fmmammMV,mimiTmiv i tj SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1014 EVENING EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, six w IV oirarKKT GOnVALLIS Ml S Farmers Interested in Speak ers and Introduction of , New Methods. i "Thoro's lota more room In that I Coob County delegation to tho Dnlry Week nt Corvnllls," declared J. h. Smith, county agriculturist, yesterday as ho sat waiting In j tho Chandler Hotel. "Every week I mil adding moro names to tho I list, finding moro farmers who nro, getting Interested In this move in on t for bettor dairying and bettor, stock." Tho first week In Febru ary at tho Agricultural Collogo Is, to bo devoted to dairying In tho state. I From over tho entire Northwest ' will como tho promlnont dairy-1 stock brooders; men of wldo prnc-i tlcal oxperlonco who will bo thero , to mix with tho farmers, show thorn ' typos of tho best stock and talk j ovor tno ovory-dny problems mat nro continually distressing tho tho dalrymnn. "This will bo a great chance for tho fanners to got In touch with men who havo good Btock," continued Mr. Smith. "Wo need bettor grndo of dairy catllo on innny of thosti Coos coilnty fnrms and when wo gut thorn, thon you nro going to nollno n difference In tho profits." Secretary of Agrlculthro Houston Ia now making n lour of tho United States and will bo In Cor villi Is on tho first week In February, where, ho will speak and meet tho farmors pernonnlly. Professor Krolns, head of tho dairying dopnrtment of thn Missouri Agricultural Collogo, onn of tho best known dairymen of America, will ho In nttundauco ul tho sosslou. "Jn addlllon to meotlng such men ns those nnd getting tho bonoflt of tholr tnlkii thoro will bo n elinncn for tho fanners to see what they havo at tho Agricultural Collogo," said tho agriculturist. "Thoy caii sco tho model dnlryH, find out now and practical methods of handling tholr products, tho balanced rations of cattle feeding and see some of tho best dairy Htock In Oregon." Ah ho goes over tho county In tho rounds that always keep nlin on tho go Mr. Smith sp rends the news of tho good things in storo nt Corvnllls nnd this morning ho doclnrcd his belief that thero will ho nt least 2T men In thn delega tion from this county. This sec tion, Is to bo roproHonlod nt tho collogo with a largo dairy exhibit to show tho farmors of other parts of tho state just what is bolug done hero In a dairying way. From 35c to $1.00 If that is the amount you care to spend and desire to (jivD something that is really and truly good and in good taste, don't let anything but sickness keep you away from PERRY & NICHOLSON. What you get from here anyone will be glad to receive. From $1.00 to $5 00 For choics gifts, gifts artistic and uncommon and gifts useful, for value, gifts that last a lifetime and are appreciated in after years, if you can walk at all, see PERRY & NICHOLSON. ' -! For Chairs and Rockers and for Library Tables, or any kind of Fu rniture or a set of Dishes or an Electric Lamp, pieces that arc of a kind shown only at this store and sold for less than the common kind. See PERRY & NICHOLSON. Open Every Evening" Our holiday display is on the show- me plane and we arc here for that very purpose, and you are certainly walcomc whether you care to buy or