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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1914)
mtiWmmmwmmMMtimmmimvmmmmmv flffi' OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITIONS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, SIX APPEAL IS IDE IDEATH OF AGED ,'COMITEE tii ip WfMKKtBMMMWKMMMtKKK iiilm FOR HICH SOUAHUiED OR PLAN Judge Coke Takes Sumner 'Case Under Advisement Peaslee Given Freedom' (Special to The Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Doc. 1C Judge Coko has decided not to finally pass on the .aso of Jay Itlchards of Sum ner, who pleaded guilty to a statu tory offonso ngnlnBt a Catching girl noar Sumner, until next Tuesday. Judgo Hall and C. F. McKnlght Yesterday urged tho court to parole young Richards ttfter ho plcadjjd guilty and Judgo Coko deferred nc tlon until District Attorney Llljeqvlst could bo hoard. Last evening tho court hoard the versions of District Attorney LIIJc nvlst, of Mr. Catching, father of tho girl and of II. O. Oravcs, who repre sented Richards' mother, Mrs. L. 0. Masters of Sumner. District Attorrtey I.lljonvlst op posed paroling tho Richards hoy, de claring that It was not justice In ouch cases to allow tho girl to hear tho entire stlgmn. Graves argued for an Imtncdlnto jtarolo of tho Itlchards hoy after sentence wns Imposed. Tho statute provides for a minimum sontouco of Dirco years for tho offonso and ho pointed out that owing to tho youth of tho lad tho imposing of sentence would bo a cloud on nil his futuro life. Finally Judgo Coko took tho mat ter under advisement until noxt Tuesday. Pousloo Im Holensed. Last evening Judgo Coko ordered tho rolcnBO of Waller Harris Pcaslco who lias hcon serving a county Jail Kontonco for taking supplies from tho Smith-Powers camps near Myrtlo Point. I'enBlco, who went under Bovoral Aliases was brought hack from Washington hy Detcctlvo Mitch oil on suspicion that ho was impli cated In tho Myrtlo Point hank rob bery. Iloforo commuting tho Rcutcnco, Judgo Coko called In District Attor ney LHJcfivlst and Deputy Sheriff dago. Mr. Llljeqvlst said that every cluo connecting Pcaslco with the bank robbery had been run down nd nothing found against him, Ongo also favored Poasloo'a roloaso and Judgo Coko ordored that ho bo given his freedom. Couplo Indicted. Mrs. Jesalo Qulgloy and Percy It. Young, tho couplo who wcro rccontly brought back from Tho D.illcs on tho chnrgo of adultery, woro Indicted to day by tho grand jury on that charge. Tho couplo aro from Curry county and would ordinarily iinvo been tried In Curry county, hut It was pointed out that they hud Hpout somo Unto nt tho Myrtlo Point hotel ns Mr. and Mrs. Young and lionco tho Indictment In Coos county. nftomoon. How old Nancy Palmer really was Is a matter of guess. It Is said that sho wns so old that even slio herself hnd lost all traco of tho years "moro than 00 years of ngo" Nancy Palmer, Friend of the Representatives of Four Cities Early Pioneers, Buried , Meet in Coquillc Arranging In Emnire. Coos-Curry Co. hxnmit Nancy Palmer, tho last member on Finances for tho Coos nnd Curry Coos Hay of tho Rogue Itlvor tribe, County exhibit nt tho Pnnnmn-Pa-Rfi nlil thnt nil strict track has been citle Exposition wcro tho main sub- lost of Iter ago, a. herolno of thcJect of discussion nt Conulllo yes-, savage Rogue River Indian War ofordny when committees represent. 1855 and always n friend of the lR tho Commercial Clubs and white people, has gone to tho ''imp-! : ambers of Commerce of tho five py Hunting Ground" to Join her towns of tho county mot there. Three Chief. Sho was burled this after-i ' l dtloB guaranteed tho pay- noon nt Empire, not far from tho ' f Iholr sums nnd Bnndon nnd llttlo cabin In which sho has made j Myrtlo Point aro btlll in doubt. Imp hnnin i.v Mm H.