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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
mmmmm THE COOS BAY TIMES, NIARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 19U-EVEHIHG EDITIOM. : SIX AGED RELATIVE IS H ELD II FRENCH HUM IS SUSPECT DUHIMB WH iwwmaa!; TO GET PUTS 0 CDMPIMT rzmmut srtmxssiSHSSznKa,. -"'" f1WHmm ' Fritz Heim of Marshfeild Re ceives Letter From Rela tives in France. BROTHER SERVES AS VALET TO OFFICER nml sound. So, my dear sister nml brother, you bgo t tini most unhappy nil nlono ns nur honso stands oh tlio edgo of u big forest. Wives wlio hnvo husbnnds nt Big Lumber and Shipping Con cern Expected to Take Over Several Coquille Firms tho. According to parlies from Coqulllo, tlio Uohort Dollar Company will I hIiihIK' tmvn secured nrnctlcnllv nil NlnHinr onrl 5ktnr TpII nf Sllf- ' ' ' . . o larger lumber tnnnufactiirliiB Mother and bister en 01 bur cnch c COc. nnd nn other citizens i llltorc8t9 0Il tll0 ConulUo nlV0Pi ferng-7-rUnaS "One ana ,Ket lunch nnd dinner with brend ev-i Tho iast of this week, the effects DifflCtllt tO Get FOOd ery day from tho French government, I of tho Soo, & AndorBOI1 Logging Fritz Helm nnd wife, Mrs. Theresa I bm my daughter nnd I get nothing. , coni,mny w, bo boU1 by tho rocolvor Holm, wno ure cmpiujuu m. iu i Wns never so poor in my lire ns i Chandler, linvo Just received n lotter am now y0 have a house but wo from Mrs. Heiiri's Bister In France telling of tho pitiful experiences they nro having In tho war. Tho family Ib of Gornmn origin but tho sister nnd her family hnvo boon ncross tho bor dor In Franco for some tlmo nnd her husbnnd neglected to tnko out his naturalization pnpors nnd In coubo (liieiico Is hold In prison ns n suspect. Tho following Is tho lotter received, tho sister referring to her husbnnd as "father:" S, Julian, Nov. T2, 1911. Donr Sister nnd Hrqthor: On November 20th I received your lotter of tho 3IbI of Octobor nnd aw that you both were In good health but wo nro very unhappy on account of tho wnr. On the second of August tho war broko out nnd nil tho factories! woro cloHod nnd tho men hnd'to go. I have worked eight days out of tho four months nnd my dnughtor works ono dny ench wook nnd wo nro nil nloho In our house no protection from anyone. On tho third of August father wont to tho city to see n friend who was going to tho front nnd about 0 o'clock four policemen cnino to tho bonne nnd HHked for 'him nud when I told thorn he had gone to tho city but would bo back rood, thoy cnnio In nnd Hcnrchod tho house, requiring ma to show them nil valuable papers but thoy found nothing of vnluo to thorn ns wo hnvo always boon loyal to this government At 7 o'clock father cnnio back, but tho policemen hnd go no so wo wont to tho station nnd nuked for tho pnperB permitting uh to romnln In Franco, Junt ns all Al mu'latiH nro required to do. At 10 o'clock two policemen cnnio back and told father to come with them. Ho showed thorn his pnpors nnd told thorn It wns not his fault that ho had not secured his naturalization papers, hecniiBo ho had applied for thoni two years Jioforo nnd thoy woro rotnrdod, but tho pollcomou told him to come with thorn nnywny. Thoy did not handcuff him they woro very kind to him, Thoy told mo that I uhould conio tho next day to sco him, fco wo nil kissed good byo and off ho wont with them. Tho next day myuolf nnd my dnughtor wont to tho pollco titatlon nnd nskod for fatlior. Thoy sold thoy didn't know whore can't cat walls nnd I can got no money from tho bank. Every Thurs dny nnd Snturdny n friend brings us two lonvcs of soldier's brend, each weighing thrco pounds, another friend brings us lard nnd coffco once In n while and this Is tho way wo