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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
mmmmmzXLLi triii fill "j'4iijiti"r ' Wi 'J t ' v'?nc titfnaii E EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD IS TFSiVElDVICE. THE NEXT EASIEST IS WTT6 TAB IT A Marshfield Woman Wxmz Shop Early once said: "i otty nuvortlrcil articles because they nro Invariably worth what I pay for them." The i ...Anlin titu ttfll tin linef tttn n t.u . Hy bo doing you not only got tho beat goods und tho best assortment to chooso from, but you are kind to yourself and tho salcs-poplo. Christmas Is drawing very near. Start now! t)iiuit.uuw ' iwiiuiuiiuuB ior integrity nnil honest merchandise, arc without exception those who advertise their unmU nn..L.i.. ' - - 0 aw uiiLLuniiiKIV. MEMDEK OP Tills ASSOCIATED Flttita I -H 0OS wmt VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ni Tho Cnnt Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914 EVENING EDITION. bi.ti:k paghh. A Consolidation of Times, Coast MnlJ ml Too" Ilnr Ailvprtlnpr No. 127 Eli CLAIM GREATESTVIGTDRY OFWAHWOM AGAMST RUSSIANS jrlin Announces That Czar's Offensive Movements Against ouuaiu aim 1 uouu navu ouun aroKen uown and Rus sians are Being Pursued Everywhere. .AIM AUSTRIANS HAVE WON VICTORY OVER RUSSIANS IN WESTERN GALICIA rench and German Claims Regarding Battles in France and aeigium are ooniiicung retrograd Admits Germans ' Threatening Line of Communication GREAT BATTLE NEAR WARSAW (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WARSAW, Dec. 17 A great battle is in nronress tot Jocha Czew, 30 miles west of Warsaw. The Germans man- Med after heavy fighting to establish themselves a nuarter )f a mile west of Socha Czew. The Polish camoainn now jenters at that point. mian T COLUMBIA IS FROZEN OVER AT PORTLAND Heligola cap joac nd After Attack (iy Associated Proas to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.j LONDON. Doc, 17. Ono of the greatest victories of the ar is claimed today by tlie Germans. The Berlin official latement says the Kussian offensive against Silesia and Po- 511 has been completely broken down, In tho whole of Po nd, tho Russians were forced to retreat after fierce frontal lttles and arc being pursued everywhere. A Berlin semi-official statement says the Austnans appear have achieved their first actual successes against the Rus- lans in tho last few days in Western Galicia. I Petrogad admits tho German flanking movement threatens 1 0 Russian lines of communication and that it has been nec- Bsary for the Russians to draw back in certain quarters, 1 I he great battle in tno west w men is using camea on Tierce-, in Belgium and Northwestern Franco, is subject of confllct or claims. Tho Gorman War Office announced mat tho Al-1 3S made a now attack but wero driven back with heavy! issos. . . , f'Tho Frencli statement says several faorman trendies in boi um wero captured and at other points tho artillery did offec- Fnnr stnnmflrs were sunk ast night in tlie territory covered bterday by the raiding German warships. These vessels mattered mines off tlie East coast of England to cover their treat. Wr AmikUIih, Prim to Coo n7 TlmM.l PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 17 When tho steamer St. Helens, front San Francisco,, camo up tho Columbia thin morning alio ploughed through a thick coating of Ico all tho way from St. Helens to tho mouth of tho Willamette-. Tho untiBiial con dition of tho Columbia bulng frozen from Hhore to shore threatens to glvo dirfhulty to shipping If tho cold spell that has prevailed over tho Northwest all week doa not break soon. i, MEXICANS AltH modi: I j OAUKI'TIjWITH SHOTS i J (nr A.mlttM l'rr. to Coo. Ilr Tlmn.l j NACO, Dec. 17. Mnyloroun'a secretary mndo tho positive do- duration to (leneral llllss that j Maytorona would not withdraw j j under any circumstances. Doth j sides wero enroful not to fire j i ncross the border todny. j ' BRITISH BOMBARD TURK POSITION (lly Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times ) ucmo rw 17 a RrMch smmrlrnn