mummr mis sSskJLLZLh rul IU.1 . , .,.uv'-,wit.i;;uiti!. JI;.!il:i)i.,.';-,:-.'.i';i'if:!'.i??(i!-itnK THE COOS BUY TIMES. MARSHHELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1014 EVENIHG EDITION. THREE AN IC1ANS ea Ea Several Excellent Programs Mark Interesting Week MUSIC A MUS A Christmas Idea FIRST ADDITION TO &RSHFIELD A IIOMK is llic mot ncceptnbk gift you cnn make your wlfo nnd cltllitrctl. It Is thef biggest slugla thing you cnn do for thom. Per-' Imps you hnvo mot enough cnsh to imy for thu homo now, you inny not ue able to buy tho lot outright, but YOU CAN CAItllY OUT THIS IDICA In the true Christmas spirit by selecting tho homo-alto and pay ing the first luBtnllmoHt on it. Th rcnl ostnto ngreoment hanging on )our family Christmas tree will mnko tho lilt of tho dny with ovoryono from Wifo to Baby. Just now thoro nro 'In FIRST ADDITION throo or four lots for salo which nro Biiporlor to nnythlng olHo wo cnn offur, mul It" will pny i)u wvW to boo thom nt once. Call nt office mul ,got marked pint. ' " "'' , I? Reynolds Development Co. (OWNKlt) 178 Central Ave. . C will bo mnssos nt S mid 10:30 with speclnl music under the direction or Mrs. Levi Walglo. J HKill SCHOOL .MUHICALK i Tho Pupils' Recital given by tho members of tho High School Chorus mul tho Hoys' aloe Club of tho High School Friday morning wns well nt tended, nbotit sixty friends and pat- , roiiB of tho school being present. All speak with great praise of tho work of tho niiiBlc department mul speclnl prnlso was nccordod Miss Vote for her j success In training tho young people. Miss Mnry Kruso contributed nn ex cellently rendered plnno selection to tho program and the Gloo Club wns assisted by n quartette of local musi cians. Tho program wns ns follows: ( 1. The Lord Is Oront . . Mondolssohn High School Chorus. 2. Rocked In tho Crndlo of tho Deep , , Love's Old Sweet Song I aico Club :i. Stlllo Niicht . .. Sohumnnu-Hclnck Vlctroln. I. Mlnnuhnha (Indian Soronndo) Gleo Club. n. l'ano boIo Mnry KriiBo. C. 'NVaf do Dear 01 Southern IMnu Gleo Club. 7. There Woro ShothordH '. High Hohool Cliorim assisted by Mrs. CIiiih. MoKiilghl, Soprano; Mrs. i:. L. Robinson, Alto; and Mr. CIiiib. Stnuff, Tenor. . una y SCHOOLS w I SYMPHONY COXCIvCUT. READY FOR IAE Elaborate Procjrams Prepared For Christmas Cel ebrations. CIIRIHT.MAH KXKIU'IHKM 'here should be music in every home on Xmas morning PIANO, a VICTROLA or CHIQAM DIAMOND DISC ail HUDUll PHONOGRAPH Would Make a Suitable Present and be Something the Entire Family Could Use For Years lo Come EASY TERMS .,','' "TALK TO THOMAS ABOUT IT" L. li. THOMS MWKilUt. 210 Central uremic. Phones t:H-Jj in.f. t'llltlHTMAH .Ml'HIC. Tho choir of Kmmmiucl Kplscopnl Church has prepared n very elab orate and beautiful muslcul program to bo given ChrlHtmntt Day nt tho early morning celebration of tho Holy Communion at 7 u . in. They luiVo beun practicing for somo tlmo on thu difficult music mul tholr efforts tills yenr will Biirpass any provloiiH chor al service Tho program Is (is fol lows: Communion Service- In 0 ....... Dudley Duck Kecesslounl, "Adesto Fldulls" 11 o 'clock a. in. Processional, Hymn 00, "AngolK from tho Itanium of Cllory" . . . Smart PUPILS' ItlX'ITAU I ! Vonlto . . . .. llolchcr Gloria Pntrl Spohr To Doiiin (Festival) , Duck Jubllato I)oo Tntton Hymn G8, "0 Lltllo Town of Holh- lohom" Hoilnor Contralto solo, "O Honvonly Vis Ion" Armstrong Mrs, K. Stnuloy Henderson. Hymn G9, "It Camo Upon tho Mid night Clear" Willis