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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1914)
Ti"n:f. j. rsc s5Keia ' ;- . r.-?'.:. . rat uui A Marshfield Woman onco Bald: "I buy advert Isod articles because they aro Invariably worth what I pay for them." The merchants with the best reputations for Integrity and honest merchandise, aro without exception thoso who ndvcrtlso their goods unceasingly. ' Shop Early ny so doing you not only got tho best goods and tho host assortment to chooso from, but you are kind to yoursolf and tho Balca-jKoplo. Christmas Is drawing very near. Start nowl ililuak II : '.T'-' HlWlSMMfWtBtilBMl rnmtiifnwmrwnm octhbhc j u(Hmn lag WxmB MEMI1EU OP THIS ASSOCIATED PKKwa Jj r VOL. NO. XXXVIII. INGE 10 RUSSIA LOSING: BUT BERMAMS SAY OTHERWISE Conflicting Claims Made in Official Statements From Paris, ruuuuiau uiiu Durun lotiay Both East and West :RENCH CLAIM GAINS NEAR AND UANUKt UP LONG Mtmm. .-... . .. . V7 Russians Announce That One UH iimaui. muo un,n uuiHUU illlll IMU OiyillllUttlll f Changes Elsewhere in Poland Battle Front (ny Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Dec, 1 8, Contradictory reports of the fighting tho western theater of war wore issued from Berlin and 3aris today, Tho German statement says tho French attack between nhassBQ and Arras and on Tinili sldns nf thn rivrn Knmmn resulted in failure with severe Srgonno forest, the Germans claim to have captured 7500 Prisoners and much war material and assert that there were ko important developments elsewhere on tho frontier, : I he hrench statement assarts advances were made by the Miles In Belgium and claims to have taken a long lino of trenches in tho Arras region, Berlin reports tho situation ast and West Prussia, In lans continue" the pursuit of the retreating Russians, Tho Gorman claims of victories in the east aro not borne by the Russian authorities, mn co umns aavanc e on wa Isewhero there aro no significant changes, i IRITISH PHETTEGTa THROUGHOUT EGIPT EARL! TQQRY (Ny Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) nAmn. rw. ifl. A Rritish Li i i r- ii l naimed tnrougnout tgypi loony, m aip'u7iai ialute of 101 guns was fired and the Union Jack hoisted, ANNOUNCE ALLIES1 cpor't Thoy Captured Many! Serman Trenches and Re pulsed Counter Attack I,IU Axll4 rrtM I Co U Tlnt.l .PARIS, Doc. 18. Tho official bmmunlcatlgn thin nftornoon says: 3ccomhor 17 was mnrhod, as wo yesterday, by an advance on our : In nelKlum, whoro every Gor an counter Attack failed. lit tho rras ruslnu a vlRorous offonstvo ado us mnBters of Bovoral tronclioti Aui'liy. I.abnssco, St. Laurent and laiiBy. At this last montloned placo occupied a front inoro than a womctor lonir. almost all tho flrbt no trenches of tho onomy. In tho slon of Tracy lo Val on tho Alsns In C'linmniiRiic. our hoavy urtll- Iry won a distinct iiilvniilnKo. In rRonno tho (lorinnns blow up ono our trenchoH north of Four do frls, hut woro rcpulsod In an Infun- nttack. 