-nshoro for iiiiinv Mnrshflold, represented by Hugh years and almost In sight cf tho M''n I Wlllliini Urltncs, of the well kept garden that oven her dc- KC.eral commltteo from the Cham- n i . ni i . i..i oer oi iiUHiinuri'u, iiuiiuiiuuvii iib''h cllnlng yenrs failed to neglect. ., . ., ,. ,. . 7 , . . , , , . . ,,, , tint tho c ty Council has promised Old ago Is supposed to have been , . .. t i m ., .11 .it, . . i .. ts nliaro of $G00 North Dcnil will tho causo of her death lato Monday . . . . , ., . give fiuu luwiiru ino youuu u.iuui cd, declared R. A. Wornleh nnd IF. II. Young, of Conulllo, Btntod thnt tho county sent nmy bo rolled1 on for $1100. Vtrfulitnati1niit ( llllanMilnrrnr nf Is tho way that many old pioneers 1JnnIon ColI1I11cl, cll,t (lc. puL "' 'clurod thnt It is probablo that $100 In her llfo Nancy has scon wm bo rft8c1 by tJmt cUy. fncf0 tho carving out of Coos ami Curry W1H lQ ro,iroBOIltnllvo from Myrl0 counties; has seen tho dwindling i ,,ont prCHont lU tll0 IIIOOlnBf Myr- nwny of her peoplo from a mighty Uo ,,olnt ,a cxpcct0l, to KVo jnr,0 trlbo of 70 yenra ago to now n mora townrrt tIl0 flm, Clirry Coullty ,B hnndful eking out a precarious IcilKC(1 for ?70o, already word hao living crowded out by tho clvlllcn-1 Ioon rocelvod from there plodglng Hon thnt thoy so strenuously sought hnlf of thH amount, mill tho mom- to resist In 18CG. li,0M 0f d,0 committee yesterday bo- YoarB ago, boiiio nay 25, Nancy , Hovod tho rcmnln.ler would bo so Palmor'fl mnto died. Somo Bny, too, 'cured. that thoro wcro children. Thoroj Enthuslaatlcnlly tho niemborn of might hnvo been, but now thoy would I tho gonnrnl commltteo yesterday dls bo old too, nnd mnybo dend what cussod plans for tho exhibits of Coos hns becomo of thom7 thnt, too, 'nnd Curry Counties. To hnvo sccur llko (Nancy's (ago, is n matter 'flf od moro spuco In tho Oregon bulld guoss. Since tho denth of her mnto lug according to slzo than nny other tho old squnw has lived In hor cnbln ' section of tho stnto particularly nt tho edgo of tho water In Empire. ; pleased tho members. To the right Sho hnd many friends; tho county iof tho main entrance J. A. Ward has gavo hor n monthly allowance, nnd'inado arrangements for nn 8 by 10 thcro sho was cared for In her old foot spneo for exhibits; tho big ago. ' booth lit being built now on tho This canto as a just rownrd for '"'' flx"' ellroclly In front of the sorvlces rendered tho white peoplo entrance yonra ago whon they first camo. to "Vos, Fir," Bald Hugh McLnln, tho Roguo River. Then Nancy Pal- "and on thnt booth will bo nil tho mor wns u young girl living with her rondlng mntorlal nbout all of Oro-,i tribe. Sho remombored tho dlscov-iKon. r peoplo will hnvo to como cry of gold on tho bench nt the ,lloro to Rot ll- Thnt uootl1 ls K' moutli of tho Roguo River In 1853; ' to bo ", 0,lt of Coos Mui snw tho rush or whlto peoplo from Curry County nntlvo woods. It Ib tho north, nnd romombored well tho ono of lho Kntcst things In tho If You Have CHRISTMAS GIFTsT Buy for Men You ii Like This Store MEW SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MACKINAWS-A VERY COMPLETE SELECTION OF THIS SEASON ' STYLES ARE READY HERE. THE MANY VERY EXCEPTIONAL GOOD VALUES AT EACH PRICE raw CESI OMMEND THIS GOOD CLOTHES STORE TO ALL CAREFUL HOLIDAY SHOPPERS -:-: .:. ?mm Suits aid Overcoats From $15 to $40 All WaaI 1W:-... $5.00 to $12.00 MISCELLANEOUS GIFT SUGGESTIONS -bin line scarf pins, 50c up. ' cuff buttons and links, 50c up. initial handkerchief, 25c. fancy army bands at 25c & 50c suit cases, $2 to $5. IF YOU DESIRE SOME LESS EXPENSIVE BUT EQUALLY USEFUL AND PRACTICAL GIFT WE SUGG silk suspenders up from 50c. men's neckwear fine for gifts, from 50c to $1.50. i fancy silk suspenders in holiday boxes, 50c to $2.00. sweaters of all kinds, $2.50 to $8.50. men's gloves, $1 to $2. Arrow Shirts, $1.50 up. men's silk shirts, a luxurious gift, $3.50 to $5. r a box of Holeproof hose, $1.50 to $3. handkerchiefs, linen and silk, from 25c to $1.00. bath or lounging robes, $5 to $12.50. smoking jackets, $5 to $15. combination sets, 50c to $3. EST: Money Talks Ilubje Money Mt BANDON THREE STORES MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POINT uprising of 181)5 whon the upper whnlo building. Tho stnto lins do- Rokiio River Indiana nrovnlloil unon l,n,o:' 100 towanl lwlliHnK this nnd tho lower tribes to Join them in a war n co"niy, '" 1x',oml 00 '"oro; of extermination against tho whites. 1 "t booth is going to bo a feast Surprised nnd taken off their guard, tho whlto peoplo woro far for tho eyes when it's flnlshod. Thrco hundred dollars Is yet need- from their fort whon tho first news ' to comploto this, nccordlng to inu iiruBum iMiiiin nun 11 iiiu uiiuru of tho snvnges came. Many settlers woro murdered In tltolr cabins In tho doad of night; others woro fired upon In tho forost; many were kHIod whllo hurrying to placoR of safety. $.'000 Is secured tho noccanary mon ey will ho taken from this fund and , If not tho mombors prnpoFo to raise this by go no nil subscription, prchtim- SSI (If 10 ram found ' ILL KNOWN COOS PIONEERS!! ri III v tlirnnifli tint liilnriiHla t lint Imvn It wim In such sllrrlng tlnies b lho ,nobt , nmk ,,,. ,,,.. tliosa Hint Nancy I'nlmor hecanio tho, DEAD IN ii aivi:rtisi:i M;rri:its. Letters remaining In tho Multi field, Oregon, Post Office, for tho week ending December 15, 1011. I'ereoiiH culling for the sumo will ploiiHo say advurtlsud and pny ono cent for each hitter culled for: Anderson, A. I). llrown, II. K. llnnlloy. T. l Kdwurds, John (3) Knrroll, Mih. I.otlia (2) Fettorly, (ioorgo FratoH, Kliueou .lohnston, A. A. Knrr, (1. H. Kauedy, .1. II. MuDounld, Dan J. Meadows, John Mlleitovloh, Flyo Mulvany, Rny Nuh, Mru. Iluttlo Rust, Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Shoppard, Mrs. Mary Btninvos, Miss Blgna Handors, Chas. A. Biulth, Mrs. lion II. Taylor, O. L. Whoolor, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. WllllUIIlK, .loo Wllloy, Mrs. V. II. CURTIS, Postmnster. frloud of tho whlto peoplo. Two lit tle girls of n Hottler's family who Jind befriended hor wero snvod hy tho efforts of tho squnw, woro taken MAV AKUKSY AIH'OISTS. Owners of nutomobllcH Klinuld ! to safety nnd Inter grow up to thank 1(,)0l to tl10 'Unto renown! of hor for suvlng their llvos. I t,,olr "coiibob, tho old ones holng oh-, uniuio nuor ueromner .ii. iiioho waiting until thnt date beforo ap plying to tho Secrotnry of Stnto for, now tugs and numhors will bo gov ern! days without tho necessary II- JrnnufiH rnfinlr.Tft )iv lnu' nml will lin IMISTKOV MUCH IIOOK IIiim'Iiiii'k W. ('. T. V. U'iliie.sM's l)e striirl Ion of liiiitior. vviiietio iuiiiiiii iij uii iiiiii niu iru ROSUMURd, Or., Doe. IT.. In lsui,jnct f miost. Such Is tho edict tho proHonco of nbout 50 people, I1H ,t ,,na K010 forl from j,oartailr liuludlng Mr. Ida Murslors, prosl-, lorH 1 dont of tho Womun'H Christian Tom-1 'ororo niiplyliiB to lho Secretary purauco union m uotigias uouniy, of Rtuto t Sl,,nm for n UrmHm and kuvoniI other uiomborH of that application blank should first bo organization. MiiihIiuI T. J. Williams wvnro,x froiI, jBtIco of tliu Poaco mid Mglil urricor KotfU destroyed ,,oimock or from miMy vnMle.. tho coutonta of two barrels of beorj Tho secretary ot Stato has sunt I nnd bovoral casos of whiskey, atjwonl from Snom tlmt i,0 ,8 now ' tho corner of Oak and Main streets. ron(ly to Rrnnt nlltonioll0 nconBOH in tho iiiiiIIoiico ut tho tlmo tho for 1910 nn(l thnt ,,,,,,11,,,, ' liquor wns dostroyod was J. M. ' Ilin(lo to ,,,, now w, ,)0 n0(l 1)0. Spanoako, tho porson from whom it foro Ul0 frat ot tho ypnr wns confiscated by tho officers. Tho ' . liquor was tuken from Spaucako tin-, dor a city ordlunnco which provides I RAIMIOAI) TO (JARDINIIlt ( thnt liquor Bhnll not bo brought I -- Into Rosoburg by inonns othor than ! Soutluuu Pnclflc Aiinngcs (o Ittilld a (uiminon carrier. ".'io ordlunnco nlso Epeulflos that tho liquor shnll bo plainly marked, and shall bo subjeot to tho Inspection of tho officers. Symphony Concert, Tliursday, Do ci'iuliiM" 17tli ,lAiimiiskl's Tliontvi'. Everything In Jewelry For Christmas AT THE Red Cross Jewelry Dept. i . ...i. rqnir wk inert'. 1 Tho railroad company will put in 2100 feet of sldo track on the north sldo of Smith Itlvor, botween tha , Porry plnco nnd Jack Franco Slough. This would Indlcnto that whon tl.i ' tlmo Is opportuno 11 spur will bo ' built down Smith Itlvor to Cnrdluer, ' ns 11 survey has already hcon Hindu botweou those points, Tho laying of tho sldo track doos not Indicate 1 whon this will bo dono, ns It is customary with all rnllronds to, build sldo tracks noar tho npproacho's of any of their bridges across rlvora) which roquiro draws, or noar the approaches of long tunnels, as at tunnel 7. There Is 110 doubt but a spur will bo built down to Gardiner . and possibly u wjfcon road whon tho ' demand justifies tho building of tho samo, as tho cost of either would bo considerable. Gardiner Courier. I Leave Tomorrow. C. A. Smith 1 and son, Vernon A. Smith, will leavo' tomorrow for Horkoloy, wlioro they 1 wll spend Christmas with their fami lies. Mr C A Smith expects to re- turn hero In Jauuniy, John Golden Found This Morn-' ing by Searchers Left For- i tunc of Over 520,000 I lol.n Goldon, aged about 75 years, ' who yesterday was roportcd mlsMng, ! wns found dead under his bod this1 morning when J'idgo John Hull, J.j Tom Hull and O.yicor Richardson wont to tho basomnnt of tho housol ut Ktl! Second struot North nml broke open lho door. Tho old man was last soon by Tom McOlnuls on J Sunday morning ns ho wont down town for his milk nnd it Is proMiimod that ho died somo tlmo Sunday night. Ho hud boon fulling for sovoral days and it Is thought ho dlod suddonly whllo pioparing for bod. In his will, which U now In Port laud, Golden loft botweou $L'0,OO0J and $25,000 In proporty, cash nnd notos to bo disposed of. Ho has no holrs with tho exception of ono ulster, Mrs, Kennedy, who llvos in Randon. Tho will Is not to bo mado public until uftor tho burial of tho body, hut it is rumored that tho bull: of tl.o cstato ls loft to tho Catholic church and to charitable Institu tions. With tho passing of John Golden thoro wont ono of tho oldest charac ters on Coos Day, JJorn In Ireland, Goldon whon n young man camo to Amorlca nnd wont to work In tho Pennsylvania coal mines. Ho saved his monoy, camo wost nnd wont to work In tho Llbby mlno in about I 1S75, It Is said thnt ho saved half' i on ovory dollar ho oamod. After, i Accumulating between $4000 and ?5000, Goldon and his wife, who died ' a fow years ago. movod into Marsh-' field and bought proporty on the corner of Park and Secoud streot! which lator brought In a big profit I to tl.o owner. Mrs. Golden from her first husband lecelvod a large lot I at the corner of Second and Market ' streets and this was sold for $10-' ' 000. ' I To put his wealth Into cash was a c! aracterlstlc of tho old man. Real ostito brought him bis first mone, 1 alng takon this as security for inon- ey that ho loaned out previous to tho panto of lS'JII, nnd whon tho men failed Goldon got tho laud. Ho sold this off as soon uh possible, though at ono tlmo ho wns badly In debt. For u long tlmo Goldon conducted n "curbstone" banking system. Ho would borrow money from ono man to loan It to another nt nn Increased rato of Intercut, ,111s fortune grow. In Coqulllo ho had two housos bring ing him u monthly Income ot $100. Tho rest of his wealth wns In notos ami cash, nil out nt Interest. In his homo In tho roar of tho haomeiit ut Wi:i Second street North, John Goldon lived poniirloiisly for tho last fow yoars sluco tho death of his wife. Throe rooms thoro woro in tho Imsomont, dirty and iinkompt. l.;iHt week tho old miiii bought h'A flrsl load of wood In ninny yonrs and stncltod It nil on tho bnck porch nutsldo tho hovel. Previously ho lmd brought homo grout long sticks of driftwood and bolng too fooblo to cut thorn up tho old man hnd a galvuulzod chuto mado In tho sldo or tho stove nnd through this tho long piocos ot wood wero thrust gradually as thoy burn ed. Somo of tho piocos of wood wero so long thnt thoy extended through tho kitchen and through a holo In tho wall or his bunk room. John Goldon wns called penurious and somo claimed that ho often de prived himself of necessities nnd ov on rood, but thoro nro rrlends who will toll of tho many tlmos tho de ceased hoi pod those who wero ponnl. loss; or tho ninny times ho has glvon rood to men who woro hungry nnd his willingness to nld thoso in need nbout him. Announcement or his funeral will bo mado lator. 1 1 0 DMEER 5 DEu Death-Came Same Day She Was Moved Into Her New Home ip Ferndale I Mrs. Annlo Wulff, aged 78, one, o! tho boat known nnd most highly respected pioneers or Coos liny, dlod j at hor now homo In KorntloHi last evening nrtor bolng In feoblo health for sovornl -months. Denth enmo tho samo dny that sho had boon movod Into hor homo Just built for hor. Tho funoinl will bo hold from the Wulf residence tomorrow nftornooii at 2 o'clock, tho Rov. Futhor Mo-( Dovltt ofriclutlng. , Goorgo Wiiltr, hor husband, died nbout n your ngo, soon nftor bolng' run down by tho S. P. motor enr, nf- tor having accumulated u conifortnulo fortune mado principally through his early rafting oporntlons on Coos Hay,, bolng ono ot tho first tlmbormon of this section. Ho took largo contracts, to supply tho liunbor mills with logs. , In lutor yonrs ho was well known nsj n flshornion, taking up this form or sport for pleasure, and very often was seen down at tho bar lit his gasollno boat. Tho couplo had no children, though thoro is an ndoptod daughter,, who lived with hor foster mother, Mrs,i Wulff. j SATISFY fl Dot. Accnrlolinn in DmU Changing Dates forH mg wrcuu wim ;i Sanctioning the rtwp ........ .Inln. n MmifllttM III tt Ulllll t lllliva . w. appointed last ewnlsfkf' County liar AbbocWIos .i.... i- nnnlilll la LlIM llicuiuig m .. - ror presentation to tht turo. That such ciup .... id.. Ifiu'vori cay. UH'n IIIJ, H'V -' ' present ternu of Ut ow como at Inopportune i. fnr.nnr ran 111 lll his time In the cowtrtfl rmi.i Ms rrniu and " ll Tho commltteo to 4n ...,o,l InuMllCOIIlPOMlo"1 ..... Illlnnvlst. It. 0- & C. It. 1'crtc. ThodltM' ror aro for me ' . . ihA lit cull conn " - ; k h first Motto'! ,.01,n.., -"..,,. Ml i .""ZlZ U hcon considering the wj equity court ""--qulllPi have a definite ono In tno c"w - with Iholr troubles io40l this ho will nw -' - i Marshflold as be W pasl .i I 1'iaiis iv ...nrfifl the Coos County Dr dlbCussod las - nuot will bo held 1W jmmw ItOOSllVKIP SII.HXT ItlT AuocUteJ J'ri lo Cooi Dr Tlm.J WASHINGTON. Dec. 1C Theodoro Roosevelt telegraphed Hopresentntlvo Hobson that ho would not appear beloro tho nnval artalrs committee. (.'OKTHAUS IS 1XS1STKVI' tnr Alioilated TreM to Coot Dr Times, PANAMA, Dec. 1C Colonol Ooothnls again cabled Secretary Garrison setting forth tho need of torpedo boat dostroyers to prcseno neutrality In the. Canal Zone - WATERFRONT NEWS In threo dnys tho gas lino schoon ers .Rustler nnd Roamor hnvo made tho trips to their respective porta on tho Roguo River nnd Sluslaw and today returned to Coos Bay to load with Christmas supplies. They will both sail within the noxt day or two. Tonight tho Yellowstono 1st expect od to -leavo Portland-for Coos Day and will arrive In on Friday. The Daisy Putnam is duo In hero on Friday from San Francisco. This morning the Adeline Smith crossed In from San Francisco aud wont again to tho Smith mill to load with lumber. Tho Breakwater crossed over tho Columbia bar this morning nt 9 oMoclj nnd Is duo to nrrh in hero tomorrow morning, i mi i --run 1 1 i r b nn m s 1 Wll : warn Tu .. .-.nlltfkf Personally ZW in Engagement J EL PASO, wee j.. I botween the . i i In urwe--. troops " " , w southeast of WJ p J oicupatlon of u !ond largest cIU ,1 aispai'ii a there 1 mH. Ta