rfift IMlii UilMJ .pt WiDtX in i y'piflgii f fl$ lxLa?TlBik- H,i " " WWt' "" "'," THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION. f THREE a: i ra $ 73 r.i "', P'r(lj,'l ITt' uwvyyrT r l - fT nx1Kr vkcvv rf-i i. .111X10 MAHTIN NATUROPATH j . . Diseases treated by lntest J European drugles9 methods. j . Office: Williams llloclc. j Phone 257-J for Appointment, j BUTTLE AH WES ! GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO 8UPPLIKS FOU AMi MAKES OF CANS . 81? Central A v. Phono !173-Ij .. &zuiJiSz&iU Electrica Gifts DAINTY AND DIKFL'ltKNT Xmas Greeting Cards also STCCKKItS, SEALS, TAGS, OIL-l'AINTED CALICNDAltH 01)' LOCAL VIEWS. nt REMFELD'S 2U0 Central Ave. Please Every Fashionable Woman lanV PleCGS Of ElGCtdc Warn Am fnr Ikn nn Tho liinmri lie where they give a touch of distinction and luxury hirjh irized by the hostess. Inntrin Hnffnn Pnrnnlfltnrs. Flnnfrir Tnn Kntfinc dnMiin ..ww.. .w w.-w . -. ww..,.w. w, u,ww., ,u I wn llflUVU) 1-lwUllll le Stoves and Electric Toasters Make Entirely Suitable practical ums. mere is an electrical gift for everyone at a price to suit ry purse. For Host Result In PAINTING, PAPKItlNG mill J) DECORATING K. F. III! M1EUX. I Wnll 1'npcr .nd Pnlnt Store :i:l No. Front St. lono t IB-It THE LOW SPECIAL PRICES LAST Only Until Present Stocks Are Sold. his year the special holiday prices are unusually low ow- to co-operative effort of tlie following dealers and our- s: A. Langworthy Marshfield Electric Cent. Co. Oregon Power Company WY THE VEKY BEST Marshfield BUTTER uettmeiy Abstracts FOK HHLIAIJLK AIISTItACTS OF TITLE AXI) INFORMATION AUOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. MAKSHFIELD AX1 COQl'ILLK CITY, OKHGON 1ENEIUL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AX1I SENGSTACKE.VS ADDITION AGENTS l'OIt CANADIAN TAliin.' ii.wnnu.wi !. HKXItV SENGSTACKIIN, MANAGEIt r.inn UXDKIt BANITAKY CONDITIONS IX A 4 CLEAN AND MODEHN FACTOItV. STEIULMED MILK AXD CIUIAM. PURE ICE Freo delivery, 8 n. in. ami II p. in. l'liono 7.1. Timos Want AdH bring results. T FRQWT LESS SEVERE tllj Anoclftlftl Pmi lo I'o.u lujr nmra. PARIS, Dec. M. Tno official rommunlrntlon this afternoon anys: "Nothing of Importance has occurred between tho son and the Olso Hlvcr. Northwest of Soupln the enemy bom bardod violently our entrivnchiuenls. Wo replied and demolished t'.io'r position, Thoro wore no infantry nttneks from elthor tide. Our nr tlllory destroyed Importnnt field work of tho enemy near Alllo. In Lo Oniric Forest In tho Argoino district, wo nindo slight progress ly tho H80 of initios. There has boon violent cnnuonndluK In tho Mouse Heights. Tho batteries of tho enemy iippcnr lo linvo boon moved further north. In tho Woevro district, af ter oi'cupyliiR entrenchments :i!oiik tho ROO-ynrd front In Mnrttnnru For est, our troops repulsed two vlolont counter attacks. In Atsaro our ad vance has broupht our front to n lino that parses lr yards nortn of Stolnbach." UNCLE SI AT THE HOTELS Chandler. Paul II, Soulo, Snn Francisco; W. II. Lllley, Eugono; Frank II. 1'nKO, Portland; K. Mnlonoy, Portland; 1C, L. Harris, Capo lllnnco; F. I). Lay ton, Portland; E. H. llodson, Cons Illver; Frel Murray, North lloiul; E. C. Peachey, Empire; Lynn Lam beth, Kokomo, Ind. lllnnco. Arllo Hunt, Myrtlo Point; C. Carl bod, Myrtlo Point; Oliver llrunt, Coos Htvor; Oscar Anderson, Gar diner; Charles Hltzman, Coon lllvcr; David Howard, North Inlol; l'etor MencRat and son, Lnkoslde; .1. Con Ioriio, Lnmpa; Alfred Jewell, IbUi inns Inlet; J. Thomas, Myrtlo Point; E, Thomas, Myrtlo Point; C. Oil bort. Florence; L. K, Snow, Co qulllo. To I.loyil. Fred Monet, Portland; Harold Carlson, Dolmnr; II. G. Holder, Mil wnuklo, Or.; 11. Klein, Myrtlo Point; Linn lllnnclil, Eugono; Tony Klun, Uoaver Hill; It. C. EaHtmnn, North Inlot; 0. Purdy Scott, North Inlet; John II, FltzpntrlcU and wife, Coal cdo; C. Norman, Ilandou. St. jnviiMKc. Dan HtiKhes and wife, Portland; E. E, Jones and wife, Lakeside; L. ' Hotline, Taconia; C. Potoraou, Emplro; L. G. Masters, Sunnier; Jay ItlchnrdH, Stimuor; Mrs. C. Har ris, Lakeside; Mubel Mills, Lake side; J, W. Hunch, Lnkcsldc. .- CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AXD NIGHT SEUVICE For taxi, phono 193, Ideal Cafo. For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotol ' LYNN LAMUETII, Prop. New Cub : : Now Cars 0 BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- ... kMA - t.t.K n-ltt. na fnr n pnnil nmnv VnarB fliul 11 lot Of iur ciiBtomera will toll you whon It comes to cutting good, eound, lurablo framing mntoriai ai uio num. ii """ - "', less. Just toll what you wont to build and the amount you want a unnnri iinrt wnMt cot bUBT With OUf POUCll and flguro OUt the bMt 'our uonoy can buy. Try ui. jiiu h !. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItETAIL DEPAUTMEXT CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO HV USING OUIt WOOD inn'i, ton 1- hIMiTII mnmunin LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstract!, thoroughly dopondablo. Imme diate uorvlco, prompt attention to all Intorents of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Wet Weather Comfort Three Dollar Buyi n lot of it TOWER'S HSU DRAND REFLEX SLICKER. Ver it when you wotk. Ctnnot abioib wotci turni 0 every diop and krrpi . you dty and com. r lottablc. In evnjr Itionff at evrr v noint. A l! i buy any way you look at it. SOLD EVERYVYIIEJtE IVtltddfllil, 75Cli. .IxV.V JV,- f Wist 4L.-U4 t .1-1 CaJ 'aJo Tr SilufiCitoa OuriotecJ AJ.TOKERCO.,Bottoo ENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD. COOS CO., OREGON papltal, surplus and undivided profits $125,000.00 (No indebtedness.) OFFICERS: I. W. IJonnett, President Arthur McKeown. wor.ry rom T. nonnott, VIco Prosldont lionnou oa..iu,.. ..-.-m . . .' ... o,.n. Ants ns trusteo of oppress trusts Ud also na executor and administrator of eslatos. The onl Tru.t Pompany In Oregon outside of Portland onwu unu. nw In tills state. r Clbristaas Cards THE TIMES Job Department will print special Christmas cards for parties desiring to give individuality to their expression of tn sea son's sentiments.. Samples, may be seen at the office or patrons may furnish tie own cads Your name and your favorite quotation or original sentiment will add much to your friend s apprecia tion of your kindly remembrance Times Phone 133. Cos Bay Not Only At Holiday Time Hut every rtiiy In tho year Cowii'i .M IIoiikIiiiiiI mo really, (it MnoyoiMilli tho ! tilings in OIMM'EIUKH. You limy nut m-o them every day or pass their htore, lint tliey nn iihwiya on tho Job mid their hperiul delivery wigoiiK mill mitos prolmlily puhK jour Jioiise every day. ripciik to tho driver ulivievcr you m- IiIiii; lie luis his book wllli Ii In mid rim tabu your order at any timet ami iiny plnro or phono tliein llicro mo tvio phones 2(i mid illH, H joii have time, drop around mid m-o Uio Inihlcht clnslvn gruceiy More In Cixih Coiinty, hen It requires lliu hervlceh of eight peo ple to tuko rare of the trade. Conner & lloaglaiid prido tliemselvcH on tliix niicccsm mid it must iik'iiii Nitlsfiutlon to their many euMonieiH. Tliey iwmlil bo pleas, id ( have you test their bervleo mid their goods. Then use your otn beit Judgment. CONNOR & HOAGLAND SSDNS ARE WELL FIXED Much of Uncle's Monev Be Distributed Through out Country From Crops Wr AwotUtfJ I'rtfi lo Cooi nr TlmM. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 11. That thoro Is no emeri?oncy which Justifies government assistance to farmers directly through, tho uso of government cash or credit, was tho position taken by Secretary Houston of the Department of Agri culture, In discussing rural crodlts In his annual report submitted to day to President' Wilson. Secre tary Houston's statement was re garded lis Indicating the policy of the administration. Costly Distributing HjMoni Mr. Houston's report reviews tho imcstlgatlon of the marketing and distributing system nnd whtlo tho 3tudy is not yet sufficiently finish ed to admit of final coiinitbtous, tho work thus far shows tho need of a rc-orgnulxntlmi of tho distrib ution process. Ho nays: Kor sotno unexplnlnablo rea son, for example, Chicago has re ceived Mexican, Canadian nnd Flor ida cattle at about tho same time. Steers raised In California by an Oregon operator have been shipped through Denver nnd Omaha nnd their beef sent to points on tho Atlantic coast. Hogs raised In Illi nois and sold nt lndtnnapolls linvo been slaughtered at llostou nnd n part of their cured bacon shipped to I.os Angeles. Michigan messed veal calves expressed to South Wat er street commission houses nt Chi cago have bcou returned to tho Idontlcnl shipping points from which they enmo to fill moors from locnl rctnll mnrkets," Wealth In i.Yu, While tho production of grain gonernlly showed n great Increase In the crop of 101 1, tho report pointed out, tho production of com showed no advance, and tho meat production showed n distinct do cllno. In this connection the secre tary points out n "lamentable, no gleet of live stock production In tho South." Tho Seerotnry'a report Includes n Inblo giving tho census figures for 1890 nnd 1000, showing Hint In all products except corn and meat an imals thoro has been a marked in crenso in production during tnn ton year period. Continuing, Uio re port snys: "Wo know that tho whont crop or 1914 of approximately 802,000, 000 bushels Is tho greatest ever produced in our himoiy, una that tho crops of onts, barley, rye, po tatoes, tobacco, and hay are unus ually large. Tho cotton crop, foro cast In October nt IT., .'110,000 bales, la tho second largest. The upplo crop, estimated nt 2r.9, 000,00 bus hols, is the greatest ever harvest ed. The total production of six loading ceronlH is estimated tn hnvo been neatly C, 000, 000, 000 bushels, or about 128,000,000 In excess of tho crop of 191.1. Kor tho country an a whole tho crop ylolds tier ncre wore 2..1 per cent better than the nvorago for tho past ten yoarH. The nverago yield per aero of nil tho staplo crops was O.i por rout great er than 1013, and, except for corn, onts nnd flaxseed, greater than tho ten-year average DIE MILL TH MM GOAL ' FOR STATE RDADSS GOOD FOR Iff Resolution Passed At County ' Judges and Commissioners Convention, Says Hall i Resolutions asking tho stato legis lature to pass a one mill tax for t":o purposo of tanking the stnto build nnd bo responsible for tho main thor oughfares of Orogon woro passed nt tho county Judges nnd commissioners fifth annual convention hold In Port land. This Is tho statement of Coun- ty .ludgo John V. Hall, who, with Commissioner O. .1. Armstrong, re turned on tho Klilcr yesterday. P. M. Ilnll-I.nwls enmo back over land through Myrtle Point and Sur veyor McCullnch Is expected In from Mnpioton today. At tho convention of Inst wool i there woro more Ihnn 7fi Judges nnd commlsslonuia present In addition to many surveyors and other county of ficials from over the stale. Should tho oiio-mlll tnx