THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1014-EVENING EBiTION. acMl -" I 1 f ' 1 i I T KSVB'P' . 'v"rv , itlnuul from I'ago Three.) (C rJ XJ SWAP PAItTV W ff "MOVED TO POETRY BY LIFE III JUL rTIwi Atlntiln.Wla nuin orient-nil ttinlr ' "" " " " "" "-i.r'"i fuinual "swap paxfcr' at tho homo , ' rrcaciit yesterday were Mrs. W. Ross smith, Mrs. w. ii. vo'.oy, Mrs. v. m. unas. risner writes umy lie Klye, Mrs. .las. Cowan, Mrs. Lydla ' atintj CaUSe Of HJS AlTGSt Lang, Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. pgp Sfonlinn Food i'W. 1. .1IU41I Ullll , 11110. U. 41. Ullllt, Mrs. L. I Knlkonslcln, Mrs. I. M. Contlron, Mrs. K. L, Suinnor, Mrs. X. Hnsmtisscn, Mrs. A. S. Wanchnrd, Mrs. Henry Iloock and .Mrs. W. E. Hoagland. : o ISAWTA GLAUS FOR , EVEHYOHE IS PL'AHl! i i MAI'TIST IADIKS. of Mrs. .Iolrr Hnshnoy in South MarshCMu Thursday iifternoon. Tliftlfceorntlons reflected tho Yule- .-'tldo senson. htieklohorry mid Oregon i Wednesday. It was a hiislnoss boh- gnipo predominating, and with bIoii nt which reports of tho conimlt- Tlio Ilnptlst Women enjoyed n de lightful uftornoou with Mrs. I). I). Iloss nt her homo on Golden nvcntia Chrlstinns holls suspended from tho ceilings. Kncli member brought a teo In chargo of tho bazaar hold tho previous Snturdny showed that tho Llfo In tl'o county Jail with tho prospects of a good dinner on Christ inns hns moved Clmrlcs Fisher to poetry. A fow days ago ho was ap prehended for stealing something to oat from tho dock nt tho foot of Commercial avenue nnd received a 12 1-2 days' sentence behind the bais nt tho county scat. Judgo I'cn noek, In administering sentence, de clared to Klshor that ho would ho well taken euro of nnd that thoro would he no running out of pro visions while n guest. Klsher dcclnrcd that ho was pontil """" - ' ....-..- w.. i r imiilt uui'iiiruu inui no wns ponm- jmrcol and theso woro numbered and function notted thorn about 51. Tho ieHS 0t of a Job nnd hungry nnd that i lift llllltlli. ttftto tit I II J tttttttHtf Mwiltt - 1 ... if.. . ...III t ... ...111 .. . ' tho guesta drew slips, oiitltllng them ne.l meeting will bo hold with Mrs. to iho pni'kngo bearing tho corrov , jj, HroBsor tho second Wednesday ponding numhor. im.. i jnnunry. Delicious refreshments was tukon up and wns followed by j M oro orvod by Mrs. Hnss nsHlslod by refroshmenls, Mrs. Win. Dashnoy , hcr finiiKlitor. Miss Cnrrlo Iloss. nnd Mrs. Davis assisting tho hostess l T1()S0 ,,rosont woro Mr8i nrcHaor m serving, i no noxi meeting win Ml. , ,, ,inill, Mrf, ,,.., Mr bo nt the homo of Mrs. 10. Kolly, December 111, when tho aniiunl elec tion of officers takes place. Thnao enjoying Mrs. Dailiiioy' hospitality woro Mrsi A. Z. Downs, Mrs. Har ris, Mrs. V. II. Dresser, Mrs. E. Kolly, Mrs. 1'erkliiB, Mrs. Chas. La "Chapollo, Mrs. DnvlB, Mrs. Hrown nnd Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. lloblnsou nnd Misses Gertrude nnd Virginia Jlrown woro special gnosis of tho af ternoon. .j. .j. .j. MOW YKAIt'S I'AUTV I Tho Mllllconm Club Is pliiiinlnit lo glvo n danco Now Yonr's evo at tho club rooms. A. V.. Naglc. O Downs', .Mrs. Hilt nnd Mrs. CimiKT.MAK DIX.NKItS. I ' A largo number of Chrlstinns din ner pnrtlcs aro being planned. Most of them will, bo family functions, i Among tliotio plnunliig to ontortnln rclntlvcs and friends on Christmas ( Dny nro Mr. nnd Mrs. L. I Fnlkon- ' stein nt North Iloiul, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. N. Kenton nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Mlunchnrd. 