iiuini IUM Mumimmiwmmmmmammmim. THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, ORECON, SATURDAY," DECEMBER 19, 1014 EVENING EDITION. OF WORLD'S GREATEST PAY FOR SHIPS JAPS GO TO FRANCE wo 0 BIT tmA Tttn tfl Coo. Dr TlaiM.) Dec, 10. Tho bcqIo of INDIANS USE KNIVES IB, loctltM TfrM to Com 111? "I i I TOKIO. Don in -r,. , Wimmlwl Icft llniuli Show How. I vessels (chartered by tho lied Cross corps which Is eolne t 'lhey Mcct ,la'ol,L't Wr&" I lovcrnmont tor use as nrm- Franco left Yokohama bv thn ,tn,, "- " uTT.m., r8, troopships, hospital ship , or Fushlnil Mam n rw.i..,.. , SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Dec. 10.' tr purposes lins been drawn Tho corps consists of Or Shi i- v '. Cnnndlnn soldier who has vls- i fr....... .. . Ti lieu several iinnntrnitt m tun eniirii i.. ... ----- , ... ...v .......... r ugh calculation of tho earn- Drs. Mogl and QUI aim,,. " V "1,Bl im,,ans a" 0I w,lom mi re0 months of so.no of the1 nurses and n few pharmacists ,, T, mMB 1)im(,nKca' II0 asK" M..l. which nro woll- in at Marlni t Cross attend- ,,. . , ' " t" ""is nuiv nicy an receive mo samo to Uordeaux. ,., - , , , cort of injuries. "All of them havo Admiralty sub-committee, feasor of the Imperial r.iJUi. SGVOral 1,08nltnl8 ln tho BOUt! theso rates It is possible to I who Is tho chief of tho medU Wr' . Enf,nnd- rocc,,t,' 8aw forty ugh calculation of tho earn- Drs. MokI nn.i ni,i .,.. ,,, f fly Llut In''la"3 all of whom ha. tho Atlantic trndc. bllows They n,,..,, is,,,..,!.,-. i .. "" ' infill ililVU U)UU Tons 2SSN0 M0RE DREADNOUGHTS. '" ho left hand bocnu ir.r-.i7 iirr c-n1 . '" of their stylo of fighting," was tl nVn 7 80r,8,,0 ID'AuiMrr.tocBMiurTimf.. roply. "When thoy get clo ' ' I-OXDO.V, Dec. ID-England prob JOS.400.nbly will never lnv ,1nu... i.. 10, GOO 19,(100 21.035 10,570 Jrll 11.189 IS IS 17 10 20 bayonet so the oy get closo enough for n hnnd-to-hnnd fight, they throw down tholr guns, parry tho bayonets of tho cnomy with their left hnnd and uso their knives III never lnv ilmvn ntiniim. 315.000 drendnaught. sais onn nf ti,n t,n. iriS.CiO.most ship builders In thi m,,.,rJ 24 1,500 l who for obvious ronanna nnmmt i, i with tho right hnnd. Of courso Hon tho Government Is re- quoted. All thn .lmn.inn,.i. . they got n bad wound In tholr left cd to pay tho cost of pre-, cording to this nuthnritv wiw, V..'linnd, but thoy don't mind that and been laid down, will bo rushed toilllcr "lmo9t nlwny get their man." completion, but no orders will bo gi-! on for any nioro vossols of this typo. YOUXO All.MY OITICEHS This policy was nndor serious con- sldeintlon when tho Audacious went Germany Army Advances Youllm vessels for stnto purposos, lino lost between tho end of cr period until tho rcstora- llio vessol In normal work lilghor wages. UJ FOIl OHPHAXS. Hiilrirrn Jlclnjr Cured for Xcur llnvro G, Dec. 19. Acuto distress at Etrotat in tho colony rlcss children whose fathers cnlled to tho nrmy. This vIiobo numbors nro Btlll now coiitnlns 500 children ranging from four to ton bo sudden chnngo from n autumn to tho first of tho storms, with cold, nlinrp liavo caused much suffering llttlo ones, owing to uufflclent wearing apparel I clothes. m of Etrotnt, about twolvo llnvro, lies on tho expos- and Is Bwopt by winds nnd luring tho winter. Ilotwoon in refugees nnd tho depend- of Boldlors, public char- franco Is already heavily novortholoss tho