THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHF1ELD, OREGOM, SAT. RDAY,' DECEMBER 19, 1Q14 EVENING EDITIOIT TWO 1 n- w . jZU 't CONTRIUUTIONS concerning 1 1 Sgpti'V;' : A JOB FOR SANTA If I wore Santn Clnits this year I'd seek tliu trenches fnr Where nil tlio men, with Kim mul spear, In gory conflict nro. I'd end for thorn the bitter strife, And hid tho wnrfnro cense, To every mnn, I'd glvo for llfo A Christmas gift of peace. I'd rob tho cannon of their hnto, Tho rifled of their sting, And to tho humble- nnd tho great This messago would I bring: "do homo to wives nnd children bright, Go bnck to lovo nnd fun. Pcaco reigns nbovo tho world to night And all tho fighting's done." If I woro Snntn Clans this year I'd glvo tho daddies hack To children waiting far nnd near, To grcot them with n smnck, And hiiBband I'd roturn to wives, And sons, to mothora, too; I'd brighten many drenry lives Dcforo my work wns through. Selected. IT WILL bo a dancing winter. Although thcro scorns to bo no definite reason for believing this pronouncement to bo n truo nro phocy, yot from Now York to San Francisco tho edict hns been nccopt od, nnd tho character of tho amuso mont having been decided upon, nt- rvr.CTRIDUTIONS concerning eoclnl hnpponliiBs, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not lator than 6 o'clock p. m., Frldny of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whero tho events occurred lator than tho tlmo mentioned.) PERSONAL notices of vlsltord In tho city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, togothor with notices cf social affairs, nro gladly received in tho social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club mcotlngs will bo published nnd secretaries uro Iclndly requested to furnish same. Mrs. I. Conrad, Airs. .T. Cownn, Mrs. Thoro nro four children In tho fnm II. M. Jennings,, Mrs. E. Sullivan. Men's Itccoptlon Committee. A. E. Ongnon, A. II. Powers, II. M. Jen nings, James Flanagan, Dennis Mc Carthy, E. Noonnn. II. McLnin and Win. Sulllvnn. Tho patronesses aro: Mrs. Josoph White, Mrs. Dr. Allco Carroll, Mrs. Malr Dano, Mrs. A. E. Noff, Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. Win. Abel, Mrs. T. II. Harry, Mrs. Ilurko, Mrs. M. P. Dur rows, Mrs. F. V. Cattorlln, Mrs. J. Cownn, Mrs. J. W. Chnpmnn, MIbs E. Donnelly, Mrs. P. Dolnn, Mrs. L. Dnl glo, Mrs. M. Early, Mrs. Fnrrol, Mrs. H. Fox, Miss Graham, Mrs. F.. E. Ilnguo, Mrs. E. A. Hanson, Mrs. HolniB, Miss M. Ilnloy, Mrs. Georgo Hennessey, Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs. It M. Sartor, Mrs. J. E. Dalglo, Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mrs. McICtnnon, Mrs. II. McLaln, Mrs. K. Morinrity, Miss Mario Malonoy, Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs. J. Noonnn, Mrs. E. O'Connoll, Mrs. J. McMnnnamon, Mrs. A. 11. Powors, Mrs. F. PoworB, Mrs. II. Rogers, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. E. W. Sullivan, Mrs. W. E. Sulllvnn, Mrs. J. Vnaoy, Mrs. S. A. Whltty, .Mrs. R. T. Whltty, Mrs. J. Wall, Jr., Mrs. John Wnll, Mrs. II. Winkler