7&yiMrmmmimnffifflmmmm MBH "aTffi 1914 EVENING EDITION lifilf UB1AVILVIJ1 I IWITfillft1MiI' A IH'IICIZ Ufc ft.TlilvTT .M fTli fl THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, wmmm six v H3SMftF- GQESTO JfcJKMTftStcai 'PROGRESS GLOB'S jBDDDHUM - Ill F0IJBJBI1IIB;SEE HMMHEE GIB 'Makes Statement of Goods Coos and Curry 'Distributor off jiaiijig m MIJKTlX.IANr.MtV, To Portland to View New. Demonstration Car George Cloudrum loft for Portland . I I i..l.. ...I.lnll Tt.n Mnrshflold Auction UrIdKo.rnR9 nnnrcciatlon for tlio lienrty! ,..,..., !,, . nllPnii or tlio Club will not meet again until t"o co-operation by the peoplo "'n(w Do(,KO demonstration car which Is being slilppoJ to all tho loading cities of tho United States for tho Forwarded for Relief of Stricken Nation " , The Progress Club wishes to ox lllll "111 Ui,i ........ -r. v.. -j.- .. - . first Tuesday In January when Mrs. Marshflcld, North llcnd. Lastslde R. K. Uooth will bo l.ostcss. and Coos Itlvcr In tho work of aid- lng tho European wnr sufferers, ( ,liapprton of ti,.aiers. It will arrlvo B -' . " NOIITII HI'JXI) It. X. A. i which work was recently under- n ,,ortlm,(1 liml from thcro proceed taken under tho supervision i una tjj gan prancBC0. club. Largo quantities of good, vltlioMgli Intended primarily for warm clothing and of groceries (hp ,ngpcd,011 alvX 0xanilnatlon of wore contributed, a list of which lcIlt0.g ony tnc I)otig0 ear has crc appoars below. . I nto., a Ultv 8ensullim wherever It These goods were Hhlppoil via,. . .,,,,, u ,is neknow- lio HrcaKwator to .ur. v. uum- Tho Royal Neighbors of North Head J.avo elected the following offi cers for tho ensuing year: Oracle Amelia Shcppard. Vice Ornclo Uoso Welling. Chancellor Mary Cliappcl'.e. Hccordor Hattlo Cousins. Receiver Isabollc Ilralnard. Marshall Wllund I.oomls. Inner Sentinel Anna Kondahl. Outer Sentinel Jennie Jacobs. I.'nbbo. tho vice-consul of Hclglum and the, consul of Franco at Port laud, Oregon. This was In accord ance with Instructions from tho llulglnn minister at Washington. It 1b Hiipposcd tho Coos Hay shlp- Mtitimrnr llnunln ttniZHlail ,11... 1..,,,. ...... r- i ...... .1 II. At the conclusion of tho business mont will uo inciiHicu in mo mmi niectlng refreshments wore served load of relief supplies raised In tho by Mrs. Ilrown, Mrs. Homos and states of Oregon and Washington. Mrs. Ilralnard. l'tter T.oggle later Reside two largo packing boxes very ploamntlv entertained the, of children's clothing which wore vt..i.i. uiih Ma new Vlctrolainot Itemized, tho following Is n list which he him purchased for uso In 1)Io hall. a a NOIITII REM) Cl.UII. I o Tho Mothers' and Teachers' Club of North llcnd will meet In tho Cen tral school Tuesday afternoon, De ccmbor 1R at 3 p. m. For tho next fow meetings tho club Is preparing to tako up "Food Values. Tho sub ject for next Tuesday's mooting Is "Carbo Hydrates" with tho following program: Instrumental solo, .Miss Dorl? Thorn. Paper, "Starchoa" Mrs. T. Chap man. Paper, "Sugars" Mrs. U. Wood-borry. Vocal solo, Miss Gortrudo Now klrk. A