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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
ftffii ! There Should Be Music IN EVERY HOME CHRISTMAS MnRiuiMr VICTOR AND EDISON DISC Maphimcq ... WMey II. Allen Co has 11W .SS W?SffiSM Grade Instruments i chl" " foil will have no trouble In fclwrnir mu- ,,i Din (iiiv vtldo rniiuu of Miiti.l.i..i .,.. " .' " "' '""tr I'"'"" llli high. i4ttvi'N. r it.. . ... chine you dcre, hear any r , ,,. ."" " U,,,S'"K "..tun In tin. Mm,, in..- I i ... '" UIL Mdlc: - ' ' """ "" "ii ih'iiioiiupiit aiiovu iimiiiii,,., e any ()f (,0 The Wiley B. Allen Co. L. L. THOMAS Mn Central Avenue ' BREVITIES I papers nre not allowed to vote. Mr. Kltson Is now Booking to find ottt f ( whether or not ho will hnvo to wait i for three years before being ablo to cast his vote. ! B ' " . I it ARCHIE PHILLII'3 of North Inlet was hero today on busluoss. Goes to Last Resting Place. Mrs. Annie Wulf, ono of tho old , C. j. JOHNSON' was hero today on WEATHER FORECAST j tnr AixxlttM rmi to eoot tlt Tlmm. OREGON Fair; not ninch chango In temperature; north- easterly winds. I Marshfield ' ,RVING ifcasj,,!!? X-mas Specials BOYS' OVERCOATS AT ONE-HALF PRICE Jlosing out all Boys' and i Childrens' Suits, Coats, Hats, Caps ahd Pants LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS AND COATS ONE-HALF PRICE i LOCAL- TEMPERATURE RECOUP I I For tho 24 hours ending nt 1 I 4:-ia a. m., Dec. 10, by DeuJ. Ostllnd, special government me- teorotoglst; I -1:43 a. in., Dec. 17, by llenj. I Maximum 4 s ! Minimum 2C I At 4:43 a. 111 31 I Precipitation 00 I I Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, I 191-1 30.09 I Prcclpltntlon snmo period I liiBt year 1... 10.99 I MM...I. X. .,.. . : I tiiuu; .urui; cienr. 1 . I llOltN f O ECKHOFF To Mr. and .Airs. Clins. Eckhoff nt tholr homo In North llend, Tuesday, December IK, an 814-pound daughter. Everybody, Including fathor, Is doing flno. and respected ploneors of Coos Day, was burled this afternoon from the new homo In Ferndale Into which bIio was moved on the day of her death. Tho services wero conducted by tho Ue Father McDevltt. Many friends gathered to pay their last respects to tho woman whom they all had known for so long. a business trip from Lakeside. .To"iimih N Wanted. Cnrl Fred erlk Vllhelm Jonsson In being an xiously sought for, according to a letter received today by Judgo Pen nock from J. C. Addle, secretary for charities of tho Portland Salvation Army. The reason given Is because of the death of the Minn's mother. Jonsson wbb laBt hbnrd from In 1909 In Mnrshfleld whore ho had Poat Office box No. 712. MASON NOAH was a visitor In tho city today from his home nt Alle gany. ' personal Injuries sustained by n fall on tho wharf near tho Wasson j flsli mnrket a year or so ago. 1 Tho Cluuuller Hotel, II. J MONOHAN, engineer on tho w. O. EglbsWn, San Francisco; Smith-Powers company's 103, loft Cnnrlcg Auor, nandon; J. L. Shottor- ".... u.. uiu v.eurgo w. Miner ror tnv. Pnrttnml: .t. H. HiiRhPR. Ttan.lnn! Wltllam Candlln and wife, Coqulllo; 1 i.owis .Monition, .iiyruo roini; a. II. Fish, nandon; T. .1. Casey, Port land; A. L. Oovo, Portland; J. E. MAUTIN VELDE of North Inlet wn3 down this morning