1 - Ti""Tf"' iy' "T.???Tr.iH. ;IilW8lirajillfllilj THE COOS BAY TIMES,' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FOUR .0 r r fTR7nP,Qwrlto nbout tho Dnttl ot tho Al9no CUUb DAY JL JLIVICD somebody's Bolntj to get hurt there M. C. MALONEY, Editor nnd Pub. 'ct DAK K. MALONEY. News Editor Official Pnpcr of Coos I Wiicn nntlons fall out the troon County hnvc tQ do R ,ol of fnlUng ,n Entered nt tho Postofflco at Maruh tinld. Oroeon. for trnnstnlBalon through tho mnllB ns call matter. "I DON'T CABE Among the novel parcel post bIiIm- BCCond-clQBi , mont thnt have been made may ho mentioned a full bundlo of shingles, a roll of rubber roofing and a glaz ed window sash. ONE often hears noonlo say "1 don't care." And one often hears the wordB spoken ns if. they conferred some credit on tho speaker, as If tho speaker showed he was superior to caring. When wo coaso to caro, wo arc nearly always tho losers. Those who caro tho least In tno world nro tho most to bo pitied. According to a press dispatch to Tho Times Saturday there was an other lnndsllde In tho Panama Canal. Tho Culobra Cut simply can't get over the habit of doing tho cannl builders dirt. FreL?TZ"u: IMPORTANT EYENTS now jticcn wi"" -. POSITIVELY MASTEBS CBOl'P. 1014-in AT A MUNICIPAL want ad. PUBLIC jobs havo from time Im memorial have- been looked up on by politicians ns berths for rrlcnds or political retainers. It has been regarded as perfectly proper to pay off political debts by gifts of public service positions, Irrespective of tho 'applicant's fitness. Hut tho young mayor of New York takes a different view of his obligations to taxpayers. Ho wanted a competent man for Third Deputy Commissioner of Char ities, and Instead of handing tho Job over to ono of a dozen politicians who wcro pulling wires for tho place, ho Inserted In the "help wanted" columns of tho newspapers tho fol lowing ndvcrtlsemcnt: WANTED BUSINESS MANA GER, 35 to 45 years of age, ablo to superintend large forco of employes, direct ex 1 tonslvo construction work, organize and direct purchas ing and distribution of enor mous quantity of supplylcs; only men of marked exccutlvo ability and good experience need apply; salary $5000 u j'darj highest references re quired. No ono knew that Mayor Mitchell was tho advertiser. From among 300 replies he selected tho man for tho Job. By this almplo and busi ness 1lko method Mayor Mitchell has set an example, which, If followed by municipal administrations gener ally Would deal a blow to tho boss system nioro effectual than any yet delivered. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST (JOOD EVENING. Tho clmrnctcr Is like whlto I j pnperj If onco blotted, It can j J hardly ever bo mnilo to appear whlto as before. Ono wrong step often stains tho character j for life. It Is much castor to j j form n good character nnd pre- j servo It pure, than to purify It nfter It has become defiled. J. Hawos. KNOCKING. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound cuts tho thick choking mucus, nnu clears away tho phlegm. Opens up f tho nlr pnH3nKoa and stops tho hoarse " ' ,.,,,ri. 