A A Mrs. Carrlo Dungnn, who has been visiting at tho J. H. Mllnor homo at Petaluma, Calif., has returned to San Francisco. MIbs Mndgo Parry In expected homo noxt wcok from Eugono, whoro sho Ih attending tho University of Ore gon, to spend tho holidays. Miss Marjorlo Cowan Ib also expected homo then for tho Christmas holidays. I NOIITII IIIJXI) MIIHAKV. Tho North Ilontl Library has boon unusually fortunate tho past week In mlilliii: nmv honks in lis shelves. Doctor llartlo brought In "Tho Hoiiho or Pride," "Tho Lost Faco," and "Ilunilng Daylight," all threo or them by Jack London. Mrs. Pratt gnvo tho library coplos of "Tho Mill on tho Floss," "Prldo and Projudlco," "Great llospor," "Lecocq tho Doc tor." "Tom Sawyor," "Jack Harkn way," "Aleta," "Tho MystorloiiB Is land" and "Huckleborry Finn." Tho library added by purchaso "Soldier Rlgdalo," "Fast Lynn, I'ho Wood carver of Olympus," "Tho llouso of Mirth," "Doctor llryson," "Tho Iron Woman," "Prisoner or Zemin." "Gold Elsie," "Tho 1 loonier School master" and "Put Youmeir In HIh IMnijn." Tho library Is now comfortably lo rntml In minus II mill I '1 nf the Simpson building ami Is now open daily oxcopt Hiiiuiny irom z; mi I : :tO p. in., and also from 7 to 0 on Saturday evening. The regular monthly meeting of the library nt Koclatlon will be held In the library Thursday nftorunou, Dccomlmr the 17th at 1 :30. Tho meeting will be gin promptly anil close promptly at 'J: 30 no as not to interfere with tho J regular library hours. Kvoryono In terested to help make tho library bolter Ik cordially Invited to be proa out at tho regular monthly business mooting. A second loading of tho proposed constitution and by-laws will bo given and Its inonsuros discussed. of tho prlnclpol articles contributed and sent: 51 pairs women's shoes. 75 women's coats. 20 women's suits. 28 dresses. 81 skirts and pottlcoats. 13 waists. 57 pieces women's underwear. 3 1 pairs women's Ii'oko. 5 pieces dress goods. G women's raincoats. 8 womon'u sweaters. G shawls. 17 pairs men's shoos. 30 coats. 2 a vests. v 10 pairs trousers. t pairs hoBe; 10 men's suits. 0 4 uklrts. 10 overcoats. 11 ploces men's undorwonr. 1 sweaters. 1 mackintosh. 10 moil's hats. 21 pairs children's snoos. G comfortors. 3 pillows. Grocorlcs as follows: 3 cases salmon. 17 cans condensed nitSK. 2 cases prunes. 1 caso canned siiuash. 100 pounds rice. 9 sacks flour. 12 cans coffee. 18 cans corn. 5 cairn shrimp. I ennfl beans. 2 cnim peas. ? cans clams. 1 can snuor krnut. 2 canB spires. 5 sacks grulium flour. I hams. 1 sack corn monl, 5 packagos rlco. 3 packages bonus. 15 cartoim crnckors. 1 package wheat flnkes. 1 package breakfast food. HI hominy grits. 1 packagu tobacco, 1 packago macaroni. 15 packages vermicelli. 