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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
MsUmLLMn f 0 1 -I.--.Mi ifiPffl'IPl Fstt liril QFESSIOiW DIRECTORY Lothard McClure ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In nil courts. jm 12, Flanagan & Bennett Hank H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER lenoral Ropnlrlng and Cabinet ' waiting. one 349-J. W. Wright rhono 188-R. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request K H. M. Shaw L-Kyc, Kar, oso nnd Throat. I. nr.laaisu uirrut SIATTIE II. SHAW tlnncpA nt Wnmpn nml nitMiw. lice Phone 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. fnjamin Ostlind ARailTECT Offices, 200 Irving Block ono 103-1. or 2C7-J. Mnrshflold, Oregon G. Chandler ARCHITECT Ipmi 301 and 302, Coko Oulldlna ti Marshflold, Orogon i. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. k Olivia Edman. M. T. n. PEDISII MAHSAGE AND MED- ICAIj GYMNASTICS I FOR ALL DISEASES Comincrclnl nvc. Phono 2-12-J si Ostlind INO TUNER AND REPAIRER to ordora at W. R. Haines' Hut- Company. S. Sixth Stroot. Phono 103-L rl Riley Ballinpcr ' PIANIST AND TEACHER sldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St Phono 308-u -w """"" "-- wiiuwum, MiunouHi, utucmocn i, iyi4--tVtNING EDITION. """'""'aj'iii-wiiwi H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN iYXD SURGEON rgory and Diseases of Women n Specialty. Nco, 307 Coko Bide. Phono 229-J Myrtlo Arms. Phono 301-L IMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, )r Fancy and Domesto CHINA AIN'T IT TUB TRUTH. I fo novor blnmo tho tailor when j our pants wo havo to pin, r'o novor blnmo tho shoo man when our soles grow old and thin, r'o novcr blnmo tho battor fhon our lids wo havo to flout, But wo always blamo tho laun dry when our shirts wenr out. )OS WAV STEAM LAUNDRY Phono Q7-J. ST. LAWRENCi: HOTEL (formerly tho Coos Hotel) Btcam heat, hot nnd cold wator..j No liquor. 7o invito you to Investigate our vlntor rates. Spocinl Inducement ?hen two or moro persons occu- py samo room. Commutation Tickets $2.00 ifiold-Nortli Bend Auto Ida every ton minutes from 8 a. m II! p. in,; to South SIoiirIi onco n f, leaving nt 11 a. in.; to Empire trip a day. GOnST A KINO. Propt. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Itle & Trust Co., Abstracts, tiorouKhlv denondable. Imme diate service, prompt attention an intorosts or our enema. INIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 158-R ONE Cent essenger Service IARSHFIELD CYCLERY AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS rood cars with careful driven f day service, phone lw, HUhco Blllard Parlors. Miffat service, Phone 20-L Right Onto. D. L F00TE. m E MONEY by ordering the famous Real Christmas Ch HOLDS my eer THROUGH STATES NEWS OF WORLD S T T W By N I M HARVRE BELGIAN CAPITAL SOLDIERS ISSUE PAPER eans Shop Early-Shop Now! YOU'LL make the clerks in the stores where you shop more cheerful if you shop ear ly. It makes things easier for thsm. YR',LLx,be mi'e.cheerful Wien Santa Claus fills the stockings on Christmas eve and more cheerful when the presents are passed around on Christmas morning if you shop early. i SHOP EARLY, and when you do shop, be cheerful. hrr Winter Crowned Supremo "0 TlrffloS M"' Wt AMoclilrJ TrfM to Com Ttf Tlmn. 1'AtMH linn 17 "Tl.n Hnlin f Spreads Misery TlirOUgll I tnrAtii.drrfcoCoo.n,r'ri.i itho Argotine" Is tho tltlo of