNUL1X, Deo. 22. A Gorman nr-
noiiulatlnn of thu United Slates to- tlllorlst, writing from llapaumo,
day Is moro than 100,000,000 nnd Franco, tolls or tho death of it Frcnc'li
tho money n circulation totals aviator who was brought down by
Tho chief glory of every people of the thrifty Inhabitants hnvo Gorntnn gunners.
arisen from Its authors. Dr. John-! $4,87&,0Q0,000 In thq savings banks. "Today 1 sow. n French ttvlator
son. Such Is tho nimouncomont made brougl.t down by our guns," ho said,
For a small uftoYnoon tea caddy: 1,oro rcce,ul' h? tho miroa" of "Tl' Crouch flyers had been 'grdw-
Tea, thou Boft, thou sober, sago i fore,'?n nnd domestic commorco In lug boldor nnd bolder, especially In
nnd ve'nerrtblo liquid. Colley Clbber. tho Department of Cdininorro. Tho roconnoltorliig behind our front, and
pniupuici issued oy mo iironu is in wo concealed n nnir Unttery of
entitled "Statistical Itecord of Prog- howltzars In n vlllngo about 'fdtir
ress of tho United Slatos, 1800- mllos to tho ronr In order to teach
19H." It gives n "half-century rot- thum n lnnftnti. ti.Imit. na
Happy tho man who, void of cares roBpoet" nnd a "clonr prospective" wo oxpoclod; by S o'clock In tho
nnd strife, I of tho nation's quadrupling of popu- morning thoro rnmo an aoronlano,
In silken or In leathern purso retains Ration nnd inultlpljlng n hundrod- palling along with tho greatest ti8-
A splendid shilling. fold of Industrial values. jsurauco In tho world. Tho guns at
John Philips. "Slnco 1800 tho population, tlion u,0 front woro not normlttod to flro.
With a pack of cards:, Has moro than quad-, nntl nftor ,m8g .,,, ., QV.Bt-
For n useful- purse:
Tho best friends nro In tho purse. '
Oormnn Proverb.
!nCn1;n8nnnOnnnfr",,"nl31S'000,0,(!0;,nK ,0Wur d owor' c''8 finally
, to $1,25. ,000.000 and the per capl a , n ,,, of , ,,
valuo of exports from $1G.UG to ..,, ,, . ,....., ..
Unco. Wero thoro no slghtH on tho Auiwors.
i.osi: 2.v oi'FicmiH
ID Ama.'Utta Prrta .o Coot nif Tlmrt,
I,ONnO.S" Dec. 22. Tho offlclnl
officer casualty list for tho weok
ending .November :to was mado
public here. It shows that In thoo
suvon days tho llrltlnh forces on thu
continent lost 7i offiiorri killed mid
HI wounded, nnd that I! II woro
reported missing. This gives a total
of 26U for tho week. Tho total of
casualties of officers up to dato In mado In from 20 to UU bourn, which'
;M1U muu.
fast hill sti:..mi:hh.
Thu now Hill uteamur Or eat North
ern will leave Philadelphia' 27 next
and tho Northern Pacific February
20, It will requlro about J 7 days
to muko tho trip, as stops nrn to
bo mudo nt San Diego and San Pe
dro, Cullforirtn. Tho company will
begin operation of tho steumers be
tween Portland and Sun Francisco
March If. (ind a steamer will leave
ovory othiir day. Thu trip will bo
has moro than
' . . II A. . . -
Tho cards beat all tho players, ue',lc' ." ' oui.oi.n. uom- tnlnk,ng n d , k t .
.. ...... .. nmriui linn ctrnivii fr.ini 1 1 C fifth (ll ' . . - w-.m
uiey never so skuiiui. umorson.