10 packages rusks. ?l.uu,'a worth of prunes. I ledged everywhere ns " tho greatest car In tho world at anywlicro near the price. Mr. Goodrum'n demon- r.tratlon tar will not urrlvn until i some time In January and he dcslr- lod to familiarize himself with tho car nnd Is, mnklng tho trip to Port hind at this tlmo for this purpose. Ho also expects to got ono of tho now eight-cylinder Cadillacs to bring homo with him ns a demonstration I car, a shipment of tho now models having bcoh made to Pacific Coast distributing points nnd ho expects to secure tho Coos County car while In Portland this trip. When ho returns ho expects to bo propnrcd with nit kinds of advance information on now autos for tho local motor ontuslnsts. (Paid Adv.) ldweFprige fdh ELECTRIC G0911S Orcrjon Power Co. Makes No table Reduction on House hold Anrjliances. Tho Oregon Power Company Is making a llttlo Chrlstmns present to tho people of Coos Hay this hol iday Benson In tho way or lowor prices on n Hiuj lino or electric housohold appliances all ot which mako suitable, sensible and appro priate girts for Christmas. A full pago advertisement In Tho Times Saturday told tho utory or material reductions In prices on nil linos or theso goods handlort not only by tho Oregon Power Company but by tho local electrical Biipply houses. Tho list Includes nrtlcles especially appropriate, such as elec tric toasters, charing dlulics, flat Irons, curling Irons, oloctrlc grills, sowing machine motors, Biunll radia tors, washing mnchlnos and In rnct a hundred nnd ono appliances Intcnd- I I b Jp J i9 . il 1 iSy . JM Christmas Suggestions NINE MORfe SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Do Your Eniyieg Now, ASSORTMENTS AND SIZES ARE COMPLETE THE EARLY BUYERS HAVE THE MOST COM PLETE STOCKS TO SELECT FROM ' "Money Talks" Ijubjpjp'lioe;, ?:sIS; I a Re ,n. H. Harper llflllu-n ' M. iVnS ,, '"'iMiijin co.mS8S'hi KHilmntea furr.i.k.Rn 3r. H. M. Siww 'J '. I'.nr, Xo. ,.,, , OrfleII.n,n,;nfn101n "uillC1 11 Jnnlamln Ostlind ItU ' "n.TINn KXniNYrn ... n 'v"9'''TEcr",i,,! "ne lOsVor ffi B1 MarAJiiM iu JM - Wl W. G. Chandler Vrl , lliltln... KA ""'HIUT WmAMV .Vin. S. Turpcn AIinilTECI I MartliHold, Qrttm, Mrs. Olivia Edman. M T i HWHIII8II MASSA0K avd'J ' . IOAIi OYMXASTia W7 Cenuncrclal atc. rhoM THREE STORES MARSHFIELD ! IIIT AT- CAMPBELL'S WOOOYJUMl North Front Bdin, ed Tor tho convenience nnd com rort or housewives. See their windows or tho ndv. In tho Saturday Times Tor full details. Thoy also nnnounco that anything not on hand will bo promptly so curod Tor nnyono deatrlng wimo. (Pnid Adv.) coxktantixopm: xamkd 'i'aitowad iv hussiaxs PETUOCUAD, De. 11. Russia's long cherished hopo or extending tho splioro or Slavonic control to tho Dardanelles' lias revived with rrosh vigor as a result or Turkey's imrMclimtton lii tho war. In tho Russian press 'tho namo or Con stantinople has been rcplnccd with tho old Slavonic namo or Tzargrad. ALFRED JlSWKIili, or Isthmus In lot, was nmong tho business vis itors In tho city today. THE TIMES want ads got rosults. Is Grand To-Night' IKE LE1HI THEATRE T0HGHT: Practical Christmas Sifts Thcro N nolliliiK t''t Klvi'H ho iiiiiiIi Joy lo Hn ifplplfiil or ii niriHiiiinH gift as t r!i tl't ",0 'r ls " ll'1,c,l,,'1 (,M0 l,ut w,n give mtvIco iw well ii.s Itciitity. Aiikimk the many useful nrtlcles In our Mock for Christinas girts are MncklimwH for men, for Iioj-h ! tv gliN. 1'or bojN mill Mh the tov In ti are . :- ,lll1 ' Thu' nre tho latent Norfolk Mylen nml In n liluo mixture. Tliey ro priced nt tf"5.. TI"o In the llliio mid Red plnlili m-o priced at .sii.oo. For men, the llliio nml 1 '" ''' l",ml nt t7'' U' Ilrown and ltd llnlil nt S7..W ' tlmso In the Uluo nml Cray niMiire at !?