n now East West Hurt Little I HAVM3, Doc.17 Tho little branch 'I-'rouch porlodlcnl orltcil from tho King Winter, stubborn bocnuso postofflco In tho district ot Stoj tronchos in tho depths of tho Argon- ho cannot extend his mnntle of sao.v) Adrosse, Havre, Is now tho most lm- " forest whero tho French nnd tho I , to Coos Bny, has been tnklng out his .splto by sendlug to us n heavy frost; tho heaviest oxporlencod this year. On Sundny night tho theromomotor went down to 20 degrees, raised to 27 on .Monday night nnd Tuesday stopped up still nuothcr notch. But oven nt this Coos Bny hns cxpor ionced but very llttlo of tho cold wnvo that has swept through tho North nnd 1ms hold swny through, tho Knst. ,mmmmammtfmmmita'TMxnKmmmmmrmmpimmBtwmwKmmcaBnmimmmmmm I portnnt In tho world In tho vlow of Oormnns hnvo disputed tho ground NORTIIWKST HlllVKHH Not Only At Holiday Time Bu( every day In the year Connor- At lloaglaud are ready to (.one you with the good things (UtOCKRIKS. You may not ceo them every day or pns tholr More, but thoy nro always on tlu Job nnd their Kpeolnl delivery wagons and aulos probably puns your houso every day. Hpenk to tho ,rvor wherever ji.u ooo Mint lio has his lMok with him and can (h0 your order at any time nnd any place or phono tliom tliro Mc , phonos, : and IH. ir you have time, drop around IIMd M-o (ho busiest exclusive grocery More In loot. County, uhciv It iC(,ulres tltc bcrvlces of eight poo pie (o take rare of (ho trade. Conner At Hoaglnud pride themselves on thl suceesH mid It must mean hatlhfartlou to tlielr many rtiMoiners. They would bo pleas ed to have you lest their xervlco nnd their goods. Then use jour own best Judgment. CONNOR & H0AGLAND SOCTII IIMOADWAV. piioxi:s a-jt, :iih POUTIiANI), Or., See. V,'. in general with most other parts ot tho United States, tho northwestorn stntca today wcro experiencing tho coldest temporntures of tho year, al though In central nnd southeastern Idaho tho mercury had Btnrtcd on tho up grnde. A Blight moderation In tompornturo generally was pre dicted within tho next L't hours. West of tho Cnscado rango, tho cold was not sovero. In Portland tho mercury renchod tho lowest mark enrly TuoBday nt 2fi .degoes nbovo zero. At Sonttlo It was 28 dogrooB nnd Spoknno reported n minimum of I C degree's. 21 1IKI.OW ZKHO OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 17. Tho cold' ost wonthor of tho prosent wlntor provnlled In this part of tho country tho first of tho wook. Norfolk, No braska, reported tho tomporuturd 21 dogrcos below zoro. Sovon dogreo below was tho minimum In Omnhn. POOIt SIJKK HIIKl.TKIt Abstracts l'OIt IlKMAHU: AUSTItACTS )!' T1TI.K AND INKDltMATION AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. .MAIlSlirittM) AND COQl'IUii: CITV, OltlXSON Gi:.i:u.ii AoicxTs, icastsidi: and skvostackkn's addition AOKXTS VOn CANADIAN PACIFIC HAILltOAD LANDS iiKNitv si:nostacki:n, manaohu OHICAOO, Doc. 17. Chnrltnblo organizations woro overwhelmed to- day with nppeals for aid ns a result of a cold wnvo which swopt the Croat Lake region this week. Tho tompornturo dropped 31 dogreen to zero In twelve hours. All munlolpal lodging housoH woro pnekod with homeless men last- night. stawp collectors. It fnls within tho section of tho city temporarily made over to Holglum as its capital, nnd ns such Is on llolglnn soil. A lottor posted there, even If destined only for nuothcr part ot