colony's pr help has mot with some k llnvro. IDS OF GERMANY tltttj I'tttt to Coot D17 Tlmw. BHA'GEN, Dec. IS. Agents commissary dopartment of nan nrmy, who nro hero supplies, admit that dor- Rortago in some respects Is Thoy stnto that Germany glad to rclonso nil pris- war bocauso of tho dlffl- provldlng supplies for cuts find that task hero flcult by tho Danish pro- against export of many Thoy havo succeeded, In purchasing largo qunn- moat, which may still bo to Oermnny. Thoy would ot million pairs of boots but tho list of prohibit- ludes nil articles mado of r hldo. HA hi;, Kagles llnll, Hat- ccmbcr JHtJi. to the bottom and tho recent loss of tho Uulwnrk has only served to confirm tho opinion that tho battle ship ns a fighting craft Is doomed. All new construction in tho Brit ish shipyards consists of heavily armed cruisers of great coal carry ing capacity, destroyers and sub marines. For ten miles nlong tho Tyno In coming into Ncwcnstlo tho passengers on tho boats cannot henr each other speak becauso of tho din of stonm hammers most of which nro milking destroyers nnd submarines. When Sir Percy Scott expressed his doubts of tho efficiency of tho drendnnught Just after England had plnccd hor soal on It ob tho premier fighting unit of nnval warfnro, his unorthodox)' mado him tho strategic heretic of his time, but this wnr has como near to vindicating his theory, for thus far not n slnglo success can bo placed to tho credit of a dreadnought, whllo tho experimental, almost despised submnrlno has won most of tho nnval lnurols. Franco Is nlso reported as hurry ing tho construction of submarines, whllo Ildssla is said to havo asked for tenders on a submnrlno of two thousand tons. FKENCH It US 1 3 SUCCESS. Ouo Company Holds Hack (ii'rnmiH While Comrades Kf.cnpe. (Or AmoUI1 rren to Cmi Hr Tlmr. HAVKK, Dec. 19. How n slnglo company of Fronoh infantry, told off to cover u retreat, withstood n largo force of Germans for sovornl liouru during n bnttlo at night nnd then cd enpod through a rtieo Is related by n wounded offlcor. Tho ontlro division had been or dered to withdraw during a sharp counter attack at Charloroi. Ouo company wns selected to check the German advance. This lot foil to tho company of which tho officer, now In a local hospital, had command. It wan 8 o'clock In tho evening when tho company waj ordorcd out nnd tho mon ran through u honvy to Official Positions IJEUL1N, Dec. 19. Tho latest Issuo of tho official Military Weekly announced tho promotion of fourteen sergonts of the Llfo Gunrd Cavalry Regiment to ensigns, tho youngest in seniority being Sergeant Count von nisniark-Schocnhnusen. TJio newly mado offibcr Is a grandson of DlBinnrk, being tho only sou of tho Into Count Wilhclm Dlsmnrk, known familiarly and in his fnthcr,n writings as "Hill." Count Nicholas von Dlsmnrk Is eighteen years old and owner of tho ancestral cstnto of Vnrzln, which his father Inherited from Prlnco Illsmnrk. NOIU.E HKUHAXS SEND SONS rlflo ami macuiuo gun nro 10 n uinii-i homo, In which thoy barricaded but empty shells. IIAVHI3, Dec. 19. Members of ( tho Dolglnu cabinet havo not spared , their own fnnilllcs In the present crisis. Tho Daron do llropuovlllo, presldont of tho cabinet and minister i of wnr, has his four sons in the ranks. . ' Doth Jr. Ilorrycr, minister or tho interior, and M. Poullct, mlntstor of Rclcnco nnd arts, havo In tho artillery tholr eldest