have lived for tho past month. All our rondy money Is gone. I will bo ;, nnd It Is expected that tho Dollar compnny, which holds mortgages on tho property, will bid it In. Tho snlo hns boon postponed twice nnd Mr. Whcolor, of tho Wheolor Lumber Co. I at Portland, Is forcing up the bidding ns ha holds u mortgage for about $30,000 against tho' concern. Next Saturday Hocoivor Oakcs will coll tho Coqulllo Itlvor Manufactur ing company's plant nt liullurds. Tho ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE HUB DRY GOODS GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR DESIRED AMOUNT GIFT ARTICLES LAID AWAY FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Merchandiseiil ! i so nappy wnon tno wnr is over, woi jj0ar company Is ono of tho largest go to bed nt C o clock and got up nt orotlUora of tho concern nnd It Is ox- 8 o'clock In tha morning to snvo llgJ.t nnd fttol. They hnvo brought about a thous and soldiers, Gorman mid French, to bo burled In our comotery. I do not know much of my Bisters nnd brothers In Germany. Tho only thing I huvo heard Ib that two or three llttlo towns nround tho City Mulhnusen have boon burned and do btroyod nnd In soma places tho blood ran unklo deep. Dear sister and Brother, you should bo very hnppy to bo nwny from this country with nil Its sor row nnd I shall hopo to soo you after tho wnr Is ovor. Willi lovo to you both, from Slfltor nnd Niece. Good Cheer! Good Service!! Good ... ,.,i-ri. Ttir-tn nUDICTIWIAO nRCCQ HP PRFTTY RIFT SllftRFQTinMC Dr-tir. TICAL WAY THE MAG ICENT STOCKS OFGIFTTHI NGS THAT ARE TO BE HAD WPTH N." IS M.I mm 11111 I 1-1 " I I n I I I I III l' I lll'U V IILi lallllll Ifl r n I . n II 11 II.AT llllllll 1MII IIUIIU Ull .AT 1111111 n U17II IRIKi. ' KLt Wlln UUUiviiiruL. oiuum ui uuw .......w..r... . . .,. uuu munuriHNUISE ID MEM OF SOUTH URE REMEMBERED i pected thnt thoy will tnko It ovor. J Tho negotiations between tho John . won interests, which nro supposed to represent tho Dollnr company, J and Archie Kruao, fur tho sale of the ' Frospor Shlnglu Mill, nro to bo closed 'Saturday if Mr. Johnson meets Mr.' rlCrusu's terms. It Ib nlso expected that tho Dollar company will ovoutually tnko ovor tha Johnson mill on tho lower Co qulllo. dipt. Hubert Dollar is re ceiver for tho company nnd tho Dol lar Interests nro among tho lnrgest creditors. Tills will leave only tho Monro mill nt Ilandon nnd tho Sudden & Chris tuiHon mill nt Prosper nud tho GoIh cudorfor plant outuldo of tho Dollar company's connections. 10. K. John I son hns secured ono mill nt Coqulllo nnd tho other wns bid In recently by ! tho Dollnr company. As soon ns tho I nf fairs nro closed up, It is uiider btood that thoro will bo n general re organization of tho affected plants ' nnd tho coucoms probably placed un der ono subsidiary compnny of tho Dollnr interests. i If tho plans mature, it In cxpcctcM ' that moat of tho output will he Big Spruce to Grace Banquet of San Francisco Ad Men Replica of Oregon Coast A Coos Hay Christum trco 10 foot ,,,,,,, .jirect to tho Orient on thoi no.gni nnu oi u.o conical wiiim, 1Jor coin,mny8 imtH. Cnpt. Dol In Clans typo, truo to story-book form, will graco tho big banquet table of tho San Francisco Ad Club whan thoy hold tliolr annual got- together moot ing next Wednesday. On tho Hedon do whou she sailed south tills morn ing tho treo reposed In atnto, perched aloft on tho lumber dccklond. Inst year tho Ad Club had n trea "fully thirty Inches high," ns thoy told J. A. Ward whqn ho mot thoni nt luncheon thoro two weoka ngo. Ho laughed then nnd promised thorn n rogulnr trco for this Christmas. To make good his promlso Mr. Ward wont searching through tho hills. Sovoral miles out on a sunny lnr