Jl-isxPrfMrAM,AS??w,lw,l m??i!fi3iitflrllJj:iJW5!M!ti 1 I'HliS r--ik-itai iii in mnn i iiiwiT " 75T3H" 7IES "M a MAfcONKV, Editor nnd Pub. DAN r K. BALONEY, News Editor OttloM Paper of Coos County Kntorcd at tho Postofflco at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall matter. A WISH DEOIiAKATIOX. la Inforinr In finality. Is wasto of Tho World wont well viion I was money to tho buyer. young; no gossip had nn ov l This evil of BUbBtllutlon Is mild tongue; but peoplo wont from shnck to prevail In evory lino of bnslnosa, to shuck, to pralbo u man behind i,n., u ia nlnltnnil lils uaelc. Wo had tho reign un- that It la Increasing. Tho Injury broken, then, of pence on earth, done to tho consumer through In ferlor goods driving out superior goods Is regarded ns diminishing tho purchasing power of money and thus adding to tho cost of living. I good will to men. Tho worm growH bettor, I nm told; It may bo I so I'm growing old, nnd every thing' thnt'H dead looks fine; I want nn innilnril tlllllCH III llllllO. What I " HE realty men 01 uniiiurmu m u , I state convention In Oakland, re- cently voted to exclude fakers from their organization nnd they passed a strong resolution to that effect. They might havo gone fur , thor and dcclnred In favor of a policy that would call for exposing fakors In tho real estato business. The Times thinks In cities where Bhady propositions have their center, prop ositions such as platting additions miles and miles from n business ccn tor, that tho Chamber of Commerce or othor public bodies should oxposo them, It Is as much their duty to condemn tho bnd ins It Is to boost what Is good. Tho business of selling rcnl es tato stiff ore Immeasurably In any community that is tho scat of a fake ontorprlso nnd the community Itself Buffers oven more. When thcro nro so many good Investments on Coos Day to bo made, It Is n pity that tho community should ho Injured by foisting off worthless property on Innocent purchasers. Tho public Is urged to mnko It a ' tales woro told, what songs wore fixed purposo to drlvo tho "oaually sung, In thoso hrnvo days when I good" substitute for tho original was young! 'men giums nnmi mu SYMPATHY ASUn.SCUIHHU writes to ask with whom Tho Times sympa thizes In thp present great Eu ropean war. Wo'll answer thnt. With tho Gormnn, French, Ilolglnn nnd English boys who man tho trenches. With tho Gorman, Froneh English and tfulglnn boys who crowd tho hospitals, with tho mothors who boro 'thoso boys, with tho fathers who Baw those hoys grow to ninn hood and loved them us they grow With tho women who woro wedded to tlicHo hoys. With thu children thoy loft whott they mnrchod to tho front, with tho poor peasant woman who struggles ngnlust tho prosH of war engendered poverty. With thoso who In trio cities cry out for food. With tho men who fight for fatherland, hating war In their hearts. With tho grcnt nrtlsla llko Krolslor who must turn tliolr mnr velous molody producing flngorH to works of destruction. With tho peo ple who must live out tliolr days with Hvob forovor blighted by this war. With tho Innocent fnrnioru whoso fluids havo boon trampled un der foot by marching nrmles. With all tho hoBt of thoso who under tho press of a mlstnkou patriotism must offer up tliolr lives. Thoso uro tho onos with whom Tho TIiiich sympathizes. IT IS A SWINDLE ON THE IllIV IN(i PUIILIU and suporlor thing from the mnrkot and to throttlo tho awlndlo of tho Imitators In Its own Interest. WITr' THE TEA AND THE TOAST (iOOl) EVENIXd. , A . V I Whoover wishes to study with j j success must cxerclso himself j In thoso threo things: In gottlng j j clear views of a subject; In fixing In his memory what ho j hns -understood, and in produe- Ing Bomcthlng from his own re- j sources. Agricoln. , THE HOAI) TO THE HEST. ONE of tho many reasons for tho Increased cost of living la bollovod by somo business men to bo tho growth ot the prnc- tlco of Huhstltutlou. A manufacturer tolls for yours nnd Bpcuds much money to Invent or promoto somo novelty thnt pos hcssos particular morlt. At last ho uuccoeds. Ho then seeks tho pro toctlon of tho patent laws nud tho trade mark, whoso object Is to safe guard his JntorostH from Imitators ot his