yiJIvK ten ,1 .. . ; ctr "fLHofaJi-4 OREGON, TUE W?i , Poke and i ruHuWiH'iiiiiJtfliiHJH iJiij?lf?-llbM!f ? SDAY, DECEMBERS 5rlEWllmTT0ir tho tinfehts wnm iTTn i - , CHRISTMA: Sneeding toward us Brinris himrin,i ...:... , . mw cp pntmriQ nnu wh o tu i.. . DBUtl naK0 u .. I1I1C llH. conmei, are compete Plan to choose your Chris,. MenB .. J nas iinnuKoreuiois ncre. Our KiowIiik Ib the most complete vo lmvo over ninde. Wo havo l kinds, from 7fic down p o encn til. You can buy them single or by the box. a mristiiin s iv itn.. 'vi y in tans only. ler pair, UTir amj cn uuu BREVITIES I . iwl9rrfr&il vnHB ilVMH0felllP MRS. G. J. PARKI2R of Cntchlng In let wns hero today shopping. Mi'ii'fl nnd Hoys' Nobby Tlos. Ul new, beautiful lmtterns; latest wldo flowing ends; styles nil specially jiriccd r) it one, iw.c nun cub Ladles' fanry White Aprons, beautifully trimmed In laces or embroidery, with and with out bibs. Kach. 7.. r.n,. rr ih- jC nnd Dolls, drossod nnd undressed. A great variety at extra spec ial prices. WKATIIHH FORECAST j (nr otUtcl I'rrts lo 'oo IU Tlmw.l ORKOON Unsettled In tho northwest, fair in southwest nnd east, not so cold; easterly winds, j wns hero todny shopping from Catching Inlet. Ladles' beautiful Kimonos In tropes nnd flnnnclotte; various grotty styles, Kach, tfif f)j; bom $3.00 to iD !,! Sal Isfnct Ion Giiurnu- teoil or Money Refunded Special salo of Wool Robes; suitable for bath robes, auto robes and other uses. Special ly priced at ?S.D0, (ho Pf ".no and pj,UU "THE PAIR" Central Avoiiuo Newt Chandler Hotel I LOCAL TKMI'KRATURE I ItKCOltl) I For the 24 hours ending nt I -1:43 n. m.. Doc. in, by UenJ. I Ostllnd, special government mc- teorologlst: I Maximum r0 Minimum 2S I At 4:13 n. m 29 Precipitation 00 j Precipitation since Sept. 1, I 1014 30.99 Prcolpltntlon saino period last year 10.99 Wind: Northwest; clear. noit.v. I Christmas Cheer mentis most to those who gntjhor nbout their own flrosldo where nro hung tho little stockings In readiness for SANTA C'liAl'S' COMINd. How nbout tho llttlo- homo you lmvo been planning? Why not miiko tho Blurt now? Tho host CIMtl.ST.MAS I'RKSKXT for tlio whole family n deed or n contract to n lot In I'KRIIAM I'ARKThon by next Chrlstmns you will bo sitting by' your own flrosldo. Start In n small way wo will holp you. M1CATIO.Y ineniiH miieh to tho busy housewife. Our lots nro oloxo In and terms unsy. si:k i c i : i i aiioi;t it. W. A. Reid 150 front st. MORBY At Mercy Hospital, North Hcnd, Monday, Uec. 14, to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Morey, n daughter. Mother nnd child nro doing well, nnd tho proud fnthor, who Is n member of tho mechanical force of Tho Times, thinks ho has "re ceived tho finest gift over given to mini slnto Christmas was in vented. Mo mnlutnliiH that tho llttlo lady ran already say "dad dy." and Iioh told him uho wants a doll for Christmas, t sponsors. I navo tonr U'l'cs of houses ranging To I)iT'h,i Prisoner Judgo Coke ln ,)rlco from 22r' 730 nnd mnko iu tho Circuit Court yesterday nf- tern,s on t',l ternoou appointed W. A. Ackermnu Au, ,l,,s Building. When tho n8 attorney to defend n mnn by the urrtls on Kay Martin's mnchlno bc 'nnmo of Cummins who is In thoi ,nB driven by lllchnrd llehr at 2:30 county Jail charged with forgery i thlu morning failed to hold on tho and with obtaining money under oek at the foot of Centnil nvonuo, CLAIM) NASIUMIO wont to Cannula false pretensos on complaints filed the driver, to save himself and twol this afternoon on a business trln by William Sehroek nnd John Volz! companions from slipping oft the1 nrttmoon on n business trip. 0M?.1t,D?nd .1?" ,!lt" "J0 Wnt?r' lt,rnpd th0 '- MRS. NANCY MclNTOSH I - ...... .,.....