Havre, must carry the full forolgn postal rato of 25 centlnios, or flvo cents. It Is not duo to tho fact of n llol glnu stamp being mod, but to tho postmark of Havre on tho Btnmp that mnkos It valuable to phllatoll Ists. During tho offlco hours stnmp (electors stand In lino In 8to Ad rosso. Tho grontost iio rs of post cards with tho embowicd stnmp of flvo centimes, two stamps of two centlnios nnd ono of ono, making a total vnluo ot two cents. They buy tho ontlro Issuo, which they usunly stick In nn onvolopo nddross to thomsolvcs and havo them cancell ed Immedlntly nt tho window, lint tho most valuable collection U ono placed on nn official onvolopo mark ed and signed by tho mall censor. It Is thus n triple souvenir. If It woro not for tho collectors, this llolglnn offlco would do n smnll business. Hut In vlow ot the stamps cnncolod for tho sake of tho post mark, It Is probnbly ho host paying offlco of Its bIzo in nny part of tho globe. VACATION FOR SOLDIERS inr AwoflllM 1-rfM to Com IH7 Tlmrs.1 AI.DKItSHOT, Knir., Doc. 17. As tho result of recent ordow kIvoii by Sir John Kroncli, tho families of yard for yard for moro thnn thrco months. It mnkos Its dobut with tho nnnouncomont of a sucesstul skir mish In which tho "bluo devils", tho chasseurs, dofoaod ho Oormnns onco moro In tho llnussy foresi, tolls ot tho victory of tho ltuslnnn In Po land nnd tho program of tho Allies In tho north. Tho lending nrtlclo, double loaded nnd In fnt faco typo, nunounced tho forthcoming dostrl butlon of 11,000 brier pIpoB In tho tronchos. ENGLISH LACK JOBS WAR HITS MONTE CARLO Itj Ano'lttiM I'rwi to Coal n TlmM.1 LONDON, Dec. 17. llocnuso of tho wnr, Monte Carlo Ir to havo a limited season this your, opening soino time In Dccoiubor. Formerly It wns customary to begin tho gamb ling sennou on November IS, nnd long boforo than tho frivolous world of sport nnd fashion hnd gnthored hero, and by Dorombor gnyety was at Its height. Out ot tho S00 em ployeos of tho CubIuo nearly 1100 nro" now sorlng Franco with tho colors. Tho rest hnvo been retained In the sorvleo of tho company nt tompornr lly reduced rates. " WAH IIA.HTKNM CUPID. 17 ItKI.OW. DUUJTH, Minn., Doc. 17. Duluth shivered yestordny In u north wind jitlint brounhtstj$f tbormomotrirH ciown to 17 dogmas below zero, tho lowost of tho soasou. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- hns boon a hobby with us for a good many years and lot ot our customers will toll you when It comes to getting good, sound, durablo framing material at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spend and wo'll got busy with our pencil and f I euro out tho best your uonoy can buy. Try us. Uli,t M C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Hin'AIL DICPAIIT.MKNT CUT TIIK FUEL HILL 1 TWO IIV UH1NO OUU WOOD I-nONK 100. IKS SOUTH ItllOADWAV HATIFV KKA.KAFirrV. Ill AwnrUtM I'm (p Cum Ifciy TIihm. WASHINOTON, D. C, Dec. 17. Tho Londan Safety nt Son ronvon- i tlon wns ratified by tho Senate with icmondmontH to witlsfy Its opponents. III? AMwltt I'm In com IM TtlKM.) llUltl.lN, Dec. 17. "Wnr mnrrl ngOH" will materially Inorenso tho nuuibor of uihrrlngos for Horlln this t 'onr. When the war broke out, many officers and In some canon pri vates of tho reserve and Inndwehr ll.Lftltlft.t feBtfMOft ill. .