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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1914)
syrwi u COOS BAY TIMES M. 0. MALOKBV, Editor nnd Pub. DAN, K. MALOXEV, News Editor Official Pnpcr of C008 County Entorod at tho Postofflco at Marsh-1 Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tbo mnllfl as second-class mall matter. ' A DREAM O F PFACE TOPICS OV TUB TIMES. In a lino of battle extending over 175 mllea It must bo somewhat difficult- for an nrmy's right wing to know whether the left wing Is still' flapping. As u rule the man who talks as If ho know how n war should bo con-1 duetod couldn't be dragged within! ten miles of a firing lino. ' Too many monuments nro erected I for military heroes and too few for! tho heroes of peace. ' It Is well to remember that mak-l Ing tho best of things Includes the. host of oneself. o I PHESIDEXT SPItOULK'S l-'IOUHES. PRESIDENT SPKOULE'S recent I statement reiatlvo to the effect of tho Panama Canal on tho, business of tho Southern Pacific,' while, of course, presented from tho standpoint of thnt corporation, will I attract n good deal of attention for tho reason that wo cannot escape tho j loglcof the conclusions drawn by the railway official. Tho Southorn Pacific has lost 17 1 percent of Its business by reason of, tho water shipments via tho cnnnl. . Hut, says President Sproulo, whon-i over tho company earns a dollnr for). carrying' freight, It pnys out -11.05 cents to labor; S.Gfi cents go for oil or othor fuel; for material and sup plies there Iri expended 1-1. IG cents; Iohboh nnd dnmnges ont up 2.20 1 cents: louses of railways cost 3.91! cents. Taxes call for 1.1 1 conts and for Improvements and spout 1.57 conts. Now that glvos n totnl of 1(5 conts which tho railroad pays out and which malum up a very con nldorablu ltoul In tho cIiihiiioIh of business. ( Seventeen per cent loss In tho business of the railroad, nays Presi dent Sproulo. Applying that percen tage to tin) dollnr of IiuhIiiohb, tho company losen .S5 of a cout, nnd a Iobs of 10.15 cents must bo appor tioned to labor, to those who supply oil,, supplies, etc. Of courso, tho cnnnl Is going to dovolop much business nnd Indirect ly tho railways will profit from tho Increase, but, of, courso, too, If the railways nro losing 17 per cont of tliolr shipments that loss Is going to grow as wator carrying Is perfected for tho transaction of business. That Is a matter then serious for both tho railways and tho public. It is n now condition and. President Sproulo has given tho public something to think about. til fl' nn JA Out of the Dark Caverns of Tradition, Wisdom Leads the Warriors to a View of Peace; the shrouded Fiqure of Death, With His Scythe, the War Eagle on His Shoulder Tumincj Away; the Peaceful Ploughman, the Mother and Child. Have You Thought How Fortunate You Are That This Nation Has Its Face Set Toward Peace? TRY IT young people. open a Savings Account In this safe, ,, rvK..,.u., ,,-.. per ,,,,, r y0ll. oall, ' -" 11 :)Trj?jLru ,,c mr: 'IX'MoninLliion. T I Into a wiiVklng fund Savings Account Is the u-al UNDKIl TUB UMTUn STATls aovKitXMKXT 8ui.i:VISI0 FIHSTNfl INI LI I OF COOS BAY Sa'cly Deposit Boxes For font. IN i BE1 111 OLDEST HAXK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880, Capital, Surplus and Undividei Profits $115,000 , Interest Puid on Timo Dcpoilu Officers: .T. W. llcmii'tt, 1'rohlilfiit. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, Cashier. Geo. 1 Wlnclintrr, Aut.C Industrial Review of the State WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST I !ooi i-:vi-:xi.N(i. . j If tlioro Ih any one Kilt which j oacli of us linn to be thnnkfttl j for it Ih tho capacity wo have j for loving. Wo all havo It, but I It can bo enlnrKcd . . . This Ih the function of nil beauty, to j train our lovo. Carollno lluz- j nrd. Sonio Cooh Hay men nro natl- lied with half n loaf and othurfl j loaf all the tlnio. MIhh Korn llolibn :.n been np poluted by Uovornor West to bo n inoinbor of tho Woi-UInnniun'H Com ponHatlou ConiinlHHlou nl $:tG00 a year. Portland Commercial Club and Chamber of Commorco want to t-oii-Hiilldatu. Tho ItoKiio ltlvor Publle Servk-o corporation . IiIiIh on lighting Hold Mill by offering to put In n payroll or $000 to ?1000 per month. Clnlsop lins glvon tho Paclllc Power & Light Company n fifty ynr franchise IVkor County levy natno an last e:ir, n $(100,000 less valuation. DomoAtlu Science will bo tnuht In tho Astoria High School. Tho declining wool ludiiHtry In to bo iiromotod with domouHtrutlnuK all over Oregon. From 11)00 to 1010 OroKou In creased In population outHido of cltloa only -10,001) or -1,007 per year dlfttrh-t, with a 1 2-lioruo-iiowur Ran OnglllO. EnglnoorH nsk Coiikioim for $1, "".0,000 to complete work at month of olumbla. O.VhV TWO ACCIDENTS. Cook Cminly I'kv I-Yoiii Injury Cases IjisI Week Tho Statu VIhIi and Clnma Com- 0BK,nK accident nour Astoria. mlHHlon that collected and expended $100,000 this year wnntH no ehnngo SALEM, lire. 1 !. Korty-threo ne cldontK, two of them fntul, were re ported In Labor Commlmdouur llolf during laHt week. J. J. Dovurou anil J. l.nboskl wore killed In u In tliu law. It Kent nKontH on trips ,,tniK ,M, Fifteen accidents worn reported from logging enmpR, HawmlllH nnd tr Europe to find new guino blrilH A Hteol brldKo Ih to Hpau tho Umntllla lllvur at MIbiIoii. Solo KotH n now drygoodH nnd clothing Htore. Mill City ddd Follows, havo dodl rntod a now hall. Tho Stato Labor Comuilnalonor collects $21,000 for Inspection of factories. Tho Worklnginon'H Coni poiiHatlou Commission li roqulrol to do tho samo thliiR, meso commls- hIoiih urn to bo consolidated. Tho (Iraulto Hill mine near (IruntH Pass will hiatal u oynnldo plant. Eugouo sold $3 1,000 bltullthlc Moro IndUHtrloB, choapor land nndjimvliiK bonds nt a premium, lower taxeH nro tho romoily. I Albany liiiMlnotw inon and fruit Tho Gold Loaf mlno will opornto fiiowors will build co-oporatlvo enn-,-v flvo-stnmp mill In tho Dohoinla nerlos. Only two woro reported from Cooh County, ns follows: A. Lockmau, Marahflohl, Iuk cut, IokkIuk. J. C. VIo Thlor, les brokon, log-Hint,'. I.-,,(I0() I'OUXDH SPUDS SUNT HV PAHCKh POST TO CAMI-'OHXIA POINTS i O HANTS PASS, Or., Dec. 1R.- A conslKiiiiiont of Hokiio Itlvur valley potatoeH hnu been sent to Forks of Salmon and other California points by Charles S. Lebo, through parcel pout, koIiik out on thu Houthhoiiud passeiiKor train, delnyliiK that train fifteen mluutos In tho loadlut,'. The weight of tho total shlpmunt In in, 000 iiouuds and was sent out In threo lots, A total postage of $ir2 lias been paid. The potatoes nro In fifty-pound packages, To Portland every Thursday To Eureki every Moil TUN FAST AXI) COMI'OltT.MLE S S, Geo. W. Elder NliWIiY i:QUIL'I'KU NOKTH PACIFIC HTKAMSUIPCO, O. F. McOKOHOH AGENT W.D.WI Phono' At, Mnrahflold Phone UI.Krtl mrnmmummmummmmmmmmmamaaammmmmmma Havo you tried Tho TlmcB' want ndH? i . 