bombarded Turkish ,ops who concentrated Sunday on tho coast of tho Gulf of ros, an arm of tho Aegean Soa north of the Dardanelles, TURKS' CLAIM BIG VICTORY (Uy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) nrmrvrAM-riMnm c rw 17 An nffidnl statement today ,ysr"S6vorai days of batile near Vilayot of Van have ended our tavor ano our uoous uhwiou uM. v- IMPRISON GERMANS IN ENGLAND. -(By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) I rMd)M Dec. 17. AH naturalized Germans in the seaport SM'nK'chnr. fiance north of the towns bombard- by the Germans yesterday, were arrested over night. diicciamsm nsE 31.000 PRISONERS. (Uy Associated Press to The Coos Day Times.) rfriin )pc 17, (Wireless to Sayvlle,) An official Bl S'beAtatapSners In West Galicia. UTQ BANDIT RUBS CIC HIT DP a - ... . pni fioethas bays umy nu Ighwayman Mortally Wound ts of Misuse of Wireless c Av.ll . Vi u Ji- Tumi ' in Panama neumn ou i . uuu ana wuuiiumy iw ,. lulfc,rt.coB.rTi.i Ml .. Dr Aoclte4 Vm to Coo Ur Tl 1 17. S. inr wariiin'OTON. D. C. Doc. CINCINNATI. 0.. Dec. 17. An. fioothitU Informed tho U tomobilo bandit robbod two banks D8nartmont today that oxcept- thln a radius of ten blocks, shot reporU 0( tho mUuw of the wlro- d setlously wounded the cashier Je kneW of 0 violation of nett- ono bank, shot at tho cashier of ,, ianaroa Canal zone. o other, and finally was captured) goatod that under tho clrettm- tor a revolver uitet whh J'"'""7 , stanceg neutrality migui uo .Mm.( en, ono of whom no snot. , Ithout detection or proui u". . t was mortally wounded, no " ,m(J slll)S to patrol the waters. The cruiser Tacoma, oruureu . .u nnma Canal Zone to enforco! neutrality, left Cuba. .. r,..a.Mi today. Secretary Dan- Hull, " MB wIth0Ut further advlew to LAWYERS FAIL TQ COLLECT BIG FEE Coos Bay Manufacturing Com pany Secures Verdict 1 Many Cases Up (Special to Tho Times.) aOQUIMjE, Or., Dec. 17. A ver dict In favor of tho Coos liny Matin fnotttrltiK Company was returned by tho grand Jury bote this mornlni; In tho caso of Hammond & Holllster niralnst tho company, suing tho Inttor for tho collection of $4000 balanco on a $K000 attorneys' fco. Poclc & Pock, of Morahfloltl, woro tho attor neys for the Coos Day Manufactur Iiik Company. William It. YouiiB and Mrs. JobsIo QulKley, both charRod with adultery by James QulKloy, husband of tho woman, nro expoctcd to plead this nf tornoon. Tho couple woro broiiRlit back from up north, whlthor they had fled on tho Nlder Octobor 8. They ltavo been lodged In tho county Jail lioro. O. McVoy, of North Head, who is charged with rapo against Cora Ks topp, aged 14 years, will bo brought boforo tho court to plead tomorrow. Jantos O'llrlon, charged with tho robbory of tho Hohomlan saloon In MarshJIold sovoral wooks ago and who has pleaded not guilty to tho chnrgo, will bo brought boforo the court January 11. Attorney J. T. Urand, of Marshfield, was appointed by the court to defend tho prisoner. O'llrlon was npprehendod by tho of ficers a fow minutes after tho rob bing of tho saloon with $87 on his person and an onvolopo containing duo bills from tho saloon. Ho has doilarod thut ho ca"n provo nn alibi, that ho was playing card on that nlKht In n box car with some com panions, Ho was glvon an oxtonsion or tlmo that ho might collect somo wltuossos. Tho caso of Mrs. Annie Uusk vs. . i tho City of Marshflold in which sho GoethalS SayS Only Re- seoks damages for injuries nlloged 10 I1UVO uut.II uuubuu iv n..'it through a holo In tho dock, was hoard late this aftornoon and no verdict has yet been reported. City Attornoy Gobs argued n motion for a non-suit on tho grounds that tho plaintiff hltd not shown tho city suf ficiently liable for hor Injury. Seventy-four Killed and 147 Wounded in Raid on British I Coast Towns Yesterday i ENGLAND FEARS MORE ' ATTACKS BY GERMANS iBritish Puzzled by Ability of Germans to Get Through Fleet and Mines. i ttly Aiioclllf J t'rr to Coot tlr Tlmra LONDON, Dec. 17. Seventy-four persons were killed and 117 wound ed, according to tho best flguros available, In tho raid on the