on tho North Star. LOUIS DUUUQUE was hero today on n short business trip from North Inlet. spend Christmas with relatives. flJOTIE MItS. CYRUS FltYE of South lnlot was up today shopping and visiting. JVi Wl I w(& fev. Mr ldts Agent. Mr. Curtis of Louisville, Ky manufacturer of tho combination tnblo nnd desk furni ture which Messrs. llrowcr and Dun- I lap aro reprcsontlng In this section, j arrived hero today to confer with them. Ho was pleased with tho busi ness they hnvo been doing In this sec tion nnd urged thom to secure an offlco In a prominent location. Ho will spend n few days here. ARRIVED ssortoeimft ew off H lid iy Gifts Distinctive and Thoughtful Prices Reasonable Child Is Hurled.--Tho llttlo baby of .Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews of this city was burled yesterday after noon. Tho child was but n fow dnys old. Girls Cook Tho girls of tho Loyal League, recently organized nt M10 Mnrshfleld Presbyterian Cllilreli, liavo arranged to hold a plo sale at tho church Saturday. Hnvo New Office. H. Von Ship mnn, ownur of Irudzlen Park, Is moving his offlco from Front streot onto Ilrondway Into tho offlco nenr tho corner of Anderson avenue. . Finishes Hllii. Klbs sawed from heavy crooks of white cedar hnvo bt'on finished nt tho Porter Mill for tho now boat of William HJorqvlst nnd hnvo Just been takou back to Catching Inlet on tho Wnu-tn-Wnso, whoro Itobort Mntson has completed IiIb boat-bulldliiK h!iIi yard nnd will alii IIJorivlst In tho construction or n fifi-foot boat for tho carrying of tho school children to tho bcIiooI nt tho forkH of Coos River. WILL CLARK, of Catching lnlot. enmo down today on 11 business trip. JUDGE QUEUY enmo down on busi ness tills morning from his home North lnlot. HERMAN SM1THGALL of Catching lnlot wns n Mnrshfleld business visitor today. J. C. HEATTIE and son wero nmong tho visitors In tho city today from Allegany. .IAS. M'CUTOIIEON nnd wlfo, of Denver Hill, wore Mnrshfleld vis itors today. J. L. AASEN, tho well known Co qulllo logger, nnd wife, enmo over last evening. florcncc M. Aiken No. 65 Market Ave. READ THE Purple and Gold IND LEARN WHAT THE MARSHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL IS DOING. T IS PUBLISHED BY THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS On sale at all news stands. Cut Cedar. Fred Nelson and F. J. ! niughnm aro planning to open a 1 camp on South Inlet soon to cut tho white cedar ofr 1 00 acres. Thoy plan to miw It ut u small mill at tho ex ceptor factory. I (lieek .Meets fJi-tlr. OiiBt Kroni 1 Ides, u Creek, he "irted suit ngnlust , Goorgo Pet, nnoi'..ur Ureok.who Is mi employeo of tho dredge Seattlo, I claiming that lie loaned tho latter j 931.70 which Pot now refuses to ro I pay. Sues for ijiBllO. William Wlegnnd, n saloon man of Copperflold who wns put out of business when tho snloons or that place wero closed by Miss Fern Hobbs, tho secretary or Gover nor West, nnd who Is now suing Gov. West In tho courts rtf linker 'for heavy damages, has Blurted suit ngnlust tho Mouumiititnl mid Ilulldlug Works, owned by II, II. WIU011 nnd wire, claiming that, ho loaned tho partnership $500. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil son reply that tho iiiouoy wns snout ror n part Interest In tho works. Thoy aro being reprosoutod horo by C. I, Ilclgnrd. MItS. ANDREW ANDEHSON wns a visitor hum today from hor homo at South Inlet. J. It. VANIUIHGEIt, or Lakeside, was nmong tho out-of-town visi tors hero today. MATHEWS was nmong tho IiubI iichb visitors In tho city today from North Inlet. Seattle, whoro ho will spend Christ mas with his raC.or, who Is now 94 years old. Mr. Monohnn has spent each Christmas with his Q.mi, MnBu. "not'""- Anion nnd wife, Coqulllo; Mrs. Hof S "If -lowers employe also loft on oft Myrtlo Pont. ,, Mr8 Den tho Elder, golnir to Port nn! to .' .. ... . .. Itlvor; H. H. Cbhnor, Portlnhd; Jan. McCutchcon nnd wife, Ilbaver Hill; 1 Charles Oglesby, Coqulllo; John A. Klein, San Francisco. 1 Tho St. liiuvroneo Hotel. I A. It. Tinker, San Frnilclsco; W. II. Tinker, San Francisco; A. Wiblg kelt, San Frnncldco; 1'. Simpson a lid wire. Itenvor Hill; ,Mrs. T. J. Scan 11011, Lnkesldo; Will Clirk, Lakdsdi; J. II. ILiyinoiid nnd wire, Dandon; J. It. VnnburKor, Lnkesldd; C. , Jf. Johnson, Lakeside; I). H. Mnnii, Sai FrailcUco. The tllauco Hotel. Sam Oskoy, Denver Hill; id. It. lthodes, South lnlot; AV. Wassort, South Inlet; J. A. Kennedy ind wlfo, Haildoti; Miss Iloso KonnodjV Dan don; Willis Wnrnor, Myrtlo Point; R. 'O. Ulntcliov, Mbrtlo . Point'; II. Huoriiinn nnd family, Myrllo Point; J. L. Lowolleir nnd wlfo, Myrtlo Point; Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen, rirtkor. Myrtlo Point: A. Grahnm, Myrtlo Point; O. a. HOwer, Myrtlo PpltU; J. A. Morrison, Denver Hill; C. W. Linn, Ilnndon; T. C. Jlncy, IlaniVon; A. J. Jinny, Ilandon; i o. Kin'soy nnd wife, Coqulllo; J. W. Glbnoy, Alle gany; Frank Somo, Portland; firs. L. 1). Mnharfey, Portland; Jdhn Wh(j brcy, Myrtlo Point. Tho Lloyd, Holel. ' N. Miitnln, Ilandon; E. lvliii.'hurt dou; William Sntwell, Portland; II. Sheldon, Norway; Clnrenco Wal lace, Portland; A. lltirnstdu, 'Lnko Bldo; F. c. Hntnlltoii, North lnlot; E. Daley, Toledo; W. E. IJrotvn, Myrtlo I'olnt. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I VANTEI To wll t"o fuin'.'Uio In four-room house, rent paid to Jan. 10, Price $90. WANTED, you to buy 4 million rdot timber nnd laud ror $8G0. WANTED, To soil 7-room rooming house, bnth, nil equipped, rent ed, rir.o. WANTED, you to consider buying small hotel or rooming house, 12 rooms, with 3 room apart ment (o Hvu In, nil equipped, $1000, Stutsman & Co., 130 N. Ilrondway. FOR KENT A fili'iiWied nuiituienl In the O'Counoll llldg. FOR RENT Furnished "miNo keeping room. G9fi 1st mid Kirch. WANTED I WANTED A iiiri'liiiNir Mr lols 7, 8, 9, block 8, .SuiiKslacketi's Addi tion. Price $1200. PurchiiHor to assume street Improvement, Ad dress P. O. Ilox 173, Ilnndon, Oro. MItS. A. W. COOK raino down todny from North Inlet to do her Christ mas shopping. iggestions r a Gift r ramer SMOKING JACKET A BATH ROBE A PAIR OF SHOES A BOX OF SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS SUSPENDERS in Holiday Boxes If Desired. HE F1XUP TWO STORES ihficld North Bend Parisian Ivory l,TKk. S f" 1 V bl 1 iy 7 I vr i I y For I Her I , Move to .Vow I-onitloii TI10 Lowls Confectionery yestorday complotod ; moving into tholr now homo In tho building