1 Mtccra mmmxmsmmmnmmaMm)nwmxmM2mwmmMtmmMiMMmammMmnmnmmmKWgmmanmmmmmmmmKMmimm . I INI . i. .i. WMBMl .11 P i , 1 News of Nearby Towns fiOLD DKACII ATiiLirnw I Oolm; from bad to worso Is u short Journey. -I OUK DAILY COXl'XDUUM Why is thoro nover suoh thliiK iih one whole day? Auuwur tomorrow. of Indies, and those who sorvod wore Mrs." Geo. Colter, Mrs. Chas. Ilar wood nnd Mrs. Itnudall us JudRos; Mrs. Flint and Mrs. Loach ns dorks, Four Couiiellmon, two from each wnrd, ono Itocordor, nnd a Trons- Cold Iloach now has a rosulnrly 'I'lor, wero oloclod, as follows: l-roin orKtuilzod Athletic club which held tho First Ward, (ioo. II. Colter and Its first muotliiK last Saturday ovo- C. K. liarwood; from tho Socond iiIiik ud elected officers, adopted . Ward, J. O. Wisdom nnd Omar WIs .... i . .,,,. ,i in .11,1 ni'iin. I iiiini. 1). M. Keniii was elected Ho- ZZj'thlnif to coniploto mi oritunlzaUon. eonlor, while N. II. Hull was clios . I I A mat and othor parnphornalla for, on Treasurer. Tho total voto cast I .!. .ul..... ..Ill l.n r,.,l...'n,l ,. I W11H 00 ft 11(1 tllU WOIIIOII WO 10 Olll IIIU tti lliuiinilll.l Hill u v,...w.v.. .. 'onou. Alf. (laimtlott and (loo. Staf- I" forue. Answer In yesterday's: "Whim Is n ulKht Unlit like a tomb- stono?" I When it Is set up for a Into I husband. I foul wero oloctod mamiKOi's of thu ! elub and thoy pro prupniiiiK for u ! wrwftliiK' match or two for Christmas I ' Day. Hold llouch (Slobe. ItAXDOX MASOXS HI.KCT. STIWI.S MUCH I'liriT. I J. K. foimor, who with his family -thus moved to the Dement place east Wilson Kaufman says "Hut the. of town to work for tho Knlicht Ilros. ljost policy Is one that Is paid up." . reports that durliiB tho tlnio that Tim wolf at tho door sometimes' ho was nun lug his household kooiIs comes dlSKUlaod as a bill collector. Moro than one thone trembles on the balance of battle, 4 STOUV FOU Tlll-J DAY. A POOH SPHSTITUTU. DurltiK a financial panic, nciiord liiW to a coiitoni)orary, a Gorman Homo one stole forty-ulght ipmrts of canned fruit from tho olty rosldonco tho Cougor fnmlly was vacntliiK. Myrtle Point Hntorprlso. HILhSTHOM OX THIP. llnndon lodge, A. F. & A. M.. held tholr niKiilnr annual election of of- iflcois Friday nlxht with tho follow- liiK meinbors bolntt oloclod to office- W. S. Sabln. W. M. W. A. Lodore. S. W. A. D. Mills, J. W. K. K. Onkos, Treag. C. K. llowmnn, See. Hay Watkins, S. 1). 1). M. Avorlll, .1. 1). II. O. llelmklu, S. S. Morrill Jamloson, .1. S. Win. llliigniuan, T. Imndon lie-colder. C. .1. lllllstrom of Marshflold was In town between trains Tuesday. Mr. fnr.mor went to a bank for somo J lllllstrom was one of the parties who money. Ho wus told thnt tho bank ' sutnl tho city of Marshflold and the was .not paylns out money, but was j0it of Coos Uny for dumases on iiBintr enshler's chucks. Ho could ncuouut of tho fllllnii uf Mill SIoiikii not uiMleratnud this and Insisted on'duilng the past Hummer. JiuIko Coko money. awarding daniaeos in tho ease. Mr. Tho offleors took him In hand, ono j HllUtroni having tlnio on his hands j nftor luiother, with llttlo of feet. At at Conullle, camo over to soo Myrtle