nnd Miss Mny Wall. : CHRISTMAS DANCE II. J. McKcown Ib plnnnlng to give n dancing party at Tho Chnnd- tentlon Is focused upon tho dances ler Christians night, following an thnt will capture pnpulnr favor. ' olnborato dinner thoro. Lnst 8at- Wlth tho fortnightly dunces of,Urdny ovonlng nhout forty couples tho ElkB nnd Eagles, nnd tho Owls , enjoyed tho second of n sorios of noclnl committeo nctlvo nlong tho glancing pnrtlcs, tho first of which flamo lino, tho deHghtful dances nt was given Thnnksglvlng. Tho func Tho Chandler, which nro coming to tloim hnvo boon moat onjoynblo. AN bo looked forwnrd to, nnd tho usunt ( roady nbout aovonty couples havo round of dnnces by tho othor clubs arranged for Christmas night dln nnd sociotles, thoro will bo opportun- nors thoro. ltlca gnloro for dancing, What promises to bo ono of tho 4 most Important of those scheduled! CLASS HALL. v for tho immodlnto futuro Ib tho' Chnrltv Ilnll tn bn irlvnn hv i. ' Tho Sophomoro clnsa of tho Mnrsh- lndloa of St. Monlcn'H on Docembor flo,(l '"B" School gavo thoir annual 20, nnnouncomont of tho committeo bft'' ,lt e81ob Ilnll last ovonlng being mndo today. ily. They aro without evon tho ncc cssnry underclothing nnd nny nld from women's club or privnto fam ilies will bo gratefully received. Mrs. A. Chrlstenscn, of Hunker Hill, tho president of tho Jolly Dozen, will receive nnd deliver whntovor la given. Thoso present Tuesday wero Mrs. Chrlstenson, Mrs, Dush, Mrs. Albco, Mrs. Romko, Mrs. John Mrs, Snow and Mrs. Olson. Tho next regular meeting of tho club will bo hold on tho second Wednes day In January. I OLD TIME PARTIES - A numbor of North Dond folks hnvo united in n scries of old-tlmo pnrtloB, which nro proving most do lightful. Tho first ono wna given nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Dolstor nnd wns followed by an othor this week nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnltor Llvlngood. Tho noxt ono will bo a Now Year's wntch party nt tho homo of Mr. and MYs. A. II. McKny. Music, games nnd othor diversions woro enjoyed nnd a sumptuous lunch served. Thoso present this wcok woro Mr. nnd Mrs. N. II. Welling, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Froy, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Hnrry Emory, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Em ery, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. McKay, Mru. It. N. Emery, Mrs. Geo. Hols ter, J. E. Stlco, M. 0. Lobs, Chester nnd Dud Emory, .Mr. nnd Mrs. Llv Ingood nnd Edna nnd Rnlph Llvln good. v 4 I X L. Y. P. S. I o Tho Norwoglnn Lutheran Young Peoplo's Society will moot noxt Wcdnesdny, ontortnlncd by Miss Corn Mnthlson nnd Dert Ivorson. fr ! I MOTHERS AND TEACHERS CLUB I - Tho North Dond Mothers' nnd There wns n lnrgo nttendanco nnd drenchers' Club mot Tuesday nt tho PLANS FOIl IIALU I proved ono of tho most delightful af- . fairs of tho season. Tho hall was I ! artistically decorated for tho occn- - slon. Tho Indies of St. Monica's Catho-I .3. 