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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1914)
i,,:r A ' Mff,, tjm IMMii'l THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE KEWSOF WORLD'S GflEATEST WAR BAY BY DAY umMmBm liillliMil t ifciiipiiiiifw tl-.- n .! T- -- -- lffwr-- -.-, MW T P V, H OPE HETHER DE 11 WIN Give this Pound of Qiristaas Spirit This clean-cut crystal-glass humidor of P. A, will certainly carry the spirit of Christmas to that blessed man whom you want to remember. It has the look of quality just can't help it, 'cause the double-good smokings inside is P.A. Yes, there's no holiday package too good for "him, " So make it SPTF5? $& rtMMcrMl the .national joy smoke The one pipe Food thnt cannot bite the tongue or parch the throat, becnuso tlio wonderful patented process, controlled exclusively by us, takes out tho sting and loaves P. A. as biteless as a doy-old pup. Get him P. A. in this handsome humidor. That knob on the cover holds a sponge to keep P. A. in the freshest and best of condition. Every time he takes off that cover he'll think of you in the spirit that goes to liim on Christmas morning. You needn't try to think of the gift that he'll appreciate. It's hare. Not very many days left, either. Just ask for this fine P. A. packngo in any store that sells tobacco. Also in tho tidy red tin, 10c, and the toppy red bag, 5c, for men who like to buy from day to day. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. ti&WbTVJsmwi v EUL I t Ml a V H rmm rir "rcr wwriTiiir nirrrrrnTi r t win,' ' tytt wJU4Mmjavcj&tMiBnmxxiaanMw,annn nn wjonuoc wwmi m worn D Winston-Salem, N. C, Abstracts )U HELIAHLE AHSTHACTS OF TITLE AM) INFIMIMATIOX AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATC, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSHFIELD AM) COQULLE CITV, OHEfiOX KXEItAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SEXO'ST.U'KKX'S ADDITION' 'AOEXTS FOR CANADIAN' PACIl'IO HAILHOAD LANDS HEXltV HHXGSTACKEX, MANAGED BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- boon a bobby with ua for a good many years and n lot of customers will toll you whon It comos to sotting good, sound, Irablo framing material at tho right prlco we know our busi es. Just toll what you wan: to duiiu ami iuo amount you warn spend and wo'll got busy with our pencil and figure out tho boat ir uonoy can buy. Try us.,.,,. t. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPAUTMEXT CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO IJV USING OUK WOOD fONK 100. 183 SOUTH IIIKMIUVrtV J&Ski4idUM IRVING BLOCK XWIAS SUGGESTIONS Full dress and Tuxedo Suit. Fownes Gloves, Knox Hats. Suspender and Garter Sets Sox, Handkerchiefs and Tie Sets ' Garter, Arm Band Sets Belt, Garter Sets; Sox, Tic Sets Suspenders. Bath Robes Smoking Jackets, Palamas v Silk Underwear, Silk Mufflers All in Christmas Boxes. SEE WINDOWS. We are closing out all Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps and Underwear. iENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON pltal, surplus and undivided profits 1125,000.00 (No Indebtedness.) OFFICERS: W. Donnott, President Arthur MoKeown, Secretary km T. Dcnntftt, VIco President Dennett swanton. ireasurer rransacts a trust biiBlnoss only. Acts as trustee oi exprew iruew i nim , ovonninr nn,i mimlnlstrator of estates. The only Trust Impany In Oregon outsldo of Portland organized under new trust In this stato. vXTm,'ism-'nrmeturvr''tt' liTc Delicatessen Co. 1 15 Nortli Second Street. EVERYTHING IN COOKED FOODS READY TO SERVE We Specialize in ' Salads, Salad Dressing, Meats, Pies, Cakes, Pastry and Health Foods. ' ' Let us Know What You Want. We will Prepare it for You. Special Attention to Special Orders. THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. Mabel Boardman, Chief