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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
TTBS II m '! Hr I tLULn blinnito amnion nuiinu . I ARTHUR HIPPING NEWS 4, BOOTS illlll Hi FEET HOLIDAY CHEER WORK DURING YEAR GDOS BAY HARBOR OF LUMBER Tffls Knriy huh niorning tho cicorpo w. . Company has Expended Large di.8c(i in tron. huroKii uu..k- Sums ,n improvements passengers from the South p Pii Cvlnnclnn , Portland. clock Balled north for In her hold went u good SAN FttANCJSCO, Dec. to. With , -, Comc Thrpp Qmith Carriers Leave slmre of Cooa Hay Christmas pros- the passing of 11) H and tho advent Portland Congressman Says in je bmiin 6 LLj01lt!, t0 thM0 on lho ..0ll,8,ac. ier.l0r the now year, an idea of miiroad That if Government Will Do Its Share Great Future Out This Morning tor San Francisco Take Pictures .!.., nnffiiiiinnf will ilo IN share. ' Coos Bay will have one of the finest I Hay almost weekly is tho fact that harhors on the Const," declares C.1 three big lumber carriers of tho C. N. McArthiir, who has returned from . A. Smith mill left out of hero this a 'trip to that section. "The Port , morning, one behind the other, ear of Coos Ilay hag beon doing a won- rylng south to San Francisco more dorful work. Tho Port has already than 4.000,000. feet of lumber for expended on harbor Improvement a sum equal to $55 per capita for every man, woman and child In that the south. The Hcdondo left out carrying 700,000 feet; the Nairn Smith took district. Whv. If tho Port of Port- 1.050.000 feet nnd the Adollno left land spent money at that rate, has- out with a cargo of 1,700,000 feet ed on tho Portland population, we 0f lumber. Yesterday afternoon tho would havo an Incompnrablo harbor loading of tho ships was halted while and a sea wall for miles. ' a photographer took a picture of tho "They havo supremo confidence three ships lying alongsldo the Smith In their harbor, however, nnd the ' mH dock. peoplo aro willing to pay lho price j Those will be of unusual Interest in order to reap tho benoflts In the ( t0 (,0 luinbormen of the coast, who future. Thoro is nbout 25 feet of declare that tho market Is nt a stand water on the bar at present, and i Btmt am wjj 8now tno fnct that even tlio aim Is to deepen tho wator nnd ,IurjnB n nmrket slump tho Smith then clenr out some obstructions Inm j8 nc(ivc Just inside. The Port Is gradually c A gmtHi, wltli his son, Vernon deepening the hnrhor along tho SmtIl returned to Berkeley this wharf lino Until now there Is n j ,nornng n tho Adeline to spend tho good depth nt low wator. This area! Clr8tnln8 holidays with their fami ly to bo Increased ns time ndvauces.; eg Mr.t SmMx cxncct9 to rotlirn "Of course, Coos Day has to hnvcjncro nga1 , Jnminry Jig harbor in shapo to ship Its Inm-1 her. And speaking of lumber, with t)c blind sloughs in that vicinity, tliero is nn ideal condition for bring ing tho logs down to the mills. There Is. a mill thero, tho C. A. Smith Lumber Company, which Ib about as completo a lumbor plnnt ns thoro Ib In the world. Thore Is no waste, n overythlng Is made usorui, oven toqr:nnQ Pnecpnrmr T let nf A1 odds and ends nnd tho sawdust, mill ! Br'nBS raSSengeP USl 01 41 thero nro tho most modern appli ances for loading vossols. This lum