110 uuurcii aro making preparations ! for tho Chnrlty null to bo glvon by j thorn n wook from next Monday ovo nlng, Docombor 28, nt tho Engloa' Ilnll, Tho nffnlr promises to bo ono ELKS' HALL. About forty couples onjoyod Iho monthly dnuclng party given by tho of tho most olnbornto of tho sensou MHrmmom ,0(IK0 m Ka nt tno Mtt' and tho nttondnnco will undoubtedly iHOnlc ,mU on Woilnomlny ovonlng. bo lnrgo. Tho following committees! novo ueen appointed 10 who ennrgo of the nffnlr: Floor Committeo: W. JOLLY DOZEN A. Toyo, F. V. Cattorlln, W. J. Conrad, W. J. - Tuosdny tho Jolly Dozen cnllcd nn oxlrn hosslon nt tho homo of Mrs. Murphy, Levi Dalglo Fred Powors, I m for , , f ,,. Ln Sin' ?' ?ff',IO"n K; ddlng where to glvo their Xmon holm Wills Kennedy. James Wnll mBkct , , , ,.,. nnil .Tnnnnli Wliltn Central school to enjoy n longthy nnd Interesting program, Included In which woro pnpora by Mrs. Chnp mnn nnd Mrs. Woodbury nnd vocal solos by Miss nnhr nnd MIbs Gort rudo Nowklrk. After n buslneBS meeting, Iraino-mndo candles woro sorvod to tho fifteen or lu-unty parents presont. : 4 I IIRIIHJK GLUH I Tho Murshflold Ilrldgo Club will hold Ita next meeting Wednesday, Jnminry C, with Mrs. C. M. Dylcr ns hoBtoss. - I WILLING WORKERS . I Chandler, Mrs. Mary Drowning, Mrs Guy Warner, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Ruble, Mrs. Hnrry Nnsburg, Mrs. Emma Nns burg, Mrs. Otto Schottcr, Mrs. A. E. Jensen, Mrs. F. W. Payne, .Mrs. A. V. , Ilowhny, Mrs. L. M. Noble, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. F. A. Golden, Miss Evelyn Anderson, Rov. It. E. Drown ing nnd nmong tho speclnl visitors present wero Mrs. Drndford Wheeler, Mrs. Norls Jensen, Mrs. J. D. Goss, Mrs. J. W. Flanagan, Mrs. F. E. Ilnguo, Mrs. Win, Warwick, Mrs. C. Davis, Mrs. A. 0. Rogers nnd Mrs. Louis Tester. ! I X. Jj. YOUNG LADIES' AID I I Miss Mnbol Mnthlson wns hostess to tho Young LadlcB' Aid Thura- ( dny evening nt tho rcgulnr short Itll.lllAHfl n.4l.( fnllnli.itil ti. I.nillnd uuoiiivto invuilllH lUHIJnl-u UJ biiiuu", music nnd refreshments. Among her gucsta woro Rov. nnd Mrs. It. O. Thorpo, Mir. nnd Mrs. II. Mnth lson, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Jncobson, Misses Sonnlo Rcfslnnd, Elslo Lar sou, Jonnlo Johnson, Hannah Sun no nnd Allco nnd Cora Mnthlson and Messrs. Peterson, Mellon, Chris nnd Potor Thorpe, Dort Ivcrson, Oscar Antonson, A. Abrnhnmson nnd Jnl mor Rcfslnnd. It wns decided to postpone tho next meeting Indef initely over Now Year's. ;. .j. . 4 I AFTERNOON PARTY. I Mrs. Georgo Hegllo entcrtnlnod n fow friends nt hor homo on Sherman nvcuuo In North Dond last Tuesday t afternoon. Tho Hegllo homo was very prettily decorated with holly. ! Tho afternoon wns very pleasantly spent in sowing nnd social, chat, after which n. Huco courso luncheon was sorved by tho hostess. Tho center-, ))lcco for tho table consisted of beau-1 tlful pink roses In follngo nnd wns 1 lighted with colored cnndlcs. Among thoso Invited wero Mrs. George ' Sells, Mrs. Arnold Surbcck, Mrs. Jenn 1 Roop, Mrs. T. It. Wilcox, .Mrs. An drew Holto, Mrs. E. Omcr, Mrs. Wm. Parsons nnd