curry, .ludgo llnll Is of the belief that Coos Day would bo affected by the Im provement of tho Myrtle Point rond through Itosohurg. Action on tho hill will probably bo tnkon nt tho coming session of tho stnto legislature. llecanse of tho complexity nnd seeming Jumblo of tho present Oro gon rond laws tho convention nlso passed resolutions that the Inws bo amended nnd simplified. Ono lunn declared at tho meeting that he had studied tho laws for six yours nnd still "had his doubts" as to whnt Homo of them menut. lluslness In Portland, declared Judge llnll, Bcemcd very good, al though th) PortlnudorM clamor Hint It Is rushing "past tho door." Christ Minn buying ho found on In full swing with tho streets very much crowded. It Ib probnblo that tho stores will fool tho effects of tho eight hiiur law for women employes this Christmas. This wilt bo tho first Yulu-tldo that tho law has seen nnd In ninny places tho big stores mny hnvo to hire two squads of wo men clerks. Not only were good rands subjects of discussion before tho body of Judges nnd commlsslonem but tho question or attending to tho unem ployed also canto heforo them. Wil liam Ii, Prowstor, Commissioner of Public Affairs In Portlnnd, pre sented a paper on tho "Problem of the Proper Disposition of tho Un employed." Ily special train tno members Friday morning woro t routed to a ride over tho O.-W. It. & N, rnll road up tho Columbia Hlvcr Gorge. Sec. Daniels Says That Prod uct of Matanuska Field Has Proved Practically Perfect Pr AMOclatrJ I'm, to Coot llr Tlmwi. 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. II. Sccretnry Danlols todny told .Uio Houso naval commtttco that tests completed ten days ago on coal from tho Alaska Mntnuuskn fields twill proved It practlcnlly porfect for nnvnl uso. K 1 1 Tho MataniiBkn conl, Sccretnry Dnulels said, Is as good ns any to bo round anywhere. Thin Is gratifying In view of tho fact that last yoar'a tests found the llerlug river conl ndt, suitable for naval iibo. 'HIST -XMAS TIUCI1 1'IKK. .Slv Children mill Thi Teiiclicix In jured nt IrvliiKton School in Portland. PORTLAND, Or., Dec. II. Sup erintendent ti. It. Alderman of tho Portlnnd board of education announc ed Friday thnt as n result of tho flro nt IrvliiKton public school, nil similar Christmas entertainments nt other schools had been cancelled. Six children mid two teachers cro painfully burned when n short circuit of electric wires set fire to tho decorations on n Christinas troo nt tho school. While two or tho children woro seriously Injured, It was announced thnt nil wero expected to recover. Tho board probnbly will tssuu n poriimnont order prohibiting tho uso or Inflnmmnblo materials nt nuy future school entertainment. 1 y HOGS LOST NEW EPIOEiC GALL OFF HANGING BEE FOR ARIZONA Gov. Hunt Grants Clemonoy to Six Men Who Were to bo Executed at State Prisons . (llr AmikUI! l'rrta lo Con lUr TlmM. PIIOBNIX, ArU., Dec. 12.--Thoro will bo no hmiHlng of men nt the Florenco penitentiary on Docombor 1 9th. Six porsons condomndo by tho action of the electorate In voting against tho nbollshmont or capital punishment In ArUonn, won today the cloiuoiioy nt Governor Hunt. THIS -AND l'lVIJ GHNTHt S1ILTI1 imOADWAV. PHO.VK.S illid, itIH (.WltlHNKIt MILL TIIII'.F. Km-por I In Itobbery CiiMt .May lie lli-oimlit lliiek frniii ('iillforiiln. HALKM, Or., Dec. 1 1. Atlornoy-' Geunrnt llrown linn announced thnt! should the California itutliorltlnM full j to convict Itlchard O'Counur for mur der lie will nsk to linvo tho mini re turned to this stnto to face u chargoj or burglary. O'Connor woh recently nrrosted on' tho theory Hint he wns mi accomplice to the murdor