OX U.NIVKIISITY PAPKII. last tho proaldont .tried his Junnd Point, hnvlnit novor. boon hoio boforoi Hrnest Watkins. a nioinber of the nnd nftor ions: nnd mlnuto oxplanu- in tjio yours Umt ho has boon lnj'13 elM of tho Uaudon high bo'.iool YOUR FRIEND WHO HAS I.EST COOS BAY lMMWMHMMnMMHMnMMMMMHBMWHWHMaM WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE A DAILY LETTER FROM HIS OLD HOME But you haven't time to write... Why not make him A CHRISTMAS PRESENT of a year's subscription to the COOS BAY TIMES It will carry more from the old home town every day than you could possibly write. It would be a daily reminder of your thoiKjhtfulness and kind ness. Think about it and then call 133 on the phone, drop in at the office or fill out the following coupon and send it by mail: KQDIl'PKI) WITH W1KKLE8H. Steamship Breakwal ALWAYS ON TIME. SATl'HDAY, DKCIiMllKIl ll, AT II A.M., SATlItMU 1 1 F.I I lid, AT l!:!0 P. M. TICKF.TS ON SAMS AT PORTLAND CITV TICKET 0TO avii n,ic STiir.irrs. roitTLASD. Pl.nnn n.-T. 0. D. LWWk NT DCEi TRANSPDRTA Semi-weekly sorvico Coos BayjindSan STEAMSHIP Hi L....u uM, u.iv i.MAvriro AND SAN PEDKO ...k......,.m.i n.iiiMii)vv. i)i:cdiiii:iuiM jmiwiii'ii'i'" ........-.--, . Equipped witU wireless nnd aubinarw cei- Equipped with wireless nnd subinariM bell v SAILS FOU BAN FHANriSCO !'' Sitl' Tlll'llSDAii im.v- - fc; Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street F Ooo.BnyA2i .MVHTIjK I'OINT DU.VTH. lllnim A. Wtitlioy tiled at his honuj In (his ulty lant Sunday nioniliiK.l Docuinbor Cth. from lujurioa-roc-elved la a fall hoiiio tlnio ao, nt tlio ;iko of TS yoni'u, G luoiitlia und 15 tl.i s Myrtlo Point Kntorprlso. tlon sonio InklliiB of tho bltuatlon Cooa county. Myrtlo Point Kntor soonuul to bo dawning o ntlio fnr-lnrlso. inor's mind. Mtioh- oncourngoil, tho jircBidont Bald: "Vou uudarstandi KI.KlTIO.V AT GMCXADA. now how it is, don't you, Mr. Schmidt?" Vouv Coum-tlnum ami Iteioi-der Aiv "I fink I do," admlttod Mr. rimst'ii. Scl.mldt. "It's Uko dlH, ain't It? Von I-i.OHUNCK, Or., Dor. IE. Glon- mv Dubv valcou un at night and vanta nilii hold u i-lty election Tuesday Bomo milk, 1 jjlf him a milk tickot."Tho election board consisted entirely don Recorder. and at nrosont a sophomore at the Pulveraity of Oregon, arrhed In the ulty last ovuutug from ICiueuo t sieud tho Clulstmas hollda.vs with hU iiuronU. Mr. Wntkliu Is a mem bor of tho lota Chi frotoinlty at f e uulvaralty and holde tho position o assistant busine inaunKer on Vu UiiVPiald. the collogo iaier Hat: - December ., 1914 Publisher Times, Marsfield, Ore. Enclosed find $5.00 for which send the Daily Coos Bay Times one year to the follow ing address: Name .... Sent by City Straet state PASSENGERS FREIGHT sn 8&n Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesdar 3 P.M. Phone t!7ft. fiiOifLIulW; our. PI1031- " OillM " ---- Pi Coos Day Every Friday 1 U Ul - And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMKS, Agent Oceau Dock Tiil Albert WS I RierTf.1" U ! TYPEWRITERS-AII standard makes. sojJJLj ments, new and rebuHt. Fox, Undemoodj Oliver, L. c. smitn, ana o nuu. "g" Cleaning, repairing or sew l''te,f ""order. riVffl carbom paper delivered. Phone us your oro ppLYC 1 TYPEWRITER JjANGEANP T. J. BOAIFB m A. H. UODQIN8 DirhrrPSa Marshficld Sino co. Walher Stt Estimate Funusiieu Phoae 80P-J. atorshOeW, Orejom.