'i' I,,. I'nanlmr. fttrnnilllnc fight WINTER SHORT COURSE JAN. -1-30 ' f0r breath gives way to uuiot brcath Agrlctilltirc, Including Agronomy, B .U1,i ,)Cncofiil alcop. Harold Dorg, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Hortl- , Mich., writes: "Wo give Foley's culture. Poultry Husbandry, Insects, , - :'"?' mir P,1iiliro for m... J...i a..ii t-vi.onc.c rtm. iiniiov nnd Tnr to our cuuuruu mi nam unu miiimlii uwnwvji w. cry Management, ftianeung, cit. Home liconoinlca, Including Cook Ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation. Sew ing. Dressmaking and Millinery. Commerce, including Business Man agement, Rural Economics, Business Law, Office Training. Farm Account ing, etc. HngluccrltiK, including ShopworU and Koadbuilding. croup and it nlways nclB quickly." No wonder a man In Texas wnlkod 15 miles to tho atoro to get a bottlo of Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound. Every user la a frloud. Sold by Owl Pharmacy. FARMERS WEEK-FEBRUARY 1-6 pROpESSnMAL DIRECTORS A general clearing house session of rnurcoaiuwnu mnumwin six days for the exchange of dynamic - - - CHBISTMAS SHOPPINO. P ROM now until Christmas Coos liny Jiiorchnnts will bo busy dir ecting nttcntlon to their wares and soiling thorn to holiday shoppers. Purchasers, therefore, will find it to their ndvnntago to scan tho advertis ing columns of Tho Times with enro every ovoulng, for by so doing tlioy will inako money for thomsolvca. Tho columns of The Timos from now until Docombor 25 will bo filled with holiday bargains nnd that mennii that both buyer nnd seller will bo holpcd by perusal of thorn. Thoro Is no reason why nnyono on Coos Bay should go outsldo to mako purchases for tho holidays. Perhaps in no other of tho smnllor cltlos of tho Pacific coast aro thoro so many wol! equipped stores ns on Coos Bay. Merchants horo aro metropolitan lu tholr ideas. Tlioy buy tho host In tholr respcctlvo linos nnd prices' compnro favorably with prices olso whoro. Indeed, It may bo truly saldj that It is moro ocnuomlcal to buy I hero than It to aond to mall order houses, tho cost of money orders, transportation and dolay considered. But asldo from that It is good busi ness for Coos Bay pooplo to buy from Coos Bay merchants. That uumns that tho dollar spent la going to do sorvlco again and again in tho community. Sent to Chicago, Seat tle, San Francisco or Portland oven, it Is lost forever In tho channels of local trado. And when you havo mado up your mind to buy nt homo the next essen tial thing Is to buy early. You can got bettor sorvlco now than later, hotter Kolectlous and more satisfac tion than to wait until tho final rush comes. Simeon Stubbs vaB a knocker; Wasn't n thing about town Wuth Simeon's old willow rocker Alius n-runnln' it down. Growcd on him growed to n hnblt; Do or suggest what you would, Out co mo his hammer; with Joy ho would grab it Knocked when tho knocklu' wns good. Town held n rotiBlu' muss mcotln' Ilout a Well, I ferglt what; Don't matter. It Biiro got n beatln'; Wns It wuth tryln' or not! Now, Hint's nil right; n discussion Clenra up a subject n heap; Simeon Stubbs, though, with clnppor n-rushln' Knocked ns if hammers wuz cheap. Old Pctor Smith then unllmborcd, Got on his feet an' says ho: "Knock away, Sim; tho shebang Is well timbered But tnko this hint off o' mo: Don't knock outside, like n stranger; Latch string's n danglln' ono end If you must knock though in knockin' tliero's danger Come on In; knock llko a frlond!" When tho ngont for n dovico to prevent raising checks approached Dnvo Jones of tho Flxup to buy it ho refused but said ho wns In tho mnrkct for n protectogrnph to pro vent tho grocery bills from being 1 raised, I MARGUERITE LOVERIDGC MARSH ta THAMHOUSER-MUTUAL ACTRES3 Marguerite Lovorldge, who