With a pair of gloves:
Oh, that I wero a glovo upon thati:""'" ""U,,B "u"' lv,JV l", stiRpectlng thnt ho would oncouutor
hnndl-Ilomeo nnd Juliet. j", WenJh ?t (lll() ,,)"'' arllllary so far to tho roar
With a silver handglass: Nntloim) wwlHh ,nrron8l, ,0 cn, 'l'l " Bhootlng dls-
Tho heart, llko a mirror, should lfrom $7,000,000,000 In 1870 tl) lmiw for our Kimiiorn Jn tho village,
reflect nil objects without being sul-1 $140,000,000.000 ' nml Iho moiioy "B,,,Wn,lf tw '' woro heard,
Hod by any. Confucius. olroulntlon from $270,1)00,000 n"'1 ,wo lll,l wl," u,0"au woro u
With a "tear off" calendar: ,lo fll.UU.OOO.OOO. For the uutlro , """"'j '" "10 nlr "ol fur from tlio
Tho longest day must hnyo nn oud. I conn I ry bunk elnurlnnH luvo grown n,",,l"no. '' avlutor roitinlnod
Italian Provorb.
A Chrlfitinaa gift of u ring for a
fiancee or wlfn:
So lot our love
As endless provo
And puro ns gold forever.
llobert Herrlck.
For tho Inst baby:
Much Is ulio worth, and oven moro
Is mado of her. W. 13. Henley.
With nn umbrella:
Tho year, most part doformod with
dripping rains. Cowper.
With n cookbook:
Tho tusto of tho kitchen Is butter
than tho biiioII. Old Provorb.
With an electrlu torch lump:
To n groat night a groat lanthorn.
, Tho Slhlwald, or city foreat of
Kuorlch, Swlt7orland, mliU to the
I town's revenues $7.20 pur noro
i a year, reducing tho amount needed ;
Old Proverb.
la loHti time, by from four to five With a iieuillocaHo:
hours, than any 'train except the! Who hath need of n hundred
Shnstu Limited, mnkus tho trip, This eyes. Old provorb.
train makes Iho riln In 27 hours. With a phunogrnph:
Ounorally miislo foedeth tho ilia
A grout part of tho oak used ll0am0Il of B1)lrl, ,..,llch ., ri.iM.
to bo raised through taxation by on the I'aclflc roiml comes from tho i)ll(.u)i
moro than $32,000. ' oaslorn part of Asia.
All kinds of
Beautiful and Useful
Christmas Gifts
May he found at
Central Avenue Pharmacy
Some presents are distinctly for tho use of tho re
eipient alone. Others can be enjoyed by nn entire
family and at the same time do not become tho least
particle less desirable.
Gifts of quality at reasonable prices make this
stove a popular place for your Christmas shopping,
The Central Avenue Pharmacy
Lockhart-Parson Drug Co.
The Homo of the Grafonola, the World's best
Christmas Gift.
Second Street and Central Avenue,
Electrical Gifts Are Strictly Up-Mate
PRICKS KOU I3LK(TIIOAli GLFTS aiulpivor thjn ymv than ever before,
iue to tho co-operative effort of the following dealers and ourselves.
advantage of tho new comfort-making inventions'. Therefore, he is bestow
ing more and more electrical gilts encii year.
due to tho co-onen
Think of these holiday prices tor .standard articles:
Here are a few other suggestions: Tabic Lamps, Tea Kettles, ttloclrio Auto
mobiles, Curling Jrons, Chafing Dishqa, Vacuum Cleunors, luectrieal Joys,
SJmving Mugs, Table Grills, Washing Machines, Radiators, Traveling Out
fits, etc
See them at
Corner Second and Central ' ' 'Telephone 178
C. A. Langworthy Marshfield Electric Cont. Co.
from $6:1,000,000.000 In J88? to 'fl"'y m i"o wime Hpot, until ho
$171,000,000,000 In IU1.1. W"B 'UniOHt muelopod by tho' next
Improved nodal condltloim umong ,wo 'lomlll": nno nliot exploded
thu pcoplo nro shown In that IV iUtt in fro,,t of "' "io other Just
000,000 clillilroi are enrolled In, Ittliln him. Our iiion hod gotton
publlo aohoolB nml aOQ.000 huiIuiiU "itilr riuiKo vor- quickly. Thou f'ol
In collegeB. Tho total, itxpondltuu ' two moro BllotH, ono a lltto to
on education approximator $000,-' Hid rlRlit, the other Juxt to tho loft.