-. oi'u.einry nmiin, 01 kiiiiiu iiho 1110 uuildlllg OI tlio Farill- the North llond Chamber of Com-.era' Kxohnnge, breaking down tho iinerce, was hero yewterdny and stnt-jdoor. Tho mnchlno wns linmodlnto ed that Architect Tourtolot, of tho j ly backed away with only a slight new Simpson Motel, had written Hint, bend of tho fender showing and to ho had practically completed a re-1 day tho slight dnmngo was repaired, vision of the plans and would tor- .Mm-lilne Wrecks Itleyclo K9 ward them soon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant, a messenger boy of the West- ..........ul iiru planning to lenvo soon ; om Union, with AMl.nr .w .1.1 fOrrS?"f?rn,U.f0r n Kh0n ltaZ' . '' ",B " lll cr08s bnr' cnn, ,,ow Mar Kstlnmtos nniiiiiiiiM. Cnr Kvort. i... ..,..,. ., ....,i ... . .V r, .. . r" ""u in oigni ociock inst eve- ..... ,..,. .iu. , uu uob i,ny uBK-j nlnBmirtnt tho corner of KrontBtrtat cry which caught fire Friday nlBht. - crn.hdo Into the automobile driven as cslmated tho danuige done tob. Lyilll L(Unbclll who Wli r JJ Srl.S;:"rA :,'", ''"'""'""l-outli. noth boy, were thrown to tho Christmas cakes that were lost In avemont nnd tho bicycle was wreck the. storeroom, being ruined by wat- Cll. Thoy MJ ,,, Z'Jr TC3 btT woro living too fast. I.amb 1, tuni ,......' .' . . . " l"u l"u,8Utos that tho boys woro rldinc two WANTED AVAXTKI) A ptirclmscr for lots 7, 8, 9, block 8, Seii'gstnckcn's Addi tion, Prlco $1200. Purdhasor to nssumo street improvement. Ad dress P. O, Ilox 173, Dnudon, Oro. I FOR SALE KOIt SXliK Or will trndo for town property if suitable, a dairy ranch on Coos River 8 mlloo W i! iimu ..... .... i i rum town. u euro oi xiiiiob. . J'. ADAMS (Hid Wlfo worn linrn todny on business from Hnynes i i,-4)u MAi.Kriin.ui if mini n ..m. - -.- ........ - ....(. ... ..,.... .. v...vf v broke out and tho dnmngo to the' (Jlvo Itciiillng. At tho mooting of tho Mnrshflold ICplsccpnl (lulld this afternoon Miss Hvolyln Anderson will road Ilonry Van Dyck's fnmuus ClirlslmaH story. MoK Tonight Thoro will bo n meollng of tho Anglican Young Peo ple's Association In (lulld .Hall this I evening nt 7:30. All momhoru nro' asked to bo prosont. I Hud CoimI Tilp:nort C. Krlcko, of tho Parnlso, reported that thoy! had nbout thirty-five passougors In from Portlnnd yesterday and hnd a fino trip down tho const. Thoy sail ed today for San Francisco. win i.iiHMont'ti. tjio lnrnnt son of Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. It. Chandler won christened Sundr- at tho Mnrsh flold Hplscopnl f 'urch, tho ltov. It. K. Drowning offp!ntlng. lion Jaiiiln Robert Chandler, Jr., wan tho 'nntiio conferred on him nnd Judgo building nbout tho big oven. loss is covered by Insurance. School Chlldmi's Dinplny. A dis play of tho nrt work of the school chlldron of (ho grades will bo held In the Owl Drug Store on Control avenuo Thursdny nnd Friday after noons and ovonlngs from 2:30 un til 9 o'clock, being plncod thoro mi ller tho supervision of Miss Vol. art director of tho city bcIiooIs. A salo of tho book plnteB and other Pieces of nrt mndo by tho children In their work will ho hold at this time. Iliillil Hiiiihi'n. Manager Wor uluh, of tho North llond Mnnufne turlng Company, in figuring on start ing tho construction of "rondy-to-put-togothor" hoiisos. Tho plan to hnvo" ovory part of tho house cut nnd ready to fit together so Mint nn or- dlnnry workmnn onn construct It In a few ilnyH. In tills way, all waste will ho ollmliintod. Ho plnns to on one bicycle nnd fullmi in nntim. Tills ' lilni until t,w. Int.. Nlllfc Get Your Gift For Him Where he goes himself to buy the things that' con tribute so much to his joy of living. The clays he looks forward to are the days of fishing, the hurtling trip, the VACATION OUTING. For all these occas ions we have the practical and necessary outfits that make them the red letter days of his life. If you get his present here it will be different and it will make him glad. Avoid The Common Place LET US HELP YOU SELECT AN UNUSUAL GIFT "Why Pay More?" Johnson Gulovson Co. The Quality Name With the Service Fame. ' Itc-ntto Iiisiiiiiiicc. To ro-rnto the flro Instiranco within