ber company nnd is allied companies has n payroll of $1,000,000 a year, I am told. Although Coos Day Is not In Mo Arthur's Congressional district, ho is anxious to do what ho ban to help securo tho n coded appropria tion for the improvement work. OWLS' "llAIJi, Kle;7Uull, Hut- nnlny, DocciiiIkt llltli. eels post and express pneknges were i developments on tho Pacific Const delivered at the docks in wagon during tho Inst twelve months Is . J ml il... I I .... .1 .., l.rt nin'rti1 tfta ftfi I rrt..l.. .1 1... n t,lnf Knlilnll) tt lltn Tim T'nrtlnnd Teloxram- savs: "If Showing in strnuing usurus wiu lumis ami " ,..,. . unm u m,u. ,Uw -.- 1110 I orunntl leiUKK"" . o. ...... ,t,l ,,i.. .ui, ,.nn.1 .1imr no I inV e. .!,.... tn..m r'Miimniiv'o nn v. snowing in siamms nsuira i, uvu......f, . 0v,w.. .. . .i...... ..v.., .... L ,, cast their slings, captain i-otsiou . itlcs. declares that ho will leavo out of During tho year, tho Southern Pu- huro next Thursday arrlylng In Port-ielflc expended In tho neighborhood of ten million dollars for replace ments nnd betterments. Of this nmount, $1,100,000 went for the construction of flfty-ono mllos of additional double track, forty-ono nilles of this bolng on tho Sacra mento division In the vicinity of Illuo Canon, (told Hun and Lawton and eleven miles being on tho Salt Luke division west of Hoso Creek. In nddltlon to this, now nnd heav ier rails were laid on 170 miles of' existing main line double Uncle at , n cost of $000,000. Replacement of fifty-six mllos of gravel bnllast with crushed rock ballast required an ox poudlturo of another $100,000. j During tho last year, tho con- structlon of tho doublo track be tween Sacramento and Bcnleln was practlcnlly complotcd. To avoid sec tions of the track across Yolo basin from being washed out during flood periods, nlno miles of track wero i raised to a sufficient elevation nli an npproxlmnto cost of $225,000.' An n protection for the city of Sac- rnmento ngalnst high water, tho Southern Pnclflc, with lho city's tin-, slstnnce, constructed now Iovcom nnd J raised existing onos surrounding Snc rnmouto to a height five feet n hove , tho wator plans. In all, forty-two I hundred and sixty feet of ooncroto sonwnll wiiH built and nbout woven ' nnd n halt mllos of levees. The I total cost of this work was nnout ' $000,000, of which $100,000 was, borno by tho railroad. ' During 1011, 22.10, steel under-j BREAKWATER F ROM PORT L D land on Chrlstnins Day In plenty of time for tho big dinner. Those who nrrlved in from Eureka Ibis morning were: Hov. T. J. Cannon, D. II. Mann, .7. A. Klein, P. Mitre, S. Mitre. The following Gil pnssengors left at 1 1 o'clock this morning for Port land: S. C. Hawkins, F. L. floodrlch, J. A. Hngon, Mrs. K. Polesky, K. K. Hunce, Fay Itayinond, Mrs. J. II. Haymoud, It. E. Huckhcliner, Coo. B. Preston, Harry B. Preston, Miss W. B. Hammond, Mrs. M. W. Bc znnson, Mrs. J. Scnnnon, Mrs. Lenn T. Boyd, II. B. Lnughlln, F. H. Pago. K. L. Barnes, A. Meyers, Clins. Auor, II. Kline, John Carlson, Olo John son, IL S. Henery, Howard Thorn ton, Tcrenco llnynes, Hoy Hnynes, W. 13. Hnynes, M. Matoba, E. Kunl, John N. Bowcn, M. McQnlre, L. Mon' yhan, 13. Rhodes, Arthur Thayer, Mrs. II. J. Clotty, Miss