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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1914)
wmm ntitwziw tbl.t',m m ItAMM,-!"'" - -. j MlItMfttlftlA PrM'TIMII THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, iBH-tva...... ,., iiLiSnS OF ISMS HELD Y PUontor rjiimhpr 22 A!K0 JWr i. ,SUa8f enffU cers for New Year. , Artillery Sent to Border Tho annua, o.oct.on. bannuct ana ' oT "iTL- rMnlZlMw I- X "I'rS-i "I Gen o'iZ S. " o HoS Arch 'era, Bliss at Naco Secretary Garrl- Sn, in tholr lodco rooms. C. II. son !mb ordered tl.rco regiments of Masons In the ougo rooms. cinlvcston, one battery """itaTwl ?h 1 P fli U I'ric !?. of 4.7 inch gnns and two batteries ZooyLnoZ7SU of 4.7 Ineh howitzers from Port 811. ,'nto tile lodge during 1011. to proceed at onto to (ho Mexican Provlous to tho Installation of tho border. now olfS-. W. J. Brown served a In announcing his action, Secretary oTera onrso banqnet In trne Christ- Garrison said: "In view of tho con- ma rtr o with turkey and tho trim- dltlom on tho border as ho sees hem , BlJ Goncrnl Hllss has requested that nd- '"tIo following officers wore elected dltlonal infantry and artillery bo and Installed last evening: High 1'rlcst Andy P. Davis. King Goorgo Cllnkcnbcard. Scribe 15. S. Uargolt. Treasurer Georgo Winchester. Secretary D. Mclntyrc. Captain of tho Host A. L. Rcng- ston. Royal Arch Captain William LongBtaff. First Veil J. II. Staddon. S6cond Veil W. L. Clabnugh. Third Veil Victor Johnson. Sentinel W. II. Leach. WILL GET XIS CHEER I JJIlBMDITJELDJP .. Charles Fisher Purloins Christ mas Supplies and Lands In Jail. Claiming ho wns hungry, was out of work and penniless, Charlon Fish on a loggor and former laborer on tho railroad, appeared In tho Justice court this morning, pleaded guilty to tho charge- of stealing something to cat from tho dock last night, and received a Bcntonco of 12 1-2 days in tho county jail. "You'll got a Christmas dinner," emphasized Judgo Pcnnoclc, by way of casing off on tho sentence Fisher scorned not at all lll-placsod with tho Idea. Ills faco hrlghtonod up and lio ropllod, "Woll, Judgo, maybo I can got a Job whon I got out, I siiro do havo a loaning to ward that Christmas dinner," and ho went fortli in tow of Constnblo Cox bound for tho nearest lunch counter, Flahor roamed nbout tho docks last ovonlng hungry. At tho foot of Commercial avenuo ho found a box loft thoro by Georgo (lotting, roady for shipment, that contained a big ham, two bunches of celery, n i .. i- ....i ..., , i. i jiuuiiun ui uuiuua mui uuvuiai uiiu- l,nK08 i T,,.iintni.. .. r tun i. hunchos of colory disappeared nnd I thon win, tho n.ic, nk frnn, i,i ' nppotllo, Fisher beenmo moro fasti- dlous nnd took tho hnm lo a rostnur- nf. wtwifn lin tin It inv fnr- anlit Tim ' ,,rnrlnnr hwsmn B,,IMna n,'l In, ' mediately called an officer and tho' man was put in Jail. , "First tlmo I over did such n thing," ho told tho Judgo this mom- Ing. "I'vo worked moro than 300 dnys during tho last year." "Well, thon, what bocamo of your money?" queried tho Judgo. j "Oh--I guess I blow it in." I WATSON If STILL BE p h J i That tho Judgeship of tho county will bo placed before the circuit court or tho supromo court for final decision is roported to bo tho de cision of Judgo John F. Hall, who Monday wont over to Coqulllc. It Is rumored that Judgo Hall has decided to libido by tho legal Inter pretation of tho slx-;yoar law V-or county Judgos for court derision. Should tho court hold thnt tho six year law did not go Into offout