(!.(. Wo have a flue lino of coat NWtailom for men, women, boys nml girls, and the prices i-niige from l?.1.)(l to $0.00. Wo lmve a rlno lino of Mlppcis for men and tlio prices nro 91.50, fjtl.05, $1.5 and ?.2.00. These aio only a few of the many practical girts In our stock. Your lliiMinas shopping will net bo complete unless you see them. Bunker Hill Dept Store W. H. Dindinger & Co. r. i. bgaifi: o a. a bonk MorolifJnM 4PAINT WD ' -a,J""uu DECORUM a l.nllnwlci Fuolshd) t'hntm nOP-J. yrM!4, fr -J I I MOINTIIOOD I Cltn.VMKUY llUTTER j I llixt nn Firlli l! 2 pound roll, w 1U I C()I)S HAY OVSTlll (U j At Palace Market. 11km Wij' a 1 1 -4 I CIHMNi:y8 FIREfUO J.N.BAYUS8 Ary Kind of JJrlck Wrt PrlooJ That Are R!it And U Work Owwtel nu nt "The Fireilde." Jiiw Uhlg., 137 BcconiJ 6L Fk Prpnch rtonEM. DOWflH 5 IDE HI by ordcrlns the 1 I HE ill Personal Overflow CAPT. N'EI) (SAM.OWAY or tho North Star Is taking a Tow days' vacation irom tho North Inlet run nnd today Harry Ilenann I had ehargo or tho bont. DR. J. It. WET1IEI1EE ir tho Star ranch In Curry county, and wlfo, returned today from Portland, whero Mrs. Wothorboo has been visiting ror n whllo. EIU5ENE O'C'ONNKI.Ij and Mrs. E K. Jomw arrived homo today from Potthuul, whero they wont for a visit following a trip to San Fran cisco. El) M'KEOYVN, foreman or Smlth Powors Camp Two at Coalodo, and wlfo, spout Sunday In Mnrshflold Camp Two will probably bo mov ed to tho now lino soon aftor Chilstmas. (1KOIU1K AND FRANK Al.DRlClI, of Mnutt (fivii tinueml 4lllflll'll hero this morning en routo to Coos 1SI.E OF SARNE" A Hay, whore tltoy win spouu n iov days looking nftor buslnoss mat tors. Roseburg Review. OEOROE ORAY nnd wlfo nnd child nrrlvod horo Saturday from Spa knuo to ostnblish tholr homo on a loggod-ofr tract on Isthmus Inlet wMch ho recently l)ought, Ills rathor has boon horo for somo tlmo and they will start In at onco to develop this tract. GOOD PICTURES AND GOOD MUS IC ARE FEATURES AT THIS ..THEATER EVERY EVENING... THE THIRTEENTH EPISODE OF "THE PERILS OF PAULINE" Paulino the popular, Paulino tho ver ba tlio, Pauline tho courageous, Paul ino the dependable, four girls in one, backed by a plot or greatest lugoim Ity mid prewmtod lit Inconipiirabl'jj photography, still maintains tho "PERILS" ns pro-eminent among borlal films. YOU CAN DEPEND UPON PAULINE FOR DRAWING THE CROWD. "YOU CAN NEVER TELL" new est Sollg coniody. "WHO GOT STUNG" Another typical Sollg fun prodiicor. Edison's grand production featur ing Mare McDorinott In "ON THE two rool comedy drama. This Is a very high class plcturo and auyono attoudlns tho Grand tonight will rortnlnly be satisfied that thoy havo seen one of t'..e host plcturos of tho year. Children, 5c. Adults, 10c. TOMORROW NIGHT Mlfes Anita Stewart In tho llroadway Star roa turo "UNCLE HILL," n Vltagrnph comedy drama In threo acts. rtiE HOMO OP BIG FEATURES AND .VAUDEVILLE. MISS LOIS POWELL, singing now mid popular songs. Edna Malson In "KATE WATERS or t,ho Secret Servlcoawlrh, -Cd OF THE SECRET SERVICE"--a Powors-Uiilveixil H-reol subject that Is full of adventures or detective lore. .1. Warren Korrlgan In "THE SHEEP HERDER" Vlctor-Unlvor- nal l!