Mrs. O. Hcgllc. , v I HAY CITY All) I . Tho Dny City Ladles' Aid hold n speclnl mooting, nt tho chnpol Tues day to comploto plans for tho Chrlst mna trco festivities thoro next Wodnesdny ovonlng. A program will bo rondorod by tho children, nftor which gifts will bo distribut ed. At' Tuesday's meeting, Mrs. W. E. Parks nnd Mrs. J. P. Malonoy woro nppolnted n spoclnl committeo to purchnso candy," etc., nnd Mrs. Fred Mooro, Mrs. A. h. Foster, Mrs. Chaa. Donnlson nnd MrB. R. A. Chn pln woro appointed to mnko tho snekB, etc. II. Drlnkloy nnd It. A. Chnpln woro nppolntod to sccuro tho Chrlstmns tree. Thoy will moot ngaln Tuesday to decorato the trco. Those presont this week wero Mrs. J, P. Malonoy, Mrs. A. L. FoBtor, Mrs. W. E. Parks, .Mrs. A. C. Al Inrd, MrB. Dlolman, Mrs. Fred Mooro, Mrs. R. A. Chnpln, Mrs. Chns. Don nlson nnd Mis. H. R. Drlnkloy. 4 Give Furniture Because of its lasting, value, no gift will give more pleasure than a piece of Furniture. Years and years to come JOHNSON & 6UL OVSEN FURNITURE will still be giving comfort, pleasure and satisfaction to its user. Scgive furni tureand most, important, do your SHOPPING NOW. r j i -m " T msrm v. kW Give Furniture up cnlirc ore abounds with really sensible gift ar icles gifts that Will be an" Preciated for their Z tlcabilitV- Our showin t at its best NOW-so SHOP n- Goods selected nw will be held for m, mas delivery. put J0HN A SON-GULOVSEN on your 4 slionninn k ' '! See the display of GIFT FURNITURE in our AMAVO.'V V J J - todiWittfl onnnRV) ana var- i&&wibt-Ji s. niture M kp, fJS,- TWtJ iHlHl It . WMMi rrwH eg h) J7ifa HE matinitude (I iety of our Fur stock is only sui ed by a glimpse in our win dows. There are dozens of things such as you want for gifts, many perhaps which you would not think of until you see them. There's a refreshing dif ference about this stock that is most nratifvinu io shon- pers who are tired of the ?a nrrtinnrw nnmmnnnhnn Irlw. fy ial gift things offered in most stores. These are really beautiful and useful gifts. Store Open Evenings Until' Christmas Johnson-Gulovsen Company THE QUALITY NAME WITH THE SERVICE FAME 1 they uio kMk clothing nnd mip-l MIsb Roxlo Hall's Sunday school nnd Josoph Whlto, 1 ..1I..I !... .,,.... n ... HIIIUO IVUUUIHIIII1 III III UlinO - ,. .. ...... .... I. I l.. ,. ,,11,1111.... ,,,..., ..... ,. ., ,., : iinn 11, 11 vj nvi'iui liuiiiir iiiiiiiuii iiiiim, uiu it iiiiiik tvuriiuni, win Mrs. 1.. o coiinoll, Mrs. A. 11. 1'owors ' KoHlntct'r. IUIiik In Dolso Addition, have n ChrlstmnH oxchnnRo of pros- . . , ' cuts noxt Tuosdny nt tho homo of ono of tho children, hnvliiK a trco ,nnd Its accompanying Jollification. j. . j. 4 1&3h9 PHhHiH'"7"' IIVK H()USi:.WARMlX(J 'homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. l-'rnnw Pmv To colobrnto tho oponliiB of their .Thomas 1'nlnstono. need 7f.. bnlnir tho honored Kiiost. (Innios nnd enrds precoded Biippor, nftor which tho old Kcntlomnn wns mndo tho ro clplent of a numbor of gifts. JOINT MHKTI.Vfl I . Mrs. H. It. Drlnkloy will ho ' hostess to n Joint meeting of the J