Im mcdlutoly aftor It wns passed in 1910 nnd boforo tho votes woro countod thou Judgo Hall will not bo tho lognll possessor of tho office until 11)17, nnd James Watson, olectod In Novom bor to tho office will bo county Judgo on January 1, But Govoruor Wost has ralsod tho contention that the law did not go COM into effect until after tho vote waqHlr0ll nIld slvo tllelr special tten-Ifor dft Inlflllt' n A It 11 m ninl Minfnrnin nnntt. . . . . a offlclally countod and theroforo conn ty judges elected that yoar were ol octed under tho four year term. MOl'KT HOOD CREAMERY BUTTER Best on Earth 2 pound roll, 7G cents COOS RAY OYSTER (X). At Palaco Market. I'liono I01I.J I I S TROOPS RUSHED Three Regiments of Infantry and Several Batteries . of ,s 1 SOIU IllHI., JIl CUIIIilluui:u hu mm roqucBt tho troops nro being dispatch ed and placed undor his command. 1 These- reinforcements nro bolng rc I quested and sent as a measure of precaution." VILLA GET.-, RUSY. (Ur Associated rrm tn Coos Dsr Times.) 15L. PASO, Hoc. ' 1C. Villa loft Chihuahua today, returning to tho south to enter upon a campaign against Guadalajara, tho second city of Mexico, which Is defended by a strong Carranza garrison. Tho con vention trops havo occupied Labarcn, Jalisco. ityiw Masked Man, Single Handed, . . i.f.ii rk-nn r- UCtS AWay Will. UU rrom ofncnl BCiBBOrs sees ono paragraph Saloon at Ellenburg, Wn. Uimt win not do. ins coiicaguo paBs- inr AMotuicj it. to coo. Jir Timts.1 I ob tho samo artlclo in anothor papor, I5LLENSDURG, Wash., Dec. 10.'ui nlB anothor objectlonnblo -Ton men woro hold up In the'"""" hnt tl10 oUl0r dM not Horscshoo saloon Into last night by a lono masked bandit who escaped with $120. After lining up tho bar tender and tho other men In tho plnco against tho wall, tho bandit rifled tho cash drawer and also an other drawer In which money was hlddon, showing that ho know tho custom of tho place. Ho then backed i out nnd escaped. FIRE LOSSES ARE SETTLED AT ONCE which tho coiiBor had Imposed a 15. I. Chnndlor, ngont for tho Flro- strict sllonco. Monsieur nnd Mnd mon's Fund nnd tho London & Lnn- ntiio Calllaux appoared arm-ln-nrm cnshlro insurnuco companies, which on tho boulevnrd, and, woro hooted. had nolle os on tho Control Hotel .. Mm ii,i Pn... nmi' Rtnm. wiiirii ii , .-u n .-.-, -.. woro damaged by tho fires Friday ' nmi Rnhir.lnv. linn settled both losses, Mr. Chnndlor is ompoworcd by his J conuiniilcs to ntlJiiHt tho losses . promptly and sottlo thorn nnd this ho did. Tho Control Hotel loss was rnllftml llV Wntar nild SlllOkO (IlirinK tho flro at tho COOS Bnv hnkorV. TllO I Bed Cross flro loss was tho heaviest. Checks havo been given to both par-' ties nnd the prompt settlement has won high pralao from thorn. RESTARTED HERE! IM. S. Sll V. fl. E. Sll V and EMS STO GOO. GettingS Form Part- j oven appeared for wooks In quartor- nershlp to Remove and jTsamo time B0 mny . Enlarge UeliCateSSen ,,ioyo,i ,non women and children bo- 'I".., nii..ninaan,, Pnmnnnv. nf'camo liowBVomlors. thnt Paris suf- " v''v ............