-reol drainn, A gripping west ern story with plenty or action. Mr. Kerrigan plays tho tltlo and ends by I making tho lowly' carotakor or ml- grntnry muttoiib Into a roal hero. "DETECTIVE DAN CUPID" A breezy limrlno comedy, featuring Ed die Lyons, Victoria Fordo and Loo Mo ran. "DR. .1EKYLL and MR. HYDE" presontod by Superb Film Co., and foftturlug Charllo Da Forroet. (I RICEI.S ALL XEW AND GOOD PICTURES. I.ouer lloor, 15c, Fli.st balcony, 15c. Second balcony, 10c. Horo tomorrow night "Tho VAL LEY OF THE MOON" wrltton by .lack (London and featuring "Hos worth," who plnyod tho rolo of "Swede Larson" In tho "Sea Wolf." shown at the Royal Thoator some time ago. G1RGU1T COURT FACES LIS T EI Judge Coke to Convene Regu lar Term Monday Morning; Grand Jury Not Finished JudKo Coko returned from Co nullle last nvonlng nml will con- i ' vena tho rogular term of tho Clr Icult Court on Monday. Sizing up ' tho docket and cases that already ' havo boon feet, Judgo Coko Ih of tho opinion that this sosslon will bo unusually long, not only bocnuso of tho orlmlual cases but because of tho civil onos as well. Tho grand Jury has not com pleted tholr work, having n groat doal ot unfinished business yot bo foro thorn. Thoy will bo busy all of noxt week. Thoro woro 13 casos sot Tor trial In tho circuit court yostorday by Judgo Coko, tho Handon liquor casos bolng tho first on tho dockot, coming up boforo tho Jury on Monday morning. loel Ostlind PIANO TUNER AXI) RF.PA1RKR Loaio ordors at W. II. Haines' Mu elo Company. Ot S Sixth Rtrpot Phnn los.T CAPE ARAGO OYSTER. COCKTAILS FOR THE CHRISTMAS FEAST The purest, moht delicious and appetl.lng OyMir focktalls tor tlio uiristinas Dliiaer nuuH from the best nnd purest Ingiv tlleiilH. 1'lne, Ki-chIi Oysters, tho best Catsups, Sauces and Vino gars'. hpcciai price on quantities rot liincheoiis and dinners at any time. Cape Arago Soda Works .. . f Mil C0I1I, I'CJ "" u w Hnnl IIA. tfltl ......I' n- i.nlf Inn of DOlB ,!'" IM.nim ir-. Or k " Hlllycr' ClgsrFm i I "I t 1EQLD 10 Cent l1 Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY SMITH'S VARIETY $10 North ueno. ,r Fancy t aix;t"it tub nn ! I . . ll, lift' I Wo novor uia' "" " A i ; Wo novor ui' ,,j ' I WIIUII um , I ,11'"' ... .,.. iU Wo novor - h WIIUII flou, ,i.Ufcl nutweriwJiWJ, ..... ...iion our slik" "lil "'' :7mvctk.oiuii I'liono I"'' Pictures & framing Walker Studio """ ""TtMTl .n'PI.' HUi c'll T.WV UV'-.,..! $i!XTA Stoam heat, m -; itWf.1 Ko liquor. winter rates. Spec 1 when two or more r- Py same room. Out Au Large Stock Yet to Select From i i BA B3D Hk Aii&. MBi flHI IHRitf. fllflD HHt to 0B. csagnwi iTja