10 NEAR DEATH IN BRAKES FAIL rs. J. W. Motley Thrown to' Street and Infant Escapes DeathBuggy broKen Mrs. John Motley was thrown to pavement nnd hor baby had a aculous escapo from death nbou: 10 this afternoon when tho omor cy brakes on a machlno driven , btrs, A. U Housoworth failed to, Id tho car on tho jstoop North pond street grade. Tho rer of auto struck Mrs, Motley ana me , y buggy waa thrown forward up i down In the road. rho saving of the baby's life I hans duo to tho curtain that fell fward with tho buggy, protecting' Infant from striking Its head on hard road. Two wheels on th Rgy were broken and the frame! Ply twisted, I fo pass a team that had stopped , the Bldowalk near the Anson Itog- home Mrs. Motley had to turn, Into the road and It was In this ment that tho machlno came from the hill nnd the brakes failed to EC s Established 1878 no Tho Cnnot Mull. CLAIM KAISER neiativc to Fighting in Theaters of War. I ARflSSFF ampi t.ppaq LINE OF GERMAN TRENQHES fwfcfc fiii niinnu of German Columns Advancing losses to the enemy, In the unchanged on the. frontiers of Poland, Berlin claims, the Ger- who say that ono ot the ber- saw nas uueu iuuiuu turn HATE PRDGLAIHED nrotectorato was formally pro . . I.- M . i!r-rM 4Mif nr o 1 jASK PROSECUTOR FOR COOS Grand Jury Favors Deputy for This Section- Jtidne Wat- kins Likely to be Named (Special to Tho TImos.) COQUIM.K, Or., Doc. IS. Tho Coos county grnnd Jury yostorday wont on rocord In 1U tlnnl roport to Judgo Coko as being In fuvor of tho nimolntmont of u deputy district at- tornoy to nisUt U. A. Mljoqvlst. Thoy hold, that thoro was too much crlm i Innl work for one man now nnd oe 1 peclally lit vlow of tho fact that thoro wero o many cases on tho Coos ilUy sldo of tjio county reiiilrlng a Jpioioeutor. It addition to socurliu; .batter law enforeoment, It Is point ! oil out thnt a doputy on tlio Coos I liny sldo would probably reduce the oxpunsoB considerably. I The county oommlsslonars will ro 'colvo tho statomont from tho grand Jury nnd It Is oxpectod that Judge Coko will glvo tho mattor lilts ap proval. The county commlwilonorH havo Indlcntod a wIlllngnoBfl to pro vldo for deputy prosecutor, al though thoy havo not takon formal action on It. WnlkliH .May Ilo Named. Whllo nothing official has boon given out. It U exictwl tllat District Attorno MlJaqvUt will appoint Goo. Watklns of Marshfield as doputy whon tho county court provides for tho office. Recently whon tho Coaoh-Slmpson-Mltchell casoa wora taken up on the Hay and Mr. LllJo.vIst could not bo present, ho appolntod i- u'nivina to renresent him. Mr. Watklns has had much experience with criminal work and having sorv ,i s county Judge Is oxcollently qualified for tho position. Statement of Grand Jjiry. The following Is the statement of the grand Jury relative to a deputy prosecutor: "We bellove that tho criminal bus- Inees of Coos county " """ tecontly to such au extent that It sometlntee gets beyond tho capacity of any one attorney to handle It all alone and believe the uismci Attor ney should be given, when he deems If necewary, the privilege of ap pointing a deputy district attorney to he paid by Cooe county and such ac tion by the county court would prob sblv prove e.onombal lo tMo public" I, h UVHOIIV Koreinan." B MARSHFIELD, OREGON, astern Railroads Are Allowed Five Per Ceofc Eate Increase SHOOTING AT NACO AGAIN EARLY TODAY ID; AmosUtttT Prr to Coot tlir Tlnn. NACO,' Dee. 18. Stray builds from tho Mexican sldo crom'd tho American lino hist night nnd this morning In tho ronownl of tho bom bardment ot tho Mnytorunn tronchcB by tho Cnrranzn Karrlson at Naco, Sonorn. Reports concerning tho 1ml letfl, thulr probable origin nnd tho tin inn go dono aro being Bystomntlcal ly gathered by nrmy officers. Thlr-ty-icvon spout bullols wore gatherod by two officers last night. Four bullets struck buildings. Ono cntor- od