tho city of Mnrshfleld, M. it. Colwell and I.. N Hralnerd, of tho TllderwiHters, Kqul tablo Rating Association, aro horo Investigating. The fact that Marsh field" now possesses n now nuto flro truck, thoy sny, will lmvo soino effect In reducing tho rates. This Is tho first ro-ratlng of tho city for several yearn. In September of 1UM1 the last book was published with tho ro porta and theso woro gained from written statenionta nnd without tho presence of tho underwriters. Went, t'lider AnsiiiirmI Names. Constable Cox, delving hack Into tho records or tho steamship Klder todny found out Hint on October n Mr. nnd Mrfl. William It. Young nnd daugh ter loft on tho Kldor for Portlnnd. Tho cotiplo woro nrrostod but u fow dayH ago nt a llttlo town In northern Oregon on tho chnrgo of adultery preferred by tho husband or tho wo mnn, a mnn by the nnnio of Qulgley, who testifies that his wlfo eloped with Young. T"hoy were till brought back nnd placed In the Coqulllo Jail with tliolr trial pending. Thu lufor mntlon found today wan asked for by Sheriff a ago. i Hurry to Itollro. Nova Harry, who has been road supervisor of the llrewstcr district on tho old Cooh Hay Wagon Rond for nbout 20 years, and who has been one of tho most efficient rum! builders tho coun ty 'lias ovor had, has decided to ro 'tiro. Mr. Harry had the roniitntloii of accomplishing bettor roriulta nnd nioio for the money than nny other man in tho county and In addition to tho approval of tho County Court, ho wiib warmly complimented by. thoso who trnvorsed tho rond . V, A. linker, a woll-kuown resident of tho Horn section, l.ns a petition out for the appointment and has tho ap proval of Mr, Harry, ho that he Is practically certain of getting the place. Inlet. . A. WILPTON wns a biislnoss visi tor In tho oily todny from Coos River. .AIRS. W. J. FIJI.I.OWS was ln todny shopping and visiting from Lake side. SMKRIFF W. W. ClAUK wns nu ovor night visitor in tho city from Co-uulllo. If. ricks of Atder wood split and roady for cook Btovo. Geo. Tomp kins, California live., nnd 15th at. l'Olt SAM? 20 ptillcta nnd 5 old chickens. $18.00. Phono 13-U. FOR RENT FOR I MONT A house, with 7 i-ooiih and hnt'ii, $18.00 per month, closo In. I), Ferguson. R. M. WlKDKll enmo down losterday from I.nkcsldo nnd Is on his way south. W. A. ACKKRMAN wont to the coun ty Heat this morning on lognl business. WYMAN AI.1IHM Wns among tho South inlet vlsltem In tho city today. JOHN KKNDAI.h was an nftornoon visitor nt the county sent on lognl business. MISS MAUn'TIIIOItllKT. tenchnr nt Siimiior, wont to Couulllo thin morning, ARTIMMt MOORH wns down (IiIh morning on huslnosa from Catch Ing Inlet, MRS. A1.0IB MANSION rnmo down sbopplng today from her homo nt Hnynes Inlet. l'Olt HUNT Separate room.H ami housekeeping apartments, furnish ed or unfurnished. Rcnsonnblo, Phono 10-1.. 115 So. -Ith. l'Olt HUNT Hiiiiso lii intr of for mer Times office Knqulro ot John Ferguson, 'Oil HUNT Housei and npariiiierits fiirulshcd and unfiirulshcd. I, S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front utrcot l'Olt ltllNTNlcely funilslieil front raomn with bath. yA per week, Close In. 239 So. -tth St. , l'Olt HUNT Furnished apartment. Phono G3-Ii. The fiAssinc AD KOl'.VI) Cliaiiffeiii'M Hcoiino ji. Owner may havo snino by paying for thin ad nt The Times office. WA.VI'KD Kinplnyiiiciit, ,y wlwr, stoady mnn, oxporlonco In sovornl linos of work, llnndy with tools. Willing to go nnywhero if work Is steady. P. O, Ilox 231, Coqulllo. l'Olt HUNT Alcove ro for house. keeping, ulso slnglo room. I HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Kill Boxing Gloves ' Motorcycle Supplies Indian Clubs Dumb Bells Foot Balls. Razor Strops Hunting Slickers Auto Robes ' Juvenile Suits, Base ball, Indian and Cowboy. Flashlights. Hunting Coats Sporting Boots Pack Sacks Hunting Knives Pocket Knives Camp Axes Auto Gloves Shell Bags Fishing Rods Reels Baskets Fly Books