sons, who took part In tho sieges of Llego nnd Ant werp. Tho two sons of ' c minister of tho colonies, M. Itonkin, wen promotion. tlieniBolveo, stuffing ths walls. Ev ery time tho cnomy tried to nppronch thoy1 woro stoppod by volley firing. This lasted nonrly thrco hours. Twenty times tho enemy's buglos announced in jbayonct -clinrgo, nnd , twenty tlmos tho rush wns ropulsod.J Hut tho defenders began to run short of ammunition. ! Tho vigor of tho Germnn nttneks wns now brokon. This tho French commander quickly took advantage of. Ho ordered a bugler to sound ti.o French charge. Tho Germans! rtopped firing and braced thomsolvos to moot It. During tho pnuso, so ns not to break tho still of tho night' with suspclclous sounds, tho Fronchi stolo out of tho house, man by man,' nnd ran for tho roar. Whon tho! Germans, tiring of tho strain -tit, awaiting tho attack, took tho hoimo by n rush, thoy found In it nothing! . FEAR that the European war would Increase the cost of all food products Is set at rest now. The price of Ghlrardelli's Co coa has been reduced. , Your grocer can supply you with this most nutritious of all beverages and aid to dainty dessert making at 20c per io-lb. tin a saving of ten cents per pound. D. Ghirardelli Co. since 1852 San Francisco. L'diirtlou on M-dt'lli'ti Ground tola to Christm us Suggestions WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM WEAR UNIVERSAL PERCOLATORS AND FOOD GH0PPERS POCKET CUTLERY , SCISSORS AND SHEARS SAFETY RAZORS MECHANICS TOOLS OF ALL KINDS' MYST0 ERECTOR SETS FOR THE BOY, 50c to $5.00. And now is a good time to give her a WEDGEW00D RANGE A Year-round Source of Satisfaction. RnvthPhPStMi y Buy the best X" Marshfield t North Bend' joGtOatlMart!, wB&3ififlFniH0 IRVING BLOCr X-mas Specials BOYS' OVERCOATS AT ONE-HALF PRICE Closing out all Boys' and Childrens' Suits, Coats, Hats, Caps and Pants LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS AND COATS ONE-HALF PRICE Abstracts FOIt HEIilAHM: AltSTItACTS OF TIT1.I-3 AND IM'DH.MATION AIIOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See ' TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSHFIEI.D AND COQl'IMdl CirY, Oltl.'GON CEMCHAh ACJE.VI'H, EASTSIDE AXI) SEXGSTACKIJX'S ADDITION AOEXTS 1'Olt CANADIAN PACIFIC HAIMIOAD 1-AND8 IIEXKY SEX(i.ST(lii:.V, .MAXAGEIt Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without houlu or accident Insurance You not only nctd tho Insurance, but ou want to bo sure nnd have tho correct policy In tho bcH and rnont reliable company In tho business. Sco mo or phono mo nt miro and I will explain It to you, E. I. CHANDLER, Agent, Mnitdiflcld, SfiO Coke llulldlng. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- - -:- has been a hobby with us for n iroo! mny years and a lot nf our customers will toll you when It como to guttti.K geod, round, durable ftmnliix ninteilal nt tho rluht prim wo know our bust nss. .liibt toll what you wnn' to build nnd tb1 amount you mint to spqiit and vk'II rn busy villi uur pencil and flcuro out thn lift your noney can buy. Tiy ux C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. l(KTir DHPAItniENT CUT THE rJKU MU.lt I TWO HV HS1.VO OUU WOOD i'hon'i' mo iku HOPTir uitnmv4Y Not Only At Holiday Time Hut every ilay In lli" yr t'oniu'i- ,M lloirglnuil tiro riwfly to Hcrvo you ultli Hie good tliingx In CiltOt i;itlE.S, Von may not sec them, olery biy or ms tludr