tho United States Immigration OIIICCB. H ul I Uli IS STILL PUZZLING Spooial Agents , Carouthers win aiu uencrai bcuu in Trying to Avoid-Clash Ill'SII MOIti: TltOOI'S. IDt AuetUlM Vmi lo Coot 1IT TlmM. Kli PASO, Dec. IS. Nino trains of troops from Texas I City and Fort SHI began passing through tho city today on their j way to Naco. j i u:ncs okdkhs. I tlr AiUI4 rrMi to Coof IUr Timet NACO, Ariz., Dee. IS. Gov. I Maytorenn, boeloglng tho Cnr I rmun troops at Naco, declarod today that ho had not yet rccolv- ed tho roported second ordor from Provisional Prosldont Gu- tlerross Instructing, him to coaso oponttlous. I t lay AumUikI I'm to Coot IMr TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. IS. si . .. n ry in ! lima uiuinlnl n frrt ti t et the U. S. State Dopartmont with Gen-1 oral Villa, has boon sont to Naco to Join his ofrorta with those of General Pcott to stop tho firing from the con tending Mexican factions Into'Amorl can territory, (iullorro. has ordered all gonornla Uf bo represented at tho forthcoming convention to seloct a presldont. NOT GUILTY PLEA Ruby NOSler and Mrs. Pfortner Arraigned at uoquuie Lolita in Juvenile Court (Spoclnl to Tho Tlntos.) COQUIM.K, Or., Deo. 18. Tho Simpson ottso from Danddii took n now turn today whon on a potltlou the case of Lolita Simpson, indlctod for porjury, was transferred to the juvonllo court. Sho was placed In tho custody of her fathor, who Ik to produce her for tho heating boforo Judgo John F. Hall noxt Tuesday. Attornoys Sinclair and Stommlqr will appear for her. Mrs. Htiby Noslor, neo Simpson, nii m Marv pfnrtnar. neo Do Cos-! tn. idoadad not Ktilitv at 1:30 o'clock thw nfinmoon to tho cbarco of nor- Jury. Attorney John I). Gosa of Marahfleld, appoarlng as eottnsol for both thoso womon. Th ilntn nf Uiolr trials was not sot. None of tho thieo womon was MEXIGA u PERJURY CASE compelled to sleep in tho county Jail available without a long delay bo last night, ball In the sum of ?2000icauso of our refusal to pay tho bills having been furnished for Mrs. Nos- lor and Mrs. Pfortner wltuln an hour after their arreat and arraignment. while Juat beforo adjournment Judgo John S. Coke turned Lolita. the yoar-old girl, over to hor father, M A. Slmnson. as custodian. Utile Dance, Dig Hall, Somclhm; Dlffcit'iit "Otl Hall," FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ! Interstate Cqmmerce Commis sion Grants Appeal After First Denying Application WILL MEAN $30,000,000 MORE REVENUE PER YEAR Coal and Coke and Heavy Freight Exempt Railroads Claimed War Hurt Them WT AMorMttA It lo Com Dr Tlrawi. WASHINGTON I). C, Dec 18. Tho application -of tho eastern rail roads 1n tho freight ralo cbbo was granted today Iijaparl by tho Intor htulo Commerce feoihmlssliin, which fixes tho B.Miodtilojof rates that shall Bo Into effect on "Ion days' notice. Tho Intcrstnto rommorco Commis sion today grnntoa tho application of tho eastern railroads for n five per cent advance in freight rates, except on certain Bpcejflc commodities. Commissioners Harlan nud Clements ,jjgBontcj Tho application f of the ICastern rallroadB for a h-ehearlng of the rate raso wau mndo on tho ground that the Kuropeim war and other stated roasouf. haJnuaterlally chang ed tho conditions since tho pre vious decision waa given. Tho pe tition was mndo on behalf of 112 railroad companies, comprising 3fi SSLZZJir?' '''"M Tho commodities on which no In-1 creases wore allowed