recently litis been playing lends In Thanhouscr Mutual photo playa, enmo to the New Itochello studios by no menus ti stran ger to the Mutual. It waa this charm ingly pretty llttlo actress who, In tho days of "Apollo" films, put most of the fun luto Hint former branch of tho Majestic devoted to comedy releases. It is not generally known that sho is tho sister of Mao Mnrsli, tho famous eharneter-lierolno of the Mnjcstlc-Mu-tuai under tho D. W. Grllllth regime. Evidently ncting runs In her family. During the last few weeks tit tho Tlianhouscr plant she has proved her ninitzlng versatility playing omotlonal nnd strongly iipponllug pnrts. There was nothing funny about tho charac ter sho took in "Tho Chasm," but there wns n great deal of forco In Miss I.overldgc'a Interpretation of the role. Her nppearanco is girlish nnd gentle fairly wistful when her face Is In repose. ITer eyes which nro Inrgc nnd sweet nre, perhaps, her most nt trnctlvo feature. Ideas on the most pressing problems ' of the times. Lectures by leading I authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools, ln stltutes and numerous correspondent! i courses on request. I MUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Volet. I No tuition. Reduced rates on all rrfi I roads. For further Infcrma Ion address, i The Oregon Aurlciillurni uworc (tw-I'M-to-M) E. Lothard MoCltire ATTOBNEY AT LAW Prnctlccs In all courts. Boom 1", Flanagaii iVi Dennett Bank H. H. Hamcr HOUSE BUILDER Gcnoral Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. COKVALLIS. UKDOCXl , Wright riiono 188-11. BUILDING CONTItAOTOU Efltlmntos furnished on request 100 AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono i70. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y Adolphscn, Port Orford; It. G. Me-1 Konzle, Port Orford; II. Ithlnc, North Bend. Tin St. Lawrence Hotel. 13. L. Payno, Tncoma; 11. W. Hosb, U. S. N.; A. F. Hurd and wife, San Francisco; Miss Nolson Bnudon; Mrs. V. J. Follows, Lakcsldo; Avis Pros cott, Lnkosldo; Miss Farbor, Myrtlo Point; Mies Mlllor, Myrtlo Point; Georgo II. Preston, Cnmp I; Harry Proston, Cnmp I; E. II. Kunsnnd, Bnndon; It. B. Sowors, Bnndon; W. W. Gngo, Coqulllo; W. McClurlo, Portland; J. McMahon, Portland. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 'Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noso nntl Throat. GLASSES FITTED Bit. MATT1I3 II. 81 1 AW . . DlseuscB of-Women nnd Children Offlco Phono 330-J. Booms 200, 201, ' 202, Irving Block. Benjamin Ostlind 1 CONSULTING ENGINEEK AND I ABCIIITEOT Offices. 200 Irving Block , Phono 103-1 or 2C7-J. I Marshflold, Orogoi W. G. Chandler I ABCHITEOT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Bulldlnt Marshflold, Orogon Wm. S. Turpen AitciiiTicur Marshflold, Oregon. yfundiflcld-Nortli Bend Auto Una ""ri every ton niliuitcH from fl n. rn to 11! j. in.; to South Slough onco n , . . .. . . .. n day, icnviuRiit it n. m.i to Empiro i Mrs. uiivia toman. ML I. U. U'.IM3II .M.in.TJUlK iil. ,i...r- HitTO til is a day. GdltH'P . KING. Prnpi rOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS four good enra with cnrcfiil driven Fot day nervlre, phone Hlv, lilnnco Blllard Parlors. For nlxht scrvlre, Phone 2M-L ItlKht Cafe. 0. L. FOOTE. - 37 IOAL GYMNASTICS FOB ALL DISEASES Commercial nve. Phono SM2-J loci Ostlind PIANO TUNER AND HEPAIIIEB LcaTo crdors at W. It. HalneB' Mub ilc Company. tin R. Sixth Strnot. Phon 103-T. Perl Riley Ballinper 