1 4 IM'OHMAI. CHAT. I ItlllTillrAY I'AIITY Miso Iluth. Allen Is expected homo todny from Oregon Stnto Agricul tural Collage nt Corv Chrlstinns with hex pare Mrs. P. H. Allen. Mlssoa Nora Towor, Prnncos WI1 IlnniB nnd May Prouss, who nro at tending California Stnto University nt Dorkoloy, nro expected to lenvo San Prnncleco on tho Nnnn Smith Mondny to npond Chrlstinns at tholr homes hero. Mrs. K. p, Morrlssoy loft this wook for Los Angolos, wlioro alio will spond Chrlstinns nnd Now Yoiu-'b wltll her son, 12. II. MorrlBsoy. Mrs. Chna. Van Duyn Is oxpoctod homo .Monday from n thrco months' vlBlt with hor pnront8, Judgo nnd Mrs. Ilohhorts, in Kuld, Okln. Mrs. Ufflo Pnrrlngor, who Is spend ing tho wlutor In Sim Francisco, Iiiih tnkou up tho study of tho plpo organ. Mrs. Carrlo Dungan Is now a guest of Mrs. ParrliiKor. Mrs. Hnrry Ilrndflold nnd children, who hnvo been visiting hor slstor In -I . Mrs. Anna Pnrrln Inst Mondny gave a party in honor of tho fif teenth birthday of hor daughter, Miss draco Kola Parrln. Tho rooms woro prottlly doeornted nnd following gniucB and music, refresh ments woro Borved, Mrs. John Hut ler nnd Miss IIolou Corning nsslet Ing tho lioHtoHH. Among llioso pros out woro MIsb Akiich Johnson, Miss Iluth Golden, Miss Clara Porguaon, Miss Iluth Anderson, MIbs Helen Oulovsen, Miss Ahblo Lodwnrd, MIfb Mnry McArthur, MIbs I-oronn Hoff man, .Inhiiny Hutlor, Joey llutlor and Wolfram Hclimoddlng. .;. .;. r VOU.VU .MATKONS Mrs. Otis Wilson entertained tho mothoi-H and babies of tho Young Mnlin,iu' r'liil. .. .. nl.Ml..l... ...I . .t.ti., viiii, .ii. ti v.111 iniiuun iiai ly I " """ nnd oxehnngo of Klfls Prldny nt hor , Ketchikan, AlaBku, oxpocta to louvo , Romilnr Tnams nf IMnpHi Rnnrl i t i .,.., tlinrri tnr linmn n.iv if.iil ... . . . .. . ' for this reason toolc tho food from i'. Chrlstmna box on tho dock await ing shipment. He hns labeled tho I following "A llcnutirul Ditty En titled 'Purloining tho llox of Pood.' " I He ndds Hint ho is no relation to Uitd Mfihor and also that tho ditty wns composed in fifty minutes by tho clock. Tho ditty: Poor llttlo Chnrllo Fisher was walk ing down tho strcot, His hands woro In his pockets and hlu shoes were on his foot; Tho nfternoon was chilly nnd tho biiu wns getting low; Ho wns cold, hungry, poniilicBS no plnco to go. Ho wns looking for employment; no employment could ho get. Nobody cared for Chnrllo nobody en red n hit. So wnlklng down nlong tho docks, ho bow some groceries In u box; Snyo ho, "I'm cold nnd hungry no money in my box: wills to spend , 'rlloro'8 f)0l In "' old fltomncli, irents, Mr. nnd ,,ut thoro'" plenty In Hint box" i ou (ilium- Ki'iiuuing up mo ioo(i (town i tho Btrcot ho rnn. j , Now poor llttlo Chnrllo FlBhor la , ! boarding In tho can. I 1 Put yourself In my position, friend, ' , put yoursolf upon tho dock; I Docombor cold nnd hungry no nionoy in your box; Hnvo no food in your Btomach, hut look at tho food in that box Would you have done like mo friends or hnvo dono different fltlll? Hut plonso oxciiho mo now frlomlB I'm going to roll n pill. Municipal Tree Plans Grow Many