or the marshal or Kin, Vlstu, Cal. In ntteinptlng to provo Ills Innocence ho has resortod to nn alibi, declaring that on tho day of, the murdor ho robbod the Gardiner Mill company's store at Gardiner. According to Attoruoy-Gunnrul-elnct Drown, O'Connor In Ids ronfolon relates many details of tho crime thnt would tend to siiow that the man was Implicated in tho Gardiner robbery. Large Area Around Walla Walla to be Quarantined ns Result of Disease There WALLA WALLA, Dec. 12. Fo. lowing tho loss of more thuii 7C0 hogs In tho ItiiBsell Creek District near Walla Walla, mid the iiinruu Hun placed on mi nren or iibout lfiO niiinru miles by D. T. Graves, slnlo eommlsHloiier or agriculture, local officials and farmuri) nro awake to the critical unpoet of tho situation and plans nro under way for a whole sale slaughter of affected bonis. Tho unaffected hogs will bo vaccinated. DON'T MISS TH18. Cut out thin slip, oncloso flvo cents to Foloy & Co,, Chlcngo, 111., writing your name nnd iiddrcss clonrly. You will receive in return a freo trial pnekago con taining1 Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr Com pound, for coughs, colds mid croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pnln in sides nnd back, rhcuiiintlmii, bnckacho, kid ney mid bladder ailments; and Foloy Cathartic Tablets, a wholesomo and thoroughly eternising cathartic, es pecially comforting to stout persona, For snlo In your town by Tho Owl Pharmacy. CIIKCKS OHOUP INSTANTLY. You know croup" la dangerous. And you should also know the aouso or security thnt comes from always hav ing Foley's Honey and Tur Compound In the house, it ctitii 'tho thick mil coua mid olonra uwny tlio 'phlegm, stops tho strangling cough nnd gives onsy bronthliiB mid quiet sloop. Tako it for coughs, colds, tickling throat. honrscnosfl nnd for bronchial nnd In grlppo coughs. Contnlnu no opiates. Uvery user la n friend. For sale by Owl Phnrinney. Do Your Christmas Shopping Now Don't wait to do your Christmas shopping early DO ITNOV. Tho stores are groaning in their fullness. Stocks aro new, fresh, complete and Inviting. If you shop now choose at leisure from ample varieties and got the best the markets afford in the way or goods and service. Just turn to tho advertising columns of The Times and begin making out your Christmas lists. ' At no season ot tho year will you find the advertising moro helprul more saving of your time nnd money. CALLL'I) TO COLOItS Danish mid Siw-illMi ItoscrvlMii in Canada Get Ordcrx OTTAWA, Out., Deo. H. Dan- i lsh nnd Swedish nrmy rosorvlsta llv- I ing In Ottawa called at nowspaper i offices mid stated thnt they hud received ordors to roport for duty at the oarllost posslblo moment. Tho orders woro recolved by thorn by I mall. Many thousand rosorvlsta of the Delgian, French, llusslan and Ilrlt Ish armies liavo boon sont forward j by the Canadian government. Tho , (statement that DauUh and Swedish rosorvlsta huvo boon called to the 1 colors has caused much surprise ' hero. j HOTKL DOTHON i C, A. Hanson, Proprietor, ' Now open under now muungomout. A homo placo with home cooking .sorted in family utile. Hoard and room, ?0 r0 por week. Sli South l Second St , MnrsUtield. j To personally see and talk to a thousand persons would take you at least two weeks; and yet every want ad you run in The Times, at a cost of only a few pennies, reaches THOUS ANDS in a few hours. From among these thousands, some will want what you offer, be that something your services, goods or property You should use the want ad. columns freely and frequently 4 There is no limit to the ways in which Times want ads will help you 1 ii mri ElSSSS ai