of American Red Cross, Gives Expression to Her Opinion WASHINGTON', I). C, Dec. 10 When It comes to real noutrallty, Miss Mabel lloardmnn, active chief of the American Hod Cross, has It with a sincerity that no ono could doubt, Sho doesn't want nny nntlon of Europo to win, She wants tho btjc war to bo n draw. And this Ih how oho oxplntns hat position. Her work, naturally, al lows of no favoritism, of no partial Ity. It demands tho distribution of morcy of supplies, of medical at tention, nnd of kind words to Kus Blau, Germnu, French nnd English alike- Humanity knows no nation ality, as she explained It. Wants Xo Dltlci'iuvoH Afterward. If one sldo wins, It will moan that thcro will bo Inrgo Indemnities for tho other Bldo to pny. Tho bitter ness engendered by this, tho greatest war tho world has evor known, will remain. Tho conquered will still bear mnllco. Ho will feel tho sting of dofcut, tho burden of war, tho blunting effects on his young nion and bis ludustrloH for yonra to come. Hut, on tho other hand, Miss Dnardmau ar gued, If tho big war Is n draw, there will ho lotw of tho lingering animos ity. All nations will have had their bitter loBson; all will bavo had tiiulr revenge If that's what they desire; nil will bo on equal footing. Their big armaments will bo shattered, and perhaps this will bo tho basis for a world ponco without nrmnmuntM. And Miss Doardmnn, perhaps moro clearly than anyone with whom I bavo discussed tho problem, has tho viewpoint of all tho nations. Bho knows how Gormnuy felt about Itus Bla, how Franco and Helgtuui foil about (lormnny, how England nnd llussiit regarded tho conflict. With all sho htiH sympathy. Hho places no blame; sho draws no coiupatiiiou, yet In hor position of ministering tin gel to all nations, nho seoms to bavo absorbed their spirit, their view point, and sho soema to know Just how It must feol to bo a cltlzon of any ono of tho warring nations min us the bltturuoss of tholr prejudice. To wipe out tho uplilt of Interna tional prejudice is ono of tho alms of Miss Hoardman'B lied Cross work. Her nurses and doctors, without tak ing fcldos, are trying to Instil In tholr putlonts tho spirit of humanity; nro trying to Riibduu tho clement of bru tality that to a greater or loan ex tent crops out In any army In war time. Hor spirit is that tho Ited Croes shall leave a ploasant tuBto In tho mouths of nil nations. They must return to their homos with tho word, "Wo woro well used In tho foreign laud; tho Ilml CTosh uursoH of thut nation woro our friends when wo neodod friends." In thnt spirit, any nation must have a belter foul ing toward lis neighbor whon tho war Is at an end. 'Hint Is tho gigantic task to which this woman has set hor heart and hor hnud.'lu addition to tho big lab or of trying to keep ponco with the work of giving modlcnl aid, fuel nnd supplied to the wounded and dostltute or Kuropo'H battlefields. And In this spirit, sho has tho big broad vision of actual noutrallty mnllco toward no nation, projudleo toward none; untight but aid, friend ship, tho helping hand. CKItMAX LEASED IHIiAXI) Furore Cmtsod In England by I,c.o of C"annel Possession. tor AtaocLtrvl m.i to Cool Cr Tlmn. LONDON, Dec. lC.Ono of tho strangest stories thnt has boon giv en birth by tho great war Is that of tho iBlaud of Horm, tho leasing of which to n (lormnn company was recently discussed In tho llouso of Commons. The leaso has been ter minated, and Hrltlsh troops are bil leted on tho Island, but tho question Is still bolng asked, why was Eng land so lax ns to rent for n song nn Island larger than Heligoland, with in an hour's steaming of English shores? I term is ono of tho lesser chnnnol Islands and at ono time nupportod n considerable population, It Is a beautiful spot, with an attractive sholl beach. In 1880 It