product. Imagining hlmsolf protected, ho launches his novelty upon tho mnrkot. Ho ndvortlses. Ho urob tho host channels ot publicity. Ho Invosts freoly In this medium. Tho merit of tho now urtlclo Is quickly made known to tho entire country, por haps to tho whole world. It soil well, nnd evon contributes material ly to building up now fnutorlo or now cnmmunltlofi. Then the Imitator, ho who neither tolls nor spins, but thrlvos on (ho fruit of other men's bruins nud In tho Hwont of other muu'u brows, takes notice. Not content with Bull lug tho orlgluutlvo man's article nud profiting well from tho sale, the Imitator sooka to substitute somo thing "euually good." This something never approaches tho high quality of thu original. It Is awnys "reconimondod," but It never Is "guaranteon," norntiru tho imitator knows that ho dure not gunranteo It. It Is sold moro choup ly than tho superior original novelty and yields more profit to tho sullor. On tho road no rest Is Keep tho gonl In view, Tho placo where tho best Is That's tho placo for you. That's tho placo for you, Sunny sky and hluo; Tho place whoro tho boat Is That's tho placo for you. Hrlghtest blossoms fnllln' lllrds nro slnghi', too; Hut Htlll the goal Is calllu'; "Thut's tho placo for you." That's tho plnco for you, llOHt you over know! LI fa nnd Joy nninzln' That's tho place for you! V. L. Stanton. Somo Coon liny men nrny In pub lic as if thoy woro trying to Indur.o tho Lord to vote for them. Homey Kreltzer Bays that "all boiiso Ih divided Into three clnssos - non, common nnd deferred. Xon- sonso pays no dividends, common soiiHo pnyn bIx per cent, and deferred payH 20 to tho othor follow. There Is n mnn In MarahNold who liosoii ns a "chip off the old block," but ho Is nothing more than a tooth out of tho old rako. Truth may bo stranger than fic tion, hut most Coon Hay peoplo do not feel at homo with stmugera. Itn tho luck of other peoplo that makes the average Coos Hay man feel dlHsntUtled with his own. Lend tho nvorngo Cons Day man somo money and ho will bo bo ap preciative as to demand nn encore. 4 Tho Coos Hay woman who 1b j always looking for tho latoat j j wrlnklo falls to look In hor mlr- j ror. 4 4 Some Coos Hay people can't oven stnnd up for their rights j I without fooling IiIkIi nnd mighty. pen Inspired, nnd nohlo bards sat uo and lyred; hut not tho books they're printing now, ndnptcd to tho lowest brow. Whnt sort oi niuslo do wo know? A ragtime strain by Jungle Joe. To dig up music' that will last, you huvo to rake nround tho past; to find a hook thnt Isn't rot, you look to Thnckeray nnd Scott. Thoro's noth- Inir now of lasting worth, thnt i can boo, In nil tho oarth. Perhaps tho old world's not to blame; per uana I'm wenry of tho game, ns iieonlo tiro when thoy grow old, and hands and honrts and feet nro cold. And bo wo'll let It go at that; nmbltlous Youth Is nt tho Imt. Wolt Mason. . zi-r I I .ll'XE MAltTIX I XATl'HOPATH . . Diseases troatcd by latest Europonn drugloss methods. . Office: WIlllaniB Woclc. Phono 2i"7-.T for appointment. Perl Riley Ballinfler riAMnT Afiii iiwiuiir.ii. Rosldouco Studio, 217 No. Third Bt Phonn 3RR-U MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y Commutation Tickets $2.00 lUndiflold-Nortlt Hcnd Auto Line "r every ten tnliintcH from . m In II! p. in.; to South Slough once n ilny, Icitvlnis nt 1 1 u. in.; to Empire lliroo trips u day. UftllRT f KINfJ. J'rnn r.r ' m fOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Tour ieoxl enra with enroful driver Tor ilny iservloo, phono 144-, II1.UICO nillard Parlors. For alfdit service, Phono flflO-L night Cnfc. n. L. FOOTF. CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIOIIT SJJUVICE For tnxl, phono 103, Idoal Cafo. j For touring cars, phono 20 j I Chandler Ilotol LYNN LAMIIETH, Prop. j I New Cnlw : Now Cni-s j I LEH" US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dcpondablo. Imme diate Borvlco, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM C 0 8 T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I l It Is onslor to learn how not to do things than to do them. You can't koop n good man down; nor nil upstart. Discretion may ho tho hotter part ot valor, hut It Is often only nn othor iiume for