comprlso heavy i articles such as coal and coke. Tho territory afectod by tho db- clslon included nlH" between tho At- Inntlc ocean nud Mississippi rlvor nnd . norm ot mo i-uiunmc mm umo Cr Kmdcn, wno escnpod at cocos is Ulvent. IncrenscHl will further ap- n,j w1Cn tho cruiser was destroyed ply to the railroads west of Iluffn-, iy lno Australian crulsor Sydnoy. lo and PlttBburg which woro grant ed partial advance In tho decision Inst August, which 'denied thorn al together to tho roads east ot thoso points. It Is estlmnted thnt tho advanced rates will lucrcaso tho annual Income !of tho ronda $.10,000,000. IS SDDGHT TODAY Police Unable to Locate $13, 100 Stolen in Cincinnati- Wife Refused Aid II j- Auocltto.) I'rru lo Com IUjt Tlinrt.) CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 18. The lolirn today aro searching for $13, 100 obtnlncd by Frank O. Haiti, tho automobile bandit, from tho two Innka thnt ho robbed yostorday bo- TO BANDIT LOOT foro ho waa mortally shot In a pistol ;H,ay ,ran,M( t nn ond. Jin has fight with throo policemen. Patrol- ?ono for u Hlorl vacation before tin man Kdward Knaul, ahnt by llohl. inrtnkliiK a campaign against Gor was oporatod on today and llttlo hopa ! , Southwest Africa. With tho cap. Is held for his recovery. HoIiI'h body j ,uro of (jnnornl DoWol and the doath llos unclnlmnd. Ills wife, who was nrrosted, would not claim tho body. Elio say that sho loft him over a your ngo because sho would not tako part In his career of crime, SAYS U. S. NAVY IS IN BAD PLIGHT Representative Gardner Says Many Warships Out of Ser- vio2 Short 18,000 Men U AuoiUt! I'nu to C.o IU7 Tlmti.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 18 Renrosontatlvo Gardner was tho principal wltnoss today beforo tho Houso Naval Committee "1 am 'sorry to say Secrotary Daniels cut J tho Naval Hoard's building program a most exact v n .two." lie said 'Out of thirty completed battleships, do you know twolve of them aro tin- for manning them? If wo had gone to war with the rest of the first class ' powers In August, do you know that nlno of our battloshlps would not 17-.havo been ready to fight. Klghty 'fighting vessels lu our inodost navy are not available In an omorgonoy I charge that our navy Is 18,000 monj short and a furlhor shortage of -10,- ooo ih In sight." KAISER TO RETURN TO FRONT SOON tllr AwMxltfl Prri to Coo IUjt Tlin.) AMSTERDAM, Dec, IS. Accord ing to tho Telcgrnaf, Hmporor Wil liam, who has been detained some time In Merlin because of Illness, will return to tho front thin weok. i:vi-:itKrrr post maktiou Illy Aunrlilnl I'n la Ooo Br TlmM.l WASHINOTON, Doc. 18. President Wilson today nomlnat- ed HiiRh A. Noland Post MaH- j tor nt Kvorctt, WashliiRtou, OF EMDENS CREW CAPTURE BALANCE K,Z.ftSoCT: P." Sown tl.o French lost 1200 men in i prisoners Island Caught Aboard Small i Doai mm niuy iviuiiubu ' inrA-otLMniMtaG-MitarTiM. TOKIO, Dec. 18. Certain British i warships havo captured thoso mem-J ,ur 0f tho crow of tho Gorman cruls-1 Tho Gorman sailors' wont to sou In a Cocoa Island Hchoouor named Aysha. I'.'iihIcii'h Crew Itnldci-N. Forty men ot tho Kmdoii woro ashore on Cocos Island when their L vobsoI was overtaken nnd sunk. Un der tho commnnd ot Lloutonnut Mu eckc, thoy commnndeored a Cocos Islnnd Hchoouor nnd sailed away. A dUpatch from Manila Doccmbor 10 said thoy later captured a collier on which they mounted two Maxim guns, evidently brought with them from