Offortoiy Anthem, "Sing, O lloav- ons" , Tours Presentation of Alms, "O I'rnlso God" Hourgools Hecosslonnl, Hymn fG "ChrlBtlntiH Awnko, Stiluto tho Happy Morn" Wnlnwrlght Tho luoniborH of Kiniiiniiuol ohiiroh choir uro: Sopranos Mrs. Charles Stnuff, Mrs. Hoy Kvorott Mlllor, Mrs. John S, Coko, Miss Kdlth Prostou, Miss Clara Myron, Altos Mrs. K. Stanley Homier son, Mrs. J. T. Hall, Miss Kvolyn An derson, Miss Genovlovo Sengstackou. Tenors Mr. Honjamln I). Ostllud, Mr. Churlos Stauff, Mr. Alfred Flles burg, Mr. Llddell, Mr. 1)0,11 Shlpman. Hussos Mr. A. handles, Prof. I A. Tledgen, Sir, Georgo Ayro, Mr. Tester, Mrs. William oitifall, Jr., Organ 1st mid choir director. I l'ia Will CHHIST.MAN. I : I Ilov, Father II. J. McRovItt of tho Murshfleld Catholic church Is com- I pletlng plans for tho Christinas ob servances nt St, Monica's Catholic 1 church. Noxt Thursday at 10 o'clock j tho ChrjBtiuas trco and festival for, tho children of (ho congregation will bo helil. On Christmas Day there Last Monday evening Mr. Henrlk GJerdrum entertained In his stud'os nt the Myrtle ArniM with a most de lightful inuslcnlo. Thu program, which was given by Mr. GJerdrum and four of his pupils, with tho vocal assistance of Mth. Franklin K. Con way( was splendidly rendered and euthusliiHttrnlly received by the In vited friends, Although Mr. GJordrum has been In our city but a short tlmo his work Is nroilslng niiicli Interest among mu sicians niul iniiflcal Mnrshflold con sldera Itself fortumito Indeed In hav ing acquired so splendid n musician niul tonchor ns Mr GJerdrum, Tho our pupils who took part In tho recital performed In n mnnnor reflecting grcnt credit upon thorn selves and tholr tonchor. Mozart's G Major Sonata with a second plnno urrmigemcnt by Grloir oponcd tho program. Mr. Alfrod Fllosbtirg re ceived much warm commondatlon for his excellent rondltlon of this num ber, playing It with clean cut tech nlquo and clear phrasing, Miss Mnrlon Horsfall niado a vory favorable Impression with her play ing of tho plquunt llltlo Gavotto by Itoublor, Tho third number on tho program wns arodzky'B beautiful Ilnrcarollo. It was played with good tasto nnd pootlo expression by Mrs. John 1) (Joss ami wns much enjoyed. Chopin's C Shnrp minor waltz mid MncDowoll'a Scottish I'ocin woro very artistically porformed by Miss Mary Kruso, ouo of Mr. OJordruin's most advanced pupils, Miss Kruso shows decided tulont nnd her plny Ing won tho close attention nnd hour ly applatuo of tho nudlenco. Mrs. Fninkllu K. Conway, tho as sisting vocal soloist, appeared In a group of four songs which were de lightfully presented nnd much ap preciated. Tho numbers woro "Tho Folded Itoso" from "Tho Flight of Tlmo" by Heckscher; "God Morgon" by Grieg; "Saterjentons Holiday" by Olo Hull and Tostl'B "I,u Heronuln." Mr. GJerdrum closed tho program with a Finnish folk song by Morlkau to, Serenade by Binding mul Trold tog" by Grlog. .Mr. GJerdrum's play ing, both of the accompaniments mul solos was a revelation and afforded kcou pleasure to his nudlonco. Ills tone Is brilliant nnd sonorous and ho plays with splendid breadth mul power, making his Instrument fairly sing. Such pluylug Is Indeed a Joy to listen to. Contributed. Methodist Kplecopnl Sunday school Friday evening at 7:30: 1. Song by school, 'Oh l.lttlo Town of Hcthlchcm." 2. Invocation. !1. Responsive Heading. I. Song, "Merry, Merry Christmas Tlmo." Classes of Mrs. Hush mul Hoxlo llnll. I. Hodtntlnn, "Tho llcst Gift." .... C. Song, "Wo'll Hang Up Grand ma's Stocking" Primary China. 