formerly occupied by Tho Times. The lower floor of tho struc turo linn hcou completely remodolod and dlvldod Into two storo rooms, both of which hnvo built-in fronts. Served With Ilenrli Wiimuit. A bench warrant was served on Joseph Soliott or tho Smith mill today and 1 ho wont to Coqulllo on tho afternoon train with Constnblo Cox, who do- nlrirna tlint n mil.iinntin luoitml .,. Scott somo time ago for giving liquor ' to 11 minor nnd that ho failed to niiBwor tho grand jury summons. To (let Jetty Capt. Mncgonn stnt ed today that L. Jlmpson would nccompnny him to Portland Saturday to confer with Major Morrow rela tive to tho Jetty projoct. Capt. Mac genn discussed It again with Mnjor Morrow this week and pointed out that R tho old Jetty was nut rebuilt soon nnd tho bnlnnce of It nllowod to crumble away, navigation or tho bnr glass would become much more dnngorous. Ho said that tho old Jotty Is n hotter aid Until nny buoy or niiythlng oIho nnd with that gone tlioro will bo noth ing to designate tho safe portion of tho cr.nnuol nnd to provont tho bar breaking clear across. MItS. NED GALLOWAY of North ln lot was hero todny for her Christ ians shopping. MISS GERTIE GUNNELL, ot Catch lug Inlet, enmo down todny on a business trip. JACK FAIILEY or Allegany down today looking after matters of Interest, wns somo ItOY LANDItlTH or Coos Itlvor was among tho out or town visitors that spont tho day horo. WA.Vl'KD Employment! by hiIwt, stendy man, experience In several lines or work. Handy with tools. Willing to go nnywhero If work Is Stendy. P. O. Ilox 2.11, Oouulllo. 1 FOR SALE f FOR HALE Or Mill trndo for town proporty If suitable, n dairy ranch on Coos Itlvor 8 miles from town. G., caro of Times. FOR HALF ? 1(1.00 hlcyrio foe ijtUO K taken nt once, Phone 293, uftori C p. 111., 430-X, ARE MADE EAGLES Four now Enjjles werq nddod to tho local norlo when last evening William It. Hancock, Earl Chlsholm, Ernest Doucho nnd Georgo E, Jnnk Bon wore Initiated Into tho order. At tho snmo tlmo flvo applications woro received from npxlous candidates. Immediately nftor tho Initiation a social tlmo was enjoyed and plans werq again discussed for tho annual lustnllntlou nnd banquet to ho hold on January 0 nt Englos' Hall. The i FOR RENT J. W. GlIINEY, of Allegany, wns down todny looking nftor somo matters of business. FOR RENT SeiMirnto rooms anil housekeeping npartmctits, furnish cd or unfurnlsliod. ltonsonnblo Phono 19-L. 415 So. 4 th. Grand 'To-Nigh t MItS. OHOVER MOTLEY mid Miss FOR RENT HdiiNo In tear of for mor Times nfflro. Enqulro of John Fergunoii. Ollvo Itlchnrds or Sumner nro,' r()t RENT mill npnrlmrutH Murshrlold visitors todny. oid The CAPE ARAGO OYSTER. COCKTAILS FOIC Tin-: CHRISTMAS FEAST The. purest, most delicious uud nppetliug UyMt-r I'oi-ktnlls Tor 1110 t'lii-iHtiuaN Jiiniiei' iiiiulo from (lit Ih'sC nnd purest Ingre dients. Fine, Fivdi Oyhtors, tlio liest latsupt, Huures and Ino gars. special lu-ireM o-i qiiaiitlUes for liiuclieoiH ami dinners ut nny time. Phono UIO-U Gels Drunk; Gets Job. There wns u surprlso in storo for Hill Dur keo when ho woko up In Jail this morning, without a cant of rnsh, and round that a broom had bcou pro vided ror Ills sporlal benefit and with