waa leased by tho Crown for $70 a year to tho "West l'cnk Llegnlti, Ltd." which In turn longed It to Princo llluchcr von Wnhlstntt, a descendant of tho Illustrious Illticlior or Waterloo nnd hlmsolf a Germnu. Tho Princo nnd his family lived quietly for years in tho manor house n tho Island, In curring tho great displeasure of thoso who sought to rnmblo ovor tho place by closing nil snvo ono narrow pathway on tho bench nnd poster ing nhout ninny wurnlngs to trcs pasBorn. Children woro born to tho Prin cess thoro sho Is of tho nusslnn roynl family and ono of these, n boy, boenmo n naturalized Hrltlsh subject. At no tlmo was tho Princo suspected of using hla homo In any operations ngn(nat England, but when (ho vnr broko out tho mnttor boenmo ono of natural agitation cul minating' In tho' Homo Secretary bo lng aHlted for an oxplnnntlon by Hlr William Hull. Tho explanation was brlof. Tho government know tho nnmo of tho (lormnn compnny holding tho loano, It know nioreovor, thnt tho rent was about flvo shillings six ponco a wook, Hint ntops had boon taken to cnnrol this document, that for some weoks IVrltlsh troops had been on tho Inland. Whether Princo Illticlior nnd family had moved from tho Manor llouso was not made clear. Tho popular outcry against tho Princo, In tho opinion of tho Loudon press gunorally, la unjustified, but Tho Times remarks rather wrcas tlcally that tho public might bu told a Uttlo more .about th0' Gor man company - which Jwiih ablo ' to1 acqulro so cheaply so much good farm and pasture land) together with nmnorotiii cottagOs, not' to men tion (ho Mnnor llouso. It also Is pointed nut thnt tho Island Is in tho Iioart of tho English Chnnnol, within sight of tho const of Franco, about soventy tulles from Portland and 10 from Cherbourg. It could bo used ns a submnrlno base, though nothing of tho kind appears to bavo been attempted, SAY ALLIES AHE DKAVE. (icrnmns Declare Homo Pooplo Hnvo AVrong Ideas. ID- AuMlita Prcti to Com Oar Tlmo. HEHLIN, Dec. 1C. Evidences of tho reaction of Oorninn officers nnd soldiers fighting nt tho front against tho tendency to belittle tho fighting qualities of tho enemy continue to accumulate. Soldiers' letters and returning sol dlors srnnlc in terms or high appre ciation of tho military prowess and soldierly qualities of tholr opponents and uiuong several hundred wounded with whom tho correspondent of tho Associated Press has talkod In his visits to hospitals tho last fortnight no ono was found who refused to credit tho enciny In general, Russian, French nnd Ilolglnn and English with bravery and military skill. Distinctions nro drawn, It Is truo, tl.o Hrltlsh being gunorally reckoned ns tho toughest opponents on tho west front. Tho nornians had a high opinion of tho righting qunlltlos of tho French soldier beroro this wnr bogan. Tho fighting which occurred on tho march from tho Dclglan frontier to tho Mnruo nnd Paris tended to lossoh their respect for tho toughness of French moral flbro, but tho Inst two months hnvo changed that ngaln and soldiers' loiters roflcct increased ro spect for them. Tho rocent fighting of tho romnnnt of tho Holglnn aniiy In Flanders nUo has greatly raised tho Gorman estimation of tho Ilolgl nn soldier, .who In tho gonnrnl army opinion, had not greatly distinguish ed hliiiBOir ut Llcgo, Nnmur nnd Ant werp nnd tho Intervening Hold en gagements. As to tho Hrltlsh, field past' loU tors continue to bear nut tho state ment from a Germnu expert ns to their robust fighting qualities. Ono of tho latest of thoBo lottors, printed In the Cologno Gazqlto, contains tho following striking pnWgo: ; "People at homo nppear to hnvo wrong notions about tho fighting qunlltlos of tho onemy. Tho English nro tho longboat and bravostfoo wo have to meet. Every Individual man keeps on shooting coolly bo