7. Kxorclso, "What Will Wo Do With Our Christmas Pennies." Ten MUlo Folks. S. Song, '"CniiHo It's Chrlstmnn Tlmo" Mrs, Irwin's Primary Class. Solo by Aldeiie Smith. 0. Rocllntloii, "A Chrlstman Story" Philip Cortln. 10. Solo, ".mumberliiK I -Ion tho World's I ted collier." f.osllo Ilolines. 11. Heeltntlon, "Parcels Post" .... Mabel Nelson. 12. Song, "I Want Bantu Claus lo Hrlng Mo a Hrothor." Primary Girls. Solo by Marlon Gldley, Heeltntlon, "A Trial" Irene Wmiilwnrtli. Song, "Suowtlnkes" Mr. Drow'H Clnss of Hoys. Hecllallon, "Making Tea for Santa." Josephliio Savugo 1C Solo, "Star of tho Unst" Helen Perkins. 17. Song, "Silent Night" ... timber Young People's Chorus. 18. Kntranca of Santa Claus, -;- UMTIID HltKTHHK.Y. A Uulquu Chrlalmnu la being pro pared nt (ho United Hrothron church In North Horn! in which (ho Sunday school mul congregation nro uniting. I Tho ronl moaning of Christmas Will bo donionntrted In "Whito Gifts for tho King," bnsod on tho story of 'tho "Threo Wlso Men" and nn old , logout! "Tho I.cgond of Cathay." Knch Sunday School class will I bring a gift to tho King while mom I bors of tho congregation will express tholr gifts In doiuo form Incluslvo of 8elf, Sorvlco, Substmico. Tho decorations will bo In puro whlto with hdro mid thoro a biilioh of gieon Ivy, rvhllo npproprlnto mot toos adorn thu walls. i:i. II. in. The Symphony Orchestra's first np- i penrnnco mat iiiurmiay uvomng uu- r tho nusplccs of tho local order Owls was well attended nnd tho efforts of tho performorn well re ceived. Several Instrumental solos by members of tho orchestra, nnd vocnl solos by Mrs. F. E. Con way ad ded to tho program. Mrs, Conway wnn In particularly good volca and nnd delighted If 10 audlonce, Tlio program wns ns follows: k 1. Triumphal Mnrcho from Alda Verdi 2. Overture, Calif of Hagdnd .w,. Holcldlou Orchestra. 3. Violin rolo, lluncarlnn Danco No. C llralims Mrl Murphy. . ' 4. Horn nnd Fluto duel, TItl's Sor eitnde '. Mr. Dullards nnd Mr, Schmoddlng. G. Thu Chimes Armstrong ". Orehcstrn. , Intcrmlssloii, ' fi. (n) Ndrweglait Danco . . . arlcg (b) Tondro Avon Sehutt Orchostru. 7. Violin solo, Souvenir . .... Drdla Mr. Plntts. N, Vocal no1, Aria from Mndnina llutterfly Puccini Mrs, Conwny. 0. Medley of l.ovo Knglamaua Orehcstrn. HTUlMO niX'ITAh. I - . Several of tho youngor ptiplls of Miss Hdiin Louisa Lhrson ilpp.cnrod in plnno redtnl nt her studio on Con Irnl Avenue on Saturday evening. Uh'cli liiii'ulinr utt thu pleasing pro gram was well rendered by tho young players, mid wub greatly enjoyed by (ho relatives mul friends present. Tho trio mul duot woro nxcollent and well received, an was tho solo by Miss Isabel Ferguson. Miss Irotiu Holm delighted hum hearers with liar boIoh. Tho expression, tho lienutlful touch, mid tho fiorfcct euso nt tho piano In ouo who hau studied but a short tlmo, show her to bo, a real genius, Tho studio wns prettily decorated with graceful chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. At (ho close of the program fruit punch mul cakes were solved. Miss Larson Is planning on other recitals, ouo during February, when several advanced pupils will bo presented, mul uno In May, when Mltu Holm will give the entire pro gram. Thu evening's program was nu follows) Laugo , , Kdohvelis Irene Holm Oils Whlto Ilnrcarollo Adrlenno Gnrduor. 