Dny City ladles' Aid nnd tho Knst- sldo Ladles' Aid at hor homo In Dny City, January 0. NARCISSUS (MATH Tho last meotlng of tho Narcissus nnmo homo nt 10G3 Hall nvenuo, tho Misses Haley, Evans, Horrlng ton nnd Sprnguo, ontortnluod Wodnesdny ovonlng with a liouae- wnrmlng party and invlteil In n I housc-ful of young peoplo to mnko merry. Tho ovonlng wns onjoynhly spont In mnklng enndy nnd plnylng gnmos. A Chrlstmns treo decorntod ono corner of tho dining room nnd on this tho guests placed gifts, all of which thoy thoniHolvo manufac tured from heavy papors, a prlo going to tho ono mnklng tho host gift. At nn miction ealo I'rofossor Flanders won tho ".Moorish Doauty" nnd wns prosontod with n llttlo pink Kowplo which ho woro homo In his vest pockot. All guosts woro DINNKR 1ART". Thursdny ovonlng A. J. Mondol wag host at a dollghtful llttlo illn nor party nt Tho Chnndlor. Among his giiohts woro Mr. nnd Mrs. T. II. JnnioH, Mr. nnd Mib. V. II. I'alntor, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. llnluos, Mr. and Mrs. v, M. Darsons and Chas. Van Duyn. sd BENNETT TRUST CO, MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus nnd undivided profits $I25,flltM (No ludohtcdnoss.) OFFICERS: J. W. Donnott, Prosldont Arthur McKcown, Secretary Tom T. Donnott, Vleo Droaldont nonnott Swanton, Treasurer Trnnsncts n trust huslnoBS only. Acts as trusteoof oipreutr nnd iiIbo ns oxocutor nnd nilmliilitrntnr of estates ThoonlfTrw fompnuy In Oregon outsldo of Portland orsnuUed uudcr " " luw In this state. - .M. I). liADlKS' AID Tllrt lflfllnu nf t.n it... Infnn I,ifll...l l..i l. 1.1. ..1.-.. ...... . "" M" " l,,u "'"HI JIOI1U jn mk,g taffy ca.;:T. IZZ H.o'SgonS who wero presont nt the l,ousoJ,a8t SatullI 0Ve, l,"g. ciflcl e" warming were Mr. and Mrs. A. K. 1 f ,,, ,nln(I ,; n , So lossop, Mr and Mrs. WIto. Mib. cnmm nm cnko' ' s CrLer8 Ubi,r' fUfc8 Mre'!nnecUon with the luncheon, npron IIS irlH:H- Come in and look over the many good things that m have to eat and get our prices on them. M ISr to FRESH RANCH EOGS, Por Doxon Vl I o ri .,.. ..r. 1 rilllll v.n.vo LrtHHir,!), per pound, . FIvo Pounds of MIXED NUTS, nil hlgh-grado No 1 n Wo hnvo both tho LOOSE IIOMV and the WUKATIIS. Wo havo tho following for your mlnco pies ami fruit ca w OUNCE MEAT in hulk nnd quart Jnrs nnd pints. CITRO: V u ., ...1 r.i .i.n.. ....... n .,,,. .x 1 r Mnnno ClISIl-U - 1,1111 iiili1ii .'.:.:.. . .A 1 .-i-n: nii.i ijiiuii. v. - ... . ...,. .a......, ......4.' .-. .--. RAISINS --"--".. ... -w.vvmiuo nuiu 1 uiiiitrmi iiv t Cluh this ,oar wns held Wednesday I '. Corning, MIsb Sllvoc youK 00lo of t con ' , nt tho homo of Miss Nellie Olsen ' . ? Smith and ',, 'tho ovenin" Abou? Ji In Knstslde. Tho afternoon passed " ! 