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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
i jf, rw- -"jw, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914-EVENING EDITION. vovn rg" tOOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONHY, Editor nnil 1Mb. DAN K. MALONEY, Nous Editor Official rnper of Coos County Entored nt tho Postottlco ot Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ns second-clan , tntll matter. AVHY NOT TAG OREGON HACIIKLOHS? 1 A GREAT many states have given consideration to bills taxing bachelors and many convincing arguments havo been presented why men who escapo matrimony should pay a penalty, but why not tag them as n moro painless nnu ciiccuvc method of extermination? If tho bachelors were tagged tho widows could easily find them and Cupid would do the rest. The bachelor Is naturally timid, but under tho en couraging Influences of a merry wid ow ho can easily bo led to tho altar, for thcro 1b no moro helpless craft afloat that a lovesick owaln who has passed the ago of discretion, and the Jlttlo Imp that plays ping-pong with human hearts has no moro capablo ally than n woman who loves at second sight, for experience makes Cupid subtle and bold, Tho women havo tag days to pro njoto most every other public enter prise and why not a tag day for bachelors? Wo havo In Oregon ap proximately 50,000 bachelors and nn equal number of widows. Why not get them together and solvo two vex atious problems with one marriage license? tor's skill. A master builder he, who liumblj lives, And dally of himself so freely gives, That deed by deed and stop by step he molds A link Invisible though strong that holds The chain of human dostlulos In tact; And yot no monument docs ho cx aot, Hut though he comes and gouB, un known, forgot, Can mankind say, because thoy sec It not, Ho has not bullded just ns well as thoy Who o'er the wor'.tl havo Hold a potent sway? -Solootod. . t OUlt DAILY CONUNDRUM. I Who was tho first that boro j arms? J Answer tomorrow. j Answer to yesterday's: "Why j Is thoro never such a thing as j ono wholo day?" j j Hccauso every day begins by j breaking. NATION' FACING SHUT FAS I INI?. ECONOMIC exports of tho Federal Govornmont nro giving tho high cost of living problem thought ful consideration and aro investigat ing tho high prices of meat. Tho De partment of Agriculttiro has Just completed n census of tho meat-producing anlmnls of tho United States and finds that thoro has been a do crcaso of -1,183,000 head and an ln croaso of $170, 530,000 in valuo dur ing tho past yonr. On January 1, 1914, tho herd numbered 11 1,007,000 cumimreu wun ns.uao.uoo nond a year ago. Tho bulk of tho nation's decreased mont supply is in tho swlno hord. Compared with last year tho numbor of hogs in tho United States has di minished 2.18G.000 head; cattlo 175,000 head and snoop 1,703,000 head. Tho major portion of tho in creased vnluos Is credited to tho heof nnlmnls. Tho valuo of nil cattlo, ex cluding milch cows, when compared with last yonr, shows an incronso of $16fi,G88,000; hwIiio havo gained D,8 2,000 In vnluo, whllo sheep havo depreciated $1, -170, 000. QUESTION FOR Till-) DAY. j Can you still remember tho old fashioned woman who used to sug gest a mustard poultleo for what ever ailed you? 4 , I If a Coos Day woman had her way a ten-room house would j contain 100 closets. turned Into a pil'ar of salt. S"o died bard. o That thoio is plenty of room at tho top inny be duo to the fact that so many of us are too lazy to climb. Many a man who bonsta of his bluo blood has a streak of yellow. A prudo Is a girl who rates to think of dylnir because alio doesn't llko the Idea of going to heaven wlth uot a chaperon. Universal poaco Is morcly a mat tor of waltlug for tho other follow to begin the fight. Many a girl Is a gem In spite of ( the fact that Bho refuses to bo cut. It's hard to mako n rofonner bo llevo that to tho pure all things are pure. Fnlliuo Is often tho result of a firm bolief that all things conic to those who wait for something to turn up. , Many a man is so constituted thnti ho makos friends with cvoryono ex cept himself. j -o Many a woman gets innrrlcd slm-1 ply bocniiso it is absolutely neccs sary for her to hnvo an nudlcnco. ' o i Good wlno needs no bush nnd a gold brick needs no hod carrier. , l i HOTEL DOTSON C. A. Hanson, Propi lotor. Now open under new mnnngomont. A homo place with homo cooking' served In family stylo. Hoard and ' room, ?G.fi0 per week. 315 South' Second St., Mnrshfleld. i t Y2 xs Cigarettes Qualify! Not Premiums THE cost of the choice blend Turkish and domestic to baccos in these cigarettes for bids the giving of premiums