not. Perry &' Nicholson pukkiila oivnx up ril JImmIiW Vtii In roti n TlmM 1 WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 17. Tho city of Puohln, In tho Mexican stnto of that name, was evaountod by tho Cnrrnnxn forces nnd Is now hold by tho Zapatistas. A report to tho Statu Dopnrtmant, nays tho Carrnnza troops burned tho rail way station heforo departing. DAINTY AM) DIFFKHHXT Xmas Greeting Cards iiIbo STICKERS, SEALS. TAOS, OIL-PAINTED CALENDAltH OF LOCAL VIEWS. at REHFELD'S !2l0 Central Ave. IMPORTANT EVENTS YOU MAY BE SORRY IF YOU ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE FOR This Reliable Cough Medicine 'flint cough li nuturo's cry for help. Iff a T.'ntntng-a pyiuptum, mnybo of lrtncliltl, lBrlint, 0Tn (if mifiunuiulii. It mutt tin checked at uuco. Jturry to tho drug dare fur Foley's Honey and Tar Compound AND 1 HUM! IT 14 TUU Ol-XL-INU pou't tuLa n ciianra with a mihttltnto. Unro lloved coughs quietly sot worse, wjHicmllir at lilalitfall. FoLHl'a JIonuykoTau Com. roi'NO will sooth ami hoal tho irritated throut, tuUenwny tho tlcllo and lulluvo tho tight fiiotlnif la thn diet. K liua no cquitl lor liny Uliulol cough. For ovor forty yuuri Fol.UY'li Husky ANU Tut CoMl'Ul'Mi ha U'cu thu tnnilhy with thiiuMiiidntil (iiiullUx. llan)uiler the uamo-Kui..' HciNkt au Tar UnurotiMi Htui look (or tho bouhlvo ou tliu ulUiw wriii'iKir. ft rt ft KVEUY USUIl 13 A riUEND. SPIRELLA CORSETS ' j may bo obtained in Marshfiold from Mrs. Annie Holland, 352 So, 5lh St, Phono 200-X i ,,, -r- HOTEL DOTSOX I O. A. Hanson, Proprietor. Now open under now nuimiKoment, A homo place with homo nooklm; served In family stlo, Hoard and room, $C.r0 per week. 3 15 South Second St., Marshfiold. IOM-IPI AT h WINTER SHORT COURSE-JAN. -1-30 Agriculture, Including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairyl.iR, Horti culture, Poultry llustMiidry, Insects, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream er y Aun.iKeiurnt, MarkeUi)K cc Home l:conunilf3, hKludluR Cook hiK, Home NursiiiK, Sanitation, Sow ln DresMnaUlnii and Millinery. Commerce, iikIuJiiik business , Wan nRcnicnt, Rural iicoiionil.s, Htislness Law. Oftuc I ralidu hum Account Iiir, eU. IJiiulnccrlu;;, liuludins; Slminvurk and HondlmlldinK. PAHMBRS WUKK-MMiRUARY 1-6 A tieurral ile.irliiK liouw elon ol sW days for the eulune ol dynamic Ideas on the must prasiiiK problems of the times. Lectures by leading nulhiHitles, State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools, In stitutes and numerous correspondent j courses on reriuest. MUSIC: I'iano, String, Hand. Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates on alltL' roads, l-'er further inferma ion address, The Oregon Agricultural Collugc, (twIS-llu-l I) CUKVAU.I.S UKUUW, lTciw?. ttrJJ Make An Ideal Christmas Gift For Gentlemen Or Ladies We carry a hull Line of WATCHES in all styles and at all prices. THE BERTRAM JEWELRY STOREbecatisc of the exclusive character of its merchandise, the conspicuous fairness of its prices the diversity and extent of its offerings is the logical store for Christmas shoppers. Here ycj will nnd luxurious beauty and dainty things tint cost but little. A largo assortment of gifts for 7Him" cr "Her." Nothing cheap or tawdry, but gifts of quality and always a reasonable