tho hick of nerve. However else ho may Blip up on hi plan nud spui'lflentlniiH, the solf made man never skimps his vocal OI'KUIIS. .Many a man who Iiuh ii. cool heiur Is often accused of having cold feet Infant Industries never had such a ehaiico for blrthdnys. A war without horrors would he unuHiiul, to say tho lotut. You can "run down" a good man, but you can't rldo over him. ' Pay ns you go nud people will he glad to oee you come hack. Kuoky Ih the mnn who can make a pi ess iiKeiit of every friend. k I i ii i i? ' IIIIIIHII! J:l IIIIU llIHIHHIII!lllinililBII I ') fllU TURKISH DIEND UJ 1 M CICAR.ETTES W , I I A Quality ' ! J4 men like ffl j HImW U I 1 ' Mm MJMSm Announcement THE PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY has taken over the stock of the North Bend Hard ware and Supply Co., and will continue the busi ness at the old stand on Sherman avenue.. This will give our patrons TWO STOCKS TO DRAW FROM ' TWO POINTS TO SHIP FROM With this advantage we expect to serve our friends better than ever and to earn a continuance of the patronage of all the old friends of botli stores. I! Kl mi ' jJBPiJ JUS! When you buy Wm Largest Stock in Coos County. MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND Coos Bay Farmers J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. We carry a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. Make delivsry to any part of Marshficld. All we ask is a trial order to convince you that we are here to treat you right. Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone 370. Waterfront, foot of Central avenue. TRY IT young iH-ople. open it Savings Account In (Ills wife, rniisciTiitlvo bank deposit l-egiilnily ton per cent of your earnings uuil with tho :t per cent Interest wo pay you'll ho Mir prised liow quickly you will nccuinu Into n working fund. it Savings Account Is the great hpur to ambition. Try It. uxnr.ii this unitui) statics GOVKUXMKXT SUPKHVISIOX. FiRSTNATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY Sofctii Deposit Boxes For Bent. 1 BENNETT BAI or.i)i:sT iiaxic ix coos countv Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on TJnio Deposlu i Officers: .7. V. lteuiiett, President. I. II. FlniiiiKuii, Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, Cashier. Geo, 1 Winchester, Asst. Cashier. I Toys and Dolfi , in abunttanco p tho ohlldron and a largo vafiefill' Useful Presents for The Larger Fo Our stock of HOLIDAY GOODS was never so con nor so well arranged for your inspection, We havesto ed heavily in fancy, useful articles. An inspection of i holiday lines will well repay you. tf Smith's VarietyStore NORTH BEND, OREGON l1"-1 - i To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THU l-'AST AND COMKOUTAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder NKWIiY KQUII'l'KII NMKTIl PACII'lO HTKAMHHI1' CO, o. p. M(fji:oitflia AOK.vr w. h. paixtb Q Phonn 4 1 Mnmliflnld Phnnn 421. Knrlk TUI lliaiWWIUIWWKl'"'W''l''M"'''lll"'"'"lilluuliiiiiIMJ .wiwmMtm -- r -TmwMnaismummmm wmmimm mmmm fmmmmm mmamm wmm KQUU'PKD WITH WIUKUm S38 Breakwater ALWAYS ON T15IE. 111TII AT 7 P. M., SAT., DKCIOMIIKIt ll, AT 11 A. 31, FIUMf, kvi:ni.N(J, i)i:c. U.l, AT 7:: p. .m. T1CKHT8 ON SATiN AT FORTfiANI) CITV TICKKT OFFICi; I1B Phono S-J. AND OAK STHKI-rrS, l'OltTMNI). C. II. LANDERS, iprt i - "llfrEIHIGEIlll THMISPDBTffllB." Semi-weekly sorvicoCoos Bay nndSar CTHMSHIP REDDNfll BAILS FIIOM SAN FltANCISCO I'OIt SOOS WY sunday, i)ixi:.miu:h 13. 3?'1 Equipped wltU wireless nnd subrnnrlflb bell. jnsseiigers imuuu STEAM IPillHH Equipped vntii wireless and submarine belL Passengers and froicnt SAILS FItOSI SAN FHANCISCO FOlt "AV SUNDAY, D1:CI:MIU.H "T"jj Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pler anu. ouu jDii-i u"'"b . Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGEORQvPhonea ' PASSENGERS "fHOOHI 'I- ' ARROW LIME STEAMERS SAIL FROM u I BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES Ban Frnncluro Pier No. 20. Evory Wodneaduy 3 P.M. Phono 278. Coos Bay Evory Friday Tn Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. JASHiS, Agent Ocean Dock ril;. I Alber.DT, V.1M1 B'" 9A.M M!11 1JW on HALL TOYS A LARGE jTy STOCK 4t H ar vey s YET TO SESECT FROM nr fiA.i a