Kng lltth Const by Gorman ships. In Hartlepool GT wero killed nnd 115 wounded, according to tho of ficial report. Unofficial reports glvo 17 killed nnd .'10 wounded In Scarborough and two killed two wounded In Whitby. Crippling of lines of communlca GERMANS SOW MINES ALONG ENG. COAST (Or AuocUttd Trrti to Coo tltr Tlmw.l SCAU110UOUGH, Dec. 17. Tho stenntor Princess Olgn, bound for Aberdeen, Suitland, Btruek a litlno off hero Inst night and wont down. Hor crow of IS wore landed In their own bouts. Tho mines woro sown by tho Gorntnn warships yesterday. Tim:i: ornr.its hunic. tllr AMwIttxl I'mif to CM tlar Tlnn. SOUTH FIELDS, Kiik.. Dec. 17. and .Three steamers, ono believed to bo a passenger Bloamer, wero sunk by the milieu In tho North Sea off tlon by bombardment mndo It li"-Kintnboroiigh Dead Inst night. Only possible oven todny to obtain moro ! ono Bt, fnr lmH boc donttfliHl. This than an npproxlmnto estlmalo of tlio j b tll0 Ht0limor mtorwnler. Twelve casunlltlOs. of tM0 crow woro HaVtni, but seven Tho success of tho Gormnns In ,0Bl tbolr lives. Tho mines wero pinking their wny pnBt tho llritliih ' B0Wn by tho aurninn warahlim which warships nnd through the mine bombnrded tho const yesterday. All fields nnd In bnck to "o-trnmp i)(,tween KlnmborouRh Head llgoltmd nftor tho bnmbardmont ,, Nowrmtl m8 boon stopped In loads Kngland to expect another at-, .ntriitltoly by order of tho Admiral tuck, llorlln Is exulted and news-',.. lintuii... tlinrn .111... .lin. l'Auliit.iliii.'u ' l...v.n ..u.u .ill.fc ill. it jvaiviiiiij n exploit nmy bo preliminary to great er events on the seas. A number of tho victims nt Har tlepool wero women nnd children. Fifteen scb'oolboyn woro killed by n single shell. Ton persons woro kill ed by tho collnpHo of n building. - ono shell dnmaged a building nvo Sec. Garrison Announces That miles from ahoro. Ilnlnee Ron Qnntr SnMlne Strife Trouble Will Follow T 0 RETURN FIRE OF MEICi T RDOPS TC , mi imns war s RIPS AHMY IIHDER FIRE i Hartlepool Militia Manned Trenches and "Lost Seven Dead and 14 Wounded fnr AitocUttd Prw. Coo tUf TtroMi.1 IIAHTLHPOOL, Ung., Dec. 17. Tho first men of Kltohonor's now ar my to coma under firo woro tho locnl inllltlu who woro sent out to ninu the tronches on tho senfront when thu Gorntnn raiders appeared. Tboy wero shelled by tho onomy, which had tho rango of tho tronchos, with nn nccurnoy which suggosts Infor mation by spies. Tho cnsualtlos In tho tronchos wero sevon killed and fourteen wounded, most of theso In a. sluglo compnny. Dr Auofl.teJ rm. to Coot tltr TlmM.l WASHINGTON, 1). C, Doo. 17. "Hy reason of his ponlonul nc- (mlntnnces with tho different fac tions," said Socrotnry Garrison, Goucrnl Scott has boon sout to Nnco to Induce tho warring factions to desist from Imporllllng persons and property on our sldo of tho lino. Scott oxpects to nrrlvo In Nnco o n Saturday. Ho will not suporscdo Gonernl IIIIhh. Ills mlsston la puro ly conciliatory. If, after further warnings, tho flro Into Arizona does not stop, It will bo returned hy tho American troops." CD JURY TO BAD FIRE HITS PDTTSVILLE. PA. AID YOUNG BDY Unites in Petition to Judge Coke for ClemencyInves tigate Crooks' Charges (Specilal to Tho Times.) Entire Block of Buildings,, Filled With Holiday Goods, ' Burns $2,000,000 Loss j (Ur AumkIM! I'CM. In luua Ur Tliuw.1 POTTSVILLH, Pa, Doc. 17 Flro' In the business Beet Ion of Pottsvlllo , TO GUARD ZONE PLANT BIG COS lined $8000 from tho first uau ltd several thousand uouars lie second. OWIJ' HALL. KugleV jy, DecentlK'r lVl'u FO iR NEEDS ID Auottt t"rM to Com Br Tliw.1 WASHINGTON, D C. Dec. 17. Influencod by the prospective de mand for grain by the warring coun- COQUILLU, Or., Dec. 17. Ue rattse ho told tho truth when called boforo them, tho Coo County Grand Jury has united In petitioning Judgo Coke for clemency on behalf of Jay Itlchards, tho Sumner boy who plond od guilty to an litdlctmont charging him with a statutory offense against a Catching Inlet girl. Fred Kruso first opposed tho petition, saying It wits wronir to let tho boy ko free this