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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1914)
iiaffiOJARllJl r- 317.., Tn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. AYE k I IfnH lkr CcpjrrtgbtllartSctuirner & Mux Your Christmas tree will art Schaff ner & AMIS tiling's truo of youi- tlicsL' J'ino suits on it; or igli quality materials and Irosseu; you 11 bo economical. A.MAX MUST HAVE MORE THAN . ... ONE JIAT TO, WEAK IX, OHUEIt TO ALWAYS lMtkSS PROPERLY YOU MUST HAVE A VAKIHTY Wo Keep Your FIIEE OF Woolen Mill Store fills storo Is tho homo of Hart Schnf MARSHFIELD GIFTS OF QUALITY Choose SHOES for Christmas. Complete line of Slip pers in Felt and Leather. We attend fo your wants carefully. Open evenings until Christmas ' GORDONS Central Ave. and Broadway. SHOES OF MERIT lTCHHR iVrll W'S&& xSP-SV. JlSy THE BERTRAM JEWELRY STORE because of the exclusive character of its merchandise, the conspicuous fairness of its prices the diversity and extent of its offerings is the logical store for Christmas shoppers. Here yet; will nnd luxurious beauty and dainty things that cost but little. A large assortment of gifts for "Him" or "Her." Nothing cheap or tawdry, but gifts of quality and always a reasonable price is the impor tant feature. ' ,., ,. ENGRAVING FREE. F. W. Bertram's North Front Street Do Your Christmas Shopping Now Don't wait to do your Christmas shopping onrly DO IT NOW. Tho stores nro groaning la their fulluess. Stoeks aro now, frcBh, comploto and inviting. If you shop now chow at lu from ample varieties and get tho best tho -markets afford in the way of goods and .service. Just turn to tho advertising columus of Tha Times and begin making out your Christmas llsU. At no season of the yer will you find the advertising more helpful-moro saving of your time nd money. unes Want Ads Bring Results loolt hitter if ijou hmuj some Marx Clothes on it own body; just put one of u good overcoat, vou'll uet tailoring; you'll bo stylishly Clothes Pressed CHARGE fner and Marx Clothes. NOUTH 11EXD Make An Ideal Christmas Gift For Gentlemen Or Ladies We carry a hull Line of WATCHES in all styles and at all prices. Jewelry Store Marshfield ;WS BREVITY WEATHER FORECAST ttlf AnxxlatM Pith to x ni Tlmn.1 OREGON Fair; not much chnngo In totnporature; easter ly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 n. m.. Doc. 16, by.llqiij. Ostllnd, apodal government mu teorologlst: 'Maximum ...41 Minimum 2S At 4:13 b. in 28 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1911 30.00 Precipitation samo porlod last yoar 1C.90 Wind: Northeast, clear. ' ! , Will llitlld. P. Erickson Is ar ranging to build n flno six 1 room homo In Hunker Hill. Special Hen Ire. Rev. It. E, j Drowning will conduct special servic es Wednesday evening at tho Hun ker Hill school house. Umi Hiram Train. That tho gaso llno locomotlvo of tlio Wlllanietto Pacific might bo repaired tho steam ougluo nnd conch wero ngnln on tho run today bctwoen Xorth Bond and this city. Xout Men lino. Messrs. E L. Uaruos of Benttlo nnd W. H. Craw ford of Portland arrived horo yestor dny on their first trip to tho liny, lloth nro IntoreRtod In mnchlnory nnd hentlng plants, Mr. Crawford's compnny putting In tho big plnnt nt The Grand To-Nigh t SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM 11Y ,THE (JKAXD VEXETIAX ORCHES TRA TOXIOHT: pHonlng, jnuroh, "Tho King's Es- cort" Losoy Urnnd Soloctlon, "Tho Hed Mill," , from tho muslcnl comody .... i Victor Horbort Concert Wnltzos: "Summer lireoz- os" Johnson "When Angola Weep" .... Hnrrls Concort numbers: "Sorcnndo" . . Plorno ' "Chant Sans Pnrolos" Comedy: "Tango (JIM" .... Illrsoh Took-a-lloo" Johnson "lioniitlful Eggs' Pnloy photoplays: "the adventures 01-' the HASTY ELOPEMENT" Edison comedy. "HIS IlUOTHEIl HILL" Splondld 2-rool Lublu drnmntlo ilny. 1 "PAWN TICKET NO. 913" Sol l lg comedy-drama. HKAHST-SKLIO WBMKLY. Xo. j 00. all tho lntott war jiowh In ple- tares. ! "1'OIt THE CAUSE" Illonrniih (Irniim. 