A. Getty, A. Anderson, Mrs. A. Anderson, C. E. Esselstyne, A. II. Hlpley, Mrs. H. H. Stc . A. W. Merrick, Mrs. A. W. Merrick, Chas. Auor, C. C. Lenth erwood, Hoy I). Askon, Sain Nusser nus, Dorothy Buormann, II. Buor- mnnu, Robert Bucrmnnn, Mrs. II. ) Buermann, U. W. Ross, Mrs. J. 13. Rlgncy, Chas. Erlcksou, P. Johnson, 'k. Borrylund, Glues Fernnndoz, M. Pcrplck, J. Frlstole, S. Swermonche, .1. Brocklo, Persons and Miscellaneous Carcio of Freinht. Is. IL Koatlnir. Mrs. E. E. Boforo daylight this morning Hio isdirltnakor, Vlvlnn Schrlmakor, Jane Hreakwator crossed In from Port land, bringing a passenger list of 41 parsons nnd n miscellaneous car go. She will leavo out again for tho north, on Saturday. Those who arrived this morning wore: Fred Hownn, Enimn Rowan, 13. Rowan, Mnbol Rowan, Win. R. Hanndo, J. L. Storm, Trlpon Rack- frnmo cars nnd .'100 nll-stool cars ess, F. Balletto, Mrs. II. F. McCrnck ou, A. C. Smith, Mrs. J. A. lrrtim mott, Win, II. McNny, Mrs. h. 1). .AfcAffy, C. Carlson, It. Fredlon, L. woro ordorod by the Southern Pa cific. Thero aro also being con structed 15 Mikado passougor loco motlvos, to cost $1100,000; flvo oth era to cost $125,000; ten switch Flckurt, W. Goldtrys, CIuib. Wis comb, F. 13. Jennings, Joo Notto, A. engines to cost $125,000; 50 nil F. WIllC. Ed IlOWntt. A. J. Woods, ntnnl linuHnnimr rnnrlina ti rnal I (5. Allen, Clolta Allen, Hnrold Allen, ;u)y HnrBli, Lnuia Hodson, Agnes $r.a5,000, nnd ono steol postal car DC IL 13. KKLTY, DENTIST uichs, .miss j. biieouan, Jnno Urown, Susan Brown, Ilonry Holm, i to cost $12,000. Pbonell2-J. Room 204. Coko Bldg ,Thrlft -MrH- E " Thrift, Prlco Inv-,jeim urown, J. C. Meyer. ' With Its 1011 block slgnnl work. Hie riillroail' now has a871 miles of traik protected by .those elect He nrA) inlni'Alrfns. reiiro'sontlng an outlny of nlmost $0,000,000. It ,als Installed olovon additional In terlocking plants nt a cost or ?luo, 000, limiting a total, of 80 of these now In operation. I Tho only stretch or elevated track j west of Chicago was completed ul the Oakland terminal. It acconuno-i dntos tho electric suburban trains, i carrying them through, the second j floor of the depot. Tho new Fernloy nnd Lassen' branch was completed to Wostwood onrly In tho yoar. On lho ColiiHiij and Hamilton railroad, from Hnm-j llton to Harrington, forty-ono of tho flriy-two miles of track have boon : laid. Over one-fourth of tho pro jected Willamette Pacific, which Is tp run from Mnrshfleld to Eugene, i. has also been finished. The SoUth- orn Pnclflo now ha nioro than ono-i half tho coniblnod inllcngo of nil tho steam aiid electric rnllronda In Cul- ifornlit and by far tho largest por (Jcnlngo In Oregon. Now dopots woro built nt San , Francisco, Los Angeles, Conllnga, Portervlllo, and Sulsun-Falrflold. The year 1011 saw tho completion qf tho steel ferryboat Alameda nnd tho starting of Its sister-ship, the l Santa Clara. The Alamoda Is tho largest and fnstest forry vessel on tho Bay, and one of tho lnrgest of J Its kind anywhere. Tho cur forry! Contra Costa was completed to run ! between Honlcla nnd Port Costn, where nddltlnnnl forry slips wqro built to accomniodnto It. Tho Con tra Costa Is tho largest car ferry of lis kind in tho world. Tho Alnmo da, Contra Costa nnd Santa Clara