There Should Be Music IN EVERY HOME CHRISTMAS MORNING PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS, TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS GALORE VICTOR AND EDISON DISC MACHINES The Wiley II. Allen Co, Iiiin ut'wr Ix-eii hotter Mocked wild lilgli. Oriiilo liistniuii'iitH limit now. You will have no trouble In M-lcct'ng your piano or plnyer piano from our wldo riuigo of Mnmlnril makes. If It n talking ma chine you desire, liear any of tlio following iih the Moio; Count to tlio hlnio nny time null wo will ilcnioiiMruto nny of the nliovo iiiarliliifH. The Wiley E. Allen Co. L. L. THOMAS, Mgr. Central Avenue Marshfield Parisian Ivory A & !w i Or V ror Her - IMUM4MWMMMM I Grand To-Nigh t Rock-stendy picture absolutely fllckerless. Six reels or films bettor than tho best. MiibIo second to nouo. Vltngrnph'H -Ilroadway star font uro "UNOI.H HIMV with Miss Anita Stownrt In tho loading rolo. This tbroo-pnrt comedy drama is a plc turo ot oxcoptloluil merit. "UNCLE III Mj" Is mndo by tho sumo company that produced tho groat Ilroadwny stnr ronturua "A Million Uld," and "Shadows of Iast." Retnembor this splendid Vltngrnph will bo Hhuwn tonight only. PATIII'J DAILY NKWS Boos all known nil gets all tho iiowh worth photographing. This niimbor shown sevorill war scones from the front In Kuropo. "I.OVH'S MAaNOT" Kssanay photoplay adopted from tho story that appcarod In tho Munsoy Mngazlno a short tlmo ngo, ALWAYS TUB 1WJST PICTURfc !MtK8KNTKD ON TUB 8CIIEBN. t'lilldron, rtc. Adult, 10c. TOMORROW KIOIIT Special musical program by tho Qrand Vono- tian Orchestra Seven rools of II icnsfd plcturos. "Tho 13th oplsodo of tho "PERILS OK PAULINE" will bo ropeatod next Monday. This s tlio most thrilling plcturo ovor shown nt tho (Irand four horsoa are killed, sovoral rld'ora sovoroly hurt n real old-tlmo Eng lish steeplechase Is bIiowh. THE GUNNERY THE PIONEER SPORTING GOODS HOUSE OF COOS CO. Phone 34-J. Marshfisld, Or. 153 Front Street. French Dry Cleaning Is something new on Coos Bay. It has never been done here before and this is the only establishment here that does this work thoroughly. This process cleanses thoroughly through and through every garment handled. The lining as well as the outside is cleaned, making YOUR OLD SUIT LOOK LIKE NEW This is not an advertising claim but a binding obliga tion and promise that we make and will guarantee. . Bring us one suit and MAKE US PROVE IT TO YOUR SATISFACTION A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE'S PLACE. 256 CENTRAL AVENUu. PHONE 250-X Suggestions fora Gift forPather A SMOKING JACKET A BATH ROBE A PAIR OF SHOES A BOX OF SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS SUSPENDERS All in Holiday Boxes if Desired. THE FIXUP TWO STORES Marshfield North Bend THE IEIN THEATRE TONIGHT 158-R PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY ME HOME Of BIG fEAT)RES AND VAUDEVILLE. Mornlon Hrothorfl, Novelty Atn loton, in nn uot that Is bound to bo a winner. This Is a Kluher Tlmo nut nnd comes well rocoiiuuoudod. HIr speohil feature In BIX 11IO itniJLs "Tin; vallwv oi.' tub MOON"-The story of a flKht uKulnst odds for lovo uud u home, wrltton by Juuk London, who wrote "SBA W'OLK" '111k Illll" KpliertB, one time prlxn-flKhtor, moots Saxon nt n daiie.0 hull nnd Is smlttou with her, Ulinrloy Look, a rebuffed suitor, and 111k Illll lmvo n unarrol ovor Saxoii In which Illll comos out best. Saxon and Illll ko for a rldo and Illll tells her nil about his past experiences In tho fluhtliib' Kumo, You had better see (his plcturo and seo tho fight for a homo and love. Sterling Comedy "TH13 CIRCUS! showInK oiio of tho biggest rlotb ovor shown on a scrodn. Positively tho longest and best show In tlib city. I.OWKIt FLOOR, lCc. 1ST HALCONY, lBc. 2ND BALCONY, 10c. For Comfort, Host Pictures. Best Music, Host Vaudovlllo always bod tho LoumusHI Theater, fll 4 W i i 4 i '"?f'muTraa MbgtgjijigtEiBUl uniuiiiHg mmm