long ns ho Is not taken prisoner nnd thoso trained votoraim shoot well. When wo storm u position tho French will run when wo close In with our shouts of 'hurrah,' but tho English stick to unoloiisly to their entrnnchoinents to tho InBt." Darner's Arnozoltung, tho lending military publlcatloil of Austrln, pays a high tribute to tho Servian, Hol glnn and Husslan troops. Tho Ser vians uro iii 1 1 ml brnvo, but declara tion Is made that thoy aro without food and ammunition. Crodlt Is giv en the Ilulglnns for standing with England nnd Franco, "when thoy must kivo ronllzori thnt tlmlr own fcauso wna Irredeemably lost." Tho press Is criticised for Its attacks on tho HiisbIiiiib, saying thoy aro bravo and capablo. Tho Hrltlsh submarlno "E-9" sunk n Gorman cruiser nnd torpedo boat recently. A short tlmo ago the (lormnn submarlno "H-9" sout three Hrltlsh cruisers to tho bottom. Why not Blck the K-0 on tho dogs of war? ALLIES OHDEIt 1.000,0(10 HiaXKISTS AT CHICAGO CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AXI) XKIHT fftCHVICE For taxi, phono 193, Ideal Cafo. For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel LYNN liAMIHTTH, Prop. Now Cubs j i Now Cra JUXE MAHTIX NATUROPATH . Diseases treated by latost . I European drugloss methods. . Ofllco: Wllllnms Hlock.. j Phono 257-J for appointment. . MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y 4 eri Caur fi 5 iy.t.itifV.i nvtirnufti wftrMiHMUKMttwsmMammammmm HE TIMES Job Department will print special Christmas cards for parties desiring to give !j!..;j. .i!i.. i iu:. .unmccmn nf tho R2a- inaiviuuaiuy tu uikii eAH"-"""1 wi w. :rn son's sentiments.. Samples t may be seen at tne loinceor patrons may lurmwi uiuu . lYour name and your favorita quotation or original isontimnnr mill qhh munh tn vour friend's apprecia tion of your kindly remembrance The T ' nion Market Coos Bay To jura Phone 133. OUH COLD STOHAOE SYSTEM IS 8UIIK A SUCCESS 8 Our Prime Tloasts of Hoof, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and Pork cannot 3 be oxcolled. 1 Try one of our Fat Hens or Fryers for your Sunday dinner, that baa been proporly cooled, and nolo tho dlfforenco. J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South Ilroadivay Phono H8 mmmmmmmammmmmmm Army Contract Calls for Kxpciidituro or 'J(),(;oi),(ioo. CHICAGO, III., Deo. lo. A hurry-up order for 4,000,000 blankets for tho nrmloa of tho Allien has been received In Chicago. Tho aver ago prlco has boon sent at $5 per blanket, making n total of U'0,000, QQO waiting to bo apportioned nmou tho blanket manufacturers and dealers of tho Central Wost. Tho order Is In tho hands of n LnSullo street bank. Tho snmo bank has been acting as a clearing houso for similar orders for leather and har ness goods. "Wo nro In touch with thoso blan kot mon who can furnish Inuiiedtato delivery," declared tho banker In discussing tho Inrgo order. Thoso goods will bo paid for Just as If thoy woro bought ovor tho counter. "When wo have cleaned' up tho nvallablo supply for immodlnto ship ment wo will tako up tho question of contracts for dally outputs. No ono firm can supply thorn all. Hvcry one familiar with tho situation feuls that Europo has just begun to will upon tho United States for its army wearing apparel and food supplies." Haa your LKTTEIt bonds, bill heads, etc., printed at THE TIMES i office, To personally see and talk to a thousand persons would take you at least two weeks, and yet every want ad you run in The Times, at a cost of only a few pennies, reaches THOUS ANDS in a few hours. From among these thousands, some will want what you offer, be that something your services, goods or property. You should use the want ad columns freely and frequently. There is no limit to the ways in which Times want ads will help you. fl 1 i N Jt I l I mmjgmd- m. S