tho Kiudcu and began raiding tho commerce of tho Pacific. lllr Aww Ulvl !"" lo Von IUr TlmM. CAPK TOWN, So. Africa, Doc. 18. Gen. Ilotha consldores tho rebel lion, upart from rounding UP a fow of General Ueyers In an engagement, tho South African Government ro cently niiuouuced hat the rebellion started by tho Doer loadorit was prac tically over. Most of tho followers of DeWet nud Hovers, It Is stated, havo either been captured or dla persod. E TO JURY T Personal Injury Damage Suit Against City of Marshfield Submitted This Afternoon (Special to Tho Times.) f'nnmi.i.i-v nr. lino, ih Tlu 'jury In tho case of Anna Husk vs ,p -.., .,-. . .. tilt) iCIty of Marshflold for ?2500 daiuag. ea for porsonal Injurlea sustalued by ' railing mrougn a wnitri retirou tuim latter noon aud a tordlot Is shortly expected The trial of tho case of Stanley Oldland vs. John 11. Anderson for the collection of a noto for 130 was besun Immediately after tho Husk ease ended. Jessie Qulgloy and Win. It. Young pleaded not guilty when arraigned on the adultery charge. ' O. MeVoy of North Hend, Indlatod on a statutory charge, ploaded not guilty aud his tiliil was set ror .Mon- day. END REBELLIO SOOT ARC RUSK COS 0 A Consolidation of Times, Const MnU unil ro ,nv Ailvprtlwr GERMANS CLAIM FLE ET ENGL WH British Admiralty Silent About Berlin Claim That Kaiser's Squadron Sunk Destroyers and badly Damaged Third Vessel During Expedition Wednesday admira'Lty announceTfivFmFn KILLED AND FIFTEEN INJURED ON WARSHIPS BY GERMAN SHELLS Germans Admit Coast Batteries Hit Raiding Vessels Few Times, But Claim Slight Damage Was Inflicted Later' Talk of Naval Engagement in North Sea (Oy Associated Press to Ccos Day Times.) LONDON, Dec, 18, Tho British Admiralty today failed to comment on tho Berlin announcement that tho Gorman squad ron which attacked tho English seaports sank two British de stroyers and damaged badly a third. The Admiralty previous ly stated two warships had been struck by Gorman shells and fiVo irton killed and fifteen wounded, but made no mention of llin Inss nf nnv vrssfIs. Berlin admitted that tho Gorman vos- fsels wore- hit sovoral times by tiies, but claim tho damago was slight, GERMANS CLAIM CAPTURE OF ABOtJT 10,000 FRENCH IN LAST BATTLES (I)y Ar 'oclatod Press to Coos Hay Tltnoa.) RFRI IN Dr( 18. Tho official statement today says: '"Fighting In Nioupoit continues favorable, but no decision has I been readied, Tho French attacks between Labassoo and ' Ai-rnc, nnrl rm hntli slrlns nf thn livnr Snmmo mSU tod m fa - anfj al m iqqO dead: Our Argonno forest our succosstui attack rosuiteci in mo capiuro 0f 7500 pilsonors and mucli war matorial," f - Taken From Elder About to LeaveSeveral More In dictments bxpected J. W, Uealr, until two days ago employed us n tlmokouper nt Uattaer ft llatmer Camp 3 on .urlu litlot, was taKon trout too mnw y.mmn.a, In North Ilend as ho waH about to leavo for his homo In Michigan for Chrlntiuns, by Chief nf Police Ander son, and takon to Coiiulllo on it ennrgo or gamming, tuih moriiuiB pleaded guilty and was fined 1300. lie paid au ami me rouintu.ior wsi romltted by Judgo Cuko during ood behnvlor, That there still remain several nr- rosts to ho made Is tho general belief lioro today. It Is reported that then wero seven or eight concerned In a poker Kiimo-nnd that two onglueura. seoklug rovongo after being 'Tired," wont to tho District Attorney with tho story and tho iiamoa