-, '--i which M. S. Sully and O. 15, Sully aro tho proprietors, which has been doing a successful biiBluoss nt 115 North Soroml streot and demonstrat ed thnt by honoat business methods, good quality of goods and a know ledge of tho requirements of this lino of business thnt thoro Is room nnd a domund for this kind of service in Mnrshflold, has formed a partnership with Goorgo (lotting of tho Coos Buy Ton, Coffee and Splco House under tho nanio of tho Dollcntosson Com pany, nnd will movo tholr presont buslnoss to the room formerly occu pied by tho howls Ico Cronm Parlor at lac North Broadway. They will udd sovoral now features to tho buslnoss and carry a niuchj08 ro 8tlll nbsont for obvloUB roa. lnrgor vnrlety of cooked foods nndgona Tho cartoonlst Is oxerclslng dollCacIeS that SUCh II bUSlnOSS rO- l,a Inlnnl r -n. nn,l'nra .HQulKvn.l Hon to an outers tor social iuncuons,Ie8 of posl can,8 Somo of tllon, or prlvato partlos, largo or small. laro Bbtlo In their satlro, but tho Thoy will also add u special foa- war )ia8 benumbed tho inspiration turo In tho way of quick Borvlcojnml wit of tho French cartoonist, coffoo booths, onnbllng ono to mako Tho afternoon calm of tho boulo tholr own selections and bo served vards is undisturbod by tho loud iu an economical and qulok way. voiced nowsboys who soomed always Tho now plan will fill a long folt to bo making a dosperato raco for I want In Mnrshflold and no dobut will , somo unknown goal nnd trying to bo accorded tho largo patronage It j sell out tholr stock of sporting pa l 'dosonei from tho start, pers on tho wing, No racing killed , (Paid Adv.) tho turf pnpors nt tho outset of hos- M HARD TO , GEI IB NEWS Sonic Strnngo Experiences With Censors hi France. IVt 'UiocUted TrfM to Coo Dr Tlmes.l PARIS, Dec. 1C. Pccullnr thlngi happen to nows In these days when It Is bo scarco and censors aro so strict. Much nows is lifted" from ono nowspapcr Into another, and when a writer gets a Btory Into print thoro is no telling undor what dato line, or whoso name, it may ro-appear, Ono of tho fow graphic and au thentic stories from tho front ap peared In an afternoon paper hero on a recent Sunday. It was cabled to Now York tho samo ovonlng. Tho next day a Paris nowspapor picked up tho paper and that nftor noon another paper did tho samo thing. Other papers, morning and afternoon, ran tho story on Tuesday And then, on Wednesday morning, an English nowspapor printed tho Item as n "special dispatch from tho north of Franco," over tho olg nnturo of an authentic war corres pondent. Tho Incident Is not so mucn an oxamplo of looso editorial work as a demonstration of tho Journal ist's troubles during tho war. Copy is scarco enough at best, nnd tho censor ruins tho best of It whllo tho stnffs of all tho Paris papers aro doclmntcd by tho mobilization. Each copies from all tho othors nnd a story that passes observation t,odny may cntch tho oyo tomorrow. This nppltcs to tho censor's staff as woll, for an nrtlclo approved in tho morning Is sometimes cut out In .!. -. St . 111. 1lA U1U imurilUUU. UI1U Willi Willi uiu see. Clomcnccau'ft rccnristoncd papor, contained tho heading of an editorial "Is It Truo?". Tho rest of tho column wns blnnk nnd tho public Bhall havo to wait for tho end of tho wnr to know whether It Is truo or not. In another enso n dangorous nows Item was cut out but tho. head was overlooked. It was a good head ,and of courso, contained tho meat of tho article. Tho Crl do Paris says "tho consor Is ns capricious as a pretty woman," then proves It by giving details of cortnln incldouts In which ex- Minister Cnlllnux and Mndamo Call lnux woro concerned, but regarding moy wont lo a restaurant to nine ninl nil tho other KiiostH roso to i - . leave, iney wont into tno garago whero tho requisitioned motor-cars, of tho military govM-.siont of l'nrls aro kopt and ordorod n enr, but tho enr was rofuscd and Galllonl approv ed tho refusal. All theso Incidents, Bupprossod pitilessly by tho censor I,arl8. Wor0 "nB8Cl1 