It ho was ablo to raise a husky np pot'to ror bronkrnBt. This is a now procoduro nnd In tho pust mon hnvo 'rapidly at Meroy Hospital and will I AMONG THE SICK I Mrs. Thomn8 llarvoy Is rocuporat Ing from a couplo of wooks' slcg or In grlppo. Mrs. W. F. Harmon wns brought homo Inst evening from Mercy Hos pital, whoro aha rccoiitly underwent nu opointloti. Sho Is getting along nicely, but It will be some tlmo ho furo sho completely recovers. A. P. Owen continues to Improve MILS. JOHN MATSON, of Catching lnlot, wus among tho shopping j visitors In tho city today. MI1R T ('. fllKn-T ..,1,1 .tnm.lilnH I ........ w. w. ...W., woro Christmas shopping visitors hero todny from Cntuhliig lnlot, furnished nnd unfurnished. I, S Knufnimi ft Co, 177 Front streot FOR RENT Nicely furnished from rooms with bnth, $2 por wook Close In. 239 So. 1th St. ERNEST FIIANKON camo down on tho Wah-tit-WuHo this mornltitc on business from ditching Inlet. FOR KENT Furnished apartment Phono RS'L. oncu neon lot out unniiio to pay tholr fiuos; this Is a system of work ing It out. ,..Tiikos First l.lcenso. Not to bo , caught off his guard mid "pinched" for having 110 automobile license ut I tho first of the year, O. A. Anderson is tho rlrst mnehluo owner to apply ! through JiiBtlru I'euuook for a state Ilceiiso. Ho has taken out his nppll . cation blank, which will ho forwnrd , ed to tho secretary of state. On Do- comber 31 all licenses 011 machines In this state will become void, soon bo able to return home. REST FOR KIDMCVM S A V S DOCTOR mniOll PlaCe I Cape Arago Soda Works 1 . US HELP YOU SELECT AN UNUSUAL GIFT "Why Pay More?" inson Gulovson Co.l; Quality Name With the Funeral on Frhhiy. Tltp funeral of John Golden, who wus round dead yesterday, will ho held next Friday 1 morning nt 9 o'clock, tho services being conducted by tho Rev. Father McDevltt. Tho remains may bo seen' LOCAL DRUGGIST MAKES ir ""'J j!" "! MANY FHIENDb(CIapeK A Bl8tar Mr8 , A Ken., The Lorkhart-Parsons Drug Co. Ion with hor husband und daughter,! ronort they aro making many frlonds ' Miss Rose Kennedy, , through tho QUICK benetlt which :ff,m!xtroP,ofTueckthoVn0mbSl '"X- Cuuldn't VeThat May- glycerin", "t". known as Adler-l-ka. or ltobert Kltson. mayor or Eastslde,' 'This remedy became ramous by cur- could not vote at tho city election' Inn nlinnmlldtlS and it IS tllO nlOSt , l.t. thuro tu-n wnnL-a .c.n lu I.a al..r.. ' 'SroftOTyihWoSripi w t-w " w omci.1 or tie r ONE DOSE or AUler-l- ka relieves constipation and gas on tho stomach almost IMMEDIATELY. The Lockbart-Parsons Drug Co. Service Fame. OWLS' HALL, Eagles' Hull, Sat unlny, December lOUu city. It seouis that Mr. Kltson, though ho came to this country In' 1903, railed ta take out his first cltl zonshlp papers until two years ago. According to the ullen voting lawi passed at tho November state elec tion tuoeo who have not their flnul Dr. J. T. It. Neal, Greonvlllo, So Car., says that In his thirty years of experience ho has found no prepara tion for tho klduoys equal to Foley Kidney Pills. Pain In hnok and hips Is mi indication of kidney trouble n warning to build up tho weakened kidneys, mnko thom vigorous, ridding your blood or nclds and poisons. Foloy Kidney Pills