Anxious to do Their Share in the Work With ChrlBtmns hut four days away and many families ou tho list who hnvo not yot been given their quotn of holiday eheor, a second ap peal Is being made to tho peoplo of tho city lo aid In tho gathorlng nnd giving of supplies. Thoro nro still moro thnn ten faniMcs who hnvo not boon provided for nnd thirty bns kots nro to ho sent out tho day ho foro Christmas. Tho llttlo tots hnvo brightened up considerably now that they hnvo found out Santa Clans Is really com ing to thorn nnd Hint ho will hnvo n trco in tho Guild Hall or tho Kpls nnpnl church on ChrlBtmns ove. Not only nro tho children to hnvo' tho treo hut they are alBO to hnvo nuto- mobllo rides nnd tho committeo hns scon to It that mncliluos will bo pro vided for tho onllro number. Moro thnn GO aro already on tho list to como. And not only Is tills tho case, but every youngster Is to hnvo a present, ns woll ns candy nnd nuts. Moro ennes of dlro necessity hnvo been discovered by tho committee In tho Inst day or bo; nil of theso nro be ing Haled and will rccolvo their quota of Yulotldo chcor. In Dlio St in I In. Yesterday It was reported that a young inothor was found seriously 111 In bed, hclplcsB, and with hor dead baby by her sldo. SUM anothor oxlroino caso hns como lo light. Tills is of n famPy of sovon. Thoro nro five llttlo children, tho youngest be ing under two years of ngo. WookB ngo tho fnmlly enmo to , Marshflcld and after a search tho fathor secured work and nil wont woll until ho broke IiIb nrm. For nlmost ' two months tho provldor of tho fam ily was out of work. Tho committeo found tho fnmlly In dlro straits In their hare nnd chcorlcss home. ' On Wcdnosdny tho committeo will meet nt tho Episcopal church and niako up tho thirty baskets for dis tribution. They nro noxious to got provisions, clothes or money. Those ' anxious for moro particulars mny call i on Itov, Robert Drowning, Mrs. II, S. Harris, wlioso Uilcphono Is 301-J, Mrs. C. C. Going, or may como to the offlco of Dr. 10. V. Morrow In tho Irving building, this being tho head ctunrtors wlioro thoro la nlwnys somo ono to tnko chnrgo of nny contribu tion or to glvo nny Information desired. TR Christmas Sti fjtjOLjruiimiX'jjuan: Is Headmia. for Chrlstm Gifts That A?e Different Hub Dry Goods Co, uThe Christmas Store" Cor.Broadway and Centra Ave. ft. M0DR1 SAYS 1 PARICIAinMIO! 1 Ullll III Mil MIfJIl I II IN A TKLHUHAM I'llO.M PORTLAND AUXOMOIULi: DUALKIl SAYS KKSHT CYLINDER CADILLAC AND DOIKJi: MACHINES IIAYE CHEATED A SENSATION IN THE HOSE CITY. Will Goodrum hns received u tele gram from Goorgo Goodrum, who went to Portland recently to secure a 1915 olght cylinder Cndlllac, In which ho states the cur Is tho wonder or automobile construction for tills year nnd tho eighth wonder, or tho world. Tho now Cndlllno Is far nlionil of tho greatest things that woro nn- WATERFRONT! Ilclpalcd for It, nnd Mr. Gondnun tx imZZf t fared much bettor thnn hu nvt.n, i i .T7ra0oo,lln In nnil limiim ,. 1...I.,.. I. i. .,,,. . . . "CKS. Whl! mm two ninchlncB ltiBtend of m.n. ' " ." '!'r .Oo0(,rioi'i tt! """0iateofM.f...- . Mingo n Wonder. c, 10 m bfi h """Ji. Of courso Mr. Goodrum'H i (.. . Kldcr. D" linrMiilK. it.lll. il. . ... 'J ............ ,nu, ii.u iniriiuHo oi getiinKi (raid U,, nlili ..r II... ..... . ""ll i oir,ui, ui iiiu nuw i;uiigu car, the i ono Hint is going to aoll nt n low price. There litis been but mm Dodgo shipped to Portland thus fnr, but Mr. Goodrum uh-nu H tmu ,,.....i a sensation ninonir dealers nmi i.,.r 'this nfternoon fr, ehiiMoi'H. Tim itrwlir,. i n.i I Toinorrnir tn..l.... BHVH. Ih ovnii m itiiini tnu. i i POll for San l'n..i... . lilln lln... 1... l..l I t . .... '.rlVnl trnn. It... ..u vni.u nu nun uuun icu io tiiinic . -" """ 'u"ie, il. nn inn tini iniv tviin.t i.n ..u. ,. 'iiiiy lihh mri.!...! .. tn I'lii-nivn iiiu iiz.,1,.,. .i . . nuin nrrhrxi inr... . "'" " '""ti ii'iiniKlllllUIU () .- HiBMin ii carload, hut customers hero know lcrt "t IWi iHtini no has meaiui of obtaining tho first ! ...c.urjr uu.iiuiH mm it would not Havc your J0 bo HIinirlHlllir In nun Mm nvl.M.lii.. ...'. . -... . . nil in,.; T.MJ3 pjjj Way orn Mow BOYS ID GIRLS PLAY BASKETBALL homo in Porndalo. A bountiful "'oro for homo next wook ChrlHtmas trco, gaily decorntod and ! M1s Kmnm Iludzlon of Salt Lako hung wltli gifts, Blood In ono rooni,'c,,y 1" oxpoctod horo noxt week for and a largo table at which Hio host-,"" oxtendod Btny with hor slstor, Sirs. cs Horvod hor guotB to refrosh-! ' Von Shlpmnii. moiits In anothor. Aftor tho draw-! Senator and Miw. I. S. Smith and Ing of proRontH among tho grown- dnughter lonvo noxt Tuesilny via tips, nuts, cookies and tho orminiontH , Mapleton, for Salom, wlioro tho Log- from tho treo wnio illntrllm!inl . IhlatlllO COIIvmiDH Mm Hmlth iilimu - . w.. ..... .. . ..., ....... ...n among (ho children, who were Iluth I to spoud somo tliuo visiting In Port Jnrvls, llolcn Hold, Ellalieth Mn lonoy, Hilly .lurvls, PiniicoH W'IIkoii, Itouaiild Morrow. Among Mrs. WIN boii'h guiwlH woro Mrfl. NorlM .Icu Bim, Mib. II. W. Morrow, MrH- J. Q. JnrvlH, Mr. Guy Kendall, .Mrs. Noll MiioMlllan, Mr. D. E. Mnlonoy, Mm. A. 0. VohIiiI, Miw Margiirnt Shaw and .Mrs. John Kuudiill, with whom tho club will nieol .lauiiary C. I LADIES AHT CLl'll. land ami Corvallis. Mrs. Loud has takon their lioiiho during tlu'lr'nh nonce. Tho girls of tho Loyal League aro stdllng homo-mado niluco-ploB this nftornooii nt tho Protibylorlan Church. Mr. C. II. Walter In touch or of I ho claw. Mr. nnd .Mix. Paul Dlmiiilck ro- ' turned lo tholr homo In North ! Hcnd W'odiiomlay ovonlng after a 4 ' three-week' trip South and EiibI. I Ward McGIII loft Wmlnnedny on vitlio Yollowstono via Sun Francisco . . t ' - -.miMx nun tittiuinv.i Mm. OIIvIu Ediiian was IiomIomi to rr witcliltii, Knnwii, to spond kov- .oral weeks with Ills pnrontH thoro. Mlaa May lloiinott arrived homo this wook from San PiuuicIbco 'to u ilullKhtfuI Buiwlon of tho LiiiIIom Art Club yiwturdiiy. Gruenu mid hol ly prudomliinlod In the docoratlons. At the conclusion of n ploauant after- hpond tho hollduyH with hor pnrontB, noon of sowing ami Boclal chnt, ro-'Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dennett, froshiuoiits woro sorvod, Mrs. N. Has-! Mrs. Alfrod Mntson, wife of Cnpl. musscii iiiulHtiiiK In Borvlng. The Mntson, who lma boon confluod for next meetliiK will bo hold January koiho time by a fractured limb, In S wltli .Mm. P. m. Plyo. Among those , getting nlong nlcoly. - i Make Father or Mother A Practical and Sensible Christmas Present Call at the Red Cross Optical Department and Get Thorn a pair of nice