1MANIST AND TMACirRB Rcsldouco Studio, 217 No. Third HI Phono 308-1 I tiio minim iioici. r , BOAIFE C2 A. II. IIODGINS B. F. Johnson, Wnshougal; u. M.i '& . . . . Wlodor, Lakosldo; II. Bunch, Boavor(lflrirc(1finlH "AINI AINU ; - - mil; c. s. Mcculloch, Bnndon; oio 'giaiannuu DECORATING CO. J. H. Jessen, M. D. Paulson, Coqulllo; E. II. Coffin, Co-j Kstlinntcg Furnished PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON 1 qulllo. I'honf kiki. fplteid. Owo Surgory nnd Disoasos of Women a Specialty. i Office, 307 Coko Bldg. Phono 220-J Res. Myrtlo Arms. Phono 301-lI OUIt DAILY CONUNDBUM. j Whon Is a night llko n tomb- j stone? j j Answer tomorrow. j j Answer to Vrldny's: "Why j should doctors bo loss llablo j than others to bo upset on tho j j oconn?" j j Bocauso tlioy aro moro used j to sco sickness. j 4 ONE LANGUAGE MAY SUFFICIENT. BE "I soo tho Alllos nro doing nil right'! now," romarkod J. W. Beunutt to day. "But nftor tho first fow wooks of tho war I bought myself u big Gorman grammar nnd bognu to study It. I thought wo would nil havo to learn to tnlk It." . H .! Somo Cons Bay men fall In ; lovo. Othors aro lassoed. -o Somo Coos Bay pooplo would rather bo pollto than tell tho truth. TOPICS OF THETIMTS, fell J -THE . HOTELS YOUR FRIEND WHO HAS LEFT COOS BAY WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE A DAILY LETTER FROM HIS OLD HOME But you haven't time to write.. Why not make him A CHRISTMAS PRESENT of a year's subscription to the COOS BAY TIMS It will carry more from the old home town every day than you could possibly write. It would be a daily reminder of your thoughtfulness and kinn ness. ' Think about it and then call 133 on the phone, drop in at the office or fill out the following coupon and send it by mail: - CHIMNEYS FIRE PLAGES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Brick Work nt Prlcos That Aro Bight And nil Work Guaranteed Call at "Tho Firosldo," Johnson Bldg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Bollor Work IE MONEY by ordering tho famous HEHHYVILLE GOAL Nut coal, per ton $1.00, Lump Coal, por ton $0.00, Or, half ton of both $5.00) D. MUSSON, Prop.) Phono lC-u, or lenvo orders all Hlllycr's Cigar Storo. ' SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA JL ! . Tho end of the Belgian govern-' inont was found nt Ostond. I i v " i Tho Chandler Uotol. Might inny make right in somo In- H K Butler, Now York; M. C stances, but tho Allies hope that the Kt,oyi Sau Francisco; Armaml Blum, Gorman right north of tho Aisue will bo lacking lu might. Moro beauty In dlalro.su; lu addi tion to Lille and Nancy, thoro Is tho town of Missy on tho Alsne. San Francisco; L. II, Campbell. San i Francisco; It, S, Wright and wife. 1 San Francisco; Mr. nnd Mrs. Daley, North Inlet; C, 1). Gnrouth, Bnndon; Willlum Crawford, Portland; E. L. i Barnes, Seattle; J. E. Eaton, Los An Igolos; Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Wothorbeo, Langlols; J. A. Colomb, Coos Blver. IF. A. Wllpton, Portland; V. E. Best, Bnndon. Tho Llojil Hotel. Isn't It nbout tlmo too Battle of Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Norton. Boso tho Alsno was moved to somo other! burg; Warnlo Adams and wife. e .nntinn? Tho troons must be tret-' natchco; Mrs. Josoph Youiikor and ting tired or tho sa.no old scenery, children. North Inlet; Wjiiion All.ec. Bouth Inlet, F D. Speron, Chl .u ..Trtnemr, . femoitv." Is tho Dolbert Benson and wife. Temple- wnyBomoorthownrcorrcBiiondontsitons J. S. Koulo, Coqulllo; Henry jj Belgium moved Its capital from Brussels to Antwerp nnd from Ant werp to whorovor King Albort hap pens to bo, December ,., 1914 Publisher Times, Marsfield, Ore. 1 Enclosed find $5.00 for which send the Daily Coos Bay Times one year to the follow ing address: ' 4 Name Sent by ?4 City Street.