1 SIX IIKKI.S ALL XF.W 1HE LEM1SKI T I HE HOME OP BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE. TNG MORELES BROTHERS, two nov- tll' tho l8t ' io wook on busl eliy tithletos, In an net suro toi'10 connoctod with the bnnk. Mr. please the most skeptical. I Kdmunds Is cnshlor of IVoneh &. That Universal favorlto. SII8S Company's bank at Tho Dalles, nnd I1ARHARA TBNNANT nppoars In the wl" 1,avo 'n aomo position In the romlnlno cad In "Tho Link lu thenow ''nI,k "t this plngo. Mr. 1W Chain," an Eclair threo-part drama' '"""ds loft for Tho Dalles Sunday, of plot and counterplot. Directed , antl w" return tho first of tho now by O. A. C. Lund, who nlso plays 'oar ,0 nmko llls pormanent homo. the male lend. Study In kloptonianluianrd,ni" Courlor. i with a vital strain of romance. THROUGH THE FLAMES Rox- lil"Klo Mill Huny Superintendent Unlvorsal, two-roel drama featuring Krod Mooro' of tlio shlnglo mill a! 1 Anna Little and Horbert Rawlln-,11'0 c- A- 8in" I'lants, has tho mill son. running at capacity and Is now oin- So tho spectncular flro scono, P'oylng about twenty mon. Thoy THE WOOING OF HESSIE IlUM-'aro ninkl"B a flno record with the I'KIX, Joker-Universal comody with Berff Meredith. Six all now reels of photojilays. Lower floor, ISc; 1st balcony, 15c: 2nd Ualro'ny, 10c. lltrtt tomorrow night. Danlol Frohman production "Tho Ring and the Mun," a political fauturo lu four stirring reels. Also a SterlliiK comedy. "Tho Flirt." and tho Grand Symphony Concert. Uet your reserved seats now nt .:'' ',,',?',: etoro next door from mauiki theater i tho Smith mill which Is to bo In spected this wool:. floes to Cmindii. Ed McKcown, foreman or tho Smith-Powers Com pany at Camp 2, Conlcdo, and wife, left yesterday for their old homo In Canada, whoro thoy will remain un i til next April. Coach , nt Roeburg. Joo Coach, of Marshfleld, left tor his homo yesterday nfter a day or two spent In Hosoburg conferring with Attor- I itcy W. W. Cardwcll. Hoscburg , Review. Xo Den I Closed. Arciilo Kruso, tho Prosper shingle man, Is on the Hay on business. Ho says that no deal has been closed yet for tho sale of his shluglo mill to tho Johnson Interests, n younger brother of K. E. Johnson and Alfred Johnson, Jr negotiating for It. Xo Flro Dainnge. Quito a flro senro was caused nt tho (Iraudell hoarding house In Hunker Hill tho other evening whon a cigarette Btnrt ed a smnll blaze, it was quickly ex tinguished nnd tho damngo was very ! slight. Dock for Itonri. About twonly flvo carloads of crushed rock nro to bo brought hero from tho Myrtlo Point stono qunrry nnd placed on tho Isthmus Inlet road nenr the now cemetery which tho Odd Fel 1 1 i.. n lB 1IIU UJIUI1IIIK IIIUIU. Piii-mj Finder Only Partially Hon est A young Indy recently lost her purso In n locnl theater, containing offlco key nnd a small amount of chnngo. Upon Inquiring, tho office key wns recovered, but finder hold out tho change, nmountlng to loss than CO cents. fines VUxst. Win. Rolchcrx, who