2:iiglomanii Happy Hours Dorothy Hansford Schnookor' Trio, Twilight Idyl Clara Ferguson, Miss Larson and Kdlth Johnson, , ; (jharles Hluko ....,...,. ,i, , Shophord'B Uvonlng Song Greonlwnld ....... Hlrthday aifls I'dna Hcos Millwood , , Hlppllng. Wayef Kdlth Johnson, Scliulor Kortunata Isabel Furgiiiou. KIH8T IIAPTIKT CIIUHCir. Program for Christmas Kve, Thurs day, Docombor 24: Opening Song, "Joy to tho World," Congregation Prnyor Hov. A. F. Hnssford Anllinni. "rinful TIiIImifu if .Inv" T10 c,olr i ,,arkQr Uuot' XVK HoclVatlon Whltford Hall ' M,M "olm nml Mlgg Ln" Solo Mrs. Kdward Dollu T" : ' ' Heeltntlon Hutli Coroy Duet, IOIslo Thomas mul Kdlth Ayro Heeltntlon Curlls Naglo Song Primary Department Heeltntlon Hutli Phillips Song mid Mureh Drill by eight girls Hooltutlou Hobort Hoffman Hecltatlou , Virginia Drown additio.val socnrr.v. t .. Contlutiod Vrom Pagb'fwo. ' V I I). M. U. OM'll V , , Mrs. A. n. Morton, of North Hoiulj entertained tho 1). M. O. Club at a. Song, Francis mid Harold Harwoo.l l"101" JoW nfUrnooii Thursday,, umuK, m:miii'Hiii ami couversa-, Hon worn followed by dainty n I HcoMUiiou i.oiu unssioni Tableau, "Tho Littlest Hoy In tho Choir" . . , . Tho arrival of Santa Claus, HUND.W .MUHIO. I S COOS BAY MUSICAL DIRECTORY dt HENRIK GJERDRUM Piano HrasfcrocfliiQini STUDIO Myrtle Arms Phone 356-J rso E. Conway lNM'lUCTOlt IX VOICK Willi Itrunclies III Kar Truliilni;, Sight Itcodiui;, Kiiunciatlou fipojiJl uork for children In Kur TruJiing, Sight Heading, Kiiunci atlou, Hate for rlatvies of four. .viniioDS vsi:d Vi-(lmlu)'H and Hnturluys Phone Uii)-li Jlyrtlo Arms Miss Edna Louise Larson Pianist and Teacher II Studio Corner Central and Hlli St. Telephone 137-It Harry E. Leppert Piano Instruction OIVKS' HVliai.Mt ATTIJXTIOX TO IXKTltUCriOX TO CIIILDHI.'.V l'liono U70-J. MurMifkld, Ore. At tho Kmmuuuel Church (Kplsco pal) Sunday morning, December 20. Processional, Hymn 32U, "Thy Kingdom Come, O God" . . . llayno Vonlto (Chant) , Gloria Pntrl Spohr Heuedlelto , Matthows Henodlctus (Chant) Hymn I2, "C'onio, Thou Long Ins pected Josus," Coukoy Aiithom, "Culvary" , . HeoB-Hoduoy Hecesslonnl, Hymn CIO, "Go For ward, Christian Soldier" . . Smart Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr., Or ganist and choir director. (ronhmontH. Tim next mcotlnir will, Ijo hold with Mrs. Walter HubhoI),, Jrtniinry Hi. Those present Wixlnw-J duy woro Mrs, J. A. Leniioii, Jlfs,1' L. A. Loonils, Mrs. Harry Truman,, Mrs, Wm, Vaughn, Mrs. H, p Hralnurtl, Mw. N. (1. Ilnmoa aW. Mrs. Ira Wultxal. Lj i, NOUTir 1111X11 GUILD ) W . Ijltllo Dance, lllg Hull, Koiiwlhliig Different "0N' llnll." ioel Ostlind PIANO TUXKIl AND ItKPAIUKIi Leave crdors at W. II. Haines' Mua ilo Company. 116 S. Sixth Street. Pbone 103-L Perl Riley Ballinfier i PIANIST AND IKACIIKIt I Kosldeuce Studio, 217 No. Third 81 Phone 308-U Mrs, Goorgo Kverltt ontortalned tho North Head Altar Guild at hem homo in North Bond Thursday ufta.r-, noon. Among tho mutters brought ui at thu business session was. a plan to hold n bazaar tho latter part of January, but definite action on It' wutf deferred until tho noxt mooting, which will bo hold Jan uary IS HefreshmenlB woro Borved nt tho eloso of tho aftornoon. Thoso present this week woro Mrs. Archie Phillips, Mrs. A. K. Morton, Mrs. John Lennou. Mrs. Earl Powell, Mpj, 1). Hull. Mrs. Carl Jacobson, Mrs. Parr. Mrs. W. J. Ingram. Mrs, Alia Layton. Mrs. Lnyton, Mrs. ianl, Dlmmlck, Mlsa I.avlna Kinney, Mra. Goorgo Stephenson nnd Hov, It. 9, Hrownlii' ' (Couilnucd on pane thjbti '3 ! rsr"'rT r3Mi:,l,&: 3 SJgmBBH muu