price is the impor tant f ;aturo. ENGRAVING FREE. Fo VV. Bertram's Jewelry Store Worth Front Streat Marshfiold MfiVSv HJI I'JVr J -r if la& tCV m x q foV' X (.WIMDMtVI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR! E. Lothard McClure ATTOHNHV AT XuW Practices In nil eourtn. Itonm 111, KlanaKnn tt lleunett llnnF- H. H. Hamer 1IOUHK HUlI,lK!t General HopalrlnR and Cabinet Making, hone 349-J. l7M. Wright Thono ins-n. IIUILDINO CONTUAOTOH llstlmntotf furnlBhod ou roquoat Or. II. M. Shaw Kye, Knr, Noso nnd Throat. OIiASSKS FITTKI) pit. MATTIM 11. SHAW Dlseifes of Women nnd Cltlldn1 Office Phdno 330-J. Hooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Uloclt, 8enamln Ostlind CONSULTING HXOINKGIt AND AltCHITnCT . Offices. 200 Irvln? Block 'bono 103 or 207-J. Marshfiold, Orogot W. G. Chandler AltCIIITKOT Rooms 301 and 302, Colto Building Mnrshflold, OroRon Wm. S. Turpen AIICIIITICCT Mnrshflolil, Oroon. Mrs. Olivia Edman. M. T. D. SWEDISH MAKHAflH AND MUD ICAfj OYSI.VAHTICS FOIt ATih DIHMAHKH t.17 Commercial nve. I'hono HI 2-3 MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA I AIN'T IT TDK TIIUTII. Wo novor ulnmo tho tailor when our panta wo lmvo to pin, Wo novor blame tho Rhoo man whon our Boles grow old nnd thin, Wo novor blnmo tho hnttor when our lids wo havo to flout, ' ( Hut wo always blarno tho laun- j I j dry whon our nhlrts wear out. j COOS HAY STKAM liAUNDUY I 'I Phono 57-.I. ST. LAWltHXCH HOTIM j (Formerly tho Coos llotol) j Stoam heat, hot and cold water. . No llijuor. j Wo Invito you to Invcstlgato our j winter rates. Special Inducement j when two or moro persons occu- j py sumo room. Commutation Tickets $2.00 Urt-hflold-North Deuel Anto Lla r overy ten inlntttuu from fl n, in to li: p. hi.; to South Slough once u (lay, leavlm; nt 11 n. in.; to Fiuplri ' threo trips n day. !OltKT A KINO. Propi. LOT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abtrnct, thoroughly dopeudablo. Ironio- dlato Bervlco, prompt attontlou to all lutercstB of our clients. MINIMUM COST i S. KAUFMAN & CO. OH 10 AT CAMPBELL'S W000YARD North Front Btrret, PIhiiip 7. m i i-iina ' OlIIMNRVS FlltK PIjAOES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Ilrlck Work nt Prices That Aro night And nil Work (iutirantced Cnll at "Tho Fireside," Johnson Uldu., 137 Second St. Phone 434-J. i Freuch Ranges. nollor Work yllkm ' :-. . 1 4f ' wwiwmiMnnMiiffjm Tr i rMwuffmrii I - '0U AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS 'our bmm1 ears with careful driven For day service, phono Ml-J, IUhiico lllilnrd Parlors. Kor nljrht service, Phone SdO-t lllglit Oafo. D. L. F00TE. BUY THE VERY BEST Maishfietd BUTTER, Liediueiy .... ... ..: HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171. i i 4 I ''or Host liosiilts In IMIXTIXtJ, PAPKHIXfJ mid I) l)i:C()HATlX I K. F. l.K JIIFUX WmII l'nper mill Pnlut Store j 80JJ No. Front St. P"ono 115-lt QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, MAItSIIFIKM), OIWOON J -i SIADW UXDKIt SAXITAKV OOXDITIOXS IX A CMCAX AXD .MODKItX FACl'OKY. STKIHI.I'KD MII.U AXD CKRA.M. K00NT2 GARAGE Kteolsior SIoforejTlo Aweary LEE TIRES AUTOMOllIl.KS STOIUCD XOS COUNTY'S MOST CO.MPIjIT MACHIXK SHOP MAItlNi: AND AUTOMOHIT.U HKIWHtlXO OAKOLIXK FOH SA1, VOItTII FDOXT ST. PHONE l80- UATTIiltlES HKPAIHED AND nnAIMFD Low Rates for Hasdling Trunks Wo haul trunks botwocn any point n Marshfiold and do general hauling 'or reasonable rates. STAIt TltANSFKH & STOIIAOB CO Levi Heisuer, Proprietor i Plumps: IliO..). 