1"- -'-JJUiilfci jiJJf ltdb& pi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, blcEMBER 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION ' Twat t FIVE 5 " " ' t IF YOU a Hi e c -?r r ., HiWShi ! lo- ie- iV ,V . Tlio Hull dull Cnlf Htitlon tho now typo of high toe. Marshficld North Bend unamm YOUR FRIEND WHO HAS LEFT COOS BAY WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE A DAILY LETTER FROM HIS OLD HOME But you haven't time to write.. Why not make him A CHRISTMAS PRESENT of a year's subscription to the COOS BAY TIMES It will carry more from the old home town ever day than you could possibly write. It would be a daily reminder of your thoughtfulness and kinn ness. ' Think about it and then call 133 on the phone, drop in at the office or fill out the following coupon and send it by mail: December ., 1914 Publisher Times, Marsfield, Ore. ' Enclosed find $5.00 for which send the Daily Coos Bay Times one year to the follow ing address: ' Name --- Sent by City ? Street State mes Want Ads Bring Results 9 wear Scientifically made over "Natural Shape" lasts and shown in styles that are the choice of well dressed men everywhere -:- -:- "Comfort First" if you come to us for The Florsheim Shoe THE BEST AT Woolen Mill frnvn APPa"cl Specialists ULUrC For Men and Boys isfray BD" r"1l ti S "If"' H V" IT I nw ITi k t -B u n m R HI n I V KlV IilO: '- ; I lias not been decided cltlnor by lilm 1 or Senator Lnno. Ho says that none of the appointments have been de cided upon yot. WEATHER FORECAST fllr AMOfUleJ Vn to rom IUi Tlmn J OHCIEN Fair; not so cold; i southeasterly winds. j I LOCAL TEMPERATUJtH HRCORD i j For tho 21 hours ending nt I 4:4n n. in., Dec. II. by UonJ. Ostlliul, special government me- teorologlst: ! Maximum no I Minimum 20 I At 4:1.1 a. m a I l'reclpltntlon 00 I l'reclpltntlon slnco Sept. 1, I 101 30.99 l'reclpltntlon samo period I last yonr 1C.G9 I Wind: Northwost, clonr. i ncorgo . uoinro una returned from n business trip to Portlnnd. On Mtliur Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank I). Cohan nnd A. J. Mendel went to I.nkoslde Sunday on nn over sundny trip. Would Install Oonorcto Plant Inquiries regarding tho prospects of Installing n concrete products plant on Coos Uay have been rccolvod In a i letter to tho Chnmbor of Commerce i from F. J. 1'flffner of the Salom Sower Plpo Company. Tho writer declares that ho Is nt present Install ing n largo concrete mixing machine nt Salom nnd may come hero lator to Investigate this location. Kpnoi'tli Lenpto llnntpiot A banquet to tlio Bpworth League was sorveil Friday evening In the church parlors by tho Ladles' Aid Society. Thoro wore about 40 prosent at the thrcc-courso ban quet About flvo months ngo tho men of tho lcaguo tondcrod n ban quet to tho women and then In turn retaliated nnd this being de clared tho best still, a third cclo brntlon was In order. other. They used tholr fists In strenuous efforts to knock off each others' "beans" but were detected nnd Jnlled In tho mlddlo of tho pr6 ceduro. All of the men either paid ?fi or secured nn assessment to thnt oxtcnt. Plan Dance. Tho Smith mill boys nro planning to glvo a bonoflt danco January 9. Tho placo and plans hnvo , not been been completed yet. 1 Denl Not Cloel. Tho Marshflold 131ks' deal for tho purchase of n lot 25x100 from Levi Holsner on Third property for S3000 will bo finally closed on tho rotiirn of Mrs. llolsnor from Cnllfornln noxt wcok. llnil Xitiron ICni'iiih. Jack Son brook, boii of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. 