hUiic, but they niv nhvtiyit on tlio Job mill lliolr hpci'lnl delivery wagons nml uulos probubly ukm your tioiiho every day. KK'nk to tlio lirtirr Uion-vcr )ou fteo- liliu; lie Imn Ills book n Itli liiui nml tun tnke your onlor nt imy I line mill liny plait' or phono tlicm llioMt nro two plioiiew, il'Jll nml It IK. If you have time, drop uroiiud mid mm tlio IhihIi-hI oxrlulv giorcry Moro In Cwih Count), Iien It miuli-os tlio Minki'b of uiglit po pie to tako euro of the trade. , Cornier & Hoiigluud pildo tlimnndvos on (lit Hiirross mid It must iiM-jin .ntlsrnclloii lo tludr iiiiiuy rntonn'j-. 'lliey hiihIiI Ik plnis eil to luivi you teat tholr hei viio miiHIielr ootlu. Tlieii uso your own bet Juilguii'iit, CONNOR & HOAGLAND SOI I'll IIHOADUAY. PHONES iitid, illH TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Reminrjton, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Klhbon and carbon paper deliver!. Phono us your order. Pliono 41. AllNiuo office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. SEVEN nt ' t Now 1b tho tlmo of year to lay In that wl les, but before you buy horo or send your ordiW's supply of grocer or San l'rnnelseo come In nnd sco us nnd let ur m,..v , .,,. ' ...1.1-1. ... . .... ... , ..i.i " ' " u'nna nuirii u win uo guiii 10 no nmi win Biiuiuik viui iijr0 vjt)i v Wo have aomo splendid home-mndo snuor kraut, on Blori ,. ' When In tho market for dried fruits como In nnd v.2 cnj c' ,lno' ' 'ok ovor our HEI.l.PIiKL'lt AXI) DAIiDWlX APPIiES, PEIt HOX . . Mnko your Now Year's rotolutlons early nnd lnoludo n. . $1.00 Kcsolvod, Hint during tho year lnili 1 am going to tmd Coos Hay Ten, Coffee nnd Spleo Home ns thoy onn rave nioy001 on my grocery bill. IT you do this we will gunrnntco you n4." py New Year. $y Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice Housed PHONE !H)..l. A Telephone For Xmas Wlmt will a hotiBowlfo apprcclnto moro ns a Christmas gift than a telephone? She and nil the family will be truly thankful for It every dny In tho year. Ask local offleo for rates to you. no Yoint siioppixo eakly. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. 1'IHST XATIONAIi HANK HUIMHNO. COOS BAY WATER CO. 1 Marshfield and North Bend, Ore. Family water nit oh fixed by Stnto llnilroad Coiuuilaslon. First faucet '. 90 Additional faucets for bowls, iiluliB, vto 10 llaths 2Ti Additional baths SO Toilets GO Additional toilets 25 Kates pnynblo In advance buforo tho 10th of onoh month. BUY NOW AND OTHERS BUY AROUND YOU. BUY LATER AND YOU BUY AROUND THEM. ' BUDZ1EN PARK $5 per Lot per Month, $1 0 per Month takes a large homcslte. R. VON SHIPMAW, Owner 150 Front St. Phono 264-J. Marshfield, Ore. BttMrr. NBiMiMr'' . ?ttli. Lizri rmJur . ,rd?&32 Electrical Gifts Please Every Fashionable Woman Many Pieces of Electric Ware Are for Use on the Dining Table where they give a touch of distinction and luxury high ly prized by the hostess. Electric Coffee Percolators, Electric Tea Kettles, Electrio Table Stoves and Electric Toasters Make Entirely Suitable and Practical Gifts. There is an electrical gift for everyone at a price to suit every purse. THE LOW SPECIAL PRICES LAST Only Until Present Stocks Are Sold. This year ths special holiday prices are unusually low,ow ing to co-operative effort of the following dealers and our selves: C. A. Langworthy Marshfield Electric Cont. Co. ; Oregon Power Company if I- i J M, :m"v &, .. ,