has boon representing tho Marshall WoIIb Hardwnro Company In this territory for tho pnst few years, left yestorday for Kansas, his old homo, whoro ho will tnko chnrgo of his fother'H hardwaro business. It hns not been nunounccd who will succeed him In this territory. Was Too Full Axel Arnlu, an ticipating ChrlstmnH and tho Kood cheer through Inst evening to Unvo n fling to stnrt hint on his merry linking wny. Ho "liquidated" to a 'great extent nnd this morning wis pontltont to n similar extent whon i ho wns brought penniless beroro Po lice Judgo Ilutlor to recolvo nn ns- Hessmont of $fi. To Sell TrncjIIcnry Scngstnck en said (oi'fifr Uffit7'uo' had not yet signed up to n snlo contract where by Messrs. Johnson nnd Jones of Modlclno lint, Can., aro to ho given tho oxeluslvo snlo of his holdings nonr Enstsldo. Mr. Scngstaokon has n half Interest in tho tract and L. I). amlth gnvo an Option on Ms five twolfthH holdings to Messrs. Mntson, Lockhnrt nnd Smonton. Taylor Slg lln has a twelfth Interest In It. Horn from Cniiip. Clnro Swaluo, superlntondout or tho Hmlth-Powors I'OKBlng Company, enmo In yostordny from tho camps beyond Myrtlo Point, whoro ho Is now loented for a short Htny. Ho says that tho rumors nbout his becoming a bouodlct In tho near futuro nro Incorrect as ho lips made n solonin promlso not to desort sin glo IiIIsh boforo W. J. Conrnd doos. Mr. CJonrnd says It Is Just tho other wny. Ait Exhibit, nisihfiif,' ThlH nflor noon in nut of Iho nrt dlsplny from tho grade of tho city was platod In tho Owl Drug Store whoro It will bo until tomorrow evening. It con sIsIh for tho most pnrt of calen dars, telephone rnrds nnd Christmas tokons, nil of thorn exceedingly well douo. Hnoh piece of work cnrrlos tho initials of the pupil nnd the grade, Tho work hits onusud eon sldornhlo favorable comment bocnuso of Its very good quullty. Xow Hunk Cashier. H. L. Ed munds, of Tho Dallas, was lu this mm. it was reportod around town that tho shlnglo mill had boon closul down for a tlmo but It has not and will not bo. Tho report probabl; was caused by ton mon In the corn pa board factory being laid off tern rwrarlly. T"" " " Another. Thut ho was not driving the car on Front street j t,,at Monday night demolished tho, weP' 0l irani is mo statement louaj' of Lnn Lambeth. Tho mos-, BQ&eer boj declared that Lambeth was to blamo and that It was ho who ilrovo tho car. This Lambeth denies, saying that ho appeared onj mo spot a moment later. Ho does not know posltltvoly, ho says, who was driving tho car. No charges havo been preferred. Parcels Post Uaves. With nbout every second porson carrying a San ta Chtus hundlo and hurrying In the direction of tho Post Offlco or tho express offlco. tho George W. Elder' whon she loaves out tomorrow will I carry a heavy cargo as Marshfleld'si trlbuto to tho merry Yule-tide. All day tho windows of tho parcels post) wore crowded with packages brought In arms full and thrust through tho ' window to tho waiting and surrylng, clerks, DAN M'KINXOX loft toilny for a trill In finrillmif iiml Vlnrnnnn I A. II. CULVER was In tho city today on business from Catching Inlet. 