morning wlpod out proporty , ((, ,,avo tJ0 B,rl ,)()nr Ul0 BlB,na valued at noarly two million o'-r t10 Off0nso, but finally ho agreed lars. An ontlro block of uiibIiicbs tQ uuiiuings stocKeu wun nominy loya ,,HtrIct Attornoy LllJeuvUt has was destroyed. L.BO .von ... r0iisent to n suspended sontonco or parolo for tho boy and It seems 4hat when Judge Coke passes on tho caso finally next Titos day aftornoon that tho boy will so- curo oiomenoy. "i no lautor or mo girl Is said to not bo opposing clem ency, but Paul Ciooks of Marshfield Is. Yostordny It was statod erron eously that It. O. Graves had spo- keii In behalf of Ulchard' mother, but this was an error, bb Graves I appeared for Crooks and Judgo Hall i(1 c p MoKnlght uppoarod In NKW VOUK, Dec 17.-Flvo lions ,)om)r of IUcnnlBi .escaped this aftornoon from a thea- ,. d . , considering a tor. Tho nudlenco was thrown Into .. mn,,n ,1V nichardH lhat Paul l Crooks roqulred him to pay $60, claiming that unless Itlchards did, LION SCP E NEW YORK SHOW Audience Thrown Into Panic and Several Are Wounded in Effort to Catch Bsast ' now al oa" "" sriiinlionr Concert. lUt-enwl heath lAhhv anxiu The tint! VOU have . ah1v be one of the destroyers Ltavavr itarn. Phono 72. racuir -. ., cfl n ego. uatiiormu. E ...... .-. - - iiun w (very uud Transfer Company. Little Dance, Wg Hall. Bik1WS ' day from the Canal Zone but saldj o( Hron0 American farmers .. . f n' VOiUI VUB PVMl, V - tnsi " . - A at the "ramiv -m'. - I numbki'b Theater. this fall have sown a record area to winter wheat, which the Department of Agriculture estimated today at nanlc. Two norsons had to bo taken to a hospital. One beast was shot and killed. A police sorgeantlM. Cntc,,,,1B woud 8,loot hln), was shot nnd seriously wounded, . while lialf a dozen policemen wero firing at tho lions. Two other men wore also shot. Angered by tho bullets, tho lions attaokod the po llco, Injuring two. Policeman Keg- GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF BQMBARQ: INT OFSGARBOROUGR IS GIVEN "Queen of English Watering Places" Recovers From Cannon ading and Finds Loss of Life and Damage Were 1 Greater Than First Reported Yesterday. THREE GERMAN CRUISERS CAME IN CLOSE UNDER' COVER OF HEAVY FOG AND FIRED MANY BROADSIDES Several Entire Families Killed in Their Homes and Many Build ngs Razed During Fifteen-Minute Play of Guns Residents Paralyzed With Fear. ' (Uy Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) SCARBOROUGH, Eng Dec. 17. Tho "Queen of English watorlng places" recovered today from the German bombard ment of yesterday. Tho first warning sound of distant firing, which attracted littlo attention, camo at 5:30. At olght o'clock ono of tho Gorman battle cruisers and two light cruisers loom ed out of a heavy fog so close underneath the. cliffs that they woro unablo to train their guns on tho heights, However, big resort hotels on tho esplanade and tho old town offored tempting targots and a rain of shrapnel and lyd- dito sliolls began to fall, doing groat damage, Ono of tho light cruisers did most of tho firing, First sho let go wth her storn guns and then, maneuvering further out, devoted broad sides to tho most conspicuous buildings on tho higher ground, Threo shells found a target in a hospital, Tho wall of an old castlo, which looks formidable, but which has been unoccu pied for hundrods of yoars, was broached by 8-inch shells,. Tho gunners had now got tho correct elovatlon or mo wireless but failed to Injure it. , , , , Somo of the bottor class rosidoncos tlion began to suffer,. Russell Rea, member of Parliament, was eating an early breakfast with his wife, in the kitchen when a shell destroyed the remainder of his house. Sovoral ontiro families woro kill ed togothor In shollod houses. Tho bombardment "continued 15 minutes, whon tho town was glvon a fivo-mlnuto breathing spoil, The stroots wero cleared of people when tho light cruiser turning, brought a now broadside Into play, Tho gunners directed tholr attention to tho railway station, with tho rosult that a whole row of houses, including