ln th Kclnlr r do Mco, nnd now tho Crl do ''' lin8 ' c,lnco " 8B' S " "" 1nrls t,0' u' 080 , of tho consor who previously cut thorn out. Tho nowspapor was ono of tho j first institutions hit by tho wnr. i With' tho first oxcltomont circula tion wont up by loapu and bounds, whllo tho mobilization cut off sources of supply of papor. Dailies tlint lin.l tint ii trniil rnanrim ulnnlr shrank at onco from four pnges to two, thon from n full shoot, somo forod for n tlmo from a riot of nows. Tho military governor decided thnt It was too much for tho uorves of Paris, nnd nt tho first sign thnt tho situation was becoming panicky, all extras woro suppressed nnd tho I crying of nows or titles of nowBpa i pors prohibited. The tompornry dlsnppoarnnco of ! tho Illustrated Journals was a so I voro blow to thoso who gnthor fi rrtii nil thn Is trials a ntnl tvni t1i rn t ,nformnton amJ dvoralon from th'0 dozens of periodicals displayed. Tho "Illustrations," tho "Annnles" "Ruy Dins," tho "Crl do Paris," "Locturos pour Yous" "Rlso" and Jo Sals Tout," havo reappeared, ,..., noplv, ,, ,hn !lIllnnpnllfl ,..,. salo nIollR8,do voluminous ser- TO P ZONE YET Atttion on Gov. Goethal's Re quest Deferred Rumor of Clash Between Officials tnr Asaoclatfrl rr lo Coos liar Times. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1C Moro information Is nwnlted before President Wilson decides whether the request of Governor Qoothnls for de stroyers to enforce the neutrality of Panama shall bo granted. Sugges tions of differences between Secre taries Garrison, Danlols nnd Bryan over tho question woro mot by Presi dent Wilson with tho statement that thoro could bo no real differences since ho would finally decide. HELP KOH NEGROES. President Wilson Outlines Ills Atti tude TowWrd lllnck Itnco. I)f AmocUUJ l'rc lo Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1C Outlining his nttltudo toward tho no-' gro, President Wilson told tho Unl-, varsity Commission on tho soutliorn rnco question, made up of represen tatives of cloven southern colleges, Hint "our object is to know tho needs of tho negro nnd sympntucucaiiy holp him In every way that Is possi ble for his good and our good. Tho commission was organized to make nn impartial study of tho rnco ques tion from tho standpoint of tho ne groes' economic, hygienic, civic and moral betterment. I AMERICAN COTTON SAFE. I inr AisedttM TrfM to Coos Ilr Tlmcs.l I WASHINGTON, D. "0., Doc. I ic. Frnnco, In n nolo to tho I U. S. Stnto Department todny, j I gavo assuranco that sho would I not Interfere In nny ninnncr j I with Amorlcan cotton shipments j I either to bolilgorcnts or to j neutral countries. TRADE ACITIVITV IN NORWAY INCREASED BY EUROPE'S WAR Indications Point to Period of Un usual Pronpcrlty Authorities Deny RoikhIh. CHRISTIANIA, Norway, Dec. 10. In this metropolis nnd In tho smaller cities In this part of Norway, thoro Is on tho surfneo nothing to suggest that trado or Industry Is affected nd vorsoly by the great war. On tho contrary It looks llko n period of unusual prosperity and Industrial ac tivity, that is, for Norway. Thnt which In Norway is called work wo In Amorlca would call rest. Nor wegian bustlo nnd profound oxe'to nient would In Minneapolis bo ro pnrded as a profound cnlm. Thoy will not bollovo it, but roally, ovory- thing over horo is pretty slow. Ono aiuuiivhii vimuhk viuiouiuim cu plo of years ago of years ago claimed to havo gathered tho Impression that In busy times tho busy buslnoss men enmo down to tholr busluoBs for an hour