000,000 a year. , , I An sunn through my rinltl glnoaefl tlio
Moro than 22,000 nowspiipera , nnroplnno ouiiioil to wnvor, nn If It
and purlodlcaU ara printed. had liven dnuiHKd. It did not ncom
u J 8150 thoro wore 20 1.000 dopo- to obey ta toorliiK (oar, for It could
ltora In bhvIiikb bnnliB. There nro not ot nwny from tho upot. Tim
noxt two Hliolii fired nlmoat nlmill
tMliooiialy letlod Its fnto. Tho first.
much oh at tho mlddlo of tho last ono out off n hIiib Biuoolhly. Tho
othor wiih a Biiiaro hit, nnd tho ap
paratus wan hcattered to tho four
Wiii1h. I hnvo not booh riicIi n bonu
tlful Hhot In tlio wholo wur. Tho
Kiin-polnter who fired It hud nlrondy
now 11,000,000, with ilnpoHllH iik
KniKatliiK moro thuu 100 tlmoH iih
KniiiM Wei Hi $ll,0(o,imi,)in.
Tho vnluu of fnriiin anil farm prop
el ty InereiiHed durliiK tho limt half
$11,000,000,000; uluu of inaiuifiio-
turea from $1,000,000,000, to oyer I dJnnKlll8.d l(lnf on Bovoral oc-.
$20,000,000,009 am Iho ""; HrulHlonH; UIlll u n,,",
?' ",?:0C.- ft?'.. nT.S "1" tl'. achlevomont. Z fraB-'
from ,0,02
In to 20?,o,:i:i in i
nieiitfl of this aoronlano woro picked
lili hflnru'iicl frtin tl.l. u ..
1.. II... I...I wnnlv. fl... m.n ll.n "' ' """ " ,,,uu rUHCII Ol
,bec pf.nwnt mrM i "h ill.!? m'
IncrenHod' from 41)2,000.000 to J,'
1 fuw blta woro found.
001,000,000, nnd tho 'volumo,, n'fj ,. "Vwtorjny," tlio loiter continued,
v' ' r ' ' ' ' ('it... ..... .... -.,..... i ... .. ..
frolKht hnnilliid nnch yoar fronu , "u ""' r .m mi nimn,,
(1:12,000,000 to 1.8tC,000.000 low. . I,10"" '" ,ou ,0 wnomblp a kuri
Nonr)y 20,000,000,000 .plvcmi of
outKolnir mnlter woro handled an-
Bhleld. Then wo aawcil oft aomiv.
Iok4 nnd palulcd thaiu to laokillko.
caution muzzloi when placed In poal-.
nually by tho l'ostofflco Dnpartmoiit,
which dlBbiirHcd $202,000,000,
2.70 nor canltn.
ptiuuii uauory ami uroii 172 BhotB bd-
foro Iholr aviators could toll thorn
Mlhnl thoy had boon duped."
or;uon lietweon tlio boards, Toduy tho
I'rtmou poppered away at this biip-
Tho North' llond Library inniinRO-l
mont U nkliin ItH mapy jmlroiiB uAtNim f)K OM)CK M .V OO VO II.