hns hnd this in view for some tlmo and on his Inst visit hero was figuring with tho C. A, Smith com pany on securing consignments of' pulp nnd of getting fuel coal from thoni. If hlii shipping from Coos county to tho Orient grows ob ho ox pocts, It is not unllkoly thnt tho Dol lar company will operate Its own coal initios to supply their ships, which do not uao oil. ' For M en SMOKING JACKKTS HATH nouns BAT1IROHH HLANKF.TS INDIAN HLANKHTS BWI3ATHR COATS Sl'IT CASKS TUAVKUNU HAGS HMHRHLLAS HOUSK SLIPPKUS S'LIC HOSK IIANDKKUCIIIKFS FANCY CHRISTMAS HONKS CONTAINING SUSl'KNDKRS. SOCKS AND TIKS COLLAR HAGS for Womeim FURS HATH ROHKS KIMONAS SILK, CHKPI2 AND FLUKCH FINK WAISTS SILK PKTTICUATB TRAVELING HAGS UMHRKLLAS FANCY FKIt' SLIPPKItS KIUPPHNDORF-DITMAN A N D COUSINS SIIOKS SATIN Slili'PKRS HAND HAGS MKSH PURSKS STAMPKD TOWKLS AND PILLOW CASKS 1IANDKKRCIIIKFS 1IOSIKRY GLOVKS ROYAL SOCIKTY PACICAGKS FANCY HARRKTTKS HAIR HANDS " AIGRKTTKS FANCY LACKS AND VKILINGH FANCY NKC1CWKAR HATH RUGS MNKNS I). M. C. COTTONS HLANKKTS SWKATKR COATS , ' "P m Mm ra For Children and Innfaets FUR SKT3 KNITTKI) SKTS SWKATKIIS DIIAWKR I.KCGIN8 UAPS HACQl'KS 1100TKK3 SILK HOODS Ti:i)I)Y D1UIU FANCY SIIOKS AND SMPI'EES VANITY PUItSKS FANCY RII11ION3 SILK HOSK HKADS HOYS' RP1H1KR HOOTS HOYS' INDIAN 81 ITS HOYS' COWHOY SUITS. 7K HURIKD IN COQUILLK. ulntin lin fniinil n Inriro minim. Slnnd ho was and thnt I should go to tho j 1B ,c foot ,,,,,, tho branohog chl8 court house, but thoro I recolved the Hanio answer nud thoy told mo to go to tho Attomoy General, who nlso said ho didn't know and ndvlsed mo to go to tho wnr office, which I did, nud thoy started mo back on the snmo round of placcB nnd bo I hnd to como homo with n brokon heart. On tho seventh of August I received n letter from Father nud snw that ho was Ih prison. Ho told mo I uhould bring him shoes, box nud uudorwour. Stephen Lapp, Jr., of Ton Mile, Hur led nt Fnlrvloiv After Serious Illness. Stophon Lapp, Jr., aged 33 yonrs, Ertire Stock of Ladies9 Seats aed Coats w ,Go at Sharply Reduced Prices tored thickly togothor nnd bulging was burlud yostordny In tho Falrvlow out to almost 10 feot In width. LandBinon tactics for handling tho trco woro f utllo until Captain Kiick Bon camo to tho rosouo and in truo tmllor fashion Hiigosted thnt a ropo by "slung" about tho branches. Thus tho treo was closed up Uko an um brella and Is oxpectcd to nrrlvo In San Francisco In good sliapo. "Tho troo will bo n grent odvor- tisoinont," said Mr. Wnrd, "nnd It So you enn think how I fool. I wlll do Illoro KOua ,U,,K thoso nd wont to tho mayor of our town nnd uhowod him tho letter nud ho told mo thnt Fnthor must stay lu prison until tho war is ovor, hold only as a Biispect. Thoro will ho no trial ns ho hnd violated no laws. Ho wlll not bo mlstrentcd. It la u shiimo to hold In Jail n man who hns a sou nt tha front nud is Innocent of any crlnio. Two years ngo my boh got his portion of his grandfather's ontato, with which ho bought u house, but nover told tho neighbors whore It cnnio from nnd now thoy nro no fusing him of having tukeii it from xhn German authorities In pnymuut for work dono for thoni so wo tiro very unhappy. Wo can go every two weuks to seo Father nnd talk to him through tho, bars for five minutes. I have to supply him with clean clothes ovory two wuokB us they do not furnish his clothing. Ho is very thin nnd his hair Is white nlrondy from sorrow, My son wns on tho front in Klsass. From thoro ho wont to Holglum nnd now ho Is lu Hleliivlllu ns valet ono of tho high officers. I will be hnppy If I can see him homo safo mon than $100 of advertising lu eoiuo comotory nt Coqulllo following nn Ill ness of two months. Tho ducoased wns