Toric Lens Glasses. They may call now or later and be perfectly fitted. It will make Christmas last throughout the year and add greatly to their joy of living ASK US ABOUT IT. Red Cross Optical Dept. Phone 122. High School Play Alumni and Alumnae In a gumo that wan woll played nnd backed by nu onthiisliistlc audi ence tho Alumnno team of tho North Hond nigh School Inst evening tri umphed ovor tho girls' tonni of tho hohool by n scoro of 9 to 0. Tho Alumni team was honton by tho high Bchol hoys with n 10 to 27 Bcoro. In the girl's gamo LoiiIho Eislmlii ger miido nil (ho scores for tho IiIkIi hcIiooI nnd for the nliimul Dorothy Klbler wna extromoly doxtoroiiH in shootlngliiiBkolH. Miss Norma Chnso rucolvod a sprained auklo and Prin cipal Griiblm tlila morning stated that there may bo no moro ganioB for tho girls for the proKout, as had boon .planned. Ilowon, contor Tor tho high school boys, stands six feet six Inchon In hlu Blocking foot and provod a tower of strength for his side, Booming to ' drop tho ball Into the baskets en tiro ly out of rango of his opposing guard. ' Por tho nlumnl boys, Klblor at for-1 ward did somo oxtromoly clovor ' Bhootlug, boliiff mainly responsible j for tho Bcoro of his sldo, though both I men woro oxtroniely woll backod by i tholr toammatos, I Tho llno-up of tho high Bchool ' girls' tenm was: Loulso Elslinlngor, contor; Pay Millodgo and Lillian Johnson, guards, nnd Gortrudo Now kirk mid Jo Imhoff, forwards; nnd for tho nlumnl toum: Vera Wilson, contor; Dorothy Kiblor and Juno Young, forwards; nnd Norma Chaso and Esther Imhoff, guards. Tho line up for tho high school boya wns Uowon, contor; Conro and Ilussoll, forwards; nnd Simpson and Hylor, uards; for tho nlumnl: Proniont Hudson, contor; Kiblor, Carlson, forward's; Van Zilo and Evan Hud son, guards. 7!!i?AM?nQu0.Sf.AP.!iEPJS? P0.W!5?. EAO-NED," WHY NOT SAVE W WITH BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS PURCHASED AT S" SAVING PRICE ANDHIUtS- PLEA8E VUH , Make Yourself A Christmas Present; OF WHAT YOU SAVE. WE ARE' ' Closing Out Our Holiday Goods niDA'ALV WHO HAVE PLANWED ON GIVING PRESENTS A wnp RAMrr nc ?n. T.nV1' J,?' 0F THE PR,CE- THE ASSORTMENT IS LARGE ANDG nm TL0D?nERCJ 2, lL 92J3? 1.ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PICK OUT YOURPK o,.M.,w.,u i.iu.moc i uunocur. ntMU mt LISI. JMU I E THE BIG REDUCTIONS. CANDLE STICKS ONE-THIRD OFF SMOKING SETS ONE-THIRD OFF JARDINNERRES ONE-THIRD OFF STATUARY, ONE-HALF OFF TOBACCO AND CIGAR JARS ONE-THIRD OFF MIRRORS, ONE-HALF OFF CUT GLASS ONE-FOURTH OFF SILVERWARE ONE-THIRD OFF STATIONERY ONE-FOURTH OFF STEINS, ONE-HALF OFF PARISIAN IVORY TENPERCEM FMAMPLFD JP ONE-HAW POCKET KNIVES ONE-HALFj HAND-PAINTED ChW Busy Corner Only) ' ONE-FOP" LEATHER GOODS 0NE-FC Tcnn PMTPRY ONE-HALF I AIIOTDIAM lASFS ONE-HALF i ADDiTiox.vri socurrv. I Miss Pearl Rolgard. Miss Luoy Powors and Albert Halnos, who havo heon nttondlng Oregon Unlvorslty at Kugone, arrived yesterday at spend tho Christmas holidays at their homes l.ero. Mrs. J. Albert Matson, who return ed homo this week from Mercy Hos pital, whero sho underwent na opera tion. Is rocuptrating rapidly. JfM l i X&fic vk iL i jHH A IHfc JjvfwE Store Open All Day Sunday and Every Evening Until Christ THE BUSY CORNER Lockhart-Parson Drug Co Front Street Central Av ygi