11. Sea brook, former residents of Mnrshflold hnd n narrow escape from burning to death In n flro which occurred nt the Christmas festival of tho Irvlngton school In Portland last week. Sev eral children who woro cotton trim mings on their costumes were burn ed very severely. The fire was caus ed by defectlvo wiring on nn elec trically lighted Christmas tree. Win Price on Rrlnkx. It Is stat ed that the Marshflold Saloons nro figuring on raising tho prico of liq uid refreshments ns n rosult of the war tnx nnd other reasons. Deer under the rumorod schedule Is to bo ten cents per, and other liquors fif teen COIltE. Pour Concrete Concroto In tho , mulii plor or tho Wlllamotto Pa cific b rid go nbovo North Iloud has commenced nnd mon uro now put ting In concroto nt tho rate of about 100 ynrdB n clay. It Is expected thnt It .will tnko nt least n month to complcto this caisson. llooklet a Cnili. In tlio shnpo of n largo crnh Is n ' -limy booklet ro- colved nt tho c: . . 'our of Commorco from tho Sunset "tj.iilno people, ' who submit tills ns n design for n j smnll booklet coutnlng plcturos of Coos Hay. It will be turuod over to the advertising committee j To .Ship llcmt South. Low Olllls ple, who Inst yonr married tho Princess Wnh-tn-Wnso, hns writ ten nnklng that his gnsollno plonsure boat that ho used hero last rummor bo shlppod to him In Snn Dlogo. Tho boat will bo brought down and soon fixed for shipping by steamship. Commit too OrganlcM. The lodge nnd club room committee of the Marshflold Elks orgnhlzcd yesterday with Dorsey Kroltzer aH chairman nnd tluorgo Qoodrum na secretary. It will bo tholr duty to equip nnd ar range the now club rooms In the now Noble building. Tho other mouthers of tho committee nro W. S. Turpon, W. O. Chnndlor, J. W. Illldonbrnnd, Thomas llnrvoy nnd C. K. Perry. Appointed Attorney. J. T. Urand wns appointed by Judgo Coko on Snturday to defend .lames O'lirlen, who Is charged with tho robbery of tho Hohomlan Saloon sovornl weeks ago. Tho defendant had no money nnd It wns for this reason that the court appointed n lognl do fonder. It wns claimed thnt O'lirlen broke Into tho rem or the saloon aftor closing time and then In tho guise of a "swamper" rifled the cash drawer of $87. When caught by tho pollco n fow minutes lator up on Ilroadwny Street O'lirlen hnd nn envolopo of due bills taken from tho cash drawer. Ho pleaded not guilty In .TtiBtleo Court. s?r for Open Muffler Another vic tim of tho campaign opened by tho pollco for tho enforcement of tho traffic ordinances was added to the list when Lynn Lnmbcth nppenrcd in tho pollco cotut this morning nnd plonded guilty to having his muffler open Saturday night on Front street. Ho paid n fine of Sfi. Lambeth was also arrested by Chief Jack Carter on tho chnrgo of speeding. Lnmhoth denied tho chnrgo very vehemently, deelnrlng that ho had his eye on tho speedometer and traveled at no tlmo moro than 15 miles an hour. Chief Carter declared that ho was traveling more tlmn 30 miles nn hour, hut ho hnd no-stop watch to substantiate his accusation. Piano Contest Candidates Wo nro mnklng a special salo of U. S. Granito Wnro nt 15 por cont discount until December 15, nnd will glvo 200 VOTES o" ev ery piece of waro sold In that tlmo. The CANDIDATE receiving most votes on this enamel wnro will rccolvo n beautiful prize ASK US. Schroeder & Hildenbrand Hardware nnd Plumbing, 'Uepnlr shop In connection wcro here for nn over Sunday i visit. AUC1UBT CARLSON of Allegany paid a business visit to the city Saturday. fLfisanc MKS. JOHN HOLMES, of Coos Rlv er was clown on tho Mllllcomn Snturday, aussss OLIVER imUNT, of Coos Itlvcr, wns down todny on n short busi ness trip. OSCAK ANDERSON, of Clnrdlnor, enmo down yesterday on n busi ness trip. PETER MINEtlAT r.nd