8 " r. W. A.;onJoy0(l tll0 ..J About rot pieasanuy wun sowing, music nnd """" '''""""'i uhb-1 4, invo uoppio, Pror. Silverman, Jack Sassor, Wlll(nm Ooodrum and Clar. ' enco Ash. I MAKE CHRISTMAS sJ MERRY WE'VE GOT THE GIFTS COME IN; COME IN t THE CHOICEST GIFT ARTICLES IN THE WORLD ARE HERE FOR YOUR SELECTION. CHARMING PRESENTS FOR EVERYONE FROM GRANDPA AND GRANDMA RIGHT DOWN TO THE BABY. THE BEST WORK OF THE GOLD WORKERS AND SILVER SMITHS OF MANY LANDS IN UNIQUE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS A WAIT YOUR SELECTIONS. COME IN. REMEMBER, YOU DO NOT NEED TO OWN A GOLD MINE TO BUY IN OUR STORE. OUR PRICES ARE EASILY WITHIN YOUR REACH. COME IN, I ton, tho hostess holng aided In sorv- Ing by hor mother, Mrs. Olson. 1 Thoir guests woro Mrs. Shopnrd Dock, Miss Thorn Lund, Mrs. Potor- son. Mlsa Dlancho Tollefson and Miss Mngge Robertson. Tho club will moot again on tho first Wodnosdny in January, ! HASTSIDE SEWl.VH CLUH EVENING rARTV EPISCOPAL CJUILI) I Tim I-..-,..- ..... -. . ' ciittiBwo sowing uiub was idollghtfully ontertainod Thursday af- jtornoon by .Mrs. jr. A. McLaggnn nt hor. homo In Eastsldo. Tho doo. Mr. nnd Ms E. F.Russoll, of orations rofloctod tho Christmas sea North Dond, entertained nt a de-80" ami a ploaBlng font uro of the Ughtful llttlo evonlng party at thol nftornoon wns the drawing of num. H. S. TOWER TflE REI IABI E JE WELER Mrs. L. M. Noble, Mrs. Emma Nnsburg and Mrs. A. V. Dowhay woro tho hostesses at tho Guild mooting Tuosdny nt which Miss Evolyn Anderson vory nbly rend Henry Van Dyck'a "Chrlstmns Story." Tho hostossos for tho noxt 1 meotlng on Tuesday, January G, woro not determined. Among.tho'io present this weol; woro Mrs E 0 Perham, Mrs E. P Lewis, Mrs. James Forty, Mrs. D. R ft AtHn tf n.l. Ah.l .. VVt 1. A - . . . . uiiio it uuiiusiiuy. various diver-1 ""w aim tlio dlbtrlbutlon of tho stons wero followed by a sumptuous Rs brought by tho mombeis. Ro mldnight Biipper. Among thoso 1 fs'miouts woro sorved nt the close presont woro Mr, nnd Mrs. J. f the nftornoon, Mrs. D. F. Proy ns- iuissuh, mf. mm airs. k. f. Rus-' B1K tlio nostoss. Tho noxt moot soil, Misses Norma Chnse, Holon nnd .Mildred Russoll, Dorothy Klblor, Juno Young, Lilly Tulloy and Mossrs. Leonard Russoll, Earl Hutchllis, lAoya uaab nnd Clnrenco Klblor. HONOR OLD RESIDENT Last Saturday ovonlns nbout thir ty residents of Eastsldo met at the ing win bo held lu four week with .ni. McKay. Thoso presont this wook woro Mrs. F. Gllbort, Mrs. M. A; Thurston, Mrs. Fred Mooro, Mrs. W. Cone, Mrs. D. F. proy, Mrs. Por y l'eot, Mrs. W. Stecklo, Mrs. J. D. M Kay, Mrs A. Horton. Mir V Frank Herman nnd Mr Duckbeo in. n-pound boxoH and lu bulk, .DEEDED RANTS In package,) nnd In bulk. DOILED CIDER iniiuprts and pints. Coos Ba'y Tea Coffee aodl Spfce CCH- Phone SIU1-1 GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OP CARS 3 17 Central Ar. Phono 373-L I I I CITY AUTO & TAXr CO. j DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I For taxi, phono 193, Ideal Cafo. I For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel LYNN LAMHETn, Prop. New Cabs : 5 Now Cars ..sii vt noon cri:mkiu' itteb ( nest on Earth 2 nound roll. 75 jU COOS DAV OVSTW i m v.uco Market, raw-' 1 t-TSSSTx .cHSI PVD1NU " tfj 200 West Market A"' Second Street. Under now manage me, low, and all work LadloV urk a Phono 170 J. , j. 9. !.!"- (Cjntiiiuf j on Tago Three.).