unmarried, but lonvos n father nud mothor, Mr, nnd Mrs. Stophon Lapp, of Coqulllo, five brothers nnd ouo sister. Thoy nro John, Charlos, l Conrad, Joo nnd Frank nud tho slater la uow Mr3. Nona Clinrd of Henry vlllo. Mr. Lapp lived on n ranch nt Ton Mile. Two months ago ho wns takon sick with smallpox and following this a sorlos of complications sot lu ; GIFT GIVERS INTENT ON BUYING DESIRABLE REMEMBRANCES WILL HERE FIND THE GREATESTVgj OF PIECES THAT HAPPILY COMBINE THE NOVEL AND DECORATIVE WITH THE PRACTICAL YOUR W TAINTY WILL BE DISPELLED BY THE HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES ON DISPLAY THROUGHOUT OUHbiujcg SELECTION WILL BE MADE EASY. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CAN ONLY TELL SOME OF THE DESIMK, THINGS THAT AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION. Hdb Dry Goods Company other direction." Ho sent with tho! "o Ho'l Into Monday evonlng. Ho wns woll known In Marshflold, laving lived hero nt ono tlmo nud Lolng very often n visitor In tho city. "THE CHRISTMAS STORE." CORNER BROADWAY AND CENTRAL AVENUE. KMB3& KSJHCa&tiSMIl PHONEW! treo a largo box of untlvo greens for docorntlou purposes nnd n Christmas grouting from Coos nnd Curry coun ties. Mr. Wnrd nlso told of tlio plnns just formulated for n uilulaturo repli ca of tho const of Oregon which tho Oregon Commission has naked him to construct In tho rear of tho Oregon Fish and Gamo building. This will ho on tho very odgo of San Francisco Hny. At low tldu whon tho water rocedoa there will bo exposed tho mniiuo Ufa of tha Oregon coast and so truo to llfo will It bo thnt rock oysters nud suoli forms will ho trans ferred directly from this coast to tho Kxposltlou grounds, A space 00x30 feot will bo used for this exhibit, Ono sld'o will bo tho Hny; on tlio othor a largo boule vard. Mnny of tho people will got their first gllmpso of son llfo from this coast lino duplicate. Kvory ln-i donturo and bay of tho Oregon const j will bo visible. Hordorlng tho ox- to hiblt will bo specimens of Orogon native shrubbery as It grows along tho Pacific. THE NEW RESERV r L SOCIAL CALKNDAH FRIDAY. I Young MntrouB' Ninas Kx- ! change with Mrs. Otis Wilson. Kowplo Club with Miss Mar- j gnret Reynolds. I M. II. S. Sophomore I dance nt Kngloa' Hull. Ladles' Art Club with Olivia Kdmnn. I Four Loaf Clovor Club. NOTES APPEAR class Mrs. notes. Tho onos rocolvod ureltzor, tho "Jackson Tons tho picturo of tho groat doniocrat, Androw Jnckson's fnco on tho front or south sldo, nnd Just onst of Jnck- son's fnco Is tho goal of tho United Statos, nnd junt woat, to tho loft, Ib "Jackson Tens" Reach Coos ' the moIal Honi t8 san Francisco BayAre Good to Look at j !lo",0,vo ,m"u' w,J,Bh Ilrt8 tl10 Borl"1 nnrl nnHai. In Onnml trudo innrlc "J2L." and Better to Spend Walklnic nroum, l0 tho nortIli or "Jackson Tons," ono of tho sorloajronr sldo of tho noto, ono obsorvoi ioi ino now urniui or pauor nioiioi'i vu"""u "'""""K iimuncu m uiu way nnd wonrlng tho eamo 1-192 LCIS BAY TREES GILIFDBI uaiiul MARRIAGE LICENSES Flator. Coqulllo Herald. Symphony Coiuwr, TluifMhiy, l)e I'iMiilior 17tli .l.onmusUI's 'ritRitor. ' wbleh Undo Rum vu wlll l,n nMnni. 1 ,, , ,. ... , . , , clotlios ho woro way hnek In .n " , ' ' ,mvo wll0' " ronlly did It. At tho othor l.: of Jhe bill is another in- "" 'U !!. llu, Ullll mo IUUK I11CQ ' . ii.. . ....... . ... , ., ' , iui timing snuoiac o. ugh to break up tho pronont oold ,,,. ,. , ' off tho coast of Plymouth nnd sovor al of tho boys nro climbing' up tho rough shoro looking for tho rock thnt pooplo hnvo boon naming tliolr tuostors nftor for tho past 300 years. Art critics and newspaper mon I1S1I1 Mill . nn n.rnn?rt Redondo Sails South With Carries Mryjg UHIISIHIUS UlUUHb Utlll.iuo , -"'; rrflnfrt, ' Docconnnn I ict nf Thirtv San rfW" Piled high with Coos Hay Christ-1 With 33 j j mns trees bound south to docornto tho homes of mnny Cnllfornlnns, tho steaniBlilp Redondo loft out of horo this in n nil n l' carrvlne n enrgo of I ono I fciiup. Rudolph Shorych and Myrtle Rich- j To Dorwy Kroltzor, cnshlor of tho irds. ' First National llnnk, belongs tho 1MI 11. l V-I..1..... 