son wero visitors In tho city todny from Lakeside. Library Opens. At 10 o'clock this morning tho new $ 12,000 public lib rary nt tho cornor of Mnrkot nnd Fifth streots wns opened for tho first tlmo. All dny Saturday nnd Sunday the moving of tho books went on nnd by last evening nil had been placed on the Hholvos In tholr now homo. Tho now telephone number of tho library Is 14C-L. Tho hours will bo from 10 n, m. to 12 in. nnd from 2 p. in. to G p. in., opening In tho evening from 7 p. m. until 9 p. in. No Derlhlon Vet. One of tho can ('dates for tho nppolntmont of post master In Murshflold has received n letter from Senator Chamberlain, written Decombor 5, In which ho says that tho Marshflold postmastorshlp To Saw Pinpctly. Dordnu Smith, engineer of tho .Murshflold flro de partment, says that tho reason tho new flro engine wns attached to tho mains at tho Coos Hay bakory flro tho otlfor night was becnuso tho flro wob Btunll nnd thnt ho wns Hiiro fresh water could handle It. He says thnt tho salt wntor causes much moro damago than tho fresh water nnd when ho sized up tho blaze ho know that tho fresh wntnr would bo ma ple. Ho hnd three stronms pumping with 180 pounds prossuro, ono of them through nn inch nnd oiio-hnlf nozzlo nnd It quickly extinguished tho blnzc. Ills Iden wns to hoop tho loss from wntor to n minimum. Ho says that In a bad flro ono stream of salt water Is equal to .thrco o)f fresh water. Want PoNlofflro. Residents of North lulot nro preparing n petition to United StnteH Senator Qoorgo 12. Chnmberlalu asking that n postofflco bo cutnbllshed thoro to bo known ns They Tonic Overdoses. An ovor doso of "snnko blto" on Saturday evening 'mndo J. HInkley perform In a most ungoiitlonianly and uti- "Inlet. Orceon ' Tim mnii fnriimq Indyllko innnnorj he beenmo un- thoro nro poor nnd the olght mllo.i sconciy on uis iooi nnci it was noo- separating thorn from tho North osBary to glvo him n borth In tho iioud postofflco mid tho hovoii nnd olty Jnll nwny from tho cold nnd ono-hnlf mllus from LnknsMn i.n. J. T. CULVER of Catching Inlot was among tho business visitors In the city today. FRANK HEATH of Allegany was among tho business Visitors In tho city today. MISS GLADYS HOWARD wns hero todny shopping nnd Visiting from North Inlet. FOR SALE !2 pulletn and r old chickens. Phono 13-R. 118.00. WANTED A pm-clia-er for )''; 9, block 8, Songstnckons Addi tion. Prlco SI 200. Purchnsor to nssumo streot Improvement. Ad dress P. O. llox 173, Ilnndon, Oro. FOR RENT l'limlslictt tw room hoiijpkfoplng st'uto. Apply 413 2nd St. N. FOR SALE Cheap it taken nt once, j 5 ricks of Aldor wood split nnd ready for cook stove. Geo. Tomp kins, California nvo., nnd 15th st. V FOR RENT HoiisekecpInK room. 1021 Elrod. FOR SALE I. MRS. WILLIAM ROHIN80N enmo down this morning from her homo nt Allognny. MRS. W. J. RUSSELL of Catching Inlet wns hero todny on u short shopping trip. NELS OSMUNDSON. Doputy County Clork, spout Sundny with friends In Marsliflold. MISS EDITH KAINO of Cntchlng In lot wns among tho slumping visi tors horo today. CHARLES MAIIAFFEY of Coos River came down to tho city Snt urday on mutinous. MRS. SPENCER SMALL of Nortn Inlet came down on tho North Star this morning. FOR HXliV Or will irnclo for town proporty It oultnblo, a dairy ranch on Coos RIvor 8 miles from town. O., enro of Times. I FOR RENT I FOR REST A Imuso wllli f room nnd bath, S18.00 por month, closo In. D. Ferguson. FOR RENT Sep"'0 rooms nnd housekeeping npnrtmonts, furnish ed or unfurnished. Reasonable Phono 19-L. 415 So. 4th. FOR RENT nicely ftirnlnhcil rooms with hont nnd bath, 1C8 8. 