represent mi expenditure of half n million dollars apiece. Those facts summnrlxo tho most Important work done during tho yonr. They do not, however, Incluilo the company's tromondoiiR outlay for material nnd suppllot purchased of merchants and mnuiifncturers- tit homo, nor do they take account of tho sum that goon out to each out-' ployo In the form of wages. An , Idea of tho Utter may bo gained , from tho annual pny.roll for twenty-, two roproflontnllvoM cltliw on the Ph- j clflc Systoin tweiity-uluo million dollars. Tho yearly oxpuudlturoBj of tho Southern Pacific lire $1'II, 000,000. It Is not unlikely that during 1015 there may be loss rail road activity every whore. Tho slack-' onlng Is tho Inevitable result of the enormous shrinking In earnings ox purloucod by all tho carrlors. T ammmmw &m':n' '!-. JJo 1 our Christmas Shopping Now 3 -4 Uo.i't wait to do your Christina, shonnw. , J Tho stores nro groaning In tll(.Ir ft,,, ' " IT J fresh, complete and Inviting. t0ckr8t4 If you shop now choose at leisure from . , I got tho best tho markets nrford in the wnr , VarIel,e, 3 Just turn to lho advertising Column,, Jl Jis S lhlnn 11... rIHC3 mnklng out your ChrUlmnn )Un8 At no nonsrm of tho yoar will you nml iioiiuui moro saving of your time nnd i m u.& tho adnrtM. money. i$ - - m O 1 . TkWH3L$-Ti"tnzir .1 xi tt.jftiiae. i Siaggesfions WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM WEAR UNIVERSAL PERCOU ANDARF00D POCKET CUTLERY SCISSORS AND SHEARS r SAFETY RAZORS MECHANICS TOOLS OF ALL KINDS MYST0 ERECTOR SETS FOR THE BOY 50c to $5.00. ' AntInow is a good time to qive her a WEDGEWOOft RANGE A Year-round Source of Satisfaction. i 3 fil&Lfu u.JtmM mmisssm Marshfiold North Bend Symphony Conceit. Ileseived seixt on wilo nt the "Candy Xonk," l.e umiiskl'M 'J'luiiter. 'I ill Times Want Ads Bring Rest! mmsaggg BHHIIHBHBUHHHIHHHiHHflBBIHHflHHHHI MBMHmmBflBBNUKlUnBBMBIMBiMttlBHXIBHBSHBiBH lHBBHBUHBIHHI3BBKSBBBflHIKIBO(BB8UBHK!lBmXnM:V HBHBttJHUIBPtlBHffrTfVWlBI MBWiBBMiBB BHBMMnBnMHBBHBMMM BHBBWMBMlBBmBlHrr'HBr FtSiinS ITt IHHHHRVMkSrSKsuvlHE m il .i llit)ll t? fivH pnii Our Line of RUGS was never so complete; everything from the small hall rug to the beautiful large Parlor Rugs. Priced from $1.75 to $45.00 WHAT WOULD BE NICER THAN A WHITE ROTARY SEWING MACHINE FOR YOUR WIFE? Will Make Life's Pathway Cheerful and Every Day a Day of Joy. We were never better prepared to serve our patrons and the public with PRACTICAL, SERVICEABLE and USEFUL ARTICLES for the Gift-giving season than we are this year, ft spirit of Christmas is abroad in the store. Christmas lines have been brought forward, special displays have been arranged ; the windows are full of suggestions. Here are A Few SUGGESTIONS ROCKING CHAIRS LIBRARY TABLES SMOKING STANDS SEWING BASKETS LADIES' DESKS. JAPANESE BASKETS TABARETS PICTURES JARDINIERRES O xy - j iTv Vw vsrCr "'M'"Vi)" Yltffr WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR LINE OF SMALL TOY: At, 25 Percent, DiscoHnt, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE NOW '1 '. V "t, 5 Store Opens Evening Until Christmas i Our Line of FINE CHIM Offers Many Excellent Suggestions Ti.t will Rrina Joy i To tho Heart of Any . Ctirlstraas Mom" HARV Santa Clms Headquarters for Coos County m