of the men Interested in the gitmu. Though there has heon but the one Indictment up to thla nfturunou tho grand Jury Ih Htlll In nojwlon nud thoro may ho more IndluUiioiit re turned for tho other men who ttre alleged to havo been In the gamo. Officer Kobort Hmnry of North Hem! Is known to havo bean up near Ten Mile yostorday, though ho made no nrrouts nt the time, IDLED GAMP BEAI AYS FIE llealr left tho employ of 1 lamer & drawn from the race for Post Muts Hitusor n row day ago and oxptjet- j tor In Murshfloh In favor of F, A. ed to spend Christmas with his p)0- Coldon. Mr. McLnin when scon, ru ple In Michigan. Officers wero ou'fiued to deny It or make any atato the lookout for liim here and whon mout about the mutter nt presont, ho failed to show up Chief Anderson saying tho mattor would como up ot North Ilond took up tho search J later. Mr. Mcl.aln. as chairman of down there. m jtho Cooa County Domocrnts aud a. Held for Gambling. j close frlettd or Senator Chambor- Tom Proaton. wlio wits Indleted for lulnl will have much to say In re taking a nuinbor of the Snilth-Pow- wn to the Quoi Qntinty Post Of ers logging camp umployea down the I Geo appointments, lino lu pokor gamoa, has beon placed I It was atao s&totl that Tom Coko under urrest and a hearing will be, who ontered tlio rnco over a year glvon him soon. Preston Is alleged KO, hati Uiq tentative promlao ot to havo played a sure thing gttmelMr. MaLain'a tilloit then. . . , uuiu uiuuu tuuiiiiuinum n nt E LOST AT PUEBLA GARRANZA FO tor auocuii i-re.. i. -w nt Tim friends say that he Is not out of MKXICO CITY. Doc 18.--Details tho running yet. of tho fall of the city or Puobla. It Is oxpocted that somethlug dof-. wore rocelvod today. It was suld iuite will probably be dono about that artor evacuating tho liy. the ' the Coos County Post Office ap Carrauan forces niado a aland to polittmentB during tho holiday rq- Uho north, whore thoy woro defeated. Hosing many men. Oottoral Zapata, Arguemodo aud Aliuaxoii wora in Icoi.ninitd of the Vila troops. No. 128 SANK TWO IPS DURING tho sholls from tho coast bat- losses woro under 200, In tho ..MM M M MM. s American Hawaiian Liner Bound from Northwest to New York Hits Rock (Cr AwotUlM l'rM 10 Coo Vur TlmM.) SAN 1)1 BOO, Cnl Doe. 18. Strik ing tho rocks oft Han llenlto Island, , . fi(lI1 D, tllu , A,linr,M,11.,,nil frnluhtiir islh- IIIIIWIIVIIII 1 tll ..,,--. . mliin, bound for Now York via tho Canal, sent out wlrolosa calls for na fclstanro nnd Is roturnlug northward. t0 ielhlnlnll mB o feet of water In k,,, N() , cowoqiiontly tho ship ,. . . .. , , d , mor. ItiK bndly. Tho crulsor West vir- . Hlnla. tjin doslroyor P.orry mitt thi I navy tulrlanola tro rushing to her LMUlnlm,0 TIle iHthmlnn has a cat go from Huattle, points. Portland nud other IT Tii mm DANGER FAR SOUTH MUG ALK BOUT LOCAL POSTOFFICE 1 Rumor That Hugh McLaln Has Definitely Declined Appoint 1 ment Other Candidates It waa reportud yosterday th;tt Hugh MtUlu had furmnlly wlt)t- i auppoitera or w. j. nusi ciatm that J. W. Dennett nnd J. N. Teal ihavo been oxortlug their Influence In behalf of Mr. Golden, but US' Mr. Hust haa boon an active work er iu tho part' and Is now secretary ;: Coos County Democratic Con- oomntlttee nud has strong frinnds In tho organization, hla eM of Congrosa whoa the Oregon delegation will havo sonto spare tltwe to uovoto to ino constneration oi me , different applicants. i i ' : i vl M -ali..