ovory day, whllo tho men In public offlco hud oftlco hours from 2:30, to 3:00 In tho nftcrnoon overy othor Wednesday. Public Favors Great Britain. It needs but n short stay ln Nor way to satisfy oven tho casual ob server that public opinion now Is overwhelmingly frloudly to Groat Britain ns against Germany. Tho country Is carofully neutral In ov ory public uttorunco, but the com mon talk of tho stroets nnd in tho lounging places Is most llko that henrd In London, Thoro Is ln Chris tlnnln a llttlo Anglican church, hld don nway In ono of tho poorer quni'- tors of tho city off Moollergaton. It excites no coirimont whon tho king , nnd queen attend tho services In tha' ! church, In which special prayor Is offored for success to British arms, as thoy did lust Sunday. Thoy aro very domocrntlc. Thoy marched ' Into tho church with tho rost of tho congregation nnd took tholr sents'on ono of tho front benchos with whnt ovor ploblans hnpponed to bo sitting thero. Tho congregation did, how ovor, rlso nnd remain standing while tho king nnd queen walked down tho nlslo. tllltlos. All othor sporting Journnls suspended nnd thus far only tho "Auto" and "Sporting" have ro sumed. Moanwhllo now publications, born of tho war ohronologlcnl, historical and photographic, aro appearing al most ovory day. Tho O. R. W. & X. has spout ?l,li00,000 on Us Malheur County extension to tho North Rank of Harney I.ako. amllIll County has appropriated1 ?u,000 for the Tillamook road wost Symphony Conceit. Reserved seats' on salo at the "Candy Nook," I.e. WHIPS IIIM Real Christmas Means Shop Early-Shop Now! . YOU'LL mako tho clerks In the stores where you shop more cheerful if you shop' ear ly. It makes things easier for them. Y' 'OU'LL be more cheerful when Santa Clans fills the stockings on Christmas eve 'and more cheerful when the presents are passed arounti on Christmas morning if you shop early. ' HOP EARLY, and cheerful. Practical Christmas Gifts Thero Is iiothliiK that gives M mni'li Jy ,l,u recipient of n (lir.'HtinaH gift ns fliHl Hint the gift Is n pinctlcal ono thnt. will give service ns woll us bcuiity. Aiiioiik the ninny useful urtlcles In our wtock for Clirlstmas gifts nro Muelclumv.s for men, for boys ninl for f,'lrls. For boys and girls the sfyes In Mock nro SIO, :tli nnd :il. They nro tho latest Norfolk ntyles mid In a lilno niKtiire. They nro jirlccd nt 9.J.OO. TIiono In tho Blue nnd I led plnlds nro priced nt .so.oo. l.r men, the Blue nnd Rod Haiti lire priced nt .7.50, the Brown and Red Plaid at tfT.50 nnd tlioxo In tho Blue ninl Gray niMtiro nt $MU. Wo have n flno lino of coat HWeyiteiH for men, women, boys and girls, nnd the prices ningo from 5.00 lo JjUI.OO. Wo have a fine lino of slippers for men mid the prices nro, i.or, $i.Hr ami .?i:,oo. The-o mo only n few of tho mnny pructlnt! gifts in our slock. Your fhrlstmns Miopplng will nof bo complete nnlevs you see them. Bunker Hill Dept Store W. H. Dindinger & Co. Now 1h tho tlmo of year to lay In that wlntor'B supply of Rrocer les, but boforo you buy Hero or solid your order nway to Portland or San FranolBco coma In nnd fceo iih nnd lot uu figure with you; which wo will bo p,lnd to do and will Bitbmlt bids on Hhort notico. Wo havo somo aplendld homo-mndo Kauor kraut, 1-a sal. for 2Go. Whon In tho market for drlod fruits come In and look ovor our line. IlHIiliKliKUK AXI RAM)WI.VAPPMvS, Pill IIOX Mnko your Now Yonr's roaolutloiiH onrly and luoludo this ono: RoHolvod, thnt ditrlnj? tho yonr 1U15 1 am koIiik to trado at tho Coos Hay Toa, Coffeo and Splco lloiuo ns thoy oan mivo mo iiionoy on my grocery bill. If you do this wo will Biinranteo you a Hap py Now Yenr. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House phoxi: AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Btreet, Phono 70. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. PARISIAN CMCANIXfl ANO DYKING WORKS 200 West Market Ave, corner Second Stroot. Undor now mnnagomont. Prices low, nnd all work satisfactory. Ladles' work u bpecialty. Phono 17C-J. J. S. STKVKXS, Itoii. MATT Ii. MAY Wostorn Oregon Reprosontatvo HAAS RROTHKRS Importers and Wholesale Grocers Mnrshflold, Orogon Tol. 304-R, Res. Myrjlo Arms . THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshflold WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDKN STREET NORTH REND O. A. Metllii, Prop. ROOFING FELTS AND CEMENT ' J. L. BRICE WDQD Ch eer when you do shop, be $1.00 sum, ! CIIIMN13YS FIRE PLAGES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Rrlck Work at Prices That Aro Right And nil Woik Guaranteed Call at "Tho Flrealdo," Johnson IlldB., 137 Socond St. Phouo 134-J. Fronch Ranges. Dollor Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any points In Mnrshflold and do goneral hauling. i for reasonnblo ratos. lSTAH TRANSFKIt K STORAGE CO. Levi Ilclsner, Proprietor Phones: ltIO-.l. 40-fj. 08-R K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES automohile9 stored ooos county's most completb machin;e shop marine and automomlb reiwiring GASOLINE FOR SALfl SORTn FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J BATTERIES REPAIRED AND OnARGRD New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE ( S. S.JENNINGS, No. Bend NO SAW EDGES - - YOUR COLLARS IX yon have them laundered t , nVTN CITY STRAM LAUNDRY y?!i u ""sasss 'iSiisv Tl .-""U1. AT t .. ii iTT irts n- n. Haroer HOUfii. J'MSE ntm. ! "enoral Itepatr, i- ""t WCHk-l Phono 34Q.T u,",nl' - i ' M. Wright ZS9 - v Dr',Jl: ft. Shaw "WHSK,rit "UcnsCB (if Vn,. 202. tJTlH '"6 UlOtt. Benjamin Ostlind AltCIIITrUI l?bono0'te.niJ . Miribf,n0 W. G. Chandler 1 AltrntTt. Itooms 301 andS0!.Pv., Marahtleld. ow"l Wm. S. Turner. AltClltTrw Marshfleld, Orttoa. Mrs. Olivia EdmanJm 8WKIII8I! IASSA,Te' ftH IOAIj OYMXAimmfl ,:n cf'"n1 - Vlv'"' "it. IKS4) loel Ostlind PIANO 'ruxr.rt Avn ,, UaTo crder at W. R. as? in; UIMIII,III, yl 'if. b. Hum strut Pkcut Perl Riley Ballinqer riilNIST ANDTElCBi' uoaiucuco atiiaio, 2n.Nt.TuJ Phono 361-L Tl J. H. Jessen. M. D. PHYSICIAN AMI smew Surgery nnd Disuses ot Tl Specialty, Offlco, 307 Coke DIds. Pfct! Res. Myrtle Arms. pt:at SMITH'S VARIETY S! Norm ucna. i for Fanov and CHINA AIN'T IT TIIK TRtUi Wo novcr llame tbiuta" our pahti t hfiUjsi'l Wo never ulaoe tttilsti when our soles jroic'J" thin, Wo .never Jilime U 11 whon our Hdi l" flout. Hut wo alwari Miw lhij dry when our Mrts il COOS HAY STKAM LHI l'hoDft 8TJ, i e-iv KiwitKNCE Hora I (Formerly the Coos EM I Steam heat, hot mJ" I No liquor. I Wo Invito you to mfif I wlntor rates, SpecUlftt I when two or more ttrcs j py samo room. Jl CommutaliM . k, dwhnoii-.:u"--M,i . .. tl.L ILMfl 4" narii every iw "" ,: ajk i..v. Irailnent 11 su.1"! . tffli. il iLll't GOK8T & KlfOT! LerusHH YOUR ABSTRACH THlo & Trust Co-. d ato servivi -. ., w MINI M UM ;l I. S. KAUFMW! PHONE IV em nltl 'U AR Four good c S pSftT Foy rfV Ulnco ii"1- fl' For n. L. FOS Si 1 . ... iha ft- bs onieri5 - Nut coal, P" l . SW" ftW .. it Phone 1 v' .. inutt't! nn 7 Tickets P a " w HIP! in lUllycrt - nuiifeM's Theater, B II 8 p DQ -- . vvi 3 !!Kfii PPj