or coupons. No matter what you pay, you cannot buy a more satisfying; smoke than Camels, 20 for JO cents. They do not have that cigarctty taste nor parch your throat. If four ittitt can' mppfryou, ttni lOehtont puktf 20 for 10 cents cfll. 00 lor a carton of fen pxtajts CM cfgirtfftii. pttkif i and we will refund your mooir. poifjgc prepaid, filler imoMna. one piciagt. you don 'l find CAMEIS n I eorejenled, relura tht oilier nine Y young people. open n Havings Account In this hh(v, icgularly ten per cent of jou Interest wo pny you'll l0 H late a working fund. n Savings Account is tho groat TO'nth0 UU MliR,llItt,r ?KJ I . "III Ilin ., . --I1 ',",,,w"'oqiiirMrr::w," .n '"'"nmbltion. Tr;,t. UNDER THE U.MTISI) G6VERNMENT STATIC Hl'li:itvislOK. OF COOS RAY Sp'cly Deposit Boxes For llenl, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Win.ton-Salcm, N. C. '? mm UTs notice of final settlement Notlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned, administrator ot tho ostato of Gcorgo W. Catching, de ceased, has filed his final account as such administrator in tho County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, and tho said court hns appointed Mondny tho 11th day of o January, 1915, at tho hour of 10 Mstnn to twn Ciinn iinv cirin Piint. 'o't-'iock a. in. of said dny nt tho tor and nlno times out of ton It Ih: Iccuit houso at CoquIIIo City. Coos "Ho sez" and "I soz." And llston -". reon, as tno to two vnnni! follnwR nnil nvnn . "Inca for tho hearing French Dry Q mm. Wo nro nil so narrow minded .that whllo wo Insist on sondlng j missionaries to tho poor, bo- nlghtod Hindu, wo got mad j when a Hindu missionary hits this country. j times out of and "I sez." ten It is: "She sez" Tho solf mado man can't under stand why nnyono should profer n family tree to n busluoss plant. Somo womon nro doad easy; but, then, thoro was Lot'n wife, who was tlmo nnd of o Mic tions to said final account and tho scttlomcut thereof. Dntod this 3rd day of December, 10M. JOHN W. CATCHING, Administrator ot tho Estato of Goorgo W. Catching, Deceased. First publication, December 3, 1011. Last publication, January 7. 19115. Is something new on Coos Bay. It has never been clone here before and this is the only establishment here that does this work thoroughly. 'This process cleanses thoroughly through and through every garment handled. The lining as well as the outside is cleaned, making YOUR OLD SUIT LOOK LIKE NEW This is not an advertising claim but a binding obliga tion and promise that we make and will guarantee. Bring us one suit and MAKE US PROVE IT TO YOUR SATISFACTION A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU UNIQUE PANTATOR1UM JAY DOYLE'S PLACE. 256 CENTRAL AVENUu. PHONE 250-X OLDEST HANK IX COOS CUUKTY ' ' Established 1880, yt eO - capital, surplus and Undivided i Profits $115,000 : Interest Paid on Time Deposits I Offlcors: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. Klanugnu, Vlre-Picsldent. It. F. WJIIlnini, Cashier. Ceo. !'. Winchester, Ant, CVfe To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TUB FAST AND COMFOHTAIIIE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUH'Pni) NORTH .0, P. McGEORGE Phono 44, Mnrshflold WMHMnHHOB PACIFIC BTUAMSUIP CO. AGENT W.H.r Phono Mt.Kcrtll WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST GOOD EVENING. l iiiiiuuK uiu uiussiugs ami on- j onJoymontH of this llfo there nro row that can bo compared in vluo .to tho possession of a faithful friend n friend who will defend you wlion you nro I assailed by tho tongues of slnn- I der and calumny, who will not j forsnko you ovbn when you luivo ' rallen Into dlsKraco, who will council you In your doubts and porplexltltm, who will open his puruo and aid you without o.- pcctliiK nny lot urn or his fav- ors, who will lujnlcu nt your j prosperity and kiIuvo at your adversity, who will bear half your burden, who will odd to your Joys, and diminish your sor- rows by sharlnj; them both. . Gibbons, TIIB.MAKTKK ItUIUlBlt. - irCfSKS&OJ i AWKjwmm, Wh riStnsf&L Ajvr .- 'Y' j&&mm. 5W!B. i m0M " Hol jwu'.mirmiir' wu j sXiMfc. latacxhrtai-xj-fK J Electrical Gifts Xow is tho tlmo of year to lay In that winter's supply of grocer ies, but before- you buy horo or sond your ordor away to Portland or San Ki'auclsco come In nnd boo us nnd let us flKiiro with you; which wo will bo Klad to do and will submit bids on short notlco. Wo hnvo somo splendid homo-inndo snuor kraut, 1-2 Rnl. for Lro. When In tho market fur dried fruits come In and look over our line. IIHMiKLBUIl A.N1) IIAIiDWI.V APPI.KS, PKIt 1IO.V $1.00 Muko your Xow Yonr's resolutions onrly and includo this ono: 'Itosolvod, that during tho yonr 1015 1 tun koIiib to trodo nt tho Coos Hay Tea, Coffoo and Splco llouso us thoy can snvo mo money on my jjrocory bill. ir you do this wo will gunrantoo you a Hap py Xow Year. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Jtoi.,1. KQUIPPKI) WITH WllU.'liim Steamship Breakwafe ALWAYS ON TIMK. KATUItDAY, l)i:Ci:.MIIi;il 10, AT M A.M., SATUIDAV, Dim unit y, at a::io i. jr. , TICKBTS ON SALK AT POItTIANI) CITY TICKKT OFFICII M, AND OAK STHKBTS, Phono 3S-J. POHTUXD. o. ii. usromVl - MTEHCEM! TRAWSPORTflTI Scrni-wcoldy service Coos Bay and San FraDG STHMSHIP BEDOMBI I WOOD - -AT- Please Every Fashionable Woman Many Pieces of Electric Ware Are for Use on the Dining Table where they give a touch of distinction and luxury high ly prized by the hostess. ' Electric Coffee Percolators, Electric Tea Kettles, Electric Table Stoves and Electric Toasters Make Entirely Suitable and Practical Gifts. There is an electrical gift for everyone at a price to suit every purse. A master bulldor ho, who with hands La a brick on brick nnd stono on , , btoue, u nd stands I And vlows his work with conscious' pride, that ho Has had tho powor to build fori worlds to teo, Something enduring that will ohoor mon's Bight For yoars to como and when eternal night Has closed Its shades about him, thore will still Jlomain a monument to his, n woik- man's skill. A mastor builder ho, who with his brain Adds truth to truth and fnat to fact. n chain So powerful that ho thus w root and ' holds I This year ths special holiday prices are unusually low ow- socrets that xaturo roiuctantiy nn-, iiic to co-operative effort of the following dealers and our- folds, , seVeSj i Through scleuco foiclug thum to oaso nf , , tl10 way H v. I C. A. Laragworthy Or futuro genorations. Thus when " llai clSl to him forever, therr Marsllfield EleCtrfc COftt. CO. Will still Remain a monument to his lmeiM I CAMPBELL'S WO0DYARD Knr( Knifii Htrtvit. I'liiiiM' h;i HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. I PAItlSIAN OliBA.MNO AND I I DYKING AYOKKS I j 200 West Mnrkot Ave., corner j Second Streot. j Under new manngomont. Prices j low, and nil work satisfactory. j Imdlos woik n sjicclnlty. I j Phono 17C-J. I J. S. STKVBXS, I I lni. CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. GAYLISS A:y Kind of Brick Work nt Prices That Aro Right Anil nil Work Gnnrmitcw Call at "Tho Flrosldo," Johnson Flldg,, 137 Second St. Phone 434-J. French Ranges. Doiler Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks botwoen any polnti tn Mnrshfleld and do general hauling (or reasonable ratos. STAR TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Levi Hcisner, Proprietor Phones: 120..), 40-L, 08-U kaii, n'limi HAV KKAVCISCO roll J'OOS HU''iwnn- mv PMlEI'lt L'l, .IT)'1 illLitni...., ,,..... Equipped witli wireless nnd subrnarjne befl. inssenp;ers nnd ircigiK. STEAMSHIP ii S1III Equipped with wireless nnd submarine bell. Passonpora nnd froiclu. WIMj HAI1 FROM SAN FRANCISO) FOR l " lfjl MONDAY, IHMWUIWIS'.'"' l Ran tfrannisfin attico. Greeuwicli street pier 11 and COO Fife building. . Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McGeorge, Plow THE LOW SPECIAL PRICES LAST Only Until Present Stocks Are Sold. MATT I,. MAY Western Orogon Representative HAAS HROT1IKHS Impoiters hnd Wholcsnlc GrocorN Mnrshflold, Oregon toi. aoi-rt. Res. Myrtlo Arms THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshflold WASHINGTON AVIIM'K STUHH'N hTRKKT NORTH IJKM) O. A. Metllu, Prop. K00NT2 GARAGE ICxeelsIor Motorrjrclo Ageacy LEE T1R ES AUTOMOniLES STORED OOOS COUNTY'S .MOST COMPLETS MACHINE SHOP BIARINE AND AUTOMORILH RIHWmi.VG GASOLINE FOR SALfl S'ORTII FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J UATTERIES REPAIRED AND OHARGKD PASSENGERS FREIGHT ST0RAI MM LI STEIIBS -SAIEi FROM- San Francisco Pier No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Phone 27ft. Coos Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS R. JAMi:S, Agent Erery wm , Ocean Dortc New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend 4 4 i sold on if. TVDC11IDITCDO All oonrloivl maL'eS. in Mvm i tno f " -j Remmo" mnnro nnui nnn rnmnir nny nuiiKmuuui - . ... Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, V carbon pnper delivered. Phono us your orUel, clipp V CO. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGtu ROOFING REcPnAJSKS' CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FFLTS AND CEMENT Oregon Power Company, n& p. 89,. NO SAW EDGES OB YOUR COLLARS U you havo them launders iun ctty'stkXm laundry C. J. BOAIFK HODGIN8 4 n a, n. T J Marshfield Sg co l.'slliiiutes Furnished I lfeoe 90VI-J. SfAWWleW, Orf o. PirhlfCSftl" Walker Stu 4 i.