ant) frlendn to onq nnd all show nl
Chrlstmna spirit towurd thu pulille, W.VItl) AN 110UU
Kood of North llond by Klvltitf olthor! "
a Rood book or a miiKazluo lo tho "
library as a Christmas present. .Ms. 0likK Association ct Conimcrco
Ooo. MamllKO has been tho first i lU'jiln .llon'iiii'iit
to respond to this call for a Christ-1
iiuib prosont to tho city library. Ilor, OIIIOAOO. Dec. 22. A plan to
Christmas present Is "Tlio Portion , movo tlio hands of tlio clock un ono
of Labor" by Mary K. Wllklim and lior In ordur to Rain ono moro
"Josoph Vanco," by Win. Do Mor-jhotir of, daylight, particularly u tho
Kau, Sovoral othor porsans hnvo summer, will bo extended (Q tlio
promised to kIvo n book or buIi- ouiiutry If tho Ohlrugo Association
surlptlon. If ovoryona lutarostcd In of Comiuorco'u rocoiiinieiiiatlo;i In
thu library would briiiK or snd In ("kan up by tho United Btntgu chain
a book or tho prlco of a magazine iber of Commorco.
bgtween now and ChrUtmas It A spuolal lommlttno's report
would bo a vory markod holp In nwouiinuudlni; that on additional
tho UBufulnosH of tho library.
Tho stnto truvolliif,' library
hour of duyllcht oould bo gained by
iidvnncInK tho clock an hour was
sixty vol nines camo In on tho last . npprovod by tho oxeoutlvo coininltcn
boat from I'ortland and Is now on ! of tho association ami prouonjed
thq bIiuIvoh rOjiuly for muvlce. Those to thu national orKunUiitlou.
books uro InrKoly f lotion and Ju-j If tho plnn was adopted, pirqifKU
vonllo books. Thoy nro loaned to! out Iho country thero would bo no.
tho North llond library by tho stnto coufutluu (a tho unlfonu standard
library fpr a period of mix months jflystom adopted In J 883,
froo, tho library association having
to )iay Iho transportation churgos. ' HIIOW.N NA3IIiH ASSISTANT --
Any person doslrlnj; any book not! ? Ui
In thu homo library nic procuro, IIOSBIHHIO, OHW. D5e. 21. At?
by niak-ltprnoy Ibiao Homtir Van'WJnUlo, 04
alio book from Sulum froo
1 UiK hlH wishes Huown to mo il-.SIfiioin. was cliQep Klfpt Asslsta
brnrlafi lioro; or if ho will pay AUonipy-aanoruVby Allornoy-apiior-
postiiBo on tho bopk wanUd tho ll-inj.oloct (ioorgu M. nruwn ijf thl
brary mnnaBomeiit x 111 ordur tho'cH. Mr. VoiVnklo sorvod an first
book for tho library. j assistant to Attnruoy.Uomcni',CraY-f
Tho library association liold Jfc ford ff a inimb.n- pf yoarnT vnd utl
roBiilar monthly busluow nmoUnB oonsldorod on ol tho moVt wMa atf
on Thursday nflornooii nl U10 U-'tomoys in Qrneon. M
brary. Thero wa a sociiud iIIiujjim j,m MllllQ nownlnjr. nt proseiiT
sloii of tho proposod iwiitltut!oii'omi)luyua , tll0 Aflornsy-Oonoral'a;
oftlc, will be rotnluod by Mr,' Drown
as llmt stpuoisrapher.
uinl by-luwit to bo adoptsd at tho
annual muetliiK In January. It was1
docldcd to put tho direct iniuiajiQ-:
mont of tho library iiuder n board
of dlroctors and n cominltteo was' Haplila." and "KlusIo iBnbol."
appointed to select tho tllreotnni. A y Jacquos Futrol, who wns a,
cominltteo wub also uppolntad to imssongor on the Ill-fated Titanic.
procuro an attendant to take ehargo, 1'orsoiiH whoso aubscrlptlona toi,
of tho mon's roadhiR room whlalthe library nro not paid Uj until
Is to bo opened lUuuedluoly nftor .tho first of January, will confer
Christmas. 'urout favor on tho manaijoiiiont by
Tho following books hnvo boon ' paying the. earno Immodhitoly tA
added this weok: "Tho Kosary," ' Mrs Ooo. Hazor. eaauror, or to K
'"Arl ond Artists of All Nations" Mr. ' ' Hoynoldn, financial se
otarj t. iho library association,, '
j"Hand Loom Weaving of Ucod and.