- .0 Aft. l- ri.l1nH n.. .n. I 1 I :uuw iu lllllliy Ull 1110 OVO 01 UlOir boon doubtfully surprised by vliH.iSB.?l0OP TT' ??" V nl1" "" iibi, mil, niuiwn u iniai of mnrrlngcMi for llorlln of 571)3 ns ngntust 130!) for tho same month or Inst your. In tho mobilization wook, August 2-S, 3041 nmrrliiKO contracts woro nrndo, of which tho largest number wnB clue to tho outbreak of tho war. Tho first sovon months of 1U1I showed 11,020 mnrrlages nH from rolatlvoa direct from tho front TIioho mon nro glvon lonvo from tho trenches nnd iiiohI of thorn oloct to Hpond tho tlmo with their families. Wives of Bergennt mujors, who dospnlrod of seeing Iholr husbands boforo tho end of tho war, hnvo boon surprlBod by tho rocolpt of tolo RrnniH from soaporls InformliiK thorn of tho homo coming. Theso Iiub- ,Bnl,,Bt ,1020 I" 1013. bnnds nrrlvo looking nB spick nnd I u ,H ''""evod bore that tho number span nB when thoy mnrohod nway to ,)f ""iirlages In llorlln duu to tho the wnr, for tho mon nro Boloctodl wnr '" ' ' below -1500. Somo of .f&on.V11.10 !"Kl'')0ilB wWv4jJiny.(Jr bHttu. u.,0" J$?) ,te .I'W'Vlwd .(r,. Ijijunji-, Lack of Kmploymciit for Men nnd Woman Cause Orlof (Or AnoclleJ rrrs (a Coot Dr TlraM.) London, Deo. 17. Thoro Is now less unempoyment nmong mnlo work ohs thnn thcro was boforo tho wnr, duo largly to tho vacancies created In tho Industrial ranks by thoso who hnvo Joined tho fighting forces. Dut thoro hns been a very great In crease of unemployment nmong wo incn. In London nlono 10,400 regist ered with tho Central Uody In tho last four months ns needing employ ment. In tho samo period Inst year only 580 wcro registered. Among drosmnkers, lnundrcsos nnd, chnr womon distress Is keenest. For tho relief of unemployed workmen' twon two work-rooniH hnvo been opened In as ninny London boroughs and thoy nro under tho control of tho Central Unemployed llody. It Is os tlmutcd Hint tho cost of running thorn wll bo 500,000 n year. Of this sum $320,000 will bo provided out of tho Quoon's Fund, tho bnlanco being met by grants from the locnl government bonrds. BULLETS TO KILL MEN (lemaiiH Hoported to Kill Ono for Kvory 25 Shots In Wnr Illy Aioelta rrm lo Coot lUjr Tlmm. LONDON, Dec. 17. Ono of tho thlngB frequently noted by soldlors nt tho front In writing to rolatlvoa and frlonds Is tho extraordinary ox pondlturo of bullets required to kill a man. A Cormnn roport stntoa that mnny Oo'rmnn soldiers flrod 1000 cartridges nplcco during tho first month of tho wnr. An Kngllsh obeorvor ostlmnted that 25 Gorman shells nro wnsted for overy man kill ed by thorn. In 1870 It wns calculated that tho normniifl fired IJJ0 bullots nnd six Hhrnpuel shells for evory woundod Fronrhmnn. In tho llusso-Jnpanoso Wnr It Is Bnld 3000 bullots woro fir ed for overy llfo lost. moved io'tlio ronrVif ilio Imttlotlno to give tho soldiers n ehanro to clean up nnd receive fresh uniforms. It Is oxpocted that Intor whnlo units will bo given holidays and tho sol dier In tho trnncluw, nccordlug ' to ono offlcor Just returned from tho front, hns nn roslor anticipation thnn tuinn,iTiit'r winter soason's, and It Is oxpoutod that for this reuson tho nv oraKo for tl.OHO uinutlm will fnll bo low normal. This has nlrendy boon domonslratod by the records for Sop tuiubor, In which month 1670 mnr rlagos took place as ngnlnst 1832 for September, 1013. For l'JM, up to ii,,. ..,..,..,... .. ... i .. ' I........ ,. . . .hi ..iniuii ui mi iiiiuiiiuiiii ni ii, nun iiiuiiiiiiug aopieiunor, tnu niiin football gumo followed by nn ovo-j her of nmrrlngoH Is 18,4311 iih against r-nlng nt n iiiuhIo hall. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOMI3 OF TUB CADILLAC and FORD AUTO HUPPLIUS Toil ALL MAKICS OK CAHH I7 Central A v. Phono :7il-Ij i .. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $125,000.00 (No Indebtedness.) OFFJCKHS: J. W. Ilonnott, President Arthur MeKoown, Suerotury Tom T. Uonnott, Vlco ProsIdentHonnett Swnuton, Tronsuror Transacts n trust buslnoss only. Acts us trustee) ot oxpross trusts and also as oxecutor and administrator ot ostatos, Tho only Trust Company In Orogon outsldo of Portland organized uudor new trust law In this state. I Clbnstmas ,r THE TIMES Job Department will print special Christmas cards for parties desiring to give individuality to their expression of the sea son's sentiments.. Samples may he seen at the office or patrons may furnish their own cards. Your name and your favorite quotation or original sentiment will add much to your friend's apprecia tion of your kindly remembrance DAINTV AND DH'FIiHIJNT Xmas Greeting Cards ulso HTIOICKItS, HHAL8, TAOS, OIL-PAINTKI) CALKNDAllu OF LOCAL VJrJWS. nt REHFELD'S 220 Con (ml Ave. BUY THE VERY BEST ass mm I KWJTii coos mvim hoat SKHVICK j I lat'Ncn h.vphuss j I lemon Mursliflolil every day j K n. in. Leaves lieud of liver j j nt it; 15 p. in, j j KTICAMKIt HAINIIOW j loincH head of rhor dully nt 7 j j u. in. Lemon .Mui"flolil nt 'J p, j in. For chiulcr apply on bouril. j ItCX.'ntH .V KMII'll I I'M'plll'tOI'fC I 11.701 for tho sumo period of 1013. I Tho ontbronk of tho was has also materially Influenced for the bettor ti:u legitimization of children born out of wedlock, in mmrly nil enson this wits done by the fnthor or tho clil.ld marrying Its mother. While In AiikjihI, 1013, only 108 chlldrou were legitimized, tholr number In August, Hill, was 1018, ot which number nil hut five wuro glvon n proiior statiiH before the law by innr llago. In tho (Irst kovou months of 101 1 only 110!) children woro logl HISTORY OF WAR (Ilf AmocIH.J run lo Coot Iltf TlmM.J OKNKItAL JOhfllirH HKAD- QUAItTKUS, Dec. 17 Andro Tnr- dloii, tho foreign editor of tho Tomptf, Is attached ns Lloutonnnt to (lon ernl Joffro's staff. His duties ro il u lie him to visit every part of tho .front-and ho hns thoroforo extrsor- dlnnry opportunltlon for suolng tho nctual operations of tho wnr. M, Turblou, It Is understood, Is nsnom bllng mntorlal for a history of tho tho wnr. 1IAIID WOHK ON CANAL. PANAMA, Doc. 17 A hurry-up order hns been Issued by (lovornor (loothals for tho completion or the Canal. Tim tlmo limit sot by Con gross In July, 191(1, and Col. Coo tbals 1h dotermluod that the last nt the finishing touches In evory de partment from dredging to landscapo gardening shall ho completed nhnnd rather than holilnd tlmo. Col. Coo thulH hlniBolf Is setting n pnee, and may he seen often nt work In tho Administration Iliilldlng nt' Dulboa' late at night. Men und iunchluo.i now on tho IstiiinuH nro said to bo working hard- rm iiimk i rr 1 II Bet i n IbbI 1 -J vtrr .kw a I I I tlmlzi d an ngnlnst U'J2 for tho sidiio ! r thnn nt any time slnco thu grout period In 1DU. work wuh Htiirtocl ton yonrs HBo. THE HOTELS " A Shin o In Evcvy Droji" Got a can today from your harUVaro or era cory dealer. ' ' . I1LACK SILK STOVIJ POLISH For Slo ly KCHHOKDHIt fi HIIiDHNIIHAND Piiouo 177. AT f feri MVHMWsMHRMIMBBBflHHBBrBBUliBK SALTS FINE FOR ME KIDNEY CS E aj Tim! Phone 133. sr.inn UNDKIt SANITAHV CONDITIONS IN A . CLHAN AND MODKKN FAOTOIIY. STEHIL1ED SULK AND CniiAM, PURE ICE FIURYIII i f enm ! . . Coal, ner Inn S1.00 Bn Pnal nor Inn Krt.00 half ton of both $3.00 1). MUSSON, Prop. !!, or leave, orders al TIIHyer'a Cigar Store. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS OoDoslte Blanco Hotel, M HSHFIPLD, ORrlOON - I WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. , Free delivery, 8 n. in. nnd !! p. in. Piiono 7.1. For Heot Kesults In I PAINT1NC1, PAPHIUNO nnd l DKCOHATINO J K. F. LH MIHUX j j Wall I'hijit and Paint Store j WW No. Front St. I'fimio 11 it-1 1 , . . 4) , MOl'NT HOOD i I CHia.MHHV IHriHH j Host on Knrth 2 pound roll. 75 cents j COOS IIAV OVKTItK CO. j j At Puhico .Mntkot. Phono HKI-.I. I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NKJIIT WIltVIOK For taxi, phone 193, Idonl Cafe. For touring oars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel j LYNN LASIHCTH, Prop. New Cubs : : Now Cars MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y Vi:DMl.VY'H AltHIVALS Cliniiillor Hotel, It. K. llutlor, Now York; M. C. Klley, 8nu Fninclsco; Arm.nud Ilium, San Frituclscoj L. H. Cnmpboll, Ban Francisco; W. C. Flsbor ami wlfo, San Francisco; C. Soilless, Ilqaver Hill; Claud II. Olios, Myrtlo Point; (Joorgo (lolsondorfor, llamlon; Mis. Howi 1'ruoss, Catuhlug Inlet; L. T. .MorHn, Smii Francisco; O. W. Starr, CouiiIIIg; O. A. Mlntoyno. CoiiHllo; N. J. Cornwall, Oardlner, Llojil Hotel. A. Maddon, Portland; H. niilno, i North Hand; A. L. Johnson, Onr dlner; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wages, South lulot; Csorgo Lonus, Myrtlo Point; W. A. Mllvln, Portland; Ir win How. South Inlet; J. C. Ithodos, South Inlot; It. O. Knstninn, North Inlet. St. Lawronco Hotel J. I). Miller, Tillamook; W. B. Floyd, Floronoo; Claud Noblo nnd wife, Lakesldo; Miss Nelson. Wan- don; W. O. Wood, Seattle. Illmico Hotel. """" "" " Herman Cluchlo, Myrtlo Point; Henry Hhodoe. Lnkeelde; Jamoa Py- burn. Myrtlo Point; W. Mutton, Itoso- burs; Mrs. William Oldenburg, Stun fluid; C. A. Corbltm, Cofulllo; K. U Viidi'i'son, South Inlet, I J Stunlio It'll, Delmar. Wo Hut Too Muili ,M,.it, Whirl. Clogs KlduoyH, Tlieiu Uncle Hurts unci llladd'r Mother You Most folks forgot that tho kid-, noys, Hko tho bowels, got sluggish,, and clogged nnd need a flushing oc-f aslonnlly, olso wo havo backacho' nnd dull mlsory In tho kldnoy re gion, sovero hoadachos, rhoumntlo twlngos, torpid llvor und all sorts of blnddor dlsordors. You simply must keep your kld noys nctlvo and clean, nnd tho mo mont you feel nn echo or pain In tho kldnoy region, got about four ouncos of Jad Salts from uny good (drug store hero, take a tablespoon- cm in a giass or waior ueroro break fast for a few days and your kid neys will then net flno. This fa mous salts is mado from tho acid of grnpos nnd lomon Julco, combin ed with Hthla, nnd is harmless to flush clogged kldnoys and stimulate, thorn to normal activity. It also neutralizes tho acldn In tho urlno so It no longer irritates, thus ending blnddor disorders. Jnd Salts Is harmless, inexpensive, makes a dollghtful offorvoscent lltlw la-wator drink which everybody tholr kldueys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. i Haw your LinU'KH heads, bill hoads. olo,; printed nt TIIF, TIMK8 office, r I LI LJ L Lj TH -11 I ! 41 a-JjiLah. jtet&&rf)NfctMii&u$j$l ., m