- .. State AIN'T IT THE THUTJI. Wo novor blnmo tho tailor whon our pants wo havo to pin, Wo novor blame tho shoo man when our soles grow old and thin, Wo novor blame tho hatter whon our lids wo havo to flout, But wo always blamo tho laun dry whon our shirts wear out. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 57-J. ST. LAWBENCE HOTEL j (Formerly the Coos Hotel) j Steam heat, hot and cold water.. No liquor, j Wo invito you to Investigate our i j winter rates, Special Inducement j when two or moro persons occu- py same room. I i , ;i Pictures & Framing Walker Studio TRY IT young: K'oplo. TTVTR open iv navings accouni in this safe, im, ,.,... CKlilnrly ten per cent r ,,. emnKnll(, " iiteifst wo pay youMl ho siiriulsed In,,. ' ",fe ' Kt ., ",lh,nou Mil , " liiteifst wo pay y luto a working fund. n Havings Account li tli'o great . 1'iir to nmlililoii. Mil Trxlt. . miim THE UNITED HtAtts UUVKIINMENT SUPKIIVl i'lHION. FIRST MIDIIL Bill OF COOS EAY Sffctij Deposit Boxes For Iient, F mI 1 U J 1 V I 1 1 H s BEIUETIM OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUXTT Established 1880, Capital, Surplus and Undivided ' Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Officers: J. W. Beimult, President. ,1. II. FlniiitKuit, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, As(. ftiiit To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND CO.MI'OBTAULE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOBTII O. P. McGICOUGE Phono 44, Marshflold PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. AGENT W. H.rtalB Phone III, KortlW EQUIPPED WITH WIUKLKSS- cteamship Breakwafe ALWAYS ON TIME. SATUBDAY, DECI1MBEB 10, AT II A.M., S.VTU1II.W, JOB BEIt U, AT l!::i( P. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT POBTLAND CITY TICKET OFTM AND OAK STIIKKW, l'OIITMm i. ni O. 11. USDm IIUIIU MM-m nCFAW TRAWRPHRTATIGSCI). NTFR- Semi-weekly sorvico Coos Bay and Sanjug RE STEAMSHIP liiliJiii SAILS FOB SAN FBANCISCO AND SAN PKWIW FBOM MABSIIFIELD TIH'BSDAY, DKCBMUI.H . Equipped wIOa YiroKJSS nud subrnafMw w Passciiirers and freight. STFAMSHIP NJUII S Equipped with wireless and submarino KAN WIANTI8CO l'KM ! , ,AT rSI 1111 bell . SAILS FOB K; V Ml ..1H"r Vlu ,..nt oler" San Francisco office, ureenwc i . - r and GOO Fife bmWing. ft Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McaEORQP PASSENGERS FREIGHT ST" MHI LINE 5TE WIS -SAIL FBOM- San Francisco Plor No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Phono STB. Coos Bay Evory Friday Tn Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS B. JAMBS, Agent PortttJ AHieriDggS, Ocean DocK sold on east' 1 hi , mm TYPEWRITERS All standard mnnri RemlnilWi ments, new and rebuilt, hox.ui.ut,.- 1 0 Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Prem ieMnU donning, repairing or new I''te"H' ""order. I'Wif v crbou I-Per dcBver. Mjo- JTJJ ,. sUpPLY TTPbWm IbKAun-- rui.i'vo rums THh TIMIJi office. printed at WALL PAPER See VIERS About It, - -SiSfflfflSJS "otautLSB r -ilrt Dim1- vVi i iniui iu r - WCr. r.CllF lv" iuuur;,v1nw--' I ' . r.11 ti Iil" MMP'"2-, gg"?.ifiS. dXiiM.;