will help any ease or kidney nnd bladder trouble not beyond tho reach or medicine. In COc mid $1.00 sizes. Sold In your town by tho Owl Phurmacy. Business Opportunity If you are looking for a good business opportunity a live good-paying proposition "Sea Reid About It" Three splendid opportunities are now offered : : : Open evenings, 7 to 8. II. K. STRICKLAND nnd son wero down this morning on buslnoss from their homo on Catching Inlet. MItS. J. C. DOWMAN or Allegany camo down on tho Mlllli-omu this morning to do part or her Christ mas shopping. MItS. ItOHEHT M'CANN and daugh ter, Mrs, E. Georgo Smith, or Coos Itlvor, wero hero today. Christmas shoppers W. A, Reid, 150 Front St. A. Y, MYEKS or tl:u Itoyuolds Devel opment company will leuvo soon ror Spokane, whoro ho will spend Christmas. CAPT. N. J. CORNWALL or Gar diner left on tho Nuuii Smith today ror Ilerkoloy, Calif., whoro ho will spend Christinas with his children. E. II. FISH, who Is now with tho Estabrook company nt Iluiidou, was a Mnrshfleld business visitor yes terday. Ho reports tho outlook ut Ilandon good. I i 7r)ljMMfc. nJtp Vltngrnph night. Six. reols of this popular mako of photoplays will bo shown tonight, Ilrondway star foaturo, "Undo Hill," featuring Miss Anita Stewart nnd Julia Swayno Gordon In- a tltroQ rool comedy drnniu. This plcturo Is In u class with "Tho Wreck" "Mil lion Hid" und "Shadows of tho Past" which woro shown with th.o. sanio j lending players. A plcturo.' of (ho 'very highest class. No better pic tures can bo produced than tho I ilrondway star features of tho Vlta grnph Company mid no bottor aro ,shown In any city of tho land. Wo always glvo you the best, The fourth lustullfueiit or ''llolov ,cd Adventurer." entitled "An Amor ilcnn HolresB." This florin! story featuring Arthur Johnson, Is tlio most popular plcturo lu Auiorlcn, "When tho Hnm Turned.'' New est comedy In fllmdom. "Tlio Hum! of Fnto," novel dra. ,iuutlo play. Children, fie; adults, 10c. Tomorrow night the Vomitlan Or rliostru mid nil now pictures. We Carry tho LARGEST LINE ' at LOWEST PRICES in COOS COUNTY Your Christmas Shopping is Not Complete Until You Visit This Store. GEO. HARKENPOHL, who 1ms boon employed at Smith-Powers Camp 2 at Couledo. was In Mnrshfleld to day en route to Camp Ono, whoro i BoyS and Girls, HaVC YOU SeQt no win take a position. CHAS. MeCLEES and D. V. Stafford went to Coqulllo yesterday as wit nesses In tho cuse of Anna Rusl; vs. tho city ol Marshfloid and It It. Montgomery for damages for In Your Rhyme Yet? People's 5-1 0-1 5 ct Store 1HE LEMANSKI THEATRE TONIGHT THE HOME Of DIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE. Our regular program. Our special feature, "Daniel Froh iunn presents IIRUCH M'UAE, tho distinguished dramatic actor lit tho funious political romance "THE RINO AND THE MAN," In four reols or motion plcturo. Produced by Famous. Players Film Company. Sterling-Universal prosoilta "THft LFLHIT," a rarco comedy roaturluk tho famous Storting tots. ' Morales Ilrothors, uovolty athlotqs In a uulquo act. First Grand Symphony concert is ,dor the nusplces of Order of Owls, I Symphony Orchestra of 20 pieces. j Admission, lowor floor and bal cony clrclo, 00c; gahery sects, 2Gc.