1 -f l. . . . ttiiMin uuii. iviiiwuii ii mi .m.uio nonor of loamiiiK n bundle of tha oatnolo. Tho IMlerlm i hlmbQr am, oarryB thirty pnsson-r Paul A. Soule. ' lnof l.nonlil,,,. !. !... I n C U'rlltl. J....V .,u....b iu U"i. gors for Snn Francisco. , ami Mrs. - " rai .,..f E. V . I II I UEI I ' Xmas Gifts to Mother or Father Get them a nice pair of glasses with T0RIC LENSES. They will appreciate a useful, practical gift of this kind. Red Cross Optical Dept. Phone 122. now Federal Rosorve notes. Thoy , como from nnd woro turned by tho San Franclbco hranuh Fodornl Ro , servo bank, No. "12L." ' Tho now bills llvo up to tliolr nd- vnnco notleoB. Thoy are tho anmo ' size ns tho old-fnshlouod gonoral pur- Pobq nutlonal bank bills, but hnvo moro picture on thoni. In fact if n Goro, Pa., P. A. Morgan hnd occa sion rocoutly to uso n liver medicine nnd says of Foloy Cathartic Tablots: "Thoy thoroughly clonnsod my systom lot of thoso bills woro bound up Into and I folt Uko a, uow man light nnd froo. Thoy nro host inodlclno I hnvo ovor taken for constlpntlon. Thoy keep tho stomach swoot, llvor nctlvo, Tablets nro stimulating in -action, and neither grlpo nor sickon. Thoy nro wholosonio and thoroughly cleansing. ' nnd keep tho liver nctlvo. Stout peo ple Uko them. For sale by tho Owl 1 PhannuQy, book form thoy would mako nlco rondiiiB those long winter evenings, and after tho younger children could use thoni for history pleturo books. Hqrtland has liuly Tecolvod tho "Lincoln fives." being the S3 de nomination wHh camo from Chi- Symphony Concert. Reserved M-nts i ago, .,o that Coos Bay I, ahead of on w,lo at Hie "Cumly Nook," Le i tho Rose lit In rcctl uig theso mnm.lvl's TliKiler. who hnvo boon ublo to got cIobo enough to ono of tho now bills nro ImproHod wtlh tho fact that thoy moet all tho roqulrofonts of regular money oneo thoy havo beon run down and captured. Just yet tho bills nro n llttlo wild and hard to get. It was noticed thnt Dorsey hold onto thorn very tightly ns ho did not think thoni tamo onough to bo trusted nround strangors or roportors who nro not nocustomod to handling thoni. Those who loft out woro: Mrs, J. G. Sabtysll, Mrs. A. H. Im horf, Mrs. Lnngonborg, J, C. Arnold, Mrs. J. O. Arnold, C. W. Coles, G. PnrUct, J. HnmlBli, Stanley Waldrop. J. W. Waldrop, Mrs. J. W. Waldrop. Mrs. 13. P. Stutsman, W. Wright, Wislor, W. H. Kynon, G. Irorkford, Master Horkford, Thos. Nichols, Mr. ThoB NInlmla. John Poait. G. N- IJarr. Z. G. Saffoll. II. N. Reovos, ' F. J. Kolly, G. Dunbnr, Chns. JInlin. j Can,t"en and &&' v. il. Mlttor, Josepn Jinyor, u. ' Bowers, I..., LfiSU-VUV "" cwr,:,b.;R,i.hktt'" ,0 iu .,,. bar this morninB -' San Francisco. .., left werH lliu '- . . 0"! and ,,, j. -- , 0b',eS5'V. ierull airs. . . - opi.x . n..i.nm nnd SOB, W . A. urn"'" -- p ' ...,n vr and " .. tH AUonVolom.A.D'J Mr- wr',ill! Mchoru w'"- prjerJ . r ....ollnn. E. ! '".-, U l.V -..". p yj, Lowellen. r. - Yu S. Swanw - IMIKSHVTKIUAX XOTIOK. ..n dr.. t". nnsEDi'Kw. -: ,, " .. . he cob ;, rrl. ,..111 l. .. n,.MIn nt tlO.rai"" - t.rf HI" AliCiU. VWU UU 4 UlijWMMO - T-i i...i. i i t. rn..dnV AVP- I nlng. December 19, nt 7:30. AH1 ".Srtrf J-J luuiuuuta vi hid ,...u. v.. his home le gation nro Invited to nttond. By or- ' toB, dor of The Session. crol olw"0 ACCUSEDjSf -"iSU