40.1,. JIH-It IE MONEY by orderlns tho famous HEMRYVILLE GOAL New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" ulso principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" . HOSE :.?LS- INNINGS, No. Bend Nut coal, per ton $l.oo' Ump Coal, per ton $0.00 Or, half tou of both Jjf.l.oo D. MPSSOX, Prop. Phono iC-u, or lenvo orders at, Hlllyor's Clnr ftoro. tryTt! yoiuis people. open a MnvinKs Account In ,,s Wlf, rcKulnrly ten per cent, of your ,.,,!.. "H'rvn'o m. m jmy you'll )0 surpils.-d ,,. uiiu ii it'iinui iiiiiii. n SnvliiKH Account Ih tho ,,.( rE-as lidckl,' ruti!il( MHir l, IllnlI0I1 T7( Kr t UXDKIt TDK I'Xlri:,, aOVKItX.MKNT STATIC W'KUVIBIO.V, FIBSTI UII :!'', OF COOS BAY So'ely Deposit Boxen For Rent, Fuueu jiumBi OLDICST llAXIC IN COOS Ct)U.TV KNtnhllHhcd 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided! Profits $11 ivnnn , ,ww Intcrost Pnld on ti1u )cikU Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. .1. II. FlnmiKnii, Vice-President. H. F. Wllllaini. Cnkhlcr. Ceo. F. Winchester, Attt. ft- To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Mondif TDK FAST AND COMFOIITAIII.K S S. Geo. W. Elder NI4WI.V KQUIPPIM) NOltTII O. F. McfllCOltOH Phono 44, Marshfiold PACIFIC BTKA.MHHIP CO. AOKNT w. npirm I'bone Hl.NjnlW mmsmm KQUIPPKD WITH WI!tKI;im ;teamship Breakwateil ALWAYS ON TI.MR. SATl'HDAV, DKCMMIIKIt II), AT II A.M., SATL'ltllAV, CM I HKIt U, AT U::) P. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT POUTI.AND CITV TICKET OFRCH Ml AND OAK .STIIUKTS, Phono as-,7. POIITMND. O. II. MXDERMl TRAWSPDI Semi-wcokly sorvieo Coos Bny nnd San Franci NTEB DGEAW ill STEMMSHIP REDONBI Wll.Ii KAIL 1'HOM SAX Flt.VNCISPO 1'OK COQS IIAV rMii'ifuntv iit'.CPAlltCIt 21, AT JMl Equipped wltU wircHiSS ana submnrlne tell rnssotiKors una rreiRiii. SfEISfllPiillll Equipped with wireless nnd siibmnrino bell PnfiKfnirpr8 nnd froiirlit. - ,v ...... r-noa II IV MOXDAV. IH KMIIKK 81, .""' San Praneiseo office. Greenwicli sticct pier W I and GOO Fife building Coos Bay Agont, O. F. McQeorqe, PhoneH PASSENGERS STOP! FREIGHT AHRDW LINE STEJ IKE -SAItr FIIOM- etan Francisco Plor No. 26. Every Wedneidny 3 P.M. Phono 27. Coos Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMBS, Agent Ocean Dock n..ltHH AlberiDot"! Erv W" 9A.M- i r . ;SIK. i T A . I PURE ICE Fii'o delhery, 8 n, , i I'liouo in, and H p. in. ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE 'B. 118. P. 89., NO HAW KDUK8 OB VOl'lt COMIlH If you have tlioni Uundrfl t rWIN CITY 8THAM LAUNDIU SOl'TH COOS DOAT I SKUVICK I LAUNCH F.XPKF.SS leaves Mirshfiehl every day I H n. in, I.oaes head of river I nt : 15 p. in. STKAMKlt HAlXllOW leaves head of river daily nt 7 Pictures & Framing Walker Studio M"! mattTJ I I I f. J. BCAIFB U2 A. II. IIODQIN . in. Uuves Mnrs'iflcld nt li p. .- , , ,4AImT iwn m. For charter apply on homd. JViarSnffeld nVrnDATINr iioai'Mis a smith DECORATING Proprietors CO. Estimates Furulshed Piiouo SJIW-J, WjtrshOelil, Orto t .., nreson eaic'M -r.?.fa "WB.1 lw"ortZS4 304'"' THE buu 3Si ". n.jys.nH' V. ' "v"- I Tel. : coosfi