2nd streot. (1. PURDY SCOTT, of North Inlot. wns among tho business visitors In tho olty today, temptation. Jim Gayllo must liavo found tho bottlo that Hlukloy threw nwny for ho ,too nppenrcd In tho snmo condition n nhort tlmo nftor- wnrd, manipulating in n similar1 office docs not I nd lento tho difficul ties In securing sorvlco. Davis How nrd, who conducts n storo on North Inlot, which Is contrnlly located, Is nn niiidlrnnt fnr iinulnuiul.i In . manner nnd togothur with John Kol- (ll0 ow offco , , , ,ZSl TZ "T ,V ln!l, "overt that the office will ho ob.I,. found thnt "all roads lone! to Homo ..,, , ,,, , ,. ., . ,..! I.nn. l. Un .1... .'""""""" ""UOHK1HIUII IB Snturday ovon n T W. McFnr- " ' ",t,, T"' T M,pM" land nnd Cbarlo. Carlson were evl-. "U "", t,,1"r" ,8 "Iiik of bettor clontly grontly provoked nt each ,nnl1 fftcllllle8- O. R. CULVER camo down this morning from Cutohlng Inlot on tho Wnh-tn-Wnso. HENRY HIOGINS of Coos RIvor wns down today looking nfter boiiio matters of Interest. R. C. EASTMAN, of North Inlot, was horo today looking nftor boiiio matters of business. FOR RENT Modern furnished flats. Contrnl nnd Fourth. Phono 4 13-J. FOR HUNT House In mr of for inor Times offlco. Enqiilro of John Ferguson. FOR RENT Houses nnd nnartinonW furnished and unfurnished. 1. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front street FOR HICNT Nicely furnished front rooms with bath. J2 pot week. Closo In. 239 So. 4th St. FOR RENT Furnished npartJHCHt, Phono 63-L. . Tomorrow We Will Be In Our New Home K h-- v "54 Jylzi XaL LM. k V .'i-i .Lr 7 w-' li vfeSikcvS Just Across I he Street From Our Old Stand With A Full Line of Christmas Candies Call and Scq Our New Place LEWIS Confectionery Noith Broadway OTTO SCH UTTER, mniingor of thu Western Union, loft overland yes terday for Soattlo, whoro ho will ronfor with tho district officials of tho company. J. H. .lessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND HUROKON Surgory and DlBoasca of Womon a Specialty. Offlco, 007 Coko Illdg. Phono 220-J Res, Myrtlo Arms. Phono 304-L HAROLD CARLSON Is in todny on business from Daliunr. L. D. SMITH of Cues RIvor la u Mnrshfisld visitor today. MISS PRI8CILLA CUIUS of North Inlet was clown this morning. MRS. NELLIE JUDY of Allognny, was In the city nhopplug today. J. A. IIOLCO.MH was hero today on n short biiBtnoss trip from Allegany. HENRY HIOOINS was n visitor In thu city Saturday from Coos RIvor, JOHN HENDR1CKSON was horo on busluosH Saturday from Coos River. DAVID HOWARD was down yoster day from his homo at North Inlot. E. It. HODSON, of Coob RIvor, spent u couple of days In the olty visiting. I J T. TULLEY and wlfq of Coalodo PIANO CANDIDATES Please notice the count this week and every one net in and hustle. Remember that a week from noxt Friday five girls In this town are rjoinn to act a piano moved out to their houses. Will it be yours or the other (jlrPs? This is the schedule for votes on due bills from 'now until the campaign closes: $ 5.00 5,000 votes $10.00 12,000 votes $15.00 20,000 votes $20.00 25,000 votes $25.00 30,000 votes $30.00 35,000 votes $35,00 40,000 votes $40.00 50,000 votes ' $50.00 65,000 votes $60,00 .. 80,000 votes $70.00 95,000 votes $80.00 110,000 votes $90.00 j 125,000 votes $100.00 T 150,000 votes ' WINNERS FOR THE WEEK ARE: SARTER'S CONFECTIONERY Mary Lambeth SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND'S HARDWARE Elizabeth McCulloch COOS BAY BAKERY Irene Preuss FOURIER'S MEAT MARKET Wm. McMahon MODEL CASH GROCERY Carrie Ross lose Out Sale on SMALL TOY5 at GOING & HARVEY'S Large Stock Yet to Select From - - Jrk t. jm A A 1 iJ II tri-ymfus fmm fflluMlffih! mifflmmBmmwm j WMm it l i ! i ffVnRRIIfltff 1 U iiillEifUjbulMlH