a noarby church, woro destroyed without loss of life, as tho occupants had fled, Then -the warships drew off in a northerly direction and tho people later hoad tho booming of tho dreaded guns at Whitby, : During tho early stages of tho bombardmont, 'screeching shells caused Indoscribablo pandemonium, Later the popplp became still as doath under tho thunder of tho guns which rose to a tremendous crescendo whon full broadsides woro used, Whon tho warships drew off, search for tho killed and wounded began amid pitiful scenes, THREE ANDON WOMEN NDICTED OR PERJURY C C SE BAIL PUT UP BY G CHARGE Two Simpson Girls and Mrs. Pfortner Held for Swearing Falsely in Liquor Case TREADGOLD CHARGES WILL BE TRIED OUT One Blind Indictment Returned ;$iooo Guarantees Appearance Clyde uage txoneraiea Before Circuit Court on Re in Detective Case i turn of Indictment. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) 0n an iudlctmont returned yoster- COQUILLH, Or., Doc. 17. Kouri,,njr nftornon 0. W. King of this Indictments woro returned hero byicty wna nrrosted on tho charge of tho grand Jury this afternoon, ono co,,allctng a bouse of 111 farao" and of them being a blind lndlctinont, thoij,0 t0,iuy nj),)0ared boforo Justice person not yot being in citsiouy, aim ,,onnock W,u IOI,dB for fiooo guar- tho other three woro for Huby Simp son Nosier, Lollta Simpson uud Mrs. Mary Pfortnor, chargliiK them with perjury. The women wero taken In to custody latu this afternoon und each of thorn placed under 12000 bonds. District Attornoy LIIJuovIbI has nnteclng his appearance In Circuit Court at Coqulllo on Docomber 31. Tho bond was taken to Coqulllo this afternoon by Constable Cox. Mr. King's arrest came about on tho testimony of five, witnesses be fore tho grand Jury two days ago, Thoy toBtlflod that ho ownod tho declared that tho women nro facing ' houso In which tho two womon, May Littlo Danou, Dig Hull, Dlffeicnt "OwW Hall." Honu'tli'iig a prison sentence and that ho will show their testimony wns porjttred. They all sworo to receiving liquor front Joe Couch In Uaudou and on the stand hero two days ago refuted their previous statements, Buying thoy did not toll the truth In thu first caso. Tho petjury cases uro expected to develop thu fact us to whothor or not thu womon woro forced by City At tornoy Treadgold of Ilandon to give King, tho testimony that thoy did lucrlm-,120 a Warren and Teresa Washington liv ed, when they wero arrested on Mon day night and each fined $100 la Pollco Court, , On Tuesday Goorgo Doppo, an em ployoo of King, was subpoenaed to appear boforo the grand Jury, At thu samo tlmo Mike Sllba and 81 Avery gavo their testimony, Tho claim Is mndo that Deppe rent ed tho boat hou8o In question from Tho women paid a rental of month for tho place. This 41,263,000 acres. This Is an ln-ny. while bolng attacked by a Hon crease of 4,135,000 over tho nreauas shot lu tbo baud by a coin- last fall. Symphony Conceit, Tliurwluy, Do comber 17th ,I3iiiuiiKl's Thtxitcr, " Littlo Dunce, Dig Hull, KometlTiiig paulou, .. JI QJ? Ww-'"! "Owl' Mil." Inatlng Joe Coach and John Horrnn. I tamo placo was the cause of trouble On tho stand hero all threo of the 'two yoars ago when, a 1100 fine was women have declared this week that; given tho owner. Troadgold forced them to toll tholr any wrong doing, first stories. Tho grand Jury this afternoon Deputy Sheriff O. A. Gage was.mado Its final report sad la" how completely exonerated by the grand taking a recess subject to recoav Jttry this afternoon on tho ohargoi lug later. They wlj probsbly await of complicity In tho arrest of tho developments ou the Indlctaients re two dotectivos with thu two Simpson turned this afternoon. At any rate girls on thu charge of kidnapping. ( they will meet again or the Monday Tho grand Jury especially emphasized procodlng the next regular term of the fact thut Gage was Innocent of the circuit court, I A i iffereiit uOW H." k i .ni rriTnii iwwwawwtwnw HWTwwywwfrttiasgaBgggggS Ajili St i IHiSMlMitl lln 'fc3t- - '"' ' -J ijiiiirffwtf win hi i im n i wiii