0. W. STAHU camo ovor from Co qulllo yeotordny on bnslncss. It. O. OIIAVES returned this morn ing from Coiiulllo, where he wns attending Circuit Court. HERMAN 8M1THGALL, of Catching Inlet, wns hero today oti.u busi ness trip. LEWIB M'JIULLEX, of Myrtlo Point, Is among tho out-of-town visitors In tho city todny. WILLIAM LAXTIIOM and wlfo wore down shopping this morning from tholr homo nt Catching Inlet. C. A. GAUOUTTE, n well knovll Iluudon Hveryninn, waB a Mnrsh field business vlsltotr Inst evening, MIL AXI) MItS. J. K, NOAH enmo down on tho boat shopping mis morning from Allegany. MISS LULU SMITH was among tho shoppers In tho city today from Allegany. MRS. A. E. KARDELL, of Allegany, was down today on a short busi ness trip. II. A. CHURCH, or Coos River, wns among tho business visitors lu tho city today. OTTO HILL, of Coos River, was down on the Mllllcouin this morn ing on business, WILLIAM CANDLIX, tho snlcsmnn, nnd wife, enmo ovor on tho noon train from Coijulllo. OUST WICKS, of North Inlet, was down this morning on tho North Slur. J. H. STRETCH wns hero today on business from his homo nt North Inlet. FRED PLAEP, or North Inlet, was among tho visitors lu tho oily to. day. JOHN STEINLEOHNEIt, or Toiuplo ton, wiih down today doing his Cbristmns shopping. MR. AND MRS. J. U. MtUULLOUH wero out r town vlsltorn todny from HnynoH Inlet. 8WANI PETERSON, of lluyuiiH In let, was lu tho city today nltmi'l lug to some multom of bind now. 0. W. SWANFORD, of Hnyncs In lot, wns horo todny looking after somo shopping. C. E, HANSON was among tho laud- ikmw vlultunt hi tho city today from HnynoH Inlet. CHARLES PETERSON, or HayncH Inlet, was hero today on a short business trip. 0. A. MINTOVNE, of, Gofiilllo. Is looking nfter bulnowt Intugss on the bay, CAPT. J. N. CORNWALL oamo down from Gardiner yesterday on husl- noes, GEQRGB GEISBNDORITER, vice prosldont of tho Ilandon Commer cial Club, oamo over last evening nnd wns hero today ojj business. MRS. P. E. LARSON und son, Ed ward, of Allegany, wero down to day doing thglr Christmas shop ping, MRS, CHARLES MAHAFFHY nnd Ms( Lou Mahnffuy wero hero to day shopping nnd visiting from Allegany. MR. AND MRS. REGINALD 8. , WRIGHT aro In tlio city, guests all Tho Chandlor. Mr. Wright ropro sents the Moore-Watson Dry Goods 'Co. lu this territory and is plan ning n a Hiimnu-r home whoro Hie balmy zcplin of Cooa Da) cau( . Oh You Santa Claus ' XMS EVE CLOSES THE PIAXO COXTlCST. 'Until (lint tlnio wo vtlll Issue: 2."(M) Votes on each piece of gntiilteym-e. OOOO Votes on nny Move or lieutcr. . 10OO votes on nny knife, Micnr.s or niror sOltl. ..,... 1O0O Vol eM for nny household article. ASK AHOUT DUE DILI Schroeder (Sb Himlturc THE DELICATESSEN CO. open in their new location at 136 North Broadway THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. IN THE ROOMS FORMERLY OCCUPIEU BY THE LEWIS ICE CREAM PARLORS. We will carry a much larger variety of all kinds of cook ed foods ready to serve on the table or for your lunch. Also wo will add several new feat-' ures to tho business, and with a muclv larger capacity will be able to take care of and give our best at tention to all SPECIAL ORDERS AND SOCIAL FUNCTIONS, LARGE OR SMALL A 'SPECIAL FEATURE IN OUR NEW LOCATION WILL BE QUICK SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS enabling ono to make their own selections and be served in an economical and quick way. This feature will please you in both quality, service and price THE DELICATESSEN caress his heutud brow nfter tho stress or trnvol In less favored climes. MR. AND MRS. W. (1. HIXDMARSH enmo down this morning from tho Wlllnmotto Pacific camp at tho head or North Inlot. CLAUDE II, OILER, n prominent young attorney or Myrtlo Point, wns lu Marshfleld last evening on busluoss, MISS FRANCES ROIIERTS, who hns boon aiding lu tho piano con tents being conducted by locnl stores, plans to leave noon lor, Portlnud to tnko n poriunuoiit posi tion with tho compnny tliore, MISS MAY HKNNETT, who hns boon following her vocation us n pro fessional nursQ In Ran Francisco, nrrlvod homo yostordny to spend tho Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. (1. A, lion mitt. AMONG THE SICK Mrs, J, Albert Mntson wan brought homo from Mercy Hospital, where hIio recently uiidorwout nit opera Hon, .Monday, nnd Is getting nloug flno, much to tho gratification of their ninny friends. Mrs. Alfred Mntson, wlfo.of Cnpt. Mntson, who was brought home from Moray. Hospital n few dayH ago, Is roporlud to be recovering from re cunt Injuries, Mrs. O. A. GIiism underwent suc cessfully a serious npurntlou nt tho Moroy Hospltul yostordny afternoon Sho Is gutting along very woll today. WAJERFRONT NEWS Thursday morning notn thu tte dondn and tho Nnun Smith will leave out for San Frauolsco. Tho Rodou do arrived In from tho South yes terday morning. In tho morning tho Pnrulso, of tho Swayno & Hoyt line, will Jonvo out for San Franols'oo, Tho Vega was off tho South Inlot run yesterday, undergoing slight ro. pairs. Sho returned this afternoon. NOTICE TO. ELICS. All Elks and tholr famlllos aro In vited to bo present at tho monthly donolng party lu tho Masonic Hull Wednesday ovonlng All visiting Elks aro also liivltod. T. !!. JAMES, Sec. Hyuipliony Concert. Itefcjiryeil M-atjj on mi to nt tlm "C'nndy Nook," U--nuiiiskl'H 'Iliuiti r. r.lhljy'ro.ll,. Tho' kind VOU have ALWAYS 4IKKI), Phono 72. Puclflr Livery anil TrnuNfer Compjiiiy. DR. II, K. UKITY, DENTIST Pluio 112-J, Room 20, Coko Ulijg .Symphony (Vtu.eit lt(M-id .eat'' on sale nt tho "(.Miidy Xiol.," I.e iiuuibl.i'b 'llicntei'. THEY (JET VOTES. Hildenbrand .V Plumbing. OREGON IXDl'KTUIAL KKVIKW. Snlom will oroct n $20,000 school llOUBO. At Portlnud tho soloctlon of stone for tho $1,000,000 Post Offlco now tents between Pioneer and Tonlno sandstone. Tho Northwest Stool Co., of Port lnud, was lowest bidder for 8 stool bi'ldgos ncros tho Colllo Canal to ho built at once. CLASIflE I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR HALE IHI.00 bicycle for $U( If taken nt onco. Phono 293 nllor 0 p. in., I3G-X. FOR HALE Fiirnlturn of msvpii room rooming house, closo In. Phono 337-J, 31U Fojtrth at. FOUND. FOUND Clmiiffciir' Ilceiiso iCn. Owner may havo snmo by paying for this ad nt Tho Times office. WANTED I WANTED A puiTluiher for loin 7, H, 0, block 8, fieiigstackon'a Addi tion. Price $1200. Purchaser to assume street Improvement. Ad dress P. O. Ilox 173, Diindon, Oro. U.Wl'KD Employment, by w)l)er, steady man, experience In several linos or work. Handy with tools. Willing to go nnywhero If work Is steady. P. O, Ilox 334. Coqullle. FOR SALE FOR HALE Or v.111 trndo for towa proporty If sultnblo, n dairy ranch on Coos River 8 miles from town, a., enro of Times. FOR HALE iiO pullets and n old chickens. $18.00. Phono 13-R. FOR RENT AUS FOR RENT Syenite rooms und housukcoptng apartments, furnish ed or unfurnished. Reasonable Phpno 49-L. 415 So. 4th. FOR RENT House In rear of for mer Times office. Enquire ot John Ferguson, i. .. 1 1. i FOR RENT Houses mid unartwenta furnished and unfurnished, I, S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front street FOR RENT Nicely furnUkod frot rooms with. bath. $3 per wHk, Clnpo In. 239 So. 4h St. ' I